Fan Fiction Final Fantasy VII: The Past of the Cetra

really nice, I just started reading it. I'm guessing you enjoy writing ^_^
anywho, keep it up!
Oh my gosh you guys I am so sorry for the long wait on this chapter. I had so much trouble writing this and was stuck quite a bit, but I feel it turned out really well. I hope you all enjoy this chapter ^_^

Chapter 19- Confessions

Cloud wore himself down from all of the strong emotions that took over him that night. He lay on his side and rested his head in Andria's lap as his tears slowed. He still continued to clutch onto her like a frightened child. The swordsman was scaring himself, and he didn't know what to do or where to turn anymore. He felt like he was losing himself and try as he might to find him, he just couldn't. All he wanted to do was to just stop thinking for awhile and sleep. All of these emotions, all of these fears and feelings that stumbled around Cloud's heart had finally burst forth and Cloud didn't think they would ever come to a halt. The feelings he was having for Andria, they scared him. The visions that he kept seeing, they too were scaring him. It was like being taken back to that same place all over again, three years ago. If Sephiroth had really returned, would he have control of Cloud's mind once more? They were, after all, connected, no matter how badly the blonde wanted to deny it, he knew it was the most unfortunate truth.

He sighed as kept his blonde head rested easily in Andria's warm lap. Cloud enjoyed the gentle sensation of her fingertips wiping away any left over tears or anymore that may have escaped. She shooshed him and sang softly to him, trying to calm him down as though he were a frightened child. That was exactly how he felt. The swordsman felt as though he were trapped, stuck in the mindframe of a young child who was scared and didn't know what to do or where to turn. He felt like nobody was there to take his hand and lead him to safety, even though he knew there was, he still felt alone. He felt as though the happier he became the lonlier it was. He needed to distance himself from Andria. Cloud knew he needed to. If he fell any harder for her, it would only make things worse. No matter where he looked, he saw nothing but despair, or atleast close to it. The blonde, still lost in his corroded swirl of thoughts, eventually drifted off into a peaceful, deep sleep in Andria's lap.

The young Cetra watched him as he slept in her lap. She watched his shoulder rise and fall with every deep breath he took, indicating he was, in fact, asleep. However she still continued to run her fingers through his soft, blonde spikes tenderly. For some reason she could still sense the anguish emitting from this man. What had happened to make him hurt so? He just lay there, so quietly and so innocently in her lap. This man was precious to her. More precious than anybody had ever been in her entire life. It had torn Andria's heart into pieces to see him the way he had been. She never figured Cloud a crier and she knew by any means he wasn't, so what happened to make him break like this? What was he searching for? What was he trying to do? What was it that got in the way and made this beautiful human being fall?

"I finally understand what they were trying to tell me. I kept hearing temple, church and breakdown. They were telling me I needed to go to the temple. They were telling me that you were going to end up in the church and you were going to have a breakdown. Oh how I wish I understood it then," she sighed as she continued to caress his soft spikes. "Cloud, what is going on your mind? Are you searching for something? Are you searching for yourself?" she asked softly, staring down at his sleeping form with a sad expression on her face. "Whatever it is Cloud, I can help you find out or find yourself. We can do it together. As long as I have you by my side, then I know I can handle anything."

The only response Andria got were the whisperings she heard of the voices of the deceased, echoing in her mind from the Planet. It still bothered her at times, but she had grown quite used to it as time went on. The only time it really overwhelmed her is when they screamed or cried in fear or the Planet cried. She could always note the cry of the Planet. It had struggled through so much three years ago. She could still rememeber it in her head. Andria could still hear the cry, the agony and it was coming back. However this time, the Planet sounded weak, it sounded afraid as though it knew something were though it knew something terrible was about to happen.

But what is going to happen? We know Sephiroth has returned...I know I have the souls of the Cetra looking out for me, but...Aerith and Mom said that Cloud and I have to do this on our own, but it was mostly up to what do I do to prevent these terrible things from happening? Oh Aerith, Mom...please don't leave my side. I'm going to need you now more than ever. Andria wondered to herself as she rested her head back against the pillar, staring up at the stars that were now fading above her.

Dawn was well on it's way and Andria felt exhausted. Gently she manuevered herself downward, so she could lay in the soft flowers and grass with Cloud. Andria rested gently on her back. Cloud didn't flinch as she moved and she gently rested the swordsman's head on her stomach. She continued to keep her fingers entertwined in his hair as her eyes fluttered shut. Soon, Andria found herself in quiet, white, blissful sleep, never seeing nor hearing the small drop of water fall into the pool of Lifestream.


They were running...both Cetra and warrior. Hand in hand, the two sprinted through the forest at top speed, their breaths coming in sharp, quick gasps. They were outnumbered by whatever these creatures were that had been attacking them. The two had sustained quite a few injuries which the Cetra had quickly healed them of. Once they discovered they were outnumbered, they fled. Everything was hazed over and fogged up their vision as the two entered the path to the Sleeping Forest. Both Ancient and warrior could hear those creatures still chasing them.

Why they continued to give chase, neither one of them knew. Howeve, he could tell that, the Cetra could definantly sense that these somethings were after them and only them. These beasts had a taste for their blood for reasons only they knew, not she nor her hero. The area was entirely too misty to tell what exactly was behind him and quite honestly, neither one wanted to look behind just to see what was chasing them. Though he couldn't tell what was after them, the blonde still kept out his sword, clutching the handle in his free hand while holding the Ancient's hand with his other.

A few times had the Cetra tripped, trying to outrun their oncoming attackers. The warrior quickly took note of this as he tightened his gloved hand around her and pulled her up. They were being chased...chased by something, though the warrior couldn't quite make out what they were. They definantly weren't the kahnras that had attacked them previously. No, this was something new. The battle between the creatures and the two had taken place so abruptly that neither warriror nor Cetra had time to get a proper look. They were like massive blurs, dashing around the two, unleashing powerful attacks to make them temporarily weak.

"Cloud! us!" Andria cried out as she held tightly to his hand after tripping for the second time. The ground underneath their feet was very rocky, uneaven and sharp. Andria's brown, strapped sandles weren't helping the situation at all.

"I don't know, but we need to keep running! There's too many of them and we'll be killed for sure if we don't find a place to hide!" Cloud replied hastily.

Cloud's keen eyes scanned the misty forest, searching for a place to them to take cover. All Cloud could think about at this point in time was getting his Andria out of danger. The blonde knew if he could just find somewhere for them to hide, he could protect the Cetra from any harm that may come her way.

"Cloud I don't understand this!" Andria stated as Cloud stopped for a moment and then took off in another direction. "It feels like they're after us and only us!"

"It's because they are," the warrior replied. "They'll stop at nothing to get us. I know that he sent them after us. Besides, they want their hands on you! I will NOT let that happen!"

Cloud looked onward and saw something in the distance of the fog. Just ahead was the entrance to the Sleeping Forest. He could see the trees glowing just beyond. Cloud made sure he still had the Lunar Harp on him so he could enter with Andria.

"C'mon Andi! The Sleeping Forest is just ahead!" he urged the girl.

Cloud pulled the girl along with him as his muscularly built legs took off at tremendous speed again. How he wished at this point in time he had Fenrir with them. It would be so much easier for them to make a quicker get-away on. However, The swordsman knew they'd be an easier target with the massive motorcycle and also knew it would be safer for them to travel on foot. The bright headlights and powerful roar of the bike would give them away much too quickly. The only thing on Cloud's mind at this point in time was protecting the Ancient from anything and everything that would put her precious self in harm's way. Andria panted as she struggled to keep up with Cloud, gripping his hand even tighter for fear of falling. Cloud heard a small, surprised scream coming from the girl as her foot caught a sharp rock and she went down.

There was squelching sound from just behind Cloud and Andria screamed again as he bent down to lift the girl back on on her feet. Cloud craned his blonde head around to see a massive, greenish slimy looking creature advancing towards them. It had many yellow, almost blinded looking eyes placed all around the top of it's head with stems holding up the many moving eyeballs. The creature looked like a cross between an octopus, some sort of plant and a jelly fish. What the hell is a Malboro doing out near the Sleeping Forest!? Cloud thought to himself as he saw the vile, massive creature gurgle and inch closer towards them.

"CLOUD!" Andria screamed as the blonde whirled around, coming face to face with Malboro.

There was a trail of slime that descended from where the Malboro had stopped to advance upon Cloud and Andria. Cloud brandished his swords and snapped the two pieces together, creating one very powerful weapon. The warrior stood ready in his battle stance as the Malboro came closer, deep rumbling growls came from somewhere deep inside of it. Andria crawled backwards away from the creature and gasped as the beast opened it's copious mouth. Lined inside of the creature's jaw were many sets of sharp, glistening teeth.

"ANDRIA RUN!" cried out Cloud.

The Malboro let out a disgusting, gurgling sound as the massive jaws stayed ajar. It slowly continued to glide towards Cloud. Cloud glared at the slimy beast and raised his upper lip in a snarl. The beast lifted one tentacle and struck at the swordsman, causing him to leap backward. Right before the massive suction could strike the blonde, a giant wave of flames flew past him right into the Malboro's tentacle. It roared in pain and rage as it dropped that tentacle, and it hit the ground with another squelching sound. Cloud looked behind him to see Andria on her feet now. Her eyebrows were narrowed and her emerald eyes had the look of anger. She was ready to fight. The Cetra had one katana in each hand The Ancient twirled them skillfully and placed them in front of her, waiting for the Malboro to strike again.

The stems extending to the Malboro's eyeballs wavered around blindly, almost as if it were using them as sensors. The slimy beast opened it's great mouth even wider and exhaled what looked like a tanish green foggy mist. The smell was atrocious as the fog met the air. Cloud didn't stop for a moment to say anything, instead he threw himself over the Ancient, shielding her face. Cloud buried his face into her hair. He leaned in next to her ear.

"Andi, whatever you do, do not breathe not inhale the breath!" he whispered and held his breath, burying his face all the more.

Cloud was relieved at the small nod of Andria's head and he held onto her tight, doing his best to protect her. The two shuddered as they felt the nasty mist fall over them, and the scent became even more horrific. The two did their best to keep from breathing in the mist, for Cloud knew the ailments that awaited them if they breathed it in. The mist had a rather strange, almost stinging sensation as it fell over their bodies. Cloud knew once the stinging sensation had passed, the bad breath attack was gone. They both released a breath of relief as they realized that the bad breath attack had missed.

The warrior whirled around with his sword in hand and had it raised, ready to unleash his attack upon the vile creature. He raised the blade up to the sky which was beginning to glow with a bright, blue light. The blonde brought the sword crashing down heavily on the ground, accelerating the Blade Beam attack upon the fiend. The impact of the sword to the forest floor was intense. The main blast ricocheted off of the gleaming weapon, sending miniature shockwaves straight into the Malboro. The disgusting figure went tumbling backwards head over tentacles and was thrown quite a few feet from Cloud and Andria.

There was an infurating roar that emitted from the creature as it landed back on it's tentacles. The squelching sounded again, only more furiously as the enraged Malboro was quickly advancing back towards the warrior and the Cetra. Andria and Cloud took turns dealing fire attacks to the beast. The beast hit them on more than one account throughout the battle but nothing had given them any ailments. The weaker the Malboro became, the more it's attacks faltered. Andria saw Cloud beginning to lose strength a bit after being knocked to the ground.

The Ancient too was beginning to feel it after be slapped backwards by one of the slimy tentacles and landing hard on her side. The young woman stood up, clutching her side and felt a strong surge of magic overtake her Cetra body. Andria lifted one her katanas high above her head and brought it down in a swooping motion. She called upon powerful curative spell, Healing Wind, which caused a gust of magical wind to blow over them. It fell gently down on their bodies, sparkling with light and with a warm touch. The warrior and the Cetra soon found their strength returning as they became engulfed in Andria's magical wind she had enherited from her mother and her sister. Certain it was weakened enough to finish it off, Andria attacked one of it's remaining tentacles with her katanas causing the beast to cry out in pain. The beast fell heavily onto it's side and Cloud and Andria stood back with heaving breaths. They stared at the creature as it twitched for a moment and didn't move again.

"Is it...dead?" asked Andria breathlessly, not letting her guard down.

"Yes, I think it is," replied Cloud. He lifted a gloved hand and wiped the beads of sweat that had formed on his forehead during battle. The two stood and observed the creature for a moment. It still hadn't moved. "Yes, I'm almost positive it's dead."

Andria nodded her seal of approval. Cloud put a hand on the Cetra's shoulder as she bent down and put her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. She stood up and looked up into Cloud's sparkling, azure eyes. He stared down into her emerald gaze with a soft look crossing his face. He was just so grateful that she was alright.

"Cloud what is it?" Andria asked, tilting her head, ever so slightly and continued to stare into his eyes. "Are you alright? Do you need more healing?" Her voice became filled with concerned as she watched his eyes change. He always seemed to speak to her with his eyes.

Without warning, the warrior took his Cetra into his arms and held her close. "I'm just so grateful you're okay. You were amazing in that battle back there. Malboro's are hard to defeat." He brought up his free hand to the girl's face and brushed back her honey-brown bangs. Cloud placed his hand tenderly on the side of her face, and she sighed as she nuzzled into it.

Andria stood up on tiptoe so she could be closer to Cloud's face. "Well, I had a wonderful teacher," she cooed softly and lightly tapped him on the nose with her fingertip.

Cloud could feel his heart fluttering as she did that. He always loved the way Andria tapped his nose. There was always something so gentle, sweet and playful about that. It was one of the many precious things she did that made him smile and really feel like she was all his, and no matter what she would always be his. Cloud was about to lean in and kiss her when a surprised grunt followed by a moan of pain escaped his lips and his eyes went wide. Andria saw the look cross his face and it frightened her.

"C-Cloud?" she stammered as his hand dropped from her face, to his side.

His right hand still clutched the hilt of his sword tightly, and the Ancient watched as intense pain mixed with strong fury fill the warrior's face. The Malboro, with the last of it's remaining strength, had lifted a tentacle, covered in stingers and released one into Cloud's back. He could feel the searing poison shooting through deep within his veins at the moment the stinger had pierced his very flesh. Hot venom was curdling through his insides and the wound throbbed ferociously with sharp, hot, stabbing pains..

Cloud could no longer feel the blood that was seeping through the puncture wound in his back. The warrior swirled around, raising his sword high above his head again. Cloud took off at a lunge, readying his Climhazzard attack. With a furious yell, the blonde stabbed the sword into the creature's chest. A loud, screeching wail came from the slimy creation. Cloud's sword was lit up with a bright green, powerful light as he lept into the air with the creature still clung to his weapon. Cloud grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands and turned it downward. The Malboro hit the ground with large thud. Cloud came thundering down from above the beast and drove his gargantuan blade right through the top of it's head, crashing down through it's body until he felt the blade hit the forest floor. The creature was now undoubtably dead.

Cloud could feel the poison overtaking him now. With the last of his remaining strength, he withdrew the blade from the Malboro's corpse and let the blood and slime covered sword fall to the ground with clatter. Cloud's azure orbs were glazing over as he caught Andria's face hazing before his very eyes.

"A-Andi," the man sputtered.

Andria dropped her katanas to the forest floor and watched as Cloud began to sway off balance, surging vertigo taking over his body. The warrior made his way towards her, and he fell into the Cetra's outstretched arms. He looked up into her eyes as her face weaved in and out of view. He could see tears filling those beautiful, emerald eyes and he tried to reach a hand up to touch her, but he didn't have the strength.

"Cloud!" her voice cried out, though it sounded distant and echoing. "Hang on Cloud!" the Cetra urged.

The blonde could feel her laying him on the ground and gently roll him over on his side so she could look at his back. Blood was slowly seeping out of the puncuture where the stinger had got him. The stinger was still decently deep within his flesh and he could sense the Cetra gathering her courage. She reached her hand onto the stinger and slowly pulled it from his back. The stinger was long, black and sharp. He listened to her and smiled in his mind as she gave a disgusted noise and she threw it. He knew and could feel that she wanted to save him, be his hero for a change. Cloud heard the stinger hit the ground just feet away. Andi...please hurry! The warrior pleaded to himself. He could feel his life slowly slipping away from her. He didn't want to leave her. Not now, not at this point time.

"Cloud! Oh what do I do! I don't know how to heal this!" he heard the Cetra's voice shaking with tears now.

She placed a Cure3 materia into his back where the wound had been created and she watched with relief as it closed up and his bleeding stopped. However, it was too late. The poison had already entered Cloud's veins and was spreading quickly through his body. He knew she was listening as his breathing grew ever more shallow.

"A-Andi...bag...antidote," the warrior struggled through labored breaths.

He felt Andria lift his upper body back into her arms again and her skin felt so warm to the touch. She placed her small, feminine hand over his forehead and then carassed his cheek. She reached down into the bag that lay beside them and dug through their bottles of various liquids and potions.

"Th-there's no antidote!" she cried out in disbelief. "You're going cold! Oh Cloud! Please, hang on!" the Ancient pleaded as she held him close. He could see tears slipping freely down her cheeks now and he felt their warmth hit his face. "NO! You're NOT going to die! I'm not going to let you!" Andria stood up as the same magical sensation overwhelmed her, only this time it was stronger.

She stood up above Cloud, lifting her hands high above the air. She looked up into the sky and Cloud watched as he observed the Planet's energy now connecting with the beautiful Cetra.

"Breath of the Earth, breathe your life on him. Spare him, let him live, please," she whispered to the heavens, holding her hands stationary.

Ice blue, shimmering light swirled around the young woman's hands and began to trail downward towards the poisoned Cloud. It slowly wound and circled it's way around his body. His eyes grew wide as he watched the light swirl and trail around him, surrounding him and engufling him. He could feel Andria inside of this light along with another powerful force and strength from the Planet, wrapping it's way around him and snaking it's healing touch through his insides. The warrior could slowly feel strength returning to his body. Cloud could feel the warmth filling his insides.

It spread from his toes all the way up to his fingertips. Then it traveled through his chest and all the way up to his head. At last, his vision was returning to normal and the terrible pain the poison had caused was being lifted. Cloud watched Andria as she continued to use her special powers to heal him, astonished at the fact that she even carried her sister's powers he so well could remember before she had died. More than anything, Cloud as grateful that Andria posessed these powers and he had to admit to himself that he was extremely proud of her as he watched her magical capabilities grow and how well she handled herself in a fight. The Breath of the Earth soon began to fade as the warrior became fully healed. He sat up as the light diminshed from around him and from Andria's hands. She dropped her hands to her sides and stared into Cloud's face with tear-filled eyes. A smile reached her tender, pink lips.

"Cloud!" she whispered and dropped to the ground, throwing herself into his hold.

The blonde wrapped his strong arms around the young Cetra's body and held onto her tightly. She clung to his shoulders, her body shaking slightly and he felt her bury her face into his chest.

"Thanks for that Andi," Cloud murmered as he rested his face against the side of her head and into her soft hair. "I had no idea you could do that. I'm so grateful that you could."

Andria let off a small giggle into his chest and she turned her face towards his. "I guess I was your hero for a change huh?" the girl spoke softly as she rubbed her nose gently against his. She withdrew and gently tapped the end his nose with her fingertip. The blonde closed his eyes and blushed.

"Yeah, heh...kind of redundant huh?" Cloud murmered as he brought his lips closer to hers.

"Yeah...I guess so. I never thought I'd be the one to save you," she whispered. "But Cloud, we should probably go. We have plenty of time for this later." She continued to whisper sensually with her lips just millimeters away from his.

"But...I don't want to," he whispered back, his lips nearly begging for her sweet taste. "I don't want this moment to end."

