FFXII is the worst FF made

there were no random fights gota love that

Yeah but you can't beat the feeling of "Oh crap if i move just right I might make it out of here." Thats one feeling of random fights I used to love. But the fact that you can see what your getting into on this game is also very cool.

And as far as love a story= Fran and Balthier, Vaan and Penelo (theres something brewin), and I predict in the future Basch and Ashe... hey it could happen!! But a love story doesn't make or break a FF game IMO. It adds some but it also bores me at times. So meh!! FFXII is a great game point blank.
Yeah but you can't beat the feeling of "Oh crap if i move just right I might make it out of here." Thats one feeling of random fights I used to love. But the fact that you can see what your getting into on this game is also very cool.

But a love story doesn't make or break a FF

yeay the feeling from i have to be carefull or I'll die
and you where low on mp and postions and you got your
self a mortal combat escape with all your heart
and then the escape faled and you die
the feeling of fustration is gone in FFXII thank god

its always nice to have a love thing the game
but friendship is also fine like in FFXII

As long as the player understands why there all together,
do the things they do and see the character grow to each other

I think an rpg is on a good path
Granted, there are some people who love a good storyline. But moving onto random battles, maybe some of you should read this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_battles

Random battles aren't a Final Fantasy only thing, so...this will re educate some people.

FFGuy, what elements does it lose? Random battles? They're not an FF thing. A love story? Yet again, not an FF thing. Nearly every single game has something to do with love. Sure, it plays a part in FF, but if a love storyline doesn't appear in the game, it's not losing a FF element.
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Personally I think FFXII does a good job escaping from the random battles. In previous FF games random battles usually tended to annouy the hell out of me (FFVIII fortunately had the option to turn them off with diablos).

especially when walking around with a high lvl party in a low lvl area the random battles would take more time to load then it took to kill the critters. Afterwards the party would strike a pose and you needed to wait for a screen showing XP and gold earned.
In FFXII you can just walk towards the enemy kill it and continue moving without the endless waiting.

I don't know about the love story as I haven't finished the game yet (not a lot of time for playing games especially time consuming ones) but I don't think love stories are what makes or breaks an FF game in general.
especially when walking around with a high lvl party in a low lvl area the random battles would take more time to load then it took to kill the critters.
Yeah, definitely have to agree, that's one of the times it's horrible to have random battles. Sometimes I get so annoyed all I want to do is turn the game off when that happens xD

A love story has usually been a big part of an FF game, yes, but is that the only reason people were playing FF? I doubt it. FF will be FF with or without it. Sometimes it's nice, sometimes it's a little overdone (I think it was overdone in VIII & X for example).
Personally I think FFXII does a good job escaping from the random battles. In previous FF games random battles usually tended to annouy the hell out of me (FFVIII fortunately had the option to turn them off with diablos).

I agree. FFXII is similar to FFXI but only difference is that when you were fleeing you could be like a mile away from your enemy and he could be still kicking your ass and I think only once or twice I actually managed to lose the enemy. One time me and a friend got aggro at one of the La Thiene Plateau entrances (West Ronfuare) and chased us all the way to the other entrance (Valkurm Dunes). I'm sure anyone who has played FFXI will know what I'm talking about as it pisses me off big time. :mad:
i loved the game, but honestly? i just dont think it had that special enchanting quality the others had, i dunno what it is tho. i guess maybe the game just felt a little more "real" than the others and it just didnt feel quite the same. LOVED the battle system though.
I know what you mean, it had a grittiness to it that the other Final Fantasy's don't really posses. Having played Vagrant Story it reminds a lot more of that in terms of mood and atmosphere. It turned out a lot differently from what I expected when I first saw any screen shots of it. The first ones, to me, did look as though they were going to have a similar feel to the others. After all, there was a forest, there was a temple, there was a dragon and a princess. Didn't look as though it was changing much. How wrong an impression I had.
TBH I don't see what the problem is with FFXII, I like it a lot, to me the battle system is the same, execpt your characters move around, not much of a difference IMO. I think it's a fresh relief and a good move on Square's part, they wanted a change, and i think it was a good call, great game. ;)
The worst? Not by a long shot. Granted, it may not be as appealing as some of the others, but it's by no means 'bad.' Just because something is excessively different doesn't mean it's an utter failure of a game. It fits in with the series as a whole quite nicely, I think.

Besides, X-2 is ridiculously bad in comparison to XII. VIII follows too.

I agree. The No RANDOM encounters is a breath of fresh air far as I'm concerned. Final Fantasy VIII, IX and X-2 were the worst of the series.

Final Fantasy XII has to be by far the best in the series IMO.
I actually thought this was one of the better FF's, I liked the battle system better than the turned based FF's.
I think that although different it is a awesome game. VIII,IX,X,X-2,Kh,KhII and FFXII are all different games, you cant compare them. And they are all F***ing brilliant games.
The only thing bad about it was how undeveloped some of the characters are. I mean, Baltheir and Fran are following them... because they wanna see what happeneds? Ok... Vaan is the main character, he was revenge on them for killing his brother. Not really thought out much. Penelo is just following Vaan, And Ashe and Basch are the only 2 actually doing something. Ashe, to get Dalmasca back, and Basch for her protection, and to make up for things he did in the past.

Graphics were great, Gameplay was great, story line was good, ive seen better, but the characters were to under developed.
I was very disappointed with XII. I thought the storyline was terrible and the ending kind of corny. I really did like the new battle system though. I found, however, to not be a lot of variation in the monsters and bosses. The gambit system was ok, but kind of annoying sometimes. I really couldn't stand Ashe though, she really bothered me throughout the game.

I think Square Enix tried to take a new approach on this game by not placing the story around a certain character (like Cloud, Squall, etc...). I think it really did hurt the game, because it wasn't very intimate. I didn't like how it was a Star Wars rip off either. Heck, I love Star Wars as much as anyone, but I want that to be separate from my Final Fantasy experience.

All in all, it was a decent game at best. It wasn't as bad as X-2 in my opinion, but definitely not at the level of VII, VIII, IX, or X.
I somewhat have to agree with this FF being not very good as the other ones.

It all was too much like Star Wars and there was too much Empire shit, I like it back when a couple of normal people like Squall or Cloud were the main characters too, those were the best protagonists. :mad:

And don't like how friendly the FF series is becoming with characters like Vaan or Penelo.

Overall I didn't like the whole storyline feel to FF12 that much, but even so, it's still a really good game (not like the other ones though.)

FF7, FF8 now those were good freaking games, my two favorites.
I agree, this is arguably the worst FF ever made.

Story line is uninspired, characters have no real personalities, average fighting, and no exciting edge about it.

And I've said all these thing when I'm still on the 22nd boss. Sadly, I don't think I'll complete this FF. I'd give it 7.9/10.
I like it back when a couple of normal people like Squall or Cloud were the main characters too, those were the best protagonists. :mad:.

Considering Cloud is pretty fucked in the head in FFVII and Squall being a whiny 17-year-old emo kid who acts way older than he is. Yeah I can see how you thought that is normal. It is more like that Vaan was too normal (or too gay), thus making him boring. Cecil, Terra, Cloud, Squall, Zidane and Tidus have usually a lot of interesting history behind their characters but apart from Vaan's brother dying 2 years before, there wasn't that much interesting from him.