Fan Fiction Final Fantasy VII: The Past of the Cetra


Oct 15, 2006
This is a fic I have been working on for about a month now. It is something completely original, off the top of my head though it bores all of our well known characters from Final Fantasy VII. My story ties into my friend CrimsonEyes1984's story just as it ended, mine is beginning. Mari is her main character in her story. She does not belong to me. She is just letting me use her. There are new characters involved which you may not like, but I would appreciate it if you would please not flame me for wanting to write this. It something that came from my head and something that I much enjoy writing so if you have anything bad to say, don't say it and if you don't like it, don't read it ^_^ plain and simple. Each chapter runs anywhere from 7-12 pages long, so I apologize for the lengthy chapters. I hope whoever reads this enjoys it. Also, this story isn't Cloti at if you're Cloti, there's a chance you might not like it. HOWEVER, don't write it off as I do have quite a few Cloti fans who like it. ^^ This story has strong language and some adult content. I have made out a character sheet which you all can look at here:
And now I will leave you with the prologue and the first chapter

~*FINAL FANTASY VII *~The Past of the Cetra

3 years ago, the planet was on the verge of destruction. Cloud Strife and his friends were able to defeat Sephiroth, but Meteor was already attacking. Holy had stirred but wasn't strong enough to fight Meteor on it's own. Everybody was certain that the planet was to soon meet it's end when the Lifestream burst out of the earth and helped destroy Meteor. Many lives were lost in vain, many friends were gone. There was a deep, heavy sadness that had settled over their hearts, particularly Cloud's for losing the one whom he loved. 2 years after Meteorfall, the planet found itself on the verge of destruction yet again. The children were being infected with a disease known as the Geostigma, as well as our well known hero. Everybody thought at this point it was the end for Gaia when the planet turned to darkness from the reunion with Sephiroth. Cloud fought and destroyed Sephiroth for good, Sephiroth leaving behind the words "I will never be a memory" in his wake. The planet had been healed by the Geostigma and everybody carried on with their lives. A year later, Omega had awoken, and none other than Vincent Valentine was the one who saved the planet from yet another destruction, awakening Chaos from deep within him. End the end, Omega and Chaos returned to the planet, leaving Gaia safe once more, but something still stirred deep within, though nobody knew. Along the way, Vincent met a beautiful young red mage named Mari Silverwing and quickly fell in love with her. Shortly after Vincent saved the planet, the two wed.

Meanwhile, a young girl, lost when she was a child is taken in by a kind loving couple named Dierdre and Beau Sullivan who live in Kalm. They find her when she's just a baby in a pile of rubble, barely alive, and raise her as their own, naming her Andria. They began to notice a few strange things about young Andria as she grows, but brush it off as just their imagination. Andria begins having dreams of a girl looking much like her and green, swirling light. Desperate to find out about her past and who this girl is, Andria sets out on a dangerous journey throughout Gaia. Cloud, who has started to turn from his friends yet again, becoming antisocial again, still feeling the grief and loss from the woman he loved, Aerith Gainsborough, is on his way to an important meeting when he comes across the young girl. Desperate to keep her alive, he takes her back to Seventh Heaven to nurse her back to health. Everybody is stunned by the girl's shocking indentical look to their dear friend they lost only a few years ago. Rumors have been going around that there is possibly another Sephiroth clone, but nobody knows if it's true or not. Cloud and co. are warned to keep their eye out for anybody who might look suspicious.

Cloud journies with Andria to help her find out more of her past and in hopes to find this "supposed" Sephiroth clone. As Cloud and co. journey together, Mari and Andria's friendship grows as does Cloud and Andria's relationship. Tifa begins to notice the closeness the two share which causes somewhat of a rift in the group. Once Cloud mentions her ucanny resemblance of Aerith, it just leads into more problems. Cloud and co. speak with members of the Turks and Rufus Shinra, finding out that more of Jenova's remaining parts have been found and Sephiroth could be closer to reawakening. Cloud struggles with his feelings towards Aerith and with visions of Sephiroth more powerful than ever. Andria strives to find her way into Cloud's closed heart and settle her past and thus begins the journey of Andria discovering friendship, love, what she is and what she is destined to do.


Chapter 1- Homecoming

The sun was just setting behind the horizon, casting a soft orange and pink glow over the low hills. People were ushering their children into their homes as night came closer to falling. The air was still and warm, with a slight breeze as a young woman about the age of 25 walked down the low green, sloping hills. She had long brown hair with tints of red, tied up in a ponytail that hung down to the middle of her back and long bangs that hung around the sides of her face. She wore a white, haltered top outlined in a sea green color. Her seagreen skirt hung down to her knees and brown boots that reached just above her ankles and buckled around the top. She had lightly tanned skin and brilliant emerald-colored eyes.

Andria Sullivan pushed back her long bangs that always fell into her face as she made her way towards her home in the small town of Kalm. The only sounds that filled the air was a soft rustling throughout the trees and small sounds of chocobos chirping in the distance. The chocobo farm wasn't too far away and Andria had grown used to hearing them. Andria wandered down the road towards her house, still curious as to what was going on with her. Lately she had been discovering odd things happening and even sometimes heard strange things within her. She had been brushing it off as nothing but she couldn't ignore the nagging feeling inside that something was indeed different about her.

The young woman had been taken in by Dierdre and Beau Sullivan when she was just a baby. She had learned that she was found under a pile of rubble in Icicle Village when she was only a newborn. Andria was rather shocked at first to hear the news, never knowing if she'd know her real parents or not. Yet Dierdre and Beau were still her parents in her eyes. She always had called them Mom and Dad, and even after finding out the truth when she was young that she was not their biological daughter, Andria still loved them both with all of her heart.

The sun disappeared behind the horizon as Andria got closer to her house. The gentle humming of crickets was now filling the air and Andria reached the front door of her home. She opened the door as the smell of dinner came wafting through the house. Sitting at the table was an older gentleman arching back in a chair and reading the newspaper. His brown hair was speckled with gray and he wore a white, button down shirt that was tucked rather untidily into a pair of black pants. He had warm, honey colored eyes and tanned skin which was slightly unshaved. He smiled as Andria approached him. She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey there Andi babe, how was your walk?" Beau asked with a smile as she kissed him. He put a hand up on her head and rubbed it slightly. Beau and Dierdre had taken to calling Andria, Andi since she was a little child and was normally always called Andi by them. Everybody always called her Andi and every once in awhile Andria.

"Dad! You know how I feel about you messing with my hair," Andria replied playfully, fixing her hair as she stood up. "My walk was fine. It was rather peaceful this evening. Not much was going on."

"Well I'm just glad you're home in time for dinner," came a warm voice from the stove. Dierdre Sullivan had honey blonde hair that laidd on her shoulders and deep, blue-gray eyes. She wore a light pink dress and with a white apron tied around her waist as she stood at the stove cooking dinner.

Andria walked up beside her mother and kissed her too. "It smells good. What are we having tonight?"

"We're having roast beef and vegetables tonight. It was your father's request," replied Dierdre, pointing her spoon at Beau.

Beau just shrugged as he put his feet on the table, leaning back further in his chair. "Hey, what can I say? I like my meat and potatoes."

"And what did I tell you about putting your feet on the table mister?" Dierdre scolded gently, shaking her spoon at him.

Beau blushed as he removed his feet from the table and sat upright in his chair. "Sorry dear," he stated sheepishly.

Andria just laughed as she sat down at the table beside her father, discussing the days events with her parents and shortly there after, eating dinner and still chatting about the goings on of the day.


The roar of a motorcycle sounded just outside of Seventh Heaven in the town of Edge. Marlene and Denzel sat on the ground just outside of the bar playing jacks as the thundering noise made them jump.

"He's almost home!" exclaimed Denzel, jumping excitedly to his feet, holding onto Marlene's hand as he stood. "I can't wait to see him!"

"Me neither!" exclaimed the little girl, her brown ponytail swaying behind her as she jumped up and down with excitement, her giant brown orbs shining. "One of us should go get Tifa!"

"No way!" Denzel stated. "I've been waiting for him to come home for a whole entire week! You go get her! I'm not missing this!" Denzel turned around clenching his fists excitedly, looking eagerly down the road.

"Oh well fine then!" Marlene stated, sticking her tongue out at Denzel. She ran up the steps that lead into Seventh Heaven and flung open the door anxiously.

There was a young, well endowed woman, with dark, straight hair that reached the middle of her back, standing behind the bar, dusting it off with a cloth. Her long brown hair was tucked behind her ears as she worked. She reached over to turn on the sink and wash the dishes when she heard Marlene come in, calling her name anxiously and breathlessly. Tifa smiled as Marlene came running up to her. She grabbed a hold of Tifa's black apron and tugged on it excitedly.

"Denzel and I can hear him coming! He's almost home Tifa!" Marlene exclaimed excitedly. "Come on let's go!"

"Slow down," Tifa laughed. "Let me put my cloth down." The brunette laid her cloth on the bar and shut off the sink. She followed the anxious little girl who was now tugging firmly at her hand, pulling Tifa with all the strength that she could muster.

"C'MON Tifa! We're gonna miss him!" the little girl squealed, the excitement and anxiousness was imminent in her voice.

Tifa couldn't help but laugh at how adorable Marlene sounded. It had been been a little over a week and not only was she herself excited to see him but so were Denzel and Marlene. She knew Vincent and Mari Valentine would be happy to see him as well. It had been a week since he'd left. A little over a week actually. Tifa stepped outside as an overly elated Marlene tore out the door and stood beside Denzel. Mari and Vincent were sitting just outside of their home next to the bar as the big, black motorcycle came into view. The couple walked arm in arm up to where Tifa and the kids stood anxiously waiting the arrival and greeted them. Dust was billowing on the road as the motorcyle came thundering up to the front of the bar, slowing down and stopping. The slight smell of exhaust drifted across their noses, but they paid no mind. All that mattered is that he was home.

The engine quieted down to a low growl and then was shut off. The young man sitting atop of the bike had blonde, spiked hair and wore a pair of black shades over his eyes. He had black gloves on both hands, a deep, navy blue sleeveless, zip up sweater and a pair of black pants. He wore buckled black boots that clinked gently as he swung his leg over the bike. He wore a small, silver wolf earring in his left ear and over his left shoulder a leather cover with the same silver wolf emblem on the front and a long sleeve down his arm. He had straps across his chest that lead to straps on his back which sheathed a rather large sword. Cloud Strife jumped down from his bike and made his way over to the excited group. Marlene could hardly contain her excitement as she came running towards Cloud, who had just removed his sunglasses and was now kneeling down. Denzel tore after Marlene.

"CLOUD! YOU'RE HOME!" she squealed to the top of her lungs as she lept up into his arms, hugging him tight. Denzel came running over to him and Cloud opened his other arm. Denzel lept into it hard, nearly knocking Cloud backwards. He hugged both of the kids tight, letting them know without words just how much he missed them.

"Woah guys, did you miss me?" Cloud asked with a grin, looking at the kids, his bright, blue irises shining.

"Cloud you were gone for a whole week!" exclaimed Marlene. "You were gone way too long!"

"Yeah, don't leave us for that long again, ok?" Denzel added still hugging Cloud.

"Hey, I can't promise that," Cloud told them. "You know that I sometimes have to deliver things far away," he explained. "But the schedule isn't showing anything that far for quite sometime," he added as he watched their excited, shining faces fall. "So don't worry. No long trips for awhile."

"You promise?" Marlene asked, staring up at the older man with a pouty lip.

The blond just chuckled gently and tugged Marlene's ponytail. "Promise."

"Yay!" exclaimed Marlene and Denzel in unison and they both clung to Cloud with all of the strength they could muster in their little bodies.

Tifa laughed as she walked over to Marlene and Denzel, placing a hand on each of their backs. "Alright you two, let Cloud go so he can breathe."

She ushered the kids off as Mari and Vincent joined them. Mari was a thin, young, red mage with bouncy brown hair, bright green eyes and a warm, pretty face. She and Vincent had just recently wed and the two were literally glowing with happiness. He was a young man with long, silkened hair that was black as coal and eyes as crimson as the red flame in a fire that flickered with life. His left arm was cast in golden gauntlet, barely showing bits of his mutilated, black flesh from past events that Vincent had long put behind him. His fingers were long, golden and clawed which he placed on Mari's shoulder as Cloud stood up in front of the others.

"Welcome home Cloud," Vincent stated, his deep, baritone voice rolling from behind the collar of his coat. "We were wondering when you'd be back."

"I'm sorry, I just needed to get away for awhile," Cloud replied, no longer smiling. His face had turned solemn as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked at the grinning face of Tifa, his childhood and dearest friend.

"You didn't want the kids to know, Cloud?" Mari asked as she approached the swordsman. She reached up and gave him a welcome home hug to which Cloud returned. Mari had always looked up to Tifa and Cloud as a brother and sister figure.

"Nah, it's not really for them to know is it?" Cloud replied as the magei let go and he turned and hugged Tifa.

"Cloud, we've all been worried about you," she mumbled into his shoulder. "I just hope you're going to be okay," she added as she hugged him. "We've really missed you too."

"I'm fine," Cloud reassured her and let go. "Like I said, sometimes I just needed to get away for awhile. I had some…things I needed to do."

"Well you know you could at least answer you phone when we called," Tifa stated, punching him playfully on the arm.

"Haha yeah. I didn’t always get the best reception where I'm at. You must have tried to call when I was in a bad area," Cloud remarked as he began walking up towards the bar where the kids sat waiting anxiously on the steps. He wasn’t about to tell them that he’d kept his phone shut off the whole time.

Tifa stood and watched as the spiked blond walked up the steps. Both Denzel and Marlene each took one of his hands and they disappeared behind the door. The only thing that could be heard was their voices chattering loudly to Cloud. Tifa hung her head slightly as they went inside. Mari approached Tifa.

"Excuses, Cloud. It‘s always one excuse right after another, isn‘t it?" the martial artist muttered under her breath. Tifa knew Cloud well enough to know that something definitely wasn't right with him and this time there was no shrugging it off as just her imagination.

Mari turned towards the gunman. "Cloud just…doesn't seem like himself," she pointed out. "He seems...I something is wrong with him, do you agree?"

Tifa nodded her head in agreement. "There is something going on with him. I just wish I knew what it was. Cloud isn't himself. Not at all and I don't know what to do about it. He hasn't been himself for a few weeks now. It's like he's in his stupor again, going straight to his room as soon as he gets home from doing deliveries. He never listens to me and he won't talk to me about what‘s bothering him. Though, I have a pretty good idea of what it is. Imagine, it always will, huh?" she sighed, tucking some of her dark hair behind her ear.

"Cloud has been through quite a lot these past few years. We all thought when Sephiroth had returned a second time that Cloud was doing better, but the last few months I've noticed a gradual change in him and not for the better. I don't know what is going on, though I‘m sure we all have an idea what it could be. However, we need to respect him and his feelings. When Cloud is ready, he'll tell us," Vincent stated as he wrapped an arm around Mari's shoulders.

"Right and we'll be there to help him and be there for him, no matter what he needs," Tifa stated firmly, nodding her head. “We’re his family, that’s the right thing to do.”

"You really think he'll be okay Vincent?" the mage asked him, slight apprehension and worry could be heard in her voice.

"Cloud is just Cloud. He'll be alright eventually. I believe that Cloud is still hurting and he just doesn't want anybody to know about it. He never wants to burden us with his problems, you know how he is," Vincent replied. "I think a piece of Cloud will always hurt. However, we should at least give Barret, Cid and Yuffie a call and let them know he‘s back. None of us knew where he‘d gone and I know they were worried, especially Yuffie. I'm sure they'd love to see him since he's home."

Tifa nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah we'll call them tomorrow. It wouldn‘t be right to let them sit and worry."

The martial artist knew what Vincent was referring to. Over three years ago the beautiful young woman who was the last remaining Ancient, Aerith Gainsborough, on the planet was stabbed and killed by Sephiroth right before Cloud's eyes, before he even had the chance to do anything to save her. He still blamed himself for her death to this day, feeling it was a sin that he couldn't save her.

Cloud had walked around a little over a year ago with the heavy burden on his heart, feeling the pain of his loss and blaming himself for her dying. He had closed himself off from his friends, having been infected with the Geostigma and didn't want to risk losing anymore of his friends. Cloud had barricaded himself in the old church where Aerith's flowers still grew everyday, even though it had been destroyed during the battle with the three remnants of Sephiroth; Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz.

Cloud had also been able to heal the children who had been infected with the Geostigma with the rain water that had flooded the church, the water that had been touched by Aerith. That was the day that Cloud had first seen Aerith since she had died. Everyday, the blond would find time to go back into the church that was now in ruins but yet had been somewhat restored, the flowers still growing brightly and hoping against hope he would see her but had not. Not since that day. Cloud had seen her and Zack standing near the door of the church. She had been kneeling down to a couple of children and then stood and walked away, but before she was gone Aerith had turned her head back and smiled at Cloud. She told him everything was going to be alright. At that point, Cloud really believed it. He really believed that he wasn't alone anymore, but as time passed he was feeling more and more alone.

Everyday he had longed to be back with Aerith, everyday missing her more and more. Sure he felt her presence coming from the Lifestream and sure he had Tifa, Denzel and Marlene. He also had Vincent, Mari, Barret, Cid, Yuffie and all the friends he could possibly ask for and they meant more to him than anything, but there was still that small feeling of emptiness inside him, and he didn't know if that void would ever be filled. Sure Cloud knew how Tifa felt about him, but he just didn't feel that way about her. Yes Cloud loved her, but not the way he had and still loved Aerith. He loved her like a best friend, a sister almost who possessed motherly qualities when it came to him, and he knew Tifa would never understand that.

Tifa just sighed and bid good evening to Vincent and Mari as she turned and walked up the steps leading her into Seventh Heaven. Just above the bar was their home and where they all slept. Denzel and Marlene were inside alone, sitting at one of the booths chatting excitedly about Cloud being home to one another. Tifa approached the excited children and she tugged gently on Marlene's ponytail.

"Hey you two, do you know where Cloud went?" she asked the kids.

"He said he was tired from his trip and he went on up to bed," Denzel replied. "It's so great to have him home, isn't it Tifa?"

Tifa looked up the stairs and she knew she should probably just let the swordsman be. Maybe that's all it was. Maybe he was just tired. After all he had been gone for a week. Who knows how long he had been riding Fenrir. Maybe that's what was the matter with Cloud, and she was just assuming things. Who was she kidding though? Tifa knew what the problem was, she just knew better than to lay it on him full force.

"Yeah it is. Thanks kiddos," the martial artist smiled down at them. "You should probably head upstairs and get yourself ready for bed too. It's getting late."

"Awwww Tifa, do we have to?" complained Denzel.

"Yeah I'm afraid so," she grinned. "Now go brush your teeth, get your pajamas on and I'll be up there to tuck you in shortly."

Both kids got up from the table, groaning and grumbling about having to go to bed already. Tifa just put her hand to her mouth and giggled silently at them as she watched them slump across the floor with obvious disappointment and up the stairs towards their room. She turned and walked over to the sink behind the bar and begin finishing the unwashed dishes, looking up at the ceiling and wondering how Cloud was doing and if he was really asleep.

Cloud sat down on the edge of his bed, un-strapping the massive sword that hung sheathed on his back and laid it on the floor. He kicked off his boots, stripped off his gloves and lay them on the nightstand next to his bed. The blond fell back against the pillows, resting his hands behind his head. Cloud had been out to the Forgotten City, standing out at the water where he had laid Aerith to rest, feeling her presence all around him and hoping to see her there but didn't. He just felt her presence. Cloud had later left the Forgotten City and rode out to where his best friend Zack's grave was. He stood out by where the large buster sword was buried in the ground. Cloud had ridden just about everywhere, burying his emotions and trying to forget about everything that had happened within the past three years. He had wanted to distance himself from his friends so they wouldn’t know he had still continued to suffer.

Cloud could remember after Vincent saved the planet from Omega how he had went and searched, hoping to find him, but when he didn't Cloud thought for sure he had lost another friend when Vincent came back. Shortly there after he and Mari had wed and Cloud could remember feeling extreme happiness for them, but yet at the same time the pain in his heart wielded, and he remembered that if only he would have seen Sephiroth, if only he could have made it on time, he could have saved her and that would have been him and Aerith. Only too many times he'd push the thought back down into his stomach and just go on traveling, trying to forget the past. Just recently had he realized it'd been a week he had been gone and it was probably time to return home. Cloud rolled over onto his side facing the window and stared out at the blue-black sky as a few stars began appearing and twinkled down at him. He was interrupted in his thoughts when there was a gentle knock on his door. The swordsman remained quiet as Tifa came in.

"Cloud?" she spoke in low tones. "Are you awake?"

He remained still and quiet, faking the deep breathing that would suggest he was sleeping. The dark-haired woman approached him and rested a hand on his shoulder, but Cloud still didn't move. He didn't want to talk right now. As much as he cared for the girl it was something that she probably would never understand. He heard Tifa's soft sigh come from behind him.

"You must have really been tired," she stated as she removed her hand. "We're just glad to have you back home." The martial artist walked away from Cloud, opened the door and left his room, closing the door gently behind her so as not to wake him.

Cloud just sighed and buried his face against his pillows closing his eyes. "Yeah I'm tired," he mumbled. "I'm tired of feeling like this."


Andria lay on her side, wearing a white tank top and sleep pants, and her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She lay on top of her bed covers, looking out of her window. The girl still couldn't help but wonder what was going on with her. She could feel strange things going on within her body and the things she sometimes heard, well she knew it couldn't just be nothing. What was going on with her? At times she'd feel an odd tingling sensation in the tips of her fingers and sometimes she felt pressure in the palms of her hands. Andria had learned slowly ease away the pressure and it would just eventually go away, but now it was happening more and more frequently.

The honey-haired girl rolled over, looked up at the inky, starlit sky and mulled her thoughts over and over until she fell into a deep sleep. All was quiet and peaceful. She didn't hear nor awaken when Dierdre came tiptoeing into her bedroom to switch off her bedside lamp and put the covers over her sleeping body so she wouldn't get cold. She didn't feel her mother move back strands of her hair and give her a kiss on the cheek. Andria was deep in sleep, floating through a white void, not knowing what was happening. She had no control of her body or movements; she was just floating, drifting off through the white nothing when she heard a voice. It sounded mystical and slightly far away. It also carried a soft echo behind it.

"Who's there?" Andria called out as she tried to find her way through the nothing. "Is someone there!" she cried out, her voice echoing against the void.

"Andria," came the voice. The voice sounded a lot like her own, but slightly different. Andria's eyes widened as a blurry hand reached out to her. Feeling drawn, Andria reached out her hand and grasped the blurred one in front of her. Warmth spread through her body as soon as she touched the hand. She felt a surge like electricity power through her body and she almost felt recharged. Andria strained her eyes as a blurred face begin coming into view. She couldn't tell who it was.

"Who are you?" Andria asked the strange blurred being that floated in front of her.

Bright green swirls of light began gathering around her and mystical being and soon the female's facial features came slightly into view. The girl had long bangs like Andria, only parted in the center instead of at the side, the exact same hair color, facial features and even her green eyes. Andria thought for a moment she was looking at herself and when she tried to catch a better glimpse, the face smiled and blurred again before she could really take it in. The hand she was holding let go of hers and the female faded from sight.

"You'll understand soon," the voice came again and then it too faded.

"Wait! Come back!" Andria cried out. She had felt so connected to this girl, but why? Who was she? "NO, don‘t leave!" cried out Andria as she burst awake.

Her forehead was beaded with sweat and there was a strange, green glow surrounding her. It took Andria a moment to realize that she was back in her bedroom. The young woman looked around her room trying to figure out where the source of light was coming from when she looked down at her hands and gasped. Surrounding her hands was a bright, but soft green light. Andria held them up and studied them in shock. The green glow had been coming from her...the dream? Was it just a dream? What was happening to her? Who was the strange young woman that so resembled herself? The dream felt more than just a dream and Andria knew it. Somehow and some way she'd find some answers.


Just to clarify, her name is pronounced Ahn-dree-uh and Ahn-dee
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Thanks Crimson :D I'll go ahead and post Chapter 2. I'm not sure if anybody has read this, but why not ^_^ (I've got 11 chapters written already :P)


Chapter 2- Rumors and the Past

Andria had quite a lot of trouble going back to sleep the night before. The last time she looked at the clock it was closing in on 4am. Her curtains were drawn across her window and the covers were pulled over her head. It was dark in her room, but the young woman had no idea that it was nearly 1 in the afternoon. She was sound asleep when her mother opened up the door and peeked into her bedroom. She walked over to Andria's bedside and gently shook her shoulder.

"Hey Andi? Sleepyhead, you awake?" she cooed softly. "It's time to wake up. Lunch is on the table."

"Mmmm lunch?" came Andria's sleepy voice from the under the covers. "What time is it?"

"It's 1:00 in the afternoon," Dierdre replied, pulling the covers off of Andria's head. "I think it's time for miss sleepyhead to get up."

"1 already? Oh my gosh I didn't realize I had slept so late!" Andria exclaimed as she sat up in bed looking at her mother.

Dierdre just laughed. "It's alright dear, we all have to sleep in a little sometimes," she replied.

"Yeah but I was supposed to go and help Lynch at the Chocobo Farms today," she stated with a sigh. "He's going to be so disappointed in me." Andria slumped back against her pillows with a slightly distressed look on her face.

"Oh sweetie, he called earlier but I told him you were still sleeping," Dierdre told her, brushing some hair out of her daughter's green eyes. "Why were you up so late? I came in here about midnight to check on you and you were out. I even covered you up and gave you a kiss, and you still didn't wake. Did you wake up in the night? Are you okay?" she asked Andria concernedly.

Andria closed her eyes as the night's previous events floated back into her mind. They were what kept her awake for so long. She had laid awake for hours, wondering who the girl that looked like her was and where the strange green glow came from that had been surrounding her hands and why it was surrounding her hands. She had always just been a normal girl growing up, or so she had thought. I mean sure she healed rather fast whenever she had a cut or bruise or was sick. Her mother always noticed that about her, but always just assumed she had a high immune system. Andria opened her eyes to find her mother's concerned blue ones looking in hers.

"Actually Mom, there's something I want to talk to you and Dad about," she mumbled. "It's something kind of important."

"Well why don't you get up, go get cleaned up and then we can talk when you're ready," Dierdre suggested. "I'll be downstairs in the kitchen with your father."

"Thanks Mom," Andria replied as she stood up and stretched.

She waited until her mother left the room and then went into the bathroom and took down her ponytail. She ran a brush through her long hair and then undressed. She turned the knob on the shower and stepped in, washed her hair and conditioned it while she washed her body, her mind still muddled with the thoughts of the strange look alike and her green, glowing hands. She stepped out of the shower after rinsing her hair and body and dried off. She got dressed and put up her long hair in a ponytail, leaving her bangs to flow freely at the sides of her face as they always did.

Andria made her way down to the kitchen were her parents were sitting at the table just finishing lunch. There was a plate of sandwiches sitting in the middle of the table and a jug of water next to them. Andria sat down at the table but didn't eat. She turned and faced her parents in a rather serious manner.

"There's something I need to discuss with you," she began folding her hands together and placing them on the table.

"Damn Andi, I've never seen you this serious before," Beau replied, straightening up in his chair. "Is everything alright?"

"I...I honestly don't know, truth be told Dad," Andria began as she looked down at her hands. Since the glow around her hands the previous night she no longer felt the tingling and pressures against her palms and fingers. In fact it was the first relief she had felt since it started happening. "I...I think something is different about me," she finally spit out.

"How so sweetie?" asked Dierdre as she watched her daughter from across the table.

Andi reached up and twirled one of her tendrils around her finger, a habit that she had taken too sometimes when she got nervous, anxious or upset about something. "Well, something strange happened to me last night. It all started out I was dreaming...or was I not dreaming? I don't really know. This is so hard to say this properly," she said in frustration.

"Andi, whatever it is you can tell us," Beau said reaching across the table and putting a hand over his daughter's. "We're your parents. We're here for you and here to help you through anything."

"Thanks Dad," Andi sighed. "This is going to be really odd and strange to say, but I need to tell you. Please don't think I'm weird or anything like that." She looked up at them pleadingly.

"Andi sweetie, we would never think you were weird!" Dierdre told her, reaching over and ruffling her ponytail. "Now tell us what's going on."

Andria took a deep breath. "Alright. Last night I think I was dreaming, but I don't know for sure. It started out that I was just sort of floating through this white void. Everything was so bright and I can remember it being warm. I heard somebody calling my name. It was a female's voice. I saw her hand reach out to me and I remember grabbing it and her touch was so warm. I just instantly felt connected, you know?" She looked at parents who were watching and listening to her intently.

"Please, keep going," Beau stated.

Andria nodded and continued. "Well as I was holding onto her hand her face came into view and she spoke my name again. When I saw her face, she looked just like me! There was all of this green swirling energy around us. I've heard talk of what the Lifestream looks like and from what I could tell in this dream that is what it looked like but this girl! She looked just like me! She had my hair, my face shape, my eyes and the same eye color, everything! She then told me I would understand soon, but I had no idea what she was talking about. When she let go of my hand I felt like I didn't want her to let go. I felt...connected to her somehow," Andria explained. "Then when I woke up, my whole bedroom was literally basking in this soft green light. I looked around to find out where the source of the light was coming from...and...," Andria hesitated.

"Andi, please, tell us about this green light," Dierdre urged gently. "We're not going to get angry at you."

" was coming from my hands," she told them quietly as she lowered her head and hid her hands underneath the table. "The green light was coming from my hands."

"Green light coming from your hands?" Beau asked, his eyes widened in shock. "But what does that mean?"

"I don't know," Andi stated, bringing a hand up and resting it under her chin. "I do know that for awhile I would feel this pressure, sometimes really intense, in my palms and my fingertips. Eventually it would go away, but always an hour or so later it would return. Since my hands did that...that glowing thing last night they don't feel that pressure anymore," she told them. "I am so confused as to what is going on." She held her hands up and looked at them. "What's wrong with me?"

"Oh sweetie...nothing is wrong with you," Dierdre replied comfortingly, taking her daughter's hands in her own. "We always knew something was...well special about you. We just never did know what it was."

"What do you mean something special about me?" Andria asked, raising an eyebrow. "Do you know something that I don't about myself?"

"Well, when you were 6 years old, your father was about back cutting wood and you were in the living room playing on the floor with your dolls. We heard a scream come from out back and your father was clutching his hand. It was bleeding something awful. He had literally just gashed it open. You ran over to him, but you weren't yourself. You kept saying 'Daddy, it'll be okay. I'll take care of you' in this soft tone of voice. Even though he was bleeding you put both hands around his wrist. I couldn't see what was happening but when you stepped back, the cut was gone. You both had blood all over your hands and wrists but there was no wounds," Dierdre told her. "Don't you remember that?"

Andria sat back for a moment, pondering this. She shook her head. "No...honestly I really don't remember it," she told them. "So mean...I...I healed Dad?" she asked in disbelief, her green eyes widening.

"Yes you did. It was the only time I had ever seen you do it, but then again it was the only time we ever had an accident like that. When you were a child, if you got cuts or bumps or bruisies, you'd have them for about a day and then they'd be gone just like that," Beau told her with a snap of his fingers. "When you'd get sick, you weren't sick for very a long. The longest I had ever seen you be sick was for 3 days and that was it."

"So I'm...something like a mage?" she asked curiously. "I mean if I have healing powers then I'd be a white mage, right?"

"Yes, I suppose you could be," Dierdre said thoughtfully. "I mean as a child, I just brushed it off as nothing. I just figured you had a high immune system, but this is just very...oh this is so interesting."

"But Mom...don't you understand? If I'm a mage, I'm going to need proper training. Who is going to train me? Who can help me?" Andria stated almost desperately. "This is so confusing...where was it you said you found me again?"

"We found you beneath the Northern Crater, just outside of Icicle Village after it was attacked. We thought for sure you were going to die but you didn't," Dierdre told her. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry." Her blue eyes began sparkling with tears. "What can we do?"

Andria stood up. "I know what I need to do. I need to make a trip to the Northern Crater. I need to see if there is anything I can discover about my past. Maybe there were other white mages that lived there? Maybe there are some there who can help me and maybe I can find something more about my real parents," she stated.

"No Andria, I don't think this is a good idea at all," Beau said uncertainly, shaking his head. "I don't like the idea of you going alone to some place as dangerous as the Northern Crater. Not alone. No, I won't allow it."

"Dad all of Gaia is dangerous!" Andria stated loudly. "Does it not matter to you what I am? Does it not matter to you that I need proper training! Don't you realize that if I keep all of my magic buried inside of me, it's going to eventually hurt me?"

"How do you know that Andi? How do you know that if you just keep your magic hidden you'll be fine?" Beau asked her. "You don't know because you've never been trained properly and you've been fine up until now!"

"I don't know how I know, but...I just know, okay!" she told him shouting now. "I am 24 years old and I think I'm old enough to know what I am and what I can do about this," she told him desperately. "Dad please."

Beau just stood up and slammed his kitchen chair into the table. He shook his head. "I do not understand this. Not one damn bit," he muttered under his breath and left the room.

"Mom," Andria's voice was tremulous. "Mom please."

"Oh Andi, I am so sorry," she whispered as she held her daughter's hand. "I am just so sorry this happened to you."

Andria pulled her hand out of her mother's. "What do you mean your sorry? Are you ashamed that I have magic? Are you ashamed that I may very well be a mage? I don't understand this. Not one bit…I'm going for a walk. I'll be back later."

Andria stormed out of the house and slammed the door behind her. It was frustrating enough that her parents seemed to think she had some sort of ailment. Andria had hoped against hope that she could count on them to understand. She was an adult. She had every right to go searching the Northern Crater and maybe find out some more information about herself and her past. Feeling the pressure building up in her hands, Andria ran out towards the woods and screamed as she put her hands out.

Bursts of white energy shot out of them and slammed into a tree, a cloud of smoke in it's wake. Andria stood there panting and looked at her hands that had now returned to normal. She felt angry and hurt that her parents were so strange about it all. She knew why she'd know if she kept her magic inside. She kept hearing those far away voices. Those voices had told her that if she didn't release her magic it would hurt her. She heard them stronger than ever after she had the dream of the strange girl the night before. Andria stood up against the tree and watching the soft, white clouds drift slowly by.


Cloud was sitting at a booth in the bar, just finishing up the lunch Tifa had made him and the kids when his phone rang. Cloud reached down in his pocket and stared at the front of it.

"Oh great," he mumbled. "Not them again."

Tifa strode over to the booth and sat down across from Cloud. "What's going on?" she asked as she noticed his thin, blonde eyebrows furrowing.

"Oh it's Reno calling. I don't know if I should answer it or not," he grumbled.

"Go ahead and see what he wants. It can't be anything major," Tifa ushered. "He'll keep calling if you don't answer, Cloud."

"Yeah you're right," Cloud rolled his eyes and flipped the black, razor thin phone open, holding it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hey Cloud it's Reno. Listen, me, Rufus and Rude are here at the Healin Lodge. We need you to stop by. There's something important we need to talk about. Can you make it out?" he asked.

"What's so important?" asked Cloud curiously. "Do you need me out there right now?"

"Yeah we actually kinda do. It's really important. C'mon Cloud," Reno urged on the other line.

"I just got home," Cloud told him stiffly. "Can't this wait?"

"No it really can't Cloud. Please. We really need to discuss this with you and it's something that can't just be over the phone," Reno said anxiously. "Please Cloud."

Cloud sighed. "Alright, I'll be on my way shortly," he told them and flipped shut his phone. Vincent and Mari had just walked in and overheard Cloud say he'd be on his way.

"What's going on?" Vincent asked curiously as he and Mari walked towards them. "You leaving again Cloud?"

"Yeah, I just got a call from Reno. He said he needed to talk to me. It was really urgent sounding. I wonder what they've done screwed up this time?" Cloud wondered.

"Hmmm wonder what it could be," Mari wondered outloud. "Well whatever the case may be, just be careful Cloud," she told him. "You sure never seem to be around anymore."

"I know. I'm sorry it's just that...," Cloud hesitated. "I'll be fine. I just need to get my sword." Cloud turned from the table and headed up the stairs to his room.

He stopped in front of the mirror on his dresser and studied himself. "What are you going to get yourself into this time, Strife?" he wondered aloud. Cloud shook his head and half chuckled as he reached down and picked up his sword that lay across his bed. He strapped it over his back and walked back down the stairs. Cloud was about halfway down when he heard Tifa, Mari and Vincent's voices, and he stopped before he came all the way down to hear what was being said.

"I don't understand him," came Tifa's voice. "He just got home and now he's off and running again? It's just like how it was a little over a year ago. We hardly ever saw him and when we did it was only for brief moment. I'm just afraid he's going to go back to how it was when he had the Geostigma," she told Mari and Vincent.

"Don't think like that Tifa. You know how Cloud is. He just likes to keep to himself. Cloud is a loner, but at the same time he doesn't like being alone. That's why he has his phone," came Vincent's deep voice, billowing up the stairs.

"Yeah if he'll even answer it," Tifa replied sarcastically.

"Hey look who's talking Mr. I Have a Phone Now," Mari stated playfully, lightly punching Vincent's arm. She then looked at Tifa. "Tifa listen, when Cloud is ready he'll tell us what's going on with him. We know he will. Just let it go and give him some time. He's only going to Healin and he won't be gone long I'm sure," Mari stated reassuringly, resting a hand on Tifa's arm. "Don't get so upset."

Cloud had had enough of his friends talking about him behind his back. They couldn't even begin to possibly understand what he had been going through for the past three years or what he had been feeling. He knew Aerith had forgiven him, but Cloud couldn't forgive himself. He thought he had, but as the time went by, the memories just came billowing back. At his friends’ words, the swordsman couldn’t help but feel slightly angry. Cloud made his way down the stairs and they instantly stopped talking as they heard his footsteps and saw him appear. Marlene and Denzel ran over to Cloud.

"You're gonna be back soon, right Cloud?" Denzel asked him anxiously. "I mean you're not going away for a really long time again are you?"

"You promised you wouldn't Cloud!" Marlene added, shaking her little finger at him.

Cloud smiled and ruffled their hair. "No I'm just going on a little trip. I'll be back in a few hours or so," he told them. "Don't worry. No more long trips," he assured them.

"Be careful Cloud!" Marlene squealed, hugging him around the waist.

Cloud chuckled as the two children scampered off up the stairs and then turned towards his friends. "I'll be back as soon as I find out what these idiots want," he said somewhat stiffly. "It'll be sometime later." Cloud walked briskly past them and out to Fenrir, his massive motorcycle that sat in front of Seventh Heaven. Cloud lept onto Fenrir, kicked into life and road away from the bar. Tifa, Mari and Vincent watched as Cloud sped off and disappeared from sight.

"He seemed a bit you think he heard us?" Tifa asked nervously.

"I don't know if he did or not, but whatever Cloud is thinking, well, one may never know," Vincent replied, resting his hand on Mari's shoulder. Tifa just sighed sadly and walked back up the steps and into the bar.

Cloud drove his bike faster down the road feeling slightly hurt and angry that his friends had been talking about him behind his back. The engine roared underneath him as he drove up the drive to the small Shinra lodge that he had previously visited a year ago. He shut off the bike, jumped off and put the kickstand down. He walked up the wooden steps and was greeted almost immediately by Reno at the door.

"Gonna have another go like we did last year?" Cloud asked bluntly as Reno tapped his shoulder with his weapon.

"Nah, no time for that now. We have some really disturbing and interesting information we recently discovered," Reno told him. "Come inside, we don't want anybody else hearing this."

Cloud followed Reno inside of the familiar office-like room and stood near the door as it closed. Rude was standing by the window wearing his usual black shades and his arms folded across his chest. Rude was a man of few words, but when he chose to speak, it was usually exchanging something sarcastic with Reno. Another man stood on the other side of the office near a desk. He was tall with a white suit jacket and white pants. He had light blonde hair that hung losely around his face. His face was thin with a sinister expression. He walked towards Cloud and extended his had.

"Cloud, thank you for coming," Rufus, president of Shinra, said as he shook Cloud's gloved hand. "Please sit down."

"No thanks. I'm kind of in a rush," Cloud told them. "What's all this about anyway?"

"We heard tell from an unknown source that there still lurks on the planet, another possible Sephiroth clone, remnant if you will," Rufus began. "Nobody knows his name or what he looks like, but we do know that somebody was discovered on Hojo's old lab."

"A Sephiroth clone?" Cloud asked curiously, leaning against the wall and folding his arms across his chest. "But I thought that all of the clones had been destroyed. The Remnants...weren't the last of them Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz?"

"That's what we thought. We don't really know if this is the truth or not, but if it is in any case we need your help Cloud," Rufus told him. "If indeed there is a Sephiroth clone, all he has to do is get his hands on something left of JENOVA's and Sephiroth could indeed return."

"Hmmm," Cloud's hummed in his throat, scratching his chin with his gloved fingers. "Yeah, I just got home. I really don't want to be chasing after something if it's nothing."

"Please Cloud, we need your assistance, we need your help," Rufus pleaded.

"Not interested," Cloud stated with a final tone in his voice.

"Cloud we need you to go up to the Northern Crater and to Mt. Nibel with Reno, Rude, Tseng and Elena. We're hoping if we can find the rest of JENOVA's remains, if this so called clone really does exist, then at least we can keep from another reunion," Rufus explained

"And what makes you think if you get your hands on anymore of JENOVA's parts that this supposed Sephiroth clone won't still come after you? It's no different than when Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo were alive," Cloud told them. "You don't know how Sephiroth's mind works. He'll end up getting what he wants, no matter if you have JENOVA's remains or not."

"That's why we need your help Cloud. You're the only one who can help us if the nightmare does return," Reno told him. "C'mon Cloud, don't make me beg," Reno smirked.

"Not interested," Cloud reiterated. He started to walk away but Reno and Rude stood in front of the door.

"Cloud please, just hear me out," Rufus told him. "We'll pay you a great deal of gil if you would please go up to the Norther Crater and up Mt. Nibel and help us find the rest of JENOVA's remains before the clone does. We really need your help on this. Cloud, you're the only one who can really delve in Sephiroth. If he indeed does return, we don't doubt you abilities to dispose of him just as you had before. Don't you want your friends and family to be safe? You realize what could happen if this clone gets his hands on JENOVA's remains," Rufus poined out.

Cloud stood for a moment thinking. If there was indeed another Sephiroth clone out there, what would happen? Cloud couldn't even begin to bare the thought of losing more loved ones to Sephiroth. I mean here it was he had Denzel, Marlene, Tifa, Vincent, Mari, Barret, Cid, Yuffie, Red XII and Cait Sith. These were beings he cared about and cherished more than anybody could possibly understand, and if he didn't go they could be harmed or maybe even killed. If Cloud didn't go with the Turks then he would blame himself if they were in anyway harmed or killed by Sephiroth. Cloud took this all into consideration and then turned towards the others.

"Alright, I'll go," Cloud told them.

"Thank you Cloud," Rufus told him. "This is greatly appreciated."

"Wow! Why the change in heart Cloud?" Reno asked curious, observing Cloud.

"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for others. I'll be damned if Sephiroth gets his hands on anymore of my friends," Cloud stated defiantly. "When do we leave?"

"We planned on heading out in the morning. We thought we'd take a couple of choppers and head out that way. It'd be alot quicker," Reno proposed. "What do you say Cloud?"

"Alright, I'll be here bright and early," he told them. Cloud started walking towards the door and opened it. Before he left and turned back, looking at Rufus. "I want my gil before we go," he added.

"Whatever you say Cloud," Rufus acknowleged.

Cloud nodded and left the lodge. He walked out and noticed the sun was almost set behind the horizon. He looked out at the sky. "I swear Sephiroth, if you're out there, I'll take you out as quickly as you came back."

Cloud jumped onto his Fenrir and kicked it into life. Rufus, Reno and Rude stood on the porch of the lodge watching as Cloud sped off into the distance, all three breathing the sigh of relief that Cloud was indeed going to come and help them. Cloud road fast all the way back to the front of Seventh Heaven. He jumped off of his bike and saw Tifa, Mari, Vincent and the kids sitting outside of the bar. Cloud shut off the bike and jumped down as the others approached him. The kids made to jump on Cloud, but seeing the look on his face, they thought better of it.

"Cloud what's going? What did Reno want?" Tifa asked.

"Let's go inside of the bar and talk," Cloud told her. "Vincent, Mari you can come too." Cloud turned and looked down at the kids. "You guys, I want you go on upstairs and get ready for bed."

"Awwwww Cloud!" whined Denzel. "Do we really have to! We've just barely got to see you!"

"Kids, listen to Cloud and go on," Tifa told them gently.

She could tell Cloud was clearly distressed about something and he preferred the kids to not hear what he was about to tell them. She put her hands on the small of their backs and lightly ushered them up the stairs. After she was sure the kids were out of sight and couldn't hear what was going on she turned back towards Cloud, who was now sitting down at the bar, resting his chin on his fists.

"What's this all about Cloud?" Mari asked. "What on earth is going on?"

Vincent stood next to Mari and looked down at Cloud who was still facing the table.

"Well, there has been a rumor that a clone has been found. There isn't much really that I know," Cloud began. "I have to go away again."

"Go away! You just got back!" Tifa exclaimed. "Why do you have to go and what do you mean by clone! We all know Hojo did some whacked out experiments. Who knows just how many clones are out there!"

"Tifa, this isn't just any old clone," Cloud told her seriously, still looking at the table. "There is rumor that it's another clone of Sephiroth."

Tifa gasped. "But...that can't be possible! Weren't all the Sephiroth clones done in? Didn't you just get rid of the last of them Cloud?" Tifa asked. "Those three silver haired brothers. Weren't those the only remaining remnants of Sephiroth?"

"We don't know anything at this point. All I know is that if I'm going to protect you guys I have to go to the Northern Crater and hopefully find the rest of JENOVA's remains. As long as they're down there, this Sephiroth clone could get his hands on them and well...I don't want to think about what could happen next," Cloud explained.

"So you're going to the Northern Crater and back to Mt. Nibel," Vincent's deep voice rumbled next to Cloud. "Are you sure it's safe going off with Rufus Shinra and the rest of the Turks?"

"Oh Vincent, don't worry," Mari spoke quietly, resting her hand on his arm. "Cloud's a big boy. He can handle himself."

"She's right. I'll be fine. I don't know how long I'm going to be gone though," Cloud told them, finally looking up at them. "This is something that has to be done. I don't want to lose anymore of you," he finally spit out and then felt highly embarrassed. "Look, with any luck we'll find the rest of JENOVA's remains and maybe even run into the Sephiroth clone. If that's the case then we can probably kill him before there's another reunion," Cloud stated. "I have to do this. I'm sorry."

"What about the kids?" Tifa asked. "They were so excited to finally have you home," she told him as his face fell.

"I'll tell them in the morning. There's no need for them to go to bed upset," Cloud replied. "I need to get to bed myself. I have a really early morning tomorrow."

Cloud bid Vincent, Mari and Tifa goodnight and got up from the table and headed up the stairs. Tifa listened until his footsteps faded and she slumped down into the seat he had been sitting in. "You know, I don't think Cloud will ever realize what he means to me...and to the kids," Tifa said quietly.

"On the contrary Tifa," Vincent spoke up. "I think this is why Cloud is going to the Northern Crater and Mt. Nibel. He wants to protect you and the kids. He wants to protect all of us and will risk his life if he has to. That's how Cloud is. He does things on his own accord."

Mari stood behind Tifa and put both hands on her shoulders. "Tifa, Cloud will be just fine. He's tough and if in fact there is a Sephiroth clone, well who better to dispose of him than Cloud?"

Tifa sighed. "Yeah I guess you're right."

"Mari, I'm going to head back to the house," Vincent told her. "Stay here as long as you need to."

"It's okay Vincent, I'll be along in a bit," Mari told him and kissed him as he said goodnight to Tifa and left the bar. Mari walked around to the side of the table, her hand still on Tifa's shoulder. "Everything will be fine Tifa. It's like I said earlier, don't get upset. Everything will be just fine. We know Cloud can handle himself. He and Vincent are both strong like that." Tifa shrugged and Mari sighed. "Listen, I'm going to head home. If you need anything just call me, okay?"

"Thanks Mari," Tifa replied quietly. Just before Mari left, she glanced down at Tifa and saw two crystalline tears fall from her eyes and hit the table. She hurried and left before Tifa noticed that Mari saw her, shaking her head sadly as she walked out of the door.


Andria woke up with sweat beading on her forhead and chest. The image of the girl's face was still burning brilliantly before her eyes. This time she saw the face extremely clear. The girl looked exactly like her. Was it herself or was it one of those strange voices she sometimes heard when she was alone? Who else in the world did look like her? Andria couldn't take this anymore. She lept out of bed and packed herself a bag. She silently opened her closet door and pulled out her white traveling cloak. Wrapping it around herself she walked over to her small desk that sat across her bedroom. She pulled a pen out of the drawer and piece of paper and began writing a letter.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm sorry that I blew up at you earlier, but there are just some things about me that you do not understand. There are things about me that I don't understand and I need to discover what is happening with me. I know you won't understand why I'm doing this, but I'm doing this so I can uncover and my past and find out what and who I really am. I know you're going to be angry at me but I'll be just fine. I'm strong and I can take care of myself. You just have to trust me. I'm not going to tell you where I'm going, you'll only just come running after me. This is something that I have to do to figure out what is going on with myself. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll find somebody who can teach me and aid me on learning to use my magic so it doesn't harm me. I can't explain to you why I know some of the things I do, I just do. Maybe once I find out more about myself, I can come home and explain things more properly. Please forgive me. Don't ever forgot how much I love you guys. I'll be home as soon as I can.

Love always,

"That should do it," Andria told herself as she finished her letter and gathered her bag, throwing it over her shoulder.

She left her bedroom quietly and tiptoed down the dark hallway. She took one last look around the house and made her way into the kitchen. She left the note on the kitchen table and quietly left the house. She would travel as long as she could through the night and then bed down somewhere, and planned on catching a chocobo at the farm in the morning. Andria took one last look at her house and left, heading out of Kalm and towards the Chocobo Farms, not knowing what was laying ahead of her.
I'm not sure if anybody is reading this or not ^^; I'll go ahead and post Chapter 3 anyway

Chapter 3- A Familiar Face

Andria didn't know for how long she had been traveling. The air was warm and yet she still felt chilled. She snuggled into her white traveling cloak, pulling the hood over her head so she wasn't recognized if anybody happened to be out that might knew her. She preferred to keep herself hidden, at least for the time being. But why did she feel so cold in the crisp, summer night air? Was it because of the fight she had with her parents? Was it because she left without them understanding why she had to do what she needed to do?

It was dark outside except for the sliver of the moon showing in the silk, black-blue sky. The stars twinkled down on her from the heavens as she quickened her pace across the path that would take her to the small chocobo farm just outside of Kalm in the morning. Andria had every intention on resting a bit before she made it there ,and then she would rent a chocobo and begin her journey.

The young woman didn't quite know what or where she was going or what she could possibly be getting herself into. She brought her bag down from her shoulder and checked inside of it to make sure that she had indeed remembered to pack her map. She pulled out the ancient looking paper and studied it. Andria had a long way to go before she would make it to Icicle Inn, just below the Northern Crater. She had prayed and hoped that with any string of luck she may find out something of her past.

Maybe something of her parents or if she had siblings or not. Andria hoped against hope that she would find out what these strange voices she sometimes heard were or the magic she had obviously inherited came from. Andria could feel herself wearing down as she approached the Grasslands. She looked ahead to see a rather tall patch of grass, lit by the sliver of the glistening moon and the stars up above. Feeling she would be well hidden, Andria made her way over the grass, lay down and quickly fell asleep.


The sunlight poured through the windows of Dierdre and Beau's bedroom, basking it's warm glow over her face. Her husband's back was turned, facing away from the sunlight as he snored lightly. She rolled over and looked at the clock, noting it was 8am. Dierdre still felt extremely upset with her daughter's actions the previous day, but at the same time she did feel that Beau had been a little hard on her. Dierdre had spent most of the night crying silently to herself and praying that her daughter would be okay and Beau would just accept what she is.

The blonde got up and walked to her door. She took down her bathrobe wrapped it around her body. She snuck quietly past Beau who was still sound asleep and shut the door quietly behind her. The house was quiet in the early morning as she made her way down the hallway and into the kitchen. She flipped on the light switch and walked over to the fridge. She took out a jug of orange juice and poured herself a glass, yawning as she did so. Dierdre didn't notice the letter that had been sitting on the table until after she started cooking breakfast. Glancing over to the table saw the white piece of paper.

Curious as to what it was, the woman sat the utensil down on the counter that she had been using to flip pancakes that were now sizzling warmly in the frying pan, and resting on top of the makeshift stove. Dierdre walked over to the table and lifted the paper before her eyes, which began scanning back and forth, widening as she read over every word. She dropped the paper from her hand that had gone limp and it fell back on the table.

"BEAUUUUU!!!!" Dierdre cried out to her husband. She felt like she couldn't move, her entire body had gone numb and she was rooted to the spot she stood in. "BEAU PLEASE GET OUT HERE NOW!" she cried out again, this time her voice was trembling something fierce.

She heard the scraping around in their bedroom of her husband and he burst out of the door, running down the hallway, his footsteps thundering with every stride. All kinds of things were pouring into his mind. Something had happened to Andi, something had happened while she was asleep. He was sure of it. Beau reached the kitchen to find his wife, standing, still facing the table and her entire body was shaking. He looked around the kitchen but there was no sign of Andi, so it was obvious nothing had happened...had it?

"Dierdre, what's going?" Beau asked as he put his hands on his wife's shoulders and turned her around to face him. "Where's Andi?"

Tears were streaming down Dierdre's pale face as she pointed towards the table where the piece of paper had drifted. Beau released his hands from his wife, who now collapsed into a chair, sobbing uncontrollably now. Beau quickly scanned the letter, his eyes widening just as Dierdre's had. He slammed the letter down hard on the table and kneeled in front of Dierdre.

"Honey calm down," he told her gently, even though anger was coursing through his veins like a rampaging wildfire. "I'm going to go and look for her. She couldn't have gotten very far."

Dierdre continued to cry as Beau stood up from her. He walked down the hallway and went into the bedroom. Beau threw on his pants that he had been wearing the previous day, pulled on a shirt and shoved his boots on his feet, quickly tying them. "Damn you Andi! What the hell are you thinking!" he muttered angrily under his breath. Beau left the bedroom and went back into the kitchen to console his desolate wife.

"Sweetheart please. I will be back soon. I'm going to go find her and bring her back home. Now go wash your face, take a nice hot bath and calm down. I'll have my cell phone with me if you need anything," he told her gently. Beau brushed back her blonde bangs and kissed her on the forehead. "I'll be home soon."

Dierdre nodded, still crying and watched as her husband walked out the door and departed from their house. Then she buried her face in her hands. "Oh Andi, I am so so sorry."


Andria approached the small Chocobo Farm that sat outside of Kalm. It wasn't nearly as big as the one that was just across the grasslands, but just a few months ago she had helped a younger gentleman around her age bring some chocobos out to their area and breed them. She did her best to avoid Lynch who was kneeling down out in the pasture, tending to the younger chocobos that had just been born a few weeks earlier. He was a tall man with short, dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. He had almond colored skin and wore a white t-shirt and jeans with a flannel tied around his waist. Everybody always thought that Andria and Lynch would end up being together with all the time they had spent raising and breeding the chocobos, but Andria didn't look at him that way. He was just a good friend.

The young woman remembered when she had sat and witnessed the birth of these beautiful birds and she found nothing more beautiful than to watch them be born, raising their little heads and squeaking noisily as they took their first breath of life. Andria always found herself giggling as the little chocobos had made to stand up on their long, wobbly legs and take their first few steps, normally always falling down in the process, but determined enough to get back up and try again. She observed that they were growing into spunky, playful birds and she giggled to herself as she watched a green chocobo chasing a pink one. She pulled her hood tightly around her face so Lynch wouldn't see her and entered the office just outside of the corral. She approached a young woman who was sitting at the desk.

"Hello, I would like to rent one chocobo please," Andria said in soft tones incase anybody was around that may have recognized her.

"It's 20 gil to rent a blue chocobo which works better if you'll be traveling to watery places or if you have to swim, 30 gil to rent a green one who does better over grassy and foresty areas, and 40 gil if you want to rent a golden chocobo who can travel and handle just about any type of area including water, snow, moutains, etc...," the woman stated almost lazily, not looking at Andria.

Andria wasn't really sure what type of ground lay ahead of her so figured it best to rent the golden chocobo. "I'll take a golden one please," she replied, laying 40 gil on the desk in front of the woman. The woman put the gil in a drawer and stood up from her desk. She was short and somewhat chunky. She looked to be about 40 years of age. Her hair was speckled with gray and she wore a pair of glasses that rested on her nose. She had a pair of black pants on and white shirt and smelled strongly of straw. It was obvious that the women worked with the chocobos as well as Lynch.

"If you'll follow me please, I'll take you to the golden chocobo corral," she said in the same stiff tone. Andria obliged and followed the stocky, elderly woman to the corral. Andria smiled as the woman opened the gate. "Pick your chocobo," she stated as Andria walked into the corral, careful not to step in any chocobo droppings. Three of them approached her sniffling her curiously and Andria put her hand out. One turned and went off on the other direction while another pushed it's orange beak up against her hand, chirping and squacking softly.

"Well I'm guessing it'll be you," Andria murmered to the chocobo and scratching it on the head. It lazily closed it's eyes as she ran her nails through his feathers. The woman gave Andria and leg up on her chocobo and Andria expertly steered her mount out of the corral, thanking the woman on her way out. The chocobo began moving and Andria's hood fell off of her head. Before she was able to hurry out of the corral she heard a voice call her name. "Dammit," Andria muttered under her breath as she heard Lynch's voice.

"Hey Andi!" called Lynch, who was now standing up in the corral with younger chocobos and waving a hand at her. "C'mere!"

Andria rolled her eyes and turned her mount towards Lynch, smiling warmly at him, trying hide her hint of annoyance at him noticing it was her. She was in hurry and just wanted to leave before her parents happened to find her, especially her dad. "Hey Lynch, can we make this fast? I'm in a bit of a rush today."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep ya," the chocobo trainer said, running a gloved hand through his hair. "Where you headed?"

"Mmmm, I can't say," Andria told him, looking down at him from her mount. "I'm just going on a little trip. I'll be back in awhile. Maybe a few days or so," she lied. Truth be told, Andria didn't honestly know where she was going or how long she'd be gone.

"Oh, well who am I gonna get to help me raise the new babies?" Lynch stated with a wink. "Ah, just kiddin'. You be careful on your trip now, ya hear? And let us know when you get back."

"Will do Lynch, thanks and keep an eye on these babies. They look like they can be quite the trouble makers," she laughed as she pointed towards the young chocobos. The blue chocobo now had a hold of a green chocobo's tail in his beak and the green one was squealing wildly. Andria turned her mount as Lynch ran over to the corral to try and free the little green chocobo and with a wave of her hand, she was off.


Cloud Strife was awake fairly early the next morning, packing for his trip to the Northern Crater and Mt. Nibel. He still felt rather uneasy about everything, but he kept replaying over and over his mind what Rufus had said about protecting his friends. Cloud hasitly shoved his six piece sword in it's holder and strapped it across his chest, the sheath resting against his back. He grabbed his bag and headed down the stairs. As he descended, Cloud picked up the scent of bacon and eggs frying in the kitchen. Tifa was standing at the stove cooking breakfast when he entered the kitchen. Denzel and Marlene were already sitting at the table eating and drinking orange juice. Cloud walked over to the kids and rubbed both their heads.

"Morning Cloud!" exclaimed Denzel with his mouth full of egg and bacon.

"Denzel, ugh, it's rude to talk with your mouth full," Marlene stated firmly, turning towards the boy and placing both of her little fists on her hips. "You should swallow before you talk."

Cloud suppressed a snicker at the children. Marlene looked defiant and Denzel just glared over at her and swallowed his breakfast. Tifa laughed quietly from the stove. The kids certainly loved Cloud. Denzel looked up to Cloud as not only a hero but a father figure as well. Cloud had brought the young orphan into their home about a year and a half ago and every since then, Denzel had become permanently attached to Cloud. Tifa shut the burners off of the stove as she finished frying the eggs and bacon and filled two plates. The toast in the toaster popped up and Tifa looked over at Cloud and the kids. "

"Marlene, Denzel, did you want toast?" she asked. The two kids knodded their heads eagerly as Tifa pulled down another plate from the cabinet, pilling the toast on top. She carried the plates over to the table and sat one down in front of Cloud. "You should eat something," she told him quietly.

Cloud nodded his head and ate his breakfast in silence, listening to Marlene and Denzel chatter anxiously and excitedly about anything. Tifa barely touched her breakfast and sipped her coffee from a mug. As soon as the kids were done eating, they pushed back their plates and looked up eagerly at Cloud. Tifa's face fell at the excited looks on the kids' faces. She knew that pretty soon they were going to be crushed when Cloud would break the news to them.

"So Cloud, what are we going to do today?" asked Denzel anxiously.

"Well, umm...I..," Cloud stammered, not looking at the eager gleam in Denzel's eyes. It was hard enough to tell them that he had to go away yet again. Cloud couldn't bare the thought of seeing that hurt look in their eyes, but he knew he had to tell them. Cloud stood up from the table, wiping his mouth with a napkin and sat it on the plate. He turned his back towards the kids and Tifa. The young man just kept telling himself that this was for the better. It was really important that he leave and find out what he could about this clone. It was a matter of protecting the people he cared about.

"We're not going to do anything today Denzel," came Cloud's voice. "I'm sorry. I know I promised...," Cloud hesitated and turned towards the kids who were now looking at him quite seriously. "I have to go away again," he finally said.

"NOOOOOOOO!" wailed Marlene. "Not again Cloud! You promised you would stay here with us! You promised that you wouldn't go on anymore long trips!"

"Marlene, I'm sorry, but this is really important. I won't know anything until I get there, but this is something I have to do. Understand?" he said gently.

It slowly tore into Cloud's heart as he watched how their faces changed from pure happiness and giddiness to being upset and letdown yet again. He looked over at Tifa who was just sitting at the table drinking her coffee. She looked up at Cloud and gave him a sad expression. Dammit I wish they'd stop looking at me like that. Why does this always have to be so hard with anything I do? Maybe I should just go back to Aerith's church and stay there for awhile. At least I wouldn't be around to keep constantly hurting them.

"Marlene, Denzel, Cloud has some really important business he has to take care of. It's a little ways away from home, but he'll have his phone. You can always call and see how he is," Tifa said, now standing and resting her hands on the kids' shoulders.

"That's right. And Marlene, Barret will be here in a couple of hours. He just got back into town last night and has some finishing up to do around the area, but he's coming to pick you up later. I'm sure you'd love that," Cloud pointed out.

Marlene smiled a little bit, but Cloud could see tears filling her big brown eyes and he turned away. There you go again Strife...hurting somebody else you care about. He then turned back towards the kids. Denzel sat in the chair, hanging his head. He hadn't spoken a word. Just as Cloud was about to say something, Mari and Vincent walked in the door and strode over to where Cloud, Tifa and the kids sat.

"Good morning Cloud, Tifa," came Mari's voice as she walked arm and arm with Vincent. Taking note of the looks on the kids' faces, Mari understand that Cloud had broken the news about him leaving. She rubbed the kid's heads in much the same fashion that Cloud had. "Hey you two," she grinned down at them. The kids' faces lightened up at seeing the mage and gunman enter the room. "How about we go outside and play? It's really warm out and Kaiya's out there," Mari proposed.

"And I'll join you," Vincent added swiftly.

Instantly Marlene jumped up out of her seat and grabbed onto the mage's hand. "I'll go outside with you guys!" she said excitedly, as if she had suddenly forgot that Cloud was leaving. "We can do all kinds of things!" Her voice carried as she, Mari and Vincent walked back across the bar and went out the door. The sounds of Marlene chattering and Mari's laughter was heard through the open windows. Cloud turned and looked at Denzel who still had his head hanging. He knelt down in front of him.

"Hey, listen, this trip is really important Denzel. I have to go and do this if you want me to take care of you and make sure you stay safe, understand?" Cloud explained.

"No, I don't understand. It's not fair Cloud. We never get to see you anymore. If you're not doing deliveries than you're somewhere else. What about us Cloud? We need time with you too," Denzel told him, his voice low and trembling.

Cloud turned his head to the side, closed his eyes and sighed. "Denzel I'm really sorry," he said softly. "But I'll be back. I promise." Cloud looked back at Denzel again and he felt his heart jolt as he saw tears falling from behind Denzel's hair and into his lap. "Denzel, come on now. Pull it together."

Denzel still didn't look up at Cloud but instead threw his arms around Cloud's neck and clung onto him. "I just really don't want you to leave," Denzel cried on his shoulder. "You were home for awhile and we had so much fun, but you're just different again Cloud. Don't you like us anymore?"

Cloud hugged the boy back. "Of course I do, it's just hard to explain of what I do sometimes," Cloud told him. "It's not always easy and you're not always going to understand, but one day you will."

Tifa watched Denzel hugging Cloud and could feel tears in her own eyes, but she pushed them back. Denzel was right. Cloud was changing. He wasn't the same that he had been awhile back. Awhile back they would have fun playing together on their living room floor and being just like the family that Tifa had always wanted, but every since Vincent and Mari had become so close, Cloud just seemed to become more distant. Of course she didn't blame it on them. If anything it was her fault that two became so close in the first place. Only too well did Tifa remember when they had found the mage. After Mari had healed, she called Vincent and basically told him that Mari was still sick when all along she really wasn't.

Cloud looked up at Tifa and gave her a pained expression. She again, came to the rescue, gently prying Denzel off of Cloud's shoulder. She led the boy around Cloud and was about to take him outside when the orphan clung to her instead, crying softly. Cloud, with his back to Tifa and Denzel, hung his head for a few seconds still knelt down, shook it slightly and then stood up. He felt a pang in his heart and a lump in his throat which he swallowed back. It hurt him so much that he was hurting Denzel and Marlene, especially Denzel, by leaving, but Cloud would never show that. He would just jump on Fenrir and concentrate on getting to the Healin Lodge so they could prepare the choppers, go to the Northern Crater and to his old hometown, and hope to find what they were on the search for. Tifa brushed back Denzel's hair, making soft shooshing noises to calm him down.

Why does it seem like everything I do always ends up hurting someone? Cloud turned around to face Tifa and Denzel and brushed back some strands of blonde hair from his eyes. "I really need to be heading out. If I don't get there soon, they'll be calling me," Cloud said quietly. "Tifa, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay Cloud, just do me a favor and answer the phone if we call, okay?" Tifa replied looking at up at him. "That's all we ask. Just so we can talk to you and see how you are."

Denzel looked up at Cloud with his tear streaked face. Cloud remembered the last time he had seen Denzel like that and it was over a year ago when he had been infected with the Geostigma. Denzel had the deadly disease on his forehead and Cloud remembered only too well when he had it covering his entire left arm. It was one of the worst experiences Cloud had to endure, not just for him but for Denzel as well. If it weren't for Aerith, Cloud probably would have just let himself die, but she had made him strong. Only for awhile though. Cloud thought he had put everything behind him, but it was just too hard. With all the time he had to think, all of the memories that flooded his mind, how could he let go?

"Promise you'll call, okay Cloud?" Denzel spoke up still looking at Cloud and wiping his eyes with his hands. "Please Cloud? And I'll call you too and you promise to answer your phone?" Denzel's voice was a little louder and sounded more defiant.

"Yeah, I'll call and I'll answer my phone just for you," Cloud told him, ruffling his hair again. Tifa stood up now and Denzel still continued looking up at Cloud.

"Do you know how long you'll be gone?" he asked curiously. "Do you think it'll be for a really long time again?"

"I don't think it'll be for a very long time. Maybe a few days. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone. Once I find out more I'll call you, okay Denzel? I promise," Cloud told him reassuringly.

He looked down into the boy's dark blue eyes with his own and Denzel knew he was being sincere. Cloud turned and headed out the door of the bar with Tifa and Denzel behind him. Outside Mari and Marlene were playing tag. Cloud noticed another little girl had now joined in on the fun and he quickly recognized her as the mage's younger sister Kaiya. Marlene and Kaiya would squeal with laughter every time the mage tried to get them. It brought a small smile to Denzel's face and shortly there after he joined in. Vincent was standing up against the wall of the bar with his arms folded across his chest, observing the scene before him with a smirk playing at the sides of his mouth. Cloud walked up to Vincent and Tifa stood next to Vincent.

"It's getting late and I really should be going before they call me and start wondering where I'm at," Cloud finally said. "Take care of the kids for me," he told Tifa facing her. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Be careful Cloud, okay?" Tifa told him. She continued to stare gingerly at him. How badly the martial artist just wanted to run into his arms and beg him not to go. Tifa had missed Cloud just as much, if not more than the kids did when he was gone. Many times she tried hard to make Cloud understand it, but he just didn't. Or maybe he did and he just didn't feel the same way about her that she felt about him.

Cloud turned on his heel and walked over to Fenrir. "Hey, I'm heading out!" Cloud called to Mari and the kids. The mage and the kids hurried over to Cloud and gave him a quick hug goodbye. Marlene started crying again and Denzel just hurried off into the bar. Cloud brushed away her tears with his gloved hand. "I'll be back Marlene and don't forget your dad's coming today." Marlene smiled as she let go of Cloud and Mari reached up and hugged him.

"Be careful out there Cloud," Mari told him seriously. "You know how dangerous that place can be." Cloud noted the slightly worried expression the mage's face.

"Don't worry," he told Mari with a small smile. "I'll be fine. Just like you said, I'm a big boy right? I can handle myself."

Marlene took the mage's hand and the two went and stood over by Vincent who waved his hand at Cloud. Cloud nodded at them, reached in his pocket and pulled out his shades, placing them on his face and adjusting them until they felt comfortable. He kicked Fenrir into life and zoomed off from the front of Seventh Heaven.


Andria kicked her mount into speed as fast as it's great strides would carry them. She knew for awhile that they were being followed by something, some sort of creatures, Andria wasn't sure. She crouched down low against her chocobo's neck and urged it on with the reins.

"Hurry!" she exclaimed as an earsplitting scream pierced the air.

The chocobo continued running fast across the plains as the screams began to catch up with them. Three gray creatures with long claws on each hand, wings that looked like those of a bat, long clawed toes and lizard-like features rose high in the air, beating their wings rapidly against the air. They threw back their heads screaming in unison and flew like blurs across the sky. Andria didn't know what to do or even how to begin to attack these beasts.

"GO!" she screamed at her chocobo, trying desperately to outrun the scary shapes closing in on her. One of the gargoyles slammed down into the side of her chocobo, biting into it's neck. The chocobo squealed in pain and threw it's rider as it went down. Andria rolled across the ground and onto her back. She looked up as the other two gargoyles sprung up above her like spring coils and hovered for a moment.

Andria didn't know what their next move was going to be. She decided to lay as still as possible. The gargoyles spread the wings and zoomed down to the young woman. Andria screamed and covered her face with her arms, rolling onto her right side. The gargoyles closed in, brutally attacking her. One of the gargoyles opened it's wide mouth and sank it's teeth into her side. Pain like a hotwire poker to the skin shot through Andria's body as she felt the beast's teeth drill into her left side. The gargoyle released and Andria tried to scream, but she couldn't. She could feel the blood streaming from her left side and she could taste blood in the back of her throat. Andria reached her hand down to her side. Her mind screamed as the pain intensified and Andria lifted her hand to see it covered in blood.

Her vision was going, fogging before her eyes, and she felt herself being dragged by her let by one of the massive creatures. She heard the sound of her chocobo back on it's feet and soon felt the wind from the gargoyle's wings, as they became distracted, fly away from her body. She strained as she heard the last cries of her chocobo, knowing it had been defeated. Andria never heard the thundering roar of a motorcycle coming down the road. She had blacked out at the sounds of the cries of the chocobo.

Cloud saw the gargoyles just ahead attacking something, but he wasn't sure what it was. Blood was all over the ground but Cloud took no notice. He urged his motorcycle on faster across the ground, dust left billowing in Fenrir's wake. From the sides of Fenrir shot out Cloud's six piece sword. Cloud grabbed the two biggest pieces of his massive sword and road hard at the three gargoyles, flinging both swords mercilessly, slicing and dicing the great beasts with his mastered swordplay. He eliminated two of the gargoyles easily and left them to die.

There was still one left that was screeching sinisterly above Cloud and it dove. Cloud held his right sword outward towards the beast and his hand begun to glow blue. It shot down the sword which began lighting up the same bright blue glow as he slashed it across the remaining gargoyle's stomach. It flew backwards, threw it's ugly head back and screeched in pain before it fell to the ground with the others and moved no more. Cloud looked through the dust as it slowly faded away and saw all the blood on the ground mixed with golden feathers.

"Oh a chocobo," Cloud muttered under his breath. He looked from the chocobo and noticed a bag laying down beside it and then realized this chocobo had a rider. The chocobo's saddle was half torn and it's reins had been ripped in half. Cloud jumped down off of Fenrir and approached the bloody mass of feathers, leaning down. Desperately, he began looking around the area for any sign of the chocobo's rider. Maybe the gargoyles had already gotten ahold of the rider? Cloud wondered to himself.

He was about to turn and go back towards Fenrir when Cloud caught something in the nearby bushes out of the corner of his eye. Curious as to what it was, Cloud walked over and approached the bushes, pushing them back with his hands. His light blue eyes widened in shock as he realized it was a woman laying there, face down. Cloud lifted the woman up, but her body was limp and lifeless and he saw the blood on her side that stained her white, torn traveling cloak and her small light green and white top underneath. He could see the holes straight through her shirt where the beasts fangs had pierced her. He brought her out of the bushes, kneeling down and rested his left arm behind her head which rolled limply to the left. Her long honey-brown bangs covered her face and Cloud moved them back from her face with his gloved hand and gasped aloud.

His eyes fell onto a face that had long since haunted him for 3 years. His heart lept up into his throat as he looked down into a face he had missed more than anything anybody could imagine. Memories of the day he had laid the woman he loved to rest in the Forgotten City came pouring through his mind. Her stomach had been stained with blood in much the same fashion as this young woman's was and her face was exactly the same as the face of the body he held in his arms on that sad and dark day. She looked so peaceful as though she could merely be asleep. Cloud struggled with his looked like her, but could it be her?

"A-Aerith?" he stammered. Cloud took his black, leather glove in his teeth and pulled it off, tossing it aside. He brought his lightly tanned hand down to rest on the Andria's forehead. She was still warm. He put two fingers against her neck checking for her pulse. There was a pulse. It was still there, but very faint. The eyelids of the young woman in his arms fluttered open and Cloud stared down into the familiar, emerald green eyes. He could feel his eyes burning as those same, sparkling green eyes he remembered from three years ago stared up into his. The woman made to open her mouth and speak, but her eyes rolled back into the back of her head and she fell limply again against Cloud's arm. Cloud sat for a moment and collected himself. He picked up his glove and put it back on and carefully lifted the wounded girl in his arms. No...she's not Aerith...Aerith is dead Cloud, dead...But gods does she look just like her.

Cloud carried her over to Fenrir settled her gently on the front of his streamlined motorcycle. Andria's breathing had become extremely shallow as made his way back to the bike. He reached down to one of the compartments and flipped the lid. Inside were all kinds of bottles of many different colored liquid. He took out a bottle of Antidote and uncorked it. He tipped the Aerith look alike's head back and dumped the contents down her throat. Cloud felt this was for the best in case she had received any ailments from the attack. Cloud reached down into his pocket and flipped open his phone. He was going to have to cancel his trip with Rufus and the Turks. He dialed the number and Reno picked up.

"Cloud where the hell are you! We've been ready to leave for over an hour!" came Reno's snarky voice over the line.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to cancel going with you guys. Some other important things have come up that I need to take care of," Cloud told Reno, keeping his voice as steady as he could.

"Cloud we need you on this! You said you'd go!" Reno snapped. "Get your SOLDIER ass down here right now so we can get the hell out of this place and find what we're looking for!"

"You're not one to give me orders, Reno. I told you I have more important things I need to take care of. I'll contact you when things aren't so hectic," Cloud said, remaining calm.

"What in the shit can be more important than tracking down a Sephiroth clone?" Reno asked, sounding thorougly pissed off. "Is there anything that's more important than keeping your friends and family safe incase this really is what we think it is. Do you not fucking remember what we all just talked about and agreed on, Cloud!?"

Cloud wasn't going to just sit here and let this girl die right in front of him. "At the moment there is. I gotta go," Cloud told Reno and snapped his flip phone shut.

Cloud mounted Fenrir and cradled the unconcious beauty in front of him, careful not to let her fall. Fenrir roared and zoomed back off towards Edge. Cloud hadn't gotten that far when he had discovered the gargoyles, the chocobo and now this young woman. As he rode back to Seventh Heaven questions began forming in Cloud's mind as well as memories. I know she's dead. I know she's not coming back...because I just let her die. I can't let the same thing happen to her, I just can't. Cloud nearly choked on the thought of this and rode Fenrir as fast as he could. He could see Seventh Heaven just ahead and skidded to halt right front of it. Tifa came running out of the door at the sound of Cloud's motorcycle pulling up in front of the bar. She approached Cloud just as he lifting Andria up into his arms.

"Oh gods Cloud, what happened to her?" Tifa breathed as Cloud began walking towards the bar.

"She was attacked by gargoyles. Run, go get Mari and Vincent. We're going to need a mage's healing powers and if that isn't enough Vincent has plenty of Healing Materia," Cloud stated firmly and Tifa nodded. Denzel came tearing out the door and was about to yell "CLOUD" when he saw what Cloud was carrying. He stood, still carefully cradling the injured woman.

"Son of a bitch!" Denzel yelled in shock and Tifa cuffed him on the back of the head.

"Watch your mouth!" she told Denzel firmly.

"I'm going to take her up to my room," Cloud told Tifa as he hurriedly made his way to doorway of the bar. "Tell Vincent and Mari I'll be up there waiting for them." Tifa nodded and ran off towards the newlywed's home.

Cloud tried his best not to run as he entered the bar. He didn't want to damage the girl anymore than she may have already been. He thundered up the stairs and kicked open his bedroom door. Cloud laid the unconcious Andria down on his bed and wrapped her traveling cloak tightly around her wounds. He reached up his hand and brushed back the hair that had fallen into her face again. His eyes traced stunning features of her face, from her eyes, nose and mouth to the outline of her jaw.

She looked identical to Aerith. Nothing about her was the slightest bit different, except for maybe the front of her hair, Cloud noted. Aerith had long bangs exactly like this woman did, except the girl on the bed wore hers slightly different. They were parted to the side. Cloud took his gloved hand and ran it softly across her jaw. She wasn't Aerith...but why did he feel so attached to her? Cloud quickly removed his hand at the sound of footsteps thundering up the stairs. He quickly stood up from the bed as the others entered the room. The mage's face was flushed with slight worry as she hurried over to Cloud's side.

"Tifa said that you found a severely injured girl and needed help," she said anxiously as she looked up at him. Cloud pointed down to the bed and Mari gasped. "But she...she looks...she couldn'," Mari breathed. She didn't want to say anything in front of Cloud, but surely he noticed the identical resemblance to Flower Girl that had sold her flowers a few years back.

Tifa joined Mari's side, as did Vincent and she gasped in shock. "Oh gods, she looks just like Aerith!"

Cloud closed his eyes and turned away. It was so painful just to look down at the girl. What if she didn't make it? Would it be his fault that he wasn't quick enough to bring the girl here and get her healed? He shouldn't have dwaddled on the phone with Reno. He should have just brought the girl straight back, and then once she was fully healed and promised to survive he could have called and canceled his plans. Who was this mysterious woman? Tifa turned to look at Cloud who had went to look out the window.

"Cloud I'm sorry," Tifa apologized. "I'm sorry, you must have noticed it too?"

"Yes I did notice," Cloud's calm voice came from near the window. He could feel his eyes burning again and pushed the emotion that threatened to rise back down into his chest, burying it and tried to take his mind elsewhere.

Mari sat down in the bed and lifted up the woman's shirt over where she had sustained the bite. The mage expertly placed both hands over the young woman's chest and closed her eyes in concentration. Her hands begin to shimmer with a soft, light green glow that bathed the room in green color. The glow surrounded itself around Andria's body and wound itself over her wound. Mari watched and studied the wound as she worked but nothing seemed to be taking place. Vincent strode over smoothly and sat down next to Mari.

"She's going to need a Healing Materia. By the color of her skin the girl has lost a lot of blood." Vincent took a small, glowing green orb out of his cloak and walked over to the other side of the woman. He inserted the materia smoothly in her side. "Now Mari, continue using your powers on the girl. The materia will do the rest," Vincent commanded gently. Mari nodded and continued the healing process. The group watched as the wounds began gently closing up and soon all that was left on the girl's flesh was red marks from where the bites had been previously.

"I would imagine she'd awaken soon, but don't count on within a few hours," Vincent stated smoothly. "I'd just let her sleep through the day and hopefully she will through the night. She's going to be very sore when she wakes up so make sure she's kept as comfortable as possible. I would suggest she spend a few days resting so she can replenish her blood loss," he added knowingly.

"I felt magic within her when I was healing her," Mari stated. "It was something like I've never felt before."

"Hmmmm, yes," Vincent nodded. "There is something special about this young woman. Yes, very special indeed. We may not know much until she awakens, but we do not want to bombard her with questions."

Cloud nodded in agreement as Vincent swept from the room. Cloud then suggested that they go ahead and leave and let the woman rest, but Mari felt that somebody needed to stay in here with her.

"Cloud, she shouldn't just be left alone. What if she wakes up sooner then we think? She's going to be scared because she won't know where she is and I'm certain she'll remember the attack. Somebody she'd atleast recognize really should stay with her," Mari said with slight concern in her voice. She didn't know why, but Mari felt slightly attached to unconcious girl laying before them.

"Cloud, why don't you stay with her while Tifa watches the kids? If you need anything at all you can just give us a call," Vincent suggested. Tifa nodded and departed from the room leaving Cloud, Vincent and Mari.

Cloud hesitated for a moment and looked down at the girl. "But I...,"he began to speak and stopped. This was almost just too much. How could one young woman make him feel like this when he didn't even know her, and yet he felt he did, but he assumed that was only because she resembled Aerith so much.

Mari, sensing that Vincent needed to speak to Cloud alone, kissed his pale jawline and left the room herself. Vincent turned back towards Cloud. "I know this is hard Cloud, but you are the one who saved her and brought her here. She's probably going to remember you. Stay with her. If she awakens call us. We'll be here in an instant," he said calmly and then turned and swept from the room, leaving Cloud alone with the strange girl.

Cloud sat down on the bed and looked into that beautiful face. "I don't know who you are but I feel so connected to you, as if I have known you before, but I know that's not possible and I know you're not Aerith. She died three years ago and yet here you lay, looking exactly like her and fully alive, just sleeping. I hope when you wake up we can find out something more." Cloud sat his elbows on his knees and rested his chin against his fist, finding it extremely hard to tear his eyes away from Andria's face and yet finding it extremely painful to so much as even look at her.
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Here is Chapter 4 :)


Chapter 4- First Meeting

The fog swirled around, billowing around the young girl's body. It felt slightly cold and damp is it lightly caressed her skin. She walked through, using her hands to push it away but the more she tried to push it away, the thicker it became. Just ahead she could see a bright light. She knew she needed to make her way to the light, and she could hear voices from just behind her telling her to. Turning her head to check back, she saw there was nobody there. She began to feel slightly frightened as she quickened her pace. She was running through a cold, damp, foggy nothingness, trying to reach the white she could see just ahead. The harder she ran the more further it seemed to become.

"Somebody please help!" she cried out into the fog, her voice echoed all around her. She stopped and folded her hands together, looking around for a sign of anything. "Please!" she pleaded.

There was a gush of wind, soft at first but then it felt strong and warm. The fog was slowly being pushed from the girl. She gasped as the warmth touched her skin, relieving her of goose bumps that covered her delicate flesh. Her green eyes scanned the area for the source of the wind when they fell onto a hand reaching out for her.

"Here," came a female voice, gentle and warm as the wind around her. "Take my hand. I'll lead you back."

The woman reached her hand out for the hand in front of her as it came closer, fingers outstretched. The hand looked blurry at first in front of her, and as she got closer she noticed the hand wore a small silver, glistening gauntlet around her wrist. She reached out just a bit further and grasped the hand, closing her fingers tightly around it and squeezing her green eyes shut. A warm, tingly sensation filled the girl's body as she held on and she could feel herself being lifted. She opened her eyes to see that same, identical face to hers smiling down. A glow surrounded her entire body as she held on tight to Andria's hand.

"They're all down there. They're waiting for you to awaken," the girl stated softly, smiling all the while.

"W-who are you?" Andria asked. "You look just like me. Are you my protector? Please, I've seen you before. Who are you?"

The beautiful woman in front of her just smiled. "You'll find out soon enough. It's time for you to go back now." She let go of Andria's hand. "Just listen when you're alone, and you'll hear us."

"Wait!" cried out Andria as she began to fall. She tumbled head over heels, over and over again. She could see white intermixed with blue and green swirling around her as she fell. Andria cried out in fear as she got closer and closer to the bottom...closer and closer to hitting hard....

"She's awake!" cried Tifa softly. She had been sitting next to Andria's bed, keeping an eye on the girl.

Tifa and Mari bad been taking turns to sit with the sick and injured girl. More than once did it seem as though she were fading. They then realized her body had been infected with poisons and ailments that Healing Materia alone could not heal, nor the mage's healing powers. Cloud had traveled into to town, stocking up on plenty of different potions to give the woman, feeling in his heart it was right. He was going to do everything he could to save the girl. He wasn't going to let her die like he had Aerith, no way in hell. Cloud came back right at the moment her condition had taken a turn for the worse, giving the girl various liquids, Tifa and the others praying at her side that she would make it through. Though Tifa noticed how tender Cloud was to the girl, noticing the look in his eyes when he saw her and once done giving her the potions, leaving the room as quickly as he could.

Nobody had let on that they felt almost as connected to this strange young woman just as they had with Aerith, even though they didn't know her. Tifa had gathered to herself it was because the young woman was identical to the long since gone Cetra, even the air about her or even getting near her felt as if they were somehow with Aerith again. Three days later, Andria's striking green eyes flittered opened and squinted tightly shut again. The sunlight was pouring bright gold from the window right down onto her bed and hurt her eyes something fierce. She could feel the soft surface of the mattress she was laying against underneath her and she could feel cold sweat beaded on her forehead, neck and chest.

"Hey there, nice to see you around," Tifa smiled warmly down into the young girl's face. Tifa took a cloth and lightly pressed it on Andria's face, neck and chest. "Are you alright? Is there anything I can get you?"

Andria tried to push the fog away from her eyes and made an attempt to sit up in bed. Her body ached all over as if she had gone through a thousand battles consecutively, and her left side was extremely sore. She blinked a few times to get used to the bright light in her room and to see where she was. As she came to, Andria looked around a room she did not recognize which frightened her at once. Opening her mouth to speak she nearly uttered a soft cry of pain. She clutched her left side with her hand.

"W-where am I," came her voice, light and soft. "How did I get here?"

Oh gods, she even sounds just like Aerith when she speaks. Tifa thought to herself as she studied the identical features of her friend and voice she hadn't heard in so long from the girl lying beside where she sat. Tifa was interrupted in her thoughts by warm laughter from the doorway as Mari stepped inside. "I see our new friend here is awake," she smiled warmly down at Andria. "You were in quite a rift. Lucky that Cloud found you when he did. How are you feeling?"

Tifa's eyes met Andria's and she could tell she was thoroughly and clearly frightened now. She took her hand and placed it over the girl's. "Hey it's okay. Don't be scared. My name is Tifa Lockhart and this is Mari Valentine. It's a big thanks to Mari and her husband that they were able to use healing and materia on you." Tifa looked over at Mari and smiled.

"Hey, don't forget Cloud helped out too," Mari pointed out. "If it weren't those potions he went and picked up, well, I hate to think of what could have happened." She shook her brown hair, causing it to bounce gently around her shoulders and Andria took note of just how pretty Mari was.

"I'm sorry...I just...I don't know where I am," replied Andria, trying to force the confusion out of her head. "What happened to me?" Her head still felt extremely foggy and she felt slightly lightheaded.

"You were attacked by gargoyles. Our friend Cloud found you, and he brought you back here," Mari explained. "You were in pretty bad shape. We thought for awhile there we were going to lose you. Those gargoyles did a number on you. We kept having to give you potions every so often. Those weren't just ordinary gargoyles either, according to Cloud."

"Oh...oh gods, the chocobo!" Andria exclaimed, trying to sit up in bed, but it hurt so bad that she just cringed. "Lynch is going to be so upset."

"Sweetie, you shouldn't even be worrying about a chocobo," Tifa told her. "Why don't you lay back and rest and be thankful that you're still alive. Now, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"My name? Oh, it's Andria...Andria Sullivan, but everybody calls me Andi," she told her. Andria looked up at Tifa tiredly. She still felt extremely drained and very sore. She leaned back into her pillows, trying to muster her strength.

"Well it's nice to meet you Andi," Tifa smiled. "Is there anything at all I can get you?"

"A drink of water would be nice," Andria replied shyly. Her throat felt rather dry. She had, infact, been sleeping for three days and all that she had been given was potions.

"Of course," Tifa told her, patting the girl's hand. "I'll be right back. In the meantime, why don't you get acquainted with our mage here?" Tifa looked at Mari and grinned. "I'll bring you some water and maybe you can meet Cloud if he's around."

"I would love to meet him," Andria spoke up. "After all, he was the one who found me. I'd like to thank him properly." Andria tried to smile, but she still felt weak and it even seemed to take a lot for her to smile.

"Just lie back and rest. I'll go get him," Tifa replied and she stood up from the bed, departing from the room. Andria laid back against her pillows and listened to Tifa's footsteps descending down the stairs.

"So, where exactly I am?" Andria asked curiously, looking up at Mari who was still smiling. Her lush green eyes looked down at the girl on the bed. "What is this place? Who all is here?" She blushed when she realized all the questions she was asking. "Sorry for all the questions," she added, her pale cheeks flushing lightly pink.

The mage just smiled warmly. "It's quite okay. You're in the town of Edge, above Tifa's bar called Seventh Heaven in the living quarters. She, Cloud and a young boy named Denzel live here and sometimes a girl named Marlene. She's Barret's daughter, but whenever he's away on business, Marlene stays with here them and they take care of her. You'll love them," Mari stated with a giggle. "They're wonderful kids. Anyway, Cloud runs a delivery business called Strife Delivery Service. Tifa takes the calls and Cloud makes the deliveries. Tifa also runs the bar downstairs which is open all day and way into the night, usually around 1am or so is when they close, depending on business, so it stays rather busy around here," Mari explained to the young woman.

"Well I must thank you for saving me," Andria spoke somewhat shyly. "I just want to know...why am I so sore?" She struggled to sit up, using what little strength she had left in her arms to push her up.

There was a low voice that came from the doorway and in walked Vincent Valentine. Andria was almost slightly frightened by his appearance at first, but more startled than anything. He was a tall man with long black hair that hung past his shoulders. He had a few strands that hung around his low-set eyebrows and Andria noted he had crimson eyes. He wore a long overcoat to match his eyes except the one sleeve was black and slightly flared at the end. He wore a buckled, black shirt underneath tucked neatly into a pair black pants with buckles down the legs. However most noticable of all to Andria, was Vincent's clawed, golden hand that seemed to be made of some sort of brilliant metal gauntlet, covering his left wrist. It glistened in the sunlight as Vincent stood, leaning up against the doorway observing Andria, his arms lightly folded against his chest.

"I was just coming into the bar when I ran into Tifa," his deep voice rolled into Andria's ears. "She said that our guest here was awake." He leaned up from the door and walked over to Mari's side peering down at the girl. "How are we feeling today?"

"I'm feeling okay, a little sore," she said shyly, finding it hard to look at the tall, dark gunman before her.

"Andi this is my husband Vincent," Mari introduced to Andria. "He's the one who used the Healing Materia on you," she added with a loving smile up at Vincent. "He's highly skilled when it comes to magic. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't know a lot of the things I do now," she grinned.

"Well, one doesn't just let another go without proper healing," Vincent replied smoothly. "I'm glad to hear you're doing better. It is normal for you to feel sore. That was a very deep wound you sustained."

"Well thank you for your help in making me better," Andria spoke quietly. "If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't even be here right now."

"It's more thanks to Cloud than anything," Mari pointed out. "If he wouldn't have found you then you wouldn't be with us right now. Speaking of which, where is Cloud?" the mage asked, looking up at her husband.

"He's downstairs in the bar with Tifa. He had to make a small delivery to Kalm this morning but he just got back a bit ago," Vincent mused. "He seems to want to keep himself busy. Tifa's letting him know you're awake now," he added, looking back over at the girl.

"Kalm?" Andria started, sitting up more and then cringing in pain as she grasped her left side. "You said Cloud went to Kalm?"

"Yes, do you know someone in Kalm?" Vincent asked, noticing the girl's stunning green eyes widen at the sound of the name of the town.

"Yes, I live there with my parents, but well, I left and...," Andria hesitated and sighed. "It's nothing, nevermind. I have some things I need to do when I get better. That's why I left. I never dreamed I'd be attacked like that." I couldn't even think...I couldn't even concentrate on what I was doing with all of these voices in my head. Gods I sound crazy...

Vincent and Mari exchanged intermittent glances. Both gunman and mage knew that the young woman was hiding something from them, but chose not to say anything. If she wanted to talk about it then she would. At this moment they weren't going to press her for anything. They just wanted her to remain as comfortable as possible and that's just what they were going to do. Try and keep her comfortable and happy until she had the strength to get around on her own again.


Tifa was standing down at the sink near the bar, filling up a crystal glass with water. She turned to make her way around the bar and back to Cloud's room where Andi was staying. Cloud was leaning up against the bar with his arms folded. Tifa looked over at him.

"Are you going to come up and see her?" she asked curiously.

Cloud turned his head away from Tifa and looked at the floor. "I don't know...she's alright isn't she? I mean she's alive right?"

Tifa sat the glass down and walked over to him, putting a hand on his sleeved arm. Tifa knew that it was really hard for Cloud to go and even remotely see this girl, but with a little spark of hope, Tifa thought maybe this girl could bring Cloud out of this stupor he had fallen in so her family could get back to normal again.

"She's alright and she's alive. Cloud...when she speaks she sounds just like Aerith. It's like being around Aerith again. I don't know why but I feel so drawn to her," Tifa told him quietly. "I know she's really wanting to meet you. Why don't you at least come up and see her? She wants to thank you."

Cloud shook his spiked blonde head firmly. "No Tifa. As long as she's alright that's all I care about. There's no sense in me going up and seeing her if she's fine. I have other things to do," he lied.

Cloud knew that the moment he walked up there to see that girl, even hear her speak it was going to tear into his heart like a thousand knives stabbing it over and over again. Cloud didn't want those walls he had began to build around his heart to crumble. He remained still, leaning against the bar. "I have other things I have to get done. I need to go out and speak to Rufus. I have to find out if they're back and found anything in Northern Crater yet or not."

"Cloud, I can see right through you," the martial artist told him. "I know that's not what you're going to go do." Tifa shook her dark head. "I just don't get it Cloud. I know she looks like Aerith, she may sound like her, but Cloud, she's not Aerith. You need let go, okay?"

"How do you know what I do Tifa? You don't, so just drop it okay? I'll see her some other time," Cloud replied calmly. "It's just...," he hesitated. "Nevermind, I have to go." Cloud stood up from the bar and started to walk towards the door when Tifa grabbed his arm.

"Cloud, please just stop running. Eventually you're going to see her and then what will you do? I don't think she plans on going anywhere anytime soon, so what are you going to do, stay away from here the whole time just so you can run from the memory of Aerith all because of this girl looking like her?"

Tifa stopped for a moment and looked at Cloud. When he didn't say anything, it irritated her. Tifa could feel hot anger rising in her chest, but she tried to keep it calm. "Are you going to just keep going and staying away from the kids? Don't you think you've neglected them enough?" she asked starting to sound angry. Tifa balled her hand up in a fist and stamped her foot on the floor.

Cloud turned his head and looked at Tifa. The look in Cloud's eyes went from slightly irritated, to somewhat hurt, and then to thoroughly infuriated. He jerked his arm out of Tifa's grasp. Instantly Tifa was sorry for what she said.

"Oh what do you know Tifa? I haven't neglected them anyway," he replied briskly. "I'm outta here." Cloud flung open the door and stepped outside, slamming it behind him.

Tifa just sighed sadly and shook her head. "I'm sorry Cloud...but she's nothing more than a memory. Why can't you just let it go?" Tifa reached over to the bar and made her way back upstairs. Because he loved her, that's why. He'll always love her. She thought sadly to herself as she approached the bedroom. Andria was now sitting up in the bed, chatting with Vincent and Mari. She approached Andria, forcing a smile on her face. "Here's your water," she said giving the girl the glass. Andria drank deeply from the glass, feeling the water quench her dry throat and then sat it down on the table.

"Thank you," she said softly and then looked up at Tifa noticing something was wrong right away. "Ummm, I know this really isn't my place, but are you okay?" Andria asked curiously.

"Oh me? I'm fine, I'm sorry...I just," Tifa stopped and looked at the girl. She smiled. "I'll be right back, okay?" Tifa looked at Vincent. "Hey Vincent, could I talk to you for just a moment?"

"Of course," Vincent replied as he followed Tifa out of the room, leaving Mari and Andria wonder what on Gaia was going on. The two stepped out in the hallway. "What's this all about Tifa?"

Tifa looked down at the floor. "Well...I sort of said something I shouldn't have to Cloud," Tifa began in a low voice. " I was trying to bring him up here so he could see Andi, but he wouldn't have anything to do with it. I think I know why. I think it's because she looks like Aerith and I know the first time he hears her speak, well...I know what I'm saying, right Vincent?" she looked hopefully up at the gunman.

"I understand," Vincent nodded. "What did you say to him Tifa?" The gunman looked down seriously at Tifa. "Cloud's vulnerable, but he won't show it. Anything could set him off and we wouldn't know if it has or not because he's too quick to run."

Tifa blushed as her dark hair fell around her face. "I said something that just wasn't very nice and I shouldn't have said it, but damn he's just making me so frustrated lately!" she exclaimed softly. "I don't even know what to do about him! I mean it was like, after he cured the kids from the Geostigma and had forgiven himself for his so-called 'sins' and all that he seemed fine. What is causing him to fall back into this spiral?" Tifa wondered. "I wish he were back to being Cloud again. He's just in this stupor, shutting everybody out and I don't know how to bring him out."

"Indeed," Vincent said thoughtfully. "Cloud, as you well know, loved Aerith. He did and even you can't deny that Tifa. I know how much that may hurt and well, I apologize for being so blunt but, Cloud still blames himself for Aerith's death. Even though we know it wasn't Cloud's fault, it was Sephiroth. I don't think that guilt will ever just leave him. I think Cloud may carry that around with him for the rest of his life," Vincent observed. "One may never know."

Tifa put her hand up to her chin and scratched it thoughtfully. "I know Cloud loved Aerith, there was no denying that. I guess I just...I just wish that, well nevermind," Tifa sighed pushing her own romantic thought of the swordsman back in her mind. "Vincent, could you go and see...well, see if you can find Cloud and maybe talk to him?" she asked. "Please Vincent?"

Vincent chuckled deeply. "Mmm alright then. Let Mari know I went looking for Cloud. Don't make it obvious that anything is wrong. That last thing that the girl in there needs is any stress on her. She needs at least a day or two more to recover. It doesn't mean she has to stay in bed, she just needs to relax," he added. "And I'll try and bring Cloud back here if I find him, but I can't promise anything."

"Thank you Vincent," Tifa smiled at him. "It's greatly appreciated.
Vincent nodded his head quick and firmly and then turned and walked down the stairs. Tifa just sighed as she watched Vincent descend. "I sure hope there is something he can do. Maybe he actually talk some since into that Cloud Strife." She turned around and walked back into the bedroom, still keeping a smile on her face.

"Is everything okay?" Mari asked. "Where'd Vin go?"

"Vincent is just going to go and...hang out with Cloud. They'll be back in a little while," Tifa replied. "In the meantime, Andi how are you doing? Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay, I'm just a little confused and lost as to what all is going on," Andria admitted. "You guys said Cloud was the one who found me, right?" Andria sat back in thought for a moment. She vaguely remembered seeing a male face before her...right after she had gotten bit by the gargoyle. She remembering seeing his blue eyes. "I mean I owe him my life. He saved mine. If he wouldn't have found me then I wouldn't be here now. I would much like to meet him and thank him," Andria told the others. "I'd also really like to take a bath if that's okay?" she added shyly.

Tifa laughed. "Of course! Are you feeling well enough to get up?" she asked looking seriously down at Andria.

"Yes I think so," Andria replied as she fully sat up in bed now. "I just feel a little shaky and really sore on my left side."

Tifa and Mari went on either side of the girl and helped her stand up. Andria's legs felt like jello underneath her and when she took her first step she felt like she was going to melt in a puddle. Tifa and Mari supported the girl and helped her walk around the bedroom to regain her strength in her legs.

"Well, a gargoyle attack really takes something out of you huh?" Andria stated with a small laugh. "I guess I'll have to learn how to defend myself eventually. I wasn't really sure what to do when they attacked me. I tried to outrun them on a chocobo, but, well as you can tell it didn't quite work out," she added smiling weakly at Tifa and Mari.

"Oh don't worry, I'll teach you plenty of that," Mari replied with a grin. "We did happen to notice you possess some magic," the mage added. "I mean while Vincent and I were in the processes of healing you, we could feel the magic in your very veins. It's kinda of hard not to when you're as highly experienced as he is."

Andria blushed. "Yeah it's something I just sort of discovered recently. I don't really know what kind of magic I have. Too bad I didn't know how to use it to defend myself," she added. "Although it just sort of burst out of my hands the other night when I was angry." Andria blushed. She didn't want to delve too deep into anything. All the voices she had heard telling her to release her magic or she would get hurt, well, she didn't want to speak of them. Tifa and Mari might think she had lost her mind.

"Let's get you into the bathroom and get the shower started. Will you be okay in there on you're own?" Tifa asked, still supporting Andria's arm.

"Yes I think I'll be just fine. I think I can walk on my own too," she added.

"Are you sure? We'll be right here incase you fall," Mari said kindly.

The girls let go of Andria's arms as she began to walk on her own down the hallway. Tifa and Mari stood on either side of her, still guiding her with slightly outstretched arms just incase the girl lost her balance and fell. They made it halfway down the hallway when Tifa pointed to a door on the left.

"There's the bathroom. There's a fresh bathrobe and some towels in there. Do you think you'll be okay on your own?" Tifa asked kindly, putting a hand on Andria's shoulder.

"Yes I think I'll be fine," she turned to Tifa with a smile. "Thank you very much. I really appreciate it."

"It's not a problem at all," Tifa replied with a satisfied smile. "You enjoy your bath."

"Just call for us if you need anything," Mari added. "We'll be nearby so we'll hear you."

"Thank you," Andria replied as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Andria walked over to the deep garden tub and turned on the water. She filled the tub up with hot water and stepped inside, submerging her aching body into the water. As soon as the water hit her left side she felt almost instant relief. Reaching up she undid her hair ribbon that held her hair up in a ponytail and let it fall down her back and shoulders.

She ducked her head under the water as thoughts and questions began burning in her mind. How were her parents? What were they doing right now? She assumed her father was out looking for her and her mother, well she was probably crying. Andria lifted her head up from underwater and sighed as she leaned against the tub. "What are you doing Andi? You don't know where you're at, where you're going or how you're even going to get might as well just go back home once you're well." she told herself. She sighed as she leaned against the tub. In all honesty she didn't want to go back home. She didn't want to face her father and be left for the rest of her life with unanswered questions.


Vincent strode easily and smoothly down the street, taking great strides as he walked, his bloodlust eyes peeled for any signs of Cloud. He assumed that Cloud had probably went a little outside of town, as his motorcycle was still in front of Seventh Heaven. He couldn't have gotten far. Vincent wandered down the street, just outside of Edge, eyes scanning the area.

"Hmmm still no sign of Cloud. Wonder where he could have gone?" Vincent asked himself. "Possibly could have went to Midgar." Before Vincent could even make to turn around go to Midgar, he heard a loud noise.

His curiosity peeking, Vincent followed the noise to hear the sounds of a sword hitting something, followed by the sounds of a voice. Vincent approached the source of the sound. Cloud had brought out his First Tsurugi sword and was brutally attacking a tree, yelling with every hit of his sword. Bits of bark and wood were flying in all directions with every slash into the tree. He split the sword in two pieces and jumped up, slicing the branches off of the tree with both swords at once. Cloud landed roughly on his feet with an "ugh!" He stood up and whirled around, coming face to face with Vincent. Anger blazed through Cloud's ice blue eyes as sweat trickled down his pale face. When he realized it was Vincent he tried to keep his cool, but he was still furious.

"What do you want?" Cloud snapped as he stood in front of him, his chest heaving.

"Well, Tifa asked me to come and look for you and so I have," Vincent stated truthfully. "What's going on Cloud? Cutting down trees already? It's summer now. No need for fires."

"Just shut it Vincent. I don't need this," Cloud growled. "I have things I need to do."

"What like attacking trees?" Vincent stated emotionlessly. "C'mon Cloud, we both know that's not why you're here. Now what's going on?"

Cloud pushed back his blonde hair out of his eyes and wiped his forehead with his gloved hand. "It's nothing of your concern," Cloud replied cooly.

"Very well, if you insist," Vincent stated shrugging his shoulders. "I just thought you ought to know that the girl is awake and talking. I know she really wants to see you. Cloud, you should at least have to ordacity to do that."

"Why does everybody have to make such a big deal out of this? I don't really want to go and see her, okay? I just want to get my work done. I'm thinking about taking a cruise out to the Healin and see if I can jump another chopper to the Northern Crater. Since I know she's going to be alright, at least I can begin the project I was going to do," Cloud said, trying to keep his voice steady and changing the subject.

"Is that your answer for everything Cloud? Just running? Tifa wonders the same thing. Hell, I think we all wonder the same thing," Vincent replied smoothly. "You need to stop running from people who care about you. You need to let go of the past, Cloud."

Cloud just stood against the tree he had taken large chunks out of with his sword and folded his arms across his chest. Vincent was just like Tifa...he could read him like a book. Two years ago when Cloud just wanted to be left alone and try and fight his own battle with Geostigma and everything in his head, Vincent knew that it wasn't about fighting. Vincent knew that Cloud was running from what scared him. What scared him this time? Why didn't he want to see this girl? He had after all, saved her by bringing her here. Maybe he was afraid of her being fully concious it would remind him too much Aerith...maybe he was afraid of hurting even more. Maybe he was afraid that if he got to know her, he'd end up hurting her just like everybody else or maybe he was just afraid of feeling again. No that can't be possible. You don't even know her.

"Vincent, I'll see her eventually. I just don't want to right now okay? Tell Tifa I'll be back in awhile. I'm going for a ride," Cloud stated as he sheathed his sword on his back and walked away, back towards the bar. Vincent just shook his head steadily as he listened to the roars of Cloud's motorcycle start up and zoom away.


Andria's bath had made her feel somewhat refreshed. She didn't feel quite as sore and she felt more awake and energized. After her bath, she had went downstairs to the bar area where Tifa fixed her something to eat. Andria had spent the rest of the day just sitting and talking to Tifa and Mari, getting to know them. Mari had promised Andria that she would take her out and teach how to release her magic, use it properly and how to attack with it if it were needed. Andria also learned that many creatures still roamed the planet so whenever she may be out of the town and on her own to keep her guard up. Andria found herself enjoying Tifa and Mari's company, especially Mari's.

Later that night she had bid them both goodnight as they made their way to bed. Andria went back up to the room she had been staying in and sat down on the bed, looking out of the window. She didn't feel the least bit tired. In fact, she decided to go for a walk through the town while it was so quiet and dark. Andria got up from her bed and smoothed her seafoam green skirt down her legs. She tiptoed quietly out of her room and down the stairs, trying not to be loud or wake anybody. Andria slipped quietly out of the front door of Seventh Heaven and found herself on the road that led into Edge.

As she walked down the road, Andria found herself lost in thought again, not really paying attention to where she was going. She followed the road by the glow of the streetlamps above, still wondering who the woman was in her dreams, wondering about her parents, anxious for Mari to teach how to use her magic, glad that she had found Tifa and Mari and wondered about Cloud. Andria was so lost in her thoughts that she bumped right into somebody nearly knocking her backwards. She felt two strong hands grasp her shoulders before she could fall back and she looked up to see whom she had hit. The face was hidden by shadows and the hands quickly let go of her shoulders.

"Oh my I am so sorry," she said apologetically, lowering her head and not looking. She stepped slightly back and the being followed. "I didn't watch where I was going."

"It's okay," came a rather calm and rich, slightly deep voice. "I wasn't really paying attention myself."

Andria lifted her head to find them both standing under the streetlamp. She gasped as she looked into the bluest pair of eyes she had ever seen. His spiked, blonde hair...everything about him. It was all too familiar. It was the man who had saved her. The eyes looked had to be him. "I-I am Andria," she stammered. "Andria Sullivan, but you can call me Andi."

Cloud closed his eyes to hide the sight of the girl before him. Tifa was right...she does sound exactly like Aerith. Even the way she walks...All of it...her looks, her voice, the way her body was shaped, even the way she smiled was just like Aerith. Cloud pushed down the emotion that was threatening him and built a little more wall around his heart, closing in the pain that he so often felt when anything reminded him of her.

"Cloud Strife," he told her just as calmly. Cloud was trying hard not to look at the girl. Her voice, her looks everything was bringing back too many painful memories. Cloud tried to force them in the back of his mind. All they are are memories Cloud...let it go.

"You're the one who saved me then!" Andria exclaimed, placing a hand on his bare shoulder. "Oh I've been wanting to meet you and thank you for saving me. I feel like I owe you everything."

Cloud winced slightly at Andria's touch and looked back at her. It was like Aerith's touch all over again. It half made his heart ache and half made him ache for her to touch him more. Cloud moved politely from the girl's touch. "It's no problem. You owe me nothing. I'm glad to know you're alive and well."

Cloud turned around and stared at the girl for a brief moment. He couldn't help but look at her. Everything about her was just as beautiful as Aerith, if not more. Her long bangs hung gently around her face, cupping her cheeks. Her lush green eyes that sparkled as she looked at him, her hair was even the same color as Aerith's, but instead of being worn back in a long twist, she wore it back in a ponytail. Her skin tone, everything Cloud could fully remember of his long gone love was standing right before him, only there was a slight difference...she was not Aerith. Cloud hurriedly looked away before she noticed him staring.

Andria couldn't take her eyes off of Cloud. He was the most beautiful, attractive man she had ever taken in to her vision. His tall, firm body, his muscular shoulders and his hair the way it lay against his forehead and the sides of his face almost made her want to reach up and brush it away from his eyes. The high collar of his sleeveless, navy blue sweater slightly hiding his the lining of his attractive jaw as he turned his head away. Andria couldn't help but feel instant attraction to him, but she didn't want to come on strong. His lips were unsmiling but looked soft and Andria noticed in the sheer lighting, that he had light freckles, sprinkled across his nose. Andria felt slightly strange. She had never felt this way before...what was she feeling?

"Listen, I should probably be getting back. I have to be up early in the morning to make deliveries," Cloud stated shortly, still not looking at Andria. "Will you be okay finding your way back to the bar?"

"Yes I should be fine. I'd like to continue walking awhile," Andria replied, a little taken aback that Cloud wanted to leave her so soon.

She had hoped he would stick around longer so they could talk more. Andria couldn't help but notice a strange almost sad sensation coming from Cloud. It was almost as if he were hiding something. Andria could tell that he held past heartaches just by looking into his eyes and still concealed a lot of his pain deep within him. She wasn't going to say anything, not just yet. She wondered if maybe it had something to do with Tifa. Though she couldn't help but wonder, what secrets was the young man hiding away deep inside of his heart?

"Alright then," Cloud nodded and turned his back. "Night."

"Goodnight Cloud," Andria replied as she watched his handsome form stride away.

Andria knew without a shadow of a doubt that Cloud was hiding something deep inside of him. He seemed so mysterious to her and yet just seemed too quick to get away from her, but why? She had noticed him looking at her with a mixture of pain and adoration in his eyes. Did she remind him of someone? Andria wandered her way back down the street and back towards the bar, her thoughts continuing to swirl around Cloud.


Cloud had quietly made it back to the bar without awakening anybody. He sat down on his bed as the memories of Aerith poured through his mind. Why did just being near her have to be so hard? It was like the moment she touched him it felt like Aerith, the moment she spoke it was like hearing Aerith. To Cloud it was just almost much more than he could even handle. Cloud decided that right there he would do his best to keep his distance from her. He didn't want to get too attached to her, but then again he could at least be kind enough to try and get to know her...maybe... But then what if he did, and what if something happened to her? What would he do then? Cloud sighed and laid on his back across the bed. Why did this girl resemble Aerith so much? Why did she give off that gentle feeling of Aerith? Who was she anyway and where did she come from?

Andria found herself back in her bed just across the hall, awhile after Cloud had left. She had found her way easily back to the bar as she was starting to feel a little tired. She didn't want to overdo it. As she lay there her thoughts kept drifting back to Cloud. Who was he really? What had happened in his life that would cause him to be so closed off? Why was he looking at her the way he was? Cloud and Andria both laid in their beds that night, thoughts mulling over in their heads, both wondering about one another, Cloud hoping to find the strength to get to know Andria and Andria hoping to get better acquainted with Cloud.
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I'm glad you're enjoying the story ^_^ Here's Chapter 5

Chapter 5- Oh the Shera!

The days rolled by as Andria was growing better and getting stronger each passing day. Pretty soon it had been a couple of weeks since the girl had been found and her strength had returned to normal. She didn't get nearly as tired as quickly as she normally did since the attack. Vincent and Mari felt it was best to keep the potions in Andria for at least a week longer just to make sure she was going to be alright. Andria went out during the day, taking walks and getting to know the town of Edge. She had also met Denzel but had not yet met Marlene. Barret had taken her on a small father/daughter trip for some quality time, but they would be back soon. Tifa and Mari had taken her around to some of the small shops in the area where they stocked up on various potions and also Materia. Andria had found Materia extremely fascinating and asked about it. When Tifa looked at her somewhat surprisingly, Andria just blushed.

"My parents sort of kept me sheltered so I don't know a whole lot about things. Only what I've heard of," she blushed lightly. "I'm sorry for all the questions." The girls reassured her it was quite alright and to feel free to ask all the questions she wanted.

"Ask Cloud, he's like the Materia master, well he and Vincent anyway," Tifa laughed when they took her into a shop as she looked at all the colors, questioning all the while. "Cloud pretty much has all the Materia you could possibly want. He usually takes a case with him when he goes on deliveries, considering there's still quite a few dangerous creatures that lurk around the area," Tifa explained. "He likes to keep his sword equipped with Materia."

Tifa and Mari treated Andria to lunch as she noticed the girl had very little gil on her at the present time, and they spent the day out running around together, just shopping and having girl time. Tifa bought Andria some new clothing which she felt the girl thorougly needed. Tifa had bought her seafoam green, small jacket that reached the middle of her back and had short sleeves. She also bought Andria a white lace up tank top which she wore underneath her jacket, slightly raised exposing her tummy and a white skirt that reached just above her ankles and buttoned down the front to just above her knees where it split open.

A seafoam green cloth belt was tied losely around her waist with a matching hair ribbon tied in her ponytail. She wore strappy, light brown sandals on her feet. Andria felt so happy and very refreshed. She couldn't remember when she had had so much fun with just girls, and she felt as if she had made very good friends, although she was too shy to let on. At first she had told Tifa not to buy her any clothes, but Tifa insisted and Mari even pitched in as well. Neither girl would let on, but they both felt extremely pleased with themselves to help out the young woman in her time of need.

As the day went by, Andria's curiosity of Cloud got the better of her. While they were walking down the road making their way back to the bar Andria brought up Cloud.

"The other night I went for a walk, and I ran into Cloud," she spoke at last. "He nearly knocked me over."

"Oh you did? So you had a chance to thank him?" Tifa asked curiously. "I knew you had been wanting to," she added with a smile.

"Yes I thanked him, but he didn't stay for long...he seemed too quick to get away from me. He seems so...gosh I don't know...mysterious? He seems as though he has a lot of hidden secrets deep in his heart. I could tell just by the look in his eyes," Andria said thoughtfully. When she realized what she said she blushed. "Gosh I'm sorry."

Tifa and Mari laughed. "There's nothing to be sorry about," Tifa replied. "Actually Cloud has been through a lot. The reason he was so quick to get away from you and the reason why he usually leaves the room when you're around is because you are identical to the woman he fell in love with three years ago. Her name was Aerith Gainsborough. Does it sound familiar?" she asked Andria curiously.

"No, it really doesn't," Andria told her. "So I resemble his girlfriend?"

"Sweetie, you don't just resemble her. You are identical to her. Everything about you is. Your face, your hair, your eyes. You even picked out an outfit that's extremely similar to hers," Tifa pointed out. "Your voice even sounds like hers. Everything about you is just like Aerith."

Andria stood thoughtfully for a moment, staring down at the road. "So...what happened? Why aren't she and Cloud together anymore?" she asked curiously.

"She died three years the hand of Sephiroth," Tifa said sadly. "She was the last of a magical race known as the Ancients or the Cetra. Aerith had went off to try and go fight Sephiroth herself. She went to the Forgotten Capital and prayed inside for the Holy spell."

Tifa noticed Andria listening intently and she continued explaining about Aerith.
"Nodody knew that Aerith had the White Materia. When she fell, so did the White Materia which activated the Holy spell. Aerith died to save us," Tifa told her sadly. "We all still miss her, but we feel her with us through the Lifestream all the time. It may sound strange, but with you being here it feels like Aerith...and yet it feels like so much more. It's hard to explain. Nevermind," Tifa chuckled with a blush.

"It's okay Tifa," smiled Andria. "I'm sorry to hear that she died." But this made the thoughts in Andria's head swirl around all the more.

That girl in her dream...the one who looked just like her...sounded just like her...was that Aerith? It had to be, but then again, maybe it was just her imagination playing tricks on her while she was asleep. Andria snapped out of her thoughts as she found herself back near Seventh Heaven again. Just outside were Cloud and Vincent, deep in conversation about something. The girls approached Cloud and Vincent with big smiles on their faces. Cloud just rested his thin, muscular frame up against Fenrir and tried not to look at Andria.

"Looks like you had fun today," came Vincent's deep baritone voice as Mari sauntered happily up to him, planting a firm kiss on his lips. "And thank you for that Mrs. Valentine," he added as he smiled down at her.

"Well you are quite welcome, Mr. Valentine," the mage grinned happily. "And yes we did have fun! It was nice to have a girl's day out. We needed it, huh girls?"

Andria nodded her head excitedly like a young child. "Tifa and Mari bought me some new clothes," she smiled and smoothed the front of her white skirt.

Tifa laughed openly. "Well we felt that the poor thing deserved new clothes! What better than to make a girl feel good then getting a new outfit!"

Andria and Mari both began to laugh when the bar door burst open. Out walked a girl that had to be no bigger than 5'3". She had fair skin and bright brown eyes. Her dark hair was short and reached her jawbone. It hung gently to one side of her face. Around her forehead was a black headband outlined in white. She was a thin little thing, with a black vest and a blue flowered shirt underneath it. She wore a tiny pair of khaki shorts and knee high, tan corset boots.

"OH GODS AERITH!" squealed the little ninja girl as she shot down the stairs. She went flying over to Andria and threw her arms around her. Andria just stood there slightly shocked for a moment and looked over at Tifa.

Tifa approached Yuffie and gently pryed her off of Andria. "Yuffie, sweetie, you need to let go okay? There's something we need to talk about so let go of her okay?"

"But it''s Aerith! We thought you were dead! We watched Cloud lay you to rest in the water! How are you back Aerith? How did you get back!" she squealed. Then her eyes fell over to Cloud who was still leaned up against his bike, his arms folded against his chest and eyes staring at the ground. Yuffie jumped up and waved her hand at him. "Cloud! It's Aerith!"

"Yuffie it's not Aerith," Tifa said softly and sympathetically. "This is our friend Andria."

Yuffie's eyebrow raised as she looked at Andria. Cloud just shifted his feet and closed his eyes in pain. No Yuffie, she's not Aerith. She will never be Aerith. Aerith is's all my fault that she's not here anymore. Cloud looked up at Tifa. "I'm going for a ride, I'll be back later." He swiftly jumped onto Fenrir, kicked it to life and sped off the down the road, leaving a trail of billowing dust in his wake.

"Oh Cloud," Tifa sighed sadly as she turned and looked at the ninja who was turning bright pink in the cheeks. She let go of a rather surprised Andria and hung her head apologetically. Andria didn't notice though, she was watching Cloud disappearing off on his motorcycle.

"I am so so sorry. I really thought you were Aerith. I mean, you look just like her! I mean you're identical to her! I just really thought that by some chance of a miracle...oh nevermind," she added shyly. "It's nice to meet you Andria, I'm Yuffie," the little ninja said polietly as she could and extended her hand.

Andria took it in hers and was about to speak up when she heard a loud voice come from inside the bar. "WHAT THE HELL!" the voice roared loudly. The bar door flung open again and out flailed a man. He wasn't very tall but did have a lot of muscle tone on his arms. His face was covered in whiskers and his blue eyes were flashing, his eyebrows arched in anger. He wore a blue shirt with a pair of black pants and a flannel tied around his waist. He had a slight tummy that suggested he was a drinker, and on top of his head were a pair of goggles which he kept a pack of cigarettes tucked under the strap of.

He had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he trudged down the stairs. He held a small, flip cell phone to his ear. "THEM LITTLE FUCKERS WERE IN MAH HANGER!? YOU TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK THEY WERE DOIN'! HELLO!? HELLOOO!? DAMNIT ALL TO HELL!" yelled Cid as he slammed his phone shut and stuffed it in his pocket. He looked at the others. "I lost mah damn signal!" He had a deep, southern accent as he spoke and Andria felt slightly amused but more shocked than anything. "The phone reception sucks 'round here!" He took no notice of Andria as he threw his cigarette on the ground, crushing it with his foot, only to reach up, grab another and light it.

Andria. Tifa, Yuffie, Mari and Vincent all just stood and stared at the pilot, who was famous for his trash talking mouth and short temper, for a moment before gathering up what to say. Yuffie was having a hard time trying not to laugh as were Mari and Vincent. Tifa and Andria on the otherhand were just thoroughly shocked. Tifa looked over at Andria and could see the slight amusement on her face.

"And this would be our friend, with his extended vocabulary, Cid Highwind, who is evidently angry about something," Tifa introduced Cid to Andria. "What's going on Cid? Is everything alright?"

"You better damn well believe it's not alright!" Cid yelled, his fists clutched at his sides. "Some stupid kids were in mah hanger tryin' to get thar hands on mah SHERA!" Cid kicked a rock across the gravel and it hit the side of the bar. "An' I'll tell ya this much too...I get mah hands on those damn kids n'...POW! They'll never know what him 'em!" he roared, flailing his fists. He stopped flailing his fists when his eyes fell on Andi. They bugged out to the size of quarters and the cigarette that hung in his mouth fell out as his jaw dropped. "Well I'll be a son of a damn bitch," Cid said in disbelief. "Why I can't fuckin believe it!"

"Cid, before you get too ahead of yourself, she's not Aerith," Yuffie told him suppressing giggles. "She just looks like her. I thought she was Aerith at first too." Yuffie couldn't help it and burst out in giggles looking up at Cid. "Her name is Andria."

"The hell are you laughin at?" he asked grumpily, looking down at the ninja who was in a fit of giggles.

"N-nothing at all," Yuffie replied, wiping her eyes. "It's just a fit of girl giggles is all!" She looked over at Tifa and Mari who were grinning broadly. They both knew that Yuffie couldn't help but laugh at Cid's trash talking outbursts.

"Pshaw, I don' believe that fer a second!" he said as he waved Yuffie off and then he turned and looked at the Aerith look alike, a big grin spreading across his whiskered face.

Andria just blushed and lowered her head to the ground. "I can see I'm getting in everybody's way. I'll just go on up to my room and take these bags," she replied shyly.

Quite honestly, Andria felt extremely out of place. Everybody would just sit and stare at her or make her feel somewhat uncomfortable when she spoke except for maybe Tifa and Mari. Just her being there was bringing back too many painful memories for Cloud, and Andria didn't want that. She had taken a strong liking to him and in her heart, she felt he was too good of a person to have to continue to hurt, and just him seeing her she knew it was hurting him. Especially after she found out what she did today. At least she knew why Cloud had been avoiding her since he rescued her from the gargoyles.

She felt a gentle hand on her arm and realized that Mari had now reached her side, still grinning broadly from Cid's actions. "There's no need for that," she smiled at her. "You still have to meet Barret and Marlene. They should be around really soon as a matter of fact, I think he said he's bringing Red and Cait Sith with him, isn't he?" She asked, looking up at Vincent.

"Yes, from what I understood he is. He thought it'd be nice for all of us to get together and such. You know how Barret is," Vincent replied as he ran his clawed finger through Mari's bouncy brown hair.

"So," Cid walked over to Andria sizing her up. "Ya sure as hell do look 'xactly like Aerith, an' I'll be damned if ya don' sound like her when ya start talkin’ too," he stated looking at her. Cid bent down towards her face, his slight beer gut hung over his pants. "An' yer even just as purdy as she was. DAMN this is just somethin!" he guffawed, throwing an arm over Andria's shoulders. "Well it's nice to have ya around Andria. Ya gonna come in the bar n' have few later?"

Andria looked up at Tifa who just smiled a smile that said 'that's Cid for you.' Andria looked up at Cid and tried to smile even though she still felt slightly uncomfortable.
"Ummm, sure I suppose I could," she politely accepted.

"Hahaaa! An' she's even just as sweet as Aerith. I'll be damned! C'mon darlin, let's go on inside and you can get to know good ole' Cid Highwind," the pilot grinned as he light up another cigarette. Cid carted the girl up towards the bar while the others followed, talking loudly and complaining about the people who trying to hijack his beloved airship the Shera.


Later that evening, after the sun had set, Cloud pulled up in front of the bar with Fenrir rumbling underneath him. Cloud reached down and shut the engine off. Just as soon as he turned the engine was off, Cloud could hear just outside of the bar, Cid's loud mouth, and he couldn't help but smirk. Every since he had met Cid, Cid usually always made him crack a grin, though he tried to never show it. He found Cid's trash talking, chain smoking way rather humorous. He walked up to the bar and opened the door walking inside. Cid saw Cloud and lept up from his seat, already slightly tipsy. Cloud noticed six empty beer cans sitting at the table he was sitting at and he also noticed the three girls who were sitting across from Cid and hurriedly turned away, looking at the pilot who was billowing towards him.

"CLOOOOOOOOOUD!" the inehbriated pilot hollered as he ran across the floor. "Do I ever have sumthin' ter tell ya!" He threw his arm in a brotherly fashion over Cloud's shoulder and drug him over to the table that he had been sitting at. Just across was Andria, Mari and Tifa who were in deep conversation about something and laughing silently to one another, not taking notice of the pilot or Cloud. They were each sipping a glass of one of Tifa's mixed drinks.

"Hey Cid, good to see you," Cloud told him, trying to remove Cid's arm from his shoulder, but Cid would have none of that.

"Dammit Cloud! Sit down and have a drink! I gotta tell ya what happened!" Cid stated drunkenly.

"I'd rather not-," Cloud began to say but was cut off by the pilot who firmly had a hold of Cloud now.

"Git yer spiky ass over here and sit!" He took Cloud by the shoulders and shoved him down in a seat right across from Andria. Cloud tried to take no notice of the girl and she had not noticed him, she was too busy chatting and laughing with Tifa and Mari.

"Alright Cid, what's this all about?" Cloud asked sounding exasperated, turning towards Cid. "It's obviously important."

"YER DAMN STRAIGHT IT'S 'MPORTANT!" Cid yelled, starting to sound pissed off now. "I received a call earlier that sum kids was tryin' ter hijack mah SHERA! An' so I lost the signal and kept tryin' to call back and tryin' to call back n' all be DAMNED I couldn't git through!" Cid hiccupped and reached down to lift his beer can which was empty. He shook it back and forth. "Aw shit, mah beer's gone! Hey Tifa!" Cid yelled across the table to try and get her attention. "Can ya get poor old Cid another beer oh and grab one fer Cloud too!?"

Tifa just laughed and stood up, walking around the table. "Of course Cid," she giggled and walked off towards the bar. Andria looked over, as Tifa walked away, hearing Cloud's name and noticed Cloud sitting across from her. For a moment their eyes locked and they both looked away at the same time. Andria's heart lept as Cloud's amazing blue eyes met hers. Cloud, trying to brush Andria and Aerith from his mind turned back towards Cid.

"So you have no idea who tried to take the Shera?" he asked calmly. "I mean do you know of anybody who may have wanted the airship or better yet, are you sure they weren't just going in the hanger to check it out?" Cloud suggested.

"The hell if I know!" Cid yelled, slamming his fists down on the table causing the girl's drinks to rattle and his beer cans to fall over. "But I'll be damned if they do it again. I'll beat 'em all from the inside out!"

"Well, hopefully you can find out more information," Cloud replied calmly, sitting back. "Don't get yourself too worked up about it at this very moment." Cloud was trying hard not to look at Andria, but he would catch himself looking at her out of the corner of his eye. Gods she is beautiful...maybe even more so than Aerith...No Cloud, no! Don't be thinking things like that. Don't scratch Aerith's memory. This girl is just a look alike...nothing more... But was she? She certainly seemed to give off that same feeling, sensation and magical vibe that Aerith had whenever she was near, it wasn't possible. Cloud was interrupted in his thoughts by Cid yet again.

"So Strife, ya met our lovely new Aerith look alike friend here?" he asked, not bothering to realize that the memories of Aerith still haunted Cloud. He reached across the table and patted the young girl's hand.

"As a matter of fact I have," Cloud replied quietly.

"Ummm yeah, Cloud was the one who brought me here," Andria spoke up. "He found me just outside of Edge. I was attacked by gargoyles. If it weren't for him, Mari and Vincent, I wouldn't here right now," she added blushing.

Cid threw his arm around Cloud's shoulders yet again and laughed. "Ah leave it to good ole Cloud ter save the day and be the hero!" he laughed and punched Cloud in the arm. "Hey Cloud, since you're so inter savin' people, how about comin' back to the hanger with me and seein' if we can't find them kids who was sneakin' around my Shera! C'mon Cloud, whaddya say?"

"Sorry Cid, I can't," replied Cloud. "I've got too much work to get done and too many deliveries that need to be made. If you catch them, you can always give me a call and I'll see if I can find time to come out there, but that's all I can do," he proposed to Cid.

Cid began to open his mouth in protest when Tifa reappeared at the table and handed Cloud and Cid a beer each. "Oh shush up Cid and drink your beer," she stated teasingly. Cid grinned and popped open his beer can, draining half of it one drink. He was about to speak up yet again when there was another interruption. The door to the bar flung open and in bounded little Marlene who made a beeline for Cloud.

"Cloud!" the little brown haired girl squealed and she lept up into his lap, throwing her arms around his neck. "You're home!" Her big brown eyes looked happily up into his which caused Cloud to smile slightly.

Cloud hugged Marlene tight as the little girl bounced happily in his lap. "I've been away with Papa! We've been doing all kinds of fun things together! He even bought me new clothes and toys and all kinds of things!" She carried on excitedly about all the shopping she did with Barret and how he took her and bought her ice cream.

"That's great to hear Marlene," Cloud replied, half smiling down at the little girl. "I'm glad you had a good time. Is this your new outfit?" Cloud was doing his best to keep his eyes and his thoughts away from Andria.

"Yeah it is Cloud! Papa got it for me! Doesn't it look great!" Marlene squealed in delight.

"Yo Cloud!" Barret called from across the room. "What up fool! I brought some visitors!" Barret moved over and out behind him came Red XIII with Cait Sith on his back. Red smiled at the others and Cait waved enthusiastically. Marlene sat happily chattering about nothing on Cloud's lap while Cloud listened intently, pretending to understand all about the little girly things Marlene was happily bragging about.

Tifa stood up and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry to interrupt our little happy gathering but I have somebody I want to introduce you too," she smiled over at Andria, who had gone pink in the cheeks. "This is our new friend Andria," Tifa grinned as she walked over to the girl and brought her up out of her chair. "Cloud found her just outside of Edge. She had been attacked by wild gargoyles. If it weren't for him we would have lost her."

Barret just stood for a moment with his eyes wide and his jaw slightly dropped, his eyes scanned the girl up and down and then his eyes looked right into hers. He looked over at Cloud who was doing his best to preoccupy himself with Marlene and knew right then and there that he would do his best to respect Cloud's feelings. He looked up at the girl and smiled, extending his silver, metal hand towards her. "Nice to meet ya Andria," Barret replied in his rough tone. "That's my little girl over there Marlene and I'm Barret Wallace. Nice to see you in group here."

"It's not quite so little anymore Barret," laughed Tifa. She then turned and looked at Andria. "There's nothing to be shy about," she smiled. "These are all of our friends. This is Nanaki," Tifa stated as she pointed to an animal who looked like a cross between a wolf and a lion.

Nanaki was deep red in color with a spiked black mane that began on the top of his head and reached his shoulders. His tail was a flame at the end and he bore strange markings and tattoos on his fur. His right eye was scarred shut and he wore a feather behind each of his pierced ears. Around each leg he wore a gold, small gauntlet. Nanaki smiled at them. "Hello," he said to her. Andria was a little shocked at first, but she smiled and said hello back. "We just call him Red and this is Cait Sith. He's actually a robot controlled by a man named Reeve, but we've been so used to calling him Cait Sith," Tifa carried on, pointing to the cat whom looked like a black and white toy with a golden crown on his head. around his shoulders was a red cape.

"Nice to meet you lassie! Nice to meet you!" Cait carried on enthusiastically shaking Andria's hand with both of his mechanical paws. He spoke with a deep, Scottish accent.

Andria just smiled at them all. "It's nice to meet you all as well." She wasn't quite sure what to say. She just wanted to be as polite to them all as she possibly could. Andria looked over at Mari who was now looking up and talking to Vincent. Mari could see Andria out of the corner of her eye and looked at her smiling. She nodded her head. Vincent leaned down and Mari kissed him on the cheek. The mage stood up and walked over to Andria.

"Hey Andi, you okay?" she asked, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You seem a little tense," Mari stated knowingly. She could feel magic coursing through Andria's veins. Hmmm now would be a good time for her and I to go on out and practice a bit. " Would you like to go outside and get some fresh air?" she offered.

"Yes that would be great!" Andria replied, anxious to get out of the bar and away from all the stares.

"I thought maybe I could teach you how to release your magic. It's important for one who may have any magical capabilities to release it, or it'll get stuck inside of you and's not the most wonderful thing in the world to happen," Mari explained. "C'mon let's go outside."

Andria nodded her head and followed the red mage across the bar and out of the door. Tifa took notice and she walked over to Vincent, who was now sitting down and enjoying a drink himself.

"Vincent, where are Mari and Andi headed?" she asked curiously, her eyes following the girls until they disappeared behind the door.

"They just went out to get some fresh air. I think Andria was feeling slightly uncomfortable considering everybody keeps staring at her," he acknowledged. "I know how uncomfortable stares can be." Vincent looked down at his metal hand and then shrugged it off. "They'll be fine."

While Tifa was in conversation with Vincent, Barret came towards her and put his metal hand on her shoulder turning her towards him. "Hey Tifa, was it just me or did that girl look exactly like-"

"Aerith, yes," Tifa answered. "We all noticed. She even speaks like her as well. She's a wonderful girl though. Just as kind hearted and gentle souled as Aerith was if not more. I've never met anybody in my life that was as sweet as Aerith, but this girl is just like that. It's really amazing. When you're with her, it almost seems like you're with Aerith but at other times it's not. Andi's personality is a lot like Aerith's, but she also has this way about herself. I don't know. It's hard to explain really. Mari and I spent the entire day with her and I can't remember when I had that much fun," Tifa carried on. "You'll understand when you spend time with her, Barret."

Barret just nodded his head. "It's just amazing. It's really something else," he mumbled in slight disbelief. "I could tell as she walked by there's something truly special about her."

Tifa nodded just as Denzel came tearing down the stairs and saw Marlene on Cloud's lap. He grinned broadly and took off across the bar and lept up onto the other side of Cloud's lap, anxious and happy to see Marlene. Cloud just continued to grin down at the kids, some of the very few times he ever did smile was he was around the kids.

"Alright you two, you're crushing my legs," Cloud stated, hinting for them to get off of his lap so he could stand up.

Marlene and Denzel just laughed at Cloud and the two clutched hands, running back up the stairs to Denzel's room so they could play. Cloud watched them as they ran, still smiling. When they disappeared up the staircase, his grin did as well, and he turned towards the others. "I'm going outside for a bit. It's really warm in here." Without giving anybody a chance to say anything, Cloud strode across the floor and walked out of the bar.

Cloud stepped in the warm, night summer air and walked a ways from the bar, his ears picking up on sounds of voices. He knew Mari and Andria had come out here and he knew his curiosity had led him out here. Cloud followed the sounds and soon he saw a bright white light. He snuck behind some bushes and crouched down. Peeking over the hedges he saw Mari holding onto Andria's hands and talking to her.

"You need to learn to release your magic," Mari explained. "If you don't then it becomes trapped inside of you and it will continue to build and build until you just can't take it anymore. It becomes extremely painful, and you could become dreadfully ill. It happened to me awhile back. If it weren't for Vincent releasing me of all that pent up energy that was inside of me, well, I hate to think of what would have happened."

Andria listened quietly and contently and followed Mari's orders. She placed her hands palms out and up towards the sky. She kept herself calm and relaxed, yet alert and still. She closed her eyes and listened for Mari's cue. Focus Andi...focus...


Andria concentrated with all of her might and out poured bursts of white and pale green light from her hands. The energy bursts shot through the air and swirled around before desingrating into nothing. Andria did this about 3 or 4 times until she could feel the relief in her tensed body.

"Well there's something I can definitely tell. You're a white mage, no doubt about it. You put forth pale green energy from your hands and that's curing magic, or healing in other words. As for the white...well I have no idea where that came from or what it does but we could always ask Vincent. I'm certain he'd know," she smiled at the girl. "So white mage, are you feeling better now?"

Andria nodded. She was feeling better. Her body wasn't as tense, but yet something was still playing in the back of her mind. She decided it wouldn't hurt try and confide in Mari. "Magic wise, yes....but there's something that's really been bothering me," Andria admitted as Mari watched her cheeks darken. "And...well...could I talk to you about it?"

Mari laid a hand on Andria's shoulder and smiled at her. "You can talk to me about anything." Andria cloud tell from the look in the mage's eyes that she was being truth and honest. She was also a trustworthy woman. Andria smiled a smile of relief at Mari and she took a deep breath.

"Okay, well it's about know, I didn't want to say anything in front of Tifa, but for some reason I feel...well...really connected to Cloud. I mean, I like him a lot."

"Yeah he sure is cute huh?" Mari teased, elbowing her friend slightly.

Andria blushed. "Yes he really is, but you know from the few times I spoke to him and just these past couple of weeks that I have seen him, I don't know, he just makes me feel...different," she said shyly. "I mean, do you understand what I'm saying?" Andria had taken note that every time Cloud was near, she'd catch herself trying to get a glance at his face, his azure eyes, his lightly freckled cheeks and nose. She had never felt this way before about anybody. Tonight when their eyes had locked for that brief moment, Andria had felt like her heart was going to leap right out of her chest.

Mari laughed lightly. "Oh do I ever. I was the same way when I met Vincent," the mage began. "At first, I didn't think he wanted anything to do with me and then after awhile.." Andria sat and listened quietly and anxiously as the mage relayed her's and Vincent's story. She sat and grinned as Mari finished off that after Omega and Chaos had been returned to the planet, the two met up again and fought off Nightmare, and after it was over, Vincent and she had wed.

"That's really a beautiful story," Andria gushed as the red mage giggled. "I just wonder if I'll ever have the same thing someday?"

Mari, becoming quite serious now, put her hand over Andria's. "If you want him bad enough, you've got to work for him. I know you're worried about upsetting Tifa, but Andi, sometimes you have to worry about what's good for you and what you want, and if you feel that you can reach out to Cloud and maybe break these barriers around his heart, then I say go for it! Nobody else has been able to, so maybe that means you can," she told her encouragingly. "As much as I love Tifa, I just don't know if Cloud is right for her. I mean they were childhood friends to my knowledge, and I just don't see you marrying or falling in love with your childhood friend unless you were possibly like, best friends and knew everything about each other, which Cloud and Tifa weren‘t," she added with a wink.

"Thank you so much Mari. You have no idea how much that all means to me. Maybe here soon I can talk to Cloud. Maybe somehow and some way, I could get closer to him. Maybe I can reach out to him and break those walls down," the girl said thoughtfully. She sat for a moment and then looked up at the sky.

"We should probably start heading back. It's getting pretty late," Andria noticed that the stars and moon were just starting to show in the silk, black sky. Mari agreed and the two girls walked back in the bar, not knowing that Cloud had heard every bit of their conversation, however Andria had felt somebody had been watching and listening to them. As they made to go inside, Andria turned back to see if anyone was there. She didn't see anybody. She shrugged it off as she followed the mage back into the bar.

Cloud sat in the bushes deep in thought after the girls had disappeared inside of the bar for the night. Andria really likes me? I mean this is all so strange. Why is it so hard? Could I even return feelings if I ever had them? Could I ever love again the way I loved Aerith? No, this is just too hard. I can't do this. Not again. What if I did...what if I let myself be open to her, fall in love with her and then something happened...I can't go through that again, I just can't.

Cloud looked up at the bar, the lights still lit brightly on the inside. He stood up and began walking back towards the bar. Maybe this is what I need? Maybe I should get to know her...just because she looks like Aerith and talks like Aerith...well...I just need to let go of the past. Maybe she can help me...or maybe not. Cloud's head filled with muddled thoughts, he stepped up the stairs and disappeared behind the door. The sight that abhorred him was a rather humorous one.

Cid had passed out cold across one of the benches, curled up in the fetal position and was mumbling incoherently in his sleep about the Shera. Nanaki and Cait Sith were nowhere to be found. Cloud had just assumed they had went upstairs with the kids. Tifa was putting empty glasses into the sink and Yuffie was in her pajamas yawning widely, sitting on a barstool and swinging her feet unconsciously. Vincent and Mari were sitting side by side, but Andria wasn't down in the bar either. Barret was sitting back in one of the chairs, his head slightly rocking from side to side, dozing off. Tifa looked over and noticed Cloud had came in.

"Everything okay?" she asked as she continued putting dishes into the sink.

"Yep, I'm just going to bed," he told them. "Night all." Cloud turned from the bar and ascended up the stairs, going straight to his room, only stopping once to peek in on Marlene and Denzel who had fallen asleep on Denzel's bed. Denzel was laying on Red's stomach, using him as a pillow, who was also sound asleep on his side and Marlene cradled a snoring Cait Sith in her arms. Cloud walked over and pulled the covers up around the four and then snuck out of the room, gently closing the door behind him. Cloud smiled slightly and went into his bedroom.

He lay back on his bed for quite sometime, trying to fall asleep but couldn't, and so he listened to sounds of everybody coming up the stairs and going to bed themselves. After he was sure everybody had gone to bed, Cloud stood up from his bed and began walking across his room. His hand met the doorknob and he opened it slightly. He walked quietly down the hall to the room Andria was staying and found himself in front of her door. Cloud lifted a fist to knock and then when realized what he was about to do, he panicked. He hurried back down the hall as quietly as he could to his room and shut the door behind him. He walked back over to his bed and laid down. What the hell are you doing Strife...he asked himself. In all honestly, Cloud didn't know. He wanted to go and see Andria, talk to her even, but it was just hurting all the more, yet his urge was growing stronger. Curse you for being so weak...get some strength...learn to deal with this! But Cloud wondered to himself he would ever find that strength again.
Chapter 6- A Little of His Pain

"Wha...what did I do...tell me Aerith," Cloud pleaded, dropping down on his knees, his blonde head hanging in despair. Cloud had just given Sephiroth the Black Materia and he didn't know why or how he did it, but he did. She leaned down to console him, resting a hand gently on his shoulder, her other cupping his face.

" strong, okay?" she told him softly and gently. "You've got to be strong."

Cloud's body dropped to the ground, it began writhing something terribly as if he were in pain. Grasping the sides of his head he screamed. "WHAT HAVE I DONE!"

Aerith lowered herself next to him, brushing back strands of blonde hair from his forehead and looking down into his fearful, widened blue eyes. "Cloud," she began softly. "You haven't done anything. It's not your fault."

Aerith gasped as Cloud began to slowly stand up. His eyes went from that soft blue to a brilliant blue green, to almost pure, bright green, nearly glowing. They pierced Aerith's as his eyebrows narrowed down in anger. He reared back his gloved fist and punched Aerith hard. The girl cried out in shock and pain as she fell backwards. Cloud lept through the air and landed on top of her, continually beating the poor, defenseless woman with both fists, not realizing what he was doing to love of his life. He couldn't control himself...he couldn't stop. Something was making him do this. He was beating the woman he loved to death, and he couldn't control it. Cloud fought hard with the force against his mind, but the force was winning and Cloud was not.

"I....I'm...!" Cloud tried to say but he couldn't. He still continued to land blow after blow on Aerith.

She lay helpless, trying to cover herself with her arms, keep herself from him further harming her, but nothing could stop him. She could feel warm tears in her eyes and couldn't prevent them from sliding down her cheeks as she felt the hands of the man she loved slam into her fragile body. She knew this wasn't Cloud's fault. Cloud couldn't control himself. Sephiroth had control over Cloud's mind. Cloud wasn't doing this on his own freewill. Cloud loved her entirely too much to do this to her.

"CLOUD!" cried a frantic voice from nearby. Tifa came running and stopped near the edge of the pit as she watched Cloud beating Aerith. She put her gloved hands up to her face. "CLOUD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" she shrieked fearfully. It was scaring Tifa to see Cloud the way he was. She didn't understand...why was he harming Aerith?

Cloud stopped hitting Aerith the moment he heard Tifa's voice. His eyes that had changed from that unique green hue, slowly reverted back to his soft, light blue, his normal eye color. He looked down at Aerith who lay beaten, bruised and bleeding underneath him and gasped, realizing what he had just done as it flashed through his mind. Cloud then looked over at Tifa apologetically. Everything was a blur and then all was going white. He begin to feel lightheaded and then as though he were going to faint. Aerith...I'm so sorry...I couldn't…and without warning, Cloud passed out.


There was a blinding white light as Cloud found himself near a small shrine. There was a small form knelt down upon it, the form's back was turned towards him. Cloud could see the light pink of her dress, her long brown hair held in it's usual twist cascading down her back and knew right then and there it was Aerith. He started to go towards her. How he wanted to hold her, tell her he was sorry, tell her he never meant to hurt her the way he had. Her eyes were closed, and she didn't notice anybody had shown up. Her body was covered in bruises and cuts. He had scratched up the side of her face and her arms were covered in abrasions.

Cloud was about to step closer when his vision when completely red. Cloud shook his head and reached for his sword. He shook his head again and continued towards her. When he finally reached her, he just stood before her, rooted to the spot, not able to move. Aerith did not move. She still continued to pray, her eyes drawn shut. Cloud faced away and drew his large buster sword, but Aerith still didn't move. She was deep in prayer, not realizing Cloud was just behind her. Cloud turned to face her. He lifted his sword above his head, prepared to attack her, finish her with one last blow of his weapon. Aerith didn't move. Cloud raised his sword ever more the higher when...


"Cloud stop!" cried Tifa, who sounded close to tears now. "Please stop Cloud! Don't you know what you're doing!?"

Cloud snapped out of his trance and stood back. He looked up at the sky. He dropped his sword with a clang of metal upon the floor of the shrine and grabbed the sides of his head. "Ugh! What are you making me do!" he shouted. "What are you DOING to me!"

Aerith finally lifted her graceful head and for the first time, since they had all arrived, she saw Cloud. She never realized that the man she loved was about to attack her with everything he had. Aerith smiled beautifully at him which Cloud took into his every being and captured her smile within his heart. There was a blinding white light just above her, and falling from the bright white light above was a black figure. It continued to fall, faster and faster. Nobody could tell who it was...but he had his sword is drawn. Faster he fell, straight for Aerith and without warning or time to scream for her to move, his long, thin, massive sword pierced through Aerith's delicate body.

Cloud never felt the scream of terror leave his throat. His heart was pounding his ears a he watched the sword easily slide through Aerith's small stomach. He watched her eyes fly open, her hands that had been folded in prayer against her chest had fell limp and he watched her arms fall to her sides. Blood trickled down from the wound of where Sephiroth had impaled her straight through the middle with his masamune. He looked down with an evil glint and stared at Cloud, a smirk bringing up the corners of his thin mouth to a sly grin. There was a noise of grating metal, as he pulled his sword from Aerith's body. Her eyes were widened in shock.

There was blood trickling down the side of her mouth and her stomach was covered in blood that steadily trickled onto the floor of the shrine, she still continued to smile and then, her beautiful green eyes looked into Cloud's as he took one last glimpse of them and they closed forever. As the young Ancient fell, her pink hair ribbon that held up her long, brown hair came undone. Nobody noticed the small, pale green glowing orb that fell from it. It bounced once, emitting a small, pure sound against the floor. It bounced again and again until it fell off of the platform and down into the crystal clear pool of blue below.

Aerith's body began to fall forward but Cloud was there to catch her in his arms before she fell. She laid back in his arms, the smile still on her face, blood was staining the entire front of her dress now. She took her last breath as she met Cloud's arms and was gone.

"Aerith....," Cloud spoke softly, gently shaking her body. "Aerith...c'mon don't go on me. Don't fade out....Aerith!" He choked back a sob. "This can't be real!" Cloud cried.

Sephiroth stood looking skyward, his arms spread as though victorious of his murder of the beautiful Ancient who lie before them in Cloud's strong, muscular arms. He laughed sinisterly. "Do not worry. Soon the girl will become part of the Planet's energy," he told them. "All that is left is to go North. The Promised Land waits for me over the snowy fields, and there I will become a new being by uniting with the planet. As will this girl...," he pointed down at Aerith, with the tip of his sword that was covered in blood.

"Shut up....just shut up," Cloud stated. He bowed his head closer to Aerith, his entire body was trembling. Cloud abruptly looked up at Sephiroth. "The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a damn thing!" Cloud slowly turned his head and looked down into Aerith's kind, beautiful and gentle face. The smile still never left her lips. He took a shuddering breath. "Aerith is gone. Aerith will no longer talk, no longer laugh, cry...or get angry..."

He held her body closer to his and bowed his head forward, still continued to tremble something fierce. Cloud could feel tears burning his eyes. "What about us...... what are WE supposed to do?" Cloud gently rested Aerith's limp body on the floor of the shrine. Cloud stayed knelt down next to her, clenching his fists, still looking down at her. "What about my pain?" he questioned as he began to tremble even more. "My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!" Cloud cried, trying to force back the tears, but did not succeed. They escaped, one right after the other from his azure eyes and fell to the floor of the shrine.


"NO!" cried Cloud as he flew up in bed, his forehead and bare chest were beaded with sweat.

He was breathing heavily as if he had just ran a marathon. It had been nearly 2 weeks since everybody had stayed with them at Seventh Heaven and Cloud was grateful that the only ones here now were Denzel, Andria and Tifa. Tifa was a heavy sleeper, he knew she wouldn't wake up, as was Denzel. Cloud put his hand on his head and wiped the sweat across his forhead and face that had formed from the nightmare. He fell back onto his pillow staring up at the ceiling, still continuing to breathe heavily. Even though it had been three years since the nightmare of an experience, everything was still haunting him, and Cloud didn't know how to make it stop.

"Why is this happening again?" he asked himself. He pushed his blonde hair out of his eyes and looked over at the window. He saw that it was still dark outside with the stars twinkling brightly and the waxing moon shining just above. Cloud looked over at the clock. It read 3:30 am.

"Wow, I was yelling kind of loud and it's 3:30 in the morning," Cloud said to himself as he reached over to his nightstand and switched on the small lamp that sat there, filling the room with a soft glow. "I hope I didn't wake anyone up."

Cloud got up out of bed. He was bare chested with a black pair of pajama pants on. He walked over to the window and looked out at the sky. Aerith I am still so sorry… There was a gentle knock on his door. Cloud whirled around as he heard her voice from behind it.

"Cloud?" came Andria's voice from the other side.

Andria had not been asleep yet. She had been laying in her bed, tossing and turning as so many different thoughts burned into her mind. She was identical to Aerith and how she was the girl couldn't figure out why. She was also making it hard for Cloud, but why...and why did Andria feel so connected to him? Why did he make her heart race every time his eyes briefly met hers or he spoke to her? Andria had been deep in her thoughts when she heard Cloud's cry come from his room. Worried on what could have happened, Andria had hurried out of bed to make sure he was okay. She had stood in front of his door for a minute or so, pondering on whether or not to knock. When she didn't hear anything, she became more worried and decided to.

"Cloud?" her voice came from behind the door again. "Are you alright?"

"Oh ummm, yeah," Cloud's voice came from the other side. He had approached the door as soon as he heard her voice. "I'm okay," he told her, though truth be told he wasn't. More than anything right now, Cloud didn't want to be alone.

"Umm, may I come in?" she asked politely from the other side of the door. "I...I just want to make sure you're okay," Andria added. Dammit Andi...what are you doing! You know he's not going to let you in.

Cloud stood for a moment and tossed his feelings back and forth. He really didn't want to be alone, not after reliving his nightmare from three years ago in a dream. Would it really hurt to just let her in? Maybe it would make him feel better. "Oh sure...just a moment," he told her as he stood at the door with his hand on the knob. Cloud took a deep breath and opened the door. As soon as it opened his eyes fell into Andria's brilliant, lush green ones. She was wrapped in a light pink, silk bathrobe and her long brown hair that was normally in a ponytail was down and nearly hung to her waist. Cloud felt his heart leap into his throat and he had no idea why. She smiled kindly at him as he stepped back to let her in his softly lit room. Andria took one look at him and her face switched from a smile to pure concern.

"Are...are you okay? I heard you scream and I...," her voice cut off as he turned away from her and faced out the window. She made to walk towards him, but stopped herself.

"I was just a really bad nightmare," Cloud told her, still not looking at her. "I guess I shouldn't eat or drink so close to bedtime," he said trying to lighten his mood, but it didn't work. Cloud didn't understand why he still continued to feel so miserable. Even though he had been forgiven for his so called 'sins', the memory of Aerith still haunted him. The memory of Sephiroth still haunted him as well. Even knowing there could be a possible clone out there was tearing him up.

"Oh, my, I'm sorry Cloud," Andria replied softly. She made to walk towards him and noticed his head lowered and his shoulders were drooped, as the nightmare had replayed through his mind over and over again. She started to put her hands out to touch his shoulders and then thought better of it. She brought them back against her chest and folded her right hand over her left. Andria continued to stand behind him, looking up at him with her soft green stare. "Would..would you like to talk about it?" she proposed softly.

Cloud turned towards her, pain was clearly showing in his eyes, but he continued to keep his face expressionless and emotionless. "I just...I don't want to be alone right now," he admitted quietly as he began to take a few steps forward towards her, and then realizing what he just said, he turned back and looked out the window, completely embarrassed. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I guess that must sound pretty stupid huh?"

Andria walked over to him and placed a hand on his bare shoulder. Cloud trembled from her touch, though not in a bad way and Andria could feel that. Maybe with any luck, she might able to break some of his shell tonight, just by talking to him. "It doesn't sound stupid at all Cloud," she told him understandingly. "We all have nightmares, strange dreams and sometimes we dream things we don't understand, but it doesn't make us stupid, and you're not stupid for not wanting to be alone."

Cloud could feel his heart filling with warmth at Andria's touch and her voice. Yes, everything about it was just like Aerith but to him, he realized for the first time since he met her it was something more. And yet at the same time, her extreme presence of Aerith still made him hurt inside. What were these feelings he was struggling with back and forth?

"Thanks," he said simply. Cloud turned and looked at Andria's identical features of Aerith, but he also realized for the first time, he could see that she was a completely different person, and that wasn't such a bad thing. "I don't have nightmares very often," he added, trying to make conversation.

"May I ask what it was about?" she asked curiously.

Andria wanted so bad for him to reach out to her. She wanted to touch him more, maybe even feel him up against her. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, hold him close, comfort him, help him release a little of his pain. What was wrong with her? What were these feelings? What was it about Cloud that drew her to him so much? Was it his soft blonde hair that fell so easily against his forehead, and on the sides of it his face, and the way it spiked up in the back? Was it those azure eyes, the way they almost impaled hers with his stare? Was it the look of his body right now? She could see he was a thoroughly built man, muscular arms, muscular pecs and abs to boot. Gods he is so gorgeous…Andria thought to herself as she looked at him, but tried not to make herself too noticeable that she was basically checking him out.

What do I do??? She wants to know about the dream? Should I tell her? No, this is too personal...does she even realize that she is just like Aerith in nearly every way? Does she also realize that I see so much more in her? Why is this so hard? Why am I so scared to tell her....I don't know what to do…Cloud wrestled with his thoughts as Andria stood, looking kindly and worriedly at him. His heart was screaming to let her in while his mind screamed to tell her to go back to her room...Which did he follow? Cloud was started to feel scared now...scared to let his feelings go. "Andria, it was really nice of you to come and check on me, but I'm getting tired now," he lied. No! Don't listen to me! Don't go! "I'm going to go back to bed," he told her, even though that isn't what he wanted to tell her. I really don't want to be alone...stay with me...don't leave…

Andria wasn't quite so ready. She knew what was wrong with Cloud, or at least she thought she did. "Cloud...I know," she said softly. "They all told me. I know I look just like Aerith. I know I speak like her too...I know it all and I know that's why it bothers you to be near me," Andria stated softly as she looked at the floor. "I just wanted to tell you that. I just wanted you to know that I know." Andria turned to leave for the door when she felt his hand close on her shoulder. She felt chills run down her spine. It was the first time he had touched her since she had been sick and had awoken.

"Thank you," he told her quietly, not looking at her, staring down at the floor of his bedroom. "And I'm sorry," he added.

Andria turned and looked at him. She tried to smile. "You're welcome and there is nothing for you to be sorry about. You've done nothing wrong," she replied. "Goodnight Cloud." Andria turned and walked away from Cloud's slight hold on her shoulder. She badly didn't want to leave his room. She would have stayed with him all night, never left his side if he wanted her to, but it was obvious he didn't. As she quietly shut the door behind her, she looked back at it. I'll find a way in somehow and some way Cloud hold too much pain in your eyes to just be alright. I'll help you get through this...I'll help you get strong…the young girl thought determinedly to herself. She lingered for a moment before she heard his deep voice come from behind the door.

Cloud stood in front his bed, still continuing to look at the door. "I'm so sorry Andria, I didn't want you to go...I'm just...I'm so confused," he said to himself. Cloud turned and lay back down on his bed, pulling the covers up around him as he settled on his side until he was comfortable. He lay there and cursed himself for feeling and being so weak.

You're not weak just need to let me need to break down the walls that surround your heart and you need to let yourself feel again…Andria thought as she turned on her heel and headed back towards her bedroom.


Andria sat in the kitchen the next morning, finishing the breakfast that Tifa had made them all. Tifa was bustling around, cleaning up the mess in the kitchen, sipping coffee and chatting animatedly to Andria. Andria was half listening and her mind half wandering back to Cloud. Cloud had already left that morning to go and make his scheduled deliveries and she didn't even have a chance to speak to him. She was interrupted in her train of thought by Tifa.

"I have to go down and open the bar here shortly," she told the girl as she removed her apron and laid it over the back of the kitchen chair. "What are you planning on doing today?" she asked curiously.

"Hmmm I don't know. I thought maybe I'd just go for a walk around town," Andria said thoughtfully. Though she still hadn't forgotten about what she needed to do, Andria was finding herself more and more enjoying staying with Cloud and the others. "Hey, did you happen to see Cloud this morning?" Andria asked of out curiosity. She was wondering if he had been feeling any better today.

"Yes, I spoke to him before he left this morning. He said he had quite a few deliveries to make and wouldn't be back until sometime later tonight," she replied, placing a few dark strands behind her ear. "Why?" she asked, eyeing Andria curiously, her tone quickly changing to dry and flat at the mention of him.

Andria hurriedly turned away and looked down into her coffee mug. "Oh no reason, I was just curious is all."

Tifa had been trying hard not to notice the fact that Cloud and Andria had a certain way about one another. She tried not to notice the look in Cloud's eyes when he'd look at the girl but she had here recently. She saw that whenever Cloud and Andria weren't looking at one another, he would steal glances at her when Andria wasn't looking so she wouldn't notice him watching her. Andria would do the same thing to Cloud and more than once had their gazes met, but only briefly. It was more noticable at dinnertime than anything. Maybe it was just all in Tifa's imagination. Andria was too sweet of a girl to just come along and take Cloud away, ruining her little surrogate family she had created for herself. Tifa hoped and prayed that one day, Cloud would open up to her, fall into her arms and tell her that he loved her and Denzel and he always wanted to be there for them.

Maybe Cloud wanted Andria instead? She was after all, almost indentical to Aerith. No that's stupid...why would Cloud want her? He just met her…Tifa thought to herself. No, Cloud was with her family wasn't he? Though since she had went off on him the other day, Cloud had become more and more distant towards her. One day, Tifa would make him realize what was right for him. She smiled as her mind drifted into a daydream of she and Cloud together when the scrape of a chair jerked her out of it. Andria stood up from the table and pushed her chair back in.

"I'm going to go for a walk. I'll be back sometime before sunset," Andria stated as she made to leave the kitchen. "Thank you for breakfast," she added kindly. Andria couldn't help it, but she noticed Tifa had momentarily became cold towards her the minute she asked about Cloud. After that, Andria felt extremely uncomfortable and wanted to get away from Tifa as quickly as possible. Besides, if she could just go on a nice, quiet walk, maybe she could have more time to think without being interrupted.

"Don't get yourself hurt," Tifa called to her as Andria left the kitchen. "And be careful!" Tifa's voice had turned back into her normal, sweet, caring and motherly tone she always had.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Andria called back to the kitchen. She walked down the stairs and out of the bar, stepping into the warm sun. Maybe I was just imagining things about Tifa…Andria thought to herself as she heard the sounds of laughter from the children surrounding the area. Denzel and Marlene were outside playing with a group of kids and she smiled and waved as she walked past. They both smiled and waved excitedly. Marlene had lept up from her spot she was sitting at and ran over to Andria, hugging her around the waist.

"Where are you going Andi!" she asked happily, her little brown ponytail bouncing. "Can me and Denzel to go too?"

Andria crouched down in front of Marlene and smiled at her. "I'm afraid not. I'm going for a little walk and I don't want you to come along in case there is anything dangerous. Why don't you go along and play with your friends and stay where it's safe. I'll be back soon," she told the little girl, brushing a few strands of Marlene's bangs from her big brown eyes which had widened at the word 'dangerous.'

"Are you going somewhere bad, Andi? Are you going to be okay? Will you be back?" Marlene asked anxiously. The young girl had really taken to Andria every since the day she met her. She kept telling Andria and reminding her over and over just how much she looked like the Flower Girl. Andria just laughed as the little one followed her all over and talking to her.

"I'm not going anywhere bad Marlene, I promise. I just need a little time to myself. I promise I will be back by sunset so I can eat dinner with you," she added with a wink.

"Okay Andi! Be careful!" squealed Marlene as she hugged Andria around the neck and then skipped back off to her group of playmates.

Andria couldn't help but let a small laugh escape her mouth as she watched Marlene. She very much adored Barret's little girl and had become quite taken with her as well. She noticed Denzel usually got very shy around her and later she came to find out from Mari and Tifa that Denzel had quite the little crush on her. Andria smiled at the children and then turned and headed down the street in Edge. She had pretty much come to know the town and also knew that the ruins of Midgar weren't far. Andria walked on out of Edge just as she came to the ruins. Not many people were around the area, so why not go and check it out?

Andria walked approaching a spot on the ground where a huge sword that greatly resembled the one Cloud carried was buried into the ground. As she approached the sword there was a woosh of the wind and something warm touched her. She could sense a presence, stronger than anything she ever encountered when she was awake. She looked up as her ponytail flew up against her face from the wind and then it died down. Andria placed her hand on the handle of the sword and felt the presence again. She could sense the presence was kind and caring. Something had happened right here in this area, Andria was sure of it.

The young woman looked out towards Midgar that just stood in the distance a ways and automatically she felt drawn to it. She jumped down off the slope from the where the massive sword was impaled in the ground and ran out towards the ruins of Midgar, as fast as her legs would carry her. She never noticed the wolf that poked his head around from the behind the sword, as she left, not bothering to look back. She couldn't look back. Something was pulling her, drawing her closer and closer to the crumbled, dilapidated city. Soon she found herself amongst the ruins of the town. Turning, she felt herself being drawn to another part and she followed her senses, leading her ever closer to wherever it was she was being taken to.

There was a broken, rusted sign just above where she had been driven to and could just barely make out the words Sector 5 on the sign. The rest of it was burnt and rusted away. Still feeling pulled, Andria made her way down a deep slope where she could clearly tell there had been an explosion. All around her were crumbled buildings, pieces of broken concrete, great holes in the ground and just ahead was what caught her attention all the more. There was a white building, crumbled around one side but two, great brown double doors remained intact. There were some broken, colossal, stained glass windows and few that still remained in one piece. Andria could make out that this place had once been a church. Why am I feeling so drawn to this place? Andria wondered to herself as she approached the double doors. She placed her hands on the handles and pushed open the doors and walked inside.

All around her were broken, wooden pews as though a battle of sorts had been fought inside of the church. One half of it was missing and broken statues, pillars, and pieces of wood and concrete littered the side of it. She stepped lightly through the broken boards as the thing she saw just ahead had caught her eye. There was a rather large patch of bright, green grass. Sprouting up from the grass were yellow and white lillies that seemed to glow. She looked up at the ceiling of the church as a ray of sunlight was pouring through, shining down on the glowing flowers and there, sitting in the flowers with his back against one of the broken pillars, was none other than Cloud. Cloud looked up as Andria approached him and then looked back down. The girl felt herself being drawn towards him and Andria stepped into the flowers. She walked over to Cloud and knelt down in front of him.

"Hi there," she said softly, still looking at him. Andria didn't want to take her eyes off of him.

"Hey," Cloud replied, looking down at his gloved hands which held a flower in between them.

"I'm not sure how I got here...I'm sorry if I disturbed you or anything," Andria began as her cheeks flushed pink. "I just sort of felt like I was being lead here. I...well...what is this place anyway?" she asked in curiosity.

"This...this is Aerith's church," Cloud began, his deep voice coming from where his jaw was hidden behind his navy blue sweater. "This is where she used to grow and sell her flowers. I bought one from her once before."

"Oh, so this is her church? I heard the others mention it awhile back but I wasn't sure where it was. So...what are you doing in here? Don't you have deliveries that need done?" she asked teasingly and smiled at him. When he didn't answer her nor return the smile she became serious. "It's okay Cloud. I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I'm...I just...," Cloud fumbled with his words. "I'm not sure why I'm here. I didn't have many deliveries to make today. I finished early and I just...I decided to come here," he told her.

"So, what happened? Why is the church so...well, demolished?" Andria asked, continuing to make conversation and trying hard to find ways to talk to Cloud. Something about his voice, the deepness, the softness, the sound made her feel calm.

"Last year when the planet was infected with Geostigma, there was a small battle in here. I'm sure you heard about the three remnants, Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo, right?" he asked her curiously.

"Yes I did hear of them," Andria nodded. "And of course Sephiroth's return. I think everybody cowered in fear on that day when the sky turned to blackness. I know I did," she added shyly.

"I was infected with the Geostigma," Cloud told her as he rubbed his left arm that was covered in a long, black sleeve. He lifted up the sleeve to reveal that he had a pink rememberance ribbon tied around it. "I wore this sleeve to hide it, to hide it from everyone. I didn't want anybody knowing I was sick," he replied. He dropped the sleeve back down over his arm. Cloud looked up into Andria's green eyes, and he just kept telling her what had happened. He explained about the children who were infected, he explained how a river of healing water from the Lifestream had miraculously appeared and healed him of his Geostigma. "The church was flooded with the healing waters, but once everybody had been healed of the Geostigma, it disappeared as quickly as it came," Cloud explained. "I thought then that I was healed..."

"Cloud," Andria began as she reached out and touched his shoulder. "Why do you continue to let yourself hurt so much? Why don't you just let go of your pain and live your life? You're dragging yourself and you're going to continue to drag yourself until there's nothing left but an empty soul. Cloud, so many people care for you. They don't want to see you hurt anymore," she said kindly and softly. Her lips curved up in a smile. "I don't want to see you hurt."

Cloud stood up and walked over to the one of the stained windows with his back towards Andria. He didn't want to say too much. He didn't want to find himself getting close to the girl. Cloud knew that if he did and something happened to her, then he would really never forgive himself. "There's a lot of things you wouldn't understand," he told her. "It's my fault that so many things happened the way they did. I can't forgive myself," Cloud said simply. "I just can't...," Cloud caught himself in the mid sentence when he realized what he was about to say.

Here he was, nearly ready to pour his heart out to this girl, to let her know everything he was feeling and what was hurting him and it scared him. He was afraid to open up, afraid to get close to her, afraid to maybe grow feelings for her. It always seemed to happen that way. He would develop a care for certain people but then turn around and end up hurting them in the long run. This girl was too tender, too beautiful and kind to even try and begin to hurt. Cloud didn't want to hurt her the way he had hurt Aerith, the way he had just let her die. He turned and looked at Andria who was now standing up. "You should probably go before Tifa gets too worried about you," he stated. "I'll be along sometime later."

"So, you don't want me here with you?" she asked, looking at him. When Cloud didn't answer, Andria nodded her head. "Alright then...I guess, I'll see you back at the bar." Andria reached down and picked a flower from the grass and held it close. She could feel a gentle presence again, only this time it was softer and more delicate than the one she felt out on the grounds where the sword was. Andria walked across the floor of the church and approached the doors. Just as she opened them and stepped outside, there was a screeching sound that filled the air.

"Andria, WAIT!" came Cloud's voice as he thundered across the floor of the church, reaching behind him and brandishing his Tsurugi.

Leaping through the air were many massive blurs. They stopped in mid-flight as Andria crouched, screaming and covering her head. They were red and black wolfish looking creatures with two huge horns on their heads like a bull. Their backs were hunched and arched up high and red hair stood up in spikes across each of their backs. They had forked, whip-like tails that thrashed about, preparing for attack. The great creatures threw back their ugly heads and emitted a high pitched scream that rang through the air. Andria looked up at them in fear as she noticed their jaws were wide-set with long, sharp, glistening fangs in the front of their mouths. All along their gum lines were smaller, sharp wide-set teeth. They had glowing, white eyes that almost looked as if the creatures were blind, but Andria knew better. They were staring down right upon the frightened woman.

Andria knew that this was it for her. She had no weapons, didn't know how to attack and she had no materia with her either. She prepared herself for the killing blow. Andria felt the creature drag one claw along the side of her neck, slicing it open and warm blood began trickling down it. Andria felt hot breath catch in her throat as she struggled to take air in. The wound in her neck was deep and the creatures coming down on her were in full blown attack. Andria couldn't even begin to concentrate on using her magic to cure herself, the creatures were pouring in too fast for her to even think. Her head was spinning as they closed in on her.

She was about to give up and let them have her when Cloud burst out of the church with two blades in his hand. He had split apart his sword and was now holding the Apocylpse blade and the Rune blade. Cloud was running as fast as he could and lept through the air where the creatures hovered just above Andria, whipping his swords back and forth through the creatures mercilessly. Bright green light poured from each blade as he struck one killing blow right after the other, and Andria quickly recognized the glow as materia. The creatures squealed in pain as Cloud black-flipped in mid air and his blades sliced right through their bodies in green streaks of light. The creatures threw their heads back and fell upon the ground, writhing and shrieking before them becoming nothing but vanishing whisps of black and red smoke.

Andria lay on the ground, with her hand over her neck, her eyes wide in fear and as Cloud landed swiftly on his feet he hurried over towards her. Her hand began to glow a bright, pale green that surrounded the wound on her neck and she quickly healed herself. She wiped off the remaining blood and then sat for a moment, trying to catch her breath. Cloud approached the girl's side, his swords still brandished, and looked behind to make sure he had gotten rid of each of the creatures. When he was certain they were gone and Andria was safe, he leaned down slightly, laying his swords on the cracked ground and looked at her. He rested his hands on his knees, breathing a little heavy from the fight he had just encountered.

"Are you alright?" he asked, slight concern in his voice, though he tried not to show it.

"Y-yeah....Th-thank you," Andria told him shakily. "W-what was that?" she asked him, trying to control her trembling voice. "That was unexpected." Andria was trembling and shaking all over now, trying to calm herself down, but she couldn't control her shaking. Cloud held out his gloved hand towards her and she reached up, grabbed it and stood up. Her legs felt weak and shaky beneath her as she tried to regain composure.

"I'm not sure what that was. I've never seen anything like it before in my life," Cloud observed. "I think it'd be best if you let me drive you back to Edge. It's just strange how these creatures materialized out of nowhere," he pointed out. "And came after you...if they had been spotted before you'd think we'd have heard about them by now." Cloud reached down in his pocket and took out a bottle. "Here take this," Cloud told her as he gave her the bottle of liquid. "It's Antidote. I don't know what those creatures could have done to you, so take it just to be on the safe side." Cloud wouldn't show it, but he was extremely worried about the girl. He couldn't understand where those creatures came from, but he had a feeling that they were there only for her purpose...but why?

Andria uncorked the bottle and drank it down. She sat the bottle down shakily. " think that those creatures were" Andria asked him, feeling herself losing strength in her legs from trembling so much. Andria nearly collapsed and Cloud caught her in his arms. "W-why would they be after me?"

Cloud continued to hold the girl. "Hmmm...I don't know. Let's go back to Edge and see what we can find out," he stated thoughtfully.

Cloud didn't want to show his feeling of deep concern for her. She could get the wrong idea and he didn't want them to end up that close...or did he? Cloud could tell that she had just lost composure and was frightened from the attack. He continued to hold onto her, trying to comfort her and walked her over to Fenrir. He helped her sit up her on the futurisitic bike.

Andria gripped onto the seat as her body shook uncontrollably and watched as Cloud walked back over to where he had dropped his swords and put them back together. Cloud re-approached Fenrir and placed his swords in their holders on the bike and threw his leg over it. He felt Andria's hands on his sides and his heart lept again. "Are you going to be okay back there?" he asked her kindly. "You're not going to pass out on me or anything?" Cloud pressed his sunglasses firmly over his face as he waited for her to answer.

"I'll be fine, as long as I'm with you...I feel safe," Andria said softly.

This is the 2nd time you saved me...if you didn't care for me, would you have still saved me? Don't leave my side...not today Cloud...Stay with me and I'll stay with you. I want to stay with you…Andria had now moved her hands from just holding onto his sides and wrapped her arms around Cloud's waist. She held onto him tight and rested her head against his back, closing her eyes and taking in his fresh scent. Andria held on tight as he kicked the engine to life and sped off from the church back towards Edge, not letting on that he was thoroughly enjoying having the girl hold onto him and feeling rather pleased with himself for the first time in awhile that somebody felt safe and protected when he was near.
Wow, LadyAerith, you really ARE one helluva writer. That whole burst of originality, the familiar environment the main FFVII crew create, even when confronted with a new character, and the whole relation between Andria and Cloud. Seriously, I couldn't stop reading to save my life. I'm enthusiastic to reading the rest of the story, so even when no one else reads, you have my full support, so keep writin', my friend. I'll always visit to check out the next couple chapters.
I am so so happy to hear you say this lol I mean I've been working so hard on ideas for this and was just hoping like crazy that this would be enjoyable. Thank you kindly for your support. It means the world to me whenever somebody enjoys my works be it my writing or my art. Thank you kindly. And now, here is the next chapter :D

Chapter 7- News from the Turks

Andria held on tight to Cloud's waist as he drove Fenrir across the grounds, heading back towards the bar as they left the Sector 5 slums. She let her head tilt slightly back as the feeling of the rushing wind flowed through her hair, causing her ponytail to whip wildly behind her. She closed her eyes in pure contentment, loving the feeling of being next to Cloud and loving the ride on his streamlined motorcycle that would was going to end much too quickly. Cloud was focused, looking around and making sure that no more of the creatures that had previously attacked them were around. He had his hand prepared to release his swords just incase anything was to appear. Cloud wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling that these weren't just ordinary creatures and they wanted Andria for some reason. Cloud was interrupted in his thoughts by Andria's laughter.

"You know something Cloud?" Andria began, leaning up towards him and putting her face close to his shoulder so he that could hear her.

"What?" Cloud asked, lifting his head up slightly, speaking over his shoulder so Andria could hear him, and so he could concentrate on the road at the same time. Cloud didn't dare break concentration, keeping his eyes peeled for anything that could attack at any given moment.

"This is the first time I've ever ridden a motorcylce. I'm not ready to go back to Seventh Heaven yet. Couldn't we ride for just a little bit longer?" she pleaded slightly. "Please!"

Cloud couldn't help but try and suppress the small grin that crept up to the corner of his mouth. The sound of her voice was so soft and sweet, he couldn't say no. "But of course you've ridden a motorcycle before. You rode this one when I saved you, didn't you?"

Andria blushed. Yes she had, but she honestly didn't remember riding it. She tapped his shoulder playfully with her hand. "Yeah, but I was unconscious. I don't remember hardly remember you saving me, let alone riding your bike, and this is just too much fun!"

Cloud slowed Fenrir down near a small set of bushes, honestly wanting to take her on a joy ride. He found his thoughts drifting to the two of them, riding freely without a care in the worl, smiling together...laughing together..., but Cloud pushed the thought from him. That could never happen. He would not allow it The motorcycle purred gently as he came to a full stop and he turned and looked over his shoulder.

"Alright then, I'll take you on a ride through the country and show you some of Gaia, then we have to go back to the bar. We need to talk to the others about those creatures. How does that sound?" Cloud proposed.

"It sounds awesome, so let's go!" Andria told him anxiously. "And drive faster this time!"

Cloud continued staring at Andria over his shoulder, observing every small detail of her beautiful, glowing face through his jet black shades, still perched easily on his face. Her soft, sparkling green eyes, long brown hair that seemed to shimmer and shine in the bright sunlight and smile that played gently across her soft lips and her lightly tanned skin made Cloud feel almost warm inside. Just the look of her made his heart skip a beat. There was something about this girl that was drawing him to her, and try as he might to keep from liking her, it wasn't working. Cloud had to admit to himself that he did like her.

Yes she was just like Aerith in nearly every way, but there was also so much more to this girl; he couldn‘t put his finger on it, but it drew him to her. Cloud could see it every time she spoke, every time she moved and the way she smiled. No...don't let your feelings run away with you... Cloud scolded himself. You can't let this happen again...if you become close to her and something happens, what if...what... Cloud didn't want to think about it. He shook the thought from his mind and continued to look at her. Cloud reached up one gloved hand and tossed back some of the blonde hair that was falling into his eyes and Andria felt her heart leap. He continued to pierce his stare at her through his black sunglasses. Andria couldn't see his eyes, she couldn't read his expression, so she just smiled and stared back, letting him know she was anxious and excited.

"Hmmm fast huh? Well...alright, you asked for it," he told her, as he turned his head back and looked at the road ahead. Cloud stood up and revved Fenrir hard, causing the beast of a bike to roar underneath them. "Hold on tight," he ordered Andria and the girl held onto his waist, firmly pressing the side of her face against his back.

The blue-eyed swordsman squealed the back tire of the bike as Andria clung onto him tight, grinning in anticipation as what was to happen next. Cloud stomped one foot hard on the gas, turning the handle bars as he did and the bike did a complete 360, peeling out underneath them, causing dirt and dust to fly up all around them, leaving it billowing in great clouds, but Andria took no notice. She was too busy having a blast. The bike swirled to a stop, rumbling deeply underneath their bodies.

Then, without warning, Cloud pointed Fenrir straight ahead and they shot forward like a bullet from a cannon. Andria squealed with laughter as she looked at her surroundings, whizzing past her in blurs. She threw her head back again, thoroughly enjoying the extreme speed they were riding at. Cloud, sensing Andria's excitement and anxiousness, decided to give her another little surprise, showing off more of his devious talents on his streamlined motorcycle.

Cloud reared back on Fenrir's handlebars, popping a wheelie as they sped off out of town and towards the country scenery. Andria uttered a small scream in shock and slight fear and held onto Cloud even more tight. She had not expected him to pop a wheelie, but when she realized he wasn't going to let her get hurt, she loved it. Cloud couldn't help but smirk again as the girl pressed herself even harder against his back.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" he asked over his shoulder.

"No, you didn't scare me...I was just surprised is all!" Andria called back.

Was he enjoying this? Was he enjoying riding with her or was it being with her? Maybe he was just enjoying the fact that he could take somebody for a ride on his bike and they weren't getting scared. Cloud wasn't sure, but he slammed the front of the bike back down onto the road and they sped off across the country.

The two cruised along, looking at lush green grass and the beautiful wildflowers that were in bloom and giving off their sweet scent. Cloud slowed Fenrir down as he drove the bike up a steep, and very tall grassy slope. They finally reached the top which was covered by large bushes and Andria could see they were on a grassy, bush covered, deserted cliff. Cloud reached down, shut the engine off and swung his leg over the bike. Andria did so as well, and Cloud held out a hand to help her down. She gratefully excepted and she girl put her hand into his gloved one, Cloud felt another dance inside of his chest, but little did he know, so did Andria.

She lept down from the bike, landing easily on her feet. The two continued to hold hands for another brief moment for quickly letting go. Cloud hurriedly turned away, embarrassed but at the same time, not wanting to let go of her hand. Andria felt the same way and her eyes followed Cloud who was now standing in front of the bushes, separating them with both of his hands, allowing her a way to step through. Andria took in the sight that fell just behind the bushes as she walked through, followed by the handsome swordsman. Tall, lush green grass littered with pink and yellow wild flowers had sprung up from the ground. Surrounding the secluded area was an old, wooden fence, wrapping around the grassy, flower-filled spot. Near the fence stood a few trees with branches that hung low and swayed gently in the warm summer breeze. Cloud walked over to the wooden fence and stood looking out at the sky.

"What is the place Cloud?" she asked curiously as she stepped through the wildflowers, walking over towards where he stood.

Cloud was resting his hands against the wooden fence, looking out at the below scenery. "I discovered this place while out on my deliveries," he replied, continuing to stare straight ahead of him. "This is another place that I like to come to when I want to be by myself." When he realized what he said, Andria caught his cheeks lightly blushing pink. She smiled and pretended not to notice.

"It's really quiet up here. Do many people know about it?" she asked curiously, tilting her head slightly and looking up at him.

Cloud looked down at her and their eyes met. She smiled at him and he quickly turned away as his heart began pounding in his chest. Only you and NOT let yourself develop feelings for this girl, Strife! You can't do'll only end up losing her in the end just like you did Aerith. You can't let this happen again... Cloud continued looking out below. "I don't think anybody knows about it. It's pretty deserted. You notice how high the grass is? It's obvious there isn't a sign of anybody that comes here asides from myself," he told her.

Andria rested one hand under her chin. "Hmmm, I guess you're right. It does seem rather secluded and little too quiet for anybody else to know it's here," she replied softly. She began to walk towards Cloud who moved over a little, too far in fact, to give her room.

"Look down there," he said as he pointed a finger to the bottom. "You can see all of Midgar and what it looks like," he told her. "It's in ruins now, but do you see how pieces of it are separated?" he asked her, still not looking at her. He was finding it hard to look at her. He kept getting a swooping feeling in his chest whenever he did.

"Oh, yes I see it now!" Andria exclaimed looking down at it. "What is all of that?"

"3 years ago, Midgar is where eight Mako Reactors used to be. I was with a group called AVALANCHE and we helped blow them up. I'm sure you heard all about that?" Cloud asked curiously, still not bothering to look at the girl.

"Yeah, all of Shinra's Mako Energy," Andria sighed. "It really was taking life from the planet." Andria remembered only too well the feelings she had been overcome with during it all. "It's kind of embarrassing to say this," the girl began blushing and turning her head away from Cloud. "But I could feel the planet dying around me and inside of's so hard to explain where the feeling came from and how it really felt, but that chosen day, when Holy and the Lifestream destroyed Meteor, it was like my life was being fully restored again. Like in some way I was connected with the planet's energy, you know?" She looked over at Cloud as he still continued to stand and look out at the ruins of Midgar and then she quickly turned back. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said anything," Andria said quietly.

"'s's just so strange you said that," Cloud replied calmly and he looked over at Andria for a brief second before turning back. "Aerith felt really connected to the planet as well. She still is in fact. When Aerith died, she returned to the planet. Aerith lives on the through the Lifestream. I like to think that she's watching over all of us, doing her best to protect the planet and...," Cloud paused and then turned his back towards Andria. Quit talking about her Strife...she's gone and it's over. You're only going to do nothing but embarrass yourself in front of Andria...

Andria titled her head, putting her hands behind her back and walked towards Cloud. "Cloud?" she murmured as she approached him. "Cloud...please you can tell me, I'm not-" but he cut her off before she could finish.

"It's still sometimes hard...I just...," Cloud turned and looked at the bushes trying brush off the pain he was feeling just speaking about Aerith. He wanted more than anything to be open with Andria, tell her everything that he was feeling. He wanted her to know how much he had cared for Aerith and loved her and how much it still hurt sometimes that he couldn't save her. Cloud wanted Andria to know how hard it was to be near her, but how much he wanted to stay next to her at the same time.

"C'mon let's go. We should be heading back," he told her, walking away and going towards his bike. Just as Cloud stepped through the bushes, his phone rang. Cloud picked his cell up that was clipped to his waist and looked at the front of it. "It's Reno, hang on, I need to take this," he told Andria as he flipped open his razor thin phone and held it to his ear.

"Yeah?" answered Cloud.

"Cloud, it's Reno. We just got back from the Northern Crater," came Reno's voice from the other end.

"Did you find anything?" Cloud asked curiously, feeling his heart starting to pound in his chest.

"We didn't get the chance. We couldn't even go to Mt. Nibel! I guess you could say we were interrupted. Listen, my phone is breaking up pretty bad. Is there any chance at all you could meet us here out at the Healin Lodge?" he asked Cloud over the bad reception.

"Sure, I'll be out in awhile, don't go anywhere," Cloud ordered him.

Reno groaned on the other end. "Don't worry...we're not. See ya soon."

"Yeah," Cloud stated as he flipped his phone shut. He looked over at Andria. "C'mon let's go. I need to take you back to the bar and then head out to Healin Lodge."

"Is everything okay?" Andria asked curiously as she followed Cloud to Fenrir.

"I don't know, but I sure as hell hope so," he replied as he approached his bike. He lept up on it and Andria, recognizing defeat, followed suit. I will break that shell of yours Cloud...I'll find a way to reach out to you, one way or another.

Cloud started up the massive bike and it roared underneath them. He drove them easily down the steep slope and slammed his foot on the gas as they approached the bottom of the ravine. The bike sped off across the ground, screeching underneath them, clouds of dust and rock billowing in it's wake. Cloud drove Fenrir just as fast as he had earlier while taking Andria on a joy ride across the country. He wanted to get back to the bar as quickly as he possibly could. He tried to keep his mind focused to everything around him but found it hard as he wondered what happened in the Northern Crater. Who could the Turks have been interrupted by? Cloud was shaken from his thoughts by Andria's scream and her holding onto his waist even more tighter than she had before during their time of play in Fenrir.

"CLOUD!" she screamed as she crouched low on the bike, burying her face in his back. There was a high pitched scream that rang through the air and Cloud was ready for it. He released his swords from his bike and grabbed the Apocolypse blade. The same creatures that had attacked Andria earlier were materializing from thin air again. Cloud's sword was loaded with Materia as the creatures came baring down on them, jaws open wide and this time, flames were forming at the base of their feet.

"HANG ON!" Cloud yelled at Andria over his shoulder as he kept one hand on the handlebars of the bike and slashed his blade through the air, using an Ice3 Materia, slicing and cutting straight through the creatures, one right after the other. "WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE THINGS!" he yelled as they kept appearing, right after he would kill one, one right after the other as though they were multiplying.

But that didn't stop Cloud Strife. He was too determined to get rid of these flaming monsters who were now throwing fireballs. Cloud cast his sword sideways as he used the Ice3 materia again and turned the flaming ball into a ball of ice that broke into a million pieces as it hit the ground. Cloud continued cutting straight through them as they appeared, leaving them to freeze over and shatter like glass as their frozen bodies hit the ground. Cloud sliced through the last couple of creatures that were doing their best to throw fire attacks, but he was too quick with the blade for them. Cloud continued to stay alert, holding his sword up high, waiting for more as he steered Fenrir with his other hand.

When nothing appeared after a few moments, Cloud did a 180 and stopped the bike, looking around to see if anymore were coming. Andria was shaking behind him, her face buried into his back, her eyes closed tight, and her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, clinging to him like a frightened child. For some reason Andria could feel and sense the great evil in these creatures this time. She felt as though they wanted her. They were reaching out for her. Their blood curdling howls and screams still rang through her ears and just in the back of her mind could she hear whispers of voices, gentle and soft as though they were trying to calm the girl. Cloud looked over his shoulder at the frightened girl and could feel her shaking terribly against him.

"Why don't you come and sit in front of me," Cloud offered softly as he placed his Apocolypse blade back in it's holder. "I'd feel better if you were up here."

Andria, not being able to speak, just nodded her head as she lifted a shaky leg over the bike and Cloud helped her up in front of him. He didn't want to admit it, but he did feel she would be a lot of safer. At least his arms would be protecting her and he could use his body to shield her, just incase anymore of the strange flaming beasts appeared again and tried to attack. It still confused Cloud as to where they came from, but just from observing the girl's fear, he could tell that she felt the same way...these creatures were after her, but for what?

"Are you alright?" he asked gently as Andria still continued to sit crouched down and shaking slightly with fear. Cloud wouldn't admit that he did feel worried for her. This was the second time today these creatures had tried to attack her and he couldn't blame her for a minute for being scared.

"Yeah...I-I'll be okay. Let's just get back to the bar," the frightened young woman replied, trying hard to keep her voice steady. Andria didn't want Cloud to know she was scared, but the swordsman had sensed her fear the moment she had screamed for him, clinging onto his back like a frightened little girl during a raging thunderstorm. Cloud nodded and kicked Fenrir back into life, speeding off towards Edge, this time fully alert and feeling a lot better that Andria was now in front of him, and he could protect her better. The motorcycle roared just up to the front of the bar and the engine was shut off. Cloud jumped off and helped Andria down, walking behind her and shielding her as they made their way back into the bar. The sight that met the two before their eyes was something they weren't expecting as they shut the door quietly behind them.

Mari and Vincent were the only two inside of the bar. The couple had their arms wrapped tightly around one another and Vincent looked like he was eating the mage's face. The two were so caught up passionately in their moment that they didn't hear Andria and Cloud enter the bar. Mari had her fingers tangled in Vincent's long, black hair and Vincent had both hands wrapped firmly around the mage's thin middle as the two stood, making out in front of the bar without a care in the world. Cloud and Andria looked at one another exchanging momentary glances. Though the two were slightly startled and shocked by what they entered to, they both were feeling the same thing, however neither one knew. Cloud's mind carried into thought as he watched Vincent and Mari, locked into one another, knowing that the love those two shared could only come once in a lifetime, but had his already come and gone?

Why can't I let myself feel for her? But...she probably wouldn't want me to feel for her anyway...she'd probably think I was doing it just because she's like Aerith...but, do I want to kiss her just because she's like Aerith? The blonde man stood for a moment in thought. No, I don't...I want to kiss her, but not because she looks like Aerith..because she's..she's Andi...I want to touch her..I think...Argh, what is wrong with me?

"I don't think we should be here," the young girl whispered to Cloud, snapping him out of his train of thought.

Cloud smirked and then looked at Mari and Vincent. He stepped towards them and cleared his throat somewhat loudly to get their attention.

Vincent opened his eyes, right in mid-kiss with his new wife and caught the sight of Cloud's cocky face just before him, and Andria standing right behind him, trying to suppress a grin. Mari and Vincent both broke apart, the two instantly turning a deep shade of red.

"Oh, I ummmm...we...we were just...," stammered the mage as she tried hard to think of an excuse. She looked helplessly at Vincent, then to Cloud's raised eyebrow and smirk, and then over to Andria's, feeling her face get very hot from being caught by her brotherly figure and her new friend in her moment of passion with her new husband.

"We didn't hear you come in," Vincent replied, making the save. "We thought we were by ourselves." Though the gunman tried to act as though it were perfectly normal, Andria could tell that he was thoroughly embarrassed as well.

Andria just laughed. "It's okay you know. You two are newlyweds," she added with a wink. "It's bound to happen."

As Vincent and Mari regained composure from being interrupted in their moment, Cloud took a seat at the bar. "Where are Tifa and the others?" he asked looking around.

"Tifa had some shopping in town she needed to do, so she took the kids with her. What's up?" asked Mari as she and Vincent walked towards Cloud.

"I got a call from Reno. They're back from the Northern Crater. He couldn't tell me much only to meet him out at Healin," Cloud replied. "I need to head out there soon, but there's something else I need to discuss with you first."

"What's going on Cloud?" Vincent asked, sitting down on a bar stool across from him and Mari taking a seat on his lap.

"While Andria and I were out riding, she was attacked by these wolfish like, flaming creatures and I don't have a clue as to what they are or were or anything," Cloud began looking briefly at Andria before turning back to face Vincent and Mari. "I don't know anything about them. Have you guys ran across anything like this before?"

Vincent sat looking thoughtful for a moment. "Hmmm, no I do not recall seeing anything like that," he replied, rubbing one of his metal, clawed finger on his chin in thought.

"It's so strange," Cloud said softly, more to himself than anything. "I don't know why, but I felt like they were...well just, they just appeared out of nowhere, right around us. I just don't know why or how. This is the first time I've seen anything like it."

Andria stepped forward, now feeling slightly braver to tell them what she felt. "I think they were after me. I don't know why but I could sense what these creatures were doing. All I could feel was pure evil and I could feel their hunger from them. Their hunger of wanting me...and I don't know why," she finally spit out. "If it weren't for Cloud, well...nevermind, but anyway, it felt like they wanted me and I have no idea what the reasoning could be."

Cloud just looked over at the girl in shock...she was sensing what the creatures were feeling? Would creatures like that have feeling? How did Andria know this? He could tell by the look in her eyes that girl wasn't making it up. She was being sincere and there was slight fear in her gaze.

"Hmmm," came Vincent's deep, baritone voice. "Well, we'll find out more about these creatures. It is rather strange they just appeared out of's obvious someone must be conjuring them, but who and why?" he wondered out loud.

Cloud stood up from his bar stool and took Vincent aside, lowering his voice. "I don't know, but I think Andi's right. I think they were after her. If she could feel what these creatures were, well, feeling then I think they were after her, but why?" Cloud was thoroughly confused and wanted to find out more about these creatures. He knew Vincent was the best to help in figuring it out. "Well anyway, I need to head out to Healin. The Turks want to talk to me about what they discovered in the Northern Crater."

"Would you mind the company?" Vincent proposed. "I'm quite curious to know what is going on. If it indeed is a Sephiroth clone, then we need to be on guard and prepare for anything. We all know what Sephiroth is capable of." Mari approached the two men who were speaking in low voices to one another.

"What are you boys talking about?" she asked curiously as she rested a hand on Vincent's shoulder.

"We're discussing Cloud going to Healin," Vincent replied smoothly. "I'm going to ride out there with him and find out what the Turks discovered. We should be back home sometime later tonight," he told Mari as he rested his clawed hand on hers. "You'll be alright without me?"

"Of course I will," the mage replied seriously. "I've been without you many of times before, Vincent Valentine," she added teasingly, poking his ribs with her finger.

Andria stood back observing the three talking and she felt extremely out of place. She walked over to a bench and sat down, staring at the back of Cloud's blonde, spiked hair. Maybe I won't be able to break his shell...maybe I won't ever be able to ever see what's in his heart. He could never care for me the way he did Aerith...I'm just fooling myself! Andi you're such an idiot...maybe I'm just reading into everything entirely too much. What is wrong with me? I can't justify what I'm I developing feelings for him? Why does my heart leap everytime he looks at me? I feel so safe when he's near...

Thought after muddled thought filled the young girl's mind as she looked at the floor, not even focusing on anything around her. Why was it all of a sudden the girl had a desperate longing for Cloud Strife to wrap his strong, muscle toned arms around her shoulders and hold onto her tight? Maybe it was just the feeling of protection from him that she longed for. She also was tired of being attacked. She loathed the fact that she didn't have anything to fight back with.

Andria could feel intense pressure building up through her body, coursing like a flowing river and quickly recognized this feeling at once. She needed to release her magic...she needed Materia...elemental, defensive Materia. Mari was the one who could help her with that. Andria decided right then and there as soon as she got a moment alone, she would ask Mari to take her outside so that she could release her magic and practice defensive spells. Andria was growing more tense and frustrated by the moment. She wanted to just get up and leave, break something, or hit something as a twinge anger tweaked the back of her neck.

Cloud looked over at the mage, a serious and worried expression mixed on his face. He took the girl he considered a sister by the arm and walked away from Vincent so just the two could talk. "Mari, I need to ask you something."

The mage quickly recognized Cloud being serious to a fault and the smile left her face. She looked up at Cloud with slight worry and curiousness showing in her bright green eyes. "Of course Cloud."

"I want you to keep an eye on Andi while I'm gone. I'm really worried that if she goes out on her own again she'll get attacked and then nobody will be there to protect her," Cloud told the mage in a low, serious voice. "Please promise me that you and Tifa will let nothing happen to her," he stated, almost pleadingly.

"Cloud," Mari began, eyeing her brother figure. "Are you...well," she lowered her voice. "Are you developing feelings for Andi?"

"No I'm not developing feelings for her," Cloud replied bluntly, though in the back of his mind, he wasn't sure. Was he developing feelings for her? Why did he feel so strongly about keeping her safe? It couldn't be because of Aerith could it? Cloud played these things quickly over in his that wasn't it. It wasn't because of Aerith at all. Cloud thought in the beginning that it was, but now whenever he looked at her or heard speak, Aerith didn't cross his mind, Andria did. That was Andria's voice he heard, not Aerith's. It was so much more. "I just want her to be safe, that's all, just like I would want any of the rest of you to be safe."

The mage smiled softly. "Don't worry Cloud, I'll keep an eye on her, I promise. Nothing will happen to her if I can help it. I like this girl entirely too much to just let her go on her own. As for Tifa, I don't know, but I do know that she'll be in safe hands until you get back," Mari reassured him.

Cloud hugged Mari. "Thanks sis...I owe you one," he thanked the mage as he hugged her. Cloud stood up and turned towards Vincent. "Well, shall we go then?"

"Mmm," Vincent replied with a slight nod of his head. He walked over to his wife and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close and giving her a kiss. "We'll be back sometime after nightfall. Don't wait up if you get tired," he crooned to Mari, smiling down in her face.

"Go on and be careful," Mari replied as she playfully swatted the gunman on the rear.

Cloud began to walk forward for the door when Andria stood up, just as he walked towards her, blocking his path to the door. "Cloud...I," she began. She lowered her head and lowered her folded her hands in front of her, down to her legs. "You're not going to be gone long right? I mean...I don't...I just..I feel safe when you're near," she stated bluntly. This caused Cloud to blush pink yet again and he looked away from the beauty that was Andria standing in front of him.

"I won't be gone long. I'll be back before nightfall so don't worry. If you decide to go outside, you stay with Mari at all times," he told her. "She'll protect you."

"Until you get back? And then you'll be here to keep me safe, right?" she asked, staring up at him with those lush, emerald green eyes of hers.

"Yeah," Cloud replied quietly, still having a hard time looking at the girl. Looking at her now wasn't bringing him pain from the memory of Aerith, not anymore. Cloud just now discovered this and the feeling scared him. "I'll be back." He turned to the gunman and the mage. "Vincent, let's go."

Vincent nodded and followed Cloud out of the door of Seventh Heaven. Andi and Mari both watched as swordsman and gunman disappeared behind the front door of the Inn. They listened to the sound of the truck being started and it zoomed off towards the Healin Lodge.


Later that evening after dinner, Andria had hardly spoken a word at all. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Cloud, thoughts of her feelings, thoughts of the creatures that were attacking her out of nowhere and she was fed up. She had had it. The girl was to the point of not being able to handle being so weak anymore and she turned towards Mari after Tifa had left the room.

"Mari, ummm, listen. I was wondering, could we go outside and maybe you could teach me some defensive magic?" Andria asked, keeping her voice calm and steady. In all actuality it infuriated her that she had to be kept sheltered and watched over like a helpless little child who needed to hold their mother's hand while crossing the street.

"Sure!" Mari exclaimed as she stood up from the kitchen chair. "Let me go grab my staff and some materia. You're going to need to learn to fight with materia if we're going to practice defensive magic," the mage explained. "Stay right here and I'll be back."

Mari departed from the kitchen and quickly returned with a small crate and her staff. Inside were all sorts of different colored, glowing orbs. The mage cradled the box of materia as the girls set out of the bar and made their way far from the buildings so none of their magic would come in contact with the surrounding dwellings and people in them. Mari sat down the crate of materia and flipped the lid on it. She looked up at Andria.

"I think we should just stick with basic, elemental spells. How about...hmmm," the mage rummaged through the materia. "How about ice and fire for now?" she suggested. "Now, do you know how to use materia without a weapon?" the mage as the girl curiously.

Andria nodded. She remembered hearing about the materia briefly as a few customers spoke with the shopkeeper while the girls were out shopping awhile back. Mari nodded her seal of approval as Andria inserted the first materia, Ice in her arm, leaving small whisps of light blue floating from her arm as it entered her flesh. Instantly, Andria could feel cold magic shoot up through her arm and she shivered ever so slightly as she felt the cold enter her veins. The mage handed Andria a Fire Materia which Andria inserted in her other arm. It melted into her flesh the same way the ice had, only this time it was quite hot as the magic entered her body, nearly making the young girl feel feverish. Andria could feel the magic mixing and come to a warm, billowing comfort deep in her veins. Andria was anxious and ready to go. Finally, she was going to learn how to fight.

"Alright, first I'm going to shoot off a few practice fire spells at you, just so you can get used to it," Mari explained as she held her white staff. "This is what I use to attack with and it's normally loaded with materia. I'm going to deal a couple of regular fire attacks towards you and I want you to be prepared to use Ice and extinguish them...are you ready?" the mage asked Andria.

"I'm ready," Andria replied, standing alert. She held out her hand as the globe on Mari's staff began to glow a brilliant red and she aimed a practice fire spell. Out shot a fireball, heading straight towards Andria. Andria quickly put her hand out and felt the ice cold magic running quickly down her veins. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH WITH FEELING WEAK!" she cried out as the cold explosion burst forth from her hands and wrapped it's icey shield around the fire attack that Mari had just thrown. It extinquished the fire to a nothingness and all that was left was smoke from the fire being drowned by ice.

"Very good! Use your aggression when you're ready to attack! Let it all out!" Mari exclaimed. "Let's try a little more....ready, ALERT!" she cried out and delt a practice ice attack at Andria.

Andria was ready this time as she recognized the ball glowing blue on the mage's staff and the heat radiated down Andria's arms and burst out of her hands, shooting fire in each and every direction, warping the ice and melting it to nothing but a huge puddle of water that splashed as it hit the ground. The girls continued their sparring for at least a good hour as the sun went down over the horizon just outside of Edge, casting a soft pinkish yellow glow over the area. Andria had only lost her concentration once and was slightly burnt on her arm by a fire attack that Mari had thrown towards her. She had been thinking of Cloud and wondering what he would think if he could see her using defensive magic now. Maybe then while she was out she could at least attack those creatures if they came after her again.

"I'm so sorry!" the mage exclaimed as she looked worriedly at the girl, who was now casting a curing spell on her burn. Andria's arm was glowing with a pale green as she held her hand about an inch high over the wound.

"It's nothing," Andria stated with a smile. "I've had worse injuries. I just need to learn to be more alert," she added. Truth be told, the burn didn't even phase Andria. She was a lot more stronger than she let on and now that she wasn't kept under the shield of her parents anymore, she was ready to prove herself.

"Well, I think that's enough for now. We'll keep working with elemental practice spells if you want?" suggested Mari. "At least until you feel comfortable enough to try something stronger." Mari took one look at the girl and could tell that their little sparring session had not helped whatever was on the young girl's mind. As she closed the lid on the small materia crate, Mari walked over to the girl and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Is everything okay?" she asked kindly. "You seem as though you have something on your mind."

Andria shook her head, causing her long brown bangs to fall around her face and she looked at the ground. "I don't know's Cloud. I think..well, gosh I don't know to say this," she stated as she flopped on the ground and sat for a moment, dropping her head in her hands. She could feel her cheeks burning red.

"Andi, I want you to know that if you need to talk about something you can come to me. I won't tell anybody anything we talk about, including Tifa. I love Tifa to death and she's like a sister to me, but I don't betray others' confidence," Mari told her assuringly as she took a seat across from the girl.

Andria sighed and looked at the mage across from her. "Mari, today while I was out walking, I found Cloud in Aerith's church. We talked a little bit and he started to open up to me but then he stopped. As I was walking out of her church I was attacked by those creatures and Cloud came to my rescue again," she sighed. " I mean, every since the day Cloud brought me here, I feel nothing but safe when I'm near him, even though he tries his best to stay away from me," she muttered begrudgingly.

The mage just sat, looking at the girl and listening intently to what all she had to say, letting the her pour her heart out. It was quickly obvious to Mari that for a little while, Andria had been holding all of these feelings in for quite some time. The girl had only been here in Edge for a couple of months now, but Mari could easily tell that the girl really cared for Cloud.

Andria continued on her little rampage. "Cloud told me that he didn't want me walking back to Seventh Heaven alone so he took me for a ride on his motorcycle. Oh it was so much fun," she sighed as she leaned back against a tree. "He even took me to this little place that he likes going to by himself, but Mari, he keeps pushing me away!" Andria stated angrily as she slammed her fist down on the ground. It started to glow blue with from the Materia inside, but she struggled to keep the magic in her instead of releasing it with anger. "Mari, I feel so...strange when he's near, like I don't want him to leave when he does. My heart races in my chest whenever our eyes meet and today when he helped me down off of Fenrir, he held my was just for a moment, but it was like, he didn't want to let go," she stated indifferently.

"I think...I think I have feelings for him..I've never felt this way before, Mari!" the girl looked desperately into the mage's sympathetic eyes. Only too well did the mage know how Andria was feeling. Andria stood up now, feeling slightly angry and her fists were clenched and shaking. "Why is he doing this to me...why do I feel this way and why won't he LISTEN TO ME!" Andria voiced, turning her hand towards a tree and casting an ice spell. It exploded from her hand and went soaring through the air at a swift speed. The ice that had formed after she cast her spell almost looked like darts of ice and slammed right into the tree, followed by a pure sheet of icey wind that caked over the tree with ice until it glistened like a crystal. Andria stood panting angrily. "Why won't he just let me in?"

"Oh Andi," Mari said silently and she approached the girl, taking one of Andria's hands into her own, feeling the coldness on them from the recently performed spell. "Andi I promise, without a shadow of a doubt that I know exactly what you're feeling. Vincent did this to me in the beginning. He had many reasons for his actions which are all legitimate, but as for Cloud, I don't know what's wrong with him. I don't understand why he begins to open up to you and then pushes you away, but I will try my damndest to find out what is going on with him. I'll talk to him for you," the mage stated comfortingly to the frustrated female.

"Thanks Mari, I just...I just don't know how else to reach out to him," Andria sighed as she put her arms around Mari and hugged her. Andria didn't want to admit at this point but she was finding her friendship with the mage growing at a very fast rate. Mari hugged the girl back with a smile.

"Anytime Andi," she told her. As the mage reached down and picked up her staff she turned and looked at her. "Anytime you need me for anything, I'll be there."

"The same goes for you," replied Andria now smiling as she picked up the crate of Materia and the two girls headed back into the bar.


Cloud and Vincent pulled up just outside of the Healin Lodge. The two men climbed out of the truck and made their way up the familiar wooden walkway. They were greeted at the door by Reno and Rufus who looked rather anxious. Cloud and Vincent stepped inside as Cloud closed the door and locked it behind him.

"What's he doin' here?" asked Reno eyeing the former Turk.

"He offered to come along with me, is that a problem?" Cloud replied coldly, raising one blonde eyebrow at Reno.

"No no no, not at all," Reno stated, gesturing the palms of his hands at Cloud. "I was just curious what he was doin' here is all."

On the other side of the lodge stood the other two Turks, Tseng and Elena. Tseng had a pointed face with shoulder length dark hair and serious, narrow set eyes. Elena was blonde, thin and petite with a rather cute, childlike face. They were rather quiet, standing with their hands folded in front of them, observing Cloud and Vincent.

"Look, we didn't invite you here for a fight," Rude began as he strode towards Cloud. "We wanted to discuss with you what happened when we reached the Northern Crater and let me tell you, it was one hell of a risk going back down there."

"What do you mean it was a risk?" Cloud asked curiously. "Did you find anything at all?" He leaned back against the wall with his arms folded across his chest.

"No we didn't find anything because we were attacked," Reno spoke up. "We took the choppers out there and just as we were getting to the core, the next thing we knew were being bombed at. We got pretty damn lucky that they didn't hit us. I don't know if whoever was down there had cannons or what, but you can bet your ass that whoever it was found the rest of JENOVA's remains and were trying to keep us from getting our hands on them."

"Hmmm, well what do you plan to do next then?" Vincent asked swiftly. "Is that why you called Cloud back down here? To use him in your little plot to get JENOVA's remains? You're out of your mind if you think that you'll get your hands on them. If there is indeed a Sephiroth clone, that being is going to be drawn to those remains quicker than you'll be able to find them," Vincent replied stonily. He and Reno were staring daggers at one another now.

"Hmmm what do you know Valentine?" Reno asked, striding towards him and sizing him up. Vincent easily towered over the redhead man and Cloud knew that Reno taking up Vincent Valentine, former Turk, swift and fast as he was to any reaction, was asking up quite a challenge.

"Enough," Cloud stated firmly as he reached behind him, brandished out his sword and placed it between Vincent and Reno. Reno stopped and sneered at Cloud and Vincent while Vincent just stared at him coldly with his blood red eyes. Cloud chose to ignore Reno and turned towards were Rude, Rufus, Tseng and Elena were standing. "What do you propose we do next then? Keep our eyes out for a Sephiroth look alike? If anybody has silver hair just automatically assume that person could be the Sephiroth clone? It doesn't sound like much like a plan. We'd spend half our lives traveling around Gaia trying to find this clone, and if this supposed clone gets his hands on JENOVA's remains then we're screwed, plain and simple," Cloud said bluntly.

"He does have a point," Tseng spoke up from the corner. "We don't really know much of anything, but while we were down there we did happen to catch a glimpse of one person. We don't know how many were down there, but we do know that this person had black hair. It looked to be a man, but I don't know how somebody with black hair could be a possible Sephiroth clone," Tseng said thoughtfully.

"We're not sure, but we need to plan another trip out there, going more quietly this time," the blonde woman known as Elena said briskly as she walked forward towards Cloud and Vincent. "We thought maybe we could take vehicles out there and seperate ways to the Northen Crater. I have this gut feeling that whoever is down there is experimenting with a way to make Sephiroth return. I have a hunch that the Sephiroth clone is down there," Elena added as she brushed some blonde hair back behind her ear.

"So what do you want to do then?" Cloud asked impatiently. It was getting dark and he was ready to go home. Rufus, sensing Cloud's impatience, stepped forward now.

"Well, I think we're going to work on this plan strategically instead of just going straight out there. They're going to be expecting us. I'm thinking taking vehicles will be the best way, maybe all of us meeting up at one place in Gaia and going separate ways until we get there," Rufus stated thoughtfully. "We'll contact you once we come up with what we plan to do. You're still going to assist us, aren't you Cloud?" Rufus asked, cocking and eyebrow at him.

Cloud stood with his sword still held out between Reno and Vincent. "Yeah...I'll help, but I can't promise you anymore luck if you have me along, though I think we all should go," Cloud proposed turning towards Vincent.

Vincent nodded his head in agreement. "The more the better. That way if there's another attack, they'll have more to take on once we get there," Vincent stated knowingly.

"Good idea," Elena replied, nodding her head in approval.

"We will be in contact very soon," Rufus added as Cloud and Vincent turned and left the lodge, walking down the wooden stairway and back to the truck. Cloud jumped in the driver's seat and started up the ignition.

"What do you think of all of this?" Cloud asked Vincent as he backed the vehicle out of the parking lot and turned to head back towards Edge.

"I don't know, but I know I don't have a very good feeling about any of this," Vincent stated as he placed his elbow on the armrest, resting his chin in clawed hand.

"So you think there's a possibility of another clone out there?" Cloud asked as he turned down another road.

"Anything is possible. We just have to be on our guard and be prepared for anything that comes our way. Those creatures that you had said attacked you and Andria as you were on your way back to Edge...they weren't just anything out of the ordinary, were they," Vincent observed.

Cloud shook his blonde, spiked head. "No, they weren't. I've never seen anything like them before. It's just like Andi said, she could feel everything that those creatures were feeling. She said she could sense the evil in them and that's can't be good. Those creatures had to be conjured like you said," Cloud added looking over at the gunman. "I wonder if they have anything to do with this 'Sephiroth Clone'," Cloud wondered aloud.

"Hmmm," Vincent just hummed deep in his throat as Cloud drove them back towards Edge, lost in his thought. It became very quiet in the truck as Cloud drove, getting lost in his own thoughts.

I swear to everything I have if you're out there again Sephiroth, I'll get rid of you again once and for all. You will be nothing but a mere memory in my mind and you won't harm my friends...and if it's you sending those creatures after Andi just quit. She's protected by me...I won't let anything hurt her. I won't let you take her away like you did Aerith...
Nicely done, LadyAerith, you've put together another chapter of sheer brilliance. Anyhow, I'm lookin' forward to how Cloud solves the whole Sephy clone issue. Post the next one soon, k?
Wow you guys. I am so happy you're enjoying this so much :D Here is Chapter 8!

Chapter 8- Afraid of Feeling

Cloud Strife stepped quietly into the Inn, walking across the wooden floor of the dark bar room. It was rather late when he and Vincent had returned from Healin and all was quiet. Vincent had retired to his home which was dark and quiet, making it obvious that Mari hadn't been able to stay awake to wait for him. Cloud bid him goodnight and he too went towards his dwelling, feeling the affects of the day closing in on him and making him tired. Careful not to make a sound too noisy to awaken anyone, Cloud tried to go up the stairs as quietly as possible. However it was a bit hard.

His heavy, black boots clunked gently with each footstep and the buckles clinked around his clothing. His sword, which was all pieced together, hung sheathed on his back and bumped his back, causing the buckles and straps to jingle as he walked. Cloud walked not down the hallway to his room, but into the living room. He removed his sword sheath from his back and dropped it onto the floor beside the couch. Cloud flopped down on the couch and lay back against the soft cushions, resting his hand across his forehead.

Cloud's mind was whirling with many thoughts he couldn't quite comprehend or put together. Thoughts of the Sephiroth clone, what the Turks had told him, thoughts of these strange, evil creatures that attacked he and Andria and then, the biggest weight on his mind...Andria...He found that he couldn't stop thinking about Andi. No matter how how hard he tried, his thoughts always somehow drifted back to the beautiful young woman.

The way her skin seemed to glow with magic, the way her spring green eyes lit up when she smiled or laughed, the way her long hair flowed down her back like freshly woven silk, held up loosely by her green hair ribbon, the way her body moved when she walked....just everything about her was more mesmerizing then the young swordsman ever imagined. Cloud had found times when the girl wasn't looking, as she worked around the bar when Tifa was busy, to steal glances at her every chance he got. It was confusing to him, but Cloud couldn't quite figure out why it was that every time he looked at her, his heart would skip a few beats, or feel like it was leaping up into his throat.

Is it possible you could be developing feelings for her? Cloud...what are you doing to yourself? Why do you torture yourself like this? You know damn well that if you fall for her something is going to happen...but wait...what if it doesn't? Maybe you should just let loose and let it go. Maybe you should open your heart to this girl? But...what if I lose her...I can't bare to go through that again...If something happened to her, I would never forgive myself. I would never deserve to be matter how badly I wanted to be forgiven, I just couldn't...

Cloud's heart clenched painfully in his chest as he closed his burning eyes from being so tired, trying to empty his mind from all thought, but he just couldn't. Yes the memories of his past were still very painful, but Cloud had discovered that day by day and little by little he was feeling a little bit better, that the holes in his heart were slowly closing up, the more time he spent with Andria.

"But, she's helping me heal," he told himself quietly as he lay in the dark living room, staring up at the ceiling.

Maybe I should just let her heal me...maybe this is what I need to truly feel whole again? But Cloud could not help but feel, as that cold, cruel thought washed over and over again in his mind, that horrible feeling of dread that somehow and some way if he were to give into all of his feelings and give them to Andi, that something would happen to her that would take her away from him, and he would be left yet again, alone on this dark and cold planet. Cloud recalled Tifa's words a year ago.

Maybe something will happen that could never un-happen, that scares you doesn't it?! She had told him that fateful night when had awoken after his attack of Geostigma. Cloud had then felt he would be no help to anybody, that he even if he tried he would just end up hurting more people and he didn't want that to happen. He felt the same way about Andria. Tifa's words were true...Cloud tried to wash away all of his thoughts as he closed his azure eyes, and soon found himself drifting...drifting off into a dark, peaceful slumber...or so he thought...


Flames were shooting up around him in all directions. Cloud could see the tall man, towering overhead; carrying his long, massive sword at his side, his silver hair fanned out behind him; walk through the flaming village. Cloud quickly recognized him as Sephiroth, SOLDIER of Shinra. The man turned around and faced the destruction he had just caused throughout the city of Nibelheim. He smirked with indignation and then turned and disappeared as the village continued to burn, consumed in flames, smoking billowing and furling, reaching it's gray fingers towards the sky. The sounds of people screaming and crying were heard all around. Cries of pain, cries of terror and cries of death.

All went white and Cloud found himself in another room with the same silver haired man.
He watched as the SOLDIER ascended up a flight of stairs and into a room, not even bothering to utter a word. There were pods lined up on either sides of the staircase. He watched as a black haired young man, rushed past and ran up the stairs. There was a long, silent pause and the the young, black haired man was thrust backwards. He went flying out of the room Sephiroth had entered, landing on top of one of the pods, not moving. He dashed up the stairs where the black haired man lay atop of the pod and pressed two fingers against his neck. There was still a pulse! He grabbed the massive sword that lay across the black haired man's back and dashed up the stairs.

Inside, he found he wasn't in no ordinary room. He saw the silver haired man, Sephiroth standing before a glass enclosed vat, filled with water and some sort of an alien form inside of it...a blue alien type woman. She was hooked up to various machines and cords ...JENOVA... Cloud let out a roar of fury as he went running towards Sephiroth. Sephiroth turned around just in time to see a man coming towards him and without a second though, Sephiroth was stabbed through the stomach with gigantic sword. Sephiroth gasped, throwing his head back, his eyes rolling slightly and took into focus the man standing before him.

"My mother! You killed my mother! You ruined my town! Give it back! I want it all back!" Cloud roared as he plunged the sword, ever more deeper into Sephiroth's stomach.

Sephiroth choked for a moment and gasped before uttering his words. "Aaarrrgh...who...who are you?" he sputtered.

Cloud pulled his sword for Sephiroth's body, causing a loud sound of grating metal. Sephiroth collapsed onto his knees, clutching his stomach with his hands, doing his best to take in breath which was coming in sharp, rasping gasps. Cloud backed away slowly, shaking his helmeted head in disbelief.

"I had so much respect for you," he growled down at the fallen SOLDIER. "I wanted to be just like you...I ADMIRED you!" He threw his helmet off of his head to reveal his blonde, spiked hair, his stunning light bluegreen eyes narrowed in sheer anger.

Everything went white...all was lost in a stream of white mist and Cloud walked through the white, not bothering to notice anything around him. As he walked he could feel the staircase under his feet and it all came into view. Cloud was leaving JENOVA's room. He still had his helmet off as his eyes fell onto his close, longtime friend. Her long dark hair falling down over the pods where her body laid. Cloud felt his blood go cold as he ran to her and lifted her up in his arms.

"You kept your promise," Tifa stated softly as Cloud carried her broken body down the stairs and gently laid her against the pods. "You really did come when I was in trouble...just like you promised."

"I'm sorry I didn't get enough," he told her quietly. He could feel the sadness welling up in his heart for his dear, childhood friend. Cloud had no idea if she was going to live or die.

"It's alright Cloud," she told him with a smile. Tifa reached her hand up and touched Cloud's gently. "All that matters is that you came."

Cloud started to smile when he heard a scraping noise from above the staircase and cast his gaze at the silohuetted form descended from the room. A look of anger and rage crossed his handsome face as he stood up with his fists clenched at his side. Sephiroth was coming down the stairs now, swinging Jenova's head back and forth in his clenched fist. He walked right past the others from the pod room and Cloud stood up to follow when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was the black haired man, the former SOLDIER and Cloud's best friend, Zack.

"Cloud...kill...SEPHIROTH," Zack told him.

Cloud nodded at Zack and ran from the pod room. He soon found himself in the entry way of the Reactor. Sephiroth walked determinedly out of the Reactor, despite the fact that he had a severe wound to the stomach where Cloud's sword had impaled him. Sephiroth had just entered the walkway across the pit of the Mako reactor when Cloud stopped furiously.

"SEPHIROTH!" he yelled, brandishing his buster sword and running at Sephiroth, ready for the kill.

Sephiroth looked over his shoulder at Cloud, JENOVA's head still clutched tightly in his fist.
As the young blonde haired man approached him, Sephiroth was just too swift. He neatly and easily stabbed Cloud through the chest with his Masamune.

"Don't...push...your luck, kid," he growled staring ice cold into Cloud.

Cloud's eyes went wide as he felt the blade penetrate it's cold steel through his chest and his head slumped forward. Sephiroth lifted the sword and Cloud with it, off of the ground with ease. Cloud dangled for a moment, staring down at the glistening steel that lead from his chest to Sephiroth's hand.

"By the likes of you human really thought you could defeat me?" Sephiroth stated sinisterly, a smirk reaching the corners of his mouth. Cloud just dangled from Sephiroth's sword, reaching deep somewhere inside himself, trying to find his inner most strength.

"My home've done it alright...they're all gone because of YOU," Cloud began hoarsely.

He lifted his hands and wrapped them tight around Masamune blade that was still penetrated deeply into his chest. Then, by sheer will alone, Cloud lowered himself back to the ground, screaming in agony and anger as he did so. Sephiroth's sword arm began to tremble as Cloud grabbed the sharp edges, staring at Sephiroth, his normally azure colored eyes flashed dangerously, mako green.

" can't be! What are you!" Sephiroth cried in shock, staring at the blonde form before him.

Cloud summoned his strength with all of his will and power he could gather. Cloud lifted the sword, despite the fact that it was still through his chest, and lifted Sephiroth an inch above the ground, then another two inches and flung the sword to the side...all went black as Cloud screamed...


Andria awoke with a start as she heard his strangled cry. She flew up in bed, still in her clothes. She hadn't bothered to change when she had laid down on her bed to think that night. Andria hadn't even intended on falling asleep. No, the determined young woman had made up her mind that she was going to wait up and listen for Cloud to come home and then she was going to confront him and tell him what all she was feeling.

She had still been so angry and so frustrated when she had bid goodnight to Mari that night. But now, here it was she had fallen asleep and missed Cloud coming home. Though she knew his scream now, the sound of the fear in his voice brought her leaping to her feet and running to his aid. Her hand found the doorknob and she flung the door open, not bothering to care if she had awoken anybody or not. Andria ran down the hallway and to his room. She pushed open the door but it was deserted. Cloud wasn't in his room. Andria continued down the hallway and into the dark living room.

Cloud was laying on his side on the couch, writhing and moaning. Andria could clearly tell that he was trying to find his way out of his nightmare. Andria's eyes fell on him and she hurried over to the couch and sat down next to Cloud, holding his head up. Cloud continued to writh, his eyebrows narrowing down, his closed eyes scrunched tight as the sweat beaded on his forhead. Andria took him in her arms.

"Cloud!" she exclaimed softly. "Cloud wake up. You're having a nightmare. Cloud come on! Wake up!"

Cloud moaned in his sleep and his head went limp against Andria's arms. She reached up her hand and brushed back his blonde hair from his clammy forehead. "Cloud c'mon, wake up. It's just a's just a dream, it's not real, wake up!" she willed him softly, but Cloud wouldn't wake. He just stayed asleep, calmly in her arms now, his handsome facial features relaxed. Andria gently ran her finger tips down the sides of his face. "I'm not going to leave you this time...even when you wake up," she told him.


Cloud sat back in the pick up truck as it bumped and moved down the road towards Midgar. Zack was sitting back there with him. Every bump, every pothole that the truck hit as it drove along made Cloud hurt all the more, as he suffered from the Mako Poisoning. His could feel his stomach twisting and turning in knots. Zack had his arms reared back and was resting with his head on them leaning against the back windows of the truck, chatting animatedly to Cloud.

"So, what are you planning on doing when we reach Midgar?" he asked Cloud curiously, but Cloud couldn't move much less speak. He just sat with his back against the truck, his head hanging listlessly as he stared at the floor of it.

"Well, first of all, we need to get some money huh," Zack observed, trying hard to take Cloud's mind off of his obvious carsickness that the Mako Poisoning was affecting. Zack leaned his head back to the driver of the truck. "Hey pops, do you know any business I'll be able to do?"

The man in the front of the truck just laughed. "What are you saying? You need to try out everything while you're still young! Go through many hardships while you're still young and find that path of yours!"

Zack just grinned his silly grin and rolled his eyes. "Everything, so he says, not much of a help huh?" He sat for a moment pondering to himself as Cloud listened and tried to keep his mind off of his turning stomach. "Wait...that's right! I have a lot of knowledge and skills that other people don't have, right?" He slammed a hand down on the truck, carrying on with his silly grin. "All right, I've made up my mind! I'll open a business that does everything!"

Pops from the front leaned his head back towards Zack. "Hey you, were you listening to anything that I've said?"

It was obvious Zack wasn't listening to a thing. He just carried on without a care in the world. "Troublesome things, and dangerous things. I'm doing to do everything depending upon the reward! I'm going to make a fortune!" he laughed as he slapped his leg. He looked at his friend who still continued staring, looking sickly and tired. "Hey Cloud, what are you going to do once we get to Midgar?"

A sad look crossed Cloud's face. He didn't want to be left alone in a town where he didn't know anybody or anything about it and he was sick. He had just lost everything, and now Zack, who he thought was his friend, was going to leave him too? Cloud almost felt as if he just wanted it to end right then and there. He didn't want it anymore. Everything was just too much, when he heard a silly laugh come from Zack.

"Nah, I'm just kidding. I would never do a thing like abandon you. We're friends...right?"

'Yeah...we're friends' Cloud thought. 'You're the only friend I have now...'

"We're going to open up a business that does everything. Do you understand Cloud?" Zack asked, leaning down now and looking into his friend's eyes.

Cloud just stared back, trying hard to make Zack realize that he understood. Zack smiled and stood up, stretching. He leaned his body on the top of the truck. "Hey pops, we're not there yet? This piece of junk..." but Zack paused in his words as he lept back down and grabbed Cloud, shielding him with his body and bringing him to the bottom of the truck. "TAKE COVER!"

The truck halted to a stop, squealing it's tires and Zack grabbed Cloud as guns began firing in all directions, willing him to leap from the truck. "CLOUD RUN!" cried Zack as he began to take off, grabbing Cloud and taking him with him. Cloud tried hard to gather strength and stand up, but all he could do was let Zack pull him as they tried out to outrun the gunshots. Zack made sure that Cloud was safely behind a boulder as made his way towards the massive group of Shinra Soldiers, standing at the ready with their guns pointed straight towards him. Cloud watched the back of Zack walk away from him and with what little strength he could muster, reached a gloved hand out towards the man moving away. Something stirred inside of Cloud’s heart, and it wasn’t a good feeling.

Cloud wasn’t sure how long Zack had fought off the soldiers, nor how many gunshots were heard that rang through the air, but soon the men had retreated and the skies were beginning to pour down with rain from the heavens. Zack grunted as he hit the ground hard and fell on his back. Cloud lay there for the longest time, the icy cold rain impaled his flesh like tiny daggers. Very soon, nothing else was heard, just the sound of a helicopter soaring through the air, flying away from them and the sound of the rain water hitting the ground. It took awhile for him to gather his strength as he crawled towards Zack's body and up next to him. Blood...his blood was everywhere. His chest was full of bullets, his eyes that were normally bright, full of life and cheerful were cold and lifeless. His mouth, normally smiling, hung open slightly and he released small groans of pain, as blood trickled down the side of it.

“Za-ack,” Cloud worked to say, trying to overcome the mako that had spread this his body, as he stared down into the bloody face of his best friend.

“My part…till now,” Zack began, struggling with every word he spoke.

“Your part?” Cloud questioned, not quite certain what Zack was saying, nor could he really comprehend it. The mako had rendered him weak and confused.

“That’s right…you are…,” the black-haired man tried to say again and gasped for breath.

“You…are?” the blond asked once more, still unsure what Zack had meant.

Overcome with emotion, Zack reached his hand up and placed it on the back of Cloud’s head and pulled his friend down to chest, holding him close. “Live,” he grunted as the blond felt his head meet Zack’s bloody chest. “You’re…the evidence…that I lived.” He caressed the back of his best friend’s head for a moment before losing strength in his arm and dropping it back to the ground.

Cloud lifted his head, feeling Zack’s blood on the side of his face and in his hair. He came to the realization that Zack was dying. Slowly but surely he was dying, and he, Cloud, was too weak to try and save his friend. The raven-haired man looked up at his friend and smiled. He inclined his head towards the Buster sword that lay on the ground in a puddle of blood and rainwater and grasped the handle.

“My pride and dreams,” Zack began as he pulled the sword upward and held it out to Cloud. “I give them all to you.” He thrust the weapon at the blond who slowly took the handle in both hands and held onto it, not believing what he was hearing. Zack gave a gentle shove as Cloud held the sword and then he looked down into his dying friend’s eyes. “I’m the…evidence…that you lived,” he spoke down to Zack’s now smiling face. Zack looked at him one last time before closing his mako-blue orbs forever, the smile still curved on his lips.

The realization of what just happened slammed into the blond’s stomach like a kick in the gut. His heart pounded unceremoniously in his chest and he tried to fight back the sob the wrenched it’s way up to his throat. He caught it with a whimpering gasp. He could feel the tears burning his eyes and no longer able to hold back his anguish and sorrow, Cloud threw his head back and released a long, agonizing wail, tears flowing freely along with the heaven’s tears.


"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Cloud cried as his azure eyes burst open. Andria was still holding him in her arms. Cloud's chest was rising and falling rapidly as Andria cradled him. Cloud, not quite realizing he was back into reality, grabbed a hold of Andria and held onto her tight, pressing the side of his face against her shoulder. As he looked up at the girl, her heart dropped into her stomach at the sight of his face. It was lined with sadness and for the first time, she saw his gentle, blue eyes were filled with tears.

"Cloud, it's okay," she whispered, feeling her heart overcome with emotion. He looked so helpless laying there in her arms as he tried to wake up. He really had to be dreaming something terrible if he was in this state of mind. Andria tried hard to come up with words that would make him feel better. That would comfort him, but she didn't know what to say. "It's all over. It was just a nightmare. You're at home and everything's alright," Andria tried to assure him, comforting him the best that she could. "I'm here."

It took Cloud a moment to really come to before he realized he was awake and safe in his house. Visions and memories from his dreams kept filling his head and flashing through his eyes. He could feel the sweat sliding down his head and could feel it on his neck. Cloud noticed right away there for a moment he was being held though he didn't realize who was holding him at first. He could feel his tears burning his eyes as his vision was blurred, and he then realized who was holding him. He looked up at Andria's beautiful face just above his as it swam in and out of view and he could clearly see the worry and care in her eyes.

He didn't want her to let go of him. Cloud could feel the warmth of her magical touch radiating from her and almost pouring itself into his body, helping to bring him out from his terror and back into peace. Cloud laid back in her arms, trying to gather his senses as he had just relived yet another one of his nightmares of his life through his dreams. Don't let go of me. Just please keep holding me..I don't want to be alone.

"Hey there," came Andria's voice, soft and gentle as he felt the palm of her hand rest against his forehead. "Are you alright now?" she asked.

Cloud closed his eyes at the girl's touch, feeling almost completely at peace with himself when he realized what was happening. He sat up quickly and released himself from Andria's hold, in the nicest way possible. Andria was slightly taken back at Cloud's quick gesture to get her away from him, but nevertheless she still sat there as Cloud sat up on the couch and pressed his face into the palms of his hands, trying to hide the fact that he was slightly expressing his emotion in front of the girl. "Yeah, was just a nightmare...ugh this is so embarrassing."

"What's so embarrassing Cloud? You were having a nightmare. I heard you from my room. I was waiting for you to come home because I wanted to talk to you. When I heard you, I came out of my room to make sure you were okay," Andria explained. "When I didn't find you in your room, I found you out here in the living room. It took me a little while to get you to wake up. Are you alright?" she asked him concernedly, placing a warm, gentle hand on him, still continuing to use her magic to calm him, though she didn't realize that was what she was doing.

Cloud was embarrassed. Would Andria know what he could have been dreaming about? What if he told her, would she think he was completely stupid? Would she just laugh at him and tell him to get over it? Why did he enjoy the feeling of her holding him so close, hearing the sound of her gentle, soft voice when she spoke that was almost like music to him. The first thing he had saw was her face when he had fully awoken and after the nightmare that still continued to course through his brain, she had made him calm. Her touch, the look in her eyes. He had felt like all of the nightmare was washed away with her inner, white mage power.

"I-I'm fine," he told her as he slowly lifted his face from his hands.

He realized that his eyes were still wet and the palms of his hands were wet. I was...crying? Cloud turned his head away, not realizing that he had been in tears and wiped them away with his hands so Andria couldn't see him. What the hell...why was I crying? It was just a stupid nightmare... Cloud turned back and looked at Andria.

"I'll be just fine," he said, smoothly and calmly, his voice now normal and he was no longer feeling choked and pulled with emotion. "I'm going to go to bed now."

"Cloud," Andria began as he stood up. She knew he was trying to hide it, but Andria had seen his tears, thought she pretended she hadn't. Her heart went out to him. "Why can't you just talk to me? It would help you to talk about this. Maybe there is something I can do to help you with your nightmares so they don't keep happening?" Andria proposed.

Cloud just shook his blonde hair, causing whisps of it to fall gently around his face. "No, I'll be fine. I just need to...I just-," Cloud paused and looked out of the window in the living room.

Andria was starting to feel frustrated again. "Dammit Cloud why are you making this so difficult!" she stated as she slammed her hand on the couch. "Why don't you just open up to me! I want so badly to talk to you, but every moment I get you run away! Why do you keep acting like this! Don't you want me near you Cloud?"

Cloud sighed and lowered his head as he looked down at his feet in the dark living room. "I just...," he repeated and paused again. He then turned towards Andria who was now standing up, her green eyes had darkened over and she was angry now. Cloud could see this and it made him feel even worse.

"What are you so afraid of?! Are you afraid that if you spend time with me, you'll actually grow to like me! If you didn't care about me, like you always try to pretend you don't, you wouldn't have saved me three times already! If you didn't care then you wouldn't have taken me back here when you found me, now would you have!" She was now raising her voice, though trying to keep it quiet. They were lucky that Tifa and Denzel were heavy sleepers. "You always try and push me away whenever I come near you, so tell me Cloud, what is it! Are you afraid of a little feeling? Are you afraid of showing a little emotion! Tell me!" Andria could feel the magic from the materia eminating around her hands, but she tried hard to keep it under control though Cloud caught one of her hands beginning to glow blue.

Materia...she's been practicing...that's an ice materia...I need to keep her calm...She would never understand this. She would never understand what I was feeling. Cloud stared at the angry young woman in front of him. He sighed again and shook his head. "But's wouldn't understand," Cloud told her. He turned away from the girl before he could make her anymore angry than what she already was. You're doing a damn good job at screwing up already with might as well just get far away from her before you upset her any further or worse...before you hurt her. "I'm going to bed. Thanks for waking me up."

"There you go, just running again! Well that's fine Cloud Strife, go run, bury your feelings, harden your heart just a little more, build some more of that wall around it! Don't even bother to let me in!" Andria exclaimed her voice choking with a sob, feeling a small burst of sadness fill her own heart which surprised her. She could now feel tears burning in her eyes, but she forced them away. She was not going to let Cloud Strife know that she was weak by any means. Andria turned before Cloud could even say anything and started to go back towards her room when she felt him come up behind her fast. She gasped as he grabbed her arms and whirled her around, looking down into her eyes. Andria felt like her heart was going to fly out of her chest as it beat rapidly against her ribcage.

Cloud had heard the sob in her voice. The last thing he wanted to do was make her cry. "Andi, I'm sorry...I'm really sorry...there is just..I can' wouldn't understand this," Cloud told her, as he fumbled with his words. "Just know that I'm really sorry." He released his grip on her arms and Andria could see the fear mixed with sadness in his eyes. "Goodnight," he said from behind his shoulder, as he disappeared down the hallway.

She listened as his door slammed shut behind him. Andria sat down on the couch where he had previously been laying and closed her tear filled eyes, but she forced them back. Why...why did I have to start feeling this way? Why can't he just let me in? Why can't he open his heart to me? What am I feeling? Why do I want to cry?


Cloud pulled Fenrir up just outside of Seventh Heaven later the following afternoon. He had received another delivery call from Tifa and had to swing back by the bar to pick up the items needing delivered. Just as he pulled up, he could see a very antsy looking mage, waiting outside of the bar for him.

"Tifa's not here," Mari began as Cloud removed his sunglasses and dismounted his motorcycle. "She had to run into town and Denzel is over at Marlene and Barret's house."

"Alright, but did Tifa leave the boxes where I could find them?" Cloud asked as he strode towards the Inn.

"Yeah she did, but there's something more important that I want to talk to you about before you go," Mari began seriously, holding her hand out in front of her, making a stopping gesture towards Cloud. "Come inside so we can talk in private."

Cloud shrugged his shoulders. "Alright then." He couldn't help but wonder what was so important that Mari needed to speak with him. He couldn't imagine anything could have happened between her Vincent already...could it? Nah, it hadn't. If it had, Mari wouldn't be as calm and serious as she was being right now at this very moment. Cloud followed the mage inside of the bar. Mari had already seated herself at a booth, folding her hands on the table. Cloud slid into the booth across from her, looking at her with curious eyes. "What's this all about Mari?"

"Well, for one, I spent most of the evening with Andi last night. I started to teach her how to use defensive magic. She only used fire and ice materia, but she's fast and good with reflexes. She also uses her magic when she gets angry. I think she's a lot more strong than she let's on anyway," the mage told Cloud as she remembered the previous evening's events with the girl, still playing over in her mind everything that Andria had told her.

"Well then that's good. Maybe she won't need me around to protect her anymore," Cloud replied, rather emotionlessly but Mari knew him better than that.

"Oh come off of it Cloud," she began calmly. "I sat and talked to Andi last night and do you know what? That girl told me she has feelings for you. She has enjoyed every waking moment she's been with you. You should see the way her face lights up when you come into a room, Cloud."

Cloud just shook his blonde head at the mage. "No Mari. I can't be doing this. Not now, not ever. I can't let myself feel for her."

"And why not?" Mari asked, raising a thin eyebrow at him. "It's way too obvious that you care about her, so why not go with it? Why not see where she leads you? Is it because of Tifa?"

"No it's not because of Tifa. Tifa is more of my best friend, my sister than anything to me. It has nothing to do with Tifa," Cloud stated. "I wouldn't understand Mari."

"Hah, try me," the mage stated. "You just try me Cloud Strife. After everything that I went through with Vincent and you're telling me I wouldn't understand? I know about your past Cloud. Is that what it has to do with? Is it your past? Is that why you're keeping your distance from her?" Mari asked curiously. "You can tell me Bro. This is me, you know?" Mari reached across and lay a hand on Cloud's.

Cloud didn't speak. He just sat and looked at the wooden table in between him and Mari. In a way, it had to do with his past, his reasoning for keeping himself distanced from the girl. He didn't want to develop deep feelings for her and then turn around and have something happen to her, only to lose her, have his heart broken and be left alone again. "I don't know it's not my past...okay, well, maybe it is...I just...don't know," Cloud mumbled, looking down at his hands. "I ...I don't want to talk about this right now, okay?"

"Are you afraid of hurting her Cloud?" Mari asked, trying hard to understand what was going on in her brotherly figure's head. "Because if that's the case, you pushing her away from you is hurting her more than you can imagine," the mage stated seriously. "Cloud, let her in."

Cloud just sat and stared at his hands. "It's just not that simple Mari. I can't just let her in. I don't want to feel that pain again. I really don't," he continued to mumble. He looked up at the girl he considered a sister. "I don't think I could handle going through it again."

"What do you mean? Are you afraid that if you let yourself fall for Andi, that you're going to lose her the same way you did Aerith?" Mari asked him, looking almost sympathetically, at his eyes that were now averted to his hands and she could clearly see a saddened, lonely look within them.

Cloud didn't speak. He couldn't bring himself to tell Mari that yes, Cloud had discovered that more than anything, he wanted to open his heart to Andi. He wanted to take her in and protect her, care for her, maybe even love her. He knew he wanted to wrap his arms around her and he knew that he wanted to kiss her even, but no. Cloud didn't want it to happen again. He stood up from the booth and looked at his sister. "If she's having feelings for me, she needs to stop. I don't want her to get hurt," he said simply. Cloud turned to walk away and go back out the door when he felt a small hand on his shoulder. He looked over to see that Mari had gotten up and followed him.

"Cloud, if you don't want to hurt her then let her in, because by you not opening up yourself to her is tearing her up inside. You can't go dwelling on the past and worrying that if you give in and let yourself go the same thing is going to happen. You can't live the rest of your life not knowing what real love is Cloud. Open your heart to her," Mari said softly and kindly as she squeezed his shoulder with her hand.

Cloud walked over to the bar where the parcels lay in a small, neat pile for him to deliver. They were to be delivered to Kalm. Cloud stood, as he gathered the parcels in his arms, replaying over and over again in his mind what all Mari had said, trying to take it all in piece by piece, and quite honestly, all of it made sense. Cloud turned and looked at Mari who was smiling at him.

"Your trip to Kalm will give you plenty of time to think, so think about what I said, okay Cloud?" Mari asked. "Please, if not for Andi then do it for me."

Cloud placed his sunglasses over his face. "Okay," he told her, nodding his head. He left the bar room and stepped out into the warm, August sun, packing the parcels on the back of his motorcycle, starting it up and zooming off down the road, thinking about everything that Mari had said and realizing that everything she said was right.
lol I promise you will find out in Chapter 16. It's the chapter I'm currently writing ^_^. I will go ahead and post 9 which I warn you is very sad. The next upcoming chapters are very sad

Chapter 9- Desperate Attempt

The sun was setting just behind the horizon when Andria and Mari both came running into the bar room of Seventh Heaven, slightly winded and laughing together as they flopped down in a booth. The girls had just spent quite a few hours outside, practicing Andria's magic and building her up to speed. She had learned within the last few weeks since Mari started teaching her how to use defensive magic. In the few short weeks the girls had been practicing together, Mari had taught Andria how to use ice, ice2, ice3, fire, fire2, fire3, lightning, lightning2, lightning3, poison, earth, seal and mystify materia. The mage had quickly discovered that the girl learned fast, and she was rather pleased with what she was teaching her.

Though rather strangely, Andria and Mari both had noticed that those creatures that had attacked her a few weeks earlier hadn't shown up since Cloud saved her from their brutal attacks. Andria had did her best to avoid Cloud at all costs as the weeks went by, but more and more, every single day she found herself wanting to be with him. Every once in awhile the two would exchange words, but nothing more. Though every single time her eyes fell on him walking by, or the way his voice sounded when he said her name, her heart would clench with hurt and she'd push away the pain that threatened to overcome her and try to focus on what was more important, getting her magic training down properly. Once she felt ready and strong enough, Andria had planned on leaving Edge and continuing her journey to Icicle Village and find out just what was going on with her.

"Whew! That was some sparring you did out there," Mari stated as she sat back in the booth. "You're getting to be pretty impressive with that materia, girl," she smiled across the table at her friend.

Just over the past few weeks, Mari and Andria had spending quite an amount of time together whether it be just talking about everything and nothing or whether it magic sparring, Mari couldn't deny that she Andria were becoming quite close. It had been nearly three months now since Cloud had found the girl, and more than anything Mari was grateful to have met a person like her.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind learning how to use Summon Materia here soon," Andria sighed as she leaned back on the booth as well, relaxing her muscles that a little over 2 weeks ago had been aching nearly every night that the girls had finished, but Andria was becoming fit and fast. It didn't phase her to make swift movements to dodge the training spells Mari had thrown at her.

"Oh we can start working with that soon. You'll love it! Especially Bahamut and even Shiva," Mari replied. "I even watched Vincent summon Odin once. That was awhile back during our battle with Nightmare."

"Hey you guys, how'd the magic practice go?" a voice interrupted the girl's coversation. Tifa walked across the bar and approached the table, smiling at the girls. Andria slid over in the booth to make room for the martial artist and Tifa sat down beside her.

"It went really well. Mari has taught me all kinds of stuff and I've even figured out little techniques of using the Materia in my own way. They're really going to come in handy during an attack," Andria explained to Tifa. "It's getting more exciting every single day. You ought to come out with us tomorrow night and practice too," Andria proposed.

"Yeah! Just a friendly spar between us girls," Mari replied, raising her eyebrows, a playful smirk crossed her pretty face and her soft green eyes lit up. "It'll be fun. C'mon Tifa, what do you say?"

Tifa laughed and shook her dark head. "You two are something else. Well I suppose there is no harm in it," she said thoughtfully, scratching her chin with her finger. "Sure, why not!"

The door jingled as a few customers came inside of the bar and Tifa got up from her spot. "Gotta help these folks. We can talk more later," she smiled down at Mari and Andria, her dark brown eyes sparkling.

The girls nodded their heads understandingly towards Tifa as they watched the well endowed woman greet the customers up at the bar. Mari got up from the table. "I think it's time for me to head home. Vincent's gonna wonder where the hell I'm at, and he's probably hungry," she laughed lightly with a roll of her eyes. "Such a typical male...I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night Mari, and thanks again," Andria thanked her friend.

"It's no problem," Mari stated with a wave of her hand. "Goodnight!"

Andria was just about to get up and go get a drink from Tifa when the door opened again and in came Cloud. Andria turned around to see who it was and the moment their eyes met, Andria could feel them starting to burn. She hurriedly turned away and ran from the room. Tifa was busy pouring a drink when Andria left the room, heading up the stairs to living quarters. She hid a satisfied smirk behind the pitcher she held in her hand and then continued about her business. Andria here lately had been hiding her frustration and hurt so Tifa, Mari or Cloud wouldn't notice, though she knew better when it came to Mari. Tifa on the otherhand, hadn't been quite as cold with Andria since she noticed that she and Cloud weren't spending quite as much time together. On the day that Cloud had brought the girl back to Seventh Heaven on his bike, Tifa had heard all about it. She wouldn't admit it, but she was extremely angry and jealous that he could even think about having her on his bike.

Mari however, on more than one occasion, tried to talk more about Cloud with Andria, but Andria just brushed it off, shaking her head and saying it would never happen. Andria had made the decision the night that Cloud pushed her away that she was going to remain strong willed and she was going to go about her days as usual. She wasn't going to just sit around and brood and wait for him to open up when she tried hard to previously and failed miserably. No, she was just going to hold her head high and pretend it didn't bother her, though Cloud, Vincent and Mari couldn't mistake that look of hurt in her eyes and Cloud yet again blamed himself for hurting somebody else he cared for.

Grateful that she was she and the red mage were becoming so close, and the only thing really keeping her staying there in Edge was Mari, Andria still knew she had to leave once she was strong enough and wasn't vulnerable anymore. Andria wanted to be strong enough and able to hold her own in a fight so that when set out on her own, she wouldn't get attacked at random and would be prepared for anything that came her way. She also wanted to get away from Cloud as quickly as she possibly could, because everyday became more difficult and hard for her to even be around him. Andria's thoughts became muddled as she made her way up the stairs and walked down the hallway. She smiled as she seen Denzel peek his head around his bedroom door.

"Hi there," she smiled at the brown-haired, freckle faced boy. "What are you doing up here all by yourself?"

Instantly Denzel went red as Andria began speaking to him. "I didn't want to bother anybody downstairs and Marlene already had to go home," he replied quietly. "I decided to just come up here and draw or something. I heard somebody coming up and I wasn't sure who it was."

Andria giggled at the little boy's obvious shyness around her. She had been told more than once by Tifa and Mari that Denzel had a big crush on her and that's why he always stayed away from her, because he was too shy and embarassed. "All by yourself?" she asked curiously, kneeling down to him. "Why would you want to be up here all by yourself?"

Denzel shook his dark head. "I don't know," he stated shyly. "Because there's nothing else to do."

Andria stood up and walked towards him. "Well, how about if I come in your room and sit on your bed with you? We can draw pictures together?" the girl proposed, her warm green eyes shining down at the boy.

"Okay!" Denzel exclaimed happily, nearly jumping in the air for joy and then realizing what he did, he turned pink in the cheeks again. "I have my paper and markers spread out on my bed," he pointed out as the two entered his room. "I was trying to draw a new picture of Cloud," he said as he flopped on his bed. "Marlene drew one and I swear he looks so weird! He's making a face like this," Denzel stated as he drew his eyebrows in and attempted to stretch his mouth across his face in a straight line, trying to pull of a typical Cloud Strife look.

Andria just laughed, trying to push the thought of Cloud from her mind. His face always looked so handsome, even though it was usually unsmiling. Andria could recall the few times she actually saw his face change expression, she actually recalled them only too well. His nightmares, the fear, the pain, the tears...and the times she was attacked by those creatures, the concern in his face, the worried look in his icey blue eyes could Andria still see. Though whenever he wasn't in battle or fully concious, Cloud walked around with his facial expression serious and emotionless. Andria did her best to withdraw the thought from her mind.

"So you're trying to make a new and improved drawing of Cloud, huh?" She sat down on the edge of the bed, pushing her feelings back down in her chest and locking them there, atleast for now for the time being. She concentrated more on drawing pictures with Denzel.

Denzel gave her a look of disgust. "Ugh, yes. That drawing that's hanging up in his room just doesn't look like him. Now I know that I can make a better drawing than she did," Denzel replied with a defiant smile on his face. "I can make it look just like Cloud!" It was obvious then that Denzel was quickly overcoming his shyness around Andria.

Andria chuckled. "Well first we need to chose the right colors." She picked up a black marker and handed it to Denzel. "Since there doesn't seem to be any skin colored markers, how about you just draw them in black?" she suggested.

Denzel's eyes grew big. "You mean you want me to color Cloud all black! But then he'll look like Barret!" Denzel shook his brown head.

Andria laughed openly at the young boy. "No no! I didn't mean color him with black, I meant just draw the outlining of him in black."

Denzel smiled again. "Oooooooooh! I get it!" He pulled a big, white piece of construction paper down in front of him and began making a rather wobbly circle for Cloud's head. He drew in a set of eyes, a nose and a mouth with the black marker. "I need a blue one," Denzel stated, not taking his eyes off his drawing. Andria was trying hard not to laugh as she looked around on the bed for a blue marker.

"Here you go," she grinned broadly, giving the Denzel the marker. She couldn't help but notice just how adorable he was when he was being so serious and hard at work. I wonder...if Cloud and I ever ended up together, would Denzel look up to me too? Ugh, you're just thinking crazy, you and Cloud will never end up together, so just forget about it.

"Alright! I got his blue eyes colored. Now I need a yellow marker," Denzel said happily as he snapped the lid shut on the blue one.

"For his hair?" Andria giggled. She rummaged around through the big pile of markers on the bed and found a yellow one, handing it to Denzel who eagerly accepted.

"Yeah! Because Cloud has yellow hair! Really BIG yellow hair!" Denzel exclaimed with his eyes wide as he became more and more excited over his picture. "Oh! And he has yellow eyebrows too!"

Andria continued to snicker as she watched the eager boy tried to attempt to draw Cloud's lowset eyebrows, trying hard to make them as even as possible, doing everything he could on his drawing to surpass Marlene's. "There, his eyebrows look good. Now I get to draw his hair!" He looked down at his paper and studied it for a moment. "Do you think I'll have enough room on the paper to draw Cloud's hair?" he asked curiously looking up at Andria.

Andria grinned, following along with Denzel. "Hmmm," she observed as she rubbed her chin with her finger and thumb. "Well, Cloud's hair is pretty big...really spiky too. You know, I think you just might have enough room on the page to draw his hair."

Denzel's dark blue eyes lit up. "Alright! I'll draw Cloud's, really tall, yellow spiky...BIG hair!" Denzel exclaimed as he placed the yellow marker on the paper and Andria continued to laugh at the silliness of the little boy. He drew Cloud's hair on top his head and drew it about half way up the page, where he had left plenty of room to draw his hair apparently, and then looked down at it with a slightly puzzled expression. He then looked up at Andria.

"Hmmm do you think that's big enough?" Denzel asked, seriously and curiously.

Andria tried hard to surpress her laughter at the drawing Denzel was making. "Hmmm," she hummed as she leaned down and looked a the page. "No, I think it should be bigger. It sticks up more in the back right there. Up a little bit higher then the rest of his hair."

"Yeah that's what I was thinking," Denzel replied and he returned to his picture and made Cloud's hair reach all the way to the top of the page. He colored it in with the yellow marker and sat back with a very satisfied facial expression. .

"Don't forget to draw his shirt!" Andria pointed out. "It's dark blue."

"Oh you're right! We don't Cloud to be naked!" Denzel exclaimed. "I don't think Cloud would like that much at all," Denzel shook his brown head again. He grabbed a dark blue marker and drew on Cloud's s hirt. When he was finished he sat back and looked at his picture. "Now THAT looks like Cloud," Denzel stated with a triumphant grin spread across his face.

Oh yes it does!" Andria exclaimed, still trying to hide her laughter that was creeping up in her chest. "It looks exactly like him. I think Cloud will love it!" she told the boy assuringly as she squeezed his shoulders.

"You really think so?" Denzel asked, his eyes widening and the smile on his face broadening. "I worked so hard. I just want him to like it sooooo badly!"

"I don't just think so, I know so," Andria stated with a wink at him. Denzel smiled and then pulled another piece of paper out.

"Andria, you're so pretty," he told her quietly, staring down at the paper. "Can I draw a picture of you too?"

Andria's heart did backflip in her chest. She didn't know why she was feeling a rising lump in her throat, but she swallowed it back and looked down at the boy, still continuing to smile. She ruffled the back of his hair. "Of course you can draw me, and you know what?"

"What?" Denzel asked, looking up at her now and smiling again.

"When you get finished, I'll take it into my room, get a frame for it and hang it on my wall. How does that sound?" she asked the boy.

"That sounds great!" Denzel exclaimed as he grabbed all the right colors of markers to draw Andria with and set to work.

Andria sat and chatted and laughed with the boy while he drew her just as badly as he had Cloud, but it still brought a small emotion that rose and fell in her chest, threatning to overwhelm her. Never in her life had she ever experienced what it would be like to have brothers or sisters and here it was Denzel was making her feel as though she had one. He shortly finished up and smiling a big grin of approval, he handed Andria the picture.

"Here you go!" he exclaimed happily. "I hope you like it!"

"Oh Denzel, it's so lovely! It looks just like me!" Andria stated, as she gathered Denzel up in a hug. "Thank you so much." She kissed him gently on the top of his head that made him go beet red in the face. "Awwww it was nothing," he replied, returning the hug to Andria. While the two had been sitting there the drawing, talking and laughing, neither one realized that Cloud had been hiding behind the door the entire time. He had been peeking in watching Denzel and Andria, wishing so badly he could go in there and join in on the fun.



Andria's hands pushed her way through the white, foggy mist. "I know you're out there!" she cried. "I can hear you! I can feel you!" The sounds of voices were all around the girl now, however they were very faint. "Why can't you just tell me what is going on!"

Andria stamped her foot angrily on the cloudy mist underneath her feet that seemed almost as if it were solid, but looked as if you were to step upon it, you would fall right through. Andria continued to run, her feet picking up pace. "Please tell me what is going on!" Andria couldn't help but feel a horrible, terrible feeling, twisting and turning inside of her very flesh.

"This way," a voice echoed. Andria swirled around, trying to find where the source of the voice had came from and she ran towards where she had heard it.

"Hello! Where are you! Dammit tell me where you are NOW!" she screamed angrily. "I want to know where you are!"

"Andria, come to me," called the voice again, it was still far away, echoing and faint.

Andria was beginning to panic now and she was feeling scared. She ran and ran through the foggy white mist, searching for somebody, anybody. She wanted to know what was happening. She wanted to know what was going on. Andria could sense something didn't feel right. Nothing felt right. Everything felt wrong. As she ran, Andria tried to go faster than she could, and soon the girl tripped and fell right onto the mists that swirled below her.


"It's alright," Andria heard the voice more clear now. She felt warm hands close over her wrists and she was being lifted to her feet. Andria stood as she found herself staring into the identical girl's face yet again. The girl wasn't smiling this time, in fact she looked worried, and maybe slightly frightened about something.

"A-Aerith?" Andria stammered as she looked at the girl who could have been her twin, staring her down in the face.

"There's no time," the girl stated as she looked seriously into Andria's eyes. "You must need to go..." the girl let go out Andria's wrists and began floating backwards. "Terrible need to go..."

"What?! Wait! Don't leave me!" cried Andria running towards the girl who was slowly floating away, fading before her eyes. "Where do I need to go! What do I need to do! What terrible things! Wait! Please don't go!" she pleaded. "I'm so confused! I don't understand what's hap-AAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Andria never got to finish her sentence as she began toppling over backwards and falling, down down down into a black nothingness. There was a screaming, screeching sound that filled her head and it sounded familiar, but Andria couldn't place what it was. She continued to fall, knowing she was going to hit the ground soon.


Her eyes flew open as she awoke with a start. Sweat was covering her forhead and she was shaking violently. Her breaths were coming in sharp, stabbing pains as if she had just ran for miles and miles. Andria sat up in bed and held her head in her hands, trying to figure out what just happened. She had seen the girl again. She knew something couldn't be right if she was seeing the girl again. What did that girl say to me?? She said..Terrible Things...what did she mean by terrible things? What are all of these sounds in my head!?

There was a humming sound, almost like a high voltage of electricity, sounding in Andria's head as she clutched it. And then without warning, voices, many of them burst into her mind, swallowing it to the point of no concentration. It felt like a thousand people were gathered around her, screaming and shouting right into her ears. The voices sounded desperate and anxious, maybe even fearful.

"Oh gods, I think I'm going crazy!" she said softly as she stood up, placing a hand across her forhead, feeling slightly lightheaded.

Andria's hands felt tingly and her throat felt dry. Maybe I just need a glass of was just a dream...a dream...she willed herself. Andria held onto the side of her head with hand as she used her other to guide her out of the room, her vision blurring before her eyes. Her hand found the doorknob and Andria turned it, reaching out in front of her as she stepped out of the room. She moved her hand along the wall, hardly able to see a thing in front of her. Her hand touched the banister of the staircase, and Andria grabbed ahold of it as her version began to clear, and the voices lightened up in her head. She studied the stairs carefully as she made her way down them, panting slightly.

"I need some water. I just need a glass of cold water," Andria told herself as she stepped down each stairstep, slowly and carefully so she wouldn't fall.

Andria had finally reached the bottom of the stairs and made her way over to the sink at the bar. She reached up and grabbed a glass from the cabinet above the sink. She turned on the water tap near the beer one and began filling it with cold water. She shut off the tap and turned to walk to a table and sit down. Andria was about halfway across the bar room floor when the voices filled her head again, rising and multiplying at an alarming rate. Andria tried hard to comprehend what they were saying but she couldn't. They were crying. They sounded afraid and desperate. They sounded anxious and petrified. There were so many different mixed emotions within the sounds she heard in her mind that she couldn't comprehend what was being said.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Andria screamed as she dropped her glass, shattering it as it hit the floor and she fell to the wooden floor on her knees, clutching her head with her hands.

"SOMETHING TERRIBLE!! SOMETHING TERRIBLE!! GO NOW!! GO NOW!!" the sounds cried throughout the young girl's head and she screamed again as she felt herself weakening, being overwhelmed by the desperate cries.

Cloud had been sound asleep when he heard the girl scream and glass shatter. Thinking the worst, he lept out of bed, just in a pair of black sleep pants and bare chested. Grabbing his sword from it's sheath, he ran out of his room and as he hurried down the hallway, he saw Andria's door was wide open, but she wasn't in her room. Cloud knew her scream just as Andria knew his. Oh Gods, please let her be alright! Please don't let anything happen to her! I should have stayed. I should have listened to Mari! She needs my help. She needs me there to protect her! What if she's hurt? I can't hear her anymore. She's not screaming, she's not making a sound. Oh Gods let her be okay! He ran down the stairs, taking nearly two at time until he found the girl crouched on the floor, clutching her head, wailing softly. Cloud crouched down and touched her on the shoulder.

"Andi!" he stated, trying hard to bring her out of whatever was happening to her. "ANDI!" he said a little more loudly this time. "What's going on! What's wrong! Andi!" Cloud pleaded as he grabbed her shoulder and shook her slightly.

Andria's head flew up and she stood up fast, leaping out of Cloud's arms and holding her hands out at Cloud that were growing brilliantly green with Materia. Her normally light green eyes were dark and clouded over, in complete, pure and utter terror. Cloud grabbed his sword and held it in front of him, to shield himself, in case Andria had decided to land an attack. "Andi it's me!" Cloud exclaimed. "Calm down. It's just me! It's Cloud!"

Andria was breathing heavily, the voices still swam inside of her head as she shook her head roughly and dropped her hands which now had stopped glowing. She grabbed the sides of her head as she heard Cloud's voice. "C-Cloud?" she whimpered softly, almost desperately. Andria nearly fell forward and Cloud hurried, catching her in his arms. "H-help me!" she whispered. "Please make it g-go away!"

"What, Andi? Make what go away?" Cloud asked her gently as he held the girl close. "What can I do?"

Andria buried her face into Cloud's bare chest as he kneeled on the floor with her. Slowly, little by little the sounds, the screams, the cries were washing away from inside of her head. She pressed her ear firmly to Cloud's chest, the sound of his beating heart made her feel calm once more. The touch of his skin against her cheek and the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around her body helped relax her. The voices were now vanishing slowly, disappearing and soon they became non-existant. She looked up into Cloud's face and her eyes had returned to normal, but they still held that fear in them, Cloud could see. She didn't look as angry and dangerous. Infact, just being there in Cloud's arms was calming the girl more than anything. Cloud looked down at her feeling her fear wash over him and he held the girl close, protectively, doing everything he could to comfort her, willing her fear to diminish.

"You came for me...again," Andria whispered. "Don't let me go." She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist as he held the girl in his arms. Cloud rested his chin on the top of her head.

"I won't let you go...not this time, I promise," he whispered to her, speaking into her hair, letting it softly brush against his lips as he spoke. I won't let her go this time. She needs me...she needs me to be there for her. She has to have somebody there for her and I'm the one who can be there for her. I won't leave you Andi. Not this time. I promise. Cloud could feel just a few more of those holes in his heart start to close as he held the girl in his arms, something he had been so longing to do for awhile now.

Tifa stood behind them, observing the entire scene, making herself unknown and feeling her blood boiling with jealousy at the sight of Cloud cradling the girl so tenderly. "What on earth happened!" came her surprised cry from behind them. Cloud lifted his head and turned around, seeing Tifa coming down the stairs in her pajamas. "Is she alright?" Tifa asked pretending to be concerned. And just what the hell are you doing holding her like that? I heard what you said Cloud Strife...Damn you! Tifa was overcome with rage and jealousy but she tried hard not to show it as she approached Cloud and Andria. "What happened?" she repeated again.

"I don't know," Cloud stated, shaking his blonde head. He stood up and held onto Andria gathering his fallen sword in his hand as he did and carried her in his arms. She reached her arms up around his neck and clung on tight. Andria was clinging to him like a frightened child and Cloud could feel her trembling. "I heard her scream and I heard glass break. I thought that maybe something had happened, but I found her down here clutching her head."

Tifa looked down at the girl's normally lightly tanned face and noticed it had gone pale and ashy. "Oh Gods Cloud, what do you think it is?" Tifa asked, gasping and putting a hand to her chest. "Is she going to be okay?" This time, Tifa couldn't help but feel worried for Andria, even though she was feeling thoroughly jealous of the way Cloud was holding her.

Cloud shook his head again and shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm going to go and lay her back down in bed. Maybe she was just sleep walking and had a nightmare or something?" he suggested. "I don't really know anything and she seems to be having a bit of trouble talking at this point." Cloud turned and started to make his way up the stairs. Tifa came hurrying up behind him.

"Do you need a hand?" she asked him curiously. "I'd be happy to help you if you need it?"

Cloud shook his head for the third time. "No, I'm fine, I don't need any help. I can handle this on my own. You go on back to bed," he told Tifa. "You have to get Denzel up in the morning so you need your sleep." Cloud ascended up the stairs and, cradling Andria gently in his arms when a face peeked around from the door way.

"Denzel, what are you doing?" Cloud asked looking down at the boy. "Go on back to bed."

"But, what happened to Andi!" he gasped quietly, putting his hands over his mouth. "Is she going to be okay?" His young face was filled with worry at the sight of her.

Tifa moved her way around Cloud and went straight to Denzel. "She'll be fine. Cloud's going to take care of her so we know she'll be fine. Now c'mon, let's go back to bed and I'll read you another story, okay?" Tifa proposed as she gently urged Denzel back into his room.

Cloud turned and carried Andria into his room and shut the door behind him quietly. He walked over to his bed, carefully and tenderly laid Andria down on his on top of the covers, resting her head on one of his pillows and sat down by her side. She looked up at Cloud's face with pleading eyes. She reached her hand out and clung onto his muscular arm.

"Please," Andria murmered in a trembling voice. "Please don't leave me Cloud. Don't leave me all alone. I don't want to be alone anymore."

Cloud lifted a hand and ran it tenderly down the girl's face, brushing back her long bangs from her face. "I won't go anywhere. I promise. I'll stay right here. Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise I won't let anything happen to you," he said looking down into her face, his expression going calm and gentle. "You'll be alright."

Andria smiled and placed her hand over Cloud's on her face and closed her eyes. "I don't know what happened to me. I just keep getting this feeling that something terrible is going to happen," she sighed into his hand.

"I won't let anything happen to you," Cloud repeated. "I'm going to stay right here with you and protect you. I promise."

Andria opened her green eyes and looked up into Cloud's sincere face. "Thank you Cloud," she whispered. "Stay with me, just until I go to sleep. I don't want to be alone. I don't know why, but I feel really scared, I'm frightened. I don't want to stay in here by myself."

Cloud shook his head. "I'm not going to leave your side. Not even after you fall asleep, I'll stay right here with you." Cloud lay down right beside Andria, propping himself up on his elbow and continued caressing her face. Maybe this is it? Maybe it's time for to stop feeling all of this pain and torturing myself. Maybe I need to just let it go and open my heart to her? Maybe it's a sign. She needs me right now. I can't just leave her. Gods I don't want to hurt anymore and I don't want her to hurt anymore...


Andria's scream jerked Cloud awake. He had no intentions of falling asleep next to the girl, but here it was he had. He flew up in bed and grabbed ahold of her failing wrists. Andria was screaming, crying out in her sleep, her face scrunched as if she were in some sort of pain.

"Andria wake up!" Cloud called out to her. "You need to wake up. You're having a nightmare...wake up!"

Andria continued to scream in her sleep, seeing things that Cloud couldn't see. Tifa had awoken at the sound of the girl's high pitched, blood curdling screams and lept out of bed, hurrying to Cloud's room. She pushed open the door were she saw Cloud trying hard to restrain her.

"Tifa...go get Mari and Vincent! NOW!" Cloud demanded, not taking his eyes off of Andria.

Tifa nodded and hurriedly left the room. She ran over to the office where she normally took the delivery calls for Cloud and picked up the phone, dialing Mari and Vincent's phone number.

"Hello?" came Vincent's voice, drawn with sleep, as he anwered the phone.

"Vincent, it's Tifa. We need you and Mari to get here fast. Something's wrong with Andria. Cloud can't get her to wake up and she won't quit screaming. We think she's having a nightmare and Cloud can't bring her out of it," Tifa explained. "Can you pelase help us?"

"Vincent, what is it?" Tifa heard the mage's sleepy voice on the other line.

"We're on our way," Vincent stated firmly, more awake now and he hung up the reciever.

Tifa hung the phone back up and ran down the stairs to unlock the door and wait for Vincent and Mari to arrive.

It seemed like ages as Cloud tried his best to soothe the girl. He kept his hand rested on her forehead as she continued to writh and shriek. She grabbed Cloud's arms and squeezed them tight, though she didn't realize what was going on. She was too deep asleep, caught in her nightmares to understand that he was there with her. Her eyes were shut, but Cloud saw her tears starting to escape her closed eyes. He brushed them away from her tortured face and made calming, shooshing sounds to her, but it wasn't working. The girl was still dreaming.

Vincent and Mari, followed by Tifa, burst through the door and ran over to the writing Andria and Cloud's side.

"How long has she been like this?" Vincent asked as he swiftly stepped over and bent down towards the girl, followed by Mari.

"I don't know," Cloud stated truthfully. "We both fell asleep and I woke up to her screaming. I can't bring her out of it."

Vincent picked up the girl's wrist, with his normal hand, to feel her pulse. He looked down at Cloud with worried eyes. "Her pulse is racing," he said simply. "Racing at an abnormally fast speed."

Mari walked over to the other side of Andria and sat down. She put her hand on the girl's forhead. "She's really clammy." The mage looked down into her friend's face. It was filled with worry. "Andi, are you with us? Come on, get out of that dream and come back to us." Mari closed her eyes and kept her hand on Andria's forehead. Tifa stood in the doorway observing the scene before her, her mind wrestling with worry and with jealousy.

And then, without any type of warning, Andria flew up in bed and clutched onto Cloud. Her eyes sprang open and tears were flowing freely down her face. "Cloud! We...we...we have to get to Kalm! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" she said desperately, clutching onto his arms.

"Andi, what are you talking about? What do you mean we have to get to Kalm now? What's going on?" Cloud asked her, holding onto her shoulders worriedly. He grabbed ahold of the sides of her face gently. "Talk to me. What's going on?"

"My parents! My mom! My dad! We have to go NOW! Please Cloud!" she pleaded as she closed her eyes in pain, trying to wash away the visions that were still pouring through her head. "Something's happening, something terrible! I understand now. I understand what they were trying to say! Please! Take me to Kalm!" Andria cried as she slumped into his chest. "Please take me to Kalm. Take me to see my parents. I have to know if they're okay."

Andria didn't know if it was too late or not. Everything she had seen in her nightmare, everything she had felt seemed all too real. Was it really happening? At this very moment? Or was it a premonition of sorts? Now she understood why those people in her head were crying. It was her parents and it was something else...something else was telling her something bad was going to happen. Someone was trying to tell her something. Could this be it?

"Okay okay, calm down Andi," Cloud told her soothingly. Cloud lifted the girl up from his chest and looked down at her. "Let me go get dressed and we'll leave and go straight to Kalm so you can see your parents, okay?" he told her brushing back her bangs from her clammy forehead.

Andria just nodded, not knowing what to think or do. She could barely speak, everything that was happening in her nightmare, she could feel it billowing within her mind...images, images of her parents, flames, screaming, crying, everything was just too much. The instant Cloud stood up from the bed, gathered his clothes and disappeared into the bathroom, Mari put her arms comfortingly around Andria.

"Everything's going to be okay Andi," the mage told her just as soothingly as Cloud had. "Would you like it if Vincent and I came along?" she asked. Andria nodded her head yes, still not able to speak as she let Mari hold her. "Come on, let's get you dressed and we'll go as soon as you and Cloud are ready." Andria nodded her head again as Vincent left the room and the mage helped Andria get dressed. Shortly there after, Cloud emerged from the bathroom fully clothed and he grabbed his sheath from the bed, strapping it across his chest and sliding it over to rest on his back.

"Let's go," he stated simply. Andria, Vincent and Mari followed Cloud out of the room. They were just about to go down the stairs when Cloud felt an hand on his arm.

"Call as soon as you find out anything," Tifa stated worriedly. "I'll stay up and wait for the call."

Cloud nodded his head as Andria clung to his side and they hurried down the stairs. Vincent and Mari were leading the way. The four soon found themselves outside of the bar and Cloud lifted up Andria, sitting her on Fenrir and he lept behind her, cradling her with his arms as he started up the engine. Vincent and Mari went over to the truck that Cloud had used to drive and Vincent out to the Healin Lodge.

"Well meet you in Kalm!" Cloud called over the roar of Fenrir.

Vincent and Mari nodded as they jumped in the truck.

"It'll be okay Andria. We're going to be there soon," Cloud told her as he leaned down in her ear. Andria was sitting up and more alert now, desperate to get to Kalm as quick as possible and yet nearly afraid of what was awaiting her.

It seemed as if they had been riding for hours when they saw smoke, furling and billowing just ahead.

"Oh Gods, Cloud! Smoke!" Andria cried out as she pointed towards Kalm.

Cloud stepped hard on the gas and they went flying across the ground, picking up speed. Cloud was riding so fast that the Fenrir's massive tires were nearly lifting them off of the ground. They approached the chocobo farm just outside of the town and Cloud screeched to a halt. He and Andria lept off of Fenrir and ran towards one of the fallen bodies that lay on the ground just outside of the farm. Vincent and Mari followed just behind in the truck. Andria ran over to where Lynch lay on the ground. The chocobo hut was smoking from a recently put out fire and his face was covered in ashes. His clothes were tarnished and charred chocobo feathers lay all around them. Andria lifted up Lynch.

"What happened!" she cried out as he choked and coughed. Cloud jumped off of Fenrir and hurried over beside Andria, resting his hands on her shoulders.

"Something...creatures..don't know...attacked the..village...choco...burnt to death," Lynch struggled with his words. "Help," he told Andria, turning his clouded eyes up at her. They rolled into the back of his head as his body went limp in her arms.

"Lynch?" Andria asked, staring down at her friend in disbelief. "LYNCH!" she cried out shaking him, but he was gone. Andria laid him down as she stood up and surveyed at the scene around her. There were burnt chocobos laying around the farm and Andria felt her heart drop. "Cloud, we have to get to my parents house, now!"

Cloud nodded as he and Andria hurried back over to Fenrir and lept up on it the bike. Andria jumped on behind him this time. Cloud hadn't bothered to shut the bike off so he just put it into drive and off they went, Vincent and Mari still following close behind them. Just ahead, Andria could see flames and she and Cloud could hear the sounds of screeching, howling, blood curdling wails filling the air. Cloud skidded the bike as a group of the massive beasts lept towards he and Andria in all directions. They were ready. Cloud brandished his sword, splitting it into two pieces while Andria's hands began to glow and she used an ice3 materia attack on the creatures as they loomed towards she and Cloud.

Cloud steered the bike with his strong legs as he used his swords, slicing and cutting them, using materia in his weapons as he fought. Andria continued to use regular ice attacks on the flaming beasts. Cloud took care of the ones in the front and the sides while Andria took care of the ones that were closing in from behind them. Soon, they had extinguished the monsters and Cloud put one of his swords back in it's holder on Fenrir, keeping hold of atleast one blade in case anymore attacked. Andria's heart lept up into her throat as they approached the flaming village. People were running in terror, screaming and crying. Some were on fire and some where just laying lifeless in the street. Andria's scream caught in the back of her throat as they came closer to her house. She could now see it was endoused with flames. Her nightmare was coming true.

"CLOUD! THERE!" Andria screamed and he came to a screeching halt just oustide of her home.

Andria lept off of Fenrir, with Cloud following close behind her. The truck Vincent and Mari were in came to a stop as the two lept out swiftly, following Cloud through the smoke and flame. Andria was choked as the smoke caught in her lungs and she began to cough as she kicked open the charred front door of her house. "MOM! DAD!" she cried out desperately.

There were small fires all around the smoke-filled kitchen as she went through it, and Andria felt her foot hit something soft. Andria looked down as her green eyes widened in horror. Her mother was laying on the floor face down, one arm sprawled out at her side. She had severe burns on her arms and a rather large piece of wood was splayed across her chest. Her eyes traveled down her mother's body and much to Andria's horror, a sharp shard of the wood had pierced into her mother's side, deeply. Her eyes fell onto the pool of blood that lay underneath the woman.

"Oh Mom," she breathed. "Cloud...!" Andria cried, almost desperately. He was at her side in an instant as Andria rolled her mother over and brushed back her blonde, tangled hair from her face. "Mom?" Andria spoke softly around the crackles of the fire and the creaks of the wood from the house beginning to give way.

"A-Andria?" came Dierdre's voice, strangled as she opened her blue-gray eyes and looked up at her daughter's bright green ones above her.

"Oh mom, I am so so sorry," Andria told her, her voice shaking as she cradled her. "What happened?"

"Y-your father wanted to h-hold them off on his...own," Dierdre struggled to speak, her breaths coming in quick gasps. "He told me to r-run and..."

"Shhhhh," Andria whispered in a trembling breath, placing one finger on her mother's lips. "Don't say anymore."

Dierdre looked up into her daughter's eyes and smiled. "I love you so much," she told her. Her eyes fluttered and then closed shut. Dierdre Sullivan took her last breath as she lay lifeless in her daughter's arms.

"Mom?" Andria shook her mother's body. "Mom!" she cried out. "Mom no!! Mom please don't go! Please don't leave me!" Andria held her mother close to her, rocking back and forth as she felt angry tears burning her eyes. "Please..." she spoke in a pleading whisper. Cloud crouched down next to Andria and put his arms around the girl.

"Andi," his voice came, rich and pure, right next to her ear. "She's gone now," Cloud said sadly.

Andria shook her head stubbornly and then looked up at Cloud. "What have I done?" she asked him. "What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything Andi, you didn't do a thing at all," Cloud told her comfortingly.

Andria laid her mother's body gently down on the floor and turned her eyes up at Cloud. Tears sparkled like crystals in them as she fell against his chest, her body shaking. Cloud lifted the girl up and put his hands on her face as Andria could no longer hold back her tears. They streamed down her face and onto Cloud's gloved hands. "It's all my fault." she cried, clinging onto him. Cloud wrapped his arms protectingly around her trembling body and held her face against his shoulder.

Cloud could remember all of the grief and the sadness he felt when Sephiroth had destroyed his home town and he shared her pain. Vincent and Mari just stood back and watched the sad scene unfold and the memories from Mari's past brought stinging tears to her eyes. Cloud looked up at the two desperately and shook his head sadly as he held the sobbing form in his arms, feeling helpless and not knowing what to do to ease her pain.

"It's not your fault," Cloud told her soothingly, as he put his face next to her damp cheek. "None of this is your fault."
That was a great chapter. It was an automatic shift from fun to sadness. Now I HAVE to know whether Cloud finds that Sephiroth-clone or not.

"But he'll end up looking like Barret." That was great. I didn't expect something like that. That just proves how great a writer you are.

Peace out.
Yeah sadness *sigh* it's always hard to write. Anyway, glad you're enjoying it. I had fun writing that drawing part in the story :P lol I giggled to myself while writing it. Anyway, here's Chapter 10 ^_^ and there's a surprise at the end *giggles*

Chapter 10- Not Alone

Andria didn't know how long she had been in Cloud's arms after watching her mother die right before her very eyes. She lifted her tear streaked face up and looked into Cloud's sympathetic, warm blue eyes. He reached up his gloved hand and brushed back her bangs from her face. Mari and Vincent were now kneeling down to next to her. Andria felt frozen. Her blood had ran cold through her veins, despite the fact that it was summer and the house had been on fire. Vincent and Mari had cast water spells over the house trying to lower the searing flame. Andria shivered, goosebumps covering her lightly tanned skin.

Cloud brushed back the tears that continuously streamed down her face, doing everything he could in his power to make her pain go away, but it was hard. Cloud knew it wouldn't just 'go away.' However, though he wouldn't admit it, it was hurting him to see her in this way, to know the pain she felt. Atleast he could relate. When his life went downhill, when he had lost nearly everything, it had all started with Sephiroth. Was it happening again? Was this 'supposed' Sephiroth clone the cause of this all yet again? Cloud just looked down at the girl as her eyes widened, and her tears slowed. Andria lept up from the kitchen floor, out of Cloud's arms.

"DADDY!" she cried.

Andria took off running across the kitchen, hearing sounds of the foundation creaking as the flames had weaked the house all the more. "Daddy where are you!" she cried out running into the living room. There was a deep growl as she seen a severely injured and thoroughly frightened looking man laying across the floor on his back. The same monsterous creature was looming right over him, his great, bloody paw drawn back showed signs that he had already gotten ahold of the man. His jaws were slowly dripping with blood. His claws were extended, ready for the kill.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Andria as her hands began to light up from the power of the materia still inside of her.

Cloud was close behind her as he brandished his Apocolypse blade. Massive, blue energy beams shot out from Andria's hands, just as the beast jumped in the air to see what was coming behind it. It snarled and bared it's giant, sharp bloody teeth. Ice caked over the massive creature's body, freezing it in mid-air. Cloud lept up and slashed his sword right through the iced over creature, causing it to explode in shards and disappear before it hit the ground. Andria rushed over to where her father lay gasping for breath.

"No Daddy, not you too," Andria spoke softly as she leaned down.

"Andi, baby girl," her father whispered. His face was burnt on one side and he was bleeding from his chest. He put an ashen hand up to her face and touched the side of it. Andria placed both hands over her father's as he held her face. "I...tried to...hold them off..."

"No, not this time," Andria whispered shaking her head. "I'm not going to let this happen. I won't let you die!"

Andria removed her hands from her father's hand and placed them over his chest. Her hands began to glow a pale green as it spread over her father's chest. The wound was too deep and the poison had already began to travel though his system. Her healing magic wasn't enough. Cloud leaned down and ripped off the sleeve that covered his left arm and split it open. He handed it to Andria.

"Here, use this. Wrap it around his chest to hold in the blood. We'll take him back to the bar with us," Cloud proposed as Andria took the cloth from him. Cloud lifted Beau up into a sitting position while Andria tied the sleeve around his bleeding chest, as tight as it would go. Vincent walked over and lifted the man in his arms.

"We'll put him in the truck. There's more room in the back and he may be more comfortable than riding on the motorcycle," Vincent observed while Mari agreed silently at his side.

Cloud nodded his head in agreement as he and Andria stood up. Andria clutched onto his arm. "Cloud...I can't leave Mom...I can't just leave her behind," she pleaded softly, no longer crying, but feeling grief wash over her like a cold rainstorm. "Please don't make me leave her behind. I want to give her...give her a...," her voice caught in her throat. She couldn't say the words, but Cloud rested his hand reassuringly on Andria's shoulder.

"I know," he replied. The group walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. Cloud crouched down and lifted up Dierdre's lifeless body in his arms. Andria took one last look of her home sadly. Andria felt Mari approach her and lay both hands on her shoulders.

"Come Andi, let's go," the mage urged softly. "You don't need to be in here anymore."

Andria nodded her head letting Mari put a comforting arm around her friend and lead her out of the house that was now burnt to a crisp though nearly all of the flame had died down from Vincent and Mari's water spells. Mari led Andria out to Cloud's motorcycle as Andria held her closed hand up to her mouth. She couldn't cry anymore. All the girl could feel was an emptiness inside of her, too empty and numb at this point to shed anymore tears. Andria felt like her chest was closing up. She couldn't breath or hardly even think and her head was spinning. All of this, everything that just happened was too surreal. Maybe she would find that she was just having the same nightmare all over again and she would wake up, warm and cozy in her bed, knowing her parents were safe at home. But right now, more than anything, she wanted to save her father.

Cloud carried the man, who was now unconcious, to back of the truck as Mari hurried and opened the door. Vincent and Cloud both laid them down on the massive back seat of the truck. Cloud shook his head sadly as he looked at Vincent.

"I really don't think he's going to make it," Cloud confirmed softly so Andria wouldn't hear him. "He's lost way too much blood and has been badly burnt."

Mari sighed sadly and looked over at Andria who was now sitting on Fenrir, her legs dangled on one side, just staring off in the distance like a zombie.

"The only thing we do can do is take him back to the bar and do our best to save him," Mari stated quietly. She looked down at him. "He really doesn't seem like he'll make it."

"How are we going to tell Andi?" Cloud asked, peeking around the truck door and looking over at her. "First her mom and now this?"

"Well, we don't know anything yet. He could take a turn for the better, but then again he could take a turn for the worse. It's amazing how these things work," Vincent pointed out. "But doesn't look promising. All we can do is try."

Cloud and Mari both nodded in agreement. "Come on. Let's get back to Edge as quick as possible. Let's get Andi out of here," the mage stated as she shut the back door of the truck. She turned towards Cloud. "We'll meet you there. Should one of us call Tifa?"

"Yeah, you go ahead and call her," Cloud stated. "I need to get back to Andi. Just let her know everything that's going on, okay?"

Mari nodded her head indignantly and reached for her phone. She flipped it open and dialed the number.

"Mari!" came Tifa's anxious voice over the line. "What on earth is going on? Is everything alright? Are you all safe!?"

"We're all safe Tifa,'s Andi's parents. Her mom...well, her mom didn't make it. Kalm has been attacked by those flaming beasts that attacked Andi not too long ago," Mari explained sadly. "We're pretty sure we've gotten rid of all of them."

Tifa gasped on the other end. "Oh no...oh that's terrible," she said sadly. "And her dad?"

Mari glanced into the window of the truck at the man struggling for breath. "Her dad is...well, we don't know at this moment. Andria wanted us to bring her mom back with us. She wants to give her mother a proper funeral and burial. She's bound and determined to save her father. She tried to use her healing magic on him, but was too shaken up to concentrate. We'll be back there as soon as possible," Mari told Tifa over the phone.

"Okay, I'll wait up," Tifa replied and she hung up the phone.

Mari snapped shut the phone and looked at Vincent and Cloud. "Let's go."

Cloud strode quickly over to Fenrir and approached Andria. He crouched down and looked at the girl. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked tenderly.

"Yeah...I think so. Let's just get back to Edge. We can't let Daddy die," she spoke in very quiet, bland tone.

Cloud rested his hands on the girl's shoulders, willing her to look up in his eyes. She did so and Cloud could see the pain and grief in them, though they were tearless. "Hey, we're going to do everything we can to save your dad," he told her reassuringly. Though Cloud had the doubts in his mind that her father wasn't going to make it, he wasn't going to let Andria know he felt that way or even thought of it. He didn't want to risk further upsetting the girl.

Cloud jumped onto Fenrir, nestling himself comfortably behind her. He wanted to keep her in front of him and protect her. As Cloud started up the engine, Andria just leaned her head back against Cloud's chest as he started up the bike. She closed her eyes, trying to drown everything out of her mind that just happened, wanting so badly to believe that it never happened. Cloud turned the motorcyle sharply and zoomed off back towards Edge. As they cruised, Andria had fallen asleep against Cloud's chest. He looked down at her sleeping face as a small grin peeked the corner of his mouth. He looked on ahead, no more trace of a smile now, concentrating on the road with Vincent and Mari driving close behind him.


The sun was just beginning to come up over the horizon. It had seemed like it had been ages before they finally arrived back in front of Tifa's bar. Cloud slowed Fenrir who rumbled to a stop. Andria was completely asleep, still leaning back against his chest. She didn't stir as he shut the engine off. Cloud looked down tenderly at the sleeping girl and lifted her up in his arms. Vincent and Mari got out of the truck and walked over to Cloud.

"Would you like me to take her dad in the house?" Vincent offered.

Cloud nodded his head silently, looking up at the bar. "Take him into one of the Inn rooms," Cloud ordered. "Make sure there's plenty of healing materia." Cloud looked down at the sleeping form in his arms. "We need to do everything we possibly can to save her father," he stated, not taking his eyes off of the girl.

Vincent nodded. "What should I do with her mother?" He looked in the backseat of truck at the poor woman.

Cloud's head fell. "Take her up there and lay her in another one of the beds. I'm sure when Andria wakes up she's going to want to make funeral arrangements. She's really going to need our support."

Tifa came rushing out of the bar and ran straight over to where Mari was standing next to Vincent. She looked over at Andria who was sleeping limply in Cloud's arms and gasped. "What happened to Andi!"

Cloud shook his golden head. "Nothing happened," he told her simply. "This just all took a lot of her. She fell asleep on the way back here."

Tifa breathed a sigh relief. "Thank the gods she's alright." Tifa hurried over to where Vincent was now lifting Andria's father out of the back of the truck. "Is he alright?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"We don't know. He's still alive, but only just," Vincent told her. "We don't know what is going to happen." He started to walk towards the bar and follow Cloud when he turned back and looked at Tifa. "We'll need plenty of healing materia."

Tifa nodded her head. "There's some upstairs in my room. Go ahead and help yourself to it." Vincent nodded in approval and followed Cloud as Tifa and Mari lifted Andria's mother's body out of the back of the truck and the girls carried into the bar, to one of the Inn rooms.

Cloud stepped wordlessly into the inn and walked up the stairs. He opened the door to his room and lay Andria tenderly down on the bed, resting her head against the soft pillows. She still continued to sleep as he sat next to her, brushing back her bangs with a gloved hand.

"I promise. I'll do everything I can to save your father," he murmered. "I will try my hardest to keep him alive for you." Cloud stood up and to leave the room, leaving Andria to sleep peacefully. He was about halfway out of the room when he heard her soft moan.

"Cloud?" she murmered sleepily. "Please don't leave me alone."

Cloud turned around and walked back over to her. She was now sitting up in bed and a look of sorrow filled her face. "They're taking your father into one of the rooms and working on healing him. Do you want to go and see him?" Cloud asked, resting a hand against the side of her face.

Andria leaned into his hand and closed her eyes. She nodded her head yes. She stood up as Cloud put one arm around her shoulders and the two walked out of the room. As they walked to out of his room, all kinds of thoughts were filling Cloud's head. What's going on? Why am I feeling this way? I don't ever want to let her go. I want to stay by her side and protect her...especially if her father doesn't make it. She's going to need somebody now more than ever. I want to be that somebody. I want to take care of her. I'll take care of her...I won't ever leave her side. Gods I just want to hold her. Cloud tightened the grip around her shoulders and she leaned into him more so, her head lowered and looked at the wooden floor as they walked.

They approached the room and saw Vincent crouched over Andria's father, pale green light was emitting from the area. Mari was on the other side and Tifa stood next to her. Andria looked up at Cloud and rushed over to her father, Cloud following behind her. She sat down on the edge of the bed right beside her father's head and took it in her lap, cradling him gently. She brushed her fingertips over his burnt flesh, as they began to glow pale green, trying to heal his burns.

"Oh Daddy," she whispered. "Just hang in there. Okay?"

He opened up his eyes just barely and looked up at his daughter. There was a small smile on his face. "Andi...," he struggled, trying to lift a hand to touch his daughter.

"No Daddy, don't try and move. Just relax. We're going to save you. You're going to be alright. And when you're all better, you can stay here with me and Cloud and Tifa. They won't mind. I just know it. Everything will be okay. Please Daddy, just hang on," Andria murmered, her hands throughly beginning to glow pale green now.

Beau Sullivan shook his head slowly and smiled. "I can already see her. She really does look like you," he whispered. "I knew you weren't lying...I just didn't want to believe what you told me..."

"What are you talking about Daddy? What do you mean you can see her?" Andria asked him desperately.

"Aerith," Cloud mumbled under his breath. "She's coming to take him home."

Beau lifted his head, looking upwards. "I'm sorry baby girl," he whispered. "Put your hands down. I've got to go...home..."

Andria grabbed ahold of her father's hand and squeezed it. "No Daddy, no! You're going to stay here with me! You can't leave me. Mom already did! I can't lose you too! Please Daddy, don't go," she pleaded, her voice wracked with emotion.

Cloud stood back against the wall with his knuckles up to his mouth, not being able to speak a word. Tifa, Mari and Vincent stood on either side of Beau, but the pale green light had disappeared. Vincent looked back at Cloud and shook his head sadly. Cloud, understanding Vincent's gesture, closed his brilliant blue eyes and rested his head against the wall. Mari stood back, placing a hand over her mouth and Tifa turned away, looking out of the window to hide her tears. They all knew Andria didn't want to believe that her father was leaving her. They found her refusal to believe it, heartbreaking. Beau looked back up at Andria and smiled again.

"I love you baby girl," he told his daughter. "I've always loved you. I'm sorry if I hurt you..I'm sorry for...,"his voice caught in his throat.

Andria's spring green eyes filled with stinging tears. "Daddy, please...don't let go," she told him clenching his hand. She felt Beau squeezing her hand back and she forced a smile on her lips.

"I'm not afraid," he whispered.

Slowly, so very slowly, Beau's grip loosened on his daughter's hand. His eyes averted upward, a smile still on his face. There was a look of peace that washed over him as his deep brown eyes closed forever. Andria still clutched onto her father's hand, her hands continued to glow pale green, but to no avail. He was already gone. He wasn't coming back. Andria hung her head and her crystalline tears fell on her father's face.

"You never did hurt me," she whispered. "Not once did you ever hurt me...I hurt you..for leaving...I'm so sorry Daddy." She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "Forgive me."

"Andria, I'm so sorry," Mari whispered from the other side of the bed. "We tried. We really did. We tried so hard." The mage hung her head. Andria stood up and let go of her father's hand.

"I know...I know you did," Andria stated knowingly, not looking at them. Her eyes were averted to the floor. "It's not your fault..." Andria knew it wasn't their fault. Nothing was their fault. They tried so hard to save him, but it was just too late. She was grateful for their help, but it was just his time.

Vincent walked away from the bed with his head lowered. He approached Cloud, who was still resting against the wall with his eyes closed. "It was the wound and the poison. The poison had already spread through his system much too far before we could get a chance to save him. I knew it was hopeless the moment we brought him up here," he spoke quietly to Cloud. Cloud nodded, his eyes still closed, as Vincent placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and then departed from the room.

Andria started walking away slowly, backwards, stepping away from the bed as the sun cast an orange glow into the bedroom over her father's frame. Cloud began walking towards Andria and came to rest his hands on her shoulders from behind her. Andria hung her head, her long bangs curtaining her face, hiding the tears that she struggled to stop but couldn't. They just kept coming and coming. She took a sobbing breath and Cloud turned the girl around. He took her into his arms and held her tight, as she buried her face into his warm chest, soaking in the comfort of his muscular arms. She clutched onto the front of his shirt as her body shook with silent tears.

"I...I don't want to believe this," she cried into Cloud's chest. "I just don't want to believe it."

Cloud didn't know what to say or think at this point. His own pain was taking over and he chose to keep quiet. He just wanted to comfort her. He ran a hand down the back of her head and rested his face on the top of her head, into her hair. All was quiet in the room filled with a warm golden glow, except for the sounds of the birds just waking up outside and Andria's soft sobs


As each person arrived a day later, they all went straight to Andria, offering hugs and words of comfort. Barret had picked the girl up and hugged her so hard, Andria thought her ribs were going to break underneath his buff exterior. Red had stood up on his hind paws, doing his best to give Andria a hug in the most human way possible which she gratefully excepted. Cait Sith had hugged her and held both of her hands tightly in his paws, offering words the best he could, or atleast Reeve could. The day of the funeral dawned warm and bright. Yuffie, just arriving, walked inside of the grass, just outside of Edge where the funeral was being held. A big basket of yellow and white carnations were in her hands. Yuffie was wearing a black dressy tank top with a short black skirt and black boots. She had decided to get rid of her headband for this day.

The scenery was beautiful. There were wildflowers in pinks and yellows, blooming around the fields as the grass waved gently in the mid summer breeze. About a dozen white chairs were placed around the field. There were some long, white tables with big baskets of flowers that sat gracefully on top. There were two white coffins outlined in gold trimming. The lids were closed. There were strings of white roses draped over the top coffins. Yuffie walked over to Andria, approaching her, and put her arms around the girl.

"Hey Andi, are you doing okay?" she asked, whispering into her ear. Yuffie wasn't good with these kinds of things, but she wanted to do the best she could to help Andria feel better.

"I'm fine," Andria told her with a fake smile. She was wearing a long, black flowing skirt that slit up the side with a silk white tank top. She wore her mother's black choker around her neck and had her usual ponytail up, only it was in soft curls, cascading down her back and flowing around her shoulders.

"You look beautiful with your hair like that," Yuffie told her trying to make Andria feel better. Yuffie smiled sadly at Andria and held out the flowers to her.

"Thank you very much," Andria accepted gratefully.

Andria turned from Yuffie, feeling more grief wash over her, but no tears. Andria had spent the past couple of days crying. She probably didn't have any tears left to shed. Cloud had been there for her the whole time, whispering words to try and make her feel better and let her know she wasn't alone, but for some reason Andria did feel alone. What she wanted more than anything was to have Cloud there with her and now that she was, it wasn't enough. She was alone, orphaned in this world.

Never again would she lay her eyes upon her mother's bright sparkling eyes or hear her father's teasing laugh or hear him call her 'baby girl.' That had been her nickname for her just from her father. Beau would always start out with a laugh and say "Hey Andi baby girl!" Andria smiled slightly despite herself, remembering all the times her father had said that. There were too may to count. She walked over to the tables and put the flowers next to another group.

Cloud hadn't arrived yet and Andria was wondering if he even would. Interrupted in her thoughts, Mari and Vincent approached the girl, and the mage rested an arm around her shoulders. Both were dressed very nicely and Andria couldn't help but notice what an amazingly attractive couple the two made. Vincent was dressed in an all black suit while Mari wore a black, tank dress that reached just above her knees.

"Hey there you. Are you okay?" she asked her friend concernedly. Mari knew Andria's pain, as did Cloud and Tifa. They had all gone through losing their parents. They understood what Andria was feeling more so than anybody did.

Andria looked at Mari and smiled. "I'll be fine," she lied. Truth be told, Andria didn't know if she would be alright. She felt empty, lost and hopeless inside. "Do you know where Cloud is? I haven't seen him yet."

Mari shooked her brown hair that was pulled into an simple, flowing updo. "No I sure haven't. Did you ask Tifa?" she asked pointing to the dark haired woman who was sitting and talking to Barret with Marlene on her lap.

Andria shook her head. "No, last time I asked Tifa anything about Cloud I thought she was going to bite my head off," Andria sighed. "I guess he'll show up if he wants," she stated as she looked out at the road, waiting for a sound of Fenrir, or looking for the dust billowing up the road to show the sign of his approach. It was beginning to seem hopeless. Today, more than anything Andria needed him. She felt more alone then she had ever felt in her entire life. Maybe this is just too hard for him? Maybe he doesn't want to be here. Maybe it'll bring back too many memories from his past. Oh but Cloud, I need you so bad. Please, please don't leave me here all alone. I can't face this alone...

"Well he had better hurry up and git here or he's gunna miss it all," drawled a voice from behind Andria.

She turned around and saw Cid standing behind her, holding a single white rose in his hand. He smiled at the girl. Cid looked a lot different than what he normally did. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants with a black, white striped dress shirt that Andria could tell had been pressed nicely for him. He wasn't wearing his goggles where he normally kept his cigarette pack tucked. Andria saw the small bulge on his chest pocket and knew that's where he had placed his smokes. Probably Shera. She takes such good care of him. Andria thought in the back of her mind.

Cid walked over and wrapped his big arms around the girl's shoulder. " Shera wanted ter apolergize fer not bein' able to make it out. She's got a purdy bad cold so she's sick at home. How ya holdin' up sweetie?"

"I'm doing okay Cid," Andria replied.

She had been saying nearly the same thing over and over to all of her friends as they had arrived, but she didn't know what else to say. It started getting a little upsetting that she was just using the same excuse with them all, but she didn't want to tell them what she was feeling. The girl didn't even know how to begin to describe the grief in her heart. Andria tried to smile at Cid, but found that she couldn't bring herself to smile at all. The pilot saw right through her.

"No yer not," he said simply. "But that's okay, ya know? Yer allowed t' not be alright," he stated looking almost sympathetically at her. "Jus' don't ferget we're all here for ya." He threw his arm around her shoulder, hugging her tightly to him.

Andria nodded her head. "Thank you Cid." Just then there was a loud rumbling coming up from the road and Andria and Cid both turned their heads towards the road. There was dust billowing up the road. Andria peered through the dust and felt her heart lurch. Cloud was coming up the road on his motorcyle. He was wearing his black sunglasses over his face she could tell. It nearly brought a smile to her face. Cid looked over and noticed this right away.

"And thar's Cloud!" he said happily, giving Andria a gentle pat on her back.

Cloud pulled Fenrir up swiftly and stopped about 3 feet from them, shutting the engine off. Cloud dismounted the massive bike, looking particularly handsome. He was wearing a black suit type of outfit, except there was no tie. His black jacket rested easily on his shoulders, unbuttoned in the front. Cloud wore a white dress shirt underneath and a pair of black dress pants. The white shirt was tucked in nicely. As he stepped off the bike Andria noticed Cloud had his hand behind his back. He approached the girl and the pilot and stood in front of Andria.

"Nice ter see ya Cloud," Cid stated, patting Cloud's shoulder.

"Good to see you too Cid," Cloud nodded back and then turned and looked down at Andria, who seemed to be having trouble lifting her head.

Andria approached him. "Thank you for coming," she said softly, not able to look at him. She really felt that wasn't going to come and she felt slightly shameful for thinking that.

Cloud seemed to be able to pick up on this feeling of shame coming from her. Cloud removed his sunglasses from his face, tucking them into his pants pocket and rested a hand on Andria's shoulder. "I didn't plan on not coming," he replied gently. "I'm sorry it took me so long. I brought something for you."

Andria found her eyes meeting his and Cloud removed his hand from behind his back. Gathered in his hand was a big bouquet of yellow and white, glowing lillies. Cloud had taken the liberty to go into Aerith's flower garden and pick these flowers for Andria. He remembered how beautiful she thought they were when she first saw the church. He had seen it in her eyes, and Cloud felt in his heart that she would appreciate this. Andria gathered the flowers in her hands as she felt warm tears beginning to sting her eyes. Cloud placed a hand on her face, rubbing the side of her cheek with his fingertips.

"Thank you," she whispered, not able to say much.

Cid stood back and observed Cloud's behavior towards Andria and grinned. Damn Strife! You go for it! Cid wasn't the only one who saw the way Cloud was being towards Andria. Tifa sat in one of the chairs observing them from a ways away, Denzel and Marlene sat on either side of her. She glared as she watched Cloud handing her the flowers and touching her cheek. What is he doing? Why is he being this way to her? Maybe I'm just getting ahead of's only because her parents died. He's just being sympathetic. Tifa turned away, not being able to look at them anymore. Cid cleared out his throat and walked up to Andria.

"Them's some purdy flowers. Them's sacred flowers. They'll never die. They came from Aerith's garden in the church," Cid told her more seriously.

Andria nodded her head. "I know...I've seen them." She took a shuddering breath. "Once my parents are...buried..." she brought herself to say. "I'd like these planted by their headstone."

"That's what we'll do then," Cloud told her. "There's six of each. I thought maybe your mom and dad could each have the yellow and white."

"That's really thoughtful of you," Andria murmered as a few tears slipped down her cheeks and she closed her eyes.

"It's okay," Cloud told her, reaching a hand up and brushing away her tears. "Let's go and get started, and then how about after the funeral I take you on a ride on Fenrir? Does that sound okay?" he asked her hopefully. Cloud wanted to do anything and everything in his power to remove her mind from the loss of her parents.

"Yes," Andria nodded as she sniffed back tears. "I would love that." Cloud put an arm around her shoulders and led her over to some chairs as the funeral for her parents commenced.


After the funeral was over, Andria stood and watched as her parents coffins were lowered into the ground side by side. She stood silently watching the burial, Cloud at her side and Cid on her other. Once everything was all said and done. Andria removed herself from Cloud and Cid's hold and walked over to her parents' headstone. She moved back some of the freshly turned earth and planted the lillies from Aerith's garden right by their stones. The flowers seemed to glow within the field, casting a soft look about the resting places.

Andria then laid a single white rose across the rising heap of newly turned ground. Kissing her fingers, she pressed it gently against the single headstone that bore her parents names. Outlined above it into the stone were two lovebirds. Andria was crouched down, hanging her head. The grief continuously washed over her but she couldn't feel any tears. Just deep, inner torment and pain. Cloud approached the girl and crouched down beside her. Andria's brilliant green eyes met his soft blue stare.

"You know, I always heard that when a lovebird dies, the other gives up living so it can join it's mate. I think Daddy knew...I think he knew Mom was gone. I think that's why he left. He wanted to be with Mom," she said brokenly.

"Andi," Cloud murmered as he placed his hands on her arms and stood her up. The swordsman was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say or do. He just kept his hands on the girl's arms as she stared down at the fresh resting place for her parents.

"I hope they're happy and they're together," she murmered. "I don't think either one could handle being away from the other."

"C'mon Andi, let's go," Cloud told her, knowing he needed to get her away.

Andria nodded wordlessly and followed Cloud out to where the rest of the group stood. They all watched as the two approached.

"Are you guys coming back to the bar?" Yuffie asked curiously, before she climbed the truck with Barret.

Cloud was about to answer when Andria turned around to look at her parents graves once more. Andria more than anything felt like she didn't want to go. She felt like this was it. This was the final time. Andria wanted to hold on. She didn't want to lose them. She felt that if she just stayed, she would be right there with them always and wouldn't have to let go. Andria closed her eyes as a great breeze swarmed through the air, blowing her hair back. She closed her eyes as she titled her face to the sky.

"We'll be along in awhile," Cloud told her. Yuffie nodded her head and followed the others back the trucks.

Cloud approached her and put his arm around her shoulders again. "Are you ready to go?"

Andria shook her head. "No...I don't want to let go," she told him quietly. "This is just too hard. Why do I have to let go now? Why did they have to let go?"

Cloud shook his golden blonde head sadly. "I wish I knew Andria, but I don't. Nobody ever knows why the planet chooses to take the ones we love from us." Cloud looked up at the sky as his memory filled with Aerith. It was hard for awhile...but I think I'm okay now. "Eventually it will get better. It will get so much easier for you," he said softly. "Just keep living. Take it day by day."

Andria nodded turning to Cloud. "Let's go," she said softly. Cloud nodded his head back and keeping his shoulders around the girl, they walked to Fenrir. The two mounted the bike and Andria took one last look. "Goodbye," she whispered softly as Cloud kicked Fenrir into life and the two zoomed off down the road.


It was late that night and Andria couldn't sleep. She was laying next to Cloud in his bed. She had tried to go to sleep in her own room that night, but she didn't want to be alone that night. Cloud had quickly allowed her to come and rest by him that night so she wouldn't have to be alone. Andria just wanted to stay next to him, feeling his arms around her and protecting her. Andria lay, gazing up at the dark ceiling as she listened to Cloud's deep breathing of sleep. She rolled over and looked into his sleeping, peaceful face. Everything was just too hard. What was she going to do now? What if she lost Cloud too? What about Mari? She had grown so close to the mage she was like her best friend, almost like the sister she never had. What if something terrible happened and those creatures attacked again?

What if those creatures were to attack somebody she really cared about like Cloud or Mari and Vincent. Maybe even Barret or Cid, or maybe even Yuffie. Andria couldn't help but think all of these horrible thoughts, and she slipped quietly out of bed no longer hardly able to bare it. She took her clothes that lay folded neatly on top of Cloud's dresser. As she got dressed she kept her eyes on Cloud, making sure she didn't awaken him. It was hurting her entirely too much to be next to him right now. She just needed to get away. She wanted to run and not ever stop. She wanted to keep running until the pain left her entirely. Andria dressed and tiptoed quietly out of the bar. As soon as her feet met the ground, she took off running, not caring about her saftey or anything, too overwhelmed and swallowed by the grief that was overtaking her and being blinded by tears.

Cloud woke up not too long after Andria had left the bar. He had no longer felt her warmth against him and he put a hand down where she had been sleeping, trying to see through his sleep filled eyes. Cloud sat up in bed.

"Andi?" he mumbled into the dark room. Cloud put his legs over the edge of the bed and put his face in his hands, willing himself to wake up. He sat like that for a moment and then stood up. "Andria, are you in here?" Cloud walked over and switched on the lamp. She wasn't in the room. "Damn...where did she go?" he said suddenly worried. "What if she went outside...what if...oh no!" Cloud threw on his clothes and sheathed his sword over his back leaving the room and hurrying out of the bar, straight onto Fenrir. Cloud jumped on his streamlined motorcyle and started it up, zooming off towards where her parents had been buried.

Cloud pulled up into the grass, turning his headlights towards where her parents headstone was and looking around for any sign of Andria but he didn't see her at all. Growing more worried Cloud turned the back and drove out to Aerith's church. He searched in there for her, but she wasn't there. Cloud was beginning to get upset. Dammit Andria! Why did you take off? Why didn't you wake me up! What if she's been attacked? He kicked Fenrir into gear and took off out of the Midgar ruins and back up the road. As Cloud road, another thought kicked into his mind. He was pretty sure he knew where Andria was.

Cloud road Fenrir up the familiar slope and parked him just outside of the bushes. As soon as he shut the engine off, he could hear soft sobs coming from behind the bushes. Cloud dismounted Fenrir quietly and pushed back the bushes with his hands. The moon was full this night and was casting it's glow down onto Andria's curled up form. She sat with her back against the tree, her knees drawn up to her chest. Her arms were resting folded on her knees and she was burying her face in her arms, sobbing tumultously into them. Andria didn't realize nor hear the roaring approach of Cloud's massive bike.

Andria was too lost, broken hearted, scared and confused to even realize anything that was going on around her. The thoughts of her parents's funeral, the way they looked, how she had found them and how she had tried so desperately to save them kept filling her head, no matter how hard she tried not to think about it. Then she would see visions of Cloud's face or Vincent's, Mari's, Cid's, Barret's, Yuffie's, Marlene's, Denzel's, everybody's as she tried to desperately save them the way she had her parents. Andria hadn't shed a tear during the entire funeral, though tears had threatened to overwhelm her many times, she still kept herself strong. Cloud approached the girl and looked at her sadly, watching her body shaking with tears and hearing her sobs coming from under her arms. He reached out and put both hands on her shoulders.

"Andria?" Cloud said warmly. "Talk to me."

Andria shook her head firmly in her arms. "Just please Cloud...just just hurts too much." He couldn't see in her head what she was seeing and she didn't want him to know.

"No, I'm not going anywhere Andi. I want to talk to you. Now come on. Look at me," Cloud told her firmly but gently. "Please."

"There's no way you can understand me, so please just go before...before...just go," she told him, as she lifted her tear-stained face from her arms. She stood up and turned her back towards him.

Cloud felt his heart sink from the look of her sorrow. It hurt him a great deal while they were at the funeral to see Andria trying to hide her sadness, but now, just seeing her sorrow tore him up inside. Cloud shook his head firmly and he stood as well. He wasn't about to have this from her. He knew he had done the same thing and he wasn't about to let it happen with Andria. He wasn't going to watch her break. "Andria, you can't be alone right now. You can't close your feelings off," Cloud told her gently. "Please, let me take care of you."

Andria whirled around, tears sparkling like crystals in her green eyes. "You want to take care of me? You'll take care of me and then what'll happen again Cloud? They'll know and they'll come after you and take you from me next. Then I'll have nobody!" she cried as she burst into fresh tears, her voice wracked with sorrow.

"It's going to take a lot more than a few creatures to do me in Andi," Cloud replied. Andria hung her head, her bangs curtaining her face as she cried. Cloud placed both hands on either side of her face and lifted it up to look at him. "Andi?" He brushed back her bangs and wiped her continuous, flowing tears.

"I just feel so alone Cloud," she told him, her voice shaking. "I don't want to be alone." More than anything, right now she didn't want to be alone. "Promise you'll stay with me. Promise you'll never leave me alone. Promise me I'm not alone."

Cloud stepped closer to her, placing both hands on her shoulders. "You're not alone," he said softly. "I won't leave you alone. I promise. Don't cry."

Andria looked into his eyes as they filled with something new. A look that Andria had never seen come from him before. Cloud's eyes had relaxed. They looked so soft, so gentle. They weren't narrowed or alert like they normally were. Their azure hue almost glistened in the moonlight.

What are you doing???
You know you want to...
Do I really want this?
Yes you want it now more than ever...
Am I doing this just because of Aerith?
No, you're doing this because your heart is telling you to...
I want to...Andi...

Cloud moved in close to her, bringing his face ever closer. Andria looked up as their eyes locked and felt her heart leap into her throat. Cloud closed his sparkling, blue eyes and met her mouth with his, brushing his lips gently against hers. Andria closed her eyes as her last few tears streamed down her cheeks, returning the kiss that Cloud had placed so surprisingly, so amazingly gentle on her lips.

Andria opened her mouth slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue between her tear-assaulted lips. She returned this, pressing her lips gently into his soft ones, feeling her heart opening for the first time. She couldn't breathe. The girl just wanted to hold onto Cloud forever. Andria wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he put one arm around her shoulders and one around her waist. The two were locked into one another close, feeling each other's pounding hearts against one another. The wind blew gently through the night as the two stood on the cliff, the moon lighting their moment of passion in a sillhouette as the two shared a long kiss they would remember for a lifetime.
WOW... That was such an emotional chapter, it made me sad and happy at the same time... You are such a great writer. Sorry for repeating myself, but you made me felt feelings I've never knew I had...<sniff> You just HAVE to PM me right away as soon as you come out with the next chapter.
I'm sooooooo happy you're enjoying this so much :D Here is Chapter 11

Chapter 11- Overcoming Misery

Thick, white mists, shrouded the cold, clouded area. Great rocks that nearly reached the sky, rose up from the ground with deep, jagged edges. Snow was falling heavily from the icey gray sky, collecting in the opened edges of the rock. It continued falling into the deep hole right in the middle of the snowcapped crater. Down inside of the great crater all was quiet except for a gentle dripping sound, suggesting maybe slightly melting ice. Nothing was moving. Nothing was making a sound. There was a cold, wooshing, soft wind as the mists curled and hung over the deserted area.

Everything was colorless. It was all just covered in gray scattered fog. Major holes and cracks lay scattered on the ground of the hole, and the only source of light was that emitting from those cracks. A soft, white, greenish glow that seemed to part the mists, surrounded the great holes and cracks in the earth. It seemed as though it were pouring from them almost. The silence of the deep hole was interrupted by a scraping sound.

"Have you retrieved it yet?" came an almost mechanical sounding voice.

"I have only found bits and pieces, master," replied a deep, husky sounding voice. "This will require a great amount of time and alot of digging."

There was a sound of disgust from the mechanical voice and a sound of static filled the still, cold air. "You fool," it hissed. "Do you not realize we need all of the parts to assemble what is to be made, created! Those idiots never held the power that you and I do as of right now. Work with me! Find those...ingredients for me!" it ordered, fierceness sizzled and sparked from it's voice.

"I'm doing the best I can!" the husky voice retaliated. "I'll do what I can and then we'll be reuinted again! We'll be whole again! We can do what we came to this planet to do!"

"Well then I suggest you get out of here and get to work finding what I need to create my concoction!" the robot voice ordered. "Once we have the concoction and it is complete, this planet will be turned to darkness for all eternity!" it screeched, followed by manaical laughter, echoing into the distance, unheard by no one but the one whom stood beside it.


Flames burst all around Andria as she felt her way through it's seering heat. She kept her hands light with an ice spell, lashing out at any flames that tried to jump in her way. It was almost as if the fire were alive. It billowed and swarmed around her as she pushed her hands forward, shooting ice spells at the dangerous fire, trying hard to douse it. Her mind was fogged over as she continued running down the path. Screaming voices were heard everywhere. She hurried down the road, searching for sign, a sign of somebody, anybody she might know.

"Cloud! Mari! Vincent!" Andria screamed as she ran through flaming rubble, feeling the flames lick her ankles. She put one hand over her burns as she healed them easily and quickly and continued her search.

"What is going on! I don't understand this! Who could have done this!" she cried out looking at the sky that was now covered in black smoke. Her voice was being drowned out from the massive, crackling flames and the screaming of the frightened people. Edge was on fire, consumed in flames. It started with the Orphanage. Andria felt the grief wash over her at the loss of so many children that didn't make it out on time.

Somebody had been running close behind her and slammed into her knocking her down. The girl looked up to see who had knocked her down, but the being who had knocked her down was running away screaming. Andria grabbed ahold of her head, as it swam from the smoke she was inhaling and the impact, as she hit the ground, made it spin. She lay there for a moment, trying to gather her vision that had gone temporarily blurry. Andria started to get up when she turned her head, her brilliant green eyes growing wide as she saw a familiar red sleeve. She crawled across the ground and approached the person who lay on his back, sprawled across the ground.

"Vincent!" she cried. "What happened to you! Where's Mari!"

Vincent just shook his pale face and coughed. "Don't know...we got seperated and-" he struggled for breath, wheezing as he did so.

"Vincent don't try and talk," Andria said anxiously. "Don't you dare die on me! Vincent? VINCENT!" she screamed as his crimson eyes rolled back into his head. Andria grabbed ahold of Vincent's shoulders and shook him. "Vincent wake up!" she cried disbelievingly, but the gunman was no longer breathing.

Andria hung her head in sorrow as she stood up from his body. "I have to find everybody else! I have to know where they are!" She continued running down the flaming streets, searching for Mari. "MARI!" Andria cried desperately as she ran. She passed many bodies that lay burnt, struggling for breath or lay still resulting in their death, but none looked familiar.

"Andi!" a voice called from behind her and Andria whirled around. There was the red mage, laying across the ground on her stomach, her charred hand reached out for Andria. "Andi!" she cried again. "Please!"

"No! Oh Gods no, not you too!" Andria exclaimed in fear as she ran to the mage's side, kneeling down next to her. She could feel all the strength disappearing from her body and she literally fell next to the injured mage. "Oh Mari," she whispered as she took her friend in her arms.

"Andi...where...where's Vincent?" Mari asked, clutching onto the girl's arm. "Where is my husband?"

Andria shook her head sadly. She couldn't bring herself to tell the mage that Vincent hadn't made it. His body was just burnt entirely too badly, it couldn't live anymore. Mari looked up into the girl's eyes and she understood. She sat her injured body up, Andria supporting her as she did so and clutched onto Andria's jacket.

"NO!" screamed, her green eyes wild and frightened. "NO! VINCENT!" She broke down into tears, falling into Andria's arms, sobbing loudly, her heart torn completely open and crumbling around her. "I can't live without Vincent. I can't live with...without...," Mari turned her tear streaked face up into Andria's. She smiled. "I'm sorry Andi," she whispered as she closed her eyes and went limp in Andria's arms.

"Mari...oh Gods no," Andria whispered as she felt a fresh wave of tears cascade over her body.

She clutched her lifeless friend, her best friend, the one whom she considered a sister. Why was this happening? Why was the planet turning on her this way? Why was it she lost her parents and now her best friends? Andria cried into Mari for quite sometime when a new thought burst into her head. Cloud.... "Oh gods please let him be alright! Please let Cloud be okay!" Andria gently lay her friend down on the ground. "I love you Mari. You were always like a sister to me." She brushed back some of Mari's hair from her sleeping face.

Andria lept up from the ground and took off running, carrying all of her strength in her legs once again, now desperately searching for Cloud. Andria made sure this time she examined every body she ran by, making sure she didn't miss a sign of him. Screams and cries were quieting down now as she ran through Edge, and soon all that Andria could hear was the sound of her feet, running against the pavement and the crackling of flames. Andria was looking to her left at a few fallen people when she heard a scraping sound, something metallic dragging heavily against the black street.

"Andi," the voice came softly. She whirled around and looked ahead but all she would see was smoke.

"Hello!" she cried out. "Cloud!"

Andria felt frozen, like she couldn't move as she watched the one who had spoken her name ascend from the smoke. He was hanging his head, dragging his sword listlessly behind him, hardly able to keep his strength. Andria's heart rose in her throat and fear filled in her insides at the sight that met her. Cloud was coming towards her, his chest had been ripped open and blood was seeping down it. His navy blue shirt had been torn and Andria could see the fresh wound. Something had gotten ahold of Cloud. Something had attacked him. She ran to him, just as he dropped his sword and fell into her arms. Andria crouched down, lowering Cloud along with her. He lay limp against her chest. Cloud lifted his head with what remaining strength he had and gazed up at her.

"I tried," Cloud struggled to speak. "I tried so hard."

Andria could feel fresh tears welling in her eyes as she squeezed them shut, holding Cloud's face next to hers "It's okay, I'm here now. You're going to be alright," she whispered as her voice shook with tears. She lifted Cloud's wounded body off of her. He had gotten blood all over her front, but Andria didn't care, all she cared about was saving him. She placed her hand over his wound as it began to glow pale green, focusing on healing his wound, wanting him to stay alive. If she lost Cloud, what reason would she have for living now? Andria struggled and struggled to close the wound up, but it didn't and blood continued to seep from his chest.

Cloud lifted his hand and placed it on Andria's face. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. His head fell forward and he fell limp into Andria's arms.

"Cloud...Cloud? CLOUD!! NOOOOO OH GODS CLOUD NO!!!" Andria screamed as she lifted him up and off of her body. Andria gently lay Cloud on his back as her eyes fell on his chest. It wasn't moving. It wasn't rising and falling with breath. It was still, unmoving. Andria couldn't believe this could even be possible. Not in a million years. She threw herself over his body in anguish, pressing her face up against his as she sobbed brokenly.

"Andria," came a warm, comforting voice. "Andria, I'm here," it spoke again. Andria lifted her face from Cloud and saw a hand reaching out for her, the same hand as always, the hand with the silver gauntlent around her wrist. Her face came into view. "It's okay," the girl spoke with a smile.


"Andi! It's okay! I'm here!" Cloud shook the girl, willing her to wake up. Andria's cries from her nightmare had awoken him and at first he was shocked, trying to push the sleepy fog out of his mind. Cloud watched her as she clutched her pillow, tears were streaming down her sleeping face. "Andria wake up," he repeated calmly.

I had been a couple of weeks since the night her parents died, and Cloud had been letting Andria stay in his room with him, sleeping next to her so she wouldn't be alone. Cloud wanted to comfort the girl, keep her safe and let her know she was alone, but at the same time he felt a tad odd about it. He never would have done something like this with Tifa. He would have with Aerith if she needed it. What was he feeling towards this girl? Why did he kiss her? He had wanted to kiss her. Cloud had no regrets on kissing her. He wanted to maker her realize that everything was going to be okay eventually. Cloud wanted to assure her that he understood her pain and he was there to help her get past it all, but it was so hard to say it in words. He would just hold her when she cried, watch her when she slept, just to let her know that she was going to be okay someday.

"Come on Andi, get out of it," Cloud muttered, running his hand across her forehead.

Andria's eyes fluttered open as the vision passed before her eyes. The room was coming into view now, lit dimly from the bedside lamp and she realized she was at home, safe and laying next to Cloud. She turned her head to look up in his worried face. She rolled over and buried her face in his bare chest.

"Thank the Gods you're alive," Andria murmered in a trembling voice.

"Of course I'm alive," Cloud reassured her. "You were having some nightmare." Cloud leaned down and pressed the side of his face gently against the top of her head. "You're safe though. Everything is okay. You're at home."

Andria tried hard to control her tears, but since her parents funeral it had been tough. She lifted her tear streaked face from Cloud's chest and he reached up a hand and wiped them away. Andria smiled at him as her tears slowed. "What on earth is wrong with me?" she whispered painfully.

"Absolutely nothing," Cloud told her honestly. "You're still trying to get past the grief of losing your mom and dad. It's hard for anybody. Some people handle it in different ways. It affects other people in different ways. I think it's affecting you through your subconcious," he pointed out. "I think you're dream resulted know, what happened to Kalm and all," Cloud added, averting his eyes.

Andria sat up in bed and leaned back against her pillows, brushing her hair out of her eyes. She sighed and rested her head against the pillow. "Yeah...I'm just scared," she said softly.

Cloud sat up in bed as well and leaned his arm against his pillows. He titled his head slightly as he looked at Andria. "What are you scared of?"

Andria shook her head. "I...I don't know, I'm just scared. I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of losing it all," she admitted.

She opened up her emerald green eyes and found them locking with Cloud's light blue ones. They looked at her so tenderly. She could see the care he felt for her in them. This time was no mistakening it. He really did care for her. He had kissed her after all. They hadn't kissed again since that night, trying to keep their feelings underwraps around their friends, but whenever nobody was looking, Cloud and Andria's eyes would meet and she would give him a smile, which he would return with a nod of his head, giving her that same, tender look.

"It's alright," Cloud told her reassuringly. "Everything is going to be alright."

Andria slid down in the bed, closing her eyes as her face leaned against the soft pillows. The dream was still flashing through her mind. She half wanted to get up and go to Vincent and Mari's house and make for certain that they were safe and alive. Cloud seemed to almost read her thoughts as she looked down at the girl.

"Was it a dream about us?" he asked curiously. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

Andria nodded her head. "It was awful," she stated. "There were flames, flames were just everywhere. I was running and I remember I got burnt pretty badly on my ankles. So I used my healing magic and healed the burns and continued running. I saw something red on the ground and when I knelt down to it, it was Vincent. He had been badly burned all over his body and he told me that he and Mari got seperated." Andria paused as the pain pushed up into her throat again.

"What happened?" Cloud questioned her calmly.

"Vincent, didn't make it...he died right there on the ground and I couldn't do anything to save him. So my thoughts went to Mari and I ran, searching for her. I found her, she was just behind me when I heard her cry out my name. I ran to her side and had to break the news that Vincent didn't make it in the fire," Andria whispered, closing her eyes from the painful memory of the dream. "It was all so real Cloud."

"But it was only a dream," he replied soothingly, brushing back her long bangs from the sides of her face. "It was only a dream and you're okay now."

"I know, but it just seemed too real. Cloud, when I told Mari that Vincent was gone, she collapsed in my arms and died right there when I was holding her. I don't think I could bare to lose somebody else I care about," Andria mumbled painfully. She folded her hands and brought them up against her chest and rested her chin on them. Closing her eyes she remembered the worst part of the dream... Should I tell him? Does he need to know?

"Is that all?" Cloud asked curiously. Andria opened her eyes and looked at him. Cloud knew from her look that wasn't it. "What else happened? Andi tell me, it'll help you feel better won't it?"

Andria shook her head. "I don't know, but I guess I could tell you... It was, it was," she couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Andi? Did something happen to me?" he questioned gently.

" were attacked, by something...I don't know what it was or anything, but your chest was torn open. I kept trying so hard to heal you. I was desperate to do anything I could to heal you, to save you. You kept telling me that you tried so hard. I don't know what you were talking about. Then you apologized and you fell into my arms, dying in my arms," Andria closed her eyes that were burning with tears again. "Don't ever leave me Cloud. Don't die, please. I can't handle it."

Cloud laid quiet and still next to the girl. He wanted so badly to burst out and promise that he would always stay by her side, but he felt much too shy to just come out and say it. "I'm not going anywhere and I won't die. I promise. Not for a very long time," he told her. "If I ever go away, I'll always come back. I promise I'll come back," he reassured her.

Andria snuggled up next to his warm body. "Don't ever go away. If you do, take me with you," she whispered.

"Okay," he told her as he carassed her forehead. "Sleep now. I'm right here," he told the girl, who was now drifting again, drifting off into peaceful slumber.

As Cloud watched her, he couldn't help but feel his heart reaching out to her, wanting to wrap it's warm fingers around her own, and let her know that he wasn't going anywhere. Andria slept, calmly against his chest, as he watched her. I think...I'm finally healing. I think my wounds are closing. Aerith, I'll always love you, but I have to move on right? You'll always be in my and heart and memories. It feels a little easier somehow. I don't feel so heavy. I don't feel like dragging myself, burying myself into the ground. I feel...I feel... Cloud never finished his thought as he rested his head and soon fell asleep next to Andria, one arm draped over her side.


A few days had passed since her terrible nightmare, and Andria was doing her best to keep her spirits up around her friends. She was trying hard to smile and laugh along with them whenever something funny happened. The kids, Marlene and Denzel, were being exceptionally funny around her, causing her to burst out into laughter by doing silly things around her. Young though they were, Denzel more than anything understood what Andria was feeling. He had lost his parents in the fall of Sector 7 three years earlier. Often he would just smile at Andria giving her a child's look of understanding.

Both Andria and Cloud had taken the drawings that Denzel made for them and hung them up in their rooms. The young boy was overjoyed when he saw them hanging on the walls and ran to tell Marlene, who vowed to make an even prettier drawing for Andria. The two just laughed as they ushered the kids out of the room and out to play. Andria and Cloud had also been keeping it underwraps that she had been staying in his room with him every night since her parents passed. Now more than anything she didn't want to be alone, she didn't want to sleep alone. She just wanted to be near him.

Andria and Cloud had both agreed to keep it to themselves, not telling anybody about anything, especially Tifa. Cloud quickly noticed that Tifa had been growing more and more cold towards Andria and he didn't understand why. None of them were giving off hints of their feelings for one another, though neither one quite fully understood yet how they were feeling. Cloud still felt unsure about letting Andria know exactly how he felt...he often wondered if he himself even understood how he felt. Upon noticing this newly formed attitude of Tifa's, Cloud approached her one day while they were alone in the bar. Mari had taken Andria outside to work on more of her magic, hoping that it would take the girl's mind off of things.

Cloud had just returned from his deliveries for the evening and had just entered the bar. Before that he had stopped off and said his hellos to Andria and Mari, casting Andria that sweet, tender look he always gave her though trying hide it at the same time. It was the same look that he gave to the children whenever calming or reassuring them about anything. Mari had noticed, but chose not to say anything and Tifa had been watching out of the window. Disgusted by what she saw, she threw the curtains closed and turned, going back to the bar and washing dishes, trying to drown out her thoughts, but the more she tried the more they came back and the more pissed off she became.

"So, what's going on with you?" Cloud asked curiously as he sat down at the bar and Tifa poured him a glass of water.

"Nothing, it's nothing," Tifa said shortly. She turned back to her dishes and began washing them.

"Oh c'mon Tifa, how long have we been friends? I know something's going on with you," Cloud said simply as he took a drink of his water and set it back down on the table.

"Far too long," she muttered under her breath. "I would have thought you'd realized by now," she said as she turned on the water, drowning out her voice so Cloud wouldn't hear her.

"Are you giving me the cold shoulder now? Who was the one that said I was always thinking of myself Tifa? That was you awhile back wasn't it?" he stated as he raised a thin, blonde eyebrow at her.

Tifa just shrugged her shoulders. "I'm fine Cloud," she lied. "I don't feel like talking right now, okay?"

Cloud drained his glass of water and sat it down on the table. "Fine then," he said simply and stood up. "I'll be outside polishing my swords." Cloud turned on his heel and walked out of the bar, leaving Tifa to wallow in her thoughts.

I just don't think you'll ever get it. I don't think you'll ever understand the way I feel. Or maybe you just don't care. You're too busy locked onto the memory of Aerith that you can't let go. Now this Andria comes along looking just like her and I know what you're doing Cloud're hanging onto the memory of Aerith by staying next to her, talking to her, comforting her...I'm not stupid! She thought angrily as she watched him disappear behind the door. She threw her dishrag angrily down on the bar and glared at the door as Cloud closed it behind him.

Cloud stepped outside in the warm, evening summer air. His swords were all inside of their protective covering on his bike and he approached it. Cloud leaned down near the front of Fenrir and hit a switch that caused the swords to shoot out from their compartments. As he stood up he caught light flashing out of the corner of his eye and heard laughter. Mari and Andria were having a magic water fight throwing water at one another and each girl tried to dodge it. Andria was using her hands and Mari her staff, but both girls noticed that they weren't quick enough, being slowed by their laughter as they stood there soaked. Pretty soon they had both collapsed on the ground in giggles. Cloud couldn't help but let the corner of his mouth turn up in a smirk as he watched Andria out of the corner of his eye. She has such a warm laugh. It's great to hear.

"I swear I'll kick your ass next time in the water fight," Mari panted as she laughed, her staff lay on the ground next to her.

"Not a chance!" Andria replied in giggles. She pulled her long, soaked ponytail over her shoulder and began ringing out the water. "I'm getting to be fast. I guess you shouldn't have been the one to teach me," teased Andria, giving her friend a slight shove.

"My reflexes are just a bit off tonight. Besides I was laughing too hard to concentrate," Mari replied still in a fit of giggles.

"Yeah yeah, excuses excuses," Andria retaliated playfully. She turned her head and began ringing the water out of her skirt when there was a splash of water that hit her in the face. "HEY!" Andria gasped as it made impact with her cheek. She then turned her sopping face around to see Mari sitting there with a devilish grin on her face, her staff in her hand, still sitting on the ground and laughing.

"HAH!" the mage replied playfully. "Now that is what I call kicking your ass!"

"Yeah, well I'll get you one of these days when you least expect it," Andria stated, wiping the water off her face and brushing back her soaked bangs. "And I was just starting to get dry!" she added with her tongue sticking out at the mage. The two girls sat on the ground as another fit of laughter hit them.

Man it's certainly wonderful to see Andi smiling and laughing again. The mage thought to herself as she smiled at her friend. She stood up and Andria along with her. They started back towards the bar when Andria's eyes caught Cloud. He was sitting on Fenrir and polishing one of the blades on his massive, 6-piece sword, First Tsurugi. She sighed and smiled as she watched him working, his head turned down and the swords glistened as the sun became lower and lower in the sky. Mari noticed this and she grabbed Andria's arm and pulled the girl away.

"Alright girl, spill the beans," Mari ordered as she folded her arms over her chest. "You and Cloud...have been acting sort of funny lately. So what's going on?"

Andria looked up at Mari, trying hard to keep her face as innocent as possible. "What do you mean Mari? Nothing is going on."

The mage raised a thin eyebrow, trying to stay firm with her but her green eyes were sparkling with laughter. "Mmmmhmmmm, then if you won't tell me, I'll just have to go ask Cloud myself. Ooooh Cloooud!" Mari began playfully, pretending to turn his way.

"Mari, do you actually think Cloud would say anything to you if there were something going on?" Andria teased, rolling her eyes. "You know how Cloud is. Anti-social, likes to keep to himself. Doesn't really let on to what he's feeling. Pfffft, you should know that."

Mari stood and pondered the thought for a moment, scratching her chin. "Hmmm good point. Well then, if you don't tell me, I'm gonna blast you again and this time it won't be water," she stated with a hint of trickiness in her voice.

"Dammit Mari, you're just not gonna let me get by with this are you?" Andria asked exasperatedly, but she shot the girl a smile, just to let her know she was playing. "Okay okay...but you have to promise you can't tell ANYBODY."

"Oh I promise!" the mage replied anxiously, ready to hear Andria's big, juicy secret. Andria took the girl by the arm and moved over towards a few trees so nobody would hear her.

"Okay, well the night after my parent's funeral, I went for a walk. I just wanted to run far away. I wanted to get away from here. I found myself in a place that Cloud had showed me while we were taking a ride on Fenrir that day," she sat back and remembered the long ride Cloud had given her on his massive bike. Andria looked up at the sky as she saw a flock of birds going by and she pointed upward. "Oh look! Birds!"

"Dammit Andi! You're just beating around the bush now! What happened!" she asked eagerly, hardly able to contain herself.

Andria giggled enjoying this little game she was playing with her friend. "Okay, so anyway, I didn't see any birds that night.."

"AAAAANDI!" Mari whined.

"SORRY! Anyway, I went up there to do some thinking and I thought I was alone but I wasn't.." her voice trailed off.

"What do you mean you thought you were alone?" Mari asked, curiosity striking her more than ever now.

Andria just made a silly grin and looked at the sky. "Those birds are sure flying fast," she pointed out. Then she put her hands up to her mouth and giggled as she watched the frustrating look on Mari's face elevate.

"Dammit woman you are hiding something!" she replied stamping her foot. "Now tell me what it is!"

Andria laughed openly and then she settled herself, looking as serious as she possibly could at the mage, trying hard to contain the laughter that tickled her chest. "Okay! Okay! I'll talk! Cloud found me up there and I wasn't, well let's just say I wasn't in a very good state at that point. So anyway, Cloud found me up there and tried to talk to me and I was being stubborn, but he was too. I just wanted him to go away and leave me alone. So I was standing there and getting pissed off and then the next thing I knew Cloud and I....," she paused and looked at Mari's eager face.

"What! What happened! TELL ME!" the mage demanded. "YOU AND CLOUD WHAT!"

"Well quit making that face and I can tell you!" Andria exclaimed, trying hard not to burst into a fit of giggles.

"What face! I'm not making any faces!" Mari replied aghast. "I just wanna know what happened!"

"Yes you are! You're making this face!" Andria exclaimed as she opened her eyes wide and dropped her jaw. "OMG TELL ME! TELL ME!" she squealed, mocking the mage.

"Hey quit it!" Mari exclaimed, shoving her friend. "I just wanna know what happened! Pleeeeeease tell me!" she pleaded, grabbing ahold of Andria's arm.

Andria burst out laughing, no longer able to contain it. "Okay okay, I'll tell you!" she replied gasping for breath. "Cloud came up there to console me. The next thing I knew, I was in his arms, he was looking down at me with this really gentle look in his eyes that I have never seen before," she sighed and looked at the sky dreamily. "And then..." she looked at her friend and lowered her voice. "He kissed me."

Mari's eyes went from wide to bugged out and then a big grin spread across her face. "He kissed you? Cloud Strife? KISSED YOU!?" she asked unbelievably.

"Yes he kissed me!" Andria squealed, hardly able to contain her excitement.

"Oh my gosh! Cloud kissed you! Oh that's so cute! Oh it's so precious! I knew something was going on with you two, I just couldn't tell what! But he kissed you! He really kissed you!" Andria and Mari grabbed ahold of each other's hands and began jumping up and down like young, excited teen girls and squealed with excitement and happiness. Andria's heart felt lighter than a feather as she remembered what it felt like when Cloud's lips touched hers.

"I can't believe it! you have feelings for him?" Mari asked, curious to know if things were starting to blossom between Cloud and Andria.

Andria nodded. "I think so. I mean I don't know. Whenever I'm around him he just makes me feel all warm and toasty inside. He makes me feel...gosh I don't know, different...but in a good way!"

"Well it had better make you feel good," Mari stated with a wink. "I mean that's what you wanted right? Maybe you're finally figuring out a way to break his shell."

Andria stood back and pondered Mari's statement. "You know...maybe you're right? Maybe that's what is happening. You know Mari, I don't think I could have gotten past all of this without you all being here for me. Especially you and Cloud."

"Awww, well what are friends for right?" the mage replied blushing. The girls walked with an arm around each other, heading back towards the bar when Vincent came striding towards them. A small smile was on his pale face.

"Well well well, looks like you girls went for a swim," he noticed as they approached him. "What were you up to?"

"We were actually working on Andria's magic skills, but it sorta...well, it turned into a water fight," Mari said sheepishly.

"Oh a water fight hmmmm? That doesn't quite classify as practicing skills and tactics now does it?" Vincent stated, raising an eyebrow, looking down at the both women. Andri and Mari were both blushing when the mage went up to Vincent and shoved him playfully.

"I seem to recall, Vincent Valentine, when you and I turned one of our shadowmonger hunts into a bit of a game," Mari said cheekily. "So there. Nothing wrong with games." she stated with a triumphant grin.

"Yeah, which I so brilliantly beat you at," Vincent replied smoothly. "And won fifty gil as well."

The mage just rolled her eyes and looked over at Andria who had now gone quiet. She was looking over at Cloud who was still polishing his swords, sitting on Fenrir, quiet and content. Mari smiled and went up to her friend, placing a hand on Andria's shoulders.

"Go talk to him," she whispered in her ear. "It can't hurt."

Andria looked back at Mari and nodded her head with a smile. She turned away from Vincent and Mari, who were now arguing playfully about when the next time they'd have another game like that and Mari swearing up and down she'd kick Vincent's ass. Andria giggled as she listened to them from behind her and walked up to Cloud who still polishing his blades.

"Hi there," she stated with a smile as she approached him

Cloud looked up from his swords and gave Andria that same warm look. "Hey you're all wet," was the first thing he said. "What were you two doing over there?"

"Oh," Andria stated blushing. "Mari and I sorta got in a water fight, but that's okay, I needed a bath," she replied with a tinkling giggle that made Cloud's heart skip a beat. He loved the sound of her laugh.

"You seem to be feeling a lot better. It's nice to see you smiling again," Cloud told her as he rested his hands on the blade and looked at her.

"Yes well, I have Mari to thank for that. The water fight just put me in a fit of giggles," she replied still blushing.

Cloud looked up at her, with a small grin on his face. "Well I'm glad you're feeling better. I admit I was...ummm, well you know," he blushed as he turned back down to his swords, continuing on cleaning them. It was clear that Cloud still had a bit of trouble voicing his feelings and acting upon them, no matter how badly he wanted to.

"Yeah I know, but I think I'll be okay," Andria told him. "So, "she began trying to change the subject. She could clearly tell that Cloud was uncomfortable. "I must say your sword is really big..I-I mean..." she sputtered when she realized what she said. She saw Cloud still continuing to blush but the corner of his mouth was upturned in a slight grin. Andria couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or sheer cockiness. "I meant to say they're shiny well they're amazing," she fumbled with her words. "Ummm, so how do you use a sword? I've always been fascinated by them."

Cloud still continued to grin a very small grin and he looked back at Andria. "I know what you meant Andi. Yeah, I love my swords. I honestly don't go anywhere without them," he stated as he looked down at the rune blade laying across his lap. "They're what protects me and the people around me. I fight with them all the time, I use them for protection and they help build my skills," he explained.

Andria, now curious, sat down on Fenrir in front of Cloud. "So what are the blades called?"

Cloud held up the two smallest blades in each hand, examining them. "These are called the Butterfly Edges. They fit into the lower part of the sword." Cloud laid those blades aside and picked up two, longer, smoother blades with enclosed handles. "These are the Rune Blades." He picked up two other blades that were easily the longest of the the four. They had jagged edges in the center of them that showed how the split apart to easily fit into one another.

"These are called the Apocolypse Blades. I prefer to use these whenever I'm in battle. I fit them together like this," Cloud added as he held them up into the setting sun, examining the blades, making sure all were clear of fingerprints and then he snapped them together to create an even bigger sword with a red handle that extended from the top of it. "I can easily fit this sword in the sheath on my back. I prefer to use this one the most." Cloud couldn't help but enjoy the amazement that shone in her lush green eyes. It actually made him feel good. "They all fit into one, massive sword," he explained. "I only use it if absolutely necessary."

Cloud?" Andria asked seriously, looking at the swordsman. "Do you think you could teach me how to sword fight?"

"Wow, you want to learn to sword fight?" he asked looking at her with interest playing in his eyes. "Well, I suppose I could teach you," Cloud stated thoughtfully. "I've seen you with Materia. You're a pretty fast learner."

"I want to learn how to protect myself and fight," Andria told him defiantly. "I don't want to go though rest of my life fearing what is awaiting me. And what if I run out of materia or don't have something strong enough? I don't want to go the rest of my life not being able to go out on my own for fear of something attacking me," she stated more serious now.

Cloud looked at her with a cocky expression crossing his handsome face. "You mean you don't want me to protect you? You don't want me to be your bodyguard?"

"Hey I never said that!" Andria retaliated. "I just meant that...dammit Cloud, I want to learn how to fight!"

Cloud smiled a little more as he looked at Andria. She was the only one here recently, asides from the kids, that made him smile. Day by day the wounds in his heart grew a little more shut because of her. Not because she looked like Aerith or reminded him of Aerith, no. This girl had a whole different, new light about her and for the first time in a long time Cloud felt happy.

"Alright then," he told her. "Tomorrow morning I'll take you into town and we'll pick you out a sword. I'll teach you proper sword fightning techniques," he stated with a egoish tone to his voice. He took each piece of his sword and fit them together and stood up from the Fenrir. He lifted the massive, First Tsurugi and swung it around his head and brought it forward. "Just like that," he added with his eyebrow raised.

Andria couldn't help but feel the excitement leap up from her chest. She was really going to learn how to fight and protect herself and the ones she loved. Andria looked around and noticed the curtains on the windows of the bar were closed. Mari and Vincent were now sitting on their porch completely immersed in each other. Cloud noticed this too and looked down at Andria's glowing, beautiful features shining with excitement. Knowing that they were alone now and then sun was going down, leaving the sky a deep bluish purple hue as the first few starts appeared, he leaned down and wrapped his arms around her shoulders from the front. Cloud rested his forhead up against hers and his eyes once more met her sparkling emerald eyes.

"We'll take you and get you a sword soon," Cloud promised her softly. "But in the mean time I want you to learn with practice swords, okay?"

"Okay," came Andria's reply as Cloud gently kissed her on the tip of the nose. Andria felt her heart flutter. She didn't notice that Vincent and Mari were sitting on their porch, watching the two now and smiling inspite of themselves.

"Looks like Cloud is starting to heal a little," Vincent pointed out, his throat rumbling against her face as she rested her head on his neck.

"Yeah and Andi too. I think this is just what they need," she replied with a soft sigh. "I want them to be as lucky as you and I."

Andria just looked up into Cloud's blue eyes, slighty outlined with green around the pupils. I hope you know, Cloud, everyday I'm with you is helping me overcome my misery just a little more... She thought to herself, and little did she know that Cloud was thinking the exact same thing.
Wow. I really enjoyed that one, but I've never imagined Andi using a sword... but I can't wait until the next chapter. It made me laugh soooo hard...

"Well then, if you don't tell me, I'm gonna blast you again and this time it won't be water," Yeah, we can all have fun training once in a while, lol.

Also, how she ends up bringing up the birds during their conversation...."Hmmm, the birds sure are flying fast tonight." I just couldn't stop laughing....roflmao. Anyways, proceed to amuse your fans, particularily me.