In truth, all Cloud wanted to do was stay here forever in her arms, let her kiss him and all he wanted right now was just her and only her. He wanted to taste her and feel the softness, the sweetness, the gentlness of her touch. Cloud never felt this way about anybody that he could recall. It seemed so long ago that Cloud had only wished that he could have shared these feelings with Aerith. He loved her, he would always love her, but he had moved on now. It was happening to him now and it was real and it was true. This feeling was all so new that in all honesty, it was still scaring him somewhat. He feared to get close to this beauty that lay against him but at the same time, he couldn't help himself. Why do I continue to fear being near you? Why does it hurt so much? Am I just afraid you'll be taken away from me, too? Andria lifted her small finger and placed it over his lips, leaning ever closer. Emerald orbs met Aquamarine and locked into one another's gaze. The warrior could see the love and the truth for him melting into his soul just from her eyes and his heart felt at peace.

"Another time," the Cetra spoke softly. "For now, we have a battle to fight and a Planet to save."

Cloud agreed with her silently. He gathered up his sword and re-sheathed it across his back. Andria gathered her katanas, clasped them back together and sheathed them at her side. Cloud stood up on his feet, taking Andria's soft hands in his gloved ones and pulled her to her feet. With a brisk nod, Cloud signaled it was time to continue on. He looked at the glowing masses of trees that lay just ahead. Cloud pointed wordlessly towards the forest, letting the Cetra know he was ready to continue with their travels.

Andria knew they should probably stay quiet now, especially since the brutal attack that had been unleashed upon them. Neither one didn't want to risk anything finding them. The ancient replied with a nod of her head and the two walked into the Sleeping Forest. All was quiet and dark except for the trees. Their branches swayed gently in the hardly felt breeze that barely swept the serene forest. They emitted the light that surrounded Cetra and warrior. The trees were tinged with soft, glowing white light that almost made them seem more than alive. Fireflies and white orbs of glowing light drifted in and out of the trees in the darkness.

Cloud's keen senses kicked in as the couple entered the forest. The warrior felt something highly uneasy about the air. The breeze had stopped and tt was still. A slight but definant was chill carried through the air. This wasn't how he remembered the forest to feel. Something definantly wasn't right here. It was uneasy feeling that washed over him, like somebody was watching them, staring at their every move. Cloud's hand reached behind his back and unsheathed his sword once more, holding it at the ready in front him. He brushed back a lock of blonde hair from his eyes and stared around nervously.

Cloud looked over at Andria and his eyes traveled down to her waist where her katanas were sheathed. "Get out your weapons," he whispered demandingly. "Something doesn't feel right here."

The Ancient nodded wordlessly and brandished her swords with one hand, holding them at bay. In her other, she gathered up a Fire3 materia and clutched it just incase she needed to use it. She cast a slightly worried glance at Cloud. "What do you think it is?" she asked, sidling closer to him so she'd feel safer. Something was definantly not right in this forest.

"I don't know," the blonde whispered back. "Just stay close to me and stay on your guard."

The two continued to walk when Cloud heard her scream come from behind him. He heard Andria hit the ground hard. The side of her face slammed into some rock, breaking open her skin and he saw a trace of blood on her face. His eyes widened in horror as he saw what had caused Andria to fall. There was a long, gleaming blade being pulled from her the back of her shin. He heard Andria whimper in pain as blood began gushing from the muscle and tissue that had been pierced. Cloud's eyes widened as his eyes traveled from where Andria lay, up to where a figure stood just above her.

"ANDI NO!" Cloud cried out as she made to stand up and turn around. He was somewhat distanced from her and couldn't grab her out of harm's way quick enough.

Just as the Cetra turned around his eyes met what he didn't want to believe. The girl had felt a terrible pain of hot steel, driving into her chest like a fresh nail through a wall. He watched as her eyes flew open and she dropped the glowing orb that had been clutched in her hand. The Fire materia rolled across the ground, landing at Cloud's feet. Her eyes looked up into those of her unwelcomed guest as he held the sword, lifting her body up along with it. Her arms and legs dangled helplessly. Face to face Emerald met Mako. Two, evil, glaring green eyes stared down into her own jade ones. Long, silver hair was cascading down his shoulders and his long, silver bangs hung like new metal around his face. Cloud watched her face as it went from pink to white and blood began trickling down the side of her mouth. He saw her emerald eyes go wide from shock and definantly pain. Her head began to fall backwards.

Much to his horror, there was a glint of steel protruding from her chest. The girl tried to scream but instead her body writhed from the pain that had now reached between her shoulder blades. Andria was struggling to lift her head and he knew she saw him. The blonde man was coming at Sephiroth with quickened, angry strides, his sword raised. He was screaming, yelling, raging with terror. She tried hard to open her mouth to call fo him but she couldn't. This is not happening! Not again! Oh please Gods, tell me, this is not happening! Andria was losing her life right in front of him. It was slipping away and fury filled his insdes as he watched her struggling hard to hold on. There was that same, disgusting sound of grating metal as the Masamune blade slid easily out of her chest. Sephiroth stepped back with a cruel snicker and Andria began to fall forward.

"Oh no! OH GODS NO!" Cloud wailed as he rushed forward, dropping his sword at his feet and catching the Ancient in his arms before she fell to the earth. "No! Please tell me this isn't true! You can't do this to me again, SEPHIROTH!" screamed the warrior as he clutched the Cetra's body in his arms. He looked down into her eyes that were now fluttering shut. "She...she's slipping away!"

"Yes she is. I disposed of her just as I disposed of her sister!" came Sephiroth's cruel, cold tone.

Cloud's eyes were blazing with anger as he stared up into the sinister face above him. "How could you....why would do THIS!"

"She was getting in my way," the silver-haired man stated almost lazily. "I wouldn't have her thwarting my plans."

Cloud's eyes traveled back down to the woman before him. He clutched onto her tightly and held her close, burying his face into her hair to hide the oncoming tears. He ran his fingers tenderly down her pale jaw and over the wound that was on her lifeless face. "I love you Andi...I-I love her! I LOVE HER!! YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME JUST LIKE YOU DID AERITH! HOW COULD DO THIS TO ME! ANDI DON'T GO! I LOVE HER!"


The blonde's eyes flew open and then shut again as the sounds of his screams were heard echoing all around them. "I love her! I love her so much! I loved her and I still do and you took her away from me! You've done this to me again! Andria don't go please!" the blonde cried out, his brain still drawn with sleep. His eyes remained squeezed shut but it didn't stop two tears that escaped from them. Cloud was still caught in his nightmare, and placed his gloved hands over his head, rolling onto his side and clutched onto it tightly.

The Cetra lept awake at the moment she heard Cloud's screams and she grabbed the swordsman who lay gripping onto his head in the bed of flowers. "Cloud! Cloud listen to me! I'm here!" her voice cried out, amongst his cries of terror. "CLOUD I'M HERE!" He began to hear her voice. It was coming close and closer. "Cloud wake up please! You're having a nightmare!"

She lowered her hands onto his and pryed them from his head and with some effort rolled him onto his back. Andria sat next to him, caressing the lining of his jaw with her soft fingertips. The swordsman's screaming dispersed as his mako-infused eyes fluttered open and then quickly squeezed shut again from the bright light of the sun as he woke up. The sunlight was now pouring through the massive hole in the roof and casting it's warm radiance over their bodies. The sun's luminous rays splashed into Cloud's face, and he blinked hard as Andria's face came into view above his. The Ancient smiled lovingly down into his face as she continued to caress his cheek. He said...I love her...was he talking about me? He said my had to of been me...right?

"Cloud," came her voice softly. "It's alright, you were having a nightmare, it's all over now. We're still in the church and it's morning," she pointed up to the broken rafters. "I never left, I'm still right here."

Cloud sat up trying to focus on his surroundings. His breath was coming in quick, light gasps. His forehead was beaded with sweat and his handsome features looked slightly fearful. Cloud took one look at Andria as he senses came back into focus. When he realized that it was all just a dream, he dropped right back onto his back and looked up at sun's rays just peeking through the broken roof. He raised a hand resting it across his forhead, still not able to speak or find the words.

That dream..nightmare. It had been so real. He kept seeing Sephiroth, stabbing his beloved Andria right through the chest, just as she helplessly turned around not knowing what to expect. Everything was so real. Cloud had watched the silver blade pierce through her delicate shoulder blades. He saw the blood begin to soak through her shirt. He saw her blood rain off of the blade as it made it's appearance through her delicate, once perfect flesh. Cloud's eyes took in the site of the beautiful Ancient who was sitting on her knees across from. There was no wound in her chest. The Cetra tilted her lovely head slightly and smiled at him. She leaned towards him with her hands folded behind her back. Andria was there, she was real and she was alive. Relief washed through his body when he realized where he was, but the swordsman still couldn't help but feel troubled.

"There now, are you alright Cloud?" came Andria's worried voice next to him. She turned her emerald orbs to look down into his eyes that were still slightly drawn with sleep. The Cetra brought a hand up to his hair and entwined her fingers around the loose pieces that cradeled his sides of his handsome face. "That was some dream you were having."

"Yeah," Cloud replied a little embarassed.

He sat up in the bed of flowers feeling more awake now. He could still remember everything that had happened yesterday. Everything that he was feeling, all of these things happening to him, he couldn't understand. He didn't quite know how to control it. Though since he finally let himself have his breakdown, he had to admit he felt a little better. He stood up and brushed off the loose grass and flower petals off of his clothing.

"I didn't realize we fell asleep in here last night," the swordsman commented.

Andria stood up as well and put her hands behind her back. She lowered her head and looked at the flowers. "I guess we were both pretty tired," the Cetra answered him softly. Andria wanted more than anything right now to apologize to Cloud for what had happened. Taking a deep breath she looked up at Cloud, who had his head turned from her, looking around the church.

"Cloud I...I'm so sorry about the argument we had. I...I never meant to hurt you," Andria stated, feeling somewhat ashamed.

Cloud just shook his blonde head as he continued to stare off. "You didn't hurt me," he said simply. The swordsman turned to face the girl who was hanging her head, feeling ashamed. "You don't bring me reminders of my past. Not anymore you don't," he added softly, a slight pink color rose in his cheeks. "I'm sorry you had to see me the way you did." The blonde raised a hand and nervously rubbed the back of his blonde spikes. "I'm not like that normally. I don't know what came over me." Cloud turned his back towards the girl and looked at the stained glass windows that still remained intact.

Andria walked up behind him and rested a hand on his arm. "I think you were just hiding your emotions for too long. You just kept burying them and covering them up, hmm? You were building walls around your heart that nobody could penetrate. I think your walls finally crumbled, Cloud," the Cetra stated truthfully.

Cloud just sighed as he felt the girl's warm hand squeeze his muscular bicep gently. It was almost comforting and sent goosebumps covering his body. Everytime she touched him sent goosebumps over his body. His heart was pounding heavily in his chest. More than anything he just wanted to reveal the feelings he felt for this girl, but that the same time, Cloud found himself frightened. After that dream he had, it was just too real. What if he did reveal his feelings? What if they did travel together to save the Planet yet again? What would happen if he fell even deeper, only to lose her by his only enemy? No, he couldn't let that happen again. He would protect her. He would be able to save her...right?

"Cloud?" came Andria's gentle voice again. "Please...there's so much to talk about it. We really need to Cloud, please?"

She sounded almost pleading and the blonde could hardly resist the tone of her voice. He tried to recoil, but found that he could not. Sighing in defeat, he turned around to face her pleading, sparkling green eyes. How could somebody be so beautiful and look so sad at the same time? She doesn't deserve to be sad. The swordsman wondered to himself. He nodded his head.

"Alright then, we'll talk. But, how about we go for a stroll around the sector? I need to get out of this church for awhile and out into the open. So how about it? We can talk while we're walking," Cloud proposed.

Andria nodded her head. "Just a walk around Midgar then?" she asked, smiling with her hands behind her back. She titled her head slightly. Cloud noted just how precious she looked when she did that.

"Yeah," Cloud replied. "A walk around Midgar."

"Alright then let's go!" the Cetra exclaimed, slightly anxious. Her heart was beating in her chest at a rather quick rate. While walking, she wanted to talk to him and express her feelings. More than anything she wanted to tell Cloud she loved him.

"We will, but Andi...could I, ummmm...have a moment alone?" Cloud asked, looking down at the floor and feeling slightly embarrassed again. "It's nothing personal or nothing towards you," he added.

"Oh, of course Cloud. I understand," she replied with a smile, showing that she did understand. She placed a hand on his arm. "I'll be outside waiting for you, okay Cloud?"

"Okay," he replied as he watched her smile again and turn away from him.

The Cetra walked across the creaking floorboards of the church and approached the double doors that had been restored after the battle in the church. She opened them up and inclined her head just enough to see that Cloud's back was now facing her. Sighing softly she turned back towards the doors and disappeared on the other side of them. Her eyes fell on the attractive black motorbike that was Fenrir, sitting parked just outside of the church. Andria made her way over to it and sat down, waiting patiently for Cloud to finish doing whatever he needed to do.

Cloud stood in the flowers, looking down at his feet. He always did love coming to this place as it was a sanctuary of peace. Everything in here comforted him whenever he felt the need to be comforted. Cloud walked across the glowing lillies as he could remember when he fell through the rafters and landed in her flowers. Cloud smirked inspite of himself as he remembered how bad he felt at the thought of crushing her flowers and how sweet she had been about it, more worried about him than her flowers. The blonde crouched down in the flowers and picked a yellow and white lilly from the grass. He approached what looked like a broken angel statue that lay near the flowers and broken pillars that were scattered about. Cloud sat down on one of the pillars near the angel and looked at one of the concrete feathers. The swordsman lifted up the sleeve on his arm, revealing the pink ribbon that he still wore in rememberance of Aerith. Cloud had worn that ribbon for three years now. He loved her so, and he loved her still.

Cloud knew that he would continue to always love Aerith, but he also knew it was time to let go. All of the members of AVALANCHE had too worn a ribbon in rememberance of her, but only awhile ago had each member removed their ribbons, putting them away in a safe and special place. They all knew that Aerith was always with them in their hearts and their pain and guilt had melted away, but not Cloud's. Atleast not until he had met Andria did his pain slowly begin to lift. Cloud fingered the ribbon on his arm gently and slowly he began to untie it. It was time. He took the flowers and laid them against the feathers protruding from the broken angel statue and took the pink ribbon. Cloud tied it tightly around the two flowers and allowed the ribbon to bind them to the statue. The swordsman made sure he had tied it just tight enough so it wouldn't come loose.

"I'll always love you, my Flower Girl," Cloud spoke in a low tone as he kept his fingers placed gently on the ribbon. "But I think it's time to let go. I'll never forget you. I have a special place for you in my heart. I know now that you led Andria to me and I know she's your sister, so in sense I still have you with me, but I'm still so confused. I know it's time for me to protect her now. It's time for me to pick up my feet and keep her safe for your sake and for hers. I'll meet you again one day Aerith. I'll always love you. Our bond is unbreakable," he continued to speak softly. A slight sadness was filling his insides.

Cloud looked at the ribbon, his gloved fingers still caressing it slightly. "We're unbreakable Aerith, but now I have to go." Cloud stood up from the pillar and looked at the ribbon tied with the flowers. They still continued to glow softly at him. A small drop of water fell from one of the rafters above and hit the side of the angel's wing and slid down to nestle itself deep in the soft, yellow petals. Cloud gave it a very small smile. He knew that was Aerith's sign. He knew that she was letting him know it was okay to go on now. "Thank you Aerith," he murmured. He let his hand linger on the wing for a moment more before rising to his feet and turning to leave the church. He spotted her sheathed katanas and phone laying on one of the pews that hadn't been broken and picked them up for her.

Cloud opened the great double doors to see Andria sitting on his bike with her hands folded in her lap. Her long chestnut hair was falling down around her shoulders and Cloud never realized just how beautiful she looked with her hair down. He gave her a soft smile. Andria nodded at his gesture and the girl stood up, and advanced towards him.

"Is everything alright?" she asked in a concerned tone, noticing the look in Cloud's eyes. "Cloud? Is something wrong?"

Cloud shook his blonde head. "I think I'm okay. You left these in the church," he told her handing her the weapons and her phone. She smiled gratefully as she laid them on Fenrir's seat and clipped the phone to her skirt. Andria thanked him in which Cloud nodded in reply. "Let's go for a walk," he stated, pointing his gloved hand ahead. "I know we need to talk." The two began walking down the gravel and rubble, keeping slight distance between one another. Both of them felt slightly awkward.

"Cloud I was so worried about you last night. I...I felt so helpless, like I couldn't do anything to help you," Andria began. "I know...that...I'm not Aerith and I know this is hurting you because you found out we're sisters. I mean I know I could never take Aerith's place..I mean I don't want to take her place, I just...," she stated nervously. "I'm just so sorry this is all happening."

"Andi don't say that," stated Cloud shaking his head. "It's not your fault that you didn't know. It's nobody's fault. I think it just came as a shock to all of us."

"It certainly came as a shock to me. I always knew there was something different about me, I know. It's because of my Cetra Heritage. It's something that will never go away. Cloud, to be honest, I'm scared," she admitted. "I'm scared of everything."

"I can understand," Cloud replied solemnly. His hands were in his pockets now and he slowly kicked the gravel across the ground as they walked. "But everything will be alright." Though he wasn't sure, Cloud just knew that he didn't want her to feel scared.

"Cloud, there was something...something I wanted to tell you. Is there someplace we can sit down?" Andria asked him, looking around the ruins.

"Over there," Cloud pointed towards a big pile of broken concrete. "That's probably the best place we can find in all of this to sit down."

Andria followed the swordsman over to the pile of broken and scattered rubble. Her heart was pounding wildly in her chest. She placed her hand over it, taking deep breaths as quietly as she could so Cloud wouldn't hear her. Nobody had ever had this effect on her before ever and it was making her nervous. Here she was about to pour her heart out to him and it was making her more apprehensive and scared then she'd ever been in her whole life. What if he doesn't share the same feelings? What if he doesn't want to be with me now that he knows I'm Aerith's sister? What should I do? How will I handle it if he rejects me?

Cloud climbed up and over some of the broken pieces of the rubble. He turned around and looked behind him to make sure Andria was getting over them okay. He noticed she was struggling to step across them, trying to keep her tender feet from getting scraped, and she was trying to hold her skirt up from getting snagged. He felt a tender sensation come over him, and he held out a gloved hand to help her over the sharp bits of rock. The Cetra smiled, her heart racing as he took her hand in his and helped her over the concreate. The two sat down on the rock pile together, both seeming extremely nervous. Andria began to fumble with the belt that was tied around skirt and she looked away from Cloud. Cloud pretended to be interested in looking at something off to the left of him, keeping his eyes away from hers.

"Andi I.."
"Cloud I.."

The two both spoke at the same time. Andria laughed softly and the swordsman blushed. More than anything he wanted to reach out touch her, but something was holding him back. He wanted to pour out his feelings to her right there. That dream he had...this suspended reality he was was all becoming too much. It was real. She was real and his feelings were real. How did this happen? How did he grow feelings for her? How could he allow this? Was it getting to the point now where he couldn't control himself? Was he just letting it go? Was it because he wanted to? The very thought of feeling for her was scaring him. If you let yourself fall any further Cloud, you're going to lose her.

"Go ahead," the blushing blonde stated as he continued to look away. He stared down at his legs nervously. How do I tell her? How do I tell her that I'm falling in love with her? How do I tell her that this love I feel is painful and scary, but it's not her fault? How do I tell her...that...I don't think this will work..I'm so scared. I'm so scared of losing her. I'm scared of hurting her. I don't want to hurt her, but I don't want to see her get hurt or killed because of me.

"Cloud, I just wanted to tell you're not alone," Andria began speaking softly. She reached her hand across them and took Cloud's in hers. "I'm here Cloud. I'll always be here with you, if that's what you want."

