Final Fantasy VII Remake

Except for Mae Whitman and Mena Suvari, that would be alright with me but I just hope that the game is more than just fancy graphics. I wonder about the content about the the games like travestite boxing club.
Saying that now you mention it I think a new soundtrack would be nice as long as it sounds like the old one butt remixed I think would be really cool, and yes I hope they keep the same voice acting from advent children because they was good I think.
in my opinion there shouldn't be a remake because there doesn't need to be one and I don't know how this rumor started because Square Enix hasn't said that there will be one and I'm pretty sure Square Enix said that there wont be one I'm not sure if that's true if they said that or not
Well i atched a video of one of the men at sqaure an he said because people have been going on about it they are now seriously thinking bout it so im not sure if it wil happen. i just realy hope it does =D
If they use the English voice actors I'll be buying the Japanese version and reading subtitles.

I can't believe you people think the voice acting in AC was good. Every word uttered in the dub was a crime against voice acting. It was awfully done because it was a rush job using a different casting director when they realised they should have released it internationally.
AC... And the entire seven universe just don't work very well in English anyway. Most of the content just doesn't cross the cultural boundary very well.

Many of you have issues with the honeybee inn part and how that may be depicted in the remake. Head on over east and you'll find bars you can walk into off the street, with young teenage girls dressed as much younger children. You walk in and play childrens games with them, over a tea or a glass of milk. This isn't frowned upon whatsoever, it's in fact common place for people coming out of work to want to enter this kind of dream land to escape. Yet over here many people would be shocked.

Obviously these places aren't the same, however I use them to draw the stark contrast between east and west.

Then you've got the "mother" and "don't cry" parts coming from grown men. Horribly translated parts that should probably have been rewritten/animated for the western release. Just as Tifa's underwear became orthopeadic shoes or something of the like in the original 7 release because of the censors. XD

Anyway... New voice actors please Square. ACs English fell horribly short of the mark. Get Hayao Miyazaki on board- the voice acting would be perfect under his supervision and with his background in creating industrial/magic/fantasy worlds for cinema I'd love to see what kind of influence he would have on seven's landscapingand design, especially the ancient's city, midgar, chocobo sections, and the monsters :D
Although Square has denied any such rumors about FFvii being remade for the PS3 right NOW, that doesn't eliminate the chance that it would still be remade in the future.

I'd love an updated look (meaning = Advent Children looks) on the whole game -- battle scenes would look so bada** and it would be nice to see fine details I couldn't really see before.

So personally, I would love a remake...
as long as the dialogue and storyline stay EXACTLY the same.

And I emphasize "exactly" because I came across a petition once about a FFVII remake, and a lot of posters wanted one where the bad-event-that-you-wish-had-never-happened DOESN'T happen...
i want a remake,but cant imagine it,as for some scenes that might cost the game an m rating,one being the costa del sol scene in the guys how,i think his name is johnny for some reason,there is a girl taking a shower and you can see here,but the games graghics didnt show any anatomy if you know what i mean
i would love to see a remake and i also believe that the chances of an m rating are pretty high after thinking about what all is in it and how it would look if they remade it and i just saw advent children complete and there was actually blood in it maybe hinting at them using it in the future although im just speculating
I don't think it would be given an M rating, I'm sure that the scenes that may seem like that would be slightly altered to make it a little less M-esque
plus heres the T rating fro XII (Alcohol Reference, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Partial Nudity, Suggestive Themes)
if XII were to be rated M I think it might be possible, but its not likely

as far as what I would like to see, I'd like to see updated Graphics, Soundtrack, and updated script (I want dead on the exact same story, but I ant it to be updated for a modern age of RPGs, for example I want the "@#&$!!!"s to be changed into real words -.-)
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I honestly would buy a remake of FF7 but I don't think it should be made. IMO videogames are a form of art and updating the graphics would kind of ruin the original. You don't add a bunch of 3d graphics to a picasso because we think it looks better lol. The painted scenery is beautiful in the game and I prefer that over bad ass 3d graphics. I'm a star wars fan as well as a FF fan and when Lucas put out the special edition for star wars they were horrible. I learned that original masterpeices, either videogames or movies, have a special place in our hearts that can be ruined by lame remakes. I also think that they won't be able to add everything from FF7 and that will upset me and a lot of fans. I think that it would be better if SE made a Final Fantasy VII true sequal with all of the original characters playable for ps3, and if they don't, oh well we have plenty of other final fantasy titles on the way.
IMO videogames are a form of art and updating the graphics would kind of ruin the original. You don't add a bunch of 3d graphics to a picasso because we think it looks better lol.
Good point. Although I do think of video games as an artform, I didn't think of it in that way. Good Picasso analogy... but I would still like a remake :P
i agree with dwest,the original iks something that will never be replaced,except for lord of the rings whch nobody remembers the original movie release back in 1978,but on the star wars topic,i hated the remastered versions of them,my dad bought the tape set of the original trilogy remastered,its been sitting on top of my tv for 7years,but,a remake would never sell as much as an original,for being that its not squaresoft its square enix now,they are just going to f*ck up the game like every other final fantasy game since then,other than 10,it was decent,and making money off spinoffs and remakes,its just not the same,the announcement of xiii back in 2007 was one of these things,your gearing up for it only to learn its going to be released 3 years later,im going back to dragon wuest and crono
I am utterly SHOCKED at how many people want a remake.

Are some of you serious? For what reason, better graphics? The reason FF VII was so amazing was because yes, at the times it was pushing graphics but it had such an incredible story not seen before in a game...a game that made you care about your characters. Damn it, it seems like sacrilidge to remake FF VII. I mean while we're at it, why not remake FF VIII, FF IX or FF X? They are all great games in their own right.

It just sounds like 100% pure fanboyism.

FF VII is still great by todays standards. Square should move on from FF VII and concentrate on future titles.
I think a remake would be a good and a bad thing.
It would be nice to play the game with better graphics, sound system etc. It would show the world in much greater detail and such and I think it would be interesting to at least play.
Though there's the whole arguement that remaking it might destroy it. Which i am still partially siding on. I loved the cutesy graphics of the characters, which is possibly one of the reasons people love FF7. I mean it wasn't the first one I had played (I had first played 10) and I went from playing the game with the good graphics to the one with the ones that were good for its time. It shows that FF7 doesn't need fantastic graphics to be a good game.
I think it would sell a lot because people would be interested in seeing what it looks like in its new "form". Because of this I think a remake should be made.
The reason I believe it would benefit from a remake is because of the enhanced presentation. Final Fantasy VII was a brutal game but it was never able to show this properly because of the limitations of the hardware. With the power of the PS3 the developers could show it off more. This would probably mean an M rating because god knows how many people were gun'd down or slashed by a sword. It would also just be nice to see the characters and environments looking all nice and polished. The PS3 tech demo even showed me that I could still love remixed composition as I quite liked the Bombing Mission theme as the train pulled in. I would buy it, but the original would still be the original and could not be replaced. A remake would just be a great, though. It wouldn't spoil it for me (I'll leave that to games like Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerberus).

Saying all that I wouldn't mind if they never made a remake.
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I would gladly go for a remake. What is amazing with FFVII is the characters and see them in ps3 graphics and this time real voice hmmm dream.
I kinda fence sit on the issue as part of me feels that you should never touch the classics but another part of me would like a remake so that younger generations can experience the game. Where i live its really hard to get your hand on a copy of the original so if you have one you want guard it with your life lol yes thats a bit over the top lol :)