Fan Fiction Final Fantasy VII: The Past of the Cetra

LOL!! Andi is full of little surprises. She's bright, spunky, cheerful and playful just like Aerith but she also has a side to her that's completely different from Aerith and that's her strong, fighter side, well, you'll see what I mean as we get further into the story ^_^ Here's Chapter 12! :D

Chapter 12- Healing a Little at a Time

Mid summer, mid August brought upon decently warm weather in Edge. The sun broke through the window as the morning dew trickled down the window pane. She giggled. He heard her voice very lightly, it sounded so far away, echoing in the depths of his mind. The sound was twinkling and beautiful. It was familiar and yet different, something he loved to hear. He was warm, snuggled up against the soft pillows and the blankets resting over his body. He didn't want to open his eyes. He just wanted to enjoy listening to the soft, gentle sounds of her giggling. She spoke his name.

"Cloud...wake up sleepyhead," he heard her speak. She brushed her fingers through his soft, blonde spikes and gently ran a finger down the middle of his face, lightly tapping his nose.

"But I don't want to wake up," he grumbled, pulling the blankets over his head. "I just wanna stay here with you and stay in bed all day," Cloud added as he realized the giggling he heard was Andria's. What a nice thing to wake up to...he thought warmly.

She snuck under the covers with him, laying next to him and as he wrapped an arm around her waist. Andria snuggled up under his chin. "But you have to wake up because you promised," came her voice full of a smile.

Cloud opened his blue-green eyes and pushed the foggy sleep out of his head, as her face blurred before his vision. He blinked once and his vision became clearer. Andria was laying next to him on her side. She tapped his nose again playfully and Cloud responded with faintest hint of a smile. Andria took her fingers and traced his attractive jawline softly as Cloud closed his eyes, enjoying the gentle, soft sensation of Andria's touch. It had been a couple of weeks since her parents had died and with each passing day, Cloud had found the girl was growing more happy, always seeming the happiest when he was near.

Cloud buried his face and smirked into his pillow inspite of himself. He had to admit that he'd been feeling a lot more lighter since he was spending so much time with her. It had been a good while since he felt this light. The holes in Cloud's heart were closing up a little more and more through each moment he had spent with Andria. Though despite all the things she did, that reminded him of Aerith quite often, there was still this whole other new person that he was getting to know and he loved it. For some reason, both of these things made his heart feel nearly content.

"You said you'd take me to get a sword today," she said with a trace of excitement in her voice. "And so it's time to get up and go make breakfast and go sword shopping!" She leaned her head up and turned his face out of the pillow, smiling brightly at him.

Cloud's smirk changed into a grin, something he very rarely ever did. Whenever Cloud did smile, it made Andria's heart leap up into her chest. She gently ran her fingertips over his soft lips. "But I don't wanna get up just yet," he groaned as his grip tightened on Andria's waist. "Can't we just lay in here and sleep for awhile? I took the day off and I wanna just sleep in," he complained.

"Yeah you took to the day off so you could take me sword shopping," Andi replied playfully. When Cloud didn't respond she stuck her tongue out at him. "Oh poo, you're no fun!" the girl protested, lovingly fingering the small lone wolf earring he wore with her fingertips and brushing a few stray strands of blonde hair away from his face. It fell back into his face, just as stubbornly as he was sometimes and it made her giggle.

"Yeah yeah yeah, do you know how many times I've heard that?" Cloud groaned as he removed the covers off of their heads and sat up in bed. "Cloud you're no fun, Cloud you don't wanna do this, Cloud you don't wanna do that," he said in a mocking voice towards Andria.

"Hey! That's not very nice you know," she stated, shoving his bare chest with her hands. Cloud grabbed ahold of her wrists and with a swift, swooping motion, pinned her down on the bed. She girl squealed as Cloud held down her arms. He folded his arms across her chest and rested his head on crossed wrists, looking up at her.

"You know," he stated with a devilish gleam in his eyes. "You're going to have to learn quicker reflexes if you intend to fight with a proper sword."

Andria laid underneath him, slightly shocked at his quick movement and giggled, her chest rising and falling with shortened breath. "Well, if you'd let me fight with something else beside practice swords then maybe I could be a bit better."

Cloud sat up and continued to hold her wrists down against the bed. He leaned down into her ear. Cloud's warm breath against her neck made Andria tremble lightly. "But practice makes perfect," he purred into her ear. "You'll never be as good as me if you don't practice." Cloud sat up, releasing Andria's wrists and pondered for a moment. "Actually...I don't think you could get as good me," he said with a slice of ego in his voice. He cocked an eyebrow as he looked at the girl laying beside him. Andria sat up in bed as her emerald green eyes widened and she clasped her hands to her chest.

"Oh Mr. Strife, do tell me! How does one get to be an amazing swordsman such as yourself!" Andria exclaimed in sarcastic and yet teasingly manner. "I do so what to learn to fight just like you!" she continued.

"Hey you're gonna pay for that!" Cloud exclaimed, noticing her sarcasm. He reached out and ran a hand down her side and began tickling her. He found his way into a certain area on her right side that was extremely ticklish and dug his fingers under her ribs. Andria squealed with laughter as Cloud ran his hands all over her body, discovering all of her ticklish spots. "Think that'll be 20 gil!" And he tickled her rougher.

"20 gil! For what!" Andria squealed persistantly. "I'm not giving you 20 gil!"

"Oh yes you are! For that comment you are," Cloud replied defiantly, still continuing to hold her down and tickle her. "20 gil for me to give you sword fighting lessons too. So I guess that makes, hmmmm, 40 gil now?"

"NO WAY!" she cried out with laughter. Cloud was still holding down the girl, tickling her until she couldn't even breathe. "Okay! Okay! I give in! You can have the 40 gil! Cloud! Stop I can't brea-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" she cried with laughter as he tickled her all the more harder, holding her down on the bed, his hands finding their way all over her torso as he discovered her most sensitive, ticklish places on her body.

"I call this tickle attacking," he replied with delight in his voice and Andria could clearly tell that Cloud was enjoying this while she was about to explode from her laughter. "This is something I do to the kids. They know all about tickle attacks. You should ask them sometime."

The two were laying on the bed and Andria managed to wrench her way out of his grasp, but Cloud was still too quick. She was rolled over on her side, laughing and gasping for breath when Cloud rolled over and grabbed her from behind, holding her arms down with one arm and tickling her stomach and her sides. Cloud began to laugh. It wasn't a full laugh, more like a giggle, a chuckle. He actually heard himself snickering, but it was drowned out from the sounds of Andria's beautiful laughter. He didn't want to stop. Cloud was enjoying this entirely too much.

"CLOUD!!! PLEASE! STOP!!!" Andria exclaimed between breaths and laughter. "NO MORE DILLY DALLYING!"

Cloud froze...he stopped and let go of Andria who was breathing rather heavily and he sat back looking at her. "Did you just say dilly dallying?" he asked, his smile vanishing, a little shocked by what he had just heard. His eyes darkened slightly.

Andria sat up and looked him, still trying to catch her breath. "Yeah I guess I did," she replied noticing the look on his face. "I don't know where it came from...I just said it...why? Did I do...say some-" she paused as she caught the look in his eyes and immediately felt guilty, though she didn't know why. "Cloud, what's wrong?"

Their moment of fun had surpassed much too quickly. Andria drew her eyebrows in with slight worry and looked at him as she saw a slightly pained expression on his face. Sometimes she would notice that slightly pained expression if she did or said anything, but she never asked why. However this time she chose to. Why did he look at her that way sometimes? Andria felt that she just had to know.

"Oh, it's nothing," Cloud replied shaking his head, causing is blonde spikes to sway gently. "I'm's just...sometimes the things you do remind me of...her," he mumbled.

"Her...Aerith right?" Andria asked suddenly becoming quiet. "I'm sorry," she turned her head from him. "Maybe I should just-"

"No! Don't...Please, don't go," Cloud told her, his shoulders slumped and he looked at her almost pitifully.

Andria just looked at him uncertainly. Maybe that's all I am to him? Maybe he is just being this attatched to me because of Aerith. Things I do and say remind him of maybe that's why he kissed me. Maybe he just wanted to cling onto her memory and so he's doing that through me... Andria hated having negative thoughts, but she couldn't help it. Cloud had just sat right there and admitted that things she does reminded him of her. She could feel herself starting to get slightly upset now.

Cloud's face fell. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said." He shook his blonde head.

"Yes you did," Andria replied defiantly but softly. "You all have told me so many times I remind you of this girl and I don't even know who she is. So is that it Cloud? Is that why you're spending so much time with me?" she asked softly.

When she saw the look in his eyes again she hung her head. She was instantly sorry. She hadn't meant what she said...did she? Andria wasn't sure, but she knew that she never meant to hurt him by what she said. She wanted Cloud to be with her for her and not for Aerith.

"I'm so sorry Cloud...I didn't mean to say that. I just..." I'm so stupid! I just had to open my mouth didn't I? I just had to see that hurt look in his eyes again by what I said. Why didn't I just keep my feelings to myself? I'm so sorry Cloud...

Cloud placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her around to face him. "Listen Andi. Sure things you do remind me of Aerith, but I'm not holding onto you because of her," Cloud fully admitted. "I swear to you. I really like you for you. I enjoy being around you. You're a different person and I like that. It's a good thing..." the swordsman paused..."damn I can't say anything right can I?" he sighed.

Cloud stood up from the bed and walked over to the window. How do I make her understand that THAT is not the reason I'm always with her! I LIKE being with her! She's...just...she's Andi...and I like Andi. I like who she is...a lot. I mean yeah, she does little things that remind me of Aerith, but that's to be expected right? Didn't I do things that reminded Aerith of Zack? I wasn't angry at her for feeling that way...once I found out the truth. So is Andi angry at me? Cloud put his forehead in his hand. Ugh I'm so stupid! Cloud felt a small hand close over his shoulder and he turned his head to see Andria standing behind him with a smile.

"It's okay Cloud. I understand," she told him and she truthfully did. Her sparkling green eyes showed that she did. "I know how hard it can be for you. You don't have to try and explain yourself. I know that I remind you of her, but that's okay."

Andria had always seen in Cloud's eyes the haunting memories, but she had also seen a new light in them since he kissed her that night. That new light had never left his eyes since then. Not once and she knew that new light was filled with something that didn't pertain to Aerith. You're just being stupid for feeling this way Andi. Just deal with it. Lighten up. Cloud isn't around you because of Aerith, he's around you because you're you!

"But I...," Cloud began and hung his head. "It doesn't mean...I just..."

Andria leaned forward and placed her hands behind her back. She titled her upward slightly to look at him. "What did I just say, hmmm?" she asked with a playful grin. "It's okay. I understand! I honestly do!" She stood back upright and rested her elbow in her hand and put her other hand under her chin and observed Cloud.

Cloud noticed right off that Andria was making another Aerith gesture towards him, but he just brushed it off. As a matter of fact, Cloud admitted to himself that she even looked cuter doing it than what Aerith did, and he couldn't help but grin again. Her eyes were filled with warm delight like that of a child and she smiled back.

