FFXII Progress


Nov 5, 2006
I dont know how these forums works with stickies and all, but i think itd be cool if everyone could post how far theyve gotten in the game, and the troubles theyve had so far, and tips you guys may have to get past the difficult parts.

Ill start it off:lol: . Well im a n00b really. I just started playing 12. I like it a lot so far, and Ive just gotten past the first hunt:mad: . Im currently at the part where i have to find my way into the castle.

Keep the posts up!
levels around 17. just killed the yuritan yensa hunter/killer tortoise or whatever. on my way to the tomb.

highlight so far: killed the first judge with a single chain of quickenings, he never even got an attack off.
cutscene broken

I've got a broken cutscene... just after you get aboard the airship,
I see two cutscenes, after the fate of Penelo is seen, the next scene
fails to load. anyone else with this problem?

american version collectors edition
I haven't had a cutscene problem yet.
All lvl 30, going to get the Sword, which will destroy nethicite.
I haven't had a cutscene problem yet.
All lvl 30, going to get the Sword, which will destroy nethicite.

DAMN boy, thats really high of a lvl for that area. I was like lvl 23 or 24 when I did that lol.

If your getting broken cut scenes, you could A. Be useing cheat codes that cause the game to crash. B. Could have a bad version of the game, thus why there were more than 1 version of the game created. C. Scratced or damaged DVD.
Nearly level 40... in Cid's Lab.

Woah.... My Vaan's 50, Basch 38, Everyone Else 36....

I'm Haven't Even Reach Cid's Lab.... :(

(On Another Note, I Didn't Even Invest On Any Quickenings...I Don't Have The Slightest Idea On How It Works.... Not To Mention Espers.)
I haven't used quickenings either, I learnt them for doubling and tripling MP.
My Vaan's level 44, rest are 35-36, i am just going to get the sword of the kings after Mt. Burmise. And I don't see anything wrong with leveling up early in the game...why not, it just makes things a little easier, I don't like to rush...
My Vaan's level 44, rest are 35-36, i am just going to get the sword of the kings after Mt. Burmise. And I don't see anything wrong with leveling up early in the game...why not, it just makes things a little easier, I don't like to rush...

WOW i was level 25- 26 when I done that. I guess I am going a little to fast. I am going to do like 5 hunts right now and then level in gilmore before moving on with the story line.
i reached bahamut and levels between 53-55 my hunt rank is knight of round or something like that
My Vaan's level 44, rest are 35-36, i am just going to get the sword of the kings after Mt. Burmise. And I don't see anything wrong with leveling up early in the game...why not, it just makes things a little easier, I don't like to rush...

dam talk about leveling up early. my vaan was at lvl 33 and everyone else was around lv28 when i finish that part and when back to the MT. to find the grand kiltias got axed by one of the judges. took him out and now im gonna walk all the way to the labatory so i can level on the way there maybe do some hunts ive done 10 of them so far. taking a break cause later today i plan on getting all the way to archades and that labatory.:cool:
Lvl 25-26... travelling through Henne Mines. Trying to fight this stupid Wurm... At least two quickenings for each character. Three with 3. Anyone have any ideas about this Wurm? I can't get by him for the life of me. Also, trying to hunt the Gil Snapper. Can't figure that one out either.
I just finished with the Mt Bur thing as well, I got the Sword of Kings and then killed the judge. The 3 characters I use are all level 44 and I'm working on the extra's right now... hunts, Espers, etc.