Final Fantasy VII Remake

I, personally, don't think it would be nearly as much trouble as starting making a new game from scratch, they would already have their characters for it, and they would already have the storyline, that's a huge head start, should shorten required development time by taking the thought process part of it out.

There would just be updating the character models and the overall graphics to be worthy of being graphically good enough to be a PS3 title, update the music, and possibly, if they would bother themselves enough to do it, and thought it best, change the battle system to being more like Crisis Core (excluding the annoying slots for a lot of actions. :P).
Yeah, them having the plot in mind and all that, it would probaly all be a matter of redoing the graphics, character models, setting updating the music and whatnot.

ssbmaster said:
if they would bother themselves enough to do it, and thought it best, change the battle system to being more like Crisis Core (excluding the annoying slots for a lot of actions. :P).

That being said, it does bring up another worry I have, it seems Final Fantasy is trying to step away from the usual turn based battle system when it comes to their console games with the high graphics, so I am slightly worried if they do make a new battle system that will not work out well...
Yeah, I'd be good with just having the same battle system with the improved graphics, but I have a feeling they would make some changes to it, and probably, pretty big ones.

I wonder if it would have a New Game Plus option when you beat it, like in Crisis Core, then all the enemies are significantly tougher.
My only concern is they add all this extra new stuff in from the Compilation. Only then would I be disappointed. A remake would have to be original as possible.
I agree, I just hope that SE doesn't think otherwise, they should realize they do not need to add a bunch of new stuff to the game to please the fans, it may please more of them if it was left alone more, and just gets updated graphics, they really shouldn't do much else with it, but one has to fear the worst...let's hope for the best though.
I wouldn't play it if they changed the battle system. I think the materia system is one of the best, and I love turn-based RPG's, which is one reason I"m not fond of newer games and also why I haven't bothered even buying a PS2.
I do like the New Game+ idea a lot though, and maybe with it they could give a way to have Aeris back into the party, and maybe delve into the storyline in any way that wasn't in the original. That way both the people that want just a remake and the people that want more additions to the game can be pleased.
New Game + would be a great addition, and I think the only things they should add to the story should be entirely optional things, such as an additional dungeon, or things that have refferences to the compilations. Either way, they should be optional, so at that rate, pretty much every fan wins.
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That sounds like a good idea especially if the player gets to make choices that alter the original story a bit with alternate endings and cutscenes.
I think it would be awesome to have a remake. I mean FFVII is awesome in itself but I'd like to see it with graphics of today. Maybe make it real time like in crisis core. They say there wont be another installment, but I think they should actually make another one. Maybe one after like based on Advent Children or something after that even. FFVII was my favorite final fantasy thus far. A lot of people say 8 and I like 8, but it just didn't catch me as much as 7 did. I mean honestly I think everything after 7 and 8 just went down hill. (excluding 11 since I've yet to play it.) I think they should bring back the best of FF and make it even better.
after seeing the game intro done with "ps3 graphics" a while back, i was astounded. then i found out that there were no solid plans to remake ffvii, and got pissed off!

i would love to see a spruced up version. some things should definitely stay the same, such as the story and the dialogue (the english translation was so great, and one of the few rpg's with swearing where appropriate. this really made it something, there was no pandering to censors), the battle and materia system, and the world map layout. what would be nice is perhaps the ability to explore more of midgar, such as the upper levels where all the rich folk live, and the rest of the slums. you can explore all the other villages entirely, and i want to see the rest of midgar!

another suggestion would be to have a fully movable camera, as you would expect with ps3 technology, but also the option to fix the camera in the same positions as the ps1 version. this would keep anyone who wanted an exact (but better looking) remake happy, and also anyone who would want the opposite.

i really hope SE do remake ffvii. i haven't bought a ps3 yet, but this would change my mind!
I remember when I saw the VII trailer that they used to show the actual power of the PS3 and I must say that I almost killed over. I would absolutely love VII to be remade. Not another chapter in the story... But the game remade itself... beautiful the way that it was intended to be.
Yes i would actually, but only under these conditions:

Firstly, it would have to be a perfect copy of the game, as in soundtrack, script and battle system, i want a remake, not a different game.
However i could live with the battle system from FF XII if it was fixed and more exciting.
I would like the whole materia system to stay.
The cutscenes could obviously be changed because the PS3 can do a lot more that the PSone.
No mention of Advent Children or Crisis Core, or anything new, god no.
This is a question I've been torn over, yet am leaning more towards 'no' for several reasons. From what I've seen of the Compilation, disregarding Crisis Core (because I loved it), I would have to say I'd rather not see a remake as the game is just fine as it is now. The only thing I would want them to change would be the graphics; however, with these more recent installments, Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus, BC, LO, etc...I'm pretty sure graphics wouldn't be the only thing they'd change, which is where I find myself becoming rather wary about it.

If they did decide to do a remake, they would literally remake it. And that's not what I want to see done to Final Fantasy VII. In fact, I hope they decide to stick to their guns on debunking these rumors and preserve the game in all its glory rather than to fix it up, make it look pretty, put in a few things here and there, get those horrible English voice actors to reprise their roles, yadda yadda yadda, so on and so forth and just turn it into one big messy pile of crap.

I don't want to see my favorite game go south just so Square can make a few more bucks off this franchise! It'd probably even cater more to the n00bs who have not yet played the game and started out seeing Advent Children instead. ;( Don't do this to us vets, Square. PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU!
I would love to see a remake, but I would rather have it on PSP than PS3 =/

A lot of PS1 games are getting ported to the PSP, so why not Final Fantasy VII? It would sell well on the PSP... =D

But please don't mention anything like Advent Children or Crisis Core in the FF7 remake...
RPG’s are less likely to spawn remakes because lamentably, it’s a fairly niche genre. But yes, I’d like to see an FFVII remake, as long it was totally untouched except for the visuals and music. I would genuinely play it all again just to see my favorite locations in glorious 3D. Imagine how the Gold Saucer would look with the powerful graphics of the PS3? It would just be awesome. To make the remake ace though, they would need to completely overhaul the battle-system. The random battles and the turn-based battle system in FFVII have become old and tedious; a Kingdom Hearts style fighting system would work extremely well.
But yeah, the game is awesome, it deserves a modern day remake.
I would really like to see a remake of the final fantasy VII game for any system really but i would want them to make the game have a new storyline not to change the old one but a new story thats happened after the first FFVII keep most of the old characters and maybe add in some new cool characters and some cool new features like new classes, items, spells, limit breaks, and all sorts of other things that would jazz up the game and keep old FFVII players wondering what will happen next?!?!?
Come on. Who wouldn't buy a remake of Final Fantasy 7!?

Seriously, Final Fantasy 7 is considered the best Final Fantasy game out there by a lot of fans. I think players who missed the chance to play Final Fantasy 7 would buy the game, definitely. Also, I would love to see it in latest graphics, the Before Crisis graphics got me all hyped! And of course, a new and better battle system.

Some more background information/side quests/characterization can take place, I think. I think it would be awesome. :D
I do cuz....first it would be awesome to see it with the the beautifull graphic that the ps3 provide....and i want a remake cuz i did not been trough all of it......(due to sum technical probllem with the playstation)...and i didn't keep it so...i really want to go all the way trough the graphics would be a bonus...