"Is it what you want?" Cloud asked shyly, blushing ever more and it caused her to smile brighter. He looked into her shining emerald eyes and she tilted her head slightly. There was a slight breeze going through Midgar and caused some of her bangs to fly across her eyes. He resisted the urge to reach a hand up and brush them away from her eyes. Instead, she reached her hand up and brushed them away from her face with a slight giggle.

"It's what I want Cloud. I...I want it more than anything," the Cetra finally admitted. "I don't want anything or anyone else. I want to be with you, Cloud. I...," she paused as she could feel her own cheeks flushing pink now. "Every since we first kissed, I never wanted anything more." The Cetra was blushing furiously now and she slightly turned her head, casting her eyes downward. "I...I love you, Cloud," the Cetra confessed.

Cloud's heart felt like it was going to either pound right out of his chest or leap out of his throat at those words. It fluttered inside of him, filling him with a sense happiness, but the fear still mingled with it. "Andria I...I'm scared. There's so much in this world that I cherish. There's so much in this world that I want to protect. There are people in my life that mean more to me than anything. I can't retrieve lives that have been lost, though I can certainly help save ones that don't need to be lost. Do you understand?" the swordsman questioned softly.

"I...I think so," the Ancient replied apprehensively. Oh no...I never should have said it...I never should have told him. I'm such a fool to think he'd ever love me. "I guess I shouldn't have said it...I shouldn't have stayed," she added sadly, staring at the ground now.

"Andria, you're one of those people...I just...don't want anything to happen to you," Cloud added, his face continuing to flush. "I really...I have feel-," he hesitated for a moment. "I...I don't want to hurt the people that I love," he finally spat out and recoiled from her.

The people that he loves...but he said I was one of those people. would he hurt me? Andria wondered to herself, staring Cloud's attractive profile now. His blonde spikes were swaying gently in the morning breeze. " would you hurt the people"

Cloud just shook his head. "It's nothing," he told her, his shy interior finding it's way out now and overtaking him just like his fears did. Dammit I can't tell her that I love her! It's going to tear us apart! Sephiroth will end up killing her and then I'll really be left alone. She doesn't deserve to die.

"Cloud, I heard you," Andria began her hands shaking slightly. "I heard you cry out in your sleep. I heard you say that you love her. I heard you say that you didn't want me to go," she finally told him. A feeling of relief swept over her as she finally revealed to him what she had heard through his dreams.

"I...I didn't realize I was saying anything," Cloud stated, now thoroughly embarassed.

"So, who did you mean Cloud?" Andria asked him seriously now. "You said my name. What happened in that dream, Cloud? Did something happen to me? Cloud...when you said you love her...did you mean me?" she poured over with questions. Please say you meant me. Please tell me you love me too.

Cloud became silent. He wouldn't answer her. He continued to look off to the side. Andria sighed as a slight sorrow began to touch her heart. Maybe his silence meant that he didn't love her. Maybe he was speaking about Aerith? Maybe he was just wanting her, Andria, to not leave him during the nightmare because Aerith was dead and he didn't want to be alone? Just because he said the words 'love her' didn't mean that he was referring to her. The swordsman turned his head back around to look at Andria now. Her emerald eyes met his unique aqua ones. His eyes, those eyes, they were filled with fear and sadness, but why?

I can't do this to myself. I have to get away from her before I fall any deeper and she ends up getting hurt. Maybe...if I can just go and take care of Sephiroth myself, I can keep her safe. I want her to stay behind. I don't want her involved in this. There is no reason for her to fight this. She doesn't need to go through it and I won't watch her die! I can't let her die. Not like this. Why did this have to happen at all? I wish we'd never met. I feel like my feelings are crushing me...I want to be with her, but I know I can't. I'm so sorry Andria. I don't want to hurt you...

"Cloud? Are you going to answer me?" Andria asked him almost desperately. She felt like she sounded pathetic to him, but she didn't care. All the Cetra wanted was a straight answer now. Did Cloud love her or did he not? Andria looked at him dubiously.

"Andria, I cherish every moment I have with you. I care about you more than you know. I...I...," Cloud struggled with his words. Did he want to tell her that he loved her before he left? "I've forgotten what it was like to feel this way. I've never actually felt like this thoroughly. You're the only person I ever shared anything like this with. That's why...I have to go. I have to go now Andria," the swordsman told her standing up.

"Cloud, I don't understand!" Andria exclaimed worriedly as she stood up to follow him. "Where are you going?"

The swordsman lept down from the rocks and began to hurry away from her. Andria was frustrated now, and she wanted a straight answer. Ignoring the rocks, Andria lept down after him and landed catlike in the gravel. She stood up and began to run after him back towards the church. Questions were racing through her mind. Did he really mean that he loved her? Was he just having trouble expressing himself? She knew that things like this were always hard for him and that Cloud was incredibly shy at times, but they had shared so much. They had kissed, they shared a dance, they played games at his birthday party. They had drinks together. All of the times they were alone together and he would tickle her. Andria couldn't bare the thought that Cloud might not want her anymore. The worried Cetra soon found herself back down in front of Aerith's church and Cloud was standing next to Fenrir, his back towards her. The Ancient ran up to Cloud and placed a hand on his shoulder. He recoiled at her touch and Andria stepped back looking hurt.

"It's so hard for you to understand," Cloud's voice came softly. He did not turn around to look at her. He lifted up her weapons from Fenrir's seat and lay them gently on the ground. Cloud mounted the fearsome looking bike and looked over at her now. The Cetra's honey eyebrows were drawn in confusion. "I have to go...far away, but...I'll come back," he stated uncertainly. Sorrow was drawn all over his handsome features. Pain clouded his azure eyes.

"What do you mean go far away?" Andria asked, her voice trembling slightly. "Cloud, please don't leave. Please don't go!"

"I'm so sorry Andria...I...," Cloud hesitated and placed his hand in the compartment that held his goggles. He settled them onto his face to hide the look of fear, sorrow and grief of everything that had shown in his eyes. No more of this...I need go and settle this...I have to figure out what's happening. I have to stop Sephiroth. I'm so sorry Andria. It's the only way.

"Cloud Strife listen to me!" she exclaimed. "You're not thinking clearly! Let's just go back home and talk about this! Please!" the Cetra pleaded.

"Andria I," he began again, but just couldn't finish.

Cloud turned the ignition and started up the beast of motorcycle. Fenrir roared as Cloud slammed his foot on the gas. He turned and looked at the upset Ancient, taking in her breath-taking beauty before him. You're doing the right thing, Strife...just go, go before you fall any harder. Go before both of you get your hearts broken. He backed up the motorcycle slowly. This is tearing me apart too Andi...I'm so so sorry, but I can't let you get hurt. Cloud slammed his foot on the gas even harder and did a sharp turn, zooming out of the sector and disappeared up the high slope, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust in his wake.

He rode as fast as he could out of the sector, trying to run away from the pain that was overtaking him now. Cloud reached down into his pocket and pulled out something that was clutched in his fist. It was her silk, green hair ribbon. He clutched it tightly as he rode away from her. "I love you," he spoke to the air as she disappeared from sight. And he was on his way now, heading to the Northern Crater. If he didn't find Sephiroth there, he would search all over Gaia until he found him, but he had left her behind. Cloud had left his beautiful Cetra behind, and he didn't know if he would ever see her again.
Grr! I'm getting frustrated at Cloud now! He's so close to saying that he loves her. I just want to punch some sense into him.

Great, interesting chapter. I guess that dream is a glimpse of would could happen if Cloud's fears had come true, and Sephiroth had got his way. I notice how you just LOVE cliffhangers. . . >:(, but i keeps me reading though, eh? :D

(Note: I was playing some music while reading this and the it fit nicely with the part i was reading. So like in the middle of the battle with the malboro it had some upbeat, intense track playing. Like so with alot of the other parts. It was kinda scary, but it definitely increased intrest though ^_^)
I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the story! :D Sorry for the long wait on these chapters. It's been taking me a lot longer than anticipated to write them.

Chapter 20- Tifa Returns

Andria didn't know how long she had sat outside of the church. It was long enough to watch the cloud of dust, that Fenrir had left behind, become evanescent before her eyes. She had lost count at how many times she made to grab her phone and call him, but somehow the Ancient knew it wouldn't be worth it trying to call him. What would make Cloud answer anyway? It was obvious to her that Cloud cared for her, but he didn't love her. He loved Aerith. Cloud would always love her. All I am is just a painful memory of her! Andria thought furiously, slamming her small fist into the ground and biting her lip. She stood up from the spot feeling like her heart had been shredded to little, tiny bits of nothing, left to just float and exist inside of her very flesh. Every small thought she had of Cloud, made her heart and insides clench painfully.

Why did she have to go and meet him anyway? Why did this even have to happen? Why couldn't everything had just been different, and most of all why did she have to fall in love with him? Andria couldn't stop questioning herself. I'm just so stupid! I'm so stupid to think that he could ever love me! Why would he love me anyway? I'm not HER... Andria clutched her fists tightly at her sides and stood up from where she'd been sitting. She knew it wasn't her sister's fault and she never blamed Aerith, but still...If he didn't love her, why did they kiss? Why did they spend so much time together? Then she remembered Cloud's words during his breakdown. "I...I don't want to hurt you at all...ever." That was what he had said to her, but if he didn't want to hurt her, then why did he leave?

"Because of Aerith...because that's all I am is just a painful reminder of her to him. He never liked me for me. He liked me because of Aerith, because of my resemblence to her, no...because I'm damn near identical to her! That's why he stayed with me! Why do I even have to look like her!" she shouted furiously as she walked through the ruins of Midgar. "Why did this even have to happen to me? I wish we had never met, Cloud Strife! I-I can't handle this pain!" her voice trembled with rage and anguish.

Andria continued on out of Midgar and out past Zack's grave. Normally the Cetra would stop and pay a small visit. As she walked swiftly past, she felt the familiar male presence. It felt like something was telling her everything would be okay. Oh what did Zack know anyway? She could still remember Zack's voice in her head, telling her to go to him, but what good did that do? This time, she didn't want to stop there, she just wanted to get back to the bar, into her room and try and push away every thought of Cloud that still lingered within her mind. She wasn't going to go into their room. She was going to go and stay back in her own room. Just the mere thought of even seeing their room was enough to nearly make the girl fall to her knees. Andria felt like she was being tortured by grief.

The Cetra had never felt any kind of pain as intense as this. It was like losing her parents all over again only this time it felt worse. Cloud had left her. He didn't want her. He didn't want to be with her. Andria's thoughts ran like a freight train through her mind as she found herself back in Edge and coming closer to Seventh Heaven. She could see the makeshift sign as she approached. Just outside of the bar, Andria could see Vincent, Mari, Cid, Barret, Yuffie and Nanaki all speaking to one another quite anxiously and worriedly. Not too far away from them were Kaiya, Marlene and Denzel playing an active game of tag. Upon seeing Andria arrive, the mage lept up from the front of the bar and ran to the girl. Everybody noticed Mari running and they all followed. The young woman ran up to the Cetra and immediately acknowledged the state she was in.

"Andi? Are you alright! You and Cloud weren't there this morning. We noticed Fenrir was missing and there was no note saying you had gone. I figured after seeing you the night before, you guys would have been back by now! We tried to call both of you! Neither one of you were answering your phones. What happened! Did you find Cloud?" the mage pressed worriedly. Vincent calmly laid a hand on his wife's shoulder, willing her to calm down.

This made Andria feel even more guilty. She knew that Mari loved Cloud like a brother and he was gone now. She knew this was going to hurt the mage as much as it was going to hurt everyone else. She'd done nothing but screw everything up since she arrived. The Cetra felt like she had been nothing but a burden to everyone, and now because of her, the former leader of AVALANCHE was gone. Andria felt like she was trapped in a nightmare. The voices from the Lifestream, the cry from the Planet pleading for her to save it were ever growing inside of her fragile mind. Now her friends, the people she had grown to love, were gathered around her and were worried about her. She couldn't just tell them what was wrong with her, how she felt, or what had happened. Furthermore, how would Andria bring herself to believe that she just lost the only man she ever loved? Stupidly loved...she thought angrily.

The Ancient struggled to try and tell them what happened to Cloud. Andria searched hard to find the right words to say to them. She wanted to tell them that Cloud had broken down in the church, she wanted to tell them how he kept saying he was afraid. Andria wanted to tell them that he had left and probably wouldn't be back for a long time, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She knew it was going to upset all of people standing before her, but what hurt the most was telling the children. Their precious hearts were going to be broken, and as far as she was concerned it was all her fault. The young Cetra placed her hands over her ears and looked up at her friends with tears shining in her jade green eyes. She just shook her head and ran into the bar leaving everybody standing outside, thoroughly confused and worried for their friend.

"What's wrong with Andi?" Yuffie asked softly her lowset eyebrows drawn in with worry. The little ninja looked up towards the door as it slammed shut behind the girl who had just disappeared on the other side.

"I dunno, but damnit I'm gonna go find out!" Cid commented harshly as he lit a fresh cigarette and began to walk up the steps. "Ya'll stay out here! Somethin's goin' on and I'm gonna find out! I need to make sure she's alright!" The scruffy pilot turned sharp on his heel and made his way up the small set of concrete steps and into the bar.

He looked around the room and his eyes fell on Andria's honey colored head just poking up from behind one of the booths. Nodding his head knowingly, Cid walked over to that booth and looked down at the girl in front of him. She was wiping her eyes with her hands and turned away to face a curtained window as Cid sat down next to her.

"Andi darlin', why don' you tell ole' Cid what happened?" Cid spoke tenderly to the girl. It was almost fatherly-like. He placed one of his muscular arms around her shoulders.

The Ancient just shook her head. She couldn't bring herself to tell Cid what happened. Andria didn't even want to believe what had happened. All of her life she had wished for the day that she would meet the man of her dreams. Here he was right in front of her face, and she almost had him in her grasp. The moment it seemed like things were going to be okay, everything just fell apart. Sure she had a familiar face, carried the same gestures as her sister and even the same fashion sense, but Andria just wasn't her and would never be her. That was why Cloud didn't want her. Or alteast that's how it was in Andria's mind.

The girl had no idea that her feelings were completely wrong from Cloud's however. The Ancient burdened herself with the fear of how everybody would react when she told them what happened. She didn't know how they would take it. She had just made friends and she loved them all dearly including Tifa, even though she was gone, and the Ancient was certain that Tifa hated her. That didn't matter to her though. Andria especially loved Mari. They had all grown so close in a short span of time, and if she told them that it was her fault that Cloud left, the Cetra feared that they would all resent her. She watched as Cid put out his lit cigarette in an ash tray sitting on the table, and it blurred before her eyes as more tears filled them and she choked back a sob. She felt the pilot's arm close in a bit more tight around her shoulders.

"C'mon sweetheart, ya know you can talk ta me," Cid stated comfortingly. "I'm always here for ya. It's okay to cry if ya need to."

Andria nodded her head. "I'm not crying...," she whispered, but Cid just gave the girl a don't-fib look, causing Andria to further turn her head. The Cetra felt his hand squeeze her shoulder. "I know, I know. I'm sorry Cid. I much has happened," she whispered as she let herself fall against the pilot's chest. "I just wish I never had to feel this way."

Cid raised a hand and began running it through Andria's long, soft brown locks in a fatherly fashion. He had to admit that the poor girl had just learned much, almost too much, about her past and her heritage. It was a lot for one person to just absorb like a sponge, and though Andria was strong, this was just a little more than she could take. The pilot also knew that she had recently endured a great deal in that vision of the temple and was amazed at the strength she had when she found out the truth. It all happened so quickly and so suddenly. He also couldn't deny that the sake of the Planet was resting in her hands now, just as it had her sister's. She was a natural protector of the Planet, a Cetra, and she had no choice. Cid felt pity at having an idea of what this girl was going through, but could never understand it the way he hadn't understood it with Aerith. This was a lot for a young woman to take in and handle all at once. He was almost certain the girl had felt alone now, and with Cloud not around it would only intensify the feeling.

"What do ya mean, feel this way? You in love with Cloud, sweetie?" Cid questioned rather knowingly. It definantly wasn't difficult to tell that this girl had feelings for Cloud. That much was obvious. Andria whimpered and buried her face even more into Cid's chest but didn't say anything. "Ah, ya are...I figured ya were."

Andria felt her face flushing and growing hot. Yes she was. She was more in love with Cloud than she could tolerate. Just having him be so far away from her right now was breaking her heart even more. It was tearing her insides like knife to flesh. The Cetra just didn't feel ready to talk about it yet. Cloud had left her without so much as an answer to her turmoil that scathed her currently fragile mind like a never-ending flame. Andria lifted her face up and looked at Cid. She brought her knuckles up to her mouth and averted her eyes away from his gaze. The Ancient just shook her head as she climbed over a rather blanched pilot and ran towards the staircase.

"I just can't do this," her voice rang out with tears as she hurried up the stairs and away from Cid. She couldn't do this. Cid just sighed, dropped his head and shook it in defeat. "Poor baby," he stated under his breath as he watched the girl he considered a daughter, disappear up the stairs. The pilot stood up, ready to follow her, but did not. Instead, he turned and left the bar.

The Cetra didn't want to believe that any of this had happened to her. She didn't want to believe that she was the only remaining Ancient. She was losing it all now. First her parents and now Cloud. It was just too much to abide to, too much to endure. Andria had no other Cetra in this world to go to for help or aid her in her quest. As she hurried down the hallway, her emerald eyes fell onto the door to her and Cloud's room that stood ajar. She was about to turn away from the room when something in the room caught the corner of her eye.

Andria turned towards the door and pushed it open. Curiously, she walked inside and stepped up to the dresser. A pair of Cloud's black leather gloves lay folded neatly on the wooden top. Andria reached a hand out and ran her fingers down the worn leather and over the tiny wolf emblem, feeling her heart break into even tinier, shattered bits and more tears welled in her eyes. The Ancient sniffed them back as she tried to compose herself. Her eyes scanned the dresser top, and right beside the gloves lay something else. The girl's eyes fell down onto the red, velvet box that Elmyra had given her. She had told Andria that there some belongings of Aerith's in that box. Carefully taking it in her hands, the girl made to turn away from the dresser when her eyes fell onto the bed. The images of all the playful mornings and nights she and Cloud had on that bed flashed painfully in her mind.

The girl backed away as quickly as she could and departed from the room before another onset of tears could slam her. She shut the door to their room and pressed her back against it, willing to keep herself under control. Soft whimpers tried to escape her insides, and the girl took a deep breath. She forced the thought of Cloud the best she could out of her mind and continued down the hall until she reached her room. Andria opened up the door and found herself back inside of her own room. She hadn't been in here for quite awhile. This was the room she had first stayed in when she came here. As she switched on the lamp by her bedside, Andria could recall just how warm and safe she felt when she were with Cloud in their room, wrapped in his tight embrace, but this was so cold and lonely. Maybe it was because she was alone now?

The Cetra continued to try and force Cloud's face from her mind as she sat down in the bed with one leg tucked underneath her. She sat the box down in front of her and slowly removed the velvet lid. The moment the lid was lifted, a soft and gentle floral fragance filled her senses. Andria's eyes fell onto the contents inside of the box. There was a soft, cloth, pink hair ribbon, a silk red one, some silver bracelets and a heart locket. Andria picked up the hair ribbon and caressed it softly with her fingertips. All of this stuff had belonged to her sister, and now Andria had something of her Aerith's to always keep with her. She touched the cool metal of the silver bangle bracelets. Curious on how they would feel on her wrists, she slid them on. Aerith had the exact same size wrists as Andria and the girl couldn't help but let out a small smile. Even though she had only just discovered she had a sister and she was dead, the girl still couldn't help but feel love towards her. She was her indentical twin. Andria understood her dreams now, and she understood why she had felt so connected to Aerith before she even knew who she was.

