Final Fantasy VII Remake

Maybe just maybe SE have done this before so they could be doing it again
Yea, my guess is all characters and animations will recieve heavy aesthetic upgrades. I honestly don't think it's a bad thing at all. Vincent's Death Penalty was just sad. It's honestly why I never used him. But I think they should keep to the original recipe very heavily. If they do a remake I want it just to be a graphical facelift. Nothing else.

Well said. Exactly my opinion. Straying too far from the best path will not result in anything good.

The only dialog changes I would really approve of are the ones fixing translation problems and to help guide the characters to things that were easily overlooked in the original game.
I agree with only 2 things to add. 1) some lines are just sad, and must be fixed. IMO, one does not sound at all serious or intimidating when they're constantly saying "I don't understand what you're saying!" when it had, indeed, been clearly explained. Some words just don't go together very well. Some lines don't sound right once you think about them, others stand out as badly as "All your base are belong to us". The english translation was full of grammatical errors. And like I said, some lines are just gay. "The weapons man upstairs" has also gotta go or be fixed.

2) They definitly need to add in some part where what happend in cloud's spikey head actually was and how it came to be. Also needed, in an explaination of the workings of the world, to a good extent. That is what confuses many people, and actually prompted SE to release an offical guide afterwords so that you would know what the hell was going on and why. This aspect of the game, as it currently is, turns away quite a few players from the series.
They arent making a FF VII remake. Im not joking. Go to IGN and you'll find that demo was just for a graphics show and tell. Too bad, I really wanted to see a remake of the best FF game.
They arent making a FF VII remake. Im not joking. Go to IGN and you'll find that demo was just for a graphics show and tell. Too bad, I really wanted to see a remake of the best FF game.

We've established the fact that the demo was just a graphics show. This doesnt mean they wont make a remake in the future. Why do you think they made a compilation? Because so many fans were screaming for more FFVII! All of this is leading up to a remake, Im tellin you.
I pray they re-make it. I couldn't bare life without a FF7 remake. Seriously. I strongly believe that a re-make of the game, just updating graphics, making text improvements, etc. etc. would be the biggest selling game of all time.

Square-enix are doing a test right now. They know FF7 is their best all these remakes right now are leading up to FF7 i think....
I think there will be a remake of Final Fantasy VII but not necessarily on the PS3. There have been rumors that XIII will be on the XBOX 360 so they may make the remake on there and not the PS3.
I just thought of something :lol: this randomly came into the discussion me and judge rulia were having on msn about the world map or not world map thread. Wouldnt it be a hell of a lot harder to create a world map for like PS3 graphics? you'd have to try and make it look realistic, so that means it could end up looking drastically different, its not like the PS1 game - you cant make cloud the same size as the town or village hes about to enter - and the mountains would have to be huge as that means that the world map for a remake could go really really wrong :blink:
Yea, I'd thought of that. I'm not sure as far as walking if they'll ever got back to a worldmap. For the remake they probably could manage it though. It would probably just appear the same way it did in Final Fantasy VII. Just because it's getting a graphical facelift doesn't mean it can't display everythin the same way. It just means that everything would look much better and graphically defined. All the towns would still look like Monopoly pieces on the world map, just very detailed and pretty monopoly pieces. And I don't want them making everything large and "real", as I'd expect them to do with newer games, because that's too much of a departure from the original.
I think there will be a remake of Final Fantasy VII but not necessarily on the PS3. There have been rumors that XIII will be on the XBOX 360 so they may make the remake on there and not the PS3.

Final Fantasy VII debuted on the Playstation. Its one of the reasons many people still play playstations. I doubt they would make a remake of that game, and sell it only on a different system.
I agree. if there was to be a FFVII remake it would be done for the PS3 and the PS3 only - its Far too famous and popular for sony to let microsoft get their hands on it :P plus i heard sony hold the rights to it?
A remake would have to be on PS3 (if it was going to be made). Apparantly the FF7 contract between Squaresoft and Sony was that any sequels or anything directly to do with FF7 stays on Sony turf.

So we're safe. I'd HATE FF7 remake to go on a 360. The PS3 should get it, the PS controllers are pefect for it too...;)
Nah, I think each system should have a version of an FF7 remake. I know Square Enix has a contract with Sony but it would be interesting. Don't you think?
Nah, I think each system should have a version of an FF7 remake. I know Square Enix has a contract with Sony but it would be interesting. Don't you think?

I see what you mean ,and if they were released on all 3 systems, absolutely untouched with only a graphical update and the controls for each next-gen console then yeah, everyone should get it and i think it'd be the best selling game ever!

Onto a new rumour.....:

I heard a rumour that if Final Fantasy VII is ever released/remade for the PS3, they would have voice acting for the script, probably using the cast from Advent Children for the voice acting. Are you for or against this?
and explain why, don't forget to vote yes or no in the poll.


I am against voice acting. It takes away the feel of the game. It doesn't feel like you're involved when their is a voice talking, if you miss something you can't go back. It's more involving when you read the script yourself. I thought that FF10 and FF10-2 had bad voice acting, that's one of the main reasons i couldn't get into the game. The word 'Fantasy' means a thought. An imagination. Voice acting leaves nothing to the imagination, it's all handed to you on a plate.
I'd go with the VO's. It was too annoying having to read all the time. Albeit most if not all FF games you have to read, it's still annoying. So, a thumbs up to the VO's.
I'd go with the VO's. It was too annoying having to read all the time. Albeit most if not all FF games you have to read, it's still annoying. So, a thumbs up to the VO's.

I love the reading part, its not annoying to me at all. Maybe thats just because I love to read, lol.

I think they should have SOME voice acting in the remake, but not all the time like in FF X.
WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY BOUT FF VII REMAKE THR...*Actually reads first post*...K sorry, my bad.

As said time and time before, FFVII is not being remade for the PS3. This has been offiacialy stated by Square-Enix themselfs. Its also been stated by one of the main developer guys (dont know his name) that there is no plans to do a remake of FFVII untill technological diffrences prevent new consoles to play Playstation discs, and seeing as the PS3 can then don't think it'll be a while, however this is not a solid idea and could very well change but it is how it stands at the moment.

IMO a remake would be good, but it will ruin the game for alot of its original fans (ie the ones playing it since its release, far before all this compilation bollocks). There really is no need for a remake but I'd buy it and play it none the less.

Actually your wrong about the PS3 being able to play PS1 and 2 games.
In the UK they had peoblems with the hardware and the Playstation 3 wont be able to play alot of the old Playstation 1 and 2 games. thats why it was several months late for its original release date.
I hope they remake it as long as they keep the original script!!
What i want from the remake is better graphics, script to stay the same, but i would like the battle system too have more freedom like a cross between ff12 ans star ocean3. So that the avent children battles could be done, and playing the game would feel great. but on the world map issue , i would like too see the world map demolished really and be replaced with a bigger enviroments like ff12.
Also what would be cool is if they put in a copy of the original ff7 either in the game or box set that was playable on ps3.
I think the 360 should get it too. Sony have done nothing to deserve it!

Yes they have - theyve kept all the FFVII spinoffs to their consoles - promoted FFVII and basically made FF the sucess it is today. plus since every single FF since VII has been for sony i think they deserve it.

Besides if its not for the PS3/4 then many fans will be pissed - i know i will be - i want an FFVII remake for the ps3 - not for the 360 to make XBox fans happy :dry: