FFXIII couples

Really the only couple is Snow/Serah, no other couples work. Hope/Vanille; Hope is 14 and Vanille
is 19 physically and 519 chronologically (according to FFwiki anyway).
Besides their relationship seems more like a brother-sister relationship than a romantic one. Sazh/Vanille; Sazh saw himself more as an adult figure who had a responsibility to look after Vanille. I can't picture Lightning with anyone in the main group. The only relationship I can think of which could of worked is Vanille/Fang, but even that seemed more sisterly than anything.

So the only relationship I pictured in FFXIII was the canonical Snow/Serah but mind you I've never been imaginative with this sort of shit.
Fang and Vanille. are the best couple lol. they both have lines that hint at it. Fang talks about bringing the sky down if it could save her(Vanille) and Vanille talks about finally saving Fang when Sazh says lets wait to get saved. she says its time i rescue her(Fang) for a change.
Fang and Vanille FTW I also like Snow and Lighting I think they would make a good couple. I read a story on FF and it was nice.
Alright, short and simple:

Good job SE, finally bringing in canon gay couple ^^

It was all the fanart I tell you >_>

I do feel a little bad because Light's a cradle robber in this case since Hope is 14, but he'll grow up..!

To be fair, most fan art has him being older, so the artists thought the same thing xD

And then somehow I'm pairing Cid/Lightning (I saw a really cute AU fanart of them in kendo gear and Cid being her senpai, d'awww :3), and Jihl/Lightning (less romance, more "tension" xD), and Yaag/Lightning, even fiddled around with Fang/Lightning...Just because Lightning is so friggin' hawt, and so are those characters ;D

And don't give me that look - I'm not the first person to pair people up because of looks :mokken:

It's so blatently a canon pairing with cheesey romance courtesy of Snow that it's not interesting enough for me to care xD

To be perfectly honest, I really dislike their aesthetics. Serah is small, like holy crap o_O

I wouldn't be surprised if she was originally 14 before they aged her up to 18 >_>

Hell, physically I think Snow/Lightning make a better match, but I doubt I'll be shippin' them anytime soon xD
I agree with you CresentValentine LightningXHope make the best couple. They go really well together I really dont care that Lighning is like 10 years older than him, they have great chemistry and I really don't see any other clear couples in the game.
HopexVanille FTW~!!! Though, my main FF pairing is NoctisxLightning...

Mod Edit: A little bit more effort in your post, please. Any reasons for example?


HopexVanille - Cuz, well, this is the only other pairing in the whole game that actually SHOWS. Besides, Hope and Vanille are both patient and understanding. Plus, they look good together.

NoctisxLightning - The very epitome of kickass-ery. They've got the looks, they've got the badass skillz, their names oppose one another as well as the CG renders of them each seated in their own respective throne. (Lightning holding Blazefire Saber in a white room on some white hovering sofa, and Noctis holding his engine-mounted falchion in a black room on an ebony throne.) There's also another set of CG renders which seem to be the counterpart of the other, each holding their respective weapon.
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Aren't they related ?

Fang and Vanille. are the best couple lol. they both have lines that hint at it. Fang talks about bringing the sky down if it could save her(Vanille) and Vanille talks about finally saving Fang when Sazh says lets wait to get saved. she says its time i rescue her(Fang) for a change.

cousins at the very least ?

Not in favor of that pairing.

There aren't any real couples in this game besides Snow and Serah.
Well, my favorite couples from this game is FangxVanille and SazhxLightning.:yay:

FangxVanille: One of the reasons why I love this pairing is because I absolutely fell in love with their interaction with one another. I loved how Fang was so determined to find Vanille after they got separated. When she said,"I'll tear down the sky if it'll save her," really made my heart melt. I also love how protective Fang was over Vanille. :inlove:

SazhxLightning: I really like this pairing because I think their interaction was hilarious. Even though many wouldn't consider these two as a couple, but I honestly think they would make a funny pair. Also, I really think Dahj needs a kick-ass mom!:P
cousins at the very least ?

Not in favor of that pairing.

Fang and Vanille are part of the same village/clan, thus share the same last(?) name, but nothing suggests they're blood related.
I kind of like SnowxSerah.

But but favourite couple is FangxVanille. I mean, how can anyone NOT see them as a couple. It's, like, super obvious. oO

As for Lightningxanyone. I say no. Lightning shouldn't be with anyone.
I really like SnowxLightning, or even SnowxFang. I never liked SnowxSerah because yes I agree, though she is 18 she seems younger. It doesn't looked good, even though it's not, it looks kinda pedo. But I know it's legal even if she was under 18 (in Japan anwyay-yeah I researched). I really like Light x Hope because I don't see why she would be attracted to a little boy. Maybe if he was actually her height, at least. Vanille x Hope makes more sense. Funny how no one mentions Sazh lol.
The only couple in this game that does is for me is HopexVanille........though they are two complete different people attitude-wise.....I don't think they'd be that bad together,only if Hope was a little more social.

As for Lightning.......well I don't think anyone will do it for her,I don't think she cares about love much.......But who knows............one of the reasons the directors of SE chose to make FFXIII-2 was because Lightning "wasnt happy" (whatever they meant by that) :confused: Personally I don't see her being a happy person.......

I really like Light x Hope because I don't see why she would be attracted to a little boy.
Are you serious?.....you just said that SnowXSerah because Serah looks too young.
I get the feeling Lightning is a mother figure towrds Hope as well. :sick:
HopexLight?! All the support for this pairing really caught me off guard. Grossies.

Fang and Vanille is the only note-worthy couple in the game.

I can't see Light with any other character and it's probably best that way. But if I was forced to pair her with someone, I guess I wouldn't mind throwing her in the FangxVanille mix :busta:
even though I am not a fan of any one in this game, I will say that Vanille and Hope probably work the best for me.

They both look like little kids, are about the same height and I kind of liked their part in the story more than the rest.
I do not understand HopeXLight... thats kind of pedo.... and SnowXSerah... ugh... they just don't work for me.
I think Serah and Snow would be great and Vanille and Hope is even greater.
I can't see Light with any other character and it's probably best that way. But if I was forced to pair her with someone, I guess I wouldn't mind throwing her in the FangxVanille mix :busta:

FangxVanillexLightning?! Yes.

FangxVanille is like...OTP for me right now. Lightning doesn't seem to me like someone that would accept being in a relationship with anyone not as badass as she is, and no one is quite that badass. Except Fang. But Fang...and Vanille...

So yeah. FangxVanillexLightning. Yes. That'll work.

*Also ships HopeXLightning*

Thing is, he will get older. It's not like he will be 14 together. I don't support them at the current age they are in, but in the world of FF (and my imagination) they will be cute together when they are a bit older. 5, maybe 6 years tops. She won't resist his cuteness for too much longer...


Seriously adorable. They are perfect for each other. I can't stand either of them with anyone else simply because they are meant to be. Lightning/Snow just gets on my nerves. Seriously though, Snow/Serah


Yeah, it's hot. But other than that, they really seem to be in love with each other. They fit together, there is just no other way around it- they belong.
the only couples i really saw in the game were Snow X Serah for obvious reasons and Fang x Vanille innuendo. Hope's interactions with the others were almost always geared towards developing his maturity. Ditto for Lightning in a 'defrosting-ice-queen' kind of way.

Sazh is the most awesome character in the game so he doesn't have anyone to click with. That and he has a son, so dating young women would be awkward.
My favourite without a doubt is Snow x Serah, they are so adorable together. I wish there had been more scenes between them, :)