She fingered the bracelets gently before removing them from her wrists and putting them back into the box. She folded the hair ribbons neatly on top of the bracelets. Next, she lifted up the silver heart locket that was held by a long, silver chain. Andria smiled as she popped open the locket. She gasped softly as she looked down into the grinning face of her sister. Aerith had probably only been about 7 or 8 years old in the picture. Her face was broken into a giant, toothy grin and she held a bouquet of flowers in her little hands. There was no mistaking that it was most definantly her. As she stared at the picture, Andria couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if their parents wouldn't have been caught?

What if the Shinra wouldn't have attacked them just right after they were born? What if they never would have thought she was dead? What would it have been like if she had grown up with Aerith and shared her childhood with her only sister and her real family? Andria couldn't stop the questions that poured into her mind. She pictured herself and Aerith as young children running around on the school playground together or sitting outside of their house during a hot summer day slurping giant chocolate ice cream cones. She also pictured her and Aerith sitting up in their bedroom, fighting over a moogle plushie and Andria found herself giggling softly. She continued to gaze at the picture of Aerith when she realized the girl was still wearing her hair almost the exact same way. Andria sighed and looked away from it. She gently closed the heart locket and laid it on top of the hair ribbons and placed the lid back over the box.

"I have no family now," Andria whispered softly to herself as clutched the box in her hands.

The Ancient got up from the bed and walked over to the mirrored dresser. She stood in front of the mirror with her hands resting on top of the wooden oak surface and stared at her reflection. Andria couldn't deny that she was indentical to Aerith. No doubt about it. Every single facial feature, her hair colors, her eyes, everything was exactly the same. The only difference was, Andria's bangs were parted slightly different and they were a lot longer than what her sister's were. Aerith's had only came to her cheeks and Andria's fell past her jawline.

Andria used to think of herself as somewhat pretty, but now she just hated her reflection. It was because of her appearance that drew Cloud to her. It was because of the sound of her voice that made Cloud talk to her. It was the touch of her skin that made her and Cloud grow close. It was because she was basically a carbon copy of Aerith that her relationship grew with Cloud and Andria hated herself even more now. Even her clothes were similar to Aerith's. Fed up with even remotely looking like her sister, Andria lifted up the phone that had been attatched to her skirt and dialed Mari's number. She cleared her throat and prepared to put on a strong, cheerful voice, despite all of the pain she was feeling.

"Andi?!" came the mage's voice anxiously over the other line after one ring. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! Mari listen. I'm in the mood to go shopping. Do you want to go with me?" Andria asked her. She really didn't want to go alone and quite honestly the girl just wanted to pour her heart out to her best friend, but how was she going to tell her that she was to blame for her brother figure leaving? "I really don't want to go alone."

"You're fine? Shopping?" Mari asked, a little confused. One moment she had seen the girl nearly in tears and she had heard what Cid told them as he came back out from the bar though he didn't tell them that Andria admitted she was in love with Cloud. He had explained what he had witnessed upon going inside of the bar to check on the Ancient. "Well...okay, but are you sure you don't want to just stay in and we can talk?"

Andria shook her head fervently. "No, Mari. I want to go shopping. I need a change...I need look, or a makeover. I thought maybe you could help me?" the Cetra proposed to her best friend.

"Oh a makeover! That'll be fun! Alright then, I'll meet you out here and we'll go shopping!" the mage replied excitedly.

"Great! I'll meet you out in front of the bar in a few minutes!" the Cetra commented in her phone.

Andria flipped her phone shut, turned around and faced herself once more in the mirror. Enough is enough. It's time for a change. A whole new Andria Sullivan. The girl picked up her hairbrush and ran the bristles through her long, honey colored hair. She wanted to make sure she looked atleast halfway decent while going out with Mari. When she was somewhat partially satisfied with her appearance, she put the brush down, smoothed her skirt and grabbed her gil pouch. With a last look around the room, she gathered her purse and headed down the stairs.

Andria opened up the door to see Mari anxiously awaiting the Cetra's arrival. Andria attatched her gil pouch to her belt and stepped down the few concrete steps that lead to the ground in front of the bar. She did her best to put on a brave face and smiled as she approached her friend. Mari cast a worried look over at Andria but returned the smile.

"Are you ready to go?" Andria asked, standing next to the mage.

"That I am," she replied with a nod. "I told Vincent we were going to go out for awhile. He said it was fine. He said I needed 'girl time' anyway. Pfft, like he knows what girl time is," the mage laughed and Andria laughed along with her, but she wasn't fooling Mari for a minute.

The mage could just tell by looking at Andria that her laugh and smile were both fake. She knew that Cetra was doing her best to put on a brave face, but there was no mistaking the pain she continued to hold in her emerald eyes. Mari placed a comforting hand on Andria's shoulder as the Cetra began walking towards the shops in town.

"Hey Andi," Mari began sounding slightly worried and care filled her voice. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah! I'm going to be just fine!" Andria replied, her voice sounding a little too cheerful. She laughed and looked back at her friend. "I just need some new clothes, so c'mon! Let's go!" she urged, grabbing Mari's hand and dragging the mage down the street.

All Andria wanted to do was just go shopping with her best friend and try to force every thought from Cloud out of her mind. Mari just found herself laughing as the two girls jogged down the street and onto a sidewalk. They were passing by candy stores, which of course the girls stood in front of the window to drool over the chocolate and both mused that once they were done clothing shopping, they'd stop by and pick up some candy. Mari declared that Andria needed chocolate. Chocolate could always cheer a woman up and Andria laughed loudly. The continued past weapon shops, item stores and grocery stores when they finally came to one of the clothing stores that had just opened in Edge.

"This store just opened. I saw it advertised in the papers. It's supposed to have some really great stuff from what I seen. How about we check it out?" suggested Mari.

"Sounds good, let's go!" Andria replied a little over enthusiastically, but Mari knew that Andria was just trying to hide her feelings and keep her spirits up. Mari made to say something, but instead she just brushed it off and continued to go along with her. Andria opened up the doors, and the two girls disappeared into the store.

The Cetra and the mage walked around the racks of clothing, searching for anything that might suit their better interests. They browsed through button down shirts, with boths girls made disgusting noises at and shook their heads. They went through sweaters, skirts, blouses and all kinds of things, but it seemed as though they were having difficulty finding anything they liked. Andria sighed as she dug through a pile of tops she liked, but there weren't any in a size small.

"I need a new look," the Cetra stated quietly but firmly as she browsed through a rack of silk tops. "Something that is cute and comfortable and not like what I normally wear. It's so hard to find anything that's suitable though," she complained.

"Hmmm, what kind of colors do you like?" the mage asked, pulling a red, velvet corsetted top from the rack and holding it up. "I mean what do you like to wear?" Mari turned and held the corset to her chest and faced Andria. "I mean, with me, I love deep reds, voilets and pinks. I also love those colors with black. So, what do you think suits you the best...and do you think this is cute?" she asked, changing the subject and pointed towards the top she held to her chest.

Andria laughed and flung a sweater at the mage. "It's totally cute and you're going to look hot in it, but we're supposed to be shopping for a new look for me you goof!" She managed to get Mari in the back of the head with the sweater she held in her hand.

"Hey!" Mari squealed, grabbing a shirt off of the clothing rack and flung it at Andria. The two girls ducked and dashed around the clothing racks, trying to hit each other with shirts and doing their best not to get caught by the store employees. They both began backing up, looking around for each other, when the girls bumped into one another and landed on the floor of the store in a fit of girlish giggles.

"We better behave ourselves," Andria laughed, trying to sit up, but the girls only became more tangled on the floor. They were lucky they were hidden behind a clothing rack, for a mother and her two daughters walked past, oblivious to the fact that there was a rather playful Cetra and mage in their midst. "We're going to get thrown out," she added.

The two girls continued to giggle as they forced themselves to stand up. Mari turned and walked to another spot in the store. Andria just laughed and shook her head as she noticed the mage's eye had caught something else. Probably another corset, Andria thought to herself. The Cetra followed her and she approached the clothing. There came a gasp from Mari on the other side of the rack.

"!" the mage exclaimed. "Andi this is so totally cute! You've GOT to see this!"

Andria still continued to hold onto the shirt she had been hitting the other woman with and walked over to where she was standing. "What? What did you find?"

"This!" squealed Mari. She held up a soft-textured, somewhat loose icey-pink top. It almost felt like silk, but it wasn't. It was more clothy. It had small, see-through, pastel green layers of silk around the collar and sleeves of it. Scattered across the shirt were yellow flowers and it had small light pink ribbons at the bottom of it. "Andi this would look so cute on you!" the mage mused as she handed the shirt to the Cetra.

Andria walked up to her best friend, took the clothing garmet in her hands and held up to her chest. She looked downwards at it. Andria took an instant liking to it. "This is really cute Mari! I wonder if there's a skirt to go with it?"

Andria was doing her best to keep her spirits up and thoughts away from Cloud. She wanted a new beginning and who knew? Maybe in time she would meet somebody who really loved her. Pushing the continuous thoughts from her mind, she continued browsing through the clothing rack when she came across a long pastel yellow skirt made out of the same material as the shirt. The Cetra held it to her waist and the skirt was nearly ankle-length. Across the bottom of it were pastel green flowers much the same colors as the silk on the shirt that Mari had found. This was perfect. A big smile flashed across Mari's face as she noticed Andria holding the skirt up to her waist.

"Go try it on!" the mage urged her. She placed her hands on Andria's shoulders and steered the girl to the dressing room. "I can't wait to see what it looks like!"

Mari gave her best friend a playful shove into one of the dressing rooms and shut the door. She stood outside waiting for Andria to try on the outfit and the Cetra could hear her giggling. Andria giggled to herself and set her purse down on the little stool inside of the dressing room. She slipped out of her clothes she was wearing now and pulled the top over her head. The sleeves came to rest easily just below her shoulders on her biceps, and the shirt was held up by a yellow built-in tank top underneath.

It sat loosely against her skin and fit well around her breasts. She pulled the pink ribbons to tighten the top around her middle and tied them in a neat bow. Next, she slipped out of her white skirt and put the new one on. It came up to settle comfortably on her hipbones and it fit just right around her hips. The texture of the material against her skin felt different and yet nice. The skirt came down to just above her ankles and fit just perfectly around her hourglass figure. Andria took a deep breath as she unlocked the dressing room door.

"Okay Mari, here I come," Andria told her as the Cetra turned the knob on the door. She walked out of the dressing room and there was a gasp from the mage.

Mari had both her hands up to her mouth and her green eyes widened and sparkled. "Oh Andi! It's so cute! I just love it on you!" the mage squealed softly, trying to keep as quiet as she could.

"You really think so?" the Cetra asked, examining herself in the mirror. She had to admit she really liked this outfit and it definantly accentuated her femenine features. She placed a hand on her hip and turned towards the side, studying her profile. "You don't think it makes my butt look too big?"

Mari laughed heartily as she approached her friend. "Are you kidding me! Girl, you look awesome!" she declared as she walked up to Andria and studied her friend in the new outfit she was wearing. "You so have to buy that. It really does look good on you! It's not only cute, but it's a hot new change as well," she stated with a smirk. "We'll have to take you out and show you off." The mage could still since the sadness radiating off of her best friend, and she wanted to give Andria all the confidence she could. She knew how fragile Andria was at this point.

Andria smiled at Mari and nodded her head. "Alright then. Let me get this off and I'll buy it."

The Cetra disappeared into the dressing room, changed, and reappeared from the room, dressed in her regular clothes. She had the outfit back on it's hangers and slung over her arm. Mari grinned and beckoned her towards the register with an armful of clothes for herself. The girls paid for their clothing items and left the store. Mari was chatting happily about once they got back to the bar, she would even try something different with Andria's hair if she wanted. The Ancient appreciated that Mari wanted to help her and was truly grateful for it, but the young woman found her thoughts drifting away.

Andria couldn't help but wonder if Cloud would think she was still beautiful if he saw her in the new outfit she just bought, and then that's when it hit her. Cloud was gone. He was really gone. He had left her, and he wasn't coming back. The pain was smashing down on her from all directions, crushing her insides until nothing was left. Andria felt like she had just had her heart ripped out from her chest, torn into bits and pieces and shoved back inside. Never in the girl's life had she felt pain this rending before, this excruciating, this torturous. No no no! I can't go on like this! Cloud, please come back to me! I love you so much!

"You know," came Mari's voice as Andria was broken from her thoughts. "You should really wear your hair down like that more often. It's so beautiful and so long! I thought we could-," the mage cut off as she turned to meet her friend's eyes. "Andi?" she asked, drawing her eyebrows in with concern. "What's wrong?"

Andria stopped and was leaning against a wall, just outside of town were nobody could see her and had her eyes shut tight. She dropped the shopping bag onto the ground and slid down the wall, shaking her head. "I can't do this Mari. I don't want it," she whispered, setting her jaw and clenching her fists at her sides.

The mage walked over and knelt down to Andria. She put her hands on her friend's shoulders and could feel them starting to tremble. "You don't want what? Andi talk to me. What happened? What happened with you and Cloud?"

"He...left me and it's all my fault," the Ancient murmured. "It's all my fault he's gone. Now everybody is going to hate me, Mari. Nobody will forgive me for this. I don't even know if he'll be back. I'm so sorry Mari. I know you love him like a brother and he left because of me. I'm so sorry!"

Her beautiful face had fallen, her long bangs curtaining her cheeks to hide the tears that had escaped from those emerald eyes once so happy and filled with laughter. Mari put her arms comfortingly around Andria and shooshed her. If anybody could understand the pain this girl was feeling right now, it was her. She could still remember how much it hurt when Vincent left, but she understood the reasoning as to why he did. So then maybe that is why Cloud left as well...Mari thought to herself. She cradeled her friend in her arms, letting Andria fall into her comforting embrace. She didn't care. Andria was brokenhearted. The mage could feel the struggle coming from Andria as she fought with herself to hold back sobs and she just ran a hand through Andria's long hair.

"Don't hold it in. Just let it all out," she whispered. "You'll feel better if you just let it all out."

And so she did. Andria welcomed the invitation and sobbed hard into her friend's shoulder. She let her tears flow helplessly without a care. She let herself cry from the pain in her heart as her last and final moments with Cloud flashed before her eyes. She cried for all of things discovered that was to lead her life from now on if she survived it. She cried for the resentment she knew that she was going to get slammed with from all of the former AVALANCHE members. This pain felt like it was slowly killing her. She was no better off than a mirror that had just been shattered into a thousand shards. Andria had struggled much too long to hold back her pain and normally was the type to not allow deep emotions to show, but she just couldn't do it anymore. It just wasn't worth it. As far as she was concerned, her life, her world, was demolished, severed, never to be healed of it's wounds.

"Mari it's just too much," Andria told her. "There is too much happening all at once and I just don't want it anymore."

"I know, I know. It's not your fault that Cloud left, Andi. I don't believe that for a second and I don't think anybody else will. Nobody is going to resent you. Cloud is the one who took off. You didn't tell him to outright go, so this is not your fault," Mari replied soothingly. "Andi, did you ever think that Cloud just might be scared? He might be scared of what he's feeling and maybe that's why he left?" the mage suggested.

Andria lifted her tear-assaulted face up and looked at the mage. The thought had never crossed her mind, truth be told. Since he had left, she assumed that it was all because of Aerith. So was it possible that maybe Cloud did have true feelings for her? If so, why would he just leave? Why couldn't he just talk to her about it all.

"They why did he leave me?" Andria whispered, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "Why couldn't he have just told me that was what's wrong?"

"Cloud is a very complex person, Andi," Mari explained. "Even when I first met him, you were always getting mixed signals from him. You know just as well as I do how much heartache Cloud has endured in his life."

The Ancient nodded her elegant head and swept back the hair from her damp cheeks. "Yeah, he's told me everything. It's just...I just feel like he was only with me because he's clutching onto Aerith's memory, and he was using me for that purpose," she finally admitted feeling thoroughly ashamed. There was so much more she wanted to tell Mari. She wanted to tell her all about Cloud's breakdown, but she struggled with even trying to say that.

Mari took Andria's hand and pulled her up to her feet. She grabbed the Cetra's shopping bag from the ground and began to steer her back towards the bar. "Andi, I really don't think that's the case. Cloud isn't that type of person. Though he is confusing, I don't ever see my bro using anybody like that just to hold onto a memory. Cloud knows he has his memories and he also knows that Aerith is with him constantly. While I feel that Cloud will always love her, he knows it's time to move on. I think Cloud was beginning to find happiness with you and that scared him. You were becoming dear to him and he was scared that you'd be lost to him as well. Atleast that's what I think.," Mari explained. "Now come on, let's go back to the bar and we'll have a couple of drinks. If you'd like, you can stay with me and Vincent tonight, so you're not alone," she added with a smile. "Because you're never alone." Mari put her arm across the Ancient's shoulders. Andria returned the gesture as the two girls walked back off towards the bar, the Ancient wiping her eyes and sniffing back her tears. Andria was more than grateful that she had somebody like Mari she could always count on.


Cloud cruised Fenrir down the rocky cliffs of Gaia as twilight fell. The blonde's eyes scanned across the purple-clad sky, hazed over with pink and deep blue clouds left over from the sunset. Stars were beginning to appear now and it was growing dark. Cloud brought his hand down and switched on the headlights, just to make sure that if he ran across anything he'd see it. It was always hard to tell if he was going to be attacked in the dark by some lurking, unsuspecting foe. Cloud wasn't going to allow himself be caught off-guard, no matter how much his pain and anguish was attempting to swallow him whole. His head was pounding and his heart throbbed in his ears. The swordsman didn't care though. He had to get to the Northern Crater. He had to find his way to save her. That much he knew. He wasn't going to let Sephiorth take somebody else he loved.

As the blonde pressed his foot a little harder on the gas, feeling the cool night air blow through his soft, spiked locks, he came to discover something about himself. He had grown so close to this woman. He had felt in his heart that more than anything, he truly did love her. Not the way he loved Tifa and not the way he loved Mari, but it was a different love. The same love he had felt for Aerith, only deeper. He had questioned himself numerous times if he only fell for her because of Aerith. No he didn't, and Cloud realized that now. He realized that he truly was in love with this woman, and it was the type of person she was that made Cloud fall so hard.

While Aerith had a soft, gentle and sweet way about her and loved nature, Andria was like the stronger side. Yes she was sweet, nurturing to the children while Tifa had been away and would do anything for the people she loved, but she was also a fighter. The Ancient was brilliantly skilled when it came to using her blades, this much Cloud did know and she was strong. Her personality was another thing that stuck out to him. She was happy and upbeat yes, but she was also quick to speak her mind and she also showed pain. He knew right then and there that it wasn't because she was related to Aerith or that she even looked like Aerith that he loved this girl. He loved this beautiful Cetra for who she was and not because of flower girl. Of course he would always love Aerith. She had been his first, real love but now it was time for him to move on. Aerith had led them together and Cloud knew this now. He had moved on, or so he thought.

Cloud dug deeper into his ocean of secrets which he kept buried his heart and came to realize that the happier he was getting, the lonlier he was becoming. The closer he became to the last remaining Ancient, the further away she was being taken from him. Did he feel this way because he feared having something else so beautiful, so gentle, and so innocent taken away from him again? Andria was in every way because, kind, fiesty and yet her innocence she portrayed was endearing in Cloud's eyes. When he closed his azure orbs, all he could see was her face. And yes, it was her face, not Aerith's. Not anymore. It was hers. There was no mistaking it. Aerith's name didn't cross his mind either. Andria's name was the one that he could hear in his head. Andi...I'm so sorry... Cloud continued to drive into the night as the sky fell dark and the stars twinkled brightly down at him. The moon rose high and was nearly full. Only a few days to go and it would be.

