Final Fantasy VII Remake

I'd like to hope they won't mess with it too much but there's always that feeling that you know they prolly will, the graphics & translation should be right at the top of the list & perhaps they'd make the gold saucer alot more fun aswel
I get the idea that they wouldn't be able to resist adding extra dungeons & weapons though - which I guess I could live with as long as it didn't affect the plot
At first I was strongly against the remake of FFVII for one main reason: Square-Enix should stop relying on past glories and turn to new future projects to continue their success.

However, after seeing the Tech-Demo for the would-be PS3 version of FFVII, I have to say I'm some-what impressed with what they would have to offer. Advent Children was beautifully done, and with this generation of gaming graphics and the same old great plot from the original game, Squenix could garner in a crap-load more of sales from Cloud and Seph fanboys and girls all over the world.

My only wish would be a jump to the Microsoft Xbox 360 and not remain Sony exclusive since I have no plans to buy a PS3. However, from what I hear, FF is staying mainly Sony for its main games in the franchise.
Yes there will be someday remake but it might take 50 years but there will be.

But only way I approve the remake and buy it is not change anything in story. Yes I want drag-Cloud and his homosexual bath in Honey Bee Inn. No story changes, not any references to AC or any other Compilation crap.

Only new things I want to be in remake is improved graphics and glitches removed but also some extra dungeon because graphics aren´t important to me enough just to buy FF7 remake. I need some new extra thins. Like GBA and DS/PSP- remakes/ ports of FFI-VI.
Hey I remember drag-Cloud, and getting chosen by Don Corneo, but I never got inside the HoneyBee Inn. What did you do? I wanna try it!!

Well this is off-topic but you have been inside Honeybee Inn too if you have been chosen by Don Corneo. Anyway you have to speak one man in Wall Market first screen, he on the right, near the way you go to Honeybee Inn. He should give you Membership card or something like that.
again offtopic: I have been in the honey-bee inn, dunno if I missed anything but it's not that special
Unless your gay and get turned on by a bunch of musclely bodybuilder groupies jumping on a pastout Cloud.

Ummm, I've heard stories....
Unless your gay and get turned on by a bunch of musclely bodybuilder groupies jumping on a pastout Cloud.

Ummm, I've heard stories....

Picture that scene in PS3 graphics and I´m sure if there is remake this scene will be left out. But that is stupid since it is changing story. Also Drag-Cloud in Don Corneos mansion is something that is unlikely to happen in remake thanks to censorship and because some fans can´t stand their hero Cloud as a Drag-queen.

I want Drag-queen Cloud because NO changes in story. What I´m going to say now should be in "do you want remake"-thread but since this has been off-topic kinda so I put here my idea.

Have two different new FFVII. Other only to be PSP-port with characters upgraded from lego figures to look like characters from DS-remakes of III and IV and all glitches fixed and maybe one new dungeon and superboss. Then make PS3 remake which can be related to FF7-compilation games and movies.
I would love a remake as long as they don't change any part of the story or its gameplay. I still play this game a lot and I would like to play it in PS3 graphics but when they remake games they always screw with something and it screws the game up
that's the problem, you can almost tell that they will, look at the Final Fantasy VI and V remake on the PSX for reference (they added unneeded FMV) . If nothing changes but the graphics, I will buy it the day it comes out don't get me wrong, but I am skeptical of this, if it's even released.
i hope not.
nothing agianst the x-box....
ok, well...
everything against the x-box >_<
i never like the x-box, and i'd rather the FF games stay on playstation.
although, a good ps3 FF game would rock ^_^
i saw the FFVII preview ^_^ it looks great
hopefully if they do make the FFVII version for ps3 they keep it true to the game and keep all the greatness in it.
although, i think they'll take the damage overflow out of the ps3 version >_>'
Why not?

FF7 has a great script, with many interesting stories, but the graphics can be very annoying...for pc there are mods of course, but nothing compares to a PS3. But it's not only about the graphics, its about sound too: don't forget that ff7 used midi. As for the battle system, well, this one is more complicated...ff7 battle system is great, but i liked 12 better - i just don't know how diferent the game could be...
Anyway, if square-enix stayed with the inicial script and kept the same environment it could result in a great product, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see...
I'd love to see a remake of FFVII for the PS3. Two reasons for this.

1) FFVII was a great game, and with redone graphics and sound I think it could continue to be amazing. Though a bit more storyline (new storyline that is) and side quests would be nice to have too.

2) Currently to get an unopened copy of FFVII for the Playstation you have to pay $100+ it seems. I would rather invest that $100 into a new PS3 version and PS3 itself than a Playstation copy of the game.
The biggest problem of a remake is that the main reason would be for profit. And as a part of the plan for profit, the company will use the game to retro-advertise for Advent Children and associated projects; in other words, the plot will be revised in order to fit with and possibly reference the add-on projects. Not to mention, since it would cater most to veteran fans, it will try to go more for fan service than for actual artistic merit (like Advent Children).
Yes, but at least it ain't the original games Square Enix crap out... As for fan service... Yeah... that's our point... We are the fans, and some of us fans want to see a remake.

