FFXII Killed Limits...seriously

I hate to admit it, but for a while i had to rely on quickenings because my characters were underleveled. I wouldn't have beaten the mandragoras, the Ahriman or Dr. Cid without them.

There is one upside to quickenings though. Once every character has all 3 they have triple their max MP. That came in very useful.
Ah, I forgot about the Triple MP. Yeah, that's about the only real good feature out of Quickenings. lol.

I once used them on Ghis and I won pretty easily. Other than that, they started to get weak. =/.
I hardly ever used quikenings. They wasted your MP and just weren't worth it at all. They were only good for getting your MP up. The esperrs weren't very good either, mist only seems to be good to look at or to gain more max MP!
I was really dissapointed with the quickenings, i didnt know you could even get chains at first so I was like wtf?! I thought they were ok but the mp consumption was pretty dire and I've never managed to get a chain higher than 12, the stupid bar goes down faster every time....I only ever really used them as a last resort when I was getting desperate....which was maybe the whole point.....

I did't use the Espers either^^ They always seemed to die on me...grr
I don't think XII killed limits, It's just devalued them.
In X they were insanely powerful, In XII using Quickenings often hurt your MP levels heavily, That was the reason i never used them against bosses, usually i was powerful enough to defeat them without Quickenings so losing my MP for that wasn't needed.
Like the magic spells on FFVIII and FFX, Quickenings on FFXII became obsolete once you started doing the optional hard quests such as Yiazmat and Omega. But unlike FFVIII and FFX, there were alternative mega attacks that could be used to beat them, such as the masamune + genji gloves + 10 hp trick. Quickenings did became a loada crap about 2/3 of the way through the game where they would barely exceed 50,000 damage much liek Zodiark, but the Mp boost and last-minute rescue factors were still useful. Although I do agree they are lousy compared to previous FF limit break/overdrive systems.
I'd rather the limit breaks myself, really. The quickeneings were tedious and just annoying and did no damage when not linked to another. It was pointless and I stopped using them after like the first or second boss. =/. Along with Summons. haha. Both were lame as hell, IMO.
I think the Quickenings were kinda like FFVIII's GFs. Really pretty, but only the super-long ones (almost too long to put in the effort) can do enough damage.
Not true. lol. All of the Summons in FFVIII were quite useful in one way or another, especially if you leveled them up right.

Also, with the boost ability it was really useful. The quickenings in FFXII were just plain useless. =/.
Quickenings were useful closer to the start of the game, but by the end of it I was just relying on them for all that kickin' bonus MP.
the fact that they drained all of your MP gave me all the more reason to never even think about using them in an important battle. for some reason i couldnt figure out how to link them and make them powerful as well. even the trances from FFIX were much better than this...
I agree that Quickenings aren´t great because they steal all MP but I still don´t understand why some of you complain that they are useless if not linked. Well I immediately get it that Quickenings must be linked to get them more powerful and I find it fun to try make very long Quickening link.

It is good thing that Quickening don´t make game easy like in FFX overdrives make game very ridicilously easy. Except the Dark Aeons and other super bosses but storyline bosses are all pussies.
I personally hate this Quickening crap since they drain all your precious MP - which is much need for healing duties. Plus if you are not very good chaining at quickenings, they do crap damage to bosses.

Give me the Limit Break and Overdrives from FFVII and FFX over this bollocks anytime.
The general feeling seems to be that quickenings are useless, and I agree to an extent. If you link them, they are much more handy and yet, I still prefer limit breaks.
The fact that all your MP was stolen to perform these attacks infuriated me!
I spent minutes running around just to restore the damn MP!
I dont like Quickenings, I hardly ever use them. I prepher having a more basic Limit Break system from say VII or VIII.
I like Quickenings, but i much prefer regular Limit Breaks from other FF's. The Quickenings had the best animation from any limit break i've seen so far, and i think it is kinda fun to link them. Also makes boss battles alot harder, as you dont have that aid of super limit breaks. It was a change, maybe not a good change, but it was ok.
You do realise you can use Charge to help recharge your MP right?

It only gives you about a quater of your MP back, if that, & even then it doesn't always work & you end up with 0. Quickenings where probably the best way to recharge it, but then you'd have to have MP in the first place.....
How do Quickenings recharge MP? I don't get that, its something thats never happened to me.

As for Charge, well its best to use it imo when you got under around 20MP ie ideal for straight after use a Quickening and you need to heal.