Final Fantasy VII Remake

Because the FF7 cow has been milked FAR too much! For the love of God, no!! Make some other Final Fantasys, original ideas instead of digging up the corpses of games past!!! Its getting to the point now where people are going to get fed up with nothing but 7 getting remakes and sequels. Its not fair on other good and IMO, better FFs such as FF8.

Rant over.

And oh yeah :
To be honest i would like to see a remake of this in multi platform and make square enix a pile of cash so they would remake all the other greats , but being square enix its a disaster waiting to happen , they would have to put in some mega unbeatable boss with like 500 million hp and an "all new and improved" SHIT storyline i could almost garantee barret would be gay and tifa would be a hermaphrodite , they really are taking the piss with all these spin offs of 7.
I doubt people would see it anytime soon, SE said themselves it would take years. I can't recall how many exactly but i know its more than 5 years. Though as much as i like seven, it wouldn't be fair to the fans of the other FFs such as 8,9, etc.
I do want to see a remake of this game, but it comes with a whole lot of conditions. Personally, I am under the strong belief that the world that was created is so vast and amazing. Since it is that, there is going to be a few things that they won't be able to do in this remake that they could do in the original. The original takes so long to complete because we had to read the text and we had to watch all the movements our polygonal friends were going through.

In CG, it will all go so much faster. It won't be as effect and it would be so much quicker.

Also, I don't just want to see the remake of the just the game. I want to see the remake of the whole compilation, put into one nicely formated blueray. I want to see it all nicely packaged and together so we can get the whole of the story, from beginning with Before Crisis to Crisis Core to the Original to Advent Children to Dirge of Cerberus, but all on the same engine, all with the same graphics, all with the same point: to tell us the whole of the story.
I think they should, but the amount of projects they are working on at the moment it will have to be postponed until 2011/2012
I jizz just imagining the remake. If they made the battle system CTB (Conditional Turn based battle) like FF10's then id love it even more!
I believe they should make a remake but not alter any characters or storylines. They should just improve the Visual Graphics and keep the Turn Based battle system - its a classic :P.
Only change graphix, keep the story line.

some small changes can be made but its Fine for me,
always liked it the way it is so, no need actually.
yes I would luv to see a remake of ff7 just better graphics dont change any of the story line or charcters maybe throw in a few extra monsters and thats all you need maybe even more places to visit! :) and make it for multi-platforms not just ps3 :)
I jizz just imagining the remake. If they made the battle system CTB (Conditional Turn based battle) like FF10's then id love it even more!

I strongly disagree, not only because i prefer ATB hundreds of times, but also because that would mean that it is NOT a remake of the game.

Remakes often envolve graphical changes and minor changes on some stuff. IMO they make any changes to the battle system or any other major component of the original game, it will suck.
I personally like VII the way it was but nonetheless, i'm sure SE will make a remake of VII just to get more money in their pockets and thats what it's mainly about as far as the remakes an' all that other good jazz. Do I really want them to? Hmm, not sure. Do I think they will? Hmm, pretty sure but I guess we can wait n' see what happens. :monster:
I'd like to see a remake, I think, but as long as they didn't change the storyline at all. It would be nice to see the game with good graphics, with properly-proportioned characters. They could also correct the mistranslation that made people think that Tseng was dead.
But, I dunno, if they change anything else, it'd be disappointing.
I personally like VII the way it was but nonetheless, i'm sure SE will make a remake of VII just to get more money in their pockets and thats what it's mainly about as far as the remakes an' all that other good jazz. Do I really want them to? Hmm, not sure. Do I think they will? Hmm, pretty sure but I guess we can wait n' see what happens. :monster:
Speakin' the truth brother. Speakin' the truth.

I hope that it's a remake for VII, though. But if it's not I hope it'll be VI. That will be pretty cool. But honestly, I just want to see VII with better graphics already.

All though, I'd much rather go without if they do decided to remake it but then contradict and change everything that was in the original game. That'd suck...a lot.

Today 3:54 PM Toshiya said:
I'd like to see a remake, I think, but as long as they didn't change the storyline at all. It would be nice to see the game with good graphics, with properly-proportioned characters. They could also correct the mistranslation that made people think that Tseng was dead.
But, I dunno, if they change anything else, it'd be disappointing.
Agreed. If they leave the storyline EXACTLY like how it is in the original I'll be happy. But if they go around changing stuff because of a certain triangle I'll be so mad.

There's no need to change anything in the original game other than mistranslations and bad graphics.

Ok so this will be the only reason why i'd buy a playstation3 (its pretty sure it wouldnt come out for Xbox)
tbh i could see it for psp
Ditto, dude. Ditto. If I had solid proof of a remake, I'd go and buy a PS3 that exact moment. But who knows, maybe they would put it on the XBOX-360? THAT would be wicked cool.
As nice as that would be to see. I would rather not touch this subject. Wasn't Advent Children Complete enough graphic wise? Sure your not actually playing it, but still. I'd hate to see FFVII look like the movie, not that I had anything against the movie, I loved it.
Sure, the story would still be the same, but I don't think the re-vamped game would give off the same feeling to original would. It sure wouldn't look the same. Besides I think everyone should know by now that Square isn't going to be making a re-make anytime soon. They are working on newer games. I mean, haven't they made enough FFVII games? Crisis core was good enough for me. At least if they're ending with Crisis Core, they're the FFIV series on a good note. Dirge of Cerberus wasn't that great of a spinoff, at all. Making that emu Vincent the main character just, uhg. >.>

Not to mention, they ported the original FFVII game on to the PS3 and PSP. So that's pretty much your given answer about the FFVII remake...
I really wish that Squeenix would wait a bit before untilizing the remake especially with XIII and XIV out. It would just be a trainwreck and it will not helpful to the series if they continue exploiting this.
Having wanted a re-make for so many years, I finally got a PS3 and downloaded the PSN FFVII...and playing it...I don't want it so much anymore.

I mean, the music would be totally revamped...something which to me was so iconic within the game and gave it so much character, and I don't know if the graphical update is really needed. I want more FFVII but I don't know how it could be really done. I want another game in the universe, but at the same time...I don't. It's a tough one to be sure lol.