Final Fantasy Kingdoms

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That's godmodding.:p You can't control the action of another.

OoC Get your terminology right. Power-playing is controlling another, and this rp is more for fun than anything else - no-one currently playing really cares, so long as it doesn't massively effect the storyline. If possible can you not write in black? It makes it a nightmare to read...


Cloud and Vline were fighting back to back against each other. They had been knocked back to the prison hall, and Kamui was still fighting outside. Cloud blocked the guards' attacks and kept lunging forward with his own, while Vline was relying on his already wavering magic to knock enemies back, to buy them more time. Suddenly, he saw Tidus's body lying on the ground, about to get up. He'd used up so much magic... but he could always use blood...

He drew his thin knife and slashed his left elbow. It was bleeding rapidly. He crouched, and touched the floor with the blood. He cried "Stand back!"
The guards gasped as they saw seven crimson tendrils reach up from the ground and wrapped themselves around Tidus's body, one locking tightly around his throat. "I said stand back." Vline stepped up and stepped over to Tidus through the dispersing throng of soldiers. Being fairly short, he stood on his captive's chest to make himself more imposing. "Let him through." Vline commanded, pointing at Cloud. "Or princey chokes."
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saved by vline, again, cloud silently walked up the the walkway the guards had to let him through, he tured and waited for vline next.
"Cloud, do you truly think we are going to leave just yet? Vline asked accusingly, still standing atop Tidus's chest. "We both want something with this Kingdom, so we may as well just take it. Go to that hidden room and bring me three phials of the water - you will be quite safe, as the guards know perfectly well what would happen should they resist." He lifted one foot slightly above his prisoner's neck, and motioned stamping. "Go and get the books as well. I won't need them just yet, but it would be pleasant to have them ready for our departure." He crouched slightly, and drew the Caladblog from Tidus's scabbard. He tossed it to his friend. "This should show our power over the prince to anyone you encounter. Hurry! The guards are in my power, and they could quite easily crush you, should I order it..."
Kamui was still fighting outside, but then the guards started to draw back,
"huh?... it seems they are drawing back for what reason though?" Then Kamui saw Vline emerge with Tidus

"oh, so that is the answer... something so simple"

Kamui could see that Vline was in great agony, and wouldn't be able to fight back, "so he used his own blood... that explains alot, but at what price did he pay?"

kamui got to vline "Where is Cloud?"
"Running a little errand for me." Vline threw Tidus to the floor. He spoke sharply, not bothering to conceal his begrudging respect of Kamui he had felt since their battle in the golden castle's tower. He saw Kamui raise his eyebrows. "Isn't it wonderful the trust we have in each other... It's nothing lethal! Do you really think I'd send my friend off to do something threatening his life?" The eyebrows remained raised. "Scratch that. In light of current events, do you really think I'd send my friend to his death?"
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Cloud ran to the room dazed. he filled the phials and got the books. in the hall he encountered ten guards. he threw caladblog into one of the guards chest. when the other guards saw caladblog they fled. Cloud ran down the hall. he needed this caste... it was very sturdy and some of the men he could use too. he would concour this as soon as he got the business sorted out with Vline. he walked outside to meet vline and Kamui waiting for him. He gave the items to Vline and said "Well isnt this a nice little reunion"
"Indeed. So you trust me, now then?" Vline asked. He took the books and two of the phials and shoved them inside his robes. The remaining phial, he removed the cork, added a glassy crystal, quickly put the cork back on, and shook it. Kamui and Cloud watched bemused as the little concoction turned bright red. "A little... pick me up." Vline downed the mixture in one. "I'm in a pretty good mood right now, after I drank to my health, so to speak, so I'll give you a piece of advice. If I give you anything to drink that's clear but fizzy, you won't drink it if you want to keep knowing what's - well anything for that matter..." He gave a little laugh.
Cloud smiled. He walked over to the castle. "Can we take it over now?" he said. "most of my men are still alive and with all our strength we could easily take this. so what do you guys say?"
"Well, if I get back to my room," he glared accusingly at Cloud, all the joviality (OoC I hope that's a word - better than jovial-ness) from his eyes and voice froze over. "Then I guess you can count me in..." A little warmth returned to his face. "Ah, shit! That little twat's legged it..." He pointed at a space where Tidus wasn't. "Eh. Before we attack, I suggest we go to the well-room and see what wonderful, clear yet fizzy liquids I can make." His smirked. Cloud wasn't sure whom the victim was to be.
Cloud led vline to his room and then found Kamui " i saw what you did to there army you killed well over 100... i hope i can count on you with this attak. i trust u..." with that he left to gather his troops for the oncoming raid
Vline pulled out both phials, and then the largest book previously found in the room. He then proceeded to pull the humoungous contents of his pockets, most of which were sachets of powder or a form of crystal. He counted them and cursed. "Damn... only one helping..." He then took about half his 'ingredients' and stirred, sifted, poured or crushed into the phial so fast, it was impossible to tell wich complex thing was going where, how. Next he blew into it, and tapped the bottom. "This might be interesting... shame I have to keep it for an emergency."
Cloud stomped to Vline's room and knocked.. His army and Kamui was already there, now just for Vline to come. he walked in and saw Vline stirring a mixture "whats that?" asked Cloud not very interested. His main purpose was to take over the stone castle
Kamui was with the army, "Mother it seems we are mean't to fight after all, but this doesn't seem right... yes... you are right mother, we do need Cloud, and probably Vline and Tidus too, so i shall continue to stand by his side"

