Final Fantasy VII Remake

There are both reasons of why there should be and shouldn't be a remake.

But if there is, I will definitely buy it. FF7's storyline was so epic and it was hard to just contain it into those little boxy figures and dialogue boxes.

If they do they should keep a lot of things the same, like the materia system, world map, breeding chocobos, etc.

However I'm not sure they will make another, not anytime soon anyway. What with FF13-2, FF Type-0, FF versus 13, and another sequel of FF7 (After DoC's secret ending), I don't think it will come out anytime soon.

Here's an article about a remake and some of what the creators said.
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Yes, they are going to create the remake, it is said that it may come out in 12', but there is no other closure, I believe it will not come out for quite awhile.
Yes. at least for a year and half going by your logic:wacky:

Duodecim really makes me think about the gameplay mechanics with the addition of the Assist gauge to dissidia battles it highlights the need/want to have team work involved in Turn based battles.

I dont think a return to the ATB is the way to go in a FFVII remake, that seems like a step backwards to me. It has a place because its a remake off a main sequence FF title, but some major re-tooling would be required,as far away from FFXIII as possible would be great.

This has to happen, my gut tells it will be for the 20th anniversay of FFVII in 2017 :wacky:
If Square Enix is planning to do a Final Fantasy VII remake then I think they will make it for either NGP or Playstation 4. The reason why I say this is because right now Square Enix is working on different projects at the moment. For they remake to be done they need to finish the current titles that they are working on for them to start working on the remake. This is just my speculations.
I found this great topic on a website and I though I should bring it here.

The title alone is borderline blasphemy, but hear me out. After digging and stumbling all over the place I have came across multiple articles talking about how and why the remake of Final Fantasy VII could still come along for the PS3. Yes, it would definitely sell. Yes, Sony could use a little bump in their image at the moment, but here is why I think that FFVII should remain untouched. I recommend you read all of my points (not just one!) before nerd raging at me.

Extreme expectations

Ever been unsatisfied by a game that was over-hyped? We all have (I’m looking at you Fable series). Ever since the tech demo that was released over five years ago Final Fantasy fan boys and regular RPG fans alike have been drooling over any information that may confirm or deny development on this title. Over that period of time we’ve conceived some unbelievable ideas of what the game could be like in terms of graphics and game play. It’s almost too much to handle, for just one company… however, I will admit, FFXIV aside, Square Enix would be a company that I think could pull it off.

Wasn’t the original good enough?

Those of us who appreciate games for components other than graphics understand how fun of a game the original is, still til this day. To me, remaking the game is like saying the original was good, but not as good as it could have been. Remakes should be saved for things that had potential, but fell through. Not something that changed the way we see video games. For instance, I totally agreed with them remaking the Hulk, twice. The movie had potential, so they remade it… did they succeed? Eh, not really. The original FFVII was plenty amazing for me. I would estimate I played it for over a hundred hours, easily.

Wouldn’t you rather see a new ‘Final Fantasy VII’?

Oh goodness, I may have opened a can of worms with that statement. I am not saying without a shadow of a doubt that FFVII was the best game ever, but I am saying that it is definitely my favorite and most memorable RPG, by far. With that said, creating a direct remake of a game accomplishes two things: it takes a lot of a company’s resources and hinders their ability to come up with new and exciting ideas. I would MUCH rather play a Final Fantasy VII-2 for the PS3 rather than a direct remake. On top of that, I would much rather see FFXV and so on become the new game(s) that changes how we see RPGs/video games in general.

Game play aspects would have to be changed

You can argue this all you want, but for this game to be successful in today’s world, rather than in the wonderful 90s, a lot would have to change. We’re talking a fourteen year difference in technology. Would you be happy if the game simply played exactly how it does right now? Of course not, and a remake would take away from the simple and fun game play and turn it into some crazy combat system that could potentially ruin the way we see FFVII. Honestly, I prefer popping the disc into my old as hell PS1 and getting my old school gaming on.

I’m addicted to games enough as it is

As I said before, I easily spent over a hundred hours already playing FFVII, I don’t think my life could handle the release of it for PS3/4. Trust me, I would try to be first in line to play this game if it ever did release. I would spend two weeks doing nothing but playing the game to get every single item/achievement/secret unlocked possible. Plus, I’m pretty sure getting a Gold Chocobo would not be as easy as it was before.
So what do you guys think? Let us know in the comments or on twitter.