"It's been so long since I could just hold my head up and face the world," Cloud spoke to himself, his voice mixing in the gentle roar of Fenrir underneath. "I really thought I was going to be okay, but now I'm not so sure."

As the swordsman continued riding on, he found himself coming closer and closer to the familiar, glowing trees and he grimaced. This one thing he was definantly going to hate about trying to get the Northern Crater by his Fenrir. He would have to pass through the Sleeping Forest in order to get there. The trees were standing out fairly bright against the darkness and Cloud shuddered. He was coming closer to the place that always brought back the painful memories of the past. He recalled a year ago that he had fought the three remnants of Sephiroth in this sacred place. This was the place where they had fought JENOVA, not long after Sephiroth had put an end to Aerith Gainsborough's life right there in the Ancient City.

Cloud tried to push the painful thoughts through his mind as he drove into the forest. He could remember feeling her presence here a year ago when he came to rescue the kids from the silver-haired men. He also remembered how fully well he was able to connect with her. Cloud could feel her presence, the closer he came to the spring of which she was laid to rest. His thoughts drifted off. As much as he loved Andria, he was still connected to the flower girl. Cloud couldn't deny that he needed her right now. He needed her help with his feelings. He didn't know how to interpret them. The blonde found himself lost in a swirl of thoughts as he encountered a pulling sensation and was thrown back into the same whitespace as before, hearing laughter...playful female laughter...

"You really need to stop running,"
her voice stated cheerfully. "You're going to end up rubbing those tires right off of that bike!"

"Is that...Aerith is that you?" he asked, his deep voice echoed all around them. Cloud couldn't help but feel slightly shocked she had connected with his mind in such a quick span of time. It had been so long since they had done that, but then again it had been a long time since he had ridden out here. He seemed to connect with her best here.

"Who else did you think it was silly?" replied Aerith's voice playfully.

The blonde man blushed at her words. "I'm really sorry. I-I miss you."

"I know you do," she acknowledged. "But you're running again, Cloud. You finally started to find happiness with my sister, didn't you?" Aerith knew Cloud better than he knew himself sometimes.

Cloud blushed again turning his head slightly away as he felt her hand on his arm. He inclined it to see if she were really there, but he saw nothing. He was all alone in the whitespace, but he knew Aerith was there spiritually. "I...," he began, but couldn't finish. More playful laughter from the flower girl ensued.

"So here we are again, only the situation is different this time, am I right?" the Cetra predicted. "You're running from something that you know is going to bring you happiness."

"I didn't...I mean I don't want to run. I'm not trying-," the swordsman struggled with his words.

"But you are, Cloud. You're running from what I tried to give you," Aerith stated. "Why Cloud? I want you to protect my sister. You need to go be her bodyguard now!" she laughed.

"I guess I'm just scared," Cloud admitted sheepishly.

"Why are you scared, Cloud? Or what are you scared of? I know you love her. So why don't you go and take care of her like I wanted you to?" Aerith continued to have a cheerful ring to her voice. "Were you feeling guilty?"

"Maybe...a little guilty, at starting know...have feelings for her when I had feelings for you and.... I mean it's so confusing," the swordsman continued softly.

Aerith just laughed. "It's okay Cloud. There's no reason for you to feel guilty! I knew that if I somehow brought you two together, my sister would be protected," the flower girl replied. "I knew what could happen if I brought you to her. I knew that there was a high possiblity that you'd fall in love with her. I do know that my sister loves you," she added. "So why can't you go and be with her?"

"Aerith, it's not that easy. You know what's happening. Sephiroth is on the verge of another Reunion. I can't let her die the way you did...I could...never live with myself if I just let her die. I let you die and I can't let that happen to her too," Cloud told her, sounding almost desperate.

"Cloud you're so complex," Aerith giggled. "Always stuck in his ways! You're just as stubborn as the hair on your head!" Cloud felt a hand on the back of his head tug at his spikes. The blonde reached his hand back to swat her hand away, but it wasn't there anymore. It had vanished along with the teasing, playful laughter of Aerith's.

Cloud found himself back in reality as he stared ahead at the road. He had gradually slowed down Fenrir will speaking with Aerith. She was right. He had to admit that she was really correct in everything she had said to him. He was running from what he was afraid of. He was running away from the fear of falling in love only to have his heart broken again. He was running away from the one thing that he knew would bring him eternal happiness, but he was also running towards the one thing that could stop them being together forever. He was more determined now than he had felt in a long time. He was going to defeat Sephiroth for good. He'd done at three times now and he would keep doing it until Sephiroth was gone. Cloud vowed to himself that he would continue doing it for Andria's sake and for her safety.

"I only want to save her. It's been so long since I've felt this way," he continued to try and talk to Aerith as Cloud found himself back in front of the spring in the Forgotten City. This was where Aerith had been buried after being slain by the hand of Sephiroth. Cloud pulled Fenrir up just near the water where he had laid the innocent Cetra to rest. He remembered that day too clearly. It was still burned within his mind. The swordsman dismounted Fenrir and approached the water.

"Then go and be by her side, Cloud!" came her voice again. "She's crushed right now because you're gone."

"But Aerith, I don't want her anywhere near Sephiroth. If she does get near him, he'll..," Cloud swallowed as he fought against the words he didn't want to say. The dream he had about her flashed before his eyes. He could remember the way Sephiroth had ran the sword right through Andria's chest, purging her of her life and he shook his blonde head furiously. "He'll kill her."

"Oh Cloud, what on earth makes you think something like that? Just because Sephiroth killed me, you think he'll do the same to Andi?" Aerith asked curiously.

"Because...I saw it...I saw it happen to her in a dream,"
he stated as he sat down next to the water on a severed tree that had been brought down during the battle with the remnants, and stared at the softly rippling, crystal blue surface. Cloud rested his elbows on his knees and buried his face in both of his hands, trying to drown out his emotions that threatened to take over again. Just saying the words 'kill her' was enough to send him over the edge again.

"Our worst fears become nightmares, Cloud, but it doesn't mean it has to become reality," the flower girl replied soothingly towards Cloud and he felt his hair be brushed back from his face. "Do you really feel that what you saw in your subconcious was real?" Aerith asked, resting her hands on the swordsman's shoulders.

"I don't know...all I know is that I let you die, Aerith. After seeing what I did, I can't let her die too. I can go and finish Sephiroth off on my own this time. Andria doesn't need to be near him. She doesn't need to get hurt because of me. You know why Sephiroth is returning. He's always going to find a way to come back for me. Sephiroth has always had it out for me."

"Yes he has Cloud, but what you don't understand is that you can't do this alone. You can't fight him alone this time," Aerith spoke in barely above a whisper.

"I can too and I will. I will defeat him. I won't let him hurt the people I love and I'll protect Andria with my life. I failed to protect you and I won't fail to protect her," the blonde stated defiantly.

"Cloud, Andria's a Cetra. She's just like me. Her destiny is continue to protect the Planet and by that meaning she has a hand in defeating Sephiroth as well," Aerith explained calmly. "It's in her hands to defeat him just as much, if not more, than it is in yours."

Cloud buried his face even further in his hands, pressing his palms against his burning eyes. His head pounded even more furiously. The same, mako eyes with slits for pupils burned behind his eyelids.

"Tell me what you cherish most...give me the pleasure of taking it away," the voice sneered, echoing in his mind, and it was followed by the sinister laugh that came out of nowhere and made his head throb against his temples even harder.

"Cloud, I can't control what you will or will not do," the flower girl stated sadly, breaking the cold voice from his mind. "But I will tell you that Andi needs you now more than ever."

"And she'll have me as soon as I defeat Sephiroth. She can't fight him...she'll die," Cloud muttered into his hands. Why did all of this have to be so hard and confusing?

Aerith just sighed. "Dilly dally shilly shally," she stated softly. "She needs you now and you're being too stubborn. You're being too quick to protect her. Andria's strong, Cloud. A lot stronger than one would think. So, just think about what I said, okay?" her voice faded out.

Cloud continued to sit on the severed tree and lifted his face from his hands. He scanned the area that surrounded him and craned his head around to see if she were still there, but Aerith's presence had disappeared. He no longer felt her hands on his shoulders. Cloud could feel his eyelids growing heavy as he stared out at the waters. He reached down into his pocket and pulled out the green silk hair ribbon of Andria's. Cloud could feel unbidden, crystalline tears burning his eyes again as he stared down at the ribbon and he brushed them harshly away with the back of his hand. The swordsman somehow knew that he was being stupid for wanting to find Sephiroth on his own, but there was no way in hell he was going to let Andria go out there and try to fight him too. The dream still continued to torment his mind and he could still see her being elimated by him. Cloud was not going to let her die. He had to protect her. Nothing was going to harm her if he could help it.

Cloud pulled out a rolled up sleeping bag he kept tucked away in one of Fenrir's compartments and rolled it out across the grass amongst the trees. He would go ahead and stay here for the night. He had a long road ahead of him tomorrow to get to the Northern Crater and Cloud wasn't going to let anything or anyone stand in his way. Feeling a fresh, new sensation of strength and fearlessness wash over him, Cloud slipped inside of the sleeping bag. The blonde loved her. He truly did. No...he was in love with her and he realized this now. He took Andria's green hair ribbon, still clutched in his hand, tied it tightly around his wrist and tucked it underneath his glove. Cloud declared in his mind that right then and there that if he had to go to the ends of the earth to protect Andria, then he damn well would.

"Andria, I love you too much to let anything happen to you. I would die for you," he whispered to the stars before rolling onto his side and drifting off into sleep.


Andria and Mari were sitting up at the bar, later that night, sipping a mixed drink that Shera had so graciously put together for them, deep in conversation. Andria had changed into her new outfit and Mari had pulled some of Andria's hair up, tying it with one of her green hair ribbons and curling the ends. She had done that earlier when the girls had returned from their shopping trip to try and cheer her best friend up. Upon her return, nobody questioned Andria about Cloud. They had noticed her eyes were red and swollen. They could tell that Cetra had been crying. She had recieved hugs from everyone and words of care, asking if she was alright. The whole entire group wouldn't admit it, but they had sensed her sadness and inner anguish.

Andria just pulled on a brave face, smiled and told everyone that she would be okay. They all knew what the girl had just discovered the truth about herself and figured that this was why Andria was as broken up as she was. Shera had taken it upon herself to make Andria and Mari drinks, hoping that it would help Andria relax. As the two sat back, Mari contined chatting about how she wanted to do Andria's hair, when the door to the bar flung open rather harshly. The noise distracted Andria and Mari from their conversation. The two exchanged glances before they were interrupted by a egotistical, cocky male presence.

"So, do you plan on getting yourself shit-faced?" came a drawling voice from behind Andria. She turned around to come face to face with a red-headed Turk. He carried a sinister look on his narrow features and was tapping his electric rod against his thigh as though trying to be intimidating. It wasn't working. Andria just rolled her eyes and Mari's brilliant green ones narrowed and stared sharply.

"No we didn't plan on it Reno. Gods, you're such an ass," retorted the mage as she turned and stared daggers up at the lanky Turk, her green eyes darkened and flashed dangerously as they burned into Reno's blue-green ones.

"Hey, takes one to know one," Reno shot back and he and Rude exchanged short laughs. His eyes fell onto the Cetra who was mindlessly sipping her drink from a straw, doing her best to ignore the insults coming from the two men. She exchanged intermittent glances with Mari once more as the Turk advanced towards her. Reno leaned down on the counter and had his face inches from Andria's. She raised an eyebrow at him and pushed herself backwards from Reno. "So little lady. Where's your Cloudy boy tonight? Usually you two are insperable." His breath blew back in her face and she could smell the whiskey already on it. He was obviously drunk.

Andria turned her head from Reno and closed her eyes painfully at the mention of his name. Once upon a time, they had been inseperable. Mari caught the look of hurt on her heart-sick friend's face and felt the anger burning in her chest. Didn't Reno have any compassion for others at all? Her lush green eyes blazed as the materia beneath her flesh growing dangerously in her hands.

"Just shut up about Cloud, Reno. It's none of your damn business," the mage growled, her teeth clenched.

"Ah, so Cloud's not around is he? Hmmm, well maybe I could take his place in your bed tonight?" Reno stated silkily, taking his finger and running it down Andria's cheek.

The Cetra averted her eyes in disgust. Andria was about to retaliate when she heard a rather loud yelp. Her eyes flew open, and she looked towards where the Turk had previously been standing. Reno was being pulled back from her with a terrified look on his face. Andria's eyes widened as she saw a familiar face and heard the familiar voice. A small, silver earring dangled from the left ear. A black gloved hand was wrapped around the Turk's ponytail.

"If you want to cause trouble then go do it elsewhere, but for now, leave my friend the hell alone," Tifa growled as she pulled Reno's head back next to her face. "She doesn't need scum like you," the martial artist added dangerously.

"Hey! Tifa! Long time no see!" bellowed Reno as he stared upwards towards Tifa's face which was glaring at him. She had his head drawn back as though the Turk were about to have this throat slit. "Where ya been! We've been missing your hot ass around here," the red-head stated drunkenly. "I missed watching the bar and seeing the first thing come out the door be your-," but the Reno replaced his sentence with another yelp of pain and his blue-green eyes widened. Tifa tightened her grasp on Reno's ponytail. The raven-haired woman drew his head back even further.

"Don't you even say it. You do and you'll be damn sorry you ever stepped one foot into my bar," she stated cooly and released her grip, giving Reno a hard shove, sending him flying across the room. He had grab a table as he tottered unsteadily on his feet to keep himself from nearly falling down. Rude just stood and stared at Reno and then at Tifa, his mouth slightly opened in surprise that the woman had such brutal strength. She tossed her dark hair over her shoulder and looked over at Mari and Andria.

Andria quickly turned away, feeling her face flushing hot. Tifa had came back to the bar and she had also removed Reno from advancing on her. Tifa had kept the blood-thirsty Turk from making a move on her. The Cetra had been beyond certain that Tifa hated her, but from the look Tifa had given her it didn't seem that way at all. She couldn't help but feel slightly befuddled.

"Tifa!" exclaimed Mari as she ran over to the martial artist and threw her arms around her neck. "Where in the hell have you been! You had us worried sick!" she stated angrily as she released her grip on her.

"I've had a lot of time to do some thinking. I owe some people an apology, I know," Tifa stated sheepishly, returning the hug to Mari. She went over next to Andria and sat down beside her. "I know I really owe you an apology, Andi," she began.

"M-me?" Andria asked, slightly stunned. She turned towards the woman and saw the sincerity in her dark eyes. "Why do you owe me an apology?"

Tifa sighed and sat down in seat next to the Cetra and lowered her head. "Because of the way I acted towards Cloud and your relationship. I should have realized that him being my best friend, he was growing feelings for you. While I do love Cloud, I know it'll never work between us. I've had a lot of time to myself to think and learn some things," the martial artist commented. She titled her head slightly and smiled at Andria. She reached her hand out and placed it on Andria's shoulder. "I don't hate you and I'm really sorry for doing what I did."

Tears were sparkling in Andria's emerald eyes as she looked up at the woman in front of her. She returned the smile to Tifa. There was so much that needed to be said, but the Cetra had no idea where to even begin. As much as she cared for Tifa, the martial artist had no idea who she was. Quite honestly, Andria was afraid that if she told her Tifa might start to resent her again. They were now on the verge of making up. Why did all of this have to happen now?

"It's okay, I'm just really glad you're alright, Tifa. I was really worried," Andria replied. "I think I'm going to go to bed now though," she began as she sat down her drink and turned to walk away before either girl could see the tears that had broken free and were descending down her cheeks.

The Ancient felt a hand grab her around the cuff and she was turned around coming face to face with the dark haired woman again. Tifa was confused as to why Andria was running so soon. She looked down into the girl's face worriedly and then looked over at Mari who also had a sad look on her face. There was just so much that Tifa didn't know and the martial artist was very confused. She didn't understand why Andria was so sad, but she figured it had to of been because of her. Tifa felt instant sympathy for the girl at seeing her tears.

"Andi, what is it?" Tifa asked worriedly, holding the girl by the shoulders now. "What's wrong?"

Andria just shook her head. She didn't want to say stuff right here in the middle of the bar. Mari acknowledged that this was making the Cetra uncomfortable and she beckoned towards the stairs.
"How about we go upstairs and talk, that why nobody can hear what Andi has to say?" Mari suggested.

"Alright, I think that's a good idea and besides, I have so much to tell you girls!" Tifa exclaimed. "So let's go upstairs so we can talk."

She nodded her dark head and put an arm around Andria's slightly heaving shoulders. Mari stood on the other side of Andria and copied the gesture. The two women led Andria away from the bar and ascended up the staircase. The two girls entered the living quarters and sat down on the couch with Andria in between them. The Cetra just sat with her head hanging, her long bangs hiding her face from view. Tifa and Mari both moved her bangs back from her face to better see her. It wasn't fair to Tifa. Andria knew she needed to tell her everything. She felt so sorry for everything that had happened and she felt scared. How on earth would the Cetra tell Tifa that her best friend was gone because of her? Tifa had placed a hand on Andria's back and was rubbing small, comforting circles on it. She really did care for the Cetra and Andria could tell.

"Andi, I think we need to tell Tifa what's going on," came the mage's voice quietly in her ear.

Andria nodded her head in agreement. She turned towards Tifa and took her hands. "Tifa, there's something I have to tell you. Something really important, but...I want to hear all about what you have to tell us first," she stated, wiping her eyes and composing herself.

"Are you sure? Mine can wait if it's really important," Tifa stated warmly as she continued to rub the Ancient's back.

Andria nodded her head. "Of course! I want to know what kind of fabulous adventures Miss Tifa Lockhart has been on," she commented, forcing a smile on her face. "So what all have you been doing while you were gone?"

"Well, I just did some traveling and I ended back out in Mideel. Well, while I was there I met someone," Tifa gushed as her cheeks turned rosy pink.

"Ooooh, you met someone did you?" questioned the mage playfully. "Was it a man or a woman?"

"A man of course!" laughed Tifa. She leaned back on the couch with a dreamy sigh. "His name is Dr. Aiden Meeks and we met a small coffee shop in Mideel. He's got sandy brown hair, dark green eyes and tan skin," she gushed. "He's so handsome."

"Oooo a doctor," teased Andi. "So did he, how should I put this, give you a physical?" Her emerald eyes were sparkling with laughter. She was so happy to hear that Tifa had found somebody and she felt that right now, she just needed to push away her pain and focus on her friend's happiness.

"Oh he gave me a physical alright," Tifa replied slyly. "And I must say it was one hell of a ride."

The statement caused all three of the girls to burst into laughter. "We want details!" urged Mari.

"Yeah! Tell us all about this tall, dark and handsome doctor!" Andria laughed and shoved Tifa playfully.

And so for the next hour, Andria and Mari sat and listened to Tifa carry on about Aiden. The girls talked about Tifa's trip around Gaia and squealed over all the stuff that Tifa had brought back with her from her trip. They laughed at how Tifa had told them that President Shinra's house in Costa del Sol was still for sale. During their conversation, Mari had gotten up to go and make the girls some hot tea. They needed something for their dry throats from all the talking and laughing that they had done. After Mari's swift departure to the kitchen, Tifa took it upon herself to thoroughly explain to Andria why she had left in the first place. Her face grew red as she lowered her head, not able to face the Cetra. Mari listened from the kitchen while she bustled about the counter, making the tea.

"I just thought that Cloud was...staying with you because you're so much like Aerith. I now realize that I was wrong and totally jealous of what you two were beginning to share. I realize and understand now that Cloud and I can never have what I wanted. We're too much alike. I guess that's why we're best friends, and I've learned to accept that. So, I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry Andi. I'm really sorry for saying what I did and I hope you can forgive me," Tifa stated. She turned towards the girl and took Andria's hands in both of hers. "I'm so sorry, Andi," Tifa told her, staring sincerely into the Cetra's sparkling green orbs. Tears were welling up the girl's dark eyes now. "Do you forgive me?"