"Now see?" she told him poking him lightly on the shoulder as she approached him. "It's all okay. I know. Now, et's see...where were we...?" her voice trailed off as she eyed Cloud and approached him, holding her body close to his. "I think right!" Andria exclaimed as she dug her hand into his left side and surprised him by attempting to tickle attack him. Cloud responded by letting out a surprised, short laugh.

"Hey now! That's not fair!" Cloud exclaimed as he grabbed Andria around her waist and threw her over his shoulder. She began beating on his bare back with her fists "I'm tickling attacking you now!"

"Cloud Strife! You let me down right this instant!" Andria squealed, but she knew her hitting him wasn't even phasing him. "CLOUD DON'T YOU DARE! NOOOOOO!" she squealed as she felt him lift her back up.

Cloud threw Andria down on the bed and began tickling her yet again until she laughed so hard that tears were rolling down her cheeks and her face was flushed from laughter. Andria was rolled over on her side, curled up in the fetal position, her body shaking with laughter.

"So hah!" Cloud replied as he stood up with a triumphant look like that of a winner. "I'm going to get dressed. I'll be in the kitchen," he stated as he took his clothes out of his dresser drawer. Cloud made his way to the door, opened it and left the room. Andria heard his footsteps across the hall and then the bathroom door close behind him.

Andria lay on the bed still trying to catch her breath from Cloud's surprise tickle attack and she looked up at the ceiling and grinned. Yes! You're finding your way. Little by little those barriers around his heart are disappearing. She was finally starting to find her way into Cloud's heart and in all honesty Cloud had already stolen hers. Andria lay there for a few moments day dreaming about her life with him and then lept up with excitement and got dressed. She brushed her long, honey-brown hair and tied it back into a ponytail with her green hair ribbon, brushed her bangs and smiled. The girl couldn't remember when she felt this happy. It had been so long. So long...

"Break...temple...the church..."

"What the...?" Andria looked at herself in the mirror again. She had heard a strange voice in her head yet again. She hadn't heard anything like this since before her parents had died. It was a female voice, but it wasn't the one who sounded like her. It was someone else, a woman slightly older than her perhaps?


"I can't understand what you mean," Andria said outloud but quietly incase anybody could hear her. "What is going on? Who are you?"

spoke three female voices consecutively.

"What in the hell!" Andria exclaimed softly as she grabbed the sides of her head and looked in the mirror at her reflection.

Andria could hear their echoes in her head and it was just becoming more and more confusing to her. Andria's emerald eyes had gone wide with confusion and even slight fear. She remembered what happened the last time she had heard voices. Her parents were going to be killed. Only that time there were so many of them screaming at her she couldn't comprehend or understand it. The girl didn't want this to be the same thing.

"Break down? Church? Forest? City? What does this all mean!? Please tell me! I don't understand!" she cried out softly, trying to understand, but the echoes had diminished, leaving her once again confused and afraid.

Andria tried to brush off the thought that was now weighing heavily on her mind. As she departed from the bedroom, Andria could hear the laughter coming from the kitchen of Barret, Cid, Shera, Yuffie and Red XIII. Andria also caught the unmistaken smell of something burning. She walked into the kitchen and saw a rather humorous sight which forced the thought of whom was speaking to her out of her head completely. She tried hard to control the laughter that threatened to burst out of her chest as she her eyes fell on something completely unexpected.

Cloud was standing at the stove with a white apron tied around his waist. He had one frying pan on each burner of the stove and whisp smoke was starting to stream from one of the pans. Cloud had egg yolks all over the front of his apron and splattered pancake mix to boot. Cloud held a spatula in each hand, using his right hand to flip something over in one of the pans. Noticing the smoke he turned down the burner and dropped one of the spatulas. He grabbed a pot holder from the counter and began waving the smoke away. Cloud gave a feeble smirk as Andria approached him trying hard not to laugh. Instead she wore a big smile.

"MORNIN' ANDI!" came Cid's hearty voice. He waved across the room at her and Andria noticed that Shera was sitting next to him. She smiled and waved. Andria waved back across the room. "Seems like Cloud here's attemptin' to cook ya'll some breakfast!" He sat back with a lit cigarette and guffawed at the sheepish looking swordsman who was standing in front of the stove. "But I think I'll pass on eatin' this mornin'."

"I am cooking breakfast," Cloud told Andria as she approached him and stood by his side. Andria couldn't help but notice how adorable Cloud looked standing at the stove and attempting to cook them all something to eat. Cloud looked over at Cid, hearing his taunts. "Why don't you get your pilot ass over here and do it yourself if you're so much better?"

"Me cook!?" Cid asked incredulously. "Psshaw! I have my Shera who cooks fer me!" he exclaimed as he put an arm around an embarrassed Shera next to him. "She's all the cookin I need!" Cid padded his slighly inflated tummy and grinned. Shera just blushed.

"Oh Cid, stop it," she mumbled as she lightly shoved the pilot's built chest.

Andria laughed as she turned towards Cloud and laid a hand on his arm, patting it gently. "I can see that you are," she grinned heartily. "Well you just go right ahead and cook Cloud. I'll be sitting over here at the table with the others," she replied in a sweet voice, trying hard to surpress her giggles. "I'm sure it'll be delicious."

"See?" Cloud replied. "Andi thinks I can cook," he stated sounding slightly pouty and turned back towards the stove. Cloud opened up a package of bacon and threw it into the pan which popped and sizzled as it sat in the pan. "OUCH DAMMIT!"

"What's wrong? asked Yuffie, peering from behind a newspaper and smirking sarcastically.

"Nothing nothing, grease hit me is all," Cloud replied, not taking his eyes off of the stove.

Nobody would admit it, but the sight of Cloud Strife standing at the stove and trying to cook them all breakfast just came across as funny and completely out of character for him. However noticing this, they had taken it upon themselves that they all preferred this Cloud compared to the one who had isolated himself from everyone and never bothered to answer his phone. Now here it was, the solitary swordsman, cooking his friends breakfast.

"Where's Tifa?" Andria asked as she had a seat on the other side of Cid and made herself comfortable. "She hasn't been around much lately," she added as Cid threw his other arm, in a brotherly fashion, around her shoulders.

"Tifa and Denzel both went into town to do some shopping. She said she needed to pick things up for the Delivery Service, you know more order forms and such. She told us that she and Denzel would grab a bite to eat on their way into town," Yuffie answered, taking a sip of her orange juice.

Andria just nodded her head. In a way she sort of felt bad because Andria assumed that Tifa had feelings for Cloud, or atleast she was sure she did, but at the same time she wasn't sure. Though she really cared for Tifa a great deal, Andria couldn't help but feel her connection with Cloud growing stronger and stronger by day. It was something out of her control.

No matter how hard previously she had tried to keep from feeling for him, Andria just couldn't. Cloud was giving Andria his heart. He was placing it right into the palm of her hand, and she could feel that. She often wondered if Cloud realized that too. Did Cloud realize that Andria had given him her heart as well? She stared at the back of his spiked blonde hair and sighed softly. Cid noticed this and he grinned at the girl he thought of as his little sister. Cid looked over at Yuffie and winked who replied with a smile.

Cloud was also beginning to come out of his stupor, everybody seemed to notice this, but never made word of it. He was no longer running off to be alone. In fact, he was having a great time with his friends and especially with Andria. Granted they hadn't kissed again since that night, but that was okay. And nobody knew about the kiss yet except for Mari. Andria was still enjoying every waking moment with Cloud. She wanted so badly to tell him how he was helping her heal from losing her parents. Though it hurt very much still and she sometimes felt on the verge of tears, Andria would just go to Cloud and his gentle face and strong arms hugging her tight would let her know that everything was alright. Andria was lost in all thought by Barret, who was now eyeing her.

"So," Barret began as he leaned across the table towards Andria, looking at her seriously though a small shine in his eyes hinted an oncoming smile. "Are you doing this to Spikey?" he whispered.

Andria leaned in and looked at Barret. "Doing what?" she whispered back as if they were being all secretive.

'"Making Cloud the way he's been lately, ya know. Not so anti-social, actually enjoyin' himself and havin' a good time. It was him who volunteered to make breakfast," Barret replied with a wink. There was a sizzling sound from the stove and a loud "DAMN!" from Cloud as smoke began pouring from one of the pans. "Though he's not doing a very good job," added Barret as they all turned towards the stove.

Marlene lept up from her seat beside Barret and ran over to Cloud. "SPIKEY'S BURNING BREAKFAST! SPIKEY'S BURNING BREAKFAST!" she taunted happily, pointing out Cloud. Marlene had taken it upon herself, whenever Barret was around, to calling Cloud 'Spikey' just like her father did.

Cloud frantically grabbed a dish towel and began waving it over the stove as the smoke billowed up into the air around the kitchen. It rolled across the ceiling and wafted past the smoke alarm, setting it off. Yuffie was so surprised by the wail of the alarm that she knocked her orange juice all over the table. It poured off of the table and onto Cid's leg, soaking his pants.

"SON OF A DAMN BITCH!" yelled Cid as he lept up from the chair were the orange juice was dribbling down from. Shera lept up with him and ran to fetch a towel. He had dropped his cigarette out of his mouth which fell into the orange juice on the table and was quickly put out. "I LOOK LIKE A FUCKIN' PISSED MAH PANTS!" He stood up from the chair, dancing back and forth from each foot for a moment, trying to get his wet pants unstuck from his body. "SOMEBODY GIMME A DAMN TOWEL!"

"Cid, watch your damn mouth around Marlene!" Barret bellowed as he grabbed a fresh towel with his metal hand off of the counter and threw it at the pilot. Cid reached out and caught it in mid air. Yuffie had ran and grabbed a pot holder. She stood on a chair and began waving it back and forth across the smoke alarm, trying to clear it from the smoke.

"You should talk Barret!" RedXIII retaliated. "Listen to the way your mouth is. You're no worse than Cid!" But the red beauty laughed inspite of himself.

While Shera was busy dabbing up Cid's little issue with the orange juice, Andria had ran over to the stove to help Cloud who had now grabbed the skillets and threw them into the sink, turning on the cold water so to stop the smoke.

"Well damn. I try to cook breakfast and look at where it gets me," Cloud grumbled, but looked at Andria with a smirk. She walked up next to him and stood very close, turning her face towards his. She smiled beautifully at him. It made Cloud's heart pound in his chest. Everybody around the kitchen was busy fussing with the orange juice and opening up the window, trying to clear the smoke out of the kitchen to notice the two.

"Well, why don't you let me take over breakfast," Andria stated as she leaned up towards Cloud's face. She tapped the end of his nose softly with her fingertip. "And you go and get plates and silverwear out. Besides, I look cuter in an apron," she giggled, looking up into his sheepish, pink face.

"AND DAMMIT! I NEED A FUCKIN' PAIR A PANTS!" yelled Cid standing there with his legs slightly spread, his entire groin area and left pant leg soaked. Shera was trying to dab up the orange juice, but she was just in a fit of giggles now. Cid had his arms folded grumpily across his chest. He looked over at Yuffie with his lip raised in a snarl. She just stared back sheepishly.

