Final Fantasy VII Remake

FF7 has a great script, with many interesting stories, but the graphics can be very annoying...for pc there are mods of course, but nothing compares to a PS3. But it's not only about the graphics, its about sound too: don't forget that ff7 used midi. As for the battle system, well, this one is more complicated...ff7 battle system is great, but i liked 12 better - i just don't know how diferent the game could be...
Anyway, if square-enix stayed with the inicial script and kept the same environment it could result in a great product, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see...
I hope you're not suggesting that they incorporate the FFXII battle system into FFVII. Because that would instantly mean that a remake would be awful. =/
If they're going to remake it there will be more attcks limits magic the characters will be totallt cool i just wanna see sephiroth again!!or maybe they could make a new ffVII game
Well excuse me for not being a 'true fan' of Final Fantasy VII. I guess that makes me a criminal... Anywho, VII has to be one of my least favorite FF's, but I still would like to play it in an updated form.

Wanting a remake isn't a bad thing. I think it'd be interesting to see how they adapt it to new graphics. The problem is that when you commercialize art, the business part corrupts it. If SE made a good remake, then great; but I'd rather they not make one at all if it's gonna be crap.
Wanting a remake isn't a bad thing. I think it'd be interesting to see how they adapt it to new graphics. The problem is that when you commercialize art, the business part corrupts it. If SE made a good remake, then great; but I'd rather they not make one at all if it's gonna be crap.

I know that... I'm just saying that I played through the first game and didn't like it too much, but if they screw up the remake, I can just play the remake and keep in mind the actual events of the first game. It doesn't effect the fan that drastically... It's the people who haven't even played the first game that would screw it up, calling it 'still a classic' when they never played the original.
I know that... I'm just saying that I played through the first game and didn't like it too much, but if they screw up the remake, I can just play the remake and keep in mind the actual events of the first game. It doesn't effect the fan that drastically... It's the people who haven't even played the first game that would screw it up, calling it 'still a classic' when they never played the original.

Yep, I'm more worried about the non-veteran fans as well. I dunno... I think that SE should focus on making new games that could potentially be classics, rather than this constant re-hashing. I think it shows a great deal of the corporate motive that they're hiding behind an already established title rather than putting more on the line by investing into another game.
I personally think square has whored out FFVII enough. A remake would be nice, but with the things I saw in Advent Children, I would be afraid of the things they would change.

We would probably get emo Cloud all the way through. The love triangle would be way over milked. Like in Advent Children, the Turks would probably get way bigger parts than they originally had. They would have to show us how Rufus survived. And I really don't want some of the voice actors from AC voice acting in the remake.

Really, I don't want to see Cloud liplocking with anyone. Not Tifa, not Aerith, not Yuffie, not Barret, and good God not Sephiroth.

I'd be fine with a remake if they kept every thing exactly the same and just updated graphics, but I don't see that happening with Square.

If you enjoyed the original game, why do you need a remake so bad? And I agree with the other posters, Square should concentrate on making new GOOD games and not continue to capitalize on FF7
The only advantage, in my opinion, would be to re-make the old FFVII, but for next gen consoles. No updated graphics or voice acting, just the old game. I'd want this to happen as it would be good for "aniversary" purposes and the fact that the old PS1 version probably won't play on the PS3. I very much doubt S E would do this, as the new generation of gamers probaby won't even glance at it.
xD I hate the Original titles they've been shelling out... FFXII was pretty good, but that was the only one so far. I absolutely hated X as well, which was created before Enix was even in the picture, so I suppose it's more to blame on the Squaresoft side than the Enix side.

I think that they should stick with remakes or just give up of FF or sell the franchise to Mistwalker, because Mistwalker is made up of pretty much everyone who worked on the classic NES and SNES FF games. Back when the FF games were GREAT!
They should leave the titles be. They will tweak and fiddle with the game to much till the game just isn't the same. Prequals and spin offs can be fine but they should not remake games. It would be fine if they just sticked to upgrading the graphics but they just wouldn't do that they would try to fix, change and improve features of the game.
As for selling the rights to other companys then that could work with the right company.
Mistwalker is the right company... Trust me... It's pretty much all of the awesome people who left Square when it became Square-Enix.
Changing, fixing or improving the game would mean that it wouldn't be what it was. I'm fine with seuals prequals and spin offs but the game is an absolute classic and should be left the way it is. I'm sure if they stuck to touching up the graphics then it would be fine but they would tweak things and take aspects from other FF's and integrate them with FFVII. The reason FFVII is a classic for what it was not what it could be. Leave it as it is

I would have to say yes I would love a re make of Final fantasy 7 for the graphics of a PS3. As long as they made no alterations to the game itself in any way/shape/form/fashion. not the materia system,combat system, limit breaks, story line. Nothing. I think itd be kick A.
Changing, fixing or improving the game would mean that it wouldn't be what it was. I'm fine with seuals prequals and spin offs but the game is an absolute classic and should be left the way it is. I'm sure if they stuck to touching up the graphics then it would be fine but they would tweak things and take aspects from other FF's and integrate them with FFVII. The reason FFVII is a classic for what it was not what it could be. Leave it as it is
well a remake should keep the same charactors, storyline, gameplay style, and world style. graphics can be fixed to a newer setup and voice overs may be done.
yes but you know that won't happen :P
What Dazz has said is correct. As well as that I fear that Square will modify the storyline to suit the sequals they made.
I dont see why there should be one considering the graphics arent half bad. the only thing i see a reason to remake it is on a portable device perhaps. Just so you can play it on the road. But imagin how much it would cost considering on ebay FF7 is ober 70$ canadian
I fear that Square will modify the storyline to suit the sequals they made.

I agree, they have kind of sold out on the FFVII title with derge of cerburus -I do like the titles though- so i can't see them having a whole 'lets keep it exactly the same for the purposes for the game'. It's all CASH CASH CASH NOW.
No expansions, no sequals, no prequals. Spin offs maybe. Leave FFVII alone. I wish they would just come up with some amazing new games with new storys.