Final Fantasy VII Remake

Well, I'm probably the only person in this forum who hasn't played FF7 yet. But i will buy the remake, for i want to play ff7 and the graphics will be awesome!

i would pray to god they dont wait til the PS4, because i will sell my PS3 now if they're gonna do that. I have been waiting for too long and supporting Sony and Square-Enix for too long for them to make me waste money on a console i believed FF7 was coming out on, for them to go and wait until nex-gen...

Now is the perfect time. The only way the PS3 can even hope of beating the Wii sales is with FF7. The PS3 is the all-round best console, but this game would make that concrete.
I really really REALLY hope they do do a remake! That would be so cool! They would have to be careful not to ruin it by making it too different though, coz the ps1 game is so good that I still play it... It would be great to have FFVII in much better graphics, to have more weapons, to hear the characters' speech and to have a better ending cinematic.
I think Square-Enix use this remake as their trump card. When their games no longer makes profit they pull FFVII remake from their sleeves to get more money. I would do like this if I was the head of SE.
They don't realize how many copies of FF7 remake would sell. New movies? Maybe Voice acting? Ridiculously good graphics? New Particle effects? The old fashioned Fighting System? Knight of the Round? BAHAMUT??? HOLY MACAROLE! Chocobo Racing? I just can't get over what a Remake would be like, THAT would be worth to get PS3 over. I have a feeling it will go down in price anyway by the time FF13 comes out.

HIGH DEFINITION ON A 42" TV. OR 50! OR 60 (you crazy people.) I just can't get over it, the amount of copies that would sell.
Am I the only one who longs for the days when they only didn't make any spin-offs?

Yeah Im with you but really I long for the pre-FF7 days... honestly Id play the original Final Fantasy... on the NES... before Id rave about a mediocre game like FF7...
I think the Remake would blast profits throught the roof,all the greatness of the FFVII worlds,character,plots,stories ect and as an added bonus ingame graphics Advent Children style. I'd buy it :P

-Sin Lee.
I sure hope so. I'm sure getting sick these crappy graphics. I understand they WERE amazing for the time, but I want to see an updated version of the worlds greatest video game.
They should make the remake. In the trailer, Aeris look awesome!

In the old FF7 on PS, the caracters look deformed (not in the battles). I hope I can see them better. Also, hear their voices! Cloud's voice was awesome in Advent Children! And they better make more materia choices and more ultima weapons. Ruby and emerald is not hard enough.
Relive the classic. A dream for me.

I just want to hear Tifa's and Cloud's voices. Then, hope they don't have a deformed face when you're in field mode....

I just hope that we'll have more Ultima weapons and you can revive Aeris (Aerith).

i would pray to god they dont wait til the PS4, because i will sell my PS3 now if they're gonna do that. I have been waiting for too long and supporting Sony and Square-Enix for too long for them to make me waste money on a console i believed FF7 was coming out on, for them to go and wait until nex-gen...

Now is the perfect time. The only way the PS3 can even hope of beating the Wii sales is with FF7. The PS3 is the all-round best console, but this game would make that concrete.

I plan to get all 3 consoles anyways, so there's no best console for me. That being said, I think I'm starting to change my mind about the FF7 remake, make it happen, but keep the storyline the same.
If they made the remake, all the charm would be lost for me. Those blocky graphics, they were so funny to look at, me and my mates still laugh about them now. Including voice acting would ruin it, knowing the quality of most voice acting in video games. Even if it was good, it'd still ruin it, it wouldn't be the same for me. I love the game for what it is, not for what it could be in a remake.
At this point im beyond getting excited for small rumors any more because their has been so many. I wont get my hopes up until an official statment is made that FFVII is being Developed. I rather be surprised than let down.
ok, at the moment, I've just got FF7 for the pc, doing a little experiment you see, deleted all the gifs and putting personal models based on the movie AC, changing all the menu icons etc and putting in black mages/piano collections/misc arrangements for all the midi files in the game. Generally making a sexier game for me to play. However, if square remade ffvii for the ps3, what would they do? would they change the ATB system which would be classic? how would they sort out some of the sequences? seriously, they've got FFXIII on their hands which looks promising, but taking on FFVII:PS3 as well? It would take a LOT of money, time and binary code to sort this one out. And how many people would buy it ? (I would, but ff hardcores would), I'd love to see the camera angle change for the limit breaks and close ups for omnislash and amazing bolt 2 spells as well as seeing how lost number changes form and all, but lets face it. It'd take a while, they can't soup it up next week because they have a secret bluray disc with FF7 they created shortly after making AC. I'd really love to play it souped up, but facing facts, I'm just doing the best I can with modding up what I have and living with it. FFXIII should definitely beat FFVII, that's all I'm saying. HAVE YOU SEEN THAT BATTLE SYSTEM? As much as I loved that little time gauge build up, I'm not going to miss it, you know?
I hope there will be a remake ^^ i loved the old version but if there would be a remake i think it would look like FF AC and DoC which would be of course awesome XD
Do you want a remake?

This is a thread to go along with the remake rumours/discussion thread, simple really - Do you WANT a remake of FFVII for the PS3 or another system? and why?

This thread isn't about whether or not the remakes planned, or in development and stuff, thats what the other stickied threads for, this threads solely about your opinion on the remake :)
Do I want a remake of FFVII?

No, not really. Sure it is neat to see FFVII in PS3 graphics I give it that. If SE made a remake I would most likely buy it anyways to see what they have kept or changed.

My main concern with the remake of FFVII is: Old devlopers are gone and Square Enix can do whatever the hell they want to the remake. Square Enix has already added quite a few new characters and a major character, Genesis. Most likely in the FFVII remake SE will probably change some old scripts from the first game. SE will add Genesis to the plot and probably have characters mentioning him, or possibly adding him as a bigger role in the remake. This could change the plot drastically....

I'm sure the positive outcome of remake is...more money for SE, newer fans can play, fans of FFVII will cream their pants, probably additional side quests, materia, and weapons.