"Sorry Cid, but the alarm scared me!" the little Wutai ninja insisted. "It really was an accident."

Cid didn't care if it was an accident or not. He just continued to carry on bitching about his wet pants. Marlene however had taken to notice Andria and Cloud staring into each other's eyes and Andria lighting tapping his nose with her slender fingertip and the smile that appeared on his face.

"Hey guys!" squealed the little girl, her brown ponytail bouncing as she jumped up and down. Her big brown eyes were bright and sparkling with happiness. "Cloud's smiling!"

Cid quit hollaring about his pants being wet while Shera, Barret, Red and Yuffie both looked over at the rather embarassed looking pair. Andria had dropped her hands and stepped backwards from Cloud lowering her head, her long bangs shielding her face from their site. Andria could feel her face getting warm and cheeks turning pink under their light complexed exterior. Cloud began to untie his apron from around his waist and wouldn't look at the others. Everybody was just standing there, staring at the two. Andria could tell they struggling to see if Cloud really had smiled and what was going on between the two. The quietness was interrupted by voices and foosteps.

"Morning guys!" called Mari's cheerful voice from the kitchen door. She stopped and noticed the left over smoke floating around the kitchen and quickly recalled the time Cloud had tried to make breakfast before when she had first came to live here with them. Vincent was at her side, his golden clawed hand rested easily on her slender waist.

"Well, I can tell Cloud attempted to cook breakfast again," Vincent pointed out as he and Mari walked over to where the others stood. "I can smell the burn."

Mari raised an eyebrow. "Something's going on in here," she observed looking around at everybody. The mage turned her elegant head towards where Cloud and Andria stood, thoroughly embarassed now.'s those two... Mari walked up to Cloud and Andria with her hands behind her back and grinned.

"Hi Andi, hi bro," she grinned as though she knew something. "So what are you two kids up to?"

"Cloud was cooking breakfast," Andria hurriedly replied, trying to change the mood. Mari grinned as she sniffed the air.

"Ah bro, making another attempt?" she asked patting his arm. Cloud just looked down at the girl with a raised eyebrow. Mari laughed and gave him a shove. "Go sit down and let the women handle this," Mari told him with a laugh. Cloud walked over to where Cid was standing and he started complaining about his wet pants again when Marlene's high pitched voice piped up.

"Hi Mari! Cloud SMILED!" she squealed tugging at Mari's skirt. "HE REALLY DID! I SAW IT!" Mari just grinned down at the excited little girl and she rubbed her head.

"C'mon Cid, quit complaining about your wet pants and I'll go see if I have a pair that fit you," Cloud offered, changing the subject. He put a hand on the pilot's shoulder and turned him back towards the hall leading to the bedrooms.

Cloud glanced back at Andria and gave her that same, tender look that made her heart race. She watched the back of his blonde head as he and Cid disappeared down the hall, Cid's loud complaining echoing as they left. Andria turned towards Mari who was grinning and she grinned back, knowing that only her friend was the only one who could possible begin to understand what she was feeling.

Cloud led Cid into his room and opened up a drawer pulling out a pile of folded, freshly laundered pants. He sat them on the bed.

"There, go through and see if you can find a pair that fit you," the swordsman offered.

He looked at Cid who was staring at him now with somewhat of slight acknowledgement. "So,' the pilot began as he rummaged through the pants. "What's goin on with you and lil Andi?"

Cloud looked at Cid. "Nothing is going on between me and Andi," he lied. But, was there something going on with him and Andria? I mean he had kissed her. He was taking her today to buy her a new sword. What was going on? Cloud just shook his blonde head. He wasn't quite sure himself what was going on.

"Mmmhmmm, and ya know ya can't lie to Cid Highwind because he always knows," the pilot replied as he half grinned at Cloud. "So tell me, you two been spendin' a lot time together. She seems like a nice lil lady and purdy as hell to boot."

"Yeah she's a really..." Cloud caught himself before he carried on. "Listen Cid, I don't want to talk about this right now, okay?" Cloud told him starting to blush. He turned and looked out the window. "Just find a pair of pants and I'll be in the kitchen with the others." Cloud turned to leave and go out of the room when Cid just chuckled behind him.

"Yeah yeah, so you can get back to sweet little Andi's side, eh?" the pilot chuckled. His expression and tone changed when he held up the pants that Cloud had offered. "Ya know, how the hell do you expect me to fit in these damn things! I'm not as skinny as yer spikey ass ya know!" Cid yelled at his retreating back.

Cloud just stood for a moment and shrugged his shoulders. "Guess they'll be a tight fit then, huh?" and left the room, leaving the pilot curious about what was going on in Cloud's head, but more so disgruntled at the fact that he either had to wear tight pants or wet pants.


Andria hopped on Fenrir, just behind Cloud after breakfast. She was bouncy and excited. The young woman could hardly wait to get to the store and start shopping for a new sword. "Hurry up!" she said anxiously. "I've been waiting for this!"

Cloud smirked as he sensed her excitement. He reached down into one of his compartments on his massive bike and pulled out a pair of dark sunglasses. He put them on his face and adjusted them comfortably. Cloud reached down and started the roaring engine up on the bike and looked back at Andria.

"Time to go," he told her of his shoulder.

Andria wrapped her arms around Cloud's waist as he hit the gas and they zoomed off from the front of Seventh Heaven. Andria always loved riding on Fenrir with Cloud. It made her feel as free as the wind. She titled her head back and closed her eyes as she felt the wind rushing through her long, honey brown hair. The ride seemed to end much too soon, for Cloud had pulled up just outside of one of the shops that sold weaponry.

As Cloud shut off the engine, Andria leaped excitedly down and stood at the front of the motorcycle. She folded her hands under her chin and bounced anxiously on her toes. Cloud looked over at the girl and smirked. She so cute. I swear, she's cuter than anything I've ever seen. Cloud couldn't help but think of how adorable she looked, like an anxious child about to go into a toy store. Andria couldn't handle the wait any longer. She grabbed one of Cloud's gloved hands and drug him into the weapon shop with her.

"C'mon let's go!" she squealed with delight as she pulled him in after her.

The couple stepped into a dimly lit shop with tall shelves all around the walls. In the center aisles of more shelves, each one littered with many different types of weaponry. There were mages' staffs, swords, shurikens, katanas, brass knuckles, knives and just about any type of weaopn you could think possible. There were shields and armor as well. Cloud took Andria down an aisle of swords.

The swordsman crouched low as he studied a few blades that had caught his eye, but her eyes had fallen on one in particular. It had a long, silver blade. The end of the blade was sharply pointed with the edges extended ever so slightly as if it were in the shape of an elegant arrowhead. The hilt was crusted over in gold with white handle. Underneath the handle was engraved set of wings that extended across the hilt. The handle was a little wider than some, but Andria wrapped her hand around it and lifted the sword with ease. The weight was perfect and her hand fit perfectly around the handle. Cloud had just looked over at Andria as he saw her holding the sword when the shop ower approached them.

"Hello, hello there! Is there anything I can help you folks with today?" he asked cheerily. He was a rather round man with short brown hair with flecks of gray, dark eyes and bifocals that rested on the perch of his squat, upturned nose. He had a mustache that stretched underneath his nose and he wore a red shirt tucked into a pair of black pants with black striped suspenders.

"I was just looking at this," Andria stated calmly as she studied the blade in her hand.

"Ah that sword," began to shop keeper. "That is one of my double bladed swords, one of my best pieces! Do you see that latch on the hilt and down here to the center of the blade?" the man asked, waddling towards Andria and pointing it out. Andria nodded her head and the shop keeper grinned widely.

"If you snap those latches this beauty turns into a double bladed katana. Perfect for using in any type of fight. You can use two blades or you can use just the one big blade!" he explained the usage of the weapon cheerily.

Andria did as the shop keeper said and unsnapped the sword, holding the two blade in both hands. She stepped back from the others and twirled the blade in a swiping, crossing motion, jabbing the two blades backwards. Oh this is perfect! Andria looked at Cloud and smiled.

"I really like this one a lot." she told him softly, blushing. Andria knew that Cloud was going to use his own money on her and she didn't want him to spend too much, but Cloud's blue eyes were softened as he studied her with the blades.

"Seems like you handle it pretty well too," the shop keeper observed. "It's nice to see women who know how to handle weapons."

Andria grinned and looked up at Cloud who was standing next to her now. "Well I've had a wonderful teacher."

Andria took both katana blades and pieced them back together. She then held the sword and did a few manuevers and techinques with it that Cloud had been teaching her over the past few weeks. Cloud stood back and watched Andria messing with the blade and couldn't help but smirk. Damn she looks good with that sword. Andria looked up at him and batted her lashes.

"Well, what do you think Cloud?" she asked smiling.

"Well, I think you do seem to know what you're doing with it and it does look like a good sword for you. Does the weight feel okay? It's not too heavy is it?" Cloud asked.

"Yeah the weight is fine," she insisted. Andria smiled beautifully at Cloud again, making his heart thump in his chest. "Well Cloud? Can I get this one? Pleeease?" she added, batting her long lashes.

"Well, if that's the one you feel most comfortable using and that's the one you want, then I suppose I don't see any harm in it," Cloud told her finally.

The shop keeper clapped his hands together. "Wonderful! Now if you'll just follow me I'll get the sheath for it and get you a total!"

A few moments later, a beaming Andria and smug looking Cloud walked out of the shop. Andria had her new sword sheathed on her hip as she walked with Cloud. Cloud felt rather good about himself as the two approached Fenrir. He had just bought Andria a brand new sword with his own gil, and he had made the woman he was really starting to care for, even more happier than she had been recently.

Cloud wasn't sure, but this made him feel even more lighter as he saw the shining looking of happiness cross her pretty face. The two jumped on Fenrir and Cloud started it up. Just as he did, Andria leaned up and threw her arms around his neck from behind. "Thank you," she whispered in his ear. Cloud grinned and nodded his head at the girl's gratitude. He stepped on the gas of Fenrir, driving the two back off to Seventh Heaven. Andria literally felt as though she were on Cloud 9 so to speak. She was with Cloud and Cloud had take his own gil and bought her her very first, brand new sword. If that didn't show that he truly cared for her, then what did?


Later that evening, Mari, Vincent, Barret and Marlene had watched Andria and Cloud, sparring as she worked with her new swords. She was becoming a decently skilled swordswoman in the short time that she and Cloud had been practicing together, but still had a lot to learn. After the two finished, Cloud resheathed his sword and looked down at Andria with that same, warm look.

"I told you I'd teach you to be as good me," he spoke to the winded girl. "I'll meet you inside." Cloud departed and headed towards the bar. Marlene anxiously jumped up and grabbed Cloud's hand. He looked down kindly at the girl and the two disappeared behind the door.