Andria just shook her head. "Don't talk anymore, Teef. Don't apologize either, it's not needed. I'm just...I'm so happy for you," she whispered and the two women wrapped their arms around each other.

Andria and Tifa hugged tightly and sobbed. The Ancient felt some of the weight lift off of her shoulders at knowing that Tifa never hated her at all, that she was just wanting what she couldn't have. She also felt a tad guilty, but the Cetra knew that Tifa had moved on and she felt supreme happiness for her friend. The two girls broke apart, half sobbing and half laughing. They wiped their eyes and Tifa turned back towards the Cetra, a serious look in her eyes.

"Andi, I want you to be with Cloud. I saw the happiness that you brought him and he even told me himself that he liked being with you. I want nothing more than for Cloud to be happy, but I just didn't want to accept what he wanted at the time. I understand now. Besides, if I tried to have a romantic relationship with my best friend, I could end up losing him. I really don't want that to happen," Tifa added. "So please. Go and be with Cloud. I'm sure you guys have had plenty of time to get close, huh?" Tifa added with a playful nudge.

Andria just nodded her head and tried to brush away her tears, but they just kept coming. "I would be with Cloud, Tifa, but...there's just...there's so much I have to tell you."

"What is it you have to tell me?" Tifa asked, looking down at the girl worriedly. "It has to be something really serious." Tifa noticed the look in Andria's eyes and she also had noticed Cloud wasn't around. She figured she'd ask where Cloud was if Andria didn't have an explanation as to his whereabouts.

Andria nodded her head as Mari came back into the living room, holding a tray with three hot cups of tea on it. She handed each girl a cup and then proceeded to sit next to Andria.

"Teef, while you were gone, I found out a lot of stuff. I found out all about my past, I found out who I really am and why I'm so much like Aerith," the Cetra began apprehensively. Andria took a sip from her tea and looked down at her legs.

The martial artist's dark eyes widened as she stared at the girl. "What...what did you find out?" she asked in barely above a whisper. Yes, this was definantly something important...something serious.

Andria took a deep breath and looked over at Mari uncertainly. She was so afraid to tell Tifa the truth, but why? Then again here lately, since everything had happened she'd been more and more scared of saying the wrong thing and making the people she loved resent her. Mari gave the girl a look of encouragement and Andria took a deep breath.

"Tifa...I'm a Cetra."
Wow. That was one hell of a chapter. lol, I LOVED the scene where Tifa was describing how wild her "ride" was. Hehehe. And Reno hitting on Andi.

"Well, if Cloud's gone, I can be your "sleeping buddy."

I loved how you fit a conversation with Cloud and Aerith into the story. *hugs Aerith-chan.* My goodness, you're an excellent writer. I loved how you fit a shopping scene with Mari + Andi. Ahhhh, that was one of my favorite chapters. Be sure to never give up. Hell, I might even post up my own fic. Or write number Four at best.

Peace out, MasterX.
Ohh! I loved it! You know what a good addition you coud add? A picture of Andi's new outfit. I have a vision of it, but it would be nice.

You managed to fit two cliffhangers in this chapter -_-' I honestly think you're going for a word record hehe. But it helps entice my intrest so it's all good ^_^
I am so happy you guys enjoyed the chapter! Well I didn't draw an actual scene from the story, but I did draw Andi (Andria) in her new outfit. So here you guys go =D Here's what Andi looks like in her new outfit =D

Andria's New Look
Read the whole fiction, couldn't take my eyes away from it. It's a "masterpiece." I look forward to more installments. :)
very good i must say. I couldnt stop reading, it made me want to read on reading and reading without stopping. I almost thought Tifa was so consumed by the jealousy that she join the bad guys or do something twisted. haha. thought it could spice up the story.

Although I wrote some in the past, it inspired me to write one fanfic again. haha.

By the way, can u send me the text files for all the chapters? I totally love it. =) keep up the good work.
This is very good. It feels like you really care about the characters in your story. I can't wait for the next chapter :)
I am so happy you guys like this so much! :D I really didn't think I get this much fandom on the story :blush: Well, after a very LONG wait, here is Chapter 21 FINALLY. I'm sorry it took me so long to get this chapter completed. I fell ill with strep throat and was pretty sick for a little over a week. Anyway, here is the long awaited chapter!

Chapter 21- Mako in the Northern Crater

Tifa stared at Andria in disbelief. She continued to hold onto the Cetra's hands in her own, her gaze lingering in the woman's deep green eyes. The martial artist shook her head once and then looked back at her again. Andria was a Cetra...a real Cetra.

"'re saying're really, you're an Ancient?" Tifa stammered. " that why you..look like her and-," Tifa was cut off by Andria placing her finger on Tifa's lips to silence her.

Andria shook her elegant head and averted her eyes over at Mari. The mage gave her a look, doing the best she could to give her friend confidence in telling Tifa what she needed to say. This was all so overwhelming, and Andria feared more than anything that if she told her the truth, she would risk losing Tifa yet again. The Cetra didn't want that to happen. Andria was not the type to lie, and she wouldn't keep something like this from her friend. Andria took a deep breath as she began to tell Tifa what had happened.

"You see it's like this, we recieved a phone call from Reno stating there had been a mass killing in Gongaga. We figured that it would be best to go and investigate the area," the Cetra began explaining. She stopped and looked at Tifa, who's dark eyes gave her the go ahead and Andria continued. "You know that the ruins of the Temple of the Ancients is on the way to Gongaga, right?"

Tifa nodded her head. "Yes, I do know, and I remember all that was left was a hole. That was after we got ahold of the Black Materia," she sighed as the memories began flooding back. "So what happened? Did you guys revisit the area?"

Andria brought her teacup up to her lips and took a sip of the scalding, dark liquid. "More like, I was called there by something," she began seriously as she sat the cup back down onto the table. "I was being pulled there. I'd never felt a sensation so strong in my life," the Ancient added. "I've never heard anything so powerful, so full of emotion. There were so many sounds in my head. It was like I was living a nightmare. It was...painful," she stated honestly. "Cloud took me to the temple, because I knew I had to be there and the others followed us."

Andria stared intently at Tifa and clutched her hands once more. "Tifa," she began seriously. "What I'm about to tell you may shock you. It may even upset you but please, understand that this is not my intention. I never knew this myself until we got to that hole. If I hadn't been called there, I may have never found out I was a Cetra," she explained.

"Andi just tell me please," the martial artist pleaded, squeezing her hands even tighter. "I really want to know."

The young Ancient hesitated and then took a deep breath. "When...when we got there, there was indeed a big hole, was almost as if an illusion of what the temple used to be just materialized before our very eyes. I...I don't know how it did, but it did. I walked across where the bridge used to lay. I could feel it, right under my feet as I walked!" she exclaimed softly. "I found myself...inside of the temple, and I was on the other side of the wall. It was a stone wall, and it was a tan color. It looked sort of old and crumbling, as though it had been aging. When the temple first appeared, I could see straight through it. I could see the world on the other side of it as though it were nothing but a ghost. Once I stepped foot onto that bridge, everything became...solid." Andria stopped for a moment and took another sip of her tea. "Once I was inside I questioned how this was happening, and I was answered."

Tifa place a hand to her mouth as her deep pools of brown widened. "You were answered?" she gasped softly.

"Indeed I was. I was answered by two other Ancients. Two Ancients that looked exactly like me," Andria stated softly. The Cetra hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Ifalna my mother and Aerith my sister."

This time Tifa gasped loudly. " mean you're..." but the martial artist couldn't finish. She was too beyond shocked at this onset of news.

"Aerith's sister," came Mari's voice softly, completing the sentence for Tifa.

" how come they didn't know about you? How come you weren't with Aerith when she met Cloud? How come-," but Tifa was cut off by Mari.

"Give her a chance to finish Tifa," the mage stated gently, resting a hand on Tifa's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Tifa nodded her head, allowing Andria to continue.

"When both Aerith and I were born, the Shinra discovered we were at the Icicle Inn. I was only days old. Shinra was desperate at trying to get their hands on all three of us. They wanted us for their Promised Land and for Hojo's experiements," Andria explained, staring at Tifa and doing her best that she could to make sense. "Am I making sense?" the Cetra asked curiously.

Tifa nodded intently still staring into Andria's emerald green eyes. The Ancient continued explaining. "My parents Dr. Gast and Ifalna thought I had died when the Shinra attacked. A pile of rubble had fallen on me and they were sure I was dead. They couldn't move the rubble I assume and so that's why I was left. They took Aerith and fled to another place in Icicle Village. That's why I wasn't with Aerith. I never knew Aerith or my real mom until just days ago," the young woman stated softly.

"Oh Andi. Atleast I understand now, and I understand why you are just like Aerith," Tifa breathed softly, taking the Cetra in her arms. "This must be so hard for you. This is so much information to take in all at once. Are you okay?" Tifa broke apart from Andria and brushed her hair back in a motherly sort of gesture.

I'm NOT just like Aerith! I'm a completely different person..."I'll be okay Teef, but there's more you need to know," the Cetra sighed. She pushed those words just like Aerith out of her mind, and she leaned back against the couch; looking up at the ceiling. Andria closed her emerald eyes tightly. Stay strong Andi. You managed to tell her this much so far and she's not angry. Now all that's left is to tell her that it's up to you to save the whole damn planet!...No, no I can't think like that...Okay, tell her that Sephiroth is on the verge of returning, explain to her about the Ancient Materia and save Cloud for last.

Andria was snapped out of her thoughts by Mari gently shaking her. "Earth to Andi. Are you still with us?" the mage asked slightly worried.

"Ack..Mari, I'm sorry. I guess I spaced out," the Cetra sighed. She sat upward on the couch and rested her face in her hands. "There's just still so much to tell and I don't know how to say it all properly," she mumbled into her hands and shook her head.

"Just take your time with it sweetie," Tifa replied softly, brushing back a strand of Andria's long hair and tucking it behind her ear. "Just go slow and don't force yourself to tell me anything you don't want me to know."

"Yeah Andi," the mage spoke up. "If it gets too overwhelming, we can talk about it some more later. Don't push yourself any further than you can."

Tifa rested her hand on Andria's back and rubbed soothing circles on it. Andria lifted her face from her hands and smiled at Tifa and then at Mari. The girls returned her smile, and she had to admit that she was extremely grateful for friends like these. The Cetra could feel some kind of new courage enter body and she lifted her head up a bit higher. She was going to explain to Tifa now about Sephiroth. Andria felt that it was the upmost importance that Tifa needed to know, and then she would save Cloud for last. Andria decided right then and there that she would tell the everybody about Cloud, but for now she just wanted to focus on explaining Sephiroth and what Aerith and Ifalna had told her to Tifa.

"Thank you so much you guys. You have no idea how much this means to me," Andria remarked softly.

She could still feel sorrow from Cloud leaving her, twinging her heart, but no tears were coming. Not this time. Maybe she was renewing herself with inner strength? Andria felt the determination of saving the planet come what may. If meant her life then so be it. The young Cetra turned back and looked at Tifa again who held a motherly concern in dark-eyed gaze, and Andria couldn't help but let off another small smile.

"Now that's the smile I like to see from you," Tifa commented sweetly. "Now, do you want to finish telling me what is happening or would you like to take a break and call it a night?"

Andria shook her head determindly. "No, I don't want to call it a night. You need to know this Tifa. Everybody else knows and now you need to know as well. Tifa, do you remember the man that had been spotted in the black cloak?"

Tifa nodded her head. "There was a rumor going around from the Turks saying that it was a possible Sephiroth clone, right?"

Andria nodded her head as well in reply. "Yes, there was, but Tifa it's not a rumor. Atleast not anymore. This man that was spotted is indeed a Sephiroth clone."

"You're really serious?" Tifa breathed and placed a hand on her forehead. "You mean to tell me this man...he's...there could be another reunion? But, how do we know? I mean what if it's really a rumor? Has he been kidnapped? Have they ran tests on him to rule out JENOVA Cells?" Tifa looked dubious for a moment but then shook her dark head, causing her small earring to dangle gently. "No, this can't be possible! Can it?"

Andria sighed and shook her head honey-brown head. She hated to be the one to relay the news to Tifa, but it was all in her hands. She didn't have a choice.

"I'm afraid it is. This person was composed of JENOVA cells. I learned this from Aerith and my mom when I was in the Temple. When I spoke to my mom and Aerith, they explained to me a way that we can defeat Sephiroth for good. I'm hoping before Sephiroth makes a full return, we can defeat him. Aerith told me that there is only one way to rid of his monstrosity forever. I have to go to the Forgotten City. Hidden somewhere deep in there is an ancient magic that only I can feel. It's called the Ancient Materia. It can only be touched by my hands. I'm the only one who can rid Sephiroth of this planet by using this materia," the Cetra explained to Tifa. "But, they said that I have to be strong enough to use it," Andria added softly. "They said I'd know when I was strong enough to find this materia and use it. Right now, I just don't feel strong at all. The planet is constantly talking to me, crying out to me and pleads for me to save it and I just don't know how," Andria sighed and fell back against the couch one more. "I'm not really sure what to do or what I'm supposed to do anymore," she said, slight despair ringing in her voice.

Tifa and Mari both wrapped their arms around the clearly distressed Cetra. Tifa caressed the back of her head much like a mother would. "You don't have to do this alone, Andi," she whispered. "We're all here for you. Me, Mari, everybody else and Cloud definantly," Tifa said soothingly.

Andria felt a slight twinge of pain in her heart at hearing his name and felt herself wince at Tifa's words. She shook her head against Tifa's and Mari's shoulders as she returned the tight embrace to both of her friends. Right now more than anything, the Ancient couldn't help but feel alone. Everything was resting on her shoulders. She was the last Cetra on the planet, the rightful heiress to Gaia. How was she going to do this? All of Gaia was hers to protect, to keep safe and to keep from further distruction and Andria could only begin to imagine how her sister had felt at this time. If only they had known one another. If only Aerith had known then that she wasn't alone. If only Andria had known her sister and known she was a Cetra.

"Thanks guys," she whispered as she broke from their hold. She looked into the women's faces and smiled. "I have something else I need to tell you all, but...everybody needs to know. We should probably go outside so I can tell everybody," Andria spoke sadly. "It's not easy for me to say, but it needs to be done."

Andria stood up from the couch, smoothed her skirt and walked out of the living room. Tifa and Mari stood up, exchanging glances. Tifa carried a rather confused look and followed the Cetra down the stairs. They walked across the bar room floor and met up with the rest of AVALANCHE just outside of the building, where they all still stood chatting amongst one another. Andria stood in front of them all. Her hands were folded behind her back and her head was lowered. Cid walked over to the young girl and Andria put one hand up to stop him. Cid stopped, looking confused and scratched the back of his head.

"There's something I need to tell you all," she began softly. "'s about Cloud."

"What about Cloud?" Tifa asked, the motherly tone sounding in her voice again. "Andi, did something happen to Cloud?"

Andria shook her head and felt that familiar pang in her chest. She held back the emotion that threatened to take over yet again. "No, nothing like you think happened to him, but something did happen. Cloud, he...this is so hard to tell you," the Cetra continued speaking softly.

Andria bit her bottom lip continuing hold back her tears, took a deep breath and stared all of AVALANCHE in the face. Stand your ground Andi, don't let your willpower drop. You can tell them. They need to know Cloud left. They care for Cloud just as much as you do, so just stay strong...the girl told herself.

"The night we found out I was Aerith's sister and a Cetra, Cloud and I sort of had an argument," she stated sheepishly. "It's so hard to explain all the details, so I'm not going to, but it ended up with him leaving on Fenrir. After he left, I went on a search for him and found him in Aerith's church. We ended up talking some there and Cloud...he wasn't in a very good state at all," she began to explain to the group.

"What do you mean he wasn't in a good state?" questioned Yuffie curiously? "Cloud wasn't injured or sick or anything was he?"

Andria shook her honey-colored head again. "No, it's nothing like that. Cloud, he...he had a...breakdown, in the church."

"A breakdown? What do you mean a breakdown? Are you sure Cloud isn't hurt?" Tifa asked curiously. "Cloud's not the type to show his feelings. Do you know what was wrong with him?"

Andria just sighed and continued to stare at the ground. Why on earth was this so hard? How was she going to explain to all of AVALANCHE that their beloved leader had broken down, cried like a helpless child and left her filled with confusion, not bothering to answer her questions. How would she explain to all of his friends that Cloud was gone yet again. He had left them all once more.

"I-I honestly can't say that I do know what was wrong with him. Cloud, in the church, he really lost it. He literally broke down, into tears. He was clinging to me like he was afraid of something. He wouldn't tell me anything. All I know is that he's scared of losing the people he loves, meaning all of you guys," Andria tried to say all in one breath, just wanting to forget that any of this ever happened.

"Meaning you too Andi," Nanaki spoke gently as he came around the corner of the bar. Cait Sith was riding on his back and was nodding his head furiously in agreement with Nanaki. "I know Cloud loves you," the animal continued. "I think he was afraid to express it to you. The way he looked at you, you could just see it in his eyes."

"Also I can remember when I read Cloud and Aerith's fortunes!" piped up Cait Sith. He looked up at Andria and smiled. "You have the same star that Aerith does since you two are twins, bound by blood. Cloud's star and Aerith's star were perfect for one another and so therefore your star and Cloud's star are perfect! You two are meant to be together!" the mechanical cat declared.

Andria shook her head. "I really don't think Cloud does love me. I think you were right, Tifa. I think he was just in love with a memory," Andria sighed placing her face in her hands and leaning up against the side of the bar. "I don't really want to talk about that," she added before anybody else could say anything. "What you guys do need to know is that we fell asleep in the church that night. After we woke up, we went for a walk around Midgar. We both felt that we needed to talk about things that were happening. Cloud didn't open up much, but he did tell me he was afraid of losing people he loved."

I still can't help but wonder what on earth he meant... Andria could remember clearly the things that Cloud had told her as they sat on the broken concrete. What did he mean? She could still hear his voice billowing in her mind.

"Andria I...I'm scared. There's so much in this world that I cherish. There's so much in this world that I want to protect. There are people in my life that mean more to me than anything. I can't retrieve lives that have been lost, though I can certainly help save ones that don't need to be lost. Do you understand?"

But did she understand? She said she had thought she did, but honestly the Cetra wasn't sure if anything made much sense to her anymore. Then again, maybe that was just her heartache mixed with her confusion getting in the way. Why did Cloud have to be such a complex person? Why did Cloud have to be so difficult to figure out? Why couldn't he just had opened up to her more on what he was feeling? What caused him to have his breakdown? Was it her? Was it because of the truth? Was it because of Aerith?

"Andria, you're one of those people...I just...don't want anything to happen to you. I...I don't want to hurt the people that I love."

The people that he loves. What did he mean by those words? The swordsman had said clear as day that Andria was one of those people, so surely he meant that he didn't want to hurt her and that he does love her? Could Mari have been right? Is Nanaki even right? Andria just couldn't figure anything out. Everything was gathering and bunching up inside of her head to the point of where she couldn't even concentrate. The Cetra grabbed the sides of her head as another whining, piercing cry came through causing her to whimper slightly. Mari approached the girl and leaned down slightly.

"Andi, are you alright?" the mage spoke softly. "Andi?" She gently shook her friend.

The Ancient snapped out of her reverie and gazed up at Mari. Nobody could even possibly begin to understand what this felt like. Andria really was all alone now. She just knew that once she told the group that Cloud had left and it was her fault, she'd truly be alone. The last Cetra of the planet, alone on Gaia with no friends and no family to guide her. The young woman could already feeling the lonliness creeping it's way into her heart.

