FFXII is the worst FF made

i was thinking about FFXII but i'm going to paly it tomorrow to see if it's good or not, my opinion, i think they should have stayed with the turn based battle system. that was my favorite.
If people really want a turn based battle system just keep it on the original settings where when you're in the menu it pauses the battle, whenever you finish your current action bring up the menu and voila it's a turn based battle system.
Exactly. No offense to the one who's complaining, but did you see everybody changing their armour and what not in previous games? No. What makes more sense to show? The obvious things, weapons and shields. Littles things wouldn't matter.

Bladewarrior, don't diss till you've tried it ;)
The worst? No way! The graphics are great, the characters are interesting, though not very developed, the new battle system and quickenings are ace and the story is pretty good. I'd have to say it is the 2nd best FF, VII being first - it rocked!
If people really want a turn based battle system just keep it on the original settings where when you're in the menu it pauses the battle, whenever you finish your current action bring up the menu and voila it's a turn based battle system.

It doesn't work well as you think.
Apparently change is one of the things that Final Fantasy should never go through, it should remain in the same mould until at least F.F.XX.:rolleyes:

The character individualism is gone, how does one seperate the characters apart, especially when the only moves that seperate the characters is their charge abilities which suck when compared to the Trinity moves in FFIX or any other FF where the characters had there own individual abilities.
Let's see....

Final Fantasy V, were there any character specific abilities....not off the top of my head, but I could be wrong, so there's less character individuality than in XII by this logic.

Final Fantasy VII - Materia for everything basically removed any individuality from the characters, bar Limit Breaks, which is essentially Quickenings were you get hit before using them as opposed to using MP for them. By this logic, VII and XII have a similair level of character individuality.

Final Fantasy VIII - Anyone can junction any G.F. and hence there is no individuality with regards to abilities, the only exceptions being the Overdrives, see a similarity here?

Final Fantasy X - Everyone can learn everything once again, except for Yuna being the only summoner, so again, the only difference is based on the Limit Breaks...

But apparently that makes XII bland....
Apparently change is one of the things that Final Fantasy should never go through, it should remain in the same mould until at least F.F.XX.:rolleyes:

Let's see....

Final Fantasy V, were there any character specific abilities....not off the top of my head, but I could be wrong, so there's less character individuality than in XII by this logic.

Final Fantasy VII - Materia for everything basically removed any individuality from the characters, bar Limit Breaks, which is essentially Quickenings were you get hit before using them as opposed to using MP for them. By this logic, VII and XII have a similair level of character individuality.

Final Fantasy VIII - Anyone can junction any G.F. and hence there is no individuality with regards to abilities, the only exceptions being the Overdrives, see a similarity here?

Final Fantasy X - Everyone can learn everything once again, except for Yuna being the only summoner, so again, the only difference is based on the Limit Breaks...

But apparently that makes XII bland....

You got FFVIII Limit Breaks and FFX Overdrives mixed up. As far as I can remember in FFIV you need Kain to use Jump to help defeat a boss and Rydia was the only one who could summon. Palom and Porom can use Twin and Edge can throw. Most games characters are similar but usually the weapons seperated them. Some character's weapons were weaker than others but in FFXII, any character can have any weapon. This is why I prefer FFIX. Each characters have their own ability with Steiner having an extra ability if he is in the same party with Vivi. Making everyone the same is a bit crap.

