Final Fantasy VII Remake

Um they are already planning on making one for the PS3 they already have trailers on youtube for it. But yes I love the idea of a remake for FFVII, it was my first game ever and I would love to see it with better graphics
that trailer was only a preview of the basic graphics of the ps3, but I still think that since they started it, they might as well do the remake. and I would only imagine that they would add a little more backstory through side quests.
I think that the only way SE could make a re-make without destroying it is if they only changed the graphics and gave the characters Voices.

they would have to leave the storyline, Battle system, materia, Limit breaks, Summons, What the characters say, and what outfits the characters are wearing the same as in the original.

yes you could argue that if you want to play FFVII again you could buy a PS1 or play it on your PS3 like i do but when your used to using the Analog to move your character it gets annoying when you can't use it.
I don't believe any plans have been made for a remake yet. I read that today, somewhere. Maybe on Wikipedia.

I would like a remake, as I haven't yet played VII. I intend buying it on ebay sometime, but a remake would be nice, since VII was a very well received game- and will superior graphics to the original, the game would be enjoyable for me and I think many ff fans to play. :)
I actually hope they change the story just a bit, but only through sidequests. And change the scene where *Spoiler for oversensitive people, but mentioning it's a she for oblivious people* dies, so it's not overly random and emotionless.

Cloud: *Standing there blankly*
Aeris: *standing there blankly*
Sephiroth: *stabs aeris*
Aeris: *No facial expression*
Me: Wtf?
Ok, first of all; Square has shown that they are good at making remakes. Look at the SNES FFs; they were remade, they got extras, they got better translations while keeping some things such as "spoony bard" in... No-one disliked them, and people liked the extra contents. They just didn't get as much hype and weren't as wanted a FFVII remake is. Besides, the graphical difference is little, and they are probably more easily available over the internet than a PS game is.

Someone said that people who cite graphics as a reason they don't play the originals is not a legit excuse since he/she has no problems with the earlier FFs, like the SNES ones. That's not true, FFVII's graphics are bad enough for someone used to PS3 quality graphics to be dissapointed. There's a very large difference between good looking sprites and bad looking models.

Someone else also said that "any proper FF fan knows the PS FFs are the best". While the PS FFs were good, I am certain they weren't nearly as good as the SNES ones. Any "proper" FF fan would agree with me too, I believe.

Now, how I believe they should handle a FFVII remake?
-Make it double Blu-Ray if necessery. If you are gonna make a game as alrge as FFVII with graphics like the ones on the tech demo, a single Blu-Ray might just not cut it.
-Add extras. Not too much, but a little bit more dialogue, a little bit more treasures... And taking the preFFVII remakes road, an extra dungeon or two. Square has shown the capability of doing this, and doing it good.
-A new, more accurate translation. I doubt FFVII had been translated perfectly, a remake is just the best opportunity for a better job at that.
-Add a Blu-Ray with a port of the original. No work needed, just a port. For all those who like nostalgia (and as I saw here, wouldn't really like a remake, and whose number surprises me). Perhaps with the extras added, but optional (a normal Blu-Ray should be able to hold FFVII's content several times).
Considering we already have one thread on this to begin with, which is a sticky in the Final Fantasy VII section, I am going to be merging these two. Let's please refrain from creating anymore FFVII remakes in the future. Anymore of these threads seen will be deleted. Thank you.
I'd love to se them get round that whole Wall Market experience....drag-Cloud in the Honeybee inn would make for interesting viewing :wacky:

And I'm sure we will all be dissapointed, when are we ever satisfied, really? :wacky:

I heard that they're gonna take out that bit altogether! That would suck! That part is one of the best bits!

I really would like to see a remake with better graphics, but if any of the storyline changes i'm gonna throw a tantrum!
I heard that they're gonna take out that bit altogether! That would suck! That part is one of the best bits!

I really would like to see a remake with better graphics, but if any of the storyline changes i'm gonna throw a tantrum!

And where exactly did you hear that considering no remake has even been confirmed? I highly doubt that they'd take that scene out if they did remake it. It would be rather disappointing to a lot of fans. I'm very interested to know where your source of information was from.
I'd love to see the Bahamut ZERO and Knights of the Round Table summons...they'd be kick arse...

And the WEAPONs...Seriously, they NEED to remake FFVII...
Ok, first of all; Square has shown that they are good at making remakes. Look at the SNES FFs; they were remade, they got extras, they got better translations while keeping some things such as "spoony bard" in... No-one disliked them, and people liked the extra contents. They just didn't get as much hype and weren't as wanted a FFVII remake is. Besides, the graphical difference is little, and they are probably more easily available over the internet than a PS game is.

Someone said that people who cite graphics as a reason they don't play the originals is not a legit excuse since he/she has no problems with the earlier FFs, like the SNES ones. That's not true, FFVII's graphics are bad enough for someone used to PS3 quality graphics to be dissapointed. There's a very large difference between good looking sprites and bad looking models.

Someone else also said that "any proper FF fan knows the PS FFs are the best". While the PS FFs were good, I am certain they weren't nearly as good as the SNES ones. Any "proper" FF fan would agree with me too, I believe.

Now, how I believe they should handle a FFVII remake?
-Make it double Blu-Ray if necessery. If you are gonna make a game as alrge as FFVII with graphics like the ones on the tech demo, a single Blu-Ray might just not cut it.
-Add extras. Not too much, but a little bit more dialogue, a little bit more treasures... And taking the preFFVII remakes road, an extra dungeon or two. Square has shown the capability of doing this, and doing it good.
-A new, more accurate translation. I doubt FFVII had been translated perfectly, a remake is just the best opportunity for a better job at that.
-Add a Blu-Ray with a port of the original. No work needed, just a port. For all those who like nostalgia (and as I saw here, wouldn't really like a remake, and whose number surprises me). Perhaps with the extras added, but optional (a normal Blu-Ray should be able to hold FFVII's content several times).

i almost thought you were onto something there.

The Final Fantasy games before VII were lacking in terms of graphics, storylines and fun. They were getting old... FAST.

I know this for a fact because i was brought up on FF games. My cousins had played through them all and i was brought up with FF1 & FF2 etc And FFVII completely blew them all away.

Storyline of FFVII was phenomenal. Graphics were 2nd to none (at the time).

Nothing comes close to FFVII (apart from FFIX imo).
I would totally buy the PS3 if they remade FF7 for it. Same storyline and characters I'd just wana see a new rendition of it.
I do! I want to see a suped up, updated version of my favorite game. Keep EVERYTHING exactly the same, just upgrade the graphics and I think it would kick ass.
I said yes but I want a remake for PS3 and also the option to buy the game on the Playstation Store for download as it was on the PS1.
I believe at this point it would be stupid for sony not to demand square enix to make a FF7 remake, the PS3 is failing and needs anything it could to increase sales, a PS3 as a blue ray player will not last much longer
I wouldn't mind either way, it's a great game how it is. It would be nice to see it revamped but I'd much rather it be released on the PSP as is or maybe with a couple of new bits and bobs.