"Yeah I'm sorry...the was the cry again. It's the Planet. It's pleading for me to save it and I don't know what to do. Everyone, Cloud left. He left me all alone, just outside of Aerith's church. He took off on Fenrir and I have no idea where he is going or what he's doing, but I have an idea of what he could be doing. He just left and I feel so lost. I feel so alone. I can't do this all by myself," the Cetra murmured. "I think Cloud went to go and try to fight the Sephiroth clone all on his own. He can't do it. You guys, he can't do it. He can't fight him and defeat him without the Ancient Materia. I have to do it. He's going to get himself killed and it's all my fault," she whispered despairingly.

Cid looked up at Andria, his brows beginning to furrow in irritation. "You mean ta tell me that gahdamn spikey-headed son of a bitch left ya!" Cid began furiously. He stood up, clutching his hands into fists. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THE NERVE O' THAT BOY!" Cid was pissed now. His face was burning red and his normally calm blue eyes were blazing with anger. He ran one hand through his blonde hair and pushed the goggles up a bit more on his forehead.

"WELL IF THAT'S THE WAY SPIKE'S GONNA BE THEN WE'RE DAMN WELL GONNA FIND HIM! I WANT SOME DAMN ANSWERS FROM HIM AND I WANNA KNOW WHY THE HELL HE LEFT YOU HANGIN' LIKE THAT!" the pilot roared as he took off across the ground and headed towards his truck. "Ya'll meet me outside of Edge tomorrow mornin'! I'll have The Shera out there and ready to go! We're gonna go and find Spike if it takes the rest of our fuckin' lives!" The blonde pilot stomped away from the group, muttering under his breath. "Oh when I get my hands on that blonde haired punk..." but nobody could make out what all Cid had said. The pilot mumbled furiously to himself as headed inside of his truck, turned on the engine and hit the gas so hard that he left squealed the tires, leaving skid marks in front of Tifa's bar.

Andria turned towards the group, who all looked shocked, scared and worried at the same time. She hung her head sadly. "I'm so sorry everyone. It's all my fault that he's gone. I wouldn't blame any of you if you didn't want me to go along with you anymore," the Cetra remarked softly, recoiling from the group. It was becoming difficult to face them now. Why did everything have to end up this way?

"That's crazy talk Andi," replied Tifa's voice softly as she felt the martial artist's arm around her shoulders. "You are going to go with us and we're going to go find Cloud. None of this is your fault. None of this should rest on your shoulders. I think we can force some answers out of Cloud's head once we find him. We'll do it for you sweetie." The raven-haired woman tightened her grip on Andria's shoulders, and the Cetra found she couldn't speak.

"Tifa's right," stated Yuffie as she approached Andria now, followed by Nanaki, Cait Sith, Barret, Mari and Vincent. "None of this is your fault. If anything, it's all stinkin' Cloud's fault! He's the one who ran off like a big baby!" spat the little ninja. "He should be ashamed!"

"Everything is just so confusing," Andria stated truthfully. "It really is."

"We know Andi," stated Mari soothingly, advancing towards Andria. The mage stood at her side and rubbed her friend on the back. "But we'll get it all figured out. If we have to, we'll take Cloud, tie him up and not let him loose until he talks."

Andria smiled at Mari and couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Yeah, I think if we did something that drastic, he would eventually talk."

"See now, that's the spirit!" exclaimed Tifa, trying to keep a positive attitude though worry was clearly showing in her deep brown eyes. "We'll find Cloud, tie him up and not him go until he tells Andria and all of us why he left and expresses his feelings for you too," she added with a wink.

"Yeah and once Cloud is finished talking, we'll just leave him tied up and leave you two alone for awhile," Mari added teasingly, causing the Cetra to blush again.

"I don't know...I really don't think Cloud does have feelings for me like I thought," the Cetra stated, her cheeks blushing crimson now. "I just...I feel like I've been more trouble than it's worth." she added sounding somewhat ashamed of herself. The Ancient wasn't trying to feel sorry for herself, but more than anything she felt that she had done nothing but caused all these people that she truly cared for nothing but trouble, heartache and was just a burden. The girl had no idea just how wrong she was.

Nanaki let out a small rumble deep in his throat. It sounded almost sympathetic. "No you haven't. Don't say that Andria. We're grateful that we've found you. Atleast you're not alone and your safe. You're here with all of us, are you not?" Nanaki stated, sitting comfortably on his hindquarters in front of the Cetra. "We're happy that Aerith has led you to us. We all loved her and we're more than happy that we have her sister here and we'll protect you with our lives. We won't let Aerith's fate rest with you as well. We'll help you find that Ancient Materia. You are not causing us trouble and you never will. I believe you're strong and I believe you'll be the one who saves us all in the end."

Andria lowered herself to Nanaki's height and smiled. The Cetra couldn't express how much Nanaki's words had meant to her. She couldn't help but feel truly touched by what he said. Andria was truly grateful and lucky that she had the friends she did now. Maybe she wouldn't feel so alone anymore? She reached her arms out and hugged the firewolf around his furry neck. "Thank you, Nanaki. I can't tell you how much this all means to me," she mumbled into his fur. Nanaki didn't allow the others to see it, but he just smiled as the girl embraced him.


There was a hissing, almost boiling sound deep from within the aphotic cave. The only light emitted was a soft, bright green glow coming from a rather large crack in the earth, as well as a soft glow coming from the vicinity of where a body was standing.The man in the black cloak stood in front of a small, old rusted pot. The mechanical voice was barking orders as the man worked feverishly. Steam billowed from the pot, it hissed, frothed and bubbled and then lowered itself to silence. Laying around the cave were bits and pieces of what seemed to be broken computer parts, wires, test tubes holding a green substance and syringes.

"Soooooo, there is indeed another Cetra alive on this Planet?" came the mechancial voice. "Hmmmm this is quite a shock. I was certain that all of them were now extinct. How could we not have known of this miraculous creature before!"

"I don't know," replied the man in the black cloak. He stepped back from his work and sat on a boulder inside of the cave. "But we wasted precious time summoning those beasts out to chase the Cetra when we weren't for sure if she was one or not. They did us no good and they couldn't bring her back to us. She's a lot stronger than we believed her to be. She seems to have more physical strength to her than what her sister did."

"Oh do not worry, Azoth. With her supreme knowledge and strength we will have our hands on the prize once more. Once our dear Sephiroth makes his return through you, it'll be perfect. Have you been working on connecting with the leader of AVALANCHE's mind?" the mechanical tone questioned.

"I have been, but it was difficult in the beginning. He's seemed to have grown stronger than what he was three years ago, fully capable of fightning of my connection to him using his Jenova Cells. However, I've found that I'm coming closer and closer to connecting with him moreso than I thought I would," the man noted. He was now standing up, but rather wobbly on his feet. He looked skyward.

"His mind is now becoming weakened by his love for the Cetra. I've come to discover that he has deep feelings for her. He may even be in love with her. I believe that he is headed here right now to try and stop me," the clone replied sinisterly. "I feel he will fail." Azoth began to totter slightly and sat back down on the boulder he had been sitting on previously and held his head in his hand, giving off the impression that he was feeling tired and maybe weakened.

"Hmmm so the failed experiement is on his way here now? With the massive connection he has with the Cetra, I have a feeling she'll know he's here. She'll come after him and try to stop him. This Ancient knows what's in store. She knows that her precious lover could be killed. She'll want to do everything she can to prevent that," the voice stated thoughtfully. "Azoth, it's time for your mako," it added. "I can see that you're becoming weak again."

The clone nodded his head as he approached where the computer was, rolled up the sleeve of his cloak revealing a very pale, almost ghostly looking arm. He took one of the syringes he kept in the cavern and dipped it into small vat of shining green liquid. Azoth filled the syringe with the green contents, inserted the needle into his arm and pushed the syringe downward. His head slowly fell back as a sigh of relief escaped his lips. He removed the syringe and laid it to the side, sitting back down on the stone. All was quiet in the cave for a moment before the mechancial voice struck the dank place with maniacal laughter. The laughter echoed eerily off of the walls. Another voice joined in, laughing just as insanely as the mechanical one.

"This is all too brilliant," the computerized tone spoke up after the laughter had died down. "We will lure the Cetra here into a trap using her beloved. She will know he's here. She will be able to feel it. If you can feel that their bond is strong, it will be just as simple to have her play right into our hands. They'll be able to connect, no matter how far apart, am I not right, Azoth?" the voice questioned the clone.

"You are correct. I have already started to feel what the failed experiement is feeling. The cells are connected to his mind. I can sense his emotions, I can sense it all. I just can't...I can't control it yet. I will be able to control him, won't I master?" Azoth asked curiously, turned his hunched over body towards where the slightly cracked, glowing computer screen sat on a rocky boulder.

"Indeed you will, my son. Now...what about the rest of JENOVA's parts? Are you finished with the concoction?" the computer questioned. "It should nearly be done, should it not?"

"It is nearly done. There's a few more things I need to do. In a few hours, everything should be complete. Once it's complete, I can insert this into my flesh and the great Sephiroth will reign above all once again, just as you wish. I'm sure you to see your real son again," the shrouded man stated rather bitterly. It was almost as if he were jealous in a sense.

"But my dear Azoth, you know I look at you as my son," came the mechanical voice. "It'll be even better once Sephiroth has returned, then I'll have you both. He lives on in you and he'll continue to live through you. So you see? Once he has come back he'll be in you. I'll have you both together as one," the computer lied.

"Yes well, we had best finish getting this mako pod together," replied Azoth, changing the subject. "You want the swordsman and the Cetra submerged in the mako, correct?"

"Mmmm yes. The Cetra and the man who claimed to be in SOLDIER. With his Jenova Cells and her Ancient my my the possiblities of what we could create are endless! My perfect Ancient specimen!" the voice shrieked, the sound ricocheting off of the cavern walls around them and the two continued to fall into mirthless, uncontrollable and maniacal laughter that could be heard by no one but themselves.


He was standing on the other side of the great spring quite a distance away from her. He watched her as she lowered her body down to the earth, running her hands across the ground near the waters at the Forgotten City. She had taken off at such a fast sprint that Cloud almost couldn't keep up with her strides. She'd shown great resilience to battles and everything throughout their travel. Cloud was amazed at the burst of energy that seemed to hit the extremely warn down Cetra as they entered the Forgotten City.

"It's here somewhere! I can feel it! I know it's here! I just...can't locate it, but I can sense it!" the Ancient stated as she desperately searched for whatever it was she was looking for. "It's close! It's so close!"

Her hands made their way over the earth as the girl tossed her long ponytail back from her face. Her emerald eyes widened as the smile stretched across her face. Her hands were glowing a soft, pale green as her hands stopped on a small mound of earth. Had she found what was she was looking for? The young woman lifted her graceful head and for the first time, since they had both arrived at the Forgotten City, she locked her gaze onto Cloud's face, staring deeply into his eyes. She had been so bent on fightning and finding what she looking for that she hadn't stopped for a moment to just look at him and give him that reassuring gaze she so well did. It made him feel a little uneasy, but now there she was, smiling and giving him that look. He felt relief. Andria smiled beautifully and tiredly at him which Cloud took into his every being and captured her smile within his heart. She was so beautiful, so genuine and so endearing.

"I've done it," she whispered. "I've found what I was looking for."

Cloud began running towards her. She was now digging into the earth with her bare hands. Cloud was only inches away from her, ready to take the Cetra into his arms when there came a blinding white light just above her. It was so brilliant it nearly blinded the swordsman. He never saw the falling form as it descended downward. Faster it fell, straight for Andria...the same way it had happened with.... "NO!"

He hadn't shouted in time. Cloud now saw who it was, but it was too late. Without warning or time to scream for her to move, his long, thin, massive sword pierced through Andria's delicate flesh. Cloud never felt or heard the scream of terror leave his throat. His heart was pounding his ears as he watched the sword easily slide through Andria's chest. The blade pierced her right between her delicate breasts. He watched her eyes fly open, her hands that had been clutching something small had come unclasped and the item she had collected was falling. It seemed as though everything were going in slow motion, and he watched with sheer terror as her arms fell limply at her sides. Blood trickled down from the wound of where Sephiroth had impaled her straight through the chest with his Masamune. He looked down with an evil glint and stared at Cloud, a smirk bringing up the corners of his thin mouth to a sly grin. There was a disgusting sound of grating metal, as he pulled his sword from Andria's body. Her eyes were widened in shock.

Blood had began trickling down the side of her mouth and her chest was gushing blood, staining her pale green shirt. Her eyes were widened as she tried to gasp for breath and Cloud was running even faster as the girl clutched her hands over her pierced heart. She still continued to smile just as her sister had done and then, her beautiful green eyes looked into Cloud's. As the young Ancient fell, her green hair ribbon that held up her long, waves of honey-brown hair came undone. Nobody noticed the small, white orb, that the girl had been clutching, fall from her hands and roll across the earth as though it were nothing. It rolled onward until it hit the side of a tree and the orb stopped glowing.

Andria's body began to fall forward but Cloud was there to catch her in his arms before she fell. She laid back in his arms, the smile still on her face, blood was staining the entire front of her shirt now. Cloud could tell the girl no longer was carrying the strength to hold onto her chest, and she met Cloud's arm. He quickly used his hand to press hard on the wound on her chest, doing everything he could to keep the blood in, but the swordsman knew it was too late. The blade her pierced her straight through her heart. He clutched girl tightly in her arms.

"Andi....," Cloud spoke softly, gently shaking her body and pressing his face against hers softly. "Andria...c'mon don't go on me. Don't fade out....Andria..." He choked back a quiet sob. "This cannot be happening...Not again..." he spoke rather quietly.

"Cloud," came her voice softly, choking on the blood that was in the back of her throat. "I...found it...the Ancient the tree."

"Andi, don't talk, don't say anything. I'm going to save you. I'm not going to let you die. I'm NOT going to let you die!" he declared furiously as if more than anything he believed it. Cloud began searching fervishly for his Cure materia, but he felt her hand lay over top of his. Cloud's heart and mind were filled with dread. The swordsman reluctantly turned his head and looked down into her pale face, not wanting to face what he had to face.

Andria just smiled that smile of hers. It was a sad one; one that told Cloud he was wrong and that she was sorry. "I love you, Cloud," she whispered with her last breath.

Cloud felt the wail of despair escape his throat, and he cried to the top of his lungs. Cloud was going to give Andria everything once it was all over. Cloud had planned on taking care of her. He was going to give her his whole heart and now this. He was going to do all he could to protect her, but now it was just too late. He had transgressed...he had failed to save her just has he had failed to save Aerith and now they were both gone. Overwhelming cries of anguish threatned to take over his body as the beautiful, innocent Cetra whom he had just realized he loved more than anything he had ever loved in his entire life, died in his strong arms.

Sephiroth stood looking skyward, his arms spread as though victorious of his murder of the beautiful Ancient who lie before them in Cloud's strong, muscular arms. He laughed sinisterly. "You are such a fool. Did you actually think I was going to let yet another Ancient get the better of me?," he told them. "All that is left is to take over this planet. I have enough power to take over the Lifestream that I can destroy this planet. It will die, crumble and nothing will be of it. I will take this planet and sail the stars and it will be my vessel as I told you before. We will find a new planet just as I had set out to do a year ago, and my plans were ruined yet again. But you see Cloud, you can't stop me on your own this time. Your precious Ancient is dead and now there is nothing that can be done. I am invincible. I told you I would never be a memory and I meant it. Now, this girl will return to the planet, just as her sister did three years ago. Once the planet is corroded with my darkness, she along with everyone else in the lifestream will be no more." he pointed down at Andria, with the tip of his sword that was covered in blood.

"SHUT UP SEPHIROTH! GET YOUR SWORD AWAY FROM HER!," Cloud snarled. He bowed his head closer to Andria his entire body was trembling. Cloud abruptly looked up at Sephiroth. "Nothing that you say even matters anymore. You've ruined what could have been the one thing that protected and kept this planet safe. You took away Aerith and now you've taken away Andria. I used to worship you when I was younger, look at you as a hero, but SICKEN me!"

Cloud slowly turned his head and looked down into Andrias beautiful and gentle face. The smile still never left her soft, pink lips. She was so peaceful that it looked as though she were merely asleep, but Cloud knew she was not. He took a shuddering breath. "You've taken them both from've taken the natural protector of this planet. You've taken the one thing that could save us all and could even save you. But because you're so selfish that you couldn't realize that. You're too bent on destroying me Sephiroth...why does this continue?"

Sephiroth just laughed, holding his sword high. "Me!? I don't need to be saved. Did you really think for a moment I was going to let YOU or the Ancient ruin my plans? You ruined what I could have had twice now, but you can't do it alone this time Cloud. Oh no, what I want will not be ruined this time. You see, you needed that Ancient to destroy me. She was the only one who could have done it, but now that she's dead it's completely impossible."

"SHUT UP!" Cloud roared.

The swordsman clutched her lifeless body closer to his and bowed his head forward, still continuing to tremble fiercely. Cloud could feel tears burning his eyes. "What about us...," the blonde whispered softly as he ran his fingers over her pale cheek. Us was never going to happen now. "Aerith led me to you...and I failed you Andria, and I failed her again. I can't continue like this. What am I supposed to do now?" Cloud gently rested Andrias limp body on the sacred ground of the Forgotten City. Cloud stayed knelt down next to her, his clenched fists pressing into the earth. The blonde, still continued looking down at her.

"I can't do this alone!" he exclaimed softly, lowering his head even further, burying his face into her stomach. He clutched onto her shirt with his fists, and Cloud began to tremble even more. "Why do I have to feel this pain again? Why is this happening again? Aerith you told me that nightmares didn't have to become a reality, so why is this happening!" Cloud cried, trying to force back the tears, but did not succeed. The swordsman buried his face into the soft foldes of her shirt to hide his tears. "I hate you...Sephiroth...I hate you for what you've done! You just don't understand anything, you just don't get it..."


Cloud flew up from his sleeping positon panting heavily. His entire body was soaked with sweat and his hair was damp from secretion. He blinked hard and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, forcing himself back into reality. Another dream...another nightmare about his beloved Andria being killed. Why did this keep happening? Cloud was almost finding himself frightened of going to sleep anymore, afraid of seeing his worst fears in his dreams. It seemed as though it were a never ending cycle. Why did he have yet another dream of Sephiroth killing her? Cloud forced himself to wake up and he stared out at the sparkling spring right on front of the shrine. He looked up at the sky and noticed dawn was breaking. He would have to be on his way soon and try to stop any type of Reunion with Sephiroth from happening.

As Cloud stared around the place he had been sleeping in, his mako-infused eyes came to rest on that spot that had been focused upon in his dream. Could the Ancient Materia really be buried there? Was Andria really going to be killed right there in that spot? The swordsman shook his blonde head as he stood up and stretched his muscles, body sore from sleeping on the ground.

"No...I think me coming out here and sleeping caused me to have that nightmare," he said to himself as he gazed at the rippling waters. "Aerith was killed out here. I think that nightmare is just linked to my has to be. I can't be having premonitions...I'm no psychic."

The blonde turned and knelt down to his sleeping bag, rolling it up and tying it back together. When he was certain it was tied firmly and wouldn't unravel, Cloud made his way towards his motorcycle. The swordsman advanced over to where Fenrir was parked and placed his hand on the cold, morning dew-covered bike. Cloud raised up one of the compartments were he kept the sleeping bag and placed it back where it had been previously. The dew drops slid down the black metal of the bike and were dripping onto the sleeping bag causing Cloud to scowl. Atleast he wouldn't be sleeping in it now, but then again Cloud wasn't sure if he'd need to sleep in it again. He knew he had to go to the Northern Crater. The swordsman had felt a strong sensation of going straight there. He was almost sure that's where it all was going to begin and end if he had his way about it.

