FFXII - Worth Getting?

oh yes!!!

I believe that FFXII is worth getting. I haven't really been into any of the Final Fantasy games but FFXII really grabbed me!! I'm still playing the game. If you have not yet got it, then get it!!! It is a must have!!!
This game was gold, the battle system was different but IMO superior to all other games in the Final Fantasy series, the graphics were also something to impress even Xbox 360 players. Also the epic storyline kept me playing for hours at a time.
FFXII is most CERTAINLY worth getting. I'm not finished the game yet, but the gameplay, the storyline, and the characters beat out every other Square game I've played yet. Much love.
Yay! I finally get to be an antagonist!

I'm one of the few people in the world that actually dislike FFXII. The storyline seems heavily described and portrayed only in the opening and ending of the game; for the middle chunk of FF12, you're just going from place to place and fighting, with a cutscene or two to try and pretend like the plot is still going. At many times, I thought: "Really, does my party have any impact on the storyline?" It seemed that Vaan had little to no impact on the political events that were transpiring, and same goes for the rest of the party save for Ashe.

The battle system is good at the beginning, but it gets very old and repetitive very fast unless you change your Gambits just to see something new. But then again, that's how it's been in most Final Fantasies, it's just emphasized in FFXII with the new MMORPG feel to it.

Basically, I'm used to each character in your party having a significant impact on the storyline. I know I might not be explaining this well enough for some people, but it's just something about the characters and the plot that don't quite link up. That, and there isn't enough material to drive the story of the war between Archadies and Rozarria throughout the game, so at times you're forgetting why you're going to all of these places.

Bah, the game just bothers me overall. It's still worth getting, if only to see the beginning and end.
Lol...8D there are quite a few people who actually dislike FFXII here :P
LOL The only problem I think I had with the game was that Vaan and Penelo were really just along for the ride... They didn't serve much purpose in my opinion plot-wise, it seemed to be more about Ashe, Basch, Balthier and Fran than the Dalmascan orphans. The other characters were well-developed, and highly likeable compaired to those random kids.o_O
Maybe I just liked the story because it actually had a world. Your party was not the entirity of the world, outside factors played as much of a part in the development as the main characters did. From the regions to the story XII finally had a sense of scale that I felt had been missing from may of the games in the series up unto that point.

Take even IX. Sure, Lindblums' meant to be huge, but you can only access about 10 near identical screens outwidth the castle, how am I supposed to be awed by that? I don't find the same problem with XII though, partly due to being nicely modelled in 3D as opposed to rendered backgrounds, but you did get a far better sense of being the little street rat in big city.

LOL The only problem I think I had with the game was that Vaan and Penelo were really just along for the ride...
They were in it for the adventure, what more reason do they need?

All in all, XII is worth a purchase if you ask me, if I've not alread ysaid so. :p
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They didn't have a purpose what did you want? the usual ride of "Vaan has a powerful inner being he didnt know about which is needed to save Ivalice!" Yeah, I don't think so. It was a good change to the normal main guy being the ultimate hero with some super power or whatever they have, people that whine about this game are people that just lol really.

The game wasnt super fantastic, but the way some people rip into the game it's like they really need a /slap, it's just a game, big deal you lost £30, that's 1/2 day of work of like 5% of your christmas present.

The battle system is good at the beginning, but it gets very old and repetitive very fast unless you change your Gambits just to see something new. But then again, that's how it's been in most Final Fantasies, it's just emphasized in FFXII with the new MMORPG feel to it.

Ah yeah, I see what you mean. I mean take FF7 for isntance. New materia, New limit's that's it. The rest is click attack 4 times, choose your spell etc..that isn't repetive at all, having the same group of enemies, same skills, same limit break, etc..etc I really don't see your point there at all, you just described every single final fantasy battle system. It's not even emphasised like you say, you have pretty much the whole map instead of a side-view screen with just hitting buttons, you can actually have full control of your character.
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for the middle chunk of FF12, you're just going from place to place and fighting, with a cutscene or two to try and pretend like the plot is still going
thats so right. its so repetitive.

in the other FF games the story line revolved around the characters which made it a lot more interesting and because it revolved around them, they affected the storyline, whereas they didnt in FFXII.
this made me detached and apathetic towards their goals.
at the end i didnt care that the bahamut was going to crash and kill everyone in dalmasca but i wanted squall to kill ultamecia in FFVIII.

the battle system was too easy, i ate dinner whilst my party killed vayne.
the characters were pretty bad, only balthier was interesting. and penelo is just pointless

there was a lot wrong with FFXII, but still worth buying
Judge Rulia said:
Lol...8D there are quite a few people who actually dislike FFXII here :P

Oh, really? It just didn't look like it, since it appeared as if FF12 enthusiasts made every post in this thread at a quick glance. I'm glad I'm not alone in this.:hug:

Lillyane Refia said:
LOL The only problem I think I had with the game was that Vaan and Penelo were really just along for the ride... They didn't serve much purpose in my opinion plot-wise, it seemed to be more about Ashe, Basch, Balthier and Fran than the Dalmascan orphans. The other characters were well-developed, and highly likeable compaired to those random kids.o_O

That was my problem, too. But even with the other characters, their impact was very limited throughout a good chunk of the game. Although the overarching theme was the "restoration of Dalmasca", that motive isn't supported by any of the characters in many locations you visit. Balthier and Fran's storyline contributions dwindle after the viera village in my mind, with Ashe and Basch (rhyme?) having the spotlight the entire game thanks to their respective positions.

I think they could've pulled off the 'Vaan and Penelo sidekick' theme if they would've have more cutscenes and more things (that are separate from Ashe's journey) working against them, something to be of conflict that they would have to work through while simultaneously supporting Lady Ashe.

Dusk said:
Ah yeah, I see what you mean. I mean take FF7 for isntance. New materia, New limit's that's it. The rest is click attack 4 times, choose your spell etc..that isn't repetive at all, having the same group of enemies, same skills, same limit break, etc..etc I really don't see your point there at all, you just described every single final fantasy battle system. It's not even emphasised like you say, you have pretty much the whole map instead of a side-view screen with just hitting buttons, you can actually have full control of your character.

Response to Bold: Yes, that's why I said "like most other Final Fantasies".

When I say it's emphasized in FFXII, I mean that it's highlighted because there is no storyline DRIVING the game throughout the middle chunk of the game to distract you from the repetitive battle. In FF7 and other Final Fantasies, at every place you went to there was a significant plot advancement (if not, there would be on the second or third visit). In FF12, you literally went to all of these places, and only a minor percentage of them had anything to do with the storyline--most of them just had a boss battle and a couple marks to hunt and you moved on.

Thus, with the focus in those areas being on the battling, you finally see how repetitive and annoying it actually is. In other games, I did not mind the random encounter side-screen battle system, because I knew that my destination would have elements to advance the storyline to keep my interest, while FF12 was sorely lacking in that department, as I have described.
I think if you are a Final Fantasy fan~ then you should buy this game. Even if the game is bad lol

PS. I like this game
I think it is definitely worth getting for both FF veterans and newbies.
Veterans should find something novel (if not always liked) in the new battling system and newbies will just get a good all-round game.
PS: I liked the battle system
battle system is good (in my opinion) but i think final fantasy XII has lost most of the rustic charm of its predessors. its went all war and stuff. and the characters dont have that much depth. still worth getting though! :)
Since this topic crops up so much, I figured I'd make a topic and sticky it.

Is this game worth getting? Please post your replies so that people who cannot decide can read this to make their decisions.

FF12 is really worth getting, its got a good story line, good battle sytem and its got funny charicters.
Awful, awful game. It started off quite well; killing off Reks was a bold move. Some of the characters were alright (Balthier and Basch), but it really failed to hold my interest. The battle system was something new, yes, but it wasn't enjoyable at all. It would have been far better if there was actually something else to do but it was all fight-fight-fight-fight-fight-fight.
it is definitely worth getting, i loved the new battle system. an i liked having the option to either finish the game quickly or spend more time to gather all of the magicks and weapons and stuff
In my opinon the game is worth getting because it's a bloody good game and will keep you entertained for hours.
I'm loving this game! If you're an RPG fan and certainly if you're an FF fan then you should try it.

BUT give it a chance... i'm a huge FF fan but it took me quite awhile to get into the game, then i started to really enjoy it!

So if you don't like it right away, play on for a bit and see if it changes.