Final Fantasy Kingdoms

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"Well this is rather painful..." mused Vline as he jumped back from a swinging blade. "Well ... tit for tat!" He summoned a second staff and continued jumping back, only now throwing alternate staff's as well. Few were even getting close. Kamui kept dodging and was closing in.
"Yeah, and now it occurs to me just how much blood I've lost..." Vline was slowing down, and Kamui quickly caught up. With a swift elbow to the head, Vline was out cold on the floor.
Kamui flys down and picks up Vline's body, "it seems he is still alive"

Picks him up, and takes him back to the room where Cloud is, and dumps him there... Then up his arms and legs then treats his wounds...

"Why are you..."
"i don't like to kill, so i do everything in my power not to, but if i have to, i will kill, you had better be listening to what i say..."

Walks to Cloud,

*Cloud stirs*

Takes care of Cloud...
"Why are you, after what happened on the tower..."
"i told you didn't i, i would be at your side, to figure everything out, watch over this guy" points to Vlince "Plus its what mother wants, i'll be back in a few"

Leaves the room
Vline stirred. His head rose from the cold, hard cell floor. He’d been there before – the day before in fact. But this time there was something different. He looked down at himself: “Shit, that’s a lot of blood…” He looked round at the room. His face grew pale ad fearful.
Kamui had saved his life. Great. But the bandages across his shoulder had fallen off, leaving him to bleed for he didn’t know how long. But the more pressing matter was the addition of two things to the cell. People. Kamui had saved his life, but locked him up with the two people with the greatest excuse and lust to kill him: Tidus lay, slumped in the corner. Cloud stood with his back to the wall. Worryingly, he was awake. And gripping the Buster Sword.
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“At last. You’re awake.”
“Yes. It would seem so,”
Cloud advanced upon him.
“You’re going to regret what happened on the tower, and I’m gonna have a little fun,” Vline attempted to summon the staff or the materia, but was horrified to find he could not. He allowed himself to fall back into the corner and raised his arms slightly to symbolise defeat.
“Eh. I should be dead anyway. I’ve skanked death too much,”
“You truly think I plan to let you die, Vline?” Cloud laughed, and rested his sword upon Vline’s leg. Vline’s face paled and his upper lip curled up in pain.
“Oh, really??” Despite everything, Vline was smiling maliciously until he got racking coughs that made his entire body convulse. “I was…under the impression that…I was losing blood. Your sword can only cut…if you cut me I’ll lose more …blood…and die. You won’t get your revenge now.”
Cloud said nothing, but lifted the sword away. “Much better.” Vline pushed against the wall and kneeled up. From this position, he managed to remove the hoody with little help from Cloud and tied it round his shoulder tightly, stemming the blood loss slightly. “Ooh… this is really painful…” and with those words collapsed once more.
ooookkkay!! im bak peeepps!!!
i gotta pp a little cuz well were in prison
Cloud look as Vline collapsed, Pitiful he thought... but enough for that he had to get tiddus to do what he did best. controlling the stone temple. But now he had to escape him self... he looked at thae walls they looked about half a foot thick. He got himself ready and shot off some blackmagicks at the west wall twoards the street. it did the trick and he picked up Vline and said to tidus to start movin but if he ran hed get a fira to the face. so they went for awhile until they came upon a Inn. He had Vline taken care of and rented a room. he would need Vline soon enough.
I EDITED IT because it was wrong
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Cloud heard the feeble shout and decided that it was time to go visit Vline. We turned on the light of he room and walked in... "Vline" he said "Do you know why you are alive? because i need you." He walked up to the window and turned his back on VLine. he was no threat in that state
i g2g guys but all b bak!
Vline levered himself off he bed and limped over to Cloud. He leant against the wall for balance. "Cloud - you know me. Thus I am confused as to why you think I will allow you to walk all over me... You state you need me for something. I don't doubt this. What'd happen should I refuse to help you? Also bear in mind that Kamui probably holds your Aerith's materia. You saw how hard he is to fight. You also know that I can summon it. I am your only chance of getting her back. . Also remember that if I smash the materia, I can draw in all the water power. Unfortunately, it is impossible to draw a summon, and Aerith would fade. I'd get what I wanted when I turned Tidus over, and you'd end up with less than you bargained for. Think over this while you are being insolent to me, Cloud." He laughed mirthlessly. "I wonder what Aerith ever saw in you: being manipulated by someone unable to walk..."
Cloud smiled "oh yes kamui has it and i know that you can summon it whenever you please. but i dont know if you like dying" Cloud walked over to him "your strong but as you can see Kamuis on my side. We could tear you up in less than a minute and what arieth saw in me was having a better heart then anyone. but since the wars have started I can not do this alone. and besides i said i was sorry" Cloud walked over to Vline he held out his hand for him to shake "are we allies or enemies?"
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Cloud looked down at vline his old friend even in his agony he still looked menicing. He looked slowly down to him.. "when i got chosen to be prince and you didn't we split remember? i do this to seal oup up old wounds
"You do ... what, pray tell? Hurry, before I ... lose interest and ... fall asleep. Although I don't think you could ... kill me. Firstly, you ... want me alive. Secondly, you could always make me ... help you ... at knifepoint - and yet you don-" Suddenly all the colour returned to Vline's cheeks. "Oh my God, this is so much better. Those healers told me that the potion would work in an hour, but I didn't think it'd be this good!" He looked at Cloud and drew his staff to make a contrast with Cloud's sword. "Now I'm happy to negotiate properly. What was it you were offering?"
" i remind you vline even with your full strength i doubt you could kill me but on to diffrerent matters... i am offering you the stone castle for you being my ally. this that a good enough.... negotiation for you?" cloud said looking down at vline
"I have no use for a castle. However, if you can take that materia off Kamui on a more permanent basis, and," His voice dropped. "You scour the stone castle for a concealed room. It has a well and three books in it. They are the reason I moved to that castle. I could not find them. You get me the materia, and promise to help me find that room, and I shall help you conquor the stone castle. Have we a deal?" He lay back. "What're your thoughts on the silver and marble castles??"
"well i thought i already had tidus with me. dont i just need him to tell all of his guards to lay down and drop their weapons? and for thesilver and marble castles, I hope that Squall will also ally with me but vaan and the silver castle must go. Once i have two castles i will be invincible. and... well i need your trust before i can tell you that... but on to further matters i will think about your preposle now" cloud walked out of the room and laid down on his bed, tired, but not asleep
"Hmmm... mother it seems the wheels are in motion, and now what done is done, you planed this all along didn't you," wondered Kamui out loud as he walked the halls of the Stone Castle, "It seems Vline is indeed special, how special i do not know, but yes he is indeed powerful..."

