Final Fantasy Kingdoms

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"Cloud, it doesn't matter who i am, you won't learn anything from me, except this, you can trust me, its odd really, you don't know me, but yet you can trust me... but, you need to know this, if i ever have a dark sword, that is idenctical to this one, leave me, and don't come near me, i may just kill you if you do."

"WAIT, who the hell are you, i don't know anything of you, and now you are telling me to trust you?!?!?!" shouted Cloud "Yes" answered Kamui. "thats just bull, answer my question, if you don't, there will be consiquences"

"Cloud, you will never know my secrets, all that i am going to say is that you need me to save that, which is most precious to you."

"SHUT UP!!!" and attacks
Sorry internet fucked up...

Vline sat upon the four-poster bed, he was not tired, but drained. Cloud had no idea where he was, and Vline refused to let Cloud away with such a cheap shot. Worryingly, there was a man in the dungeon. He could not quite see him, but he sort of half rgistered in the back of his eye. "What a disaster, these last few days,". Eventually, he gave up trying to resist the sleep he needed so badly, and collapsed.
A couple hours later when vlaine is coming to cloud to get back at him:

Cloud swiftly takes out his buster sword and cuts Kamui's head off! XD jkjk
Cloud looks at Vline and points at there new intruder. they attack swiftly and fight for a loong time. after a while they gain the uper hand. they are now fighting on top of the castles top tower. soon cloud and vline push Kamui off the building. it seems like he falls to his doom. but he floats like a bird to the tower window. "that was a stupid mistake!" Kamui says and flys off.
Cloud looks at Vlaine and says "whoa...."
well yeah, I was practicaly asking for Kimui to catch Vline off guard, but too late now :mad: *glares*:mad:

can we please stop the power-play. Noones usng my char without my say so please. I won't use anyone elses without asking

Vline looked at Cloud. He raised his staff. Thought, then lowered it. Then lifted the materia and cocked his head to one side and raised his eyebrows, looking at cloud.

OoC Yeah ^ that little barrel of mean is for extreme PP *sticks tongue out*
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sorry bout that dygan and yes we are quite confused with a lot of stuff. no more pp and lets try to use our own chars from now on.

Cloud looks at vline who was holding his prized matiria. "sorry about the punch to the face back there" Cloud said. but vline looked like he wanted revenge anyway so he just waited for the innebitible
Cloud hastily did what he was told hoping that vline would make his punishment for the cheap shot less
As Kamui was leaving, he thought

"it seems that things are changing mother, but you say that i have to be Clouds side, Why? ... so... only through him, will my path be clear, and so would his..."

It began to rain...


"i shouldn't have left him then, i apologise mother, the wheels have already begun to turn, it seems,"

He then turned around and flew back to the castle
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='( i dont no wat story line im in!!!
Kamui is next to me in this next post how bout?

well since Dygan got me good i guess ill jus go along with it.

Regretfully CLoud bowed down and begged for mercy. this is not your style!!! said every part of his body but he resisted getting up because he knew Vline would whip him. so he followed orders... for now
As Kamui flew back he was thinking

"This is not good, it seems i underestimated the situation, which can cost me dearly... but what is done is done, i off all people know that..."

As the castle came into view, Kamui wondered exactly what was he getting himself into, as the water hit his face,

"i hope your right mother, though, there isn't much point in life, i do not live to lead, only to the second, i will never lead mother, for no one"
The castle was in sight as Kamui drew closer, something was wrong, Kamui's eyes opened wide in horror, as he realised what had happend

"Cloud... That idiot..." Kamui said under his breath, he didn't stand a chance

Kamui saw the window that had the light on,

"hmmm... it seems i might be able to help him out after all, is that what you want mother?"

the window drew nearer... "hmph how sad..." here i come cloud, i'm coming for you whether you like it or not... "

Kamui came through the window, and landed on the floor,

"Cloud i told you were an idiot, and finally Vline, we can properally finish this!"
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"There is no way we're fighting a three way battle," Vline kicked Cloud sharply in the head, knocking him stone cold. "The winner takes Cloud and the loser? Sounds fair?"

With that, he vanquished the whips and his old staff came back to him. (OoC make sure you've read my character bio so you know how the staff thing works.)
"is that so?... seems that is my only option"

Kamui drew Shirakun, and charged at Vline... Vline created his staff...

"WHAT THE!!!" shouted kamui "it seems i was right after all"
"how do you know so much about me?!"
"the wheels have begun turning..." kamui replyed as he dodged Vline's water blast

"What kind of answer is that?" shouted back Vline as he attacked Kamui
"the right one"
"WHAT!!" shouted Vline

Kamui attacked, but Vline through his staff, which pierced Kamui's left shoulder
Vlince created his second staff, "It looks like i win!"
"Actually no"
"WHAT!! a double!"

Kamui attacked Vlince's shoulder cutting him, "Now we are even" said Kamui as he pointed to his shoulder...

"Seems you are right" replied Vline
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