Andria was a little out of breath from this particular sparring session. Cloud had decided to go a little rougher on her this time, and had warned her that in the future he would continue to. Andria was able to hold her own anyway. She snapped her katanas back together and sheathed them in the sheath belt that hung around her waist. She brushed her bangs out of her face and began going towards the bar when Mari, Vincent and Barret had approached her. Their faces were full of planning, scheming almost and Andria looked up at them with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright you guys, what's going on?" the girl asked, noticing the sinister look on their faces.

"Nice work with the swords Andi," Vincent stated as she cocked her head to the side. Sure this wasn't what they were going to talk to her about. She rested her hand under her chin, laying her elbow in her other hand and looked at them.

"Now come on, you guys wouldn't have stopped me from going inside just to tell me that swordwork is nice," she replied knowingly. "Now what's going on?"

"Well, we wanted to let you know that Cloud's birthday is coming up in a few days," Mari began as she took Andria by the arm and brought her over to where the rest stood.

"So we were talking about planning a surprise party for Cloud. You know, tell him that there's only one delivery that needs to be made that day and tell him where he needs to go. That'll give us plenty of time to decorate the bar and we can keep our eyes out for him. We can just shut off all the lights, hide and when he comes in, surprise him!" the mage exclaimed.

"So whaddya think Andi? You gonna help us out with a surprise party for Cloud?" Barret asked in his deep, gruff voice that carried a hint of a grin.

"Yeah of course!" she exclaimed. "Are we going to get party decorations and such?" Andria asked.

"Yeah! We're gonna have Yuffie and Tifa go into town and pick up decorations," Mari explained. "When they get back we're gonna make the boys decorate the bar," she added with a playful shove at Vincent. "And us girls will take care of the food."

"Me? Decorate the bar? You've got to be kidding," the gunman stated as he rolled his crimson eyes at Mari.

The mage giggled. "You're damn straight you're gonna decorate it and you'll like it too," she added finally.

The gunman just shrugged his shoulders. "Well, whatever you say." Though Andria could see that decorating the bar wasn't something that Vincent was overly joyed about doing.

Andria and Mari laughed. "I'll bake Cloud's cake too if you'd like?" Andria volunteered.

"I was hoping you would!" the mage replied happily. She took Andria by the arm again and walked away from Barret and Vincent. "You can make it ecspecially for Cloud, do it all in your own special way," she added with a wink, lowering her voice. "I knew you'd want to bake the cake."

Andria grinned at Mari. "You know, Mari, I think this party is going to be one hell of a good time."

Mari grinned, nodding her head and couldn't help but feel that this little party was not only for Cloud, but for Andria as well and she somehow knew within her heart this was going to bring them closer together.

Meanwhile, as Cloud stepped inside of the bar he met a very angry Tifa. Her hands were placed on her hips and she stared daggers at Cloud. Marlene had ran straight up to her room to play with Denzel as they entered and Tifa waited until the young girl was out of sight before she rounded on Cloud.

"You bought her a sword?" Tifa asked, through clenched teeth.

Cloud shrugged. "Yeah I did. She wanted to learn proper swordwork. I felt it was time she had her own sword. Is that a problem?" He looked at the angry martial artist, trying to figure out why she was so angry with the fact that he had bought Andria a sword.

"If you don't know by now Cloud Strife then why should I have to tell you!" Tifa yelled angrily. "You just don't get it, do you?"

Cloud looked at the girl incredulously. "Tifa," he began. He wasn't quite sure how to word it, but Cloud knew what she was referring to. Tifa had feelings for Cloud, but Cloud just didn't see her that way. He cared for her and he loved her, but not in that sort of way. She was more sisterly to him than anything. "Tifa, you're my best friend. I like talking to you, being around you. We've been through so much together, but...things are just different," he tried to explain. "Don't you understand?"

Tifa just shook her dark head. "No I don't understand Cloud and I'll never understand! Andria is NOT AERITH!" she finally screamed at the swordsman, balling her fists at her sides. "AERITH IS DEAD CLOUD!! SHE IS DEAD AND SHE IS NOT COMING BACK! SO QUIT HOLDING ON TO THE DAMN MEMORY!"

Cloud just stood and looked at the floor for a moment. He then lifted his head as anger flashed through his eyes, taking on the slightly familiar glow of his past. The green outlined his pupils, and he stared coldly at her. Cloud's tone lowered down to a quiet, almost dangerous sound.

"I know she is not Aerith. I am not spending time with her because she reminds you all of Aerith. If you would just get to know her, you'd know there's a whole different person there, and you know something Tifa? I like this person a lot. So don't you go and throw that on me about Aerith. I'm not holding onto a memory," Cloud replied cooly. "Not anymore."

"Oh that's bull and you know it Cloud," Tifa growled. She tossed her dark hair over her shoulder. "That's all you want is a memory because you loved her!"

The martial artist turned from Cloud and disappeared from the room, leaving Cloud feeling angry, hurt and frustrated. Upon Tifa's disappearance, Andria and the others had now entered the bar. Andria at once saw the look of hurt on Cloud's face and approached him. She rested a hand on his arm.

"Is everything alright?" she asked quietly, looking up into the swordsman's face.

Cloud just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know," he stated. He turned away from the others and walked up the stairs, trying to gather his thoughts.

Andria felt slightly hurt as he turned away from her, despite the fact that she and the others had heard everything Tifa said, she hadn't let it bother her until now. Maybe I'm just more trouble than it's worth? Maybe I should just go, get away from the others, away from Cloud...The thought pained her. I have my weapons now. I can fight, I can hold my own. I need to find out what's going on with me anyway. Mari approached Andria as she saw the hurt look in her friend's emerald eyes. The mage rested a hand on Andria's shoulder.

"It'll be okay," Mari reassured the girl. "Tifa was really cruel. Give him some time to cool down. He'll be okay," she told her tenderly.

Andria looked back as her eyes met her friend's warm and caring gaze. She turned and looked back up the stairs. "I hope you're right," she sighed.
lol you'll find out eventually ;) there won't be any summoning going on for awhile. Okay! Onto Chapter 13 :D

Chapter 13- Happy Birthday Cloud

After Cloud had left and went straight to his room that night, Andria had sat down in the bar chatting with Mari for awhile. Mari had tried to lighten the mood by discussing Cloud's birthday plans, but no matter what Andria just couldn't bring herself to smile. Tifa's words rang over and over again in her head. There were so many times that Andria wished she had the magic to just make herself stop looking like Aerith and sounding like Aerith so everybody would just stop being the way they were towards her, good or not.

Tifa's words had thoroughly hurt Cloud, Andria could see it in his azure eyes as he turned to walk away that night, though she didn't understand the extent of his hurt. There was no sign of Tifa either since she stormed out. Andria didn't care though. She kept wondering off and on to herself if she was just more trouble that it was all worth. The girl headed up the stairs that night and knocked softly on Cloud's bedroom door. There was no sound from the other side and she was worried. She knocked again and there was no answer.

"Cloud? Are you in there?" Andria asked softly from the other side of the door. There was still no answer. She jiggled the handle, but couldn't open the door. Her heart dropped to her feet as she stared at dark wooden framing. "I just hope you're alright."

Andria wasn't going to be able to stay by Cloud's side tonight. She sighed sadly as she turned away from his door headed towards her room. She opened the door and it was dark inside. Her bed was fully made. She hadn't slept in it once since her parents had died. The room felt so cold and Andria felt even more alone than she had in awhile. She walked over to her dresser and took down her hair, laying her green hair ribbon across her dresser top. She brushed out her hair, and undressed down to her bra and underwear. Andria made her way slowly over to her bed, and slipped under the covers. She wrapped them up tight around her body as she rested her head on her pillow.

"Oh Cloud, I'm so sorry," she spoke softly to herself. "I feel like I've done nothing but bring you more pain than you already have in your life. I feel like I've just gotten in the way of you and Tifa and the kids. I'm just nothing but a burden," Andria whispered as she buried her face in her pillow.

She was trying to forget everything she had shared with him thus far, but one image kept flashing before her eyes. The night after her parents' funeral, that look in Cloud's eyes, his lips touching hers. No matter how hard she tried, Andria could not get the picture that burned in her mind to just disperse and it made her heart ache all the more. Andria lay awake for awhile, feeling colder and more alone than she had in awhile and eventually, after a struggle, she managed to fall asleep.


Cloud laid across his bed, stripped of his gloves, boots and weapons but still fully clothed. He was laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling as Tifa's words played over and over again in his mind. He had heard Andria come to his door and knock, but he just didn't know if wanted to let her in or not. He just wanted to be alone, not be bothered. Too many things had happened and they corroded Cloud's mind as he tried to figure out what he was feeling. Many thoughts of Aerith, Andria, and even Tifa played through his mind as he tried hard to piece everything together.

All the moments he had been spending with Andria were like his moments of peace, of happiness, of pure contentment, something that Aerith had always brought him when she was near, but this time with Andria was so much more. Tifa was his best friend. Tifa was like a sister to him. She fought with him during Meteorfall, she helped him gain all of his memories back from his childhood and find the real Cloud. Tifa was there for him through it all, just like a best friend and a sister would be. Why does she have feelings for me like that? Why can't she just let me go? Why can't she let me do what I want to do without getting mad at me? I can't give her what she wants...Tifa has been my friend since I was a child, but so much has changed now.

Cloud sat up in bed and held his head in his hands, trying to figure everything out. He started thinking about Aerith and everything he had shared with her. I remember her so much, but that's all she is, she's just a memory now. A memory that I love but I have finally started to let go of...or have I? Tifa said that Andria's not Aerith. I know she's not Aerith. Tifa told me to let go of the memory. I thought I had let I just spending so much time with Andi because she reminds me of Aerith?? Cloud shook his head.

"No way," he said to himself. "I'm not. I'm honestly not. There's a whole different person there. A really beautiful person."

So why am I struggling with my feelings? With my feelings for Aerith and my feelings for Andria....I know what I feel for Tifa, so that's not a problem anymore, right? Atleast not for me...but...damn! Aerith, I love her, I'll always love her. Andria...I'm really...I'm...what do I feel for her? Can I let go? Can I love again? Cloud lifted his head from his hands and stood up from his bed. He walked over to the window and leaned up against the wall, staring out the inky sky sprinkled over lightly with glittering stars. They seemed to wink and twinkle at him as a few clouds moved across the sky, giving away the light from the waning moon.

"Aerith...I can remember when I first met you. I bought a flower from you and I gave it to Marlene at the old bar. I often wonder, did she tell you that I gave her the flower? Did she know I bought that flower from you?" Cloud sighed as he closed his eyes. "I can remember before when I slept at your house that night. I was so tired and you and Elmyra were so kind to let me sleep there. I left the next morning, intending on going to Sector 7 on my own, but you met me just outside of the entryway. You and I sat on top of the slide on the playground. Do you remember that?"


Aerith put her hands behind her back and leaned forward towards Cloud, a smile across her delicate face.

"Can we take a little break?" she asked in warm voice. It was clear that Aerith wasn't ready to go to Sector 7 yet, or Tifa's Seventh Heaven for that matter...

