FFXII Killed Limits...seriously

You do realise you can use Charge to help recharge your MP right?

Not to mention Syphon. That shit's cheap.:wacky:

I didn't really care much about not having limits because Limit Breaks were only a big thing for three games out of the entire series, so it's not really a obligatory must have feature of the game.

Now an FF without an ATB would fail and actually be something to bitch about. xD
One more thing, If you have uber weapons, such as Zodiac Spear, Tournesol, Excalibur, Wyrmhero Blade, e.t.c. Then you can damage nearly all monsters for 9999 each hit with good heavy armor making quickenings worthless, although they DO ignore DEF.
Yeah I found quickenings helpful in the earlier part of the game like when you fight that pollen dragon outside the viera wood but as the weapons got better, quickenings became weaker by comparison. They were cool to watch but and linking was rewarding in itself but I prefer the limit break and overdrive systems more.
I don't like games that deal 99,999 damage, its no challenge. I liked beating Yiazmat, took a couple hours but still was fun.

But I know what you mean, I like those one hit kill deals, always nice to finish a fight simple and clean... is the way that you're making me feel tonight!

*Snaps back to reality*

Sorry broke into song :X
At first if I came up to a hard boss who was just too much for me, I'd just try to link as many Quickening chains together and kill off the boss immediately. I was pretty good at chaining them together, so I could wipe the enemy out easily. However, it got to a point where it would drain all my characters MP and then it was almsot a non-epic fight. It was too easy, not enough action, etc. Plus the same old moves got boring over and over and over again.

it was a nice mix-up for a change to keep ideas fresh, but it definitely made FFXII's Overdrive's/Limit's less appealing.
Yeah...I never really bother with Quicknenings and such....they are just a waste of magick to me...I mean even when you a get a tourent.....it's not really that useful and I have never gotten Holy, for me it's too hard and I never reeally tryed anyways v.v;;
Yes, Square-Enix screwed up the limit breaks in XII. They don't deal that much damage without linking, etc. Plus, the biggest downside is that they drain all of your character's MP! No good in boss battles. If there was one thing I'd change, it'd be quickenings.
quickings are ment to be used in combos why do you think there called QUICKenings plus i used my srtongest guy against a hunt with best quickening it only did 3 damage