FFXII Killed Limits...seriously

It comes up next to their names sometimes to do a mist charge instead of an attack, when it does I choose that over the quickenings & it gives you MP.

I use charge when my MP is about 10%

I hope that makes sense, my explanations are always rubbish....
I just use the quickenings vs marks and rare game (sometimes bosses if I know I will have a hard time vs them). With quickenings, because of the fact that they drop your MP to zero, you need to know when to and when not to use them. If you can vs a boss and defeat it using just a standard gambit setup, don't use the quickenings. Save it for raise, curaja, etc. :cool:
I used them a lot in the beginning but then they didn't enough damage but i do more damage then 1000 y'know a Quickening can depend on 1% or 300% so it's all about LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just think quickenings are good for some battles or if you are trying to beat the game at low levels - beating tiamat in a 122333 without quickenings is a hell of a job...
I see a lot of complaints about them draining all your MP. The upside of that is that you can use a quickening pretty much anytime your mp is full. So while limits etc in other games don't have the downside of draining MP they aren't as exploitable.
I like the fact that quickenings make the game more challenging. Sure, it's nice to have limit breaks that do insane amounts of damage, but I think this game is more geared toward strategy than a hack and slash mentality that some FFs have had in the past.
Seriously, how much damage can a character deal without linking their quickenings? Virtually nothing worth the use.

Then link them!

By getting a certain amount of level one, two, and three Quickening links, you can do some really heavily damaging concurrences, and on top of that, over an area! I can't say I wouldn't prefer overdrives, but these aren't worthless.
I'd get my guide and explain the amounts of which levels of Quickenings you do for which Concurrence, but all I can remember right now is:
4x Level One + 4x Level Two + 4x Level Three = Black Hole (The most powerful one).
If you can remain calm and quickly remember which Quickenings are which Level, it's quite easy to get to do a Black Hole Concurrence.

- boom -
There would be no point in linking quickenings if they could do INSTA-AMGAWD-DMG with just one of them, as linking them then would just create too much damage.

There was a reason for not calling them Limit Breaks. I liked this system tho, was quite fun. I preferred this to limit breaks, it involved you in the battle instead of just click > click > click.
personally i didnt like the quickenings. they took way too long too learn and the only reason i use them now is so that i can complete the sky pirates den. if u no how to use them tho they prob come in handy
I used Basch's Flame Purge and Vaan's White Whorl together, it did 14,000+ damage to Gilgamesh (2nd Encounter) but both had 99 str due to being lvl 99 and using Maximillian...
Then link them!

By getting a certain amount of level one, two, and three Quickening links, you can do some really heavily damaging concurrences, and on top of that, over an area! I can't say I wouldn't prefer overdrives, but these aren't worthless.
I'd get my guide and explain the amounts of which levels of Quickenings you do for which Concurrence, but all I can remember right now is:
4x Level One + 4x Level Two + 4x Level Three = Black Hole (The most powerful one).
If you can remain calm and quickly remember which Quickenings are which Level, it's quite easy to get to do a Black Hole Concurrence.

- boom -

I think he was meaning how in the previous games you can use only one "Limit Break" and it can deal quite the blow depending on the move and the character. With this game you HAVE to link them in order to get a good deal of damage out.

These special moves are supposed to be worth attaning and using. In this game after you beat Ghis, they're quite useless and are only there for pretty effects.
the only reason to use guickenings later in the game is so you can get the thing for the sky pirates den, as they do a small amount of damage and use all your mp, so it isnt really worth it
What do you get for the sky pirates den? I've gotten just about everything in there...at least I think I have.
if you get all the different kind of quickening endings you get it
It's Judge Gabranth. You have to have used Inferno, Windburst, Black Hole, Luminescence, Ark Blast, Cataclysm, Torrent, and well I can't remember the rest, it's the things that come after a quickening that look exactly like the espers' -ja moves.
I hardly ever use quickenings. I think the only times I used them was against Judge Bergen and Demon Wall.

At least in the new FF12, they use their own 'charge' bar like in FF7 and FF10.
I don't know.. I think Quickening Chains have won me every major boss battle since the Leviathan battles.. not to mention the Black Hole attack, which is made of win, however I haven't been able to get a strong enough Chain to use it since the Elder Wyrm battle. ;.; *cry*