FFXIII couples

yup i have to agree with that one. so if it's 5 years later that means hope is 19 then light is 26... hmmm... still a good pair?

IMO age doesn't really matter. It's just that some ages don't go together. Like 10 and 16. Whereas 30 and 36 is fine. So if the differences between their ages is 7, at some age it won't really matter much.

Though, I kinda like the idea of them having a relationship from the ages they are in the game. It doesn't really feel like Hope is too young or something. He changed a lot trough the game. And besides, I always like seeing irregular pairs :x3:
My favorite couple would have to be Lightning and Hope. I didn't see it for a while, but I've kinda grown attached to them being together. I also advocate Fang and Vanille. Yeah. Think about that. ^ ^ Hot, right? Besides that, they would understand each other the best since they both went into crystal stasis before and whatnot. Snow and Serah also make a cute couple, I agree.

Sazh can just be alone....poor guy....v.v
My favorite would have to be Lighting and Snow. I know that Snow is all about Serah and whatnot, but Serah just looks so much younger than him! It's just odd seeing them together because I keep thinking he looks much more like her older brother than her fiance -___- Lighting, on the other hand, looks a lot closer to his age, and Snow just looks better with her than he does with Serah.

Age doesn't really matter I guess, since there's not that big of a difference between them, but I can't get over it with this particular couple for some reason.
First of all I know I'm gonna get some hate, but I vote for HOPE AND VANILLE! :D Because I think they're both adorable, and they seem to complete and understand each other.
She might be a bit older than him, but like she was a crystal the whole damn time so who cares? =P
Plus the whole Fang and Vanille thing is weird, to me,( No offfense to anyone just imo) they seem more like sisters or mom and daughter. I mean it's possible to be that kinda huggy lovey dovey close with a family member or just best friend right? Though, that might seem a bit odd. idunno.
Also.....I know this might sound weird, I'm not even sure how this popped in my head...but I kinda like the thought of Sazh and Lightning or Sazh and Fang.....I just think he's such a sweet likeable old guy and they both needs some giggles in their young lives :D.
Snow and Serah are already a couple, but their cute because he's so giant and protective and she's so sweet and small. They just seem like they'll last forever genuinely.
I included everybody so woo, no lonely people in my book!​
i heard that the hope and light coupleship is very popular in japan... and i love it! :D

at first, i really didn't see the chemistry between them but as i watch the cutscenes, i said "hmm.. they make a pretty cute pair." and that's how it all started.

as for light and snow, i prefer them better that snow and serah but it seems that we can't change what the officials say. oh well, let's just stick to fanfiction for now.
All this Hope X Light talk is starting to annoy me lol. As a couple, they have zero chemistry, do NOT NOT NOT even suit each other as a pair, display no romantic interest in one another- nor can I even see the possibility of them doing so. IMO they are the WORST pairing in the game.

Light obviously suits being on her own, but honestly, if she were ever to fall in love, its obvious it would be with another woman anyway. All three of the female leads (bar perhaps Vanille) don't even suit being with guys-- and with Light and Fang in particular, I don't even think they would be comfortable as such.

Fang Vanille is the sweetest, most believable pairing (owning the fuck out of Snow X Serah), and Lightning is also obviously gay... this pleases me greatly when I thoguht this, as I assumed pairing Light up with people wouldn't happen-- but now people are paring her up with an emotionally immature 15 year old boy who she sees as a brother-type. o_O

I was getting a Snow x Lightning, Hope x Vanille, Vanille x Fang, Snow x Fang vibe...

The are or arent they between Fang and Vanille was awkward to play through. The only thing the two had in common was the name.

Sazh x Jihl Nabaat anyone?
YES!! Sazh and Jihl!! I'm so there! I can't believe I forgot about that one~~

And I have to say that at first I thought Light and Hope had more of a mother-son relationship, in all honesty, but, despite being quite different with little chemistry, I can't help thinking that them being together would very, very cute. <3
Hmm, Sazh has already been married and has a child so hes not really interested in anyone tbh.
Vanille has Hope (they suit better than lightxhope), physically similar age and they do grow on each other as the game progresses (there is a single cutscene in chap 11 which, frankly, reveals all)
Fang has oh no one shes far too independant and only sees Vanille as a younger sister
Snow obviously has Serah
Lightning is the difficult one, shes independant but has the need to love someone, shes insecure and only really has Serah (and technically Snow) as siblings but has no real life partner, if a sequel was made a new character would have to be introduced for her.
Sazh Katzroy <3 Oerba Dia Vanille
SPOILERS:: But the problem is Sazh wouldn't have a relationship with Vannile well lets guess why.
She turned his son into a pulse l cie so why would they be partners. I suppose all the way up to that point in the story I thought they would be a couple but since the first clip of her marking his child I was kinda off Vannile :P
I dont think Lighting would date any of the people in that group. She seems a little too mature. But those are the best ones :sup:
Hope and Vanille is just too typical. I'm at the end of Chapter 11 now and I have seen nothing that reveals anything whatsoever...unless it happens after the defeat of Barthandelus. (I've mentioned several times that I hate him, right?? And he didn't kill me; DOOM did. > >) And about the Sazh and Jihl thing: I'm not advocating it, but something just clicked in my mind for some reason. I don't like it because it's weird. Sazh just seems to be best on his own. Kind of like Lightning...IF she hadn't spent so much time around Hope. <3 Argue what you will, but LightxHope will always be great in my mind~~
Masquerade, there are SECRET areas and cutscenes, you have to LOOK for said secrets that reveal extras (Yaschas Massif is the example here)
Ewwww....I rather remain deluded....X-x Then again, I do have to go to Yaschas Massif for a mission. Decisions, decisions. I think it's too late for me to change my mind at this point. I'll be beating the game before I go all the way back. Ugh, and just when I thought the game was unique, it had to throw in a typical pairing like HopexVanille. That's boring...
trust me its no typical it still leaves it open, just barely, its very very funny, its not hard evidence basically but its going that way.
Mhm. I don't personally think any of them other then those too actually match in any way? They're all so different in their own ways.
Oh, I gotcha, Reaper Jack. I'm hunting for the scene now. I've just got to see it. :3 But you make it sound good, so I'll trust ya~~
The only couple I can think of is Hope/Vanille... and Snow/Serah, of course. Snow/Lightning would be a lovely one as well but... nah, Snow belongs to Serah. Lightning stealing her sister's future husband would be so cruel. XD
Well, Hope/Vanille is pretty obvious, so is Snow/Serah. But, if we're going to go there, I'd say Fang/Vanille is canon too. Yup, best friends with a dash of subtext. Kinda reminds me of the Xena/Gabrielle thing. Another pairing that I thought was possible is Lightning/Snow. Though it was nice for SE to break the whole female lead/male lead pairing, I actually WANTED them together (Lightning is too epic though). Their chemistry seemed to mix a bit better than Snow/Serah. I know Lightning and Snow would never hurt want to hurt Serah, but I can practically smell an affair after marriage.