Final Fantasy VII Remake

I'm kinda torned between this one.FFVII is great and I'd love to see a remake,but if that really happened I think a lot of people would forget about the original one.Why would people play the old one when there's one with better graphics and voice overs on a new system?it'd be sad if that happened.
In my humble opinion they should not touch it at all. Remakes never are what original was. Also those who might wanna play it are those who never did, but given that I've played it and know full well what's going to happen why buy it. I understand there are many other there who would kill to have this game remade, but if you ask me, they should remake the ones before VII. I'd much rather see a game that can rival the storyline in VII not the same old stuff. Look at Tomb Raider Anniversary remake of the first TR. Now that is an example of how bad remaking a game we remember with fondness can go bad. I would not want to see that happen to FFVII.

It may be a bit off topic. i hope this won't get deleted. Don't we have too much FFVII related stuff already? Why only VII got to be the movie, has another games. What happened to VI,IV,VIII, or even better X?
I think it should be made, under certain circumstances. Given that Final Fantasy VII is my favorite game, I'd love to play it on newer generation consoles, but I don't want to see it ruined. It could be ruined very easily, with the introduction of characters from Dirge of Cerberus, which was a slap in the face to the iconic title, as well as the gaming industry. If you want to add in certain characters as optional bosses, that's understandable, but keep them from the actual in-game storyline. I've heard from several people that due to the fact that VII wasn't created during the time in which Squenix experimented with voice acting, most of the conversations in VII shouldn't be VA'd because it would turn into a movie. I'm a bit on the fence with this one, because their aren't too many conversations in VII that would qualify as pointless.

I suppose a gripe of mine touches on whomever would land a job in VA'ing Sephiroth. If it's Lance Bass, I'll riot.
I'd like to see a remake but then again, I'd like to see another game. I don't want them to change or alter anything with the story or the characters. I think the only thing I want to see is better graphics. I'm picky when it comes to appearance of games and its visual content. Gameplay could be improved I suppose.

If they do remake it, I'll be intrigued. If they don't, well, then they'll make another game and I'll still be intrigued lol
its kinda a torn decision to make because the original VII was just amazing, i mean i still play it all of the time. On the other hand, i would love to see a remake of it. this is just a really hard decision to make. But as mentioned in a few posts ahead of me, no one would ever want to play the original again.
I would love to see ah remake of thhis game
but as it is cause if they change the story a little bit it would be the same

Cause were all sephiroth puppets
Unfortunately, changes will sort of inevitable considering the environment of today's gaming ion the west. If a remake was released in Japan with better than Advent Children graphics, the Japanese fans will rejoice but in the West it will be mostly, "it is generic JRPG garbage, its linear and it has no towns." Look at FFXIII alone, it is an awesome game yet fans ggive it a ton of slack for something JRPGs had been doing since Dragon Quest.
Unfortunately, changes will sort of inevitable considering the environment of today's gaming ion the west. If a remake was released in Japan with better than Advent Children graphics, the Japanese fans will rejoice but in the West it will be mostly, "it is generic JRPG garbage, its linear and it has no towns." Look at FFXIII alone, it is an awesome game yet fans ggive it a ton of slack for something JRPGs had been doing since Dragon Quest.

VII is heralded as a great game. So, a remake of the same game would still be exactly that. As for XIII, I don't think it's a great game in the slightest bit, nor even a good game. But that's a different conversation.
We all know that Square Enix said that a Final Fantasy VII remake will take ten times longer than Final Fantasy XIII. The only reason that I can think of on why they say that is because maybe they are planning to make it for the next console. The purpose of the Final Fantasy VII PS3 Techno Demo was for them to see the reaction of the people when revealing it. Maybe they didn't see that much of a impression on the fans as they thought they would. That's why they probably say that a Final Fantasy VII remake would take that long to cover their excuses and come up with another plan. Then again I could be wrong about it.

Square Enix is a company that don't want to spend alot of money on a project and fail on it. They want to make a successful game without dissapointing the fans. Final Fantasy VII is one of the most sold game from it's series and they will do anything to not ruin this famous classic game. Square Enix knows that this classic game has tons of fans and they don't want to dissapoint them after their success with the original game. They want to make the right move without making any mistakes when it comes to a big project.
A remake?! No no nooo never!
And get rid of all the amusing typos ("This guy are sick" "do you want to continue -- off course!!") and turn everyone into sickeningly pretty playboys and girls?! Nooo, please, don't make it so! :'(
no remake. This game set that bar high enough as it is, I think a remake would only disappoint. It would have been nice to have them go back through the original one and smooth over everything and maybe add in all the extra stuff they had to take/leave out when they were rushed..but no remake at this point
I would absolutely LOVE it if they remade FFVII. That's definitely the FF story that's touched me the most and I'd be so happy to see it for PS3. I'm not sure if they will anymore because it's been years since the thought came up.. But there's always a possibility!
hells yes!!!!!!

they shoud.

why: SquareEnix did a simulation of FFVII when sony was 1st releasing the Ps3 to show off the graphical poweress of the system. Everyone that saw that thought that they were gonna re-release it on the ps3 the year it came out but (sadly) didn't happen.

(oh well, at least we got Advent Children)
i dont think square will remake ff7 for the ps3, but i wish they would. the only thing that was lacking from the original was the graphics. had it been made now it would be a perfect game. amazing gameplay, storyline and characters.
They should make a remake.
it would be the most sold game EVER!!
Square-Enix say it would cost to much money to make, but they earn all that money back, if they made the remake and even more 2.....

and FFVII is definitly the best final fantasy game made, the story, characters, fighting and uprgading. none other FF game can beat thoose things..

soo.. YES for remake. it would be firetrucking Awesome!
I would be open to a remake of VII...if they started it after they were finished with Versus. The only thing that irritates me with the thought of any remakes is how starting one would take away from SE's current projects...and I totally know they haven't officially made word of a remake for this but, even if they did. ...Please finish Versus first :sad2:

VII I think is a really good game...the plot and the game itself are such strongpoints that I think a remake of it could be really decent. With the games they've been putting out as of late...this could bring them some money since the demand is so great...and we all know it would be a good game because we've already played it before :wacky: It would be fun to play it with the updates in graphics that we have today.
I would say yes, but the problem is the second they remake it, you all will want another remake...and another remake, and soon enough all the games they make will be remakes, which I think there slowly trying to get away from! Which i don't blame them, Remakes can only do so much.

But yes remake it so everyone will shut up about a remake, well till the PS4 comes out, then I get to hear it all over again.
I agree with what you're all saying, they should make a remake, with improved graphics, because it will just make the game even more phenomenal than it already was, but like you said, if they change one thing, it really wouldnt be final fantasy 7 anymore :/
Not really up for a remake. Perhaps maybe a sequel to firstly make up for the disappointment that was Dirge of Cerberus. Second after seeing the end of that game along with Crisis Core I wanna see what happens to Genesis now. Hes still alive and could be cooking things up. I just want to end this series with no loose ends is all.