Final Fantasy VII Remake

You know, I often flip-flop on this subject. On one hand, FFVII could use a graphical update; the pre-rendered environments certainly haven't help up over the years. On the other hand, I doubt the collective clusterfuck that is modern Square-Enix has enough talent left to remake FFVII while preserving everything that was so lovable about it.

Ultimately, unless Square-Enix can get their shit together and make fun games again (Instead of spending all of their budget on "UMG SUPER PRETTY GRAPHICS," Zack Snydering each of their games in the process), I wouldn't want to see it happen, unless it was handed off to another talented studio that actually understands and respects the source material (Instead of just thinking "THIS IS BADASS ANIME SO SUGOI").
As long as they stick to the story and keep everything the same ( though being able to keep Aerith would be nice ; u ; ) other than the graphics, I would be happy. FFVII deserves some flashier scenes!! Plus, I wanna see the expressions more clearly when they are faced with an emotional event. This would just add to the drama and excitement for me. :P Though I have no doubt that the original will always be my favorite. I rather like its retro graphics... It fed your imagination and a lot of things don't do that anymore... but it would be nice to see an update too. Just to even choose from, y'know? Then again, FFVII seems to have had enough attetion. Some people are actually annoyed with how many games there are for it. However, you can't make everyone happy. SE might just do it for the money though and make a less impressive version... but I don't honestly know. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic?
Honestly, no. I don't want a remake. Final Fantasy VII is like the first three Star Wars movies to me (IV, V, VI). It's a classic and it wouldn't be done justice by being turned into a remake; SE would fuck something up. And all these little kids would learn FFVII by the remake, not the original. I bet they'd dumb it up, or add some new dungeons, or do something to ruin it. Yeah, updated graphics would be nice, but I LOVE the FFVII graphics. They'd update the music too, I bet you, and that's just not right. You don't piss with Nobuo. So, no. I don't think there should be a remake. Something to figure out where the hell Genesis went, yes, but not a remake.
I would be open to a remake of VII...if they started it after they were finished with Versus. The only thing that irritates me with the thought of any remakes is how starting one would take away from SE's current projects...and I totally know they haven't officially made word of a remake for this but, even if they did. ...Please finish Versus first :sad2:

VII I think is a really good game...the plot and the game itself are such strongpoints that I think a remake of it could be really decent. With the games they've been putting out as of late...this could bring them some money since the demand is so great...and we all know it would be a good game because we've already played it before :wacky: It would be fun to play it with the updates in graphics that we have today.

The plot is not particularly strong compared to others in the series.

And seriously guys, they are going to remake it. They're going to finish milking the Compilation of FF7 and then they're going to announce it at an E3 and everyone will go "HOORAY".
Well personally I'm all about the old school game, I doubt a remake will stop me playing the original, but I really wish they wouldn't remake it although if they do I'd still probably play it. I just don't see the point, the one we've had since 1997 still beats some of the games getting released today in my opinion, so as far as I'm concerned they should spend time making sure Final Fantasy 15 is bloody good.

Leave Cloud be already!
I had seen some fan vidoes of how this can be done but other than that, a remake would suck as it would include all the things formt he compliation and they didn't even resolve the Genesis thing at all.
Another thing they would need to do is, I want cloud's OLD HAIR. I don't care how wacky you gotta make it, get it done.
I'm not sure if they would make a remake.

As for what I want, I would like to see a remake because honestly, FFVII's graphics were horrible even for a game that came out back then (I tolerated them thanks to the great story and minigames). Nothing wrong with a game looking beautiful as long as the beauty goes beneath the surface. As such, I would be for a sparkly remake as long as they don't make global changes to the gameplay and keep the minigames. Of course, whether the remake will be such is another question.
I want a remake, because I want:

-To see Cloud crossdressing in HD graphics.
-To see Cloud in a jacuzzi filled with gay body builders in HD graphics.
-To have those scenes voiced, for added hilarity.
-To have an orchestrated soundtrack.

All I want, is for a remake to be updated with its technology. Don't change the script, don't change the battle system, don't change anything but the graphics, voice acting, and soundtrack.

Unfortunately, knowing Square - they'll do everything I don't want them to do with the game. A bunch of add-ons and side quests to involve characters from the FFVII spin-offs, an alteration of the script, changes in the characters...etc.

I just want the game updated, period.
I wouldn't mind if they remade it from the ground up and filled into some of the gaps in the storyline, did somethings with the graphics, and the battle system too for that matter. The key is that the changes only make it better.

That means no real time battle system. No added on quests for the sole purpose of showing a character or fan service. There are definitely things that I would love the see fixed in this game if it was remade..ranging from little to large.

I'm not sure if they would make a remake.

As for what I want, I would like to see a remake because honestly, FFVII's graphics were horrible even for a game that came out back then (I tolerated them thanks to the great story and minigames). Nothing wrong with a game looking beautiful as long as the beauty goes beneath the surface. As such, I would be for a sparkly remake as long as they don't make global changes to the gameplay and keep the minigames. Of course, whether the remake will be such is another question.

No they weren't horrible. In fact they were heralded as WTF-AMAZING at the time. Square were really pushing the boundaries of what was being done by developers.

I can only assume that you were a few years late to the party, upon release the game was the best of the best.
No they weren't horrible. In fact they were heralded as WTF-AMAZING at the time. Square were really pushing the boundaries of what was being done by developers.

I can only assume that you were a few years late to the party, upon release the game was the best of the best.

That me be so, but then so were all the NES and SNES FFs when they came out, and that hasn't stopped people from clamoring for updates to their graphics. At the time they were quite amazing, but looking at them now they are horrible.

They could use an update. It doesn't matter how cute edging they were then, they're not now.
I think the reasons Contra Fates listed for a Final Fantasy VII remake are as good as reasons as any to remake the game. ;D That said I don't know if they'll ever make a Final Fantasy VII remake at this point. The game is a beautiful creature with wants and needs and they aren't man enough to satisfy her!
No they weren't horrible. In fact they were heralded as WTF-AMAZING at the time. Square were really pushing the boundaries of what was being done by developers.

I can only assume that you were a few years late to the party, upon release the game was the best of the best.

Well, I played the game in 2004 or 2005 (I was 13 back then so no bashing my being late :P).

Ok, so maybe I judged its graphics from our current point of view. Then again I've played FFVI as well, and I really loved its graphics even though they are more "backwards" than FFVII's. It could be that I simply find FFVII's graphics ugly. *shrug*
yes! absolutely!
i havent finished that game yet...and ill delayed the progress until the remake comes out.....
hope they wont change the story line or add some other ending n whatsoever....
itll be nice if they juz maintain the old one n add some any other weapons, skills and minigames......
I personally think Squeenix will be very big fools if they do not remake Final Fantasy 7. There is such a high demand for it from the fans that Squeenix will really have no choice but to do it eventually. As for when, who knows, but even the Final Fantasy 7 haters will have to admit that this particular game series has been their biggest money earner, and always guarantees to sell.

However, given that Squeenix probably don't want to just 'give in' to public demand, they will probably only commence a remake on their own terms. At the moment, by their own admission, they are too involved in Final Fantasy 13 and its spin off. When they have finished with whatever major projects they have planned, they will probably have another look.

Also consider the timing. It's been fourteen years since FF7. They may decide that's not long enough and wait until about twenty years before making the remake. They won't just make a remake off the bat because graphics have improved. Plus, their graphics by then may look even better than they do now, and may want to wait for that.

On a personal note, I would love a remake. I love the game and I love the story and all that it entails.

BUT! I do not want a remake if they start focusing solely on improving their graphics and presenting us with mindblowing visual graphics, and in turn skipping the story. If they do not keep the story in its entirety, basically giving us all that Final Fantasy 7 is, I do not want to see a remake. If they did a remake and skimped the story I would still buy it and coo and go 'omigosh' over it, but I would be disappointed that visuals took a backseat to storytelling.
i think they already have one but i think there keeping it as a safety net for when the time comes that people stop buying everything Final Fantasy and yes i agree i want every npc every place everything to be the same even the world map it world be the first open world map sense FF9 they can do it we seen the prtotype in dissiddia 012 *wink wink* if they done it like that hell even if they made it fight like FF13 meaning screenswoosh and movement around the battlefield i wouldn't mind that change at all as for storyline i agree maybe they won't bring it out in fear of the riots i would be leading if they frig it up millions of angry gamers FF7 is considered the greatest game of all time by many im one of them but....heres the funny thing ive never beat the game i watch my brother play it normally the furthest ive got was the first of disc 4 lol *fears the people that will look at him like he has four heads*