Aerith smiled at Cloud. She began to giggle as she turned away and ran the other direction like a playful child. Aerith didn't even give Cloud a moment to answer as she giggled while she ran. Cloud shrugged his shoulders and followed the girl. He walked over towards the old playground in Sector 5. There was a large, moogle shaped children's slide right in the center of the park. Surrounding the park was a swing set, and few other things, but they looked rather old and worn down from many years of play. Aerith walked up to the moogle slide, the smile still on her beautiful face.

"I can't believe it's still here!" the girl exclaimed.

Aerith ran around to one side and climbed up the ladder attached to the side of the moogle. She made her way up to the top of the moogle's head and stood, looking down below at a slightly surprised Cloud. He stared back up at her as she smiled.

"Cloud! Come up here with me!" the girl exclaimed. Aerith sat down on the moogle's head and drew her knees up to her chest, still grinning down at Cloud.

"Up there? Are you serious?" he asked incredulously. "Why up there?" The last thing that Cloud Strife, ex-SOLDIER wanted to do was go and sit on a children's slide.

"Oh c'mon Cloud! Don't be a spoil sport," Aerith replied playfully. "Come sit up here with me!

Cloud shrugged his muscular shoulders again and began to climb the moogle. He reached the top and sat down beside Aerith. He looked over at her and realized just how beautiful she really was. Before she caught him looking, Cloud quickly turned his head and stared off ahead of him.

"So Cloud, what rank where you?" Aerith asked softly, wrapping her arms around her knees and looking over at him curiously.

Cloud looked over at the girl with a raised eyebrow. "Rank?" he asked.

Aerith waved a hand. "You know, in SOLDIER? What Rank were you?" she asked curiously, watching him, trying to meet his glowing, mako blue eyes

Cloud sat for a moment, resting his elbow on his knee and scratched his chin lightly with a gloved hand.

"Oh I was...First Class," he told her.

Aerith rested her chin on her knees and stared off as if lost in thought for a moment. "Just as the same as him," she replied softly.

Cloud looked at her curiously now. Just who was 'him' and why did all of a sudden Cloud feel a little shocked, if not jealous. "The same as who?" he questioned curiously.

"My first boyfriend," Aerith replied, staring down at her feet. She remembered him only too well.

Cloud was silent for a moment. 'Boyfriend? So Aerith had a boyfriend...okay, why do I feel jealous? I only just met this girl...' He looked over at Aerith and tried to hide the fact that he was jealous.

"You were...serious?" he asked quietly, looking away from Aerith..

Aerith sat thoughtfully for a moment and then she looked up above her. "No. But I liked him for awhile."

Cloud sighed slightly at her answer. "I probably knew him. What was his name?" he asked, trying to make conversation and trying to make himself not look so obvious.

Aerith shook her honey-brown head. She then looked over at Cloud and smiled. "It doesn't really matter."


Cloud sighed as he brought his mind back to reality. "I never wanted to tell you I was jealous back then when you mentioned another boyfriend," he admitted as he looked out of the window. "I think the moment I fell through your ceiling, awoke to your face and heard your voice...that was when...yes..." his voice trailed off.

Cloud left the window and walked back to his bed. He sat down and rested his elbows on his knees, lowering his head. " were talking about Zack. You even told me when we had our date together that I reminded you of Zack. So...Andria reminds me so much of you, looking just like you and all, is that entirely wrong?" Cloud buried his head in his hands again. "Dammit Aerith, help me understand this!" Cloud struggled with the war going on in his head. He wanted so badly to figure out what his feelings were pertaining to. He thought he had figured them out awhile back, but since Tifa's words, Cloud just didn't know. He began to question himself.

"But you're a memory now. You're gone and I'm here...and I met someone so I'm not alone, but I just...don't know," Cloud shook his blonde spikes and lay back on his bed. " could you say those things to me? I thought we were friends..." he mumbled, rolling over onto his side. "Andria...I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wouldn't let you in tonight. I hope you don't hate me. I don't want to be alone again," he said softly as he looked out of the window.

Cloud closed his eyes, losing himself in his thoughts and eventually drifted off. As he lay on the bed, nearing sleep, Cloud never felt the warmth breeze flow into his room, he never felt the gentle hands rest upon his head. Though he did hear the sweet sounding whisper next to his ear, only just barely. It was as if he were in a dream.

"Sleep," the voice whispered softly. And Cloud was soon off, floating in black, in a deep, peaceful, dreamless sleep.


The next day, Mari had entered the bar, intending on talking to Andria. The girls had planned on Yuffie meeting them there as well so they could leave and pick up the party decorations for Cloud's birthday. Upon the mage's arrival, she learned that Tifa had left last night and was nowhere to be found. Andria was sitting down in the diner area of the bar as the mage burst in.

"So there's no sign of Tifa anywhere?" she asked curiously as she sat down across from the girl "Just up and disappeared like that huh?" Something in Mari's voice sounded slightly irritated and angry.

Andria knodded her head. "Yeah and when we tried to tell Cloud, he just shrugged it off. He was really cold about it, like he just didn't even care. As a matter of fact, he was kinda cold towards me, but that could have just been my imagination,"she replied taking a sip of coffee. "He left a little while ago to go and make deliveries."

"Well that's just fine and dandy. I'm angry at Tifa for what she said to Cloud. We all heard what she said," the mage growled. "How dare she even speak something like that Cloud after everything he has gone though. After everything you both have gone though," Mari stated as her expression softened towards Andria. "Have you spoken with him much since Tifa's blow up last night?"

Andria shook her head. "No I haven't. He's so closed up. It's just like he was before. He has barely spoken to anybody except for the kids. They were in a right state this morning when they discovered Tifa was gone. Cloud had trouble getting them calmed down on his own before he left so I stepped in," Andria sighed. "I know I probably shouldn't have, but I got the kids calmed down I think. Last I knew they were outside playing with Kaiya."

Mari snorted. "It's just ridiclous as to what she said. I just can't get over it, and up and leaving the kids like that! Tifa was never like this before. So just what in the hell has gotten into her?" the mage wondered aloud.

Andria sighed and closed her emerald eyes. She brushed back her bangs from her face. "It's all my fault Mari. Sometimes I just wish I never would have...I just wish...I wish I didn't.." she struggled with her words and looked up at the mage with a slight look of desperation in her eyes.

Mari reached across the table and gently lay her hand on top of Andria's. "It's okay. You don't have to explain it to me. Tifa hurt Cloud, we all know that, but it's obvious she hurt you too."

Andria shook her head again at the mage. "Don't worry about me. Worry about Cloud. He's the one who's hurting the most. We all know he loved Aerith and now things are happening to him with me. You know he's struggling with his feelings, though I don't think Cloud is letting on just how much he is really hurting," the girl pointed out. "I just wish I knew what he was feeling."

The mage nodded her head in agreement. "And what sucks is that he had started to open up to you didn't he?" Mari asked. "I mean..." she looked around the room and lowered her voice..."he kissed you for goodness sake. That must mean something there, right?"

"He wouldn't even let me in his room last night," she said softly, staring down into her coffee mug. "Ummm, I haven't told anybody this, but every since the night my parents died, Cloud has been letting me stay in his room with him," she spoke in barely above a whisper as pink blushed over her cheeks.

Mari smiled kindly at the embarrassed girl before her. "Why are you blushing? There's no reason to blush."

A small smile came the Andria's delicate face. "I just haven't wanted to be alone and so Cloud has been letting me stay with him, but we haven't done anything!" She exclaimed, noticing the mage rasing an eyebrow and giving her a playful look. "I swear we haven't!"

Mari just laughed. "I know, I know! If you had you would have told me anyway right?" she asked with a wink.

Andria replied with a smile. "You know I would have." Her smile quickly left her face. "But anyway, last night he wouldn't even let me in his room. I wanted so badly to just go to him Mari. I want him to know he's not alone," she sighed sadly. "I spent the night alone for the first time in a month and I don't think I've ever felt so cold. I just wanted to hold onto him," Andria looked up in the mage's eyes and she could feel tears in her eyes but she forced them back. "I feel like if I let go, I'll lose him for good...I think I'm...I think I'm falling in love with him," she finally admitted softly. "And I can't tell him." She averted her eyes down to the table, trying to keep her composure.

Mari looked at the girl with her eyebrows drawn in lightly, with concern, with care and worry for her friend. She gripped onto Andria's hand, fully understanding, fully knowing what Andria was feeling. The mage could remember everything that she had felt when she was first with Vincent. She remembered how badly she wanted to tell him that she loved him and make him understand. She looked at the girl sympathetically.

"I understand Andi. I understand what you feel more than anything and we're going to try. We're going to make Cloud understand what you feel for him. Maybe if Cloud had that reassurance, he wouldn't be, well you know how Cloud is now, maybe he'll come back out of that shell he has built around himself," Mari told the girl reassuringly.

The two were interrupted in their conversation by the doors bursting open and in bounced an excited little Wutai ninja. Yuffie approached the girls who were sitting at the table. "So we are ready to go shopping for Cloud's birthday party or what!" she squealed.

Mari and Andria nodded their heads and stood up from the table, intending on telling Yuffie everything about Tifa, what she said to Cloud and that she had disappeared from the bar last night and nobody had seen her since.


And the day of Cloud's birthday dawned bright and warm. Cloud didn't even want to get up. He didn't want to bother moving. The last thing he wanted to do was get up and have to see everybody's faces, smiling at him, shining at him, the sounds of their voices as they shouted 'Happy Birthday!' to him. He just wanted to be left alone. Cloud didn't want anybody to bother him. He had been avoiding Andria again at all costs, not really sure why he was. He was angry and hurt at Tifa for what she said. Cloud wasn't sure if he could forgive her so quickly this time.

After everything that had been happening he would have hoped Tifa would give him the support he needed, the encouragement to carry on with Andria. Cloud wanted so badly to carry on with her. He was developing deep feelings for her, he could no longer lie to himself about that anymore. It's just another year to tack on my life if you want to call it that. Cloud thought to himself. Cloud studied himself in the mirror after he finished his shower and got dressed. He ran his fingers through his damp, spiked locks and walked over to his bed. Cloud was about to pull on his boots when his cell phone began ringing on his dresser. The blonde got up from the bed, walked over to the phone and picked it up to check the caller ID on the face of it. It was Vincent's number. He just held it in his hand as he let it ring.

"I really don't feel like talking to anybody," Cloud mumbled.

I just want to go on Fenrir. I just want to go for a ride. I dont' want think about today...Why does everybody insist on bothering me? Why can't people just leave me alone? he wondered to himself as he looked at the ringing cellphone in his hand. It stopped lighting up and let off a small chime to let Cloud know he had a voicemail. Cloud flipped open the phone and dialed his voicemail, holding it to his ear as he walked over to his window. Cloud looked down below at the children playing in the street and his eyes fell on Denzel, Marlene and Kaiya enjoying a highly energetic game of tag. His phone beeped in his ear.

"Cloud it's Vincent. There's something important you need to go and pick up in Junon. It has to be delivered back here by tonight. The people who ordered it will be here tonight to pick it up. We got the message this morning early, but you were sleeping when it came in. I figured you'd be awake by now so I thought I'd call and let you know. Talk to you later Cloud."