Bonus reason x2

First, I always hear how people think it’s a good idea to release it as a ‘cash cow’ for SE… I would be pretty damn sad if that’s how they handled the remake.

I’m pretty sure I’d have a seizure watching how awesome Omnislash and KoTR would look in HD.

What are your thoughts about this? Do you guys think that he/she has a good point or do you disagree about it?
Really gonna happen?

So here is my ultimate question. Is Final Fantasy VII indeed being remade and coming out soon? I've done my own digging around online, and I can't find a concrete answer. So if anyone knows for sure, I'd appreciate knowing. I know we have 13-2, Versus and such coming, but like everyone else..I'd love to see this come out.
So here is my ultimate question. Is Final Fantasy VII indeed being remade and coming out soon? I've done my own digging around online, and I can't find a concrete answer. So if anyone knows for sure, I'd appreciate knowing. I know we have 13-2, Versus and such coming, but like everyone else..I'd love to see this come out.

The answer is no. There is no actual official announcement that ffvii is being remade. Although there is a small chance the company is working/planning on it secretly.

And not everyone wants an FFVII remake. There is a surprisingly large number of people who dont want this game to remade, for a variety of reasons. One of them is the fear that they change the game too much that it loses the magic.

I do want a remake, but at the same time, it seems impossible for them to make a 'good' remake, because of the ridiculously high expectations some fans have, and also the apparent incapability of the company to make a good game.

Honestly, an ffvii remake has a good chance of ending up to be deemed as rubbish by the majority, in my opinion. But I will likely enjoy it anyway. I am an FF fan who is very easily pleased.:D
The above posters do have a point, a remake would be good on paper but problematic in execution. Final Fantasy VII was just a culmination of what their efforts up to that point, this was the series first foray into 3D and even if it had flaws, it was still a good game. After playing the game, I can see why fans (especially the rabid fans) would want a remake. It was a unique experience that you couldn't find in other games and it had an intiguing story that still have fans today talking. Believe me, I understand that but the fans alos have to understand why the game was so special in the first place.

The game was the second game (the first being Final Fantasy VI) in the seires to break out of dungeons and castles and utilize an urban setting. The developers did a very good job at bringing the world to life from the slums of Midgar to the ruin of the Ancient ruins. It had an interesting cast of characters both playable and non playable that is known to almost every gamer. The music although it sounded pretty screechy, was very good and really matched the mood of the scenes. The game had a lot of flaws in it but it all worked out for the better.

Unfortunately, the game has now become the black sheep of the franchise. This had more spinoffs and cameos than any other title in the series. Some like Crisis Core were very good while like Dirge of Cerebus were just plain terrible. A remake although it would have a lot of sales, would completely lose sight of what made the original game so awesome in the first place. Similar to the Star Wars prequels, it would just be a bunch of lights and color on the screen with no real emotion or depth. I don't really trust the management or the current dev team with the remake at all especially since most of the original players left the company awhile ago.

That is not to say that cannot do good job in making games but there is soemthing about Final Fantasy 7 that cannot be replicated.
I dont think their making it for the PS3 anymore, However YES I do want a remake badly cause its one of the best games in the series, and they did good with the tech demo and stuff, But after looking at all their other titles their working on I just dont see them putting the effort in it anymore, but If they did I swear that game would sell big time.
Well, I think...

The last I heard, it was being made for the PSP--but now that the Vita is coming out, Square Enix will probably release it for that instead...I hope not, because as of right now, I don't particularly want the Vita...if they release it for the Vita, however, I'm going to be VERY tempted in buying it. It will be one hell of a market strategy, that's for damn sure.

But, as for the gameplay--I think that it should be just like the original, but with graphics that of Crisis Core/Dissidia, with voices, and the camera of course being something like FFXIII. I want everything to be the same, other than the graphics, the no-voices, and out-dated mechanics. They need to make the remake, how they would make FFVII if they were making it for the first time in this day and age, only with the same exact--and I do mean SAME EXACT--story. If they do this, I will be happy. And as for all the people who are against a remake because they want to keep the game a classic - just don't play the remake. Leave it for the fans that want it. You can always just play the original, you know...and even with a remake out in the world, the original will always remain classic, seeing as how it's the 'original'.
No remakes please.

My biggest fear is they'll remake FF7 decide it needs to be edgier or modernized and change things.