Apart from that I don't really anything wrong with your argument. Yes all characters can basically be indentical but it isn't the first FF to go that way. Change is always good but maybe some people think that Square Enix may be changing the wrong thing? Personally, I am hoping they do change the next FF and have every character unique.
I forgot, they were indeed still called Limits in VIII, but none the less the argument still stands, they were the only real character defining elements of those games as far as battle actions go. I purposely left IV ( as well as VI and IX ) out of it since they do indeed force a class system of sorts on each character, resulting in a variety of strengths and weaknesses. That was actually part of the reason I prefer IX and IV to many of the others.:)

Still, if people are desperate for that sort of character individuality then there's FAQ's around for a sort of ClassSystem challenge, were certain characters are only allowed to earn a select few licenses ( and I mean FEW ), looks as though it could be worth a look after I play through the English one.
Final fantasy 12 is great, not the best but great. This final fantasy has had amazing scores! Its just moving forward battle wise. Come on square know they have to keep coming up with new ideas and trying new stuff out and thats what they are doing so its normal that alot of people won't like it.
I must say whoever thinks this is the worst FF ever isn't a true FF fan. Wasn't this game 1 out of another 6 games to be rated a 40/40 by some gaming peoples since, games were created?

I have the mag that says it but I can't be arsed to look for it :\
FFXII is not the best by any means but its not the worse one. IT has some good moments and a very enjoyable battle system. Story was weak and so where the characters but still not the worst at all.
Basically I think FFXII sucks the most. It has a pretty weak story line and its gameplay is extremely similar to that of Monster Hunt 2. The cut scenes are pretty weak. It's been a battle to stay interested unlike other FF. Considering when I passed FF VIII I virtually didn't sleep for 2 weeks until it was clocked. Squaresoft is better then that.

Ok so at this point you have about 4 pages of peoples post that don't agree with you..... so I'll just simply say i don't agree at all. I've been playing FF for a lot longer than most... (I'd say bout 12 years) that just cause Im old:dry:, anyway IMO this is the best installment yet. Reasons...? just look at the last 3 pages of posts or the "500 Great things about this game" thread.
I must say whoever thinks this is the worst FF ever isn't a true FF fan. Wasn't this game 1 out of another 6 games to be rated a 40/40 by some gaming peoples since, games were created?

I have the mag that says it but I can't be arsed to look for it :\

Yes, because gaming magazines speak for everyone when they rate their games. Most of the reviewers are probably not real fans therefore the change is welcome to them. That's why recent FF Fans appreciate the change more since not a lot of people liked turn based but I love it. In FFXII there just seems like there is no real strategies when it came to most of the bosses. The fact that I completed the game at about level 52/53 with ease and normally I struggle on my first play through. The large amount of travelling basically adds up to the gameplay. I mean, from Mt. Bur-Omisace to Archades was a long trip without the airship (or if you didn't have any teleport crystals.) Anyway, for you to say that anyone who doesn't like this is no true FF fan is an outrageous statement. Infact, the fans that probably prefer the retro FF titles are probably more of an FF fan than you.
Infact, the fans that probably prefer the retro FF titles are probably more of an FF fan than you.

^ I'm sorry, but that's an outrageous statement to make. A good FF fan is one who appreciates most games, and sees flaws and pros.
^ I'm sorry, but that's an outrageous statement to make. A good FF fan is one who appreciates most games, and sees flaws and pros.
I was gonna say the something similar. That's just as much an 'outrageous statement' as someone saying 'if you don't like FFXII you're not an ff fan'.

I've been playing FF's 11 or 12 years myself, and I've played both retro and new FF games, and I don't prefer either. Like Judge Rulia said, a true FF fan is one who loves all FF games regardless of how new or old it is.

Saying people who prefer retro FF's are truer fans is 'elitist' mumbo jumbo, and sounds ridiculous, cause pretty much what that comes off like is this, "I LYKED FF WHEN IT WAS STILL 2D, SO THAT MEANS I'M SMRTR AND A BETTER FAN THAN J00"
FFXII did have a very bad story line but the adventure and mineing and battleing was coo, i got to a high lvl with out doing nearly anything, i just trained and that was till fun.
I was hooked on FFXII but that was all down to the gameplay. I thought the story was terrible, like it had been thought up in about 10 minutes and the characters were mostly bland and uninteresting (Fran and Balthier being the only exceptions).

I loved the fact that the game world felt huge and took a long time to travel across and I liked the battle system. But to be honest, whats an RPG without a good narrative and characters?