He starts heading back to the room still wondering what was going to happen... "i shall stay with Cloud, for it seems that is where i am mean't to be, plus i do not know why, i feel a pull towards him..."

*sigh* "For what reason i do not know what..., is this what you wanted mother?"

As he reaches the room, he finds it empty, "hmmm... it seems we do need Vline after all, mother, and it also seems he will be one of our allies..."

Kamui heads for the exit
Vline sat on the bed, and thought. It was just a repetition of what had happened a few days beforehand - Vline sitting on a bed, waiting for morning when Cloud would give his answer. Ultimately though, the answer had to be 'yes'. If Cloud had not heard of the concealed room then he would have nothing to lose with giving its contents to Vline... But what about that materia? He wasn't quite so certain that Cloud would be willing to hand it over just yet - however, should he, then he would not be able to say he did not trust Vline, giving Vline an upper hand in this unpleasant quarrel.

Then he thought about the futility of Cloud's campaign. Vline had met Squall when accompanying Tidus on some voyages to the other castles, and he didn't think that Squall was so interested n defeating the other Kingdoms, as opposed to keeping his own safe. Also, you don't just say that a King 'has got to go'. As demonstrated by both Vline with Cloud and Cloud with Tidus, having a King directly in your power is well worth it, and Vaan would be all-too-easy to capture.

Vline stole down the rickety old steps of the inn. Cloud was waiting for him with a still-bound Tidus by his side. This was getting to be deja-vu now and Vline didn't like where it led last time: when a large object, maybe a shield, smashed over the back of his head. "Cloud: You need one word to delight me, or-" His voice became soft and slow, with each syllable pronounced with much deliberation. "-disappoint me." He strolled into the buffet in the next room ad came out withou ten seconds passing, holding a solitary apple which he then proceeded to eat it, cutting the start of Cloud's speech. "Sorry about that. You were saying?"

Vline was very irritated. Once more, Cloud had irked the best opportunity to accept his offer. He sat at a table behind Cloud, his eyes burrowing into the back of his old friend's skull, as the man tucked into a rather large steak. Even Tidus had been given food. Vline slumped his head on his hand and drummed the other set of fingers on the table.
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Cloud had visited Kamui near a lake and had convinced him to give him the materia. He had it now and would give it to vline after he finished his scromshious steak...
He met Vline in the greeting hall and said "here is your materia, and some of my besst men are waiting outside the stone castle as we speak." he looked at vline and said "do we have a deal, old friend?"
"Of course. I stick to my word," He gave a sly grin. "Usually... Now I have the opportunity to try some of this power, that castle is as good as yours. We ought to depart immediatly. The ocean would be the fastest route. My suggestion would be a show of force as well as the blackmail. If they choose to not surrender, then I do believe that we'd be up the creek without a canoe. I can create a path across the seas. We should be there before day breaks. Get your full army ready. A few strong soldiers will not be enough." He turned, and suddenly switching to the robes, said "Once we are there, I expect the search to begin immediately. Remember that I still hold your precious materia."
CLoud Brought more than a few soldiers, he brought half of his army, kknowing that it would be more than enough. they were being guided across the ocean by vline, who had been silently smirking the whole time. i wonder what hes up to cloud thought. When they reached the gate of the stone castle they were let through because tidus had told the guard to fearing death. he had his army scourge the place and soon enough they found the room. But what they found disturbed him... the books were labled infinite power, eternal life, and the holy stone well. cloud guessed that the holy stone well would be this well so he read the first chapter's page. the title was the water that will make you live forever...
He found vline in the courtyard and gave him a dark look. "you little bastard.." he said. "You want invincibility and power? just to overthrow me?" Suddenly his retnas turned red. He slowly took out his buster sword "yoiu will die for that." and with that, cloud charged head on to VLine
As Cloud charged at vline, Kamui was watching this unfold, "It seems that this is what you have decided..., i shall come with you whether you wish for it or not, and i shall protect you... Cloud... Mother is this what you wanted off me..."

As the first sword stoke landed, and the first blocks were initiated, Kamui watched, "it seems it might soon be time for Dirakun to cry out, but i can't let that happen, it may destroy Cloud..."

Sorry Dygan and Golden, i'm at school, so i g2g now

i'll be back on in about 2 hours
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