Next thing you know Barret isn't edgy enough. His character needs to more sociopathic. Aeris isn't edgy enough. She needs to be a lesbian in the remake. Cloud isn't edgy enough he needs to be a drug abuser. Yes, lets change the entire storyline and have mako be a form of amphetamine. It doesn't make sense, but who cares? Boooo.
Seriously, just leave it alone. It's not like the game really needs to be remade. Besides, remakes always have a large chance of ruining what was initially fine.

It's "legendary" enough as it is, wouldn't you say?
I'm not sure how the game making process works but they have the whole FFVII world in their files I'm sure. I don't think they could make it better with graphic enhancing. They would have to recreate the whole world which could take some time. It's a long game if played correctly so we'll see. I'm saying there will be one in years to come or there won't be one at all.
I am almost confident that they will not remake it. As said above, I think they are too scared to remake it and change the battle system/ modernise it and losing a lot of FFVII fans. If they just remade the graphics, then really there is little point. There are a lot of other really awesome games that could do better with a make over. And I wouldnt buy the game again if they enhanced the graphics like the N3DS and OOT - Really was a meh.

That being said, I love love to play it again with current graphics, it would be really beautiful haha
They could just do an HD remake: the game can stay identical to the original, just with refined sprites, backgrounds and FMVs. I personally loved the original anime style of the FMV models and I would hate to see them replaced with the "ubereal" models of AC and onwards. That way there would be no compromising of the game, it's basically just polishing and updating it. Would definitely cost a LOT less than a full realistic FFXIII-esque remake. They could do this with VIII and IX too, no need to completely transform the game into something else.
They could just do an HD remake: the game can stay identical to the original, just with refined sprites, backgrounds and FMVs. I personally loved the original anime style of the FMV models and I would hate to see them replaced with the "ubereal" models of AC and onwards. That way there would be no compromising of the game, it's basically just polishing and updating it. Would definitely cost a LOT less than a full realistic FFXIII-esque remake. They could do this with VIII and IX too, no need to completely transform the game into something else.

I really didn't get into IX as much as VII and VIII. But I think both are really good. FFVII just has more success I think with all the add ons and such but I agree. I think they could just make the graphics 100Xs better and keep the gameply the same. No comprimising the game, and better detail. It's a win win situation am I right?
I really didn't get into IX as much as VII and VIII. But I think both are really good. FFVII just has more success I think with all the add ons and such but I agree. I think they could just make the graphics 100Xs better and keep the gameply the same. No comprimising the game, and better detail. It's a win win situation am I right?

Ding! Same here... SE has already shown how they'd look like in better 3D so why not? Makes it a touch more satisfying :D... wonder if the gem weapons will look the same though, the original look might be a bit to "plain".

Just make sure they keep the chocobo races.

DF out :jon:
They could just do an HD remake: the game can stay identical to the original, just with refined sprites, backgrounds and FMVs. I personally loved the original anime style of the FMV models and I would hate to see them replaced with the "ubereal" models of AC and onwards. That way there would be no compromising of the game, it's basically just polishing and updating it. Would definitely cost a LOT less than a full realistic FFXIII-esque remake. They could do this with VIII and IX too, no need to completely transform the game into something else.

I would agree with you on that, there is no nned to change the game itself. Just make it HD with a few refinements here and there. The prequels pretty much changed the series already and there is no need for further alterations.
Ok, but honestly, what is the point really about just making a game again with better graphics. We would all love the PSX ones remade for NGC, but that would cost a LOT of money and I doubt SE will cough it up without 'modernizing' it..
I am not entirely sure if they should make a remake. They story of Final Fantasy VII is superb but the graphics are on the weak side so I guess a new remake would make up for it...but, I will not be happy if they toss in all these weird-anime-stylish-over-the-top-backflipping-kinda things into the pot. If anyone remember, the remake of Metal Gear Solid became hillarious since the producers thought more of everything would make an even better game.

They could just do an HD remake: the game can stay identical to the original, just with refined sprites, backgrounds and FMVs. I personally loved the original anime style of the FMV models and I would hate to see them replaced with the "ubereal" models of AC and onwards. That way there would be no compromising of the game, it's basically just polishing and updating it. Would definitely cost a LOT less than a full realistic FFXIII-esque remake. They could do this with VIII and IX too, no need to completely transform the game into something else.

I agree, this is the best way to go. Donno if it already have been said a thrillion times further back in the forums though. I would not care for a super realistic version but there are better things they could put their energy into - like making a new Final Fantasy (XV or XVI?).
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