FFXII is the worst FF made

How you could come to the conclusion that X was worse than XII is beyond me
If anything, it's because X felt like a dumbing down of the formula, the battles were totally turn based, with no real sense of time in them at all. That and the fact the you were spoonfed a lot more of the time in X than othger games, the linearity of it and the fact that you were still being given pointers and tutorials of sorts hours into the game. XII seemed to go the opposite way from this, you were free to explore areas again, and if you wander into an area where things are far too strong it's not going to stop you.
ff12 misses out on one aspect of final fantasy which exists in all the others and that is a love story between two characters
Even Final Fantasy I? I don't recall there being much of a story in the original. Ah, back in the days when a game could get by on being fun to play.
final fanatasy 12 was a masterpice unlike anything ive ever seen you are all crazy it had a great stor great graphics and great gameplay i and guess what theres no more -take 2 steps and there you go a encounter so whats there to hate?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I guess it's all personal preference. I can understand why some people may not like it, but it's one of my favorite FFs. I love the battle system (go ahead, call me weird), I like the characters, and the storyline isn't THAT bad, IMO. But ohhh well, you can't please everyone I guess. I DO wish there was more character development, but I'm still happy.
ff12 misses out on one aspect of final fantasy which exists in all the others and that is a love story between two characters
Well the ending of FFXII hints at something...

between Ashe and Basch :P

Final Fantasy doesn't need a love story for every damn series. Otherwise it becomes a bit too much like the old ones. "Player saves world, player gets girl, the end".

I hope FFXIII doesn't consist of a love story anyway. FFX already took the cake for best love story in a FF game if you ask me.
Love stories, let's get down to it.
At the end of the day, what makes an FF? NOT a love story. Want to know why? Because every other game has them. Duh.
Xenogias nailed it. Seriously, go read a romance novel or play a game which relies on a love plot.
Typhoon, apart from saying the storyline sucks, and just leaving it at, care to explain why?
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Ω Xenogias Ω;126212 said:
I don't get how the story is so bad. When people say that it makes me wondering if they even payed attention.

Its there, its not complex, it makes sense, so how is the plot in XII so bad compared to the other games?

If anything it kind of reminds me of FFIV, but I don't wanna get into details as of to why.

The story just lacks that little bit of imagination, yeah it makes sense and yeah its understandable, but it doesnt captivate you does it? In most of the other FFs the storyline itself compells you to complete the game, but in FF12 its just not good enough and it kinda drags, thats all im saying.
The ending never hinted towards that. And I just completed the game today.

Irvine, the storyline captivated me and many others, people just see things differently.
Basically I think FFXII sucks the most. It has a pretty weak story line and its gameplay is extremely similar to that of Monster Hunt 2. The cut scenes are pretty weak. It's been a battle to stay interested unlike other FF. Considering when I passed FF VIII I virtually didn't sleep for 2 weeks until it was clocked. Squaresoft is better then that.
If your stupid enought to call final fantasy 12 the worst of the serise then you need profeshional help.
I think there were two 'love' stories going on, I think there was something going on between Balthier and Ashe. That's mainly noticable when she starts freaking out because he was
still on the Bahamut
and then throughout the game we see Rasler everywhere and a flashback of Ashe and him when he was still alive.
Love stories, let's get down to it.
At the end of the day, what makes an FF? NOT a love story. Want to know why? Because every other game has them. Duh.
Xenogias nailed it. Seriously, go read a romance novel or play a game which relies on a love plot.
Typhoon, apart from saying the storyline sucks, and just leaving it at, care to explain why?

First of all, this particular storyline has a lot of dumb scenes and the characters do the stupities things. The real fun is in the battles and sidequest which is a complete turn off in an FF game. But, as all ready stated, this is my opinion. It maybe a weak FF game, but it is an FF game none to less and I'll gladly go through the pain of this annoying storyline to see Fran again...:cool:
First of all, this particular storyline has a lot of dumb scenes and the characters do the stupities things.

Such as? You're going into more detail but still arent explaining enough. You may or may not have a point here but without letting people know what you mean you cant ever make us see it.

The real fun is in the battles and sidequest which is a complete turn off in an FF game.

I dont get this sentence...maybe I'm reading it wrong but you're saying the fun in the game is the battles and sidequest (you're right, those are fun :D) and then you say that those are a turn off?
Such as? You're going into more detail but still arent explaining enough. You may or may not have a point here but without letting people know what you mean you cant ever make us see it.

I dont get this sentence...maybe I'm reading it wrong but you're saying the fun in the game is the battles and sidequest (you're right, those are fun :D) and then you say that those are a turn off?

A'yo, all FF games are about capturing the player with unique storylines. This particular storline wasn't unique! It was a group of annoyng people on a journey to save their world. Okay, I enjoy the whole save the world theme, but as I said before, the characters and the things they did sucked. You want an example? Ok. Remember in Fran's old village when they were leaving and Vaan ask her how old she was? If they were trying to be funny, they better try harder 'cause I was like,"Okay, am I suppose to laught?". Again, this is my opinion and that probably was actually funny to someone. So let's recap. This story failed at comedy and charater devolopment. *sign* That's all I have to say...
FFXII is a great game the characters may be a bit different
but the story is great I think the story is more what happens around them
less relationship and by relationship I mean friendship but if you reed between the lines there are some great relationships but just not in your face exept for some
yes true true I can say that I missed the love/romance in it
or cheesy things some times Ashe was the person with the least emo
Vossler died someone who was potecting her for 2 years and not a one tear or Basch after Judge Gabranth told his secret not one word of regret any way but Squar enix wanted something new and fresh and they got it with the battle system and I think they wanted the story more adult
and they got it and some liked it some not and others needed conviction
I was the last group