Kamui thought things over..."Mother what of Dirakun... yes better leave her as she is, she might be needed, but don't let her loose until it is nessarry, until things are clear..."

The army were preparing, and Kamui jumped to the roof tops and the tower tops... where was cloud, he thought... he was to see the battle, before joining
"hmm... A futile attempt to make another mindsap water with only half the ingredients needed... He gave up and smashed the phial on the floor. "I guess that one alone will have to do. "I was looking forward to showing you the effects of them, and perhaps you'd be a little more careful in here" said Vline in a steely voice, steering Cloud away from the well. "I'm ready."
Cloud walked down the hall everyone was set. He came outside to the cortyard... he ordered the first cannon to be shot and it was...they charged at the stone castle and the Tidus and his men reacted the war was on...
"We'd best get a move on..." Vline was tired and bored. "I move quickly through the sea, so unless you wish for an unpleasant liquid,that is not from the sea to trickle down your throat, I suggest you keep up..." He crept up to the ocean and bent down to one knee. He touched the surface gently and stroked it for a few seconds. "All who come with me will have to trace my steps exactly. The Cyrene," He gestured at the sea "Is going to be toil to cross today. I am going to open up a small pathway. Follow." He turned and dipped his hand in the water. As expected, ripples burst from where his hand made contact and spread then vanished. Except for one way, the way that led to the Tidus's army. The ripples left seemingly constant indentations on the surface. He squinted at Tidus in the distance, and groaned. Auron and Khimari were standing on either side of him. He'd only met them once, but knew perfectly well how tough they were... He breathed in and out, and stepped forward into the ocean.
Kamui was still watching from the roof tops, he saw vline walk to the ocean and create the ripples, he saw cloud standing behind him, and he saw tidus and two other figures beside him...

"Mother what is to be done, should i fight with the army, or follow Cloud and Vline to whatever venture they are to go to... yes it seems i must follow Cloud"

And with that, he jumped from the tower top and landed by Cloud's side
Vline was standing with perfect balance on water. He gestured into the sea. "I leave now. Hurry." Vline made it perfectly clear that he didn't care about the battle. " I'll curve round and we can pincer the enemy in between... Cloud, are you coming?" Vline crouched down and lifted his arms behind him so that they just brushed the water with his fingertips. He tilted his head. Slowly, he glided forward, rapidly increasing in speed. "Get a move on. If we're going to get there fast, then you need to copy my actions." Several soldiers attempted to copy him, but most just failed miserably, getting drenched. After a few minutes, about twenty had got the hang of it, and were gliding around precariously. Vline fixed Cloud with his glare. "Are you coming?"
Cloud looked increddoiusly. he wanted to fight. now... but he followed suite and soon they were going on, it seemed, a path. Vline veered left and right. they finally came to a stop next to the stone castle wall... Vline turned around and smiled cloud turned and saw a massive tidal wave coming their way. VLine seemed to control it. "Are yyou trying to kill us all!!!???" cloud screamed
Kamui was hovering along side them, he did not wish to copy those actions, and he had no need to...

"This is pointless... we could have won the battle already if we simply attacked head on, Vline must be trying something different..."

He flew on, and just hovered by Cloud's side, but it seemed that Cloud eyes were wide with fear... Kamui looked a Vline, he then saw the wave..."

"Oh, so that is what you are trying to pull," he flew straight into the wave itself, and soon he was controlling the wave itself, not Vline... he was perfectly balanced on the wave, and smiled at Vline...

vline looked back at Kamui and returned the stare, he knew that Cloud and his soldiers couldn't do anything since they were balanced on the water by his magi, but what of Kamui, he was able to control the water, but how

"It seems you learned a new trick... Kamui..."
"Yes it seems it does..."
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