Final Fantasy VII Remake

Yeah i would :P it would stop people calling her worthless and Great Gospel Pwns :P

Plus if they make it optional then they can choose to leave her dead in AC so it all works out
XD, ooooohhh boy. I don't know about that, but maybe something where you can unlock a good long sidequest to revive her. But not part of the officail storyline. That would mess up the rest of the FF7 series not to mention AC.
yeah a good long OPTIONAL sidequest where you could revive her, optional being the word here, or maybe get her spirit to fight with you...or make her die in the end...theres so many ways around it XD

And i'd like it if Vincent and Yuffie were mandatory characters - there too important to the storyline - especially vincent - to be left optional
Yea, I can't really see them doing that. It wouldn't help the series at all... and it would completely undo her main purpose in the game. I think she was very powerful... but the role of her character was larger in death than it was in life. I think she needs to stay dead.
yeah...well if she stays dead then theres always the PS3 cheat disk to go running to XD

so im fine no matter what they do XD

i think they should make the bosses a LOT harder though, especially sephiroth.
True. *nods* but if they don't then I'm sure that some hackers can take of that problem AG. ;D But I agree, they should at least make Vincent a manadatory char. He's the main char of the sequal for crying out loud!!
Vincent HAS to be mandatory im not so sure about Yuffie yet but if they made her optional they would have to change how you get her like you meet her in Junon or something same with vincent becasue people just dont have the patience to solve the safe puzzle now a days (guilty) lol
OMG, I hated that bloody safe!! I loathe it with a passion!! I can never get it and withing 15 failed attempts, I start chewing on the controller!! GaH!
But how many people actually pass up Vincent when they play through the game. Yuffie might be a little difficult to find but I certainly didn't have a guide when I found her the first time. Vincent is pretty easy to get too. The only hard part is the combination to that safe... but even so, I've never heard of someone not getting him in a playthrough.
lol same i just get the code of the internet and i've always bin fast so after that its easy also you would have to put Red XIIIs last limit break somewhere else. You would have to keep Vincent in the coffin but maybe the key could be thrown at you instead of the destruct materia when you see Sephiroth in the basement or maybe even both
*gives DM a chill pill* lol calm down now no need to get upset :D it doesn't matter now you got vincent let it be dead
I think this is honestly the reason we have yet to see an FFVII remake. No one seems to agree on what the "right" course of action is. It's not just split between the yay and nay sayers, the yay sayers can't even agree on what they want modified and what needs to stay original. Honestly, I think if you just kept everything original you can't mess it up, because you already know the original was a success. Messing with that formula may or may not affect the game as a whole... but it's not the original if we mess with it... and that's what we loved so much to begin with. And although I'm inclined to agree that Sephiroth should be different or new bosses should be added... I think the best route is just not to mess with anything at all. Why? Because it worked once... it'll work again.
yea but sometimes origianlity can be bad and some things NEED to be changed i think that the Vincent and lucrecia thing should be carried on because when i finished it the first time i was really disapointed heh heh also they should change how some of the characters wepaons look cus when i first played through i was disapointed with how a lot of them looked especially vincents Death Penalty becasue it just looked like a regular rifle
Yea, my guess is all characters and animations will recieve heavy aesthetic upgrades. I honestly don't think it's a bad thing at all. Vincent's Death Penalty was just sad. It's honestly why I never used him. But I think they should keep to the original recipe very heavily. If they do a remake I want it just to be a graphical facelift. Nothing else.

The only dialog changes I would really approve of are the ones fixing translation problems and to help guide the characters to things that were easily overlooked in the original game. In other words, I know a lot of people never revisited Nibelheim basement on Disc 3... and it would be good if you could talk to a few people that would suggest you go there. If you don't, it's no big and you miss out on it like in the original... but there's at least a push to get you to see those important cutscenes.

In other words, they'd just be fixing "errors" in the game. Modern games do a good job of deleting those kind of errors that were prevelant in older games. If they fixed some of those "mistakes", then I'd be happy. As much as I still like knowing about oddities like "I are sick", you just can't keep that stuff in the game... too many people will see it as halfassing on SE's part.
Yea, my guess is all characters and animations will recieve heavy aesthetic upgrades. I honestly don't think it's a bad thing at all. Vincent's Death Penalty was just sad. It's honestly why I never used him. But I think they should keep to the original recipe very heavily. If they do a remake I want it just to be a graphical facelift. Nothing else.

The only dialog changes I would really approve of are the ones fixing translation problems and to help guide the characters to things that were easily overlooked in the original game. In other words, I know a lot of people never revisited Nibelheim basement on Disc 3... and it would be good if you could talk to a few people that would suggest you go there. If you don't, it's no big and you miss out on it like in the original... but there's at least a push to get you to see those important cutscenes.

In other words, they'd just be fixing "errors" in the game. Modern games do a good job of deleting those kind of errors that were prevelant in older games. If they fixed some of those "mistakes", then I'd be happy. As much as I still like knowing about oddities like "I are sick", you just can't keep that stuff in the game... too many people will see it as halfassing on SE's part.

I absolutel f*****g agree with you i'd want them to make death penalty and chaos look how they do in DoC also i'd like to see the limit breaks look a little different
Keeping history as the original, but with the top technologies this days for a kick ass remake with a good attention to the detais in game and not a rushed remake just to milk some money from it.
Haha that was my thought when I read it. Didn't want to say anything though. I hope they've already got this sucker half done and are just waiting til it's in production before they even let the word out about it.