Vincent's voice disappeared from the line and Cloud flipped the phone shut, feeling somewhat grateful that he had to make a delivery today. He wondered and sort of hoped that everybody had just forgotten his birthday as he pulled on his boots, pulled on his gloves, and sheathed his sword over his back. Cloud opened up the door and made his way downstairs and into the bar. The swordsman looked around and he noticed that it was deserted.

There was so sign of Andria, Mari, Vincent, Yuffie or anyone. Good...I don't want to hear any happy birthdays. Although he knew he would probably be bombarded by the kids the moment he stepped outside, Cloud went ahead anyway. The minute his face appeared from behind the door, Denzel and Marlene went running towards Cloud and jumped on him, tackling him to the ground.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLOUD!" squealed Marlene with happiness as she clung onto the swordsman's neck.

"Happy birthday Cloud! You're getting old now ya know!" Denzel yelled as he held onto the other side of Cloud's neck.

"Old huh?" Cloud asked, raising and eyebrow and looking over at Denzel. "Well if I'm old, than you're just a squirt!"

Cloud stated as he reached over and tickled Denzel's side. Denzel yelped loudly and lept from Cloud's side. Cloud was staring up at the boy with that same devilish gleam in his eyes he had given Andria that day he had tickle attacked her and Denzel knew what was coming. He hurried and ran over to where Vincent and Barret were standing and hid behind Vincent.

"Okay! Okay! You're not old! I promise!" Denzel squealed as he peered around from behind Vincent's leg. "No more tickle attacking please!"

Marlene was still hugging Cloud and she was laughing hard, with her little head thrown back and her brown eyes squeezed tightly shut.

"And just what are you laughing at?" Cloud asked the girl as he turned towards her, giving her the same look he had given Denzel.

Marlene's laughter died down as she saw the look in Cloud's eyes. "Nothing! I swear...OLD SPIKEY!!" she squealed. Marlene lept up and tried to get away from Cloud, but he was just too quick for her.

"Mmmmhmmm," Cloud hummed at the girl. "I see how it is! You're gonna get it now!". He grasped onto the girl's small frame and began to tickle her mercilessly, holding her down to the ground as he stretched his fingers under her arms, attacking one of the most ticklish spots on the little girl's body.

"D-D-DENZEL! PA-PAPA!! HELLLLLPPPP!!!" Marlene squeaked as she tried to gasp for breath. "SPIKEY'S T-T-TICKLING ME TO DEATH!" Cloud continued tickling her for an extra few moments of fun.

He looked down into Marlene's big dark eyes that were filled with excitement and heard the sound of her precious laughter ringing through his ears. " I still old? Huh?" Cloud asked, continuing to tickle her.

"NO! YOU'RE NOT OLD!! I PROMISE!" Marlene gasped. "Please!! NO MORE TICKLE ATTACKS!!" she squealed and Cloud couldn't surpress the smirk on his face.

Marlene's eyes were squeezed shut tightly as he grinned. This time she couldn't see it. Cloud finally stopped tickling the girl and stood up from her as she lay on the ground for a few moments catching her breath. Then she lept to her little feet and ran over to where Denzel was hiding behind Vincent and stood next to him, peeking around the other side of Vincent's legs. Vincent hid a smirk behind the collar of his jacket as he looked down at the breathless little girl behind his other leg.

"Alright, alright, no more tickle attacks, as long as you two don't call me old anymore," Cloud promised as he began making his way over to Fenrir.

Cloud threw one leg over his streamlined motorcycle and reached down into the compartment that held his sunglasses. Cloud turned around and looked at Denzel and Marlene's shining faces as they stood waving happily to him. All he wanted to do was get to Junon, pick up the package and bring it back here before he ran into Andria and the others. Cloud more than anything wanted to see her face, but he was almost ashamed of seeing her after what was said that night. What if she believed Tifa and felt that the only reason Cloud was spending so much time with her was because of his reminder of Aerith? But that's not true! The swordsman thought angrily. Cloud put his sunglasses on his face, adjusting them comfortably and waved at the kids as he kicked Fenrir into life.

"See you guys later tonight," Cloud called to the kids. Cloud hit the gas and the massive bike rumbled and underneath him as he kicked it into drive and zoomed off from the front of Seventh Heaven, leaving behind a billowing cloud of dust in it's wake.


"No! That's now how you do it! You've got them all tangled up now Vincent!" the red mage grumbled in exasperation towards a blushing gunman who was attempting to hang party decorations.

Mari put her small hands on her thin hips and rolled her eyes as Vincent dropped his side of the streamers. He was standing on a chair on one side of the diner, hanging up streamers and Barret was on the other end. Barret started laughing as soon as he saw Vincent drop the streamers. Andria, Shera and Yuffie had burst into laughter as the girls stood at the stove watching the humorous goings on of Vincent and Barret attempting to decorate the bar for Cloud's birthday party.

It had taken them a good 20 minutes to put up a Happy Birthday Cloud banner that now hung up across the room, and their attempt at putting streamers up was even more hilarious. Andria was in the processes of baking Cloud a chocolate cake and Yuffie was attempting to take Mari's place at the stove and finish getting the rest of the food ready for Cloud's party tonight. Mari was standing and instructing the boys when Cid burst into the bar carrying a rather large keg in his arms.

"Well SHIT! This room's lookin' more like a party room every second!" the pilot stated sarcastically with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He walked over to the bar and sat the keg down on top of it. "Why don' you boys jump from from them chairs and gimme a hand with that other keg outside!" Cid hollared as Vincent was attempting to untangle the streamers that were now wrapped around his clawed fingers. He looked down at Mari, grumbling under his breath all the while. "Leave the decoratin' to the wimmen!"

Andria turned around faced Cid, putting her hands on her hips. "Now you just listen here Mr. Cid Highwind," she began defiantly. "Us wimmen are busy in the kitchen. We have to take care of the food so we're counting on you guys to decorate the bar!"

"Better do what she says, Cid darling," Shera called from the stove as she and Yuffie burst into a fit of silent giggles.

Cid just stood and stared at the fiesty girl in front of him. He could see the gleam in her emerald eyes and knew she meant business. "Well alrigh' then Miss Andria!" Cid exclaimed. "Better do wha' she says, pshaw!" He turned his back and chuckled.

Andria reached her small hand up and grabbed his shoulder, turing him back around towards her. "You know come to think of it, I have a job for you Cid," Andria told him, raising and eyebrow. She looked over at Mari and gave the mage a wink which Mari returned. "How about we put you in charge of blowing up the balloons and hanging them up?"

Cid stood staring at the girl in shock. "WHAT! You mean you'd make an ole' man like me blow up a buncha balloons! Damn! I dunno if these ole lungs can take that," he replied heartily, patting his chest. Andria approached him and pulled his cigarette out of his mouth and put it out in the ashtray.

"All the better reason for you to quit smoking, old man," she teased with a wink and shoved him playfully on the shoulder.

"Awwww man! I swear! If ya weren't su damn sweet, I'd think you'd be tryin' ter kill me!" Cid whined as he flopped down in a chair. Mari approached the pilot and gave him a bag of deflated balloons, just awaiting to be blown up.

"Have fun, Highwind," Mari said teasingly towards Cid.

"Aww man! I can' believe ya'll 'er makin' me do this!" Cid complained as he stretched out a balloon and began blowing it up.


Later that evening, Mari finished instructing Vincent and Barret, who were still the process of hanging the decorations, telling them where all the decorations were to be hung and placed. Vincent and Barret grumbled and complained as they hung the decorations and Cid sputtered and yelled as he blew up the balloons. Mari approached Andria and Yuffie standing at the stove. Andria noticed as she peered out of the window that sundown was on it's way.

Cloud would be returning anytime now. Andria was just beginning to decorate the cake for Cloud when there was a loud whizzing sound from near where Cid sat. She looked over and the sight that met her eyes caused her to squeal with laughter. Mari and Yuffie looked over to where the pilot sat, surrounded in a sea of multi-colored balloons, trying to blow up another balloon. Cid's face was beet red, his eyes were bugged out and his cheeks were puffed as he worked to blow up what had to be the 100th balloon.

"SON...OF...A BITCH!" huffed the pilot as the balloon went whizzing around the room. "I can't blow up 'nuther fuckin' balloon!" Cid sat in the chair surrounded by balloons with his hands on his knees as he wheezed. "I need a damn smoke!" He reached up in the pack and pulled out a cigarette, putting it in his mouth and lighting it. Cid took a deep hit from the cigarette and exhaled a rather large amount of smoke. "Aaaaaaaaah now that's better," he sighed and the smoke billowed from his mouth as he talked.

"Oh geeze Cid, that's a great way to treat winded lungs," Andria stated sarcastically as she carried the cake over to a table they had now pulled out to sit up against the walls.

The boys had taken it upon themselves to move the tables around the diner out of the way to make plenty of room for people to dance, talk and have a good time during Cloud's party. They left one of the bigger tables out to put the food, cake and his presents on as well. Mari, Andria, Yuffie, Vincent, Barret and Cid stood around the bar admiring the work they had done. The group had successfully hung up the bright colored balloons and streamers. A big banner hung across the room with the words HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLOUD! arching across it.

"I think everything looks great you guys!" exclaimed Andria happily as she clasped her hands together and folded them at her chest. She looked around and smiled, putting her chin down onto her folded hands. "I really want Cloud to have a great birthday."

"Oh! Shelke, Reeve and Cait Sith should be arriving soon!" Mari stated anxiously. "I know Shelke was wanting to come out pretty badly. She's been pretty busy with things, but I heard from her and she said she was definantly going to be here. She also let me know about Reeve and Cait as well," the mage told them all. "So there's gonna be a lot of people here. Especially if Leigh and Alexander decide to show up. They said they want to try and come out."

"So it's definantly going to be a full house. I'm just glad Elmyra was able to watch the kids," Barret observed as he looked around the bar. "This is definantly not gonna be a party for kids."

"Hey! Ya'll brought music right! We're gonna have music and dancin' right!?" Cid asked curiously. "I wanna do some DANCIN!" Cid stated as Shera came up next to him and Cid started bumping his hip against hers.

"Oh there's gonna be music, but none o' that country hillbilly shit! We're gonna have dancin' music!" Barret growled. "We're just gonna concentrate on makin' this fun for Spikey. He's never seemed to enjoy any of his birthdays since...well you know," he said not really wanting to say it.

Cloud hadn't enjoyed a single birthday since Aerith's death, but this time, with hope, the group was praying that Cloud would enjoy this one. They had set it up perfectly. Sending Cloud out to Junon to pick up a rather large package which contained birthday presents, though the blonde didn't know that, and knowing he'd be back by nightfall it was too perfect. It gave them the entire day to prepare. Everybody nodded their heads in agreement.

