Final Fantasy VII Remake

Well, I believe they'll be doing a remake of this game sometime in the near future. FF7's been one of the top-selling series in the whole FF world and, since Square's been trying to gain as much money as possible from this series, I really don't see why they wouldn't want to do a remake which will bring them more money (and the gratitude of millions of fans!!!).

Besides.....Square's gotten into doing a lot of remakes nowadays! FF1,2,4 and 6 have been remaid (dunno if there are remakes of 3 and 5) and the next one on the list should be numba 7 :P
Well, I believe they'll be doing a remake of this game sometime in the near future. FF7's been one of the top-selling series in the whole FF world and, since Square's been trying to gain as much money as possible from this series, I really don't see why they wouldn't want to do a remake which will bring them more money (and the gratitude of millions of fans!!!).

Besides.....Square's gotten into doing a lot of remakes nowadays! FF1,2,4 and 6 have been remaid (dunno if there are remakes of 3 and 5) and the next one on the list should be numba 7 :P

Wasn't there an FF3 for the DS as well as the FFv advance game?! Anyway, I am going to try an acquire the original game for myself and get enthralled in the magic of the game but after seeing how fanatical FF7 fans can get, I am glad that I played to completion FFVIII and FFVI before I even conceived finishing that game because I would have turned out to be those fanboys. As for the remakes, I have mixed views for one thing the prospect of FF7 remake with AC and Crisis Core sound promising, I personally hope that they do not think of creating a remake if they are going to alter the story in anyway because the original game had a great story but it became convoluted after Advent Children and all the other games involved in the compilation. After all, I kind of enjoy the feel of the block graphics of the original version it "feels" kind of like I had this game all my life and that I was actually in the 1997 year playing the game.
. After all, I kind of enjoy the feel of the block graphics of the original version it "feels" kind of like I had this game all my life and that I was actually in the 1997 year playing the game.

Well I think the graphics of FF7 - FF9 actually suited the franchise better than top quality graphics. The maps drawn out were imaginative and inventive and realy stood out in these games... When top quality 3D graphics come out I've felt recently that they've become lazy, and the maps have looked quite bland and repetitive. Take Crisis Core for example!

Also... WHERE ARE THE WORLD MAPS? WHERE ARE THE FLYABLE AIRSHIPS?! Come on guys! A version of FF7 without these features would be terrible IMO!

The graphics of these games were also fitting for the more humourous scenes as well IMO. But then again, the lack of real humour in the recent installments could just be down to the loss of humour in Square-Enix, as they continue to go for a more emo look in the games.

Anyway thats another thing that worries me about a remake.. Will they drop Don Corneo? Bugenhagen? Will they make Don Corneo more serious and cut most of the scenes from Wall Market out? Will Bugenhagen be changed into a sad serious old man who mumbled about how doomed the world is?

If they keep these elements in, and only if they keep these elements in, will this remake truly please me, as a huge fan of not just FF7, but of the FF series in general... I don't want to see the whole franchise lose its touch...

But honestly, I think a remake will be a waste of time and money... It will be much easier just to re-release FF7 in a special package or something so that everybody who hasn't got it, and cant find it, can have it... That way the greatness of the original can't possiby be lost.

In short... An update in graphics only please Square.. And that does not mean, show us a few places in updated graphics, and drop other areas.. I mean SPOT BY SPOT update in graphics. With none of it lost.
FF series does have its humorous side as I first discovered in FF8, FF6 and FF7 but I didn't notice the recent FF games where feeling a little bland in terms if humor. I miss the SNES-pre PS2 era where FF was FF and not filled with good looking animu characters with problems. We already have enough of those in teen dramas on American television.
I do think so because when they finished Crisis Core they showed a preview of it at the end. I just don't know if it is for PS3. If it isnt i hope its gonna be on PSP.
I continue to see spin-off after spin-off of this game releasing to the public: Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, Advent Children...yet all I want to see is a remake of the original. Something to revamp it and give it the style it truly deserves.

Now don't get me wrong; the remakes (well, most of them) are great, but they just...just don't fill that Final Fantasy VII craving that I desire. Stop making spin-offs of the original and focus on the original, that's my opinion. I moment I see that remake hit store shelves, I'm gonna be on "Cloud" 9.


Okay, I admit it. That play-on-words sucked...
Some of you fail to realize that it would require more than just a graphical face-lift. The mechanics altogether would have to be redone. You wouldn't want this beautiful game with stunning graphics to move slower than molasses would you? The original game while I love it dearly is incredibly slow, and consider that Cloud and Sephiroth as are the majority of Final Fantasy VII's characters are meant to be swift and I don't think using the same mechanics from the original would be too appealing for a remake.

The original is a GREAT game and I as well as the rest of the world would be severely upset if Square were to remake Final Fantasy VII and not put 1000% into it's development. I see no need to rush the process should Square ever decide to actually remake VII. In fact I would want them to take their sweet ass time during it;s development and make sure it's twice the game the original was. I would rather it take four years to develop than for them to just throw it all together and get it out the door.
Some of you fail to realize that it would require more than just a graphical face-lift. The mechanics altogether would have to be redone. You wouldn't want this beautiful game with stunning graphics to move slower than molasses would you? The original game while I love it dearly is incredibly slow, and consider that Cloud and Sephiroth as are the majority of Final Fantasy VII's characters are meant to be swift and I don't think using the same mechanics from the original would be too appealing for a remake.

Well, if they just improve the graphics, make the characters move faster etc (sorry, but I don't study graphics and dont quite get what you are getting at)... But keep story elements, map elements, scene elements, music elements.. In fact.. Just leave the game alone!
I agree with Mr Bombface, if remade, it would be more than just the graphics that they would overhaul. The music would get an update to the more rock-orientated style of the recent versions (which I personally love by the way), and more importantly, I can't see them retaining the old battle system. They would make it more fast-paced like Advent Children / Crisis Core. However, they know that there would be an uproar if it wasn't still ATB-ish, and you get to control your group. This is why I think FFXIII's system will be quite interesting to see, since it's a faster ATB style, and they might even use that as a basis.
I voted no: I think it would be better for them to put their energy into making something new. Obviously FFVII's graphics are very dated now, but I don't think the graphics matter. It's subjective, of course. I know I wouldn't buy a remake of VII - not just because I don't have a PS3, but because I've already got the game, and since the graphics don't matter to me, it wouldn't really be worth it. Oh, here's a cheesy line: FF14 is greater than FF7*2. Ho ho hoo.

They've already re-made many of the most important FMVs, though, haven't they? Like the one at the very end of the original game is the first FMV of Advent Children.
i would love for them to make a remake. They need to do something like they did for crisis core or advent children. It would make the story a lot more interesting.
Seeing Cloud dressed as a woman in Wall Market with Ps3/Advent Children type graphics would have me laughing for days! A dream come true. Anyway, the big announcement is supposed to take place here in Japan on August 2nd. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope that it has something to do with a remake. Honestly, its what Sony AND Square Enix NEED. If FF7 was remade I can imagine money money and more money because the games would sell out everywhere, especially here in Japan. Us Japanese are final fantasy fanatics (considering we started the franchise LOL)
Anyway, if they DO happen to remake it, I just want improved graphics, glitches taken care of, etc..mainly tech stuff. Besides that, they'd better not touch nothing. FF7 is a great game either way though, so I'm still happy.
Wow. Looks like we're just waiting for August for the official confirmation to come rolling round. I pray that it is a remake...
It's just a lie in my opinion. :monster:

I mean, we have a source that says 'exclusive inside info' yet is says it is a 'rumour' on the top as well as having a load of random information in the article which is still 'unclear'. Plus, I highly doubt that if Square Enix were to remake it, it wouldn't just be a graphical update there would most likely be a lot of stuff added and taken away from it.

...which puts me off a remake tbh. >.>
It's just a lie in my opinion. :monster:

I mean, we have a source that says 'exclusive inside info' yet is says it is a 'rumour' on the top as well as having a load of random information in the article which is still 'unclear'. Plus, I highly doubt that if Square Enix were to remake it, it wouldn't just be a graphical update there would most likely be a lot of stuff added and taken away from it.

...which puts me off a remake tbh. >.>

Excactly.. Thats what worries me.. If they DO do a remake and of lower quality when compared to the original I'm scared that many people eager to play FF7 may simply buy the remake, and not want to give the original a go, feeling that they have had the full experience.
I can't see them doing it excaclty the same as the original, with only graphics updated, but realy that is what I want... But sadly their urge to add rockstars into games and tonnes of emo characters, and water down the plot may get to this game!
So, basically (if I'm reading your post correctly) you're scared that people won't share the same experience of FFVII that you yourself did. No one will or has. Everyone plays a game and has a different experiences of it, depending on the time and place, other games, the generation that they began gaming, and personal outside influences. Not to mention that the original has been out for some time now.

Just be thankful that (if these rumours are true) they are giving hardcore fans the options of playing the original "untainted" version of the game, and those who want more (like the updated graphics, Crisis Core inclusions, and probably a faster battle system) will get it. It's a win-win situation, so there really shouldn't be any problems, right?