FFXII - Worth Getting?

I, personally, think it was an astounding game. I loved the new battle mode, as well as the demise of the epic "random encounter". Yea, I loved the classic battle style, but with a new age of not only gaming, but gamers, it was time for change, and by all means, FF XII brought that change. To me, it seemed to be sort of a FF XI "offline". And the graphics, wow. The boys went out with a BANG as for the closing chapter of Final Fantasy gaming on the PS2. I mean, I played this game over twice, and still have not grown bored.

However, I will say with changes, there were many. As for Gambits: I hated them at first, but come later in the game, they save your ass. Now as for the License system...I could have done without. For magic, maybe. But for all armors, weapons and more, that just sucked. It does, however, allow for more free-battling and leveling. The EXP is needed.

All in all, I think it was an astounding game, and I look forward to its sequel which I will have shortly :)
Yes, I think so, but if you're incapable of playing games without turn-based combat, stay away, 'cause it ain't got any! =o
It's both wothless and great.
The story may disappoint you for it's nothing simialar to the previous Final Fantasy series. Characters are more difficult to understand and the battle might be different. New elements are put in, like earth, wind, light and dark. Many fiends are new and unseen. The most impressing of all I think is the climate change. One day it rains, the other one is hot, there may be some cloudy weather. The Ivalice world seems much bigger than other Final Fantasy worlds. Final Fantasy XII is the new beggining of SE games.

I would think that this game is worth the money, unless you're a massive fan of Final Fantasy this may disppoint you. But overall this is a great game.
I mean is the story line any good?
There are so many yes and no answers lol I'll be able to get over the changes as far as the battle system goes but is the story line involving? The main thing I love about FF games is how engrossed I become in the story lines.
The storyline is very political, and I at first didn't like the story much, but that was only because I found it a little confusing.

I like it now.
Personally I don't find the story line to be good.
Some people say it's mature because it's political, but that is there point of view. It's not wrong, I just don't agree with them.
Whether or not the story line doesn't have a correct answer, it is based purely on personal opinion.
Hmmm this game will take a while to get used to.
When i first played it i throught it was really gay but den i realised wat to do.
I reackon u should get xiiits very good game
Should I get this game?

Hi guys Im new here and I did formally introduce myself on the official introduction forum but I cant find my post there now. Im also new to Final Fantasy.

Ive been considering getting the 12th game but wasnt sure if I would like it because I havent played too many Square Enix Rpgs except for Kingdom Hearts and that kind of turned me off the genre.

I have played Sudeki, Zelda 64 and Beyond Good and Evil(though technically not an RPG) though and I really like those games so if this 12th game is anything like them I would like to purchase it. Would you guys recommend this game for someone who likes alot of fantasy, exploration, puzzle solving, item collection, descovery and non-linear but also story driven gameplay?
I'd say XII meets your requirements, but downplays on the storyline. It has a plot which your party is obliged to follow, but the sheer lack of general interaction, cut-scenes, and FMVs might possibly sway you from being interested.

Having trodden on it, it's an entertaining game to master. The upgrade system is fun, combat can be quite enjoyable, and the exploration is vast [quite a lot of large areas to invest much item-hunting time in]. Not sure if you're familiar with what XII has to offer, but there are also Hunts which you can take on as optional challenges. "Optional" typically puts people off bothering to begin with, but the rewards make it worth doing.

But like I said, there's little interaction, so you may find it drags on in places. Perhaps rent it or borrow from a friend first?
It depends because it's a live action RPG and you might not like it if you prefer the random battles.
I'd suggest you to buy it if you didn't mind the gameplay the bosses are fun to fight and hard,there are some places where you need to use your head and there are lots of new magic spells.I can't praise the graphics during gameplay but the in-game-movies graphics are breath taking.The story is nice and easy to follow and matches perfectly with the places you'll visit which are pretty creative according to me.
Thanx for the info

Oohh so thats where my thread went:blush:Thats genius Ive never heard of 'stickying' before.

Thanx for replying guys. Im liking what Im hearing so far. With the sidequests are they all specifically about hunting creatures or are their other things like special items to look for?

Also Im not too keen on playing as Vaan so is it possible to talk to NPC's with the other characters or perform some key tasks with other chracters?

Also are there puzzles and things? And how linear is it.

As for the 'changes' that doesnt put me off because Im not a long time fan so Im not going to care if things are different and most of these changes like the battle system actually make this game more appealing to me because I dont like random encounters or completly turn-based systems.

I think Ill most likely pick this one up. Its bound to be better than Sudeki which means it will probably be good enough. It will be one of the 1st or FF games I play other than Kingdom Hearts which is kind of in the same universe.
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Well my holidays are over and Ive given this a pass for now but I might get it later. I couldn't find it in the store and I couldnt be bothered buying it online and waiting for delivery so I bought something else instead. But I still might buy this later on when I have time to play.
Just got it and glad I did

Okay I got this recently because I was actually able to find it at a store. Ive havent really even left Rabanstre yet but from what Ive seen so far Id say this is definatly worth getting.:)

For anoyne like me like adventure games like Zelda arent sure about Japanese RPG's or just got a bad impression from Kingdom Hearts 2 Id say this is definatly worth trying just because it offer alot to explore and do.

There some huge and detailed areas to explore, lots of interestings to learn and there are planty of sidequests and things. No minigames as of yet but Im sure I will find some once I get further into the game. Also the world and the CGI cutscenes are gorgeous. Also this game is just really detailed by the looks of it.
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Although the story and character development could've been handled MUCH better, I'd say it's definitely worth at least one round through. I really enjoyed what good things there were about the game, such as some of the characters (Basch, Balthier, Asche...), and the voice acting is just brilliantly done. That in itself was one of the few things that managed to convince me to play and finish the game. :3

It may not be the best installment in the Final Fantasy series, but it's worth a try.
It's great - the characters are well developed and it's fun. Still havn't completed it but its going well
Worth getting?

Fuck yes!

The plot is intricate and interesting. The characters are unique...especially Balthier and Vann. The battle system is decent and the quikenings and summons are awesome

Alright someone of the names in it are unprounouncable :-)wacky:) but hey :monster:
Definitely not, I so dislike this game. The middle-aged / high-tech story isn't appealing at all. The battle system isn't traditional to the other FF's, they could've though something better than this and this game is not addictive at all.
I have to admit that this game was pretty disappointing to me. It was weak for a Final Fantasy game.

The storyline was pretty bland. Towards the end of it, a lot of the story felt like it was randomly thrown in. There weren't really any interesting plot twists or anything really unique that I can think of. The main villain wasn't interesting to me at all.

I still don't get why Vaan was the main character. He served almost no part in the story at all. A better main character would have been Ashe, Balthier, or Basch. I found Vaan annoying and pointless.

I got so sick of deserts. There were way too many!

The battle system is okay. While it had a lot of positive aspects, I found myself simply running to monsters and then watching my party kill them for most of the game. The Magic and Techniques, with a few exceptions, are usually not worth using.

The Espers are almost completely pointless. Whenever I used them on a boss, they'd use up all of my MP and then die right away. Using them anywhere else is usually a waste of time.

Though I found the character developement to be extremely lacking, it does have some of my favorite characters of the Final Fantasy series. Ashe and Balthier were both awesome characters that I wish we could have seen more development with.

Whether I consider this game worth buying or not is debatable. While it is strong in a few aspects, there are a lot of things that I dislike about it.