Final Fantasy VII Remake

i think they should remake it. i dnt really care if they change it to fit the sequels cause i think the original left out important details and it'd b better if they modified it.
Well I saw the tech demo for it at it looks pretty cool, but I'm not exactly sure if it can compensate with the original. It is a big rumor that SquareEnix might re-release it for the PS3. If they do it is worth checking out, but nothing can beat the original.

something new? ha! that's a riot ^_^
there hasn't been something "new" on the market in years ^_^
and although i'd love to see ffVII, in all it's glory, with better graphics.
i know for a fact they'd change things in the game. they'd find a way ti ruin the story, they'd find a way to ruin somebody in the game.
i think every thing i've ever seen in the entertainment department has been either a remake of something they thought every one forgot, a different version of the last thing they made five years ago, or a combination of two good things they've done in the past.
nothing is original anymore.
originality would cost alot of money, and take alot of time.
they'd rather release five games that are ok then make one that rocks ^_^
People only seem to want it for graphics, and if that's all that changes then no, it's a classic game and should stay for its great inventive plot and I wouldn't want to see it dissapear under the shadow of a remake, because of better graphics.

However if they remade it with a better reward for killing Ruby Weapon and added some sidequests, and maybe an optional quest to save Aerith, or even had two endings, the original ending and another one, i'd probably get it ..... I'd get it anyway. :S

The only music i'd like changed is the Fort Condor music, it goes through my teeth. The rest of music should be untouched.
I'd like to see a remake, yes. But changing the story? No.

It'd actually be interesting to actually get a good feel of what the game is like. It shouldn't really be about the graphics. But even so, you might not be able to find a PS1 version of Final Fantasy VII anymore. Imagine how much money it'd make if you sold it now on the PS3 with a new generation of gamers!
No expansions, no sequals, no prequals. Spin offs maybe. Leave FFVII alone. I wish they would just come up with some amazing new games with new storys.
Shhh! Don't incite SquareEnix to make anything original... D: Everything original that they do sucks like hell!
I'd like to see a remake, yes. But changing the story? No.

It'd actually be interesting to actually get a good feel of what the game is like. It shouldn't really be about the graphics. But even so, you might not be able to find a PS1 version of Final Fantasy VII anymore. Imagine how much money it'd make if you sold it now on the PS3 with a new generation of gamers!

The original game would work on the DS with it's original graphics, it seems to be only fans that want a remake, but for graphical reasons, and no doubt more people own DS systems, including those who've missed out.

It's still available on P.C and there's emulators out there. I guess when it all comes down to a final result, it's really all about money in the end. And no doubt Sony wish it would happen. It would be the icing on the cake for boosting their Ps3 sales :lol:

It's kind've obvious that somewhere down the road it will eventually happen. Sooner or later. And it will be next-gen.
when final fantasy vii came out i waz 6 years old. i didnt get my first gaming system until i waz in 7th grade and before then if u asked me what a final fantasy game waz i would have stared at u like an idiot. when i finally did get into ff, i realized that it waz too late for me to get a copy of the older games. thats why i want a remake. its not fair to people my age who cant play the game because its not being sold anymore. sure u can get it off of ebay but im not allowed to by stuff online and ive checked every gaming store in my area for a copy and its impossible. the 1st place i asked about it the cashier laughed at me and said good luck. the closest ive gotten to playing it is watching a walkthrough on youtube of someone else playing it. if they would remake it, millions of people who were too young to play it would finally have the opertunity too.
Also, think about the demo that they released a long time ago.

Do you really think that they'd make the money to put it together and then say that they weren't going to make it?
you never no.. they remade the dance scene from final fantasy viii and put it as a demo for the ps2 and that never turned into a remake
But what I'm trying to get at is, why would they waste the money in doing that?

It was shown at a gaming event, right? Gives off a hint of a remake.
*blinks* I can tell, Dazz... I can't even understand what you posted except for the being hammered part... No worries though, you can explain after you get over it. ^^
lo yeah but Since the merge of square enix Everything is worse, final fantasy has never been the same and i can't see that it ever will be. Halo seems done and i am watching how everything with metal gear solid is going as it is the only rhing right now i am waiting for. everything thin else is just great good games i want, OK games or games i don't want
Which is why I'm going into game design. ^^ I've played enough games to know what would be unique and awesome. In the meantime... Seeing as Square-Enix ain't so hot in the new stuff department, I'd rather have them do remakes for every console and the virtual boy.
I think they have had there day and would be happy enough to go off somewhere and have a think about things and not come out till they have the next Greatest Game since Pac Man
xD Exactly... They seriously need to do that rather than take every idea they come up with and slapping a Final Fantasy brand on it...
Lol yeah long before we have lord of the final fantasy or star wars revenge of the Shinra?
OK, normally I'd be totally against a remake, which I actually still am, but now I think it may be time for at least revised edition of the game.

What I mean is its improved on. Many would argue that the original FFVII is 'incomplete', and in many ways they are right. I'd like to see a better translation (though I'd miss the classic quotes), more Materia added (Aero for instance), all the glitchy things patched up and the alternative ending we were supposed to have etc... all topped off with smoother graphics like the PC version but a little bit better. To me the graphics of the original are fine, but probably could do with touching up in that respect to make it that little bit better, especially on the PS3 seeing as old PS games apparently don't run as good as they should do.

So not a remake, just a re-released improvement.