While standing around, talking and waiting for Cloud to arrive, Red XIII, Cait Sith, Shelke, Leigh, Alexander, and Reeve had shown up. Leigh as a petite woman, with long auburn hair down to her hips and bright, hazel eyes. Alexander was tall with darkly tanned skin, sandy brown hair and bore scar on his cheek. They were two of Mari's good friends from their former TANG group. Everybody was busy talking and putting their presents for Cloud on the table when Andria and Mari made their way across the floor. The girls stood anxiously at the closed curtained window, waiting for the headlight from Cloud's motorcyle to show it's way. Andria's heart lept into her throat as she saw the familiar light coming down the road.


Everybody dashed around the bar, hiding in their own special, picked out spots while Vincent switched off the lights and hid himself behind a wall to where the lightswitch was. Andria ran over to a corner in the bar with Mari and the two ducked down, trying hard to supress their girlish giggles. All was quiet around the room and they knew it was so dark that Cloud would think that nobody was around.

The familiar sound of Fenrir roared just outside of the bar and Cloud shut off the engine, looking at the place. No lights were on or anything. Where in the hell is everyone? Cloud wondered as he threw is leg over Fenrir and dismounted. He picked up the large box that was on the back of the bike and carried it under his arm up to the door. Cloud opened the door and looked around the dark room.

"Well, I'm where are the people who ordered this damn thing," he said softly. Cloud was about to take another step when the lights flashed on and was bombarded by all of his friends.

"SURPRISE!" they all screamed as the lights came on. They were leaping into the air and thrusting their fists. Cloud was so shocked and surprised by all of this that he dropped the box he was carrying on the floor.

"Wow...this is...for me?" Cloud asked, still stunned, looking around at the decorated bar.

He saw the happy birthday banner hanging, he saw the table full of presents and the massive chocolate cake with his name on it. He saw all the food that was spread across the table. Cloud looked over towards the bar and saw Mari and Andria standing beside one another. Andria looked from a cross between overly excited to damn near in tears. More than anything, at this point in time did she want to go to Cloud, to throw her arms around him and tell him Happy Birthday. She wanted to hold him in her arms and kiss him, but she knew it wasn't going to happen. Mari had left Andria's side and was now running to give the man she considered a brother a big birthday hug.

"Of course this all for you bro! What better than to come home after a long trip to one hell of a party huh?" she asked nudging him in the ribs.

"It...this...I'm just," Cloud stuttered unable to find the words that expressed how he felt.

Cloud was speechless that his friends had gone through all of the trouble to give him this party and quiet honestly he was truly touched. Cloud looked across the room at all of the familiar faces of Vincent, Mari, Shelke, Barret, Cid, Shera, Yuffie, RedXII, Cait Sith, Leigh, Alexander and sitting over at the bar was the beautiful face that was Andria. The face that made his heart pound in his chest. Cloud was thoroughly overjoyed but kept his feelings underwraps. He offered his friends a very slight smile, still not knowing what to say.

"Alright, enough of this mumbo jumbo bullshit, let's party!" squealed Yuffie. "Cloud needs to open his presents and I'm HUNGRY!"

And so the former AVALANCHE members along with a few others sat around while Cloud opened up his presents, one of them being the big box that he had brought back from Junon. They all shared food and birthday cake. There was light music playing in the background and people were starting to get up to go and dance. Cloud had his fill of food, cake and noticed Cid had already drank three cups of beer from the keg and was on his fourth as he stood on the dance floor with Shera.

Cloud was sitting at the corner of the bar, next to the wall by himself, thinking of how happy he was that his friends had done this for him but at the same time wishing there was a way he could escape from everyone. Seeing Andria was even painful because he kept thinking over and over in his head that she probably believed what Tifa had said. Cloud sat the bar drinking a cup of beer and lost in his thoughts when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder into a pair of sparkling, emerald green eyes and his felt his throat constrict.

"Hi there," she said as she stood behind him. She was holding a glass of some sort of mixed drink in her hand. "I just thought I'd say happy birthday since I didn't get a chance to earlier," Andria added with a small giggle.

"Yeah...heh, everybody kind of attacked me," Cloud stated, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. "Well thanks," he added as he turned back to his drink. Andria walked around to the front of Cloud and sat down on one of the bar stools beside him.

"So, are you going to avoid me forever?" she began seriously. "You've barely spoken to me in the last few days. Did I do something wrong Cloud? Did I do something to hurt you?"

Cloud looked over at Andria with a pained expression in his eyes. "No, you didn't do anything wrong," he told her honestly. "I's what Tifa said...," he began but Andria put a finger up to his lips.

"That's enough," Andria spoke so gently that it nearly made Cloud want to fall into her arms right there. "There's no more worrying about what Tifa said. I know the truth Cloud," she said honestly. She was about to say more when there was a loud yell across the bar room. There was a new song that had come on and Cid had grabbed Shera around her waist and was grinding hard against her, the two of them dancing drunkly.

"OOOOH YEAH! THAS RIGHT DARLIN!" he hollared in slurs as loud as he could over the music. "PARTY'S JUST GETTIN' STARTED ON THIS SIDE!"

Cid held Shera around the waist and continued to use his other hand to down another cup of beer as the two danced. The others were out on the floor dancing as well, but nowhere near as dirty as Cid and Shera were. Mari and Vincent were grinding, but not in the way Cid and Shera were either.

Cloud snickered as he looked at them. "They look like they could just rip each other's clothes off right there on the floor huh?" he pointed out with a smirk on his face.

Andria laughed, putting her hand up to her mouth. "Yeah I suppose so. I guess they must already be pretty drunk."

Cloud eyed the drink in Andria's hand. "What about you? Are you feeling that full affect yet?"

Andria laughed. "Are you kidding me? This is my first drink. Besides, I didn't want to get wasted and then not remember talking to you," she laughed.

The two became silent as they watched the others on the dance floor. Cloud was about to open his mouth and speak when his phone rang. He reached down in his pocket and pulled out the razor thin black phone. He looked at the front of it.

"Shit, it's Reno, hang on," he told Andria. Cloud flipped open his phone.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Hey Cloud! What's up!" came Reno's drawling voice on the other line.

"Nothing much Reno. I'm just having a birthday party here at the bar," he told him rolling his eyes. "What's up?"

"Oh shit! I didn't know it was your birthday! Well anyway listen. Me n' Rude have some more leads on this 'Sephiroth Clone' do you think we could discuss it?" Reno asked over the other line.

"Sure, if you want to come out, go ahead," Cloud shrugged in the phone. "There's a lot going on so I don't know if..."

Reno's voice cut Cloud off. "That's alright! It's a party right! Me n' Rude are comin out! We'll be there soon!" Reno slammed down the phone reciever in Cloud's ear. He looked at his phone with annoyance and flipped it shut.

"Reno and Rude are on their way out," he told Andria who was still sitting there.

"So Cloud, are you ummm...going to dance?" she asked softly, trying to look at him, but he had turned away from her yet again.

"Ummm I don't know, there's just all my friends and they're all going to drag me out there. I think I'd rather just...," Cloud paused as he sighed and leaned his head up against the wall. He stared off, not really looking at anything. Why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel so down? Is is it because of Tifa? Do I believe Andria? What the hell is wrong with me? But something that Andria did, changed his mind.

Andria stood up and walked over to Cloud. She laid her hand gently on the side of his face and turned it towards her. She leaned down and looked deep into his eyes. He could see they were filled with care, with trust, It was the same look Aerith had given him before and yet, something was even more deep about this look that Andria gave him. It made his heart ache for her and only her. "Cloud," she spoke softly. "Open your heart to me."

Cloud closed his eyes as these words filled his insides like renewed life. He opened them back up to meet her emerald eyes still staring into his, sparkling like jewels, showing him her sincerity, her truth. Cloud stood up as a slow song began to play. He took Andria's hand and led her a ways from the bar but not quite onto the floor. He wanted this moment to be private. Nothing could be better than this. A small bit of light was on them but Cloud didn't care. He just wanted to hold the girl as close to him as possible, dance with her and share this moment only with her.

Andria had honestly wanted to be with him and he realized that now. Andria didn't believe what Tifa had said to him and the words she had spoken vanished from his mind like smoke. He didn't care anymore. All that mattered now was Andria was here and in his arms. She wanted him with everything she had. Why else would she have asked him to open his heart to her? Cloud held the girl in tightly his arms as she rested the side of her face against his shoulder, her face turned towards his neck. They were in their own private world. Everybody was on the floor now, dancing. Reno and Rude had arrived, but Cloud and Andria were lost in their world now, completely wrapped up and absorbed in one another to notice anything that was happening, all they could hear was the sound of the soft, slow music that played and all the could feel was each their hearts, beating against one another in perfect rhythm.

Leigh and Reno were on the dance floor, wrapped tightly around each other in much the same fashion that Shera and Cid had been only going slow. Vincent and Mari were too gliding gently across the dance floor together, looking at one another with love-filled eyes. Shelke was dancing with Reeve and Barret was dancing with Yuffie. Rude was sitting at one of the tables, grumpily having a drink. They all happened to see Cloud and Andria now holding onto one another, lost in their own private place, and chose to keep quiet that they could see what was happening. All of their friends watched out of the corner of their eyes, waiting to see what would happen.

Cloud lifted Andria's face up towards his and pressed her forhead on hers. His bright blue eyes shone down into hers and she felt as if her insides were going to burst from the overwhelming feelings she was having for the blonde right now as he held her in his warm embrace.

"Thank you," came his voice quietly.

"What for?" Andria whispered back, looking up into his eyes that were sparkling again.

"For being you. For being here with me tonight. For making me realize something about myself," Cloud whispered to her.

"Cloud I don't...," Andria began to speak but Cloud didn't give her a chance to speak. He placed his fingertips gently on her mouth.

Cloud gave her that same look he had given her the night of her parents' funeral and Andria knew. She leaned up into his face as Cloud leaned downwards. Their lips met, pressing softly against one another, opening slightly, showing need and want. Oh how Andria had wanted this. How she had wanted to feel his kiss again, his warm touch, the feeling of his muscular arms wrapped around her body, keeping her safe, protecting her and she was having that now. She was melting as he held her, melting into him, feeling his life within the depths of her soul. Nothing could ruin this moment. Everything was too perfect.

If this is a dream...don't wake me... Cloud thought as he continued to kiss Andria, holding her as close to himself as he possibly could. If she is a dream, let me dream forever. Let me stay with her forever. I don't want to be away from her. Let me have her always...Don't take her away from me. Please don't take her away from me. Cloud nearly choked on the thought as he realized what was happening in his heart. He just couldn't find the words to tell her or say.

"Cloud," the girl whispered in his ear as they broke apart and she buried her face into his chest, taking in his scent.

Andria couldn't think of anything else to say. Cloud had rendered her speechless. She admitted to herself she was slightly shocked by his renewed actions. All she could do was hold onto him with her very life, letting him know without words what she feeling. Cloud lifted her face and looked down into it. Tears were sparkling in her eyes like diamonds and she couldn't control the few that slipped down her cheeks. Everything she was feeling was almost overpowering. She never felt a feeling like this before. She never felt anything like this in her heart. It felt so wonderful and yet so painful at the same time. Was this love?

"Don't lock yourself up from me anymore. Please," Andria whispered softly.

