Final Fantasy VII Remake

So, basically (if I'm reading your post correctly) you're scared that people won't share the same experience of FFVII that you yourself did. No one will or has. Everyone plays a game and has a different experiences of it, depending on the time and place, other games, the generation that they began gaming, and personal outside influences. Not to mention that the original has been out for some time now.

Just be thankful that (if these rumours are true) they are giving hardcore fans the options of playing the original "untainted" version of the game, and those who want more (like the updated graphics, Crisis Core inclusions, and probably a faster battle system) will get it. It's a win-win situation, so there really shouldn't be any problems, right?

I'm scared that people may play the remake (if one is made) and then having played that, tick off playing FF7 on the imaginary list of games to play... And not go to the original version. I'm not going to say the remake is going to be completely crap, as I can't say that yet, and there not even be one.. But I'm just saying that the original was fantastic, and there realy wasn't alot more they could do to it.. Updated graphics, I can live with. Change of music, I cannot. Change of character, I also can not. Change of comical scenes to make them more serious, I also can not. Changing of the plot, I also can not.

If any of the elements that made FF7 great are changed, and then people pick up the remake, they may feel that they have played "ff7", in theory, and not want to play the original game, hence missing out on some of these elements. That is my worry.
Again, the elements which made the game 'great' in your eyes is completely different from mine, and then even more different from someone else's. It's all subjective. Personally, it just sounds like you're concerned certain people won't love it as awesome as you yourself have.

At the moment, no one has any idea what a remake would entail, but it's safe to say that they won't be changing the plot (only adding inclusions to it like Crisis Core references), or characters (where did you get this idea from?). And if the music is changed to the Black Mages / Crisis Core's updated versions, then that's something most people can live with.
I think there will only imagine a few changes if they do remake the game.

They'll update the graphics, (obviously) probaly add a few side-quests (which could reference things from FF7's compilations), maybe a few more scenes (which could once again, have reference FF7's compilation), and they'll probaly update the music, not completely change it, just probaly give it like a rock or techno-ey theme or the like.
Again, the elements which made the game 'great' in your eyes is completely different from mine, and then even more different from someone else's. It's all subjective. Personally, it just sounds like you're concerned certain people won't love it as awesome as you yourself have.

At the moment, no one has any idea what a remake would entail, but it's safe to say that they won't be changing the plot (only adding inclusions to it like Crisis Core references), or characters (where did you get this idea from?). And if the music is changed to the Black Mages / Crisis Core's updated versions, then that's something most people can live with.

In my opinion... As much as I love The Black Mages remixes, I don't think they suit in game music in my opinion... Well guitary rock music in general realy... Well it suits games that are just mindless action sequence after action sequence... But not a franchise such as Final Fantasy which has a lot more soul to it than that.

And what character idea do you mean?
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I prefer that there would be a remake from Final Fantasy VII for the PSP, a little gift for those which bought Crisis Core without knowing the complete story/plot of the first piece of gold :P

(Sorry for my English, i'm a bit rusty because it's a long time that I dont write anything in English, and I'm Portuguese LOL! )
If they do make a remake SE better not kill the game off by making it liner like Crisis core, ff12 and ff10. If anything it needs to be like GTA an open sandbox(or what ever they call it) game. All SE is need to do is update the graphics add voices, finish it off as they rushed the final release for the original and maybe add some side quests or something like that.
I can definitely see this happening, given the enormous popularity and fanbase of the game.
I think there will only imagine a few changes if they do remake the game.

They'll update the graphics, (obviously) probaly add a few side-quests (which could reference things from FF7's compilations), maybe a few more scenes (which could once again, have reference FF7's compilation), and they'll probaly update the music, not completely change it, just probaly give it like a rock or techno-ey theme or the like.

Judging by "One Winged Angel," "Chase on the Highway," and "Those Who Fight Further," a rock edge would be more realistic. However, I would like a mysterious feel to songs, too, like "Beyond the Wasteland," and "Sign." For those that don't know, all of the above songs are from Advent Children.
I am not familiar with any the rock music stuff but as long as they don't stick solely to that rock edge and utilize the diverse, melody focus music that the series is known for then I would agree with you on that.
No! I want a remake or nothing, they have already whored the VII compilation as it is, we don't need a sequel so making one would be a complete waste of time and resources. They might as well come out and say whether or not they are going to do a VII remake, otherwise they should just stick to making FFXIII a decent game.
I completely agree. The compilation, as a whole, has been of a severe sub-par standard (though Crisis Core was really good). We really don't need another one in the series, what we need is a remake or nothing else. SE must have received fan reactions to everything. They know we only want a remake, so just announce it and be done with FFVII.
I wish it were that easy...but they just love to torment us!:eek:uttahere:

Hopefully someday we'll get a remake of Final Fantasy VII, and that it will be done right, and not messed with to the point it feels like an entirely different game, rather than a remake of an existent one.
I voted no: I think it would be better for them to put their energy into making something new. Obviously FFVII's graphics are very dated now, but I don't think the graphics matter. It's subjective, of course. I know I wouldn't buy a remake of VII - not just because I don't have a PS3, but because I've already got the game, and since the graphics don't matter to me, it wouldn't really be worth it.

i would sorta agree...but comparing US version of FF3 to FF7. IF FF3 was remade with the level of FFX, im pretty sure it be a way more awesome. Even if the storyline is awesomely great, the emotions,feelings,noise and music can create a HUGE impact on one sceen.
Really, I DO want a remake. As long as they actually put effort into the animation, it really wouldn't be a problem.

It would also be neat to see if they add any more 'side quests.' It just seems that, with the popularity of the FFVII franchise, it would be a waste to NOT make a game. Think of the money they'd rake in!
I know, they profit hugely by remaking it, but I can understand that it's hard to really start something like that while they currently have several projects they're already working on (two of them being Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII).

But after they finish what they are currently working on (or at least most of the games they are currently working on at this time), I'm anxious to see if they announce something about it, when they'll have a good amount of their staff to put to work on it.
I think pointing out how much money they'd rake in is a horrible point. In all seriousness, isn't it what we hate when a company does something just for the money? The game has much more effort put into it if they're trying for more fans, not more cash. With how it seems people have been losing interest, then if they remade 7 and it bombed, they'd lose a lot of future income.
I'd be too worried about them adding in anything else if they remade it.
Well they would be doing it for the money, I believe. Getting loads of money out of it is just what they'd want, they've already taken FFVII in all sorts of directions to draw in all the fans they want, now they just need to give us what we're asking for, and remake FFVII.

They'd most certainly like the money they'd be getting more than they'd care for whatever more fans it brings in (which, I must say, may not be as much as you think, it should just be the original Final Fantasy VII, but with much better graphics).

Those greedy money grubbing Square Enix staff will do anything to make a good buck... >_>
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@ Doaj, pointing out the money they make isn't really a bad point, because pretty much every company does these things for money...and it doesn't really bug people. Besides, if it was for money, then that would only be a better reason to put effort into the game, else people will just think "I'll just stick with my original version then,"

As for myself, yeah, I'd love to see a remake, I wouldn't mind replaying the game with up to date graphics, even more breathtaking FMVs, and character facial emotion will be a bonus. And I wouldn't mind a few side missions added that connect to FF7's compilations...I wouldn't mind seeing what happened to Cissnei.But, I hope they don't add to much to the main plot.