FFXII - Worth Getting?

Ive been thinking about getting the game or not for the past 2 months. I heard that the game isnt bad but the main character and story kinda sucks. I dont want to buy it and finding out it sucks. I think characters and the story are really importantto any game, so should i buy it?
um, yeah, i'd have to say it's worth buying. i loved the mark hunting. it was great. the storyline was okay, kind of hard to follow, but okay.... the battle system was amazing.., etc.
Yes it is worth getting. No more going into battles and so many items,weapons and treasures to keep track of.

For value for money and detail in the game I'd say it's one of the best games you can get on the PS2!
Please put more effort in your post, say why you think it's worth getting, thank you ^^
YES!!!! This game is definately worth getting. I would recommend this game to anyone that asks. The graphics are awesome, for PS2 anyway. The characters are great. Just everything about this game is great.
If you're thinking about getting this game...DO IT!

A great game, as the last FF that will be released on the PS2. The graphics are killer for a game late in the life of the PS2, and the story is incredibly mature compared to previous FF games.

Sure you may think the characters are not quite as developed or led into compared to past games, but in the end, you have a great sense of satisfaction of having completed this new adventure.
If you like change and like Final Fantasies to vary vastly from game to game. This is the game for you. There is no sappy love story, no dream worlds, or even a battle screen.
If your used to all the mentioned above. It could take some getting used to.

How did you feel about FFXII?

Personally, I'm mixed in my opinion. I wasn't able to finish the game (I lost my memory card about 70% into the game...T.T), but I got far enough to formulate a solid opinion.

I felt that the story, while exceptionally well-written and filled with great voice acting, fell short of the standards set by previous FFs; this being the first "main" installment in the series (I don't really consider XI a main installment, but that's just me) following X, it wasn't nearly as personal, touching, memorable, or developed in terms of characters and evoking the player's emotions. But that is, once again, simply my opinion.

It definitely has its strong points, though. The graphics are great, the world is fairly immense, the real time battle system was a nice touch, et cetera. It just didn't have the same "feel" for me. I attribute this to a story that focuses too much on what's going on with the world at large and ultimately forsaking any meaningful character development; in my opinion, of course. It also seemed convoluted from time to time, and I hard time remembering where I left off in terms of plot.

Anyone else feel the same way? Differently, perhaps?
I pretty much agree. As far as story and character development and other related aspects..this ranks near the bottom of all the final fantasies. Now IMO the gameplay aspects (real time fighting, sidequests, hunts, graphics, voice-overs) were outstanding. Unfortunately I base my opinion on games 70% on story and characters so this game took a beating.

There were a few plot-holes that annoyed me (like why was vaan able to see the ghosty things/Ashe's hubby and noone else could until the end. Did i sleep through the reason or was it just a hole) I fealt zero connection to any of characters (however balthier grew on me a whole lot as did basch). I think the thing that annoyed me most was the main character that seemed to me had absolutely no point of being in the story at all. I ended up treating Basch as the main character because i was annoyed so much with vaan. I fealt ashe was a less interesting version of yuna/rinoa/tifa/dagger. I was really hoping she would come off as a new kind of heroine and I felt she fell short.

I've come to expect big plot twists towards the 2nd half of FF games that re-motivates you to finish the game and push forward. You know...Sin is Jecht, Aerith dies/Cloud is an experiment like Sephy, Ultimecia possessed Edea, and Zidane is from a different world kind of plot twists. There really wasn't a whole lot in 12 for me to keep me going so i had that whole feeling of "trudging through it" in hopes that the story would take off.

I think this game had mad potential...I don't think it would have ever been a FF10 or 7 to me...but it could have been great. It had soo many great ideas and aspects but the story and characters just totally killed that game for me. Please excuse my huge rant :P
This can be merged with the Worth Getting thread.

Considering how low the price for this game is now, I'd say buy it to anyone interested. (Unless you absolutely love your turn-based systems and random battle encounters.)

A lot of people complain that the characters and storyline aren't engaging, but I think it's just because a lot of FF fans are used to the more direct action of previous installments. I personally liked how the party had to adapt to the political climate of Ivalice, instead of marching in and storming enemies. Vaan and Penelo didn't have a big part in the story, but I didn't mind because they added a small bit of humor to the story, which had very little to laugh about. So glad Vaan wasn't the main character though. It's more of an ensemble, with Ashe, Balthier, and Basch taking the more important roles, though none being the certain lead. True, there were not too many cutscenes of the party interacting with each other, but I enjoyed the background moments, like Vaan and Penelo playing with Larsa while Ashe and Basch talked of shame in treating with Archadia, or when Vaan's calling out to Balthier and Fran while they walk to Eruyt's entrance.

It really just depends on the person. But since it's so much cheaper now, I would recommend it to most anyone who's wondering.

Battle system-wise, the gambit system takes awhile to get used to, but after you actually understand it, it's easy to use; think of macros, sort of. There's not too much I can think to say about battle, but I like it so much better than random encounters.
I've rented this game countless times, always starting a new game every time i rent it, and I do want to get it, but I have to ask, am I the only one who has a REALLY hard time beating those boss things or do I just suck?
I mean....this game, is so much harder then other FF games

But, in all my dislike of me failing.
I would consider this a MUST HAVE for any fan of Final Fantasy.
It is simply wonderful
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This isn't a general answer/question thread folks, feel free to discuss difficulty in an existing/new thread. Or feel free to say whether this game is worth it or not in your current posts.

Is this even a question to think about? OF COURSE you should get final fantasy XII i mean its the last game final fantasy that will be for the ps2. It has a ton of new features such as no more random battles. I can't tell you how frustrating it was to back track through dungeon after dungeon and having enemies coming up every two seconds. Plus they have mark quests where you go and kill monster all over ivalice which will take you hours to complete. They also include epic boss battles such as the hell wrym and Yaizmat which by the way has over 50 million hp! This game is a must buy for anyone who loves final fantasy.
FF12 is worth renting. It's not worth buying straight away though.

FF12 manages to split up fans. Some really hate the game, while other Final Fantasy fans love it to death and back.

FF12 has a great new battle system, that's really addictive. Massive Towns ( when say massive, really, really, really mean ''Massive'' ) that's easy to get lost in, and a very mature yet short storyline.

<The bad >Big Towns. Sometimes we just want to get in and out then leave, with the massive cities it's easy to wonder and then get lost
- It takes forever To level up.
- Vaan. Nobody likes really likes him much.
- Lack of storyline and character development. If you like these things, then would be wise to say, that FF12 isn't worth getting much.

< The Good > - Fighting is really fun. It's a change from the usual ATB system, and if you really couldn't handle the (walk-walk- flash screen- battle !- walk-walk- flash screen- battle ! )from past Final Fantasies games, the battle system you will really truley adore.
- Princess Ashe and Dr. Cid. Great characters. Really great.
- Mini Games. FF12 is fulled up with enough Mini games to stink and destory a whole army of Shrina battle ships.There is plenty of them.

Think if really dislike the old ATB battle system, don't want to focus much on character backstory and have enough patience to handle through Vaan's bratty behaviour and the slow leveling up. Then FF12 is worth buying, also if you enjoy shakesphere/ Lord of the Rings novel old english way of speaking. Then Final Fantasy 12 is a must get !
Yes, this game is definitely worth getting i like the thrill of getting a nice deadly mark hunting it down and destroying it...........its nice

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Lets keep your dragon petting things out of serious posts eh? Also, a tad more effort in your post would be appreciated, thanks