FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

I would have to say I'm somewhere in the middle.

I went off and on with the game and just couldn't seem to get into the plot, the battle system was great.

Finally, I didn't have that annoying glass break and then the loud music every few steps.

Graphics and sound was phenomenal, but like others said, I couldn't relate to the characters, though each had background stories, none caught my interest.

I love Fran though, she was one of my favorite characters!!

I love this game, I've replayed it a few times and I think each time I've found something new (the first time I missed the fishing thing, second time I still hadn't found all the Espers and this time I'm still looking for things I've missed. (Actually, I never got the Zodiac Spear))
The battle system, for me, was really innovative and awesome, although that being said, I still do love the old system...
I think what attracted me the most to FF XII is the Battle System. I personally loved the System. It finally felt realistic and intense and generally fun to play rather than the traditional turnbased system which FF fanboys love, and when compared to faster, more complex systems, is pretty lame.

The characters were great. I personally couldn't agree more with Square's move into the area where the characters don't have huge personal problems that endanger the world, or that make them act like prats. FF XII had characters that seemed like people rather than balls of angst and drama.

So, you could say I love it.
Hated the story line. Too much politics, not enough romance. That's the whole appeal of FF stories: The romance and sexual tension between characters.

Of course, I have yet to finish the game, so my opinion may change when I do.

Don't know which FFXII you were playing but that game had MAAAAD sexual tension, and between odd characters. Baltheir created sexual tension with everyone. Larsa and Penelo had odd tension. Ashe and Basch had tension. They all had tension. xD

I really liked FFXII for the lack of romance, because that's what I DON'T like about FF. My favorite FF's have very limited romance, because the people I want paired, never do.
Don't know which FFXII you were playing but that game had MAAAAD sexual tension, and between odd characters. Baltheir created sexual tension with everyone. Larsa and Penelo had odd tension. Ashe and Basch had tension. They all had tension. xD

I really liked FFXII for the lack of romance, because that's what I DON'T like about FF. My favorite FF's have very limited romance, because the people I want paired, never do.

If there was sexual tension, it really wasn't displayed well. In fact, their was almost not connection between any of the characters. Even at the end of the game they still seemed like complete strangers.

And actually, you could probably count AshexRassler as the romance in the game even though he's dead. And VaanxPenelo from what I hear became cannon in Revent Wings.
I cannot stand this game... I am stuck at the beginning LOL... I dunno.. I think I have to love the characters before I can get into the game.. and FF12 just hasn't done it for me... I don't like Vaan he is so annoying and I really dislike the fighting style...
I didn't vote 'cause I actually haven't beaten the game yet, but so far, I'm liking it. I heard people say that the story is weaker compared to previous FF games, which disappoints me, but I'll still try to give it a shot (I mean, I already bought it :P).
If there was sexual tension, it really wasn't displayed well. In fact, their was almost not connection between any of the characters. Even at the end of the game they still seemed like complete strangers
methinks she was being sarcastic

and as for the people saying the story is grown up and political, you are wrong!
its not, its boring
prove me wrong some one and tell me why its 'political' and 'grown up'

as for the romance, i think their should be a bit, it might be a bit cliched but so what, meh but not so much that the heroine sucks ie rinoa being generally spineless
I havnt got very far through the game but all I can say is that its shaping up to be one of the better more complex FF's!

Basically I love it.
I don't love it, but I don't hate it. I'm on the fence.

I quite liked the more mature story, and the characters seemed more grown up, but then there was that lack of a love story which I always like in FF.

Also, I wasn't a fan of the new battle system. Guess I'm a Turn-based fan myself.

I also loved the world and surroundings. Such a nice looking world in this one.
The only things I don't like about this game are that:

-It has no character jobs/classes.
-The battles end quickly, and alot of spells are useless in practise, as the battles against minor enemies are short.
-The quickenings are absolutely pathetic.
Love it
There are a lot of things for you to do: follow the main story, hunt for marks and get bounty, do sidequests, get espers, fill in your license board, find rare weapons, etc.,etc. the only thing that is messed up is Vaan's not wearing a shirt and feminine look lol
and about the battle system. It's somewhat efficient but the fact that you can move around is useless since you can't parry (I know about the shields).
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I hated FF12 with a passion when I first played it, and tbh, I still don't rate it all that highly. The story didn't pick up 'til near the end which annoyed me alot

I even quit for afew months after I got beat by Judge Ghis the first time because the battle system annoyed me so much & cnsidered quitting again when I got to the Pharos(?) because it was taking to goddam long to get to the top

I will probably play it again before I decide whether I do actually hate it or not because once Id actually gotten used to the battle system (some 90 hours in >_<) I started to quite enjoy it

Im hoping Il enjoy my second run through more
I didnt like it , it was boring no offense and i HATED the ending it was soo plain..... but i did like the character designs and the graphics were good. I just didnt feel the story like i did when i played FFX or FF7.. Oh wellls.....
Didn't like it that much, but I also didn't really hate it... I just didn't like the battle system.... It took me FOREVER to figure out how to fix the leader of the group. XP
i hate it ! :( ! i played it for around 20 hours and just got fed up with it !
I'm still playing this a year after i bought it, that says a lot about this game. It's missing what made Final Fantasy it used to be. the creator of the original FF himself said that he would rather tell a story than make an action game.

And this seems to have turned into the opposite, with just fighting and a story that can fill the first half of a PS1 Final Fantasy disc.

This is going to make play Final Fantasy 9!

I'm not looking forward to XIII/v.XIII if it continues this trend, bring back text based games XD.
As an rpg it is a good game but i wont rate it so highly as a ff title. but saying this i nither hate it or love it. It was lacking in the story department and not very exciting, the characters where bland and dull and i didnt feel a connection to them,and the talking was horrible.

The things i like about it is its game play, it was diffrent form the usual turn based battles and i liked the gambits system, however half of them where ineffective. I loved the hunt side quests, the where cool and somtimes challenging. The beastiry was a cool feature and i was very detail, unlike the story.

Other things that ill point out are the espers, the were cool to battle and very hard to kill. however when u try and use them the were so usless and unessary and got killed easy form monsters.
a few things i hate about this game:-

1. battle system - the system is too hard to follow and doesn't allow the strategic planning of the old system.

2. if you're gunna have an airship in ff it MUST be 1 of a kind. you can't have airships all over the place. it takes away from the surrealness of a group of rebels trying to save the world and, getting their hands on the most advanced machiene in the world.

3. graphics - 10 had better graphics then this and ten came 4 years before.

4. the summons were RUBBISH

there are more reasons why i hate this game but i can't be bothered to write about them any longer!
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate FF12 :P
No really, it was dumb. When I think too much about Ashe's overly short PINK miniskirt...
And Vaan is just stupid.

And what about the half-bunny thing?