FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

..what about her? She's a Viera called Fran. I don't see why she's stupid, unless you've got more of an explanation as to why.
I really liked it the gambit system was hard to figure out but i loved the story it was very compelling and i really liked the characters even Rex who gets killed right off the bat but none the less great character design
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate FF12 :P
No really, it was dumb. When I think too much about Ashe's overly short PINK miniskirt...
And Vaan is just stupid.

And what about the half-bunny thing?

I really don't see this as a legit reason as to dislike a game. Lmao. Mind elaborating?

Fran was from the Viera clan and was actually very intelligent and smart in her ways.

Ashe was a Major part within the game. Although she was a touch bitchy, after awhile she started to become really cool.
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate FF12 :P
No really, it was dumb. When I think too much about Ashe's overly short PINK miniskirt...
And Vaan is just stupid.

And what about the half-bunny thing?

So you hate half-bunny thing but you don´t have problem with big blue lion who talks funny, dog who has his tail on fire or robot cat who rides on a big pink robot cat.
i like ff 12 but its not half as good as seven.like it more than 8 but not as much as ten.
Square enix just changed a little to much
This emotionaly detaches the followers of the sieres
The story is not very good but I like the graphics and the style of the game. Especially hunting down marks.
I love it. Is another good Final Fantasy. Is the second worst for me, but anyway is good. But Vaan could death is the first Rabanastr scene, and the game would be better.
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its a good game to play

i really enjoyed it, if i had to rate it, it would be 10/10 for me

great game worth getting

i love it!!!!!!!!!!!
like it more than 8

I really liked it the gambit system was hard to figure out but i loved the story
those are probably the two worst things imo, i thought the story was stupid and cliched and the gambits made the game very easy
The only two reasons I got XII is cuz it was a FF and the new battle system. The reasons I loved it: it was a FF and the new battle system.

EDIT: oh, this isn't the spam section...

I loved finding familiar monsters in the FF series, such as the coeurl and malboro, and they looked great...except the coeurl. It used to look like a leperd but now it looks like Davy Jones...meck!

...that's really not that good a reason, but I can't think of a reason why I liked it...
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I was a bit on the middle of the fence regarding this title. I actually quite liked the gambit system, though I thought that the quickenings were not all that well balanced. Overall though, I found that too many elements of the gameplay were a bit screwed up. I could never seem to scraping enough money together to buy enough magic/weapons, and after Raithwall's Tomb, the difficulty level just took a giant leap for me. I stopped playing the game a little after Raithwall's Tomb, but I really liked the visual style of the game as well as the storyline, so I have thought about getting myself a walkthrough and revisiting the game some time.
I really love it. At first I was pretty balanced as well. It was so hard to get gil and to level up, but when I saw different ways of gaining both, and all those markhunting, I really enjoyed it a lot.
I really love it. At first I was pretty balanced as well. It was so hard to get gil and to level up, but when I saw different ways of gaining both, and all those markhunting, I really enjoyed it a lot.

Care to share a few tips? I was always extremely short on gil which made me give up the game pretty early on :P Hunting monsters didn't really seem to do the trick for me. It usually ended up costing me as much as I'd make from the bounty...
The battle system is what got me hooked, but I wish I had played other FF games before, now going back and playing the others is hard. The battle systems are just too different from XII.
Loved it because it revolutionised Final Fantasy, and RPG's in general. I thought it had a great story(which is more than can be said for some......), the bast gameplay in any FF and the Gambits were fun as hell. The license boards could've been a bigger but I can live with that.....
I loved it, my gambits rock, the license board means i can choose what i want, and i can grind when i'm not there where the spawns are really good... my one problem is Yiazmat... who makes a lvl 99 boss into a game, square? god.
I just think the storyline, and the characters were a massive disappointment. Before the release of the game, the information released on it was just so exciting.

The storyline of 2 great nations at war, with a small nation caught in between was a concept that I thought would have yielded a great game. Sure it's been done before, but usually to success.

The actual game with all the stuff about Nethicite etc. I just thought was so small and unimaginative. I was expecting something really epic, with really epic heroes, villains, and we got none of that. Vaan as a lead is just ridiculous. Those who say Balthier should have been lead, well he is an improvement, but I wouldn't have been satisfied with that either. They also failed to make a particularly affecting villain. Vayne I thought was bland and uninteresting. The Judges I must admit I fell in love with, but aside from that, the game just never lived up to expectations on the storyline front.

With that being said I do absolutely love the battle system and general gameplay.
I was one of the few that really got into the game. I found it intresting, the graphics are always good, BUT It is a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry long (like up to 400 hours to get everything done!) All in all, its fine.
FFXII was a great renovation to the whole FF battle system. You could literally go thru a battle without touching a button. Well, maybe not but near that anyway. But sometimes it didn't feel like a FF.