Cloud contined to hold the girl's face as her tears streamed down his hands. He wiped them away with his thumbs and smiled at her. A real smile. Andria had hardly ever seen him smile, and this was something new. The times she had seen him smile had been just a smirk or a playful twitch at the corners of his mouth, but this was a real one. He just kept his lips closed over his teeth and smiled at her, reassuring her without words that everything was going to be okay. Everybody had been watching Andria and Cloud as they thought their little moment of romance was private. Yuffie squealed to top of her lungs and ran to Andria and Cloud, throwing her arms around them.

"OOOOOOOOOOOH YOU GUYS!" she squealed. "IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL! OH CLOUD!" The little Wutai ninja could hardly contain herself.

Cloud and Andria both looked at each other, hardly aware that anybody had been watching them and both turned as red as some of the balloons that floated across the bar room. All of their friends began to laugh.

"ITSA 'BOUT DAMN TIME YOU SPIKEY HEADED SHIT! YA' NEED TO FUCKIN' SMIR-SMILE LIKE THAT MORE OFTER-OFTEN!" slurred Cid. "Y-YOU NED NEED A REEEAL WOMAN IN YER LIFE!" He punched his hand on the air that was clasped around his beer cup drunkenly and sloshed beer down his arm. "OH SON OFA BITCH! I SWEAR I JUST CAN'T STAY DRY, CAN I!?" he bitched as he wobbled back over to the table with a laughing Shera clung to his side.

Cloud and Andria just shrugged and joined their laughing friends, indulging in drinks, food, and dances. Cloud and Andria both felt almost renewed with happiness in their hearts and as they finished dancing a rather upbeat dance, the two walked back over to the keg and Cloud filled them up two cups of ice cold beer. They sat down drinking their cold beer and catching their breath. Cloud reached his hand out and grabbed Andria's in his and smiled lightly at her again.

"You know something?" Cloud began as he looked into her eyes warmly, the alcohol was already starting to set in, but she could tell Cloud was going to be sincere with her.

"What's that?" she asked in a wobbly voice, feeling her ownself becoming equally inebriated.

"I've found a reason now..." he began, giving her his same, warming look.

"A reason for what Cloud?" Andria asked, caressing the side of his soft, lightly freckled face with her hand.

A reason to start my life over, a reason to live again. That reason is you," he told her softly as he leaned down for another kiss.

The two broke apart and Andria smiled. Cloud's reason now was her. Everything that Cloud would be living for now was because of her. Not because of Aerith. He had let go now. Andria saw it in his eyes. He wanted her and she, felt happier and lighter than she had ever felt in her entire life. She ran a hand through Cloud's soft, blonde spikes. "Happy Birthday Cloud." she said softly.
LOL! that's what a few others said. "Old Spikey" actually had me cracking up when I wrote it :P This next one will probably crack you up badly. Anyway, here's Chapter 14 :D

Chapter 14- Late Night Inebriation

The party carried on late into the night as every single person in the bar was now pretty much wasted from all of the alcohol consumption they had, including Andria and Cloud. The group was sitting around the bar in various places. Whether it be the tables, the floor, a chair, it didn't matter. Andria was sitting on Cloud's lap and resting her head back against his chest, as they carried on about the goings on of the party. Andria was in a fit of giggles and Cloud kept chucking empy beer cups at Cid's head who was on the floor with Shera now, the two making out hardcore.

"DAMMIT SPIKE!" yelled Cid, leaning up from a rather hot Shera, as two empty beer cups bounced off of the pilot's head. "Quit throwin' yer damn cups at me!"

"Then go get a damn room!" Cloud yelled back and chucked another.

Cloud was now having a nice tall glass of some kind red wine and Andria could tell he was thoroughly enjoying it. With a gleam in her eyes, Andria grabbed it from him and took a drink of it as he yelled in protest, watching his girl take a drink from his glass.

"H-hey! Tha-that was my drunk! I mean drink!" Cloud protested as she giggled down in his face after she gulped down a large amount.

"Yeah, well I can drink it too ya know," Andria replied with a devilish grin. "And it j-just so happer...happens that I like..," Andria never got to finish her sentence. She felt somebody poking her on the shoulder and she turned her head to see who it was.

"Psssssst! Hey you guys!" game a druken whisper next Andria's face. Mari was just as rosy-cheeked as the rest of them and she was poking Andria's shoulder. "Look at Leigh and Reno!"

Andria and Cloud drunkenly turned their heads towards the couple who were smashed into each other's faces. Leigh had her tiny hands all over Reno's body and Reno was reaching up and underneath her skirt from behind, grabbing her rear end with both hands and massaging it intently.

"TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT ALL OFF!" yelled Cloud, throwing a wobbly fist in the air.

Reno and Leigh stopped making out and tried to focus on who was yelling. The redhead looked drunkenly around the bar. "Who the hell said that! What the fuck is going on!" Reno reached down and picked up his rod, flinging it open and wobbling it drunkenly at Cloud. Leigh got up off of Reno's lap in a fit of giggles while the drunk Turk stood up on his feet, swaying as he made his way towards Cloud with his rod held tight in his hand and raised it above his head.

"Ohohohoho shit I don't think so!" Cloud bellowed as he grabbed his sword he had casually laid on the bar that night from the party and held it at Reno. "You know I can ki-kick your Turk-ass any *hic* day!" he stated as he rose on his unsteady feet and tried to focus on holding the massive Tsurugi and stay on his feet at the same time. Andria just leaned back on Mari's shoulder as the girls burst into laughter.

"Cloud! You have slurs!" Andria squealed drunkenly through her laughter. "You s-sound so funny!"

Cloud stood with his back toward Andria for a moment and then dropped his sword to his side. He turned around and looked at Andria with a raised eyebrow. "I have s-s-slurs? What the hell are slurs?" Cloud swayed, trying to focus on the girl's rosy red face. Before Andria could answer Cloud's question, Vincent had stumbled over to the group now and flopped down on one of the chairs.

"Hey!" he whispered. "You guys! Look at this!" Vincent held up his clawed hand that glistened in the light of the bar room. "I have stri-strean-streamers on my fingers!" the inebriated gunman laughed. He held his golden clawed hand up high in the air. "Hey! I just made a *hic* rhyme! Streamers on my fingers! Hahaha!" he laughed as he dropped his hand down on his knee and looked at Mari.

Mari grinned widely as Vincent had a seat next to her. She took his clawed hand in both of hers and began to attempt to lovingly remove the tangled red streamers that were tangled pretty badly around Vincent's fingers. Before she knew it, the gunman had slumped over, passing out right into her crotch. Mari just sat back with a happy, sloshed grin on her face as she continued to take the streamers off of her husband's fingers. "Yep, you can just stay right there," she mumbled, still trying to strip the tangled streamers off of Vincent's hand.

Leigh burst out into laughter as they all watched Vincent fall into Mari's lap and the look that crossed Mari's face when he did so. Leigh threw her long sheet of auburn hair back from her sweaty face and grinned stupidly at Reno. "C'mon you sex-muffinofaturk," she slurred, running her words together. "Let's go have so-se-some fun!"

Reno quickly forgot about his attack on the swordsman as the redhead turned and went back over towards Leigh. He picked the small bodied woman up in his arms and threw her over his shoulder and disappeared out of the bar. Rude was passed out stone cold on the porch of the bar and Reno nearly tripped on him as he stepped out. Leigh squealed as the Turk began to stumble out the door and the two fell on the ground, grinding one another and letting each other know that all the wanted was a good hearty lay.


A few hours into the night, everybody had withdrawn leaving Andria and Cloud alone in the bar downstairs except for Yuffie. She was upstairs in the living room watching TV while a drunkened Barret had passed out on one of the couches. Vincent and Mari had managed to wobble their way home. Cid and Shera were just outside of the bar passed out near the building. The others had left and went home, Cloud and Andria had both assumed. Much to their leisure, Andria and Cloud had taken to having a long conversation in the bar with each other, pouring their hearts out to one another about the things that happened in their lives.

Cloud looked at Andria a little cross eyed and held up a wobbly finger. "Y-you know I-I have to be hon*hic*honest with you 'bout sumthin'," he slurred his words but the girl seemed to understand what he was saying.

Andria was laying across the top of the bar on her side and Cloud was sitting on it with his back leaned up against the wall. She had her head resting in his lap while Cloud ran his fingers through her soft, honey-brown hair. "Whas that Clo-Clu-Cloud," she stammered, easily just as sloshed as he was.

"You know when I f-first saw you, I was like daaaaaaaaayum! She looks like Aerith!" Cloud weaved as he threw a hand in the air and let it slap back down on the wooden bar. "I ru-really did!"

Andria lay quietly in Cloud's lap for a moment before she rolled over onto her back and looked up into his equally inebriated face. "Cloud...t-tell me about Aersi-Aeri-Aerith!" she finally said with a giggle behind the name. Then she stopped and sat up on the bar, sitting across from Cloud with her leg folded underneath her and one dangling off the edge. "I-I wanna know about *hic* her."

"Well...I me-met her after we blew up the Se-Secort...Sector...wait? Which the fuck was it?" he asked outloud, scratching his chin. "Sector 8 ractor I think...wait...I dunno, anyway," Cloud carried on. "I buyed a flower from her and you know what I did wu-with that flower?" Cloud asked beaming drunkenly at Andria.

Andria shook her head slowly. "Noooooooo, whut'd you do wid it?" she asked, her curiosity peaking now.

Cloud slammed his hand down on the bar again. "I'll be damned! I gave it to Marlene!"

"Awww why Mr. Cloud! Wu-whutanicethingtodo!" Andria squealed as she nearly fell forward from being so unsteady from the substance in her system. Cloud reached his hands out and grabbed her arms, holding her upright.

"Di-did I never tell you 'bout the time Aerith made me dress like a WOMAN!" Cloud yelled as his mako blue eyes bugged out.

Andria gasped and threw her hands over her mouth. "NO WAY! TELL ME!"

"Well you see it was like this...," Cloud began, trying his best to recall exactly what happened. Though as drunk as he was, he could still remember everything that had happened that day...


A huge gate opened up near the back of the playground as Aerith and Cloud still sat on the moogle's head, having their conversation. A large carriage being pulled by a golden chocobo came out from the gate and a woman in a blue dress with long, dark hair stood in the back of the carriage.

Cloud lifted his spikey head as he noticed the carrige. "Huh? Hey, back there..." he began and stood up. He at once recognized the raven-haired woman in the back of the carriage. "Tifa!?" he said, certain it was her. The carrige continued off down the road as the massive gate closed itself back up again.

Aerith stood up next to Cloud. "That girl in the cart was Tifa? Where was she going? She looked kind of odd..." her voice trailed off. With Aerith's turn to feel slightly jealous now. Aerith hopped down from the top of the moogle slide and began running towards the cart, chasing it.

"Wait! I'll go on alone! You go home!" he told her, worried for the young woman's safety more than anything, but Aerith wasn't about to listen to his protests. She chased the carrige out of sight and Cloud just stood and shook his head "Women...they just don't listