Final Fantasy VII Remake

Yes they have - theyve kept all the FFVII spinoffs to their consoles - promoted FFVII and basically made FF the sucess it is today. plus since every single FF since VII has been for sony i think they deserve it.

Besides if its not for the PS3/4 then many fans will be pissed - i know i will be - i want an FFVII remake for the ps3 - not for the 360 to make XBox fans happy :dry:
Sony knew that it was big when it was on the nintendo so they would help it become bigger AND MAKE MONEY IN THE PROCESS. Sony only did what every company would have done. I just think that every gamer should be allowed to play it. That includes the wii too.
I don't care if they manage to remake it for the f*cking NGage... I just want this damn thing out with brand new shiny graphics (which could never happen on the NGage, btw)
In my opinion, yes, there will definitely be a FFVII remake for the PS3. It was the major selling point of the system. And, let's be honest, those money grubbing bastards at Square Enix are going to squeeze every last penny out of the FFVII franchise. All the post FFVII crap (games, movies, e.t.c.) is just setting the stage for the remake. So yes, you can look forward to "FFVII - The Remake" however, it probably won't be release for a while. Definitely not any time soon. Perhaps 4th quarter of '09 or later.

True, true. I agree with you. Square Enix is most likely going to remake FFVII for three main reasons that I though of.
1.Most of the fans of FFVII will most definitely be crazy about this remake.
2.It will also promote the sale of PS3 no doubt.
3.It will also help Square Enix rake in a ton of cash.
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I think the 360 should get it too. Sony have done nothing to deserve it!

The reason they didnt make FFVII for Nintendo was because Nintendo refused to give up the cartridge, and Sony was going on a CD format. Knowing that FFVII was going to be a huge game, they wisely chose the CD format, leaving Nintendo in the dust. Final Fantasy is probably the only reason the Playstation beat the 64 and Dreamcast in that console war.
Yea that and Sony offered them superior graphics and financial support for changing over. No lie... was in a interview with the president at taht time. Was a G4 special.
The reason they didnt make FFVII for Nintendo was because Nintendo refused to give up the cartridge, and Sony was going on a CD format. Knowing that FFVII was going to be a huge game, they wisely chose the CD format, leaving Nintendo in the dust. Final Fantasy is probably the only reason the Playstation beat the 64 and Dreamcast in that console war.
Yeah nintendos cartridge was much fasters at data transfer though, thats why they would not give it up. CDs were a cheaper way. It would have cost far to much to make the game for a cartridge. The game must be over 2 gig in size.
Actually your wrong about the PS3 being able to play PS1 and 2 games.
In the UK they had peoblems with the hardware and the Playstation 3 wont be able to play alot of the old Playstation 1 and 2 games. thats why it was several months late for its original release date.
I hope they remake it as long as they keep the original script!!
Yeah we know that now, but my post was before UK release :P

It was intended that the PS3 would be able to play old games, and so obviously when SE said they won't plan a remake FF VII untill it's no longer avalible on a current console they were going by this proposed intention. Hopefully Sony will sort out this error for future models of the PS3, as I don't intend to buy one untill more games are out and my finacial situation is, quite frankly, better.
Yeah we know that now, but my post was before UK release :P

It was intended that the PS3 would be able to play old games, and so obviously when SE said they won't plan a remake FF VII untill it's no longer avalible on a current console they were going by this proposed intention. Hopefully Sony will sort out this error for future models of the PS3, as I don't intend to buy one untill more games are out and my finacial situation is, quite frankly, better.

I have looked up all the compatible games for the PS3 and FFVII does not work. I think FFVIII, IX, XII did with minor issues with X working with noticeable issues.

Square-Enix have already stated that there is no FFVII remake planned.

It would take a staff of 300 people 5 years to remake the game to the standard of the tech demo - in investment far beyond even what was put into FFXII - 200 people spent 5 years making that game. That's five years during which 300 people would be stuck remaking an old game and wouldn't be able to take part in creating a new one. A large amount of Square-Enix's resources would be engaged in the project, as well. There would be no hope of any original Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts games during those five years, as the FF team itself would be forced to spend all it's time and energy on the remake to even have a hope of completing it within the aforementioned five years.

That the FF team IS working on other projects, therefore, makes an FFVII remake for the PS3 even more unlikely.

Add to that the fact that the PS3 could very well be obsolete within five years anyway.

Add to that, also, that Square is not a company to lie to it's fans, and that it always announces it's projects at an early stage - at least, so I'm told, and I see no reason to doubt it.

If that wasn't enough, the simple fact is that they would probably make a lot more profit with a new game than with an FFVII remake. Since the original is compatible with the PSX, PS2 and PS3 (except, apparantly, in PAL territories, but that may be fixed, and even if it isn't they wouldn't remake the game for that reason), most people who have any interest in playing the game will already have it, and so the amount of potential new fans that could be gained from a remake is actually quite small. Of those who do already have the game, most wouldn't shell out for the same game with shinier graphics when they can easily play the original on a current or previous-gen console.

In Japan, the success of the Compilation of FF led to the rerelease of FFVII. That didn't happen in the US or Europe. If Square-Enix only thought it was worth re-releasing the game in one territory, why would they go to all the trouble of remaking it?
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Yes there will be a ff7 remake becoz my cuzins friend works there and she is the developer of it sooo hahahahahahahaha

Yes there will be a ff7 remake becoz my cuzins friend works there and she is the developer of it sooo ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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i would lov for a remake but i heard that it not a idea that square-enix dont have in mind but i hope they do bc the story was great but the graphics were bad but as i sayed before i hope they do remake final fantasy 7

Square-Enix have already stated that there is no FFVII remake planned.

It would take a staff of 300 people 5 years to remake the game to the standard of the tech demo - in investment far beyond even what was put into FFXII - 200 people spent 5 years making that game. That's five years during which 300 people would be stuck remaking an old game and wouldn't be able to take part in creating a new one. A large amount of Square-Enix's resources would be engaged in the project, as well. There would be no hope of any original Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts games during those five years, as the FF team itself would be forced to spend all it's time and energy on the remake to even have a hope of completing it within the aforementioned five years.

Would it really take that long just to redo all the graphics? Having FFVII with PS2-era Final Fantasy graphics?

How would it take more people the same time to redo visuals for a pre-existing game than it took to make a new game from nothing?
final fantasy 7 nead one good emake but only for grafics no something else

Yea, I completely agree with this. It needs at least one good remake. Hell, I'm not sure how people can say the game wouldn't sell when half of the companies today make a good chunk of their profits off of remakes. They don't need to spend half the time coming up with the characters and storyboard. It'd just take about a year to make the textures, find a way to take the skinned 3D characters from AC to the remake, voice the characters and do beta testing.
Would it really take that long just to redo all the graphics? Having FFVII with PS2-era Final Fantasy graphics?
This is a meaningless question, because it's extremely unlikely that Square Enix would settle for using PS2-era graphics for any PS3 FF game. FF games are known for their graphics and flashy FMV sequences. If they were to remake FFVII, they would make sure that the graphics were at least to the standard of the graphics in FFXII.

How would it take more people the same time to redo visuals for a pre-existing game than it took to make a new game from nothing?
I don't know. I'm just repeating the information we have from Square Enix. As a guess, though:

The PS3 is a completely different system. They won't be able to just pull out the old graphics and work on them from where they left off. They would basically have to create the graphics for the remaxe from scratch, using the graphics of the existing version of FFVII as a guide. They'd also have use the PS3 development kit, which means that they probably wouldn't be able to just "copy and paste" code from the original game.
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This is a meaningless question, because it's extremely unlikely that Square Enix would settle for using PS2-era graphics for any PS3 FF game. FF games are known for their graphics and flashy FMV sequences. If they were to remake FFVII, they would make sure that the graphics were at least to the standard of the graphics in FFXII.

I don't know. I'm just repeating the information we have from Square Enix. As a guess, though:

The PS3 is a completely different system. They won't be able to just pull out the old graphics and work on them from where they left off. They would basically have to create the graphics for the remaxe from scratch, using the graphics of the existing version of FFVII as a guide. They'd also have use the PS3 development kit, which means that they probably wouldn't be able to just "copy and paste" code from the original game.

Do you make games for a living?
final fantasy 7 nead one good emake but only for grafics no something else

That is one thing that worries me about if they do a remake. I probably wouldn't mind voice acting but what needs is graphic enhancements and some translation errors fixed "Off Course!". :D

That would do me fine but they would probably end up adding in extras like new materia and probably add in Aeris gets revived. :S

For example, I remember in FFVII when Cloud at the Mako Reactor in Mt. Nibel when Sephiroth stabs Cloud but then he uses his force to throw him down in the reactor but in the Last Order, they changed that to Sephiroth deciding to jump in.

I also wonder if they would change some scripts for Barret and Cid if they had voice acting to lower the rating although I think they could easily leave it uncensored, considering that FFXII is a 16+ game. :dry:
sadly they are not going to remake final fantasy VII for PS3

:blink:Strange man be hush!

Really? Only the classics? Whatever...

I think they're making a remake. You may not believe but now is the time to do it and they know it. They did the teaser trailer. They pulled people off of the "unofficial remake" to finish up Final Fantasy XII. They then came out a week later and retracted the statement saying that they weren't officially working on a Final Fantasy VII remake. Not that they weren't. Just that they weren't "officially".

Right now a big deal is Square-Enix is split. If I remember correctly, there is one guy who is really against any remake of any sort. There is another guy who wants a remake but he's not willing to put in the time. And there's one more guy who wants a remake but he's inexperienced or something weird like that. It's in an old RPGFan article in some Yoichi Wada interview. But Wada has said multiple times that the trailer and AC weren't set up to convert easily over to the PS3 but if they were going to do a remake, it would be in the lifetime of the PS3. They have the character models, the new designs, and more importantly... voice actors. All of that is set up, they just need to get it going. My guess is they'll literally JUST started working on it. The European release of Final Fantasy XII is in 2 days and they said they might start it back up after they were all finished with that, which would have been about a month or so ago.

They're not going to put a lot of people on it, so even if they're starting it now... it's not with a big team. I know they said they had put the old KH team on it or something. But Final Fantasy XIII is a long ways off and so is Final Fantasy XIV and KH3. But yes, we will see it.

And for the record, no one gives a shit about whether or not you can play the PS discs on the PS3. You can still play the old games but if you're really think old games sell as much as new games do, you're just oblivious to the truth. People who haven't played Final Fantasy VII and aren't hardcore fans of the series, won't pick it up unless its redone. And if they redo it, that means that AC, BC, CC, and DC will all get boosts in profits and popularity because the original title was remade.

It's gonna be remade. Get used to it.
no they are not going to make a new remake sadly... they anncounced it a bit ago

sadly they are not going to remake final fantasy VII for PS3

no they are not going to make a new remake sadly... they anncounced it a bit ago

no they are not it sucks but its true everyone though they were cause of the test video for the PS3 graphics they used FFVII as the video clip, and they all got excited but square enix said they wont make a new FFVII
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if they ever did, here are my ideas:
- for the unique characters, i'd like to play more side quests concerning their backgrounds
- a flying
- i much bigger
- explain a little on what the Genesis from Shinra is more about in Side quests...
- thats'd be pretty awesome if they did make a remake though sometime in the next 20 years