Frankly, I would not mind added storylines, as long as the original storyline is kept in with no particular deviations that would change it too seriously.
Yes, but at least it ain't the original games Square Enix crap out... As for fan service... Yeah... that's our point... We are the fans, and some of us fans want to see a remake.

Frankly, I would not mind added storylines, as long as the original storyline is kept in with no particular deviations that would change it too seriously.

The problem is that fanservice leads to changes in the plot. Take Last Order for example. Sephiroth throws himself into the Lifestream rather than Cloud doing it.

The reason: Fans love Sephiroth because he is "bad-ass." Therefore Square will change the plot-line (even a crucial moment of character development and irony) to keep this aspect of their fan-base.
The effect: it maintains the image of Sephiroth being unbeatable. Sephiroth remains at the peak of his reputation.

Think about the effect on Cloud's fans. Square would lose a substantial amount of fans, if most people loved Cloud for his "bad-ass"-ness, as the change slightly emasculates him. However, the fan base mostly likes his psychological complexity rather than his physical strength, so Square doesn't lose too many Cloud fans.

Now look at Advent Children. Cloud is still slightly hung up over Aeris at the end of the game, but not nearly as much as he used to be. Yet he completely regresses to the "End of Disc One" stage of his development, because fans most loved that aspect of him.
Picture that scene in PS3 graphics and I´m sure if there is remake this scene will be left out. But that is stupid since it is changing story. Also Drag-Cloud in Don Corneos mansion is something that is unlikely to happen in remake thanks to censorship and because some fans can´t stand their hero Cloud as a Drag-queen.

I want Drag-queen Cloud because NO changes in story. What I´m going to say now should be in "do you want remake"-thread but since this has been off-topic kinda so I put here my idea.

Have two different new FFVII. Other only to be PSP-port with characters upgraded from lego figures to look like characters from DS-remakes of III and IV and all glitches fixed and maybe one new dungeon and superboss. Then make PS3 remake which can be related to FF7-compilation games and movies.
Indeed, exactly what I was thinking infact. It's scenes like that give FFVII part of its charm, but if it goes PS3 stylie the censors will surely not allow it in this country (bet Holland would let them though, bloody lucky Dutch basterds). Drag-Cloud is one of the funnest moments of any FF....that will become lame and surely wouldn't look as good as the original anyways. Then there is other little things that the censors won't like dotted all around the game....FFVII will become a shadow of its former self, raped by AC/DoC fanboys (let's face it, half who want the remake anyway have never actually played VII anyways), and will have about as much humerous banter charm as an American comedian.

Yes, but at least it ain't the original games Square Enix crap out... As for fan service... Yeah... that's our point... We are the fans, and some of us fans want to see a remake.

Frankly, I would not mind added storylines, as long as the original storyline is kept in with no particular deviations that would change it too seriously.
Real fans wouldn't care about a remake, they would embrace the original in all it's glory. >_<

The problem is that fanservice leads to changes in the plot. Take Last Order for example. Sephiroth throws himself into the Lifestream rather than Cloud doing it.

The reason: Fans love Sephiroth because he is "bad-ass." Therefore Square will change the plot-line (even a crucial moment of character development and irony) to keep this aspect of their fan-base.
The effect: it maintains the image of Sephiroth being unbeatable. Sephiroth remains at the peak of his reputation.

Think about the effect on Cloud's fans. Square would lose a substantial amount of fans, if most people loved Cloud for his "bad-ass"-ness, as the change slightly emasculates him. However, the fan base mostly likes his psychological complexity rather than his physical strength, so Square doesn't lose too many Cloud fans.

Now look at Advent Children. Cloud is still slightly hung up over Aeris at the end of the game, but not nearly as much as he used to be. Yet he completely regresses to the "End of Disc One" stage of his development, because fans most loved that aspect of him.
The Last Order pissed me off with Spehiroth jumping, ruines one of the best and revelating scenes of VII. >_<

The main thing I didn't like about AC was Cloud and his soppy emo behaviour, It wasn't necassary at all. Aeris didn't really need to be in it that much either, it all just reaked of fanboy service. I say, get rid of most of Aeris' parts, give Cloud a decent plot, and have more of Sephiroth. A few couple of scenes does not cut it, I'd like to see him come back a little earlier and have some real build up to the fight. But ah well.
Well excuse me for not being a 'true fan' of Final Fantasy VII. I guess that makes me a criminal... Anywho, VII has to be one of my least favorite FF's, but I still would like to play it in an updated form.
Moonchbild brought up the part of Last Order where Sephirothjumps into the Mako reactor which also pissed me off. If they do a remake of the gme I want each tid-bit of information and story-line details to be the same. If you're going to remake a game or do spin-offs, at least make them similar to the original. I don't know why Square would ahve him fall into it in one game, and then jump into it in the next...?

Ulterior motives?
i wish they will make it but after enix leaves but seeing that that will never happen then poo