The blonde turned and stared back out at the water as the sun began to rise even higher in the sky, casting it's warm rays across the area and shining down on the waters below it. Even though this place brought Cloud pain and torment, making him feel as though his heart was going to be torn apart all over again, he couldn't help but admire it's beauty. It was then that he felt truly glad that Aerith had been put to rest in what could have been her home. It was such a beautiful, tranquil and calm place. He couldn't think of better destination for her eternal rest to be.

Cloud wondered if Andria knew that this was once the Ancient's home? He wondered if maybe when she came here she would know. As the girl came drifting back into his mind, Cloud felt a tenacious sensation wash over him. He was hell bent on protecting her now more than ever as he saw her emerald eyes in the back of his mind shining cheerfully at him, the smile on her lips, the way they tasted when he kissed them. And then the nightmare he had flashed through his mind yet again. Feeling stubborn now after the dream he had just endured, the drew his blonde eyebrows in and his azure eyes scanned the area around him. They fell back onto the place that Andria had been murdered in during his dream. He no longer felt weak, but instead he felt a fierce determination to save her fill his insides.

To the Northern Crater. That is where I need to go. I will stop you at all costs Sephiroth. I don't know who you have helping you do this, but I will be damned if you get away with murdering the innocent again...the swordsman thought furiously. He took one last glance at the Forgotten City and mounted Fenrir. Cloud inserted the key, turned it and kicked Fenrir into life. The massive bike roared underneath him as Cloud floored Fenrir's small gas pedal. The tires squealed and he zoomed off from the Forgotten City, leaving a smouldering Cloud of exhaust and dust behind.

As Cloud rode, his mind drifted back and forth to thoughts of Andria. He could remember when she had first asked about his swords. He couldn't help but smirk that innocence she held in her gaze as she questioned him about their usage. Cloud could also remember how hard he had tried not to laugh when Andria had mentioned his sword was big. The blonde found that he was grinning inspite of himself when she realized that what she said hadn't sounded quite right, even though he knew she was meaning his actual weapon and not something else.

Cloud stared ahead, feeling that he was doing the right thing by going and finding this clone and protecting his beautiful Cetra. He was not going to fail protecting her and keeping her safe. Though in a way he wished she was right beside him, right there with him. Cloud watched to touch her, he wanted to hold her in his arms and let her know she was safe, let her know she was protected. It was just as Aerith said, he needed to be her bodyguard now. Cloud knew in his heart that in an instant he would give up forever if he had to, just keep her from what could be her demise. Somehow, Cloud wasn't sure how, but he could feel her presence.

The swordsman could hear the sweet tones of her voice ringing softly in his ear. He could feel the gentle touch of her soft fingertips running down his face. Cloud closed his eyes, picturing her smiling at him, touching him with her gentle aura. He could even feel the softness of her hair and his heart lurched. Cloud couldn't help but feel a little guilty for just leaving her like that. He truly did know that he loved her, but sometimes it scared him. The blonde wanted to get even closer to her, maybe even marry her someday, but the swordsman couldn't help but feel afraid. He was locking up all of his feelings inside and he was too afraid to tell her what he felt. She had to know someday though. Andria had to know how Cloud felt about her.

The swordsman noted to himself that he also had to learn to overcome that shyness of telling her what he needed to. He hadn't been too afraid to kiss her that night, so why was it so hard to exactly word to her what he was feeling? Maybe it was because he couldn't find the right words though he knew what he wanted to say? None of his words seemed to be good enough for her in his opinion. Would she understand if he tried to say what he wanted to say? Cloud knew without a shadow of a doubt that Andria loved him. She admitted that to him. Upon realizing that, the blonde knew that leaving to defeat the clone would cause her emotional harm, but it was the right thing to do. Maybe he shouldn't have left so abruptly without so much as even a proper goodbye, but this was serious. Something had to be done before any detriment could come her way.

"Don't worry Andi," Cloud spoke under his breath as he rode across Gaia. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise I'll come back. When this is all over, I'll give you my whole heart."

Cloud stepped on the gas harder, riding as fast as his bike could take him and he could still control it, heading north, not knowing what was lying ahead and waiting just for him.


Andria was upstairs in her room, getting ready to leave with the rest of AVALANCHE. She had changed out of her new outfit, knowing that fighting was most likely going to take place while they were searching. She pulled on her soft, white tank top, tying the front of it securely over her taut breasts and slipped on her pale green skirt. She placed her belt around it comfortably and pulled on her boots. She was ready for this. The Cetra was bound and determined to save Cloud. The girl wasn't sure if her friends had convinced her enough that Cloud really did have feelings for her, but she couldn't help but enjoy the idea of tying him up and making him talk.

The young woman giggled at the thought as she finished getting dressed. Andria ran her hair brush through her long, honey-colored locks. Once satisfied with that, she pulled her hair back into a somewhat high ponytail and tied it back with her green ribbon, keeping it out of her face. She brushed her bangs and then placed the brush back on top of the wooden dresser top. The Ancient gazed at her appearance in the mirror, still feeling slightly frustrated at the fact that she was damn near identical to her sister and quickly pushed the thought from her mind.

Andria shook her head firmly. No way...she wasn't going to let anything like this burden her now. The Cetra was too stubborn and all she wanted to do was find Cloud. Andria was strong and she knew it, she just needed to find the right willpower to use her strength. The Cetra was pretty sure that her willpower was coming into play now as her thoughts drifted back to Cloud. She was going to find him if she had to destroy every fiend in Gaia to do it. The girl was busy gathering her weapons together, lost in a swirl of her thoughts and sounds from the Lifestream that she didn't hear another person enter her room. There was a gentle tap on Andria's shoulder, breaking her from her silent reverie. Andria gasped and jumped, being slightly startled and turned to see who had touched her. Her eyes met soft, understanding brown eyes that were Tifa's. There was a small smile on her lips.

"You about ready to go, Andi? We're going to meet Cid in about 10 minutes. He just called," the martial artist stated, tucking some of her dark hair behind her ear. She smiled at Andria warmly.

"Yeah in a moment. I just need to grab my phone and my swords and we can head out," the Cetra replied.

"I noticed you changed out of your new outfit," Tifa pointed out. "How come? You looked so pretty in it."

Andria smiled back at Tifa. She couldn't help but feel happy that her and Tifa were back to being friends again. Andria strapped her weapon sheath around her waist and sheathed one of her katanas. The woman had sat on her bed the night before, thinking about everything that was about to happen. She couldn't sleep that night. The Ancient had sat up most of the night worrying about Cloud and what could be happening to him or where he was. Maybe once she was out on Cid's airship she'd be able to connect better with him. Maybe even Aerith or Zack could help her find him. Andria couldn't help from the feelings she had in her heart for him. They had blossomed to full bloom and there was nothing that she could do to stop them. The girl jumped again slightly as her thoughts were broken by Tifa's voice.

"I'm sorry Teef," Andria replied with a short laugh, slightly embarrassed she had gotten so caught up in her thoughts. She placed her fingertips on her forehead and rubbed it. "Thank you though. I know we're probably going to be fighting and I just didn't want to ruin my new clothes. Besides my tank top and skirt will be alot easier to fight and move around in," she added with a wink. Andria held out her second blade, studying it in the light that was pouring through the window in her bedroom. She gave a satisfied nod and placed it in the sheath as well.

"Yeah I guess you're right," agreed with martial artist with a laugh. "That is a nice new outfit. You wouldn't want to ruin it." Tifa eyed the swords hanging at Andria's side curiously. "So you've become pretty skilled with the blade I hear?"

Andria blushed slightly at Tifa's words. It had been Cloud that taught her. "Well, I guess I'm alright," she replied sheepishly.

"Just alright?" laughed Tifa. "I've heard from the gang that you're better than alright. Good thing we have a swift swordswoman going with us," she added with a wink, gently nudging the Cetra. "C'mon, let's go meet up with Cid and search for that spikey-headed jerk." Andria laughed at Tifa's words and the two girls departed from the room.

Shortly after their departure from Seventh Heaven, the group had left in trucks to meet up with Cid just outside of as Edge like he had said. The massive silver steel of the airship was coming into view as Andria rode in the truck along with Mari, Vincent and Yuffie. Most of the ride had been silent, leaving the girl to her thoughts. The three had noticed that Andria had withdrawn and didn't want to speak much. She was too busy thinking about where Cloud could have gone and struggling to hear her own thoughts over the Planet constantly talking to her. Vincent began to slow the truck as they approached the airship. Cid was standing just outside of it, decked out in his usual pilot gear with a broad grin on his whiskered face.

"She's all fired up and ready for take off," the pilot spoke loudly and proudly.

Andria hadn't really looked up at the airship as the truck came to a halt. She followed the other three out of the truck and as her feet met the ground, her eyes found their way up to the massive flying ship in front of her. Andria gasped softly, placing both of her hands to her mouth. The propellers on the ship were whirring loudly in the crisp, morning air and Andria's emerald eyes went as wide as materia, and she struggled to take in the size of the flying machine that sat before her. She had never in her life see anything so big and this was her first time flying.

"Oooh my," she breathed as she moved closer. "We're really going to ride this?" the Cetra asked softly, staring up at the glinting steel before her.

Yuffie groaned and leaned against the truck, staring up at the airship with a look of digust mingled with dread on her small face. "I hate airships, I really really hate flying...ugh," she mumbled.

"Oh Yuffie, I would have thought as much as we ride these things you'd be used to it by now," Tifa laughed as she placed a hand on top of Yuffie's head playfull and rubbed her head. Yuffie slapped away Tifa's hand in annoyance and the older woman just laughed.

"You know how easily I get airsick...the last thing I want is, ugh...I'm already starting to feel queasy," the petite, Wutai ninja complained, clutching her stomach.

"I've never flown before," Andria stated somewhat breathlessly as she ran across the ground and approached a rather smug looking Cid. "I've seen this before in the sky, or atleast one similar to it. I always dreamed of riding one of these," the Ancient stated dreamily, eyes not leaving the ship as she studied it's miraculous features.

Cid guaffawed at the girl's reaction and lit a cigarette. He stood next to the girl and placed an arm around her shoulders, the other hand reaching up to remove the cigarette he just took a drag from. "That was prolly the Highwind that ya saw. Ya know, yer sister had the same reaction's what I was told. She wanted to ride the airship but she never got the chance," Cid drawled in his deep, southern accent. "This here is mah Shera," he added proudly, thrusting his chest out.

"So Aerith never got to ride?" Andria asked sadly, looking up at the pilot.

"Nah unfortunately her time was cut a lil' too short for her to get to ride it," Cid sighed sadly. "But, I'm sure she'd be extremely happy to see that you'd get to ride it for her," the pilot added as he noticed Andria's face fall.

"I...Cid...," Andria began softly. "No...nevermind. Let's go find Cloud," she stated, brushing off the thought. Andria was excited to be riding the great airship. She couldn't wait to get up there and fly through the clouds and watch Gaia zoom by underneath her, but the Cetra felt a pain in her heart. She wished that her first time on this airship would be with Cloud by her side.

"Naw, now c'mon Andi, you can tell Cid," the pilot remarked, giving her a reassuring squeeze around her shoulders with his arm. "What did ya wanna say?"

"It's just...I wish my first time riding the ship could have been with Cloud by my side," she replied very softly, her cheeks blushing pink.

"Ah, I understand what ya mean sweetheart, but we'll find Cloud and you two can go for rides on this as often as ya'll want as long as ya ask me first," he added with another rough wink. "C'mon, let's get inside and find Spike, cause as soon as we find him, I'm gonna give that damn boy a piece o' my mind for runnin' off, leavin' you and hurtin' you!"

Andria nodded excitedly, her heart racing in her chest now. This was a dream come true. The girl could remember how badly all her life that she wanted to fly and now was her perfect chance. There was quite the commotion behind her as she began to climb up into the airship. The young woman stopped and turned around, facing the group behind her. Andria laughed as Tifa was pratically dragging a very reluctant Yuffie towards the airship, followed by Barret who was loudly voicing his opinion on Yuffie's protests.

"I mean you guys reeeeally don't need me on the ship do you? I mean can't I just stay in Edge? What good would I be anyway? I'll just get in the way!" Yuffie exclaimed in an almost desperate tone.

"Quit your damn bitchin' and get on the fuckin' ship!" Barret growled, giving the little ninja a shove. "It ain't gonna kill ya to come along with us, especially if you care about Cloud as much as what we all do!"

In the midst of Yuffie's whining, complaining and protesting and the others boarding the ship, Cid was finally able to close up the doors and lift his beloved flying machine off of the ground. Andria ran downward towards the giant windows on the main part of the airship, placing her hands on the glass like a young, excited child looking inside of a toy store and stared at the world around her. The Ancient's heart seemed to jump into her throat and her stomach bounced with excitement as the ship became airbourne and rose higher and higher into the sky.

She turned around to see Cid seated smugly in his pilot's chair. He kept his hands placed at the 10 and 2 on the massive steering. Tifa, Mari, Vincent, Nanaki, Barret and Cait Sith were standing about the ship, chatting with one another except for Yuffie. She was already a delicate shade of green and was slouched down in the corner with an ice pack on her head, groaning about hating flying and feeling sick.

The Cetra giggled at the scene before her and turned to look back out of the windows. They were already decently high off of the ground and everything seemed to be getting smaller and smaller to her. She pressed her forehead against the glass, wishing she could share her first time flying with Cloud and sighed. The Cetra wondered what he could be doing right now at this very moment. Though she wasn't sure why, she could feel Cloud's presence filling her heart and she could hear his deep voice inside of her head.

Andria suddenly felt a very strange sensation take over her, as if somebody were trying to protect her. Andria couldn't recall ever feeling anything like this before, but she continued to feel Cloud's presence strongly holding onto her. Was it Cloud she was feeling trying to keep her safe? Was it possible that he was dead and that's how she could feel him now? Andria thought to herself for a moment before shaking her head. No, it wasn't. If Cloud were dead she would have known it. She and Cloud were entirely too close now and if he had died she surely would have heard his voice amidst all the voices she'd always heard come from the Planet. The young woman was interrupted in her thoughts as Nanaki and Vincent joined her side.

"How are you doing on your first fly, Andria?" questioned the firewolf as he took his place near the Ancient's side.

"I'm doing okay, thanks Nanaki," Andria lied as she stared out at the sky. Truth be told, even though all her friends were with her, her heart felt lonely. Maybe that's why she kept sensing Cloud's presence?

"I think that you're not speaking the truth," came Vincent's baritone voice as he stood on the other side of her and looked out of the window, his arms folded across his chest.

Andria sighed and continued to gaze out of the windows, not wanting to look at either Vincent or Nanaki. She didn't want to talk about her feelings. She didn't want to seem like she was weak to them. Andria wanted to prove her strength, but she felt in a way that Vincent and Nanaki just seemed to know that something was bothering her. Something was going on inside of her to make her emotionally weak and they could tell, no matter how much she tried to deny it herself.

"Mari and Tifa sent you guys over here to talk to me, didn't they?" Andria stated knowingly, looking up at the tall gunman and then down at the firewolf who were both trying to not look guilty and failing miserably at it. "Uh huh...I figured."

"We're not here to try and annoy you, Andi," began Vincent seriously. He moved to lean up against the window, his arms still folded across his chest. "We just wanted you to know you're not alone."

"What?" Andria asked looking up at Vincent and raising an eyebrow. "Oh...I know I'm not alone!" she replied, trying to sound cheerful.

"We know what you're feeling. There's no need to put on this front. You're allowed to feel pain," Nanaki stated, placing his paw on Andria's hand that rested against her side. She turned her emerald gaze down towards the red beast and stared into his one, good eye. Nanaki smiled. "Things might look hopeless now and it may look as though you can't find your way, but we'll find it, because even now there is still hope left."

"You mean Cloud?" The Cetra questioned. "Cloud is...Cloud is my way. I live for him, breathe for him and I would die for him," she stated truthfully, pressing her forhead back up against the cool glass.

"Don't worry Andria," Vincent stated as he rested a hand reassuringly on her shoulder. "We will find Cloud. I can understand him more than one would think, but we'll just keep that between us," the gunman added.

"Thanks guys," the Ancient replied as she continued to stare out of the window. "Wherever he is, I just hope he's safe." Cloud...if there is some way that you can hear me, please...please don't do anything to get yourself hurt. I'm coming for you, Cloud. I love you so much...


Evening was drawing closer as Cloud found the air becoming colder and noticed the hills becoming steeper and rockier as he rode towards the Northern Crater. He wasn't far now, not at all. Cloud had stopped off earlier when he noticed the air getting cold and had put on a jacket he had brought along with him to keep himself from becoming too cold. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to take Fenrir out here...the swordsman thought to himself. Maybe he should have rented a chocobo, but it was too late for that now. The sun was setting in the sky as Cloud noticed the first bout of snowflakes and the wind picking up. The swordsman studied the handy little compass he had placed on Fenrir and noticed he was advancing right towards the cave.

"Almost there," he told himself outloud as he forced his bike to ride up the steep hills.

The further Cloud got, the deeper the snow as beginning to show and Cloud knew that he couldn't take Fenrir straight through this. He would have stop, park the bike and hike the rest of the way up the mountain to make it inside of the cave. The swordsman did just as that as soon as he found himself struggling with the motorcyle, trying to get through the snowbanks, as the snow was descending from the heavens now, becoming thick that it was nearly almost impossible to see. It was coming down heavy now and the sky was a dull gray. The blonde craned his neck as he saw the familiar mists swirling about overhead and he knew he didn't have far to walk.

Cloud parked Fenrir near a set of rocks and equipped himself with his swords, sheathing them comfortably on his back. Once that was done, Cloud placed a tarp over the bike that was hidden in another of it's compartments. The swordsman advanced up the colossal, rocky, snow-covered hill. The wind was blowing hard and the snow that was hitting his face stung on impact, but Cloud paid it no mind. He had set out to take care of this once and for all and protect his Cetra with everything he had. That's just what he was going to do. A little bit of snow wasn't going to stop him.

After nearly an hour of climbing the snow covered mountain, Cloud found himself at the opening base of the Northern Crater. He stared downward into the darkness of the rock that so resembled a hollowed out volcano and took a deep breath. This was it. Something was telling him he needed to go down there. Cloud gathered his strength and he stepped onto the familiar, rocky pathway that led him down into the cave below. Cloud continued downward, unsheathing one of his swords just to be prepared for any left over fiends ready to attack. The swordsman kept his guard up and stayed alert. He continued down the familiar path that he and his comrades had taken three years ago. After awhile of walking, staying on his guard and keeping his sword at the ready, Cloud found himself surrounded by rocks. He gazed around the cave and saw computer bits laying around. Cloud advanced towards them, careful to avoid the rather massive crack in the earth that was glowing green with Lifestream.

"Computer bits?" Cloud wondered outloud. "Why on earth would something like this be down here?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," came a deep voice from the shadows of the rock.

The cloaked man stepped out, keeping his head bowed low and his face covered. He ascended from his hiding place now, his entire body was bathed in green light emitting from the crack in the ground, but the swordsman still could not see the face. It was shrouded and hidden by his hooded, black cloak.

"We've been expecting you," stated the deep voice sinisterly as the shrouded figure slowly advanced towards Cloud.
Another excellent addition to "The Past Of The Cetra." This chapter was really good. I feel sorry for Cloud, the ladies just want him tied up! And of course I feel sorry for Andria, having to break the news to everyone. Keep up the good work!
This is just getting better and better. You sure do know how to do good cliff hangers :).
I'm glad to hear you're all right Mandi.

Oh! Oh! I know who the mechanical voice is! Haha. I really enjoyed this chapter. Though i think everyone was winking a bit too much o_0 but it doesn't matter lol. Finally, the airship takes off!
I think someone NEEDS to send this off to SQUARESOFT ... time this was given a go as a game, get the copyright sorted first though !!! Then sell it to them, make million and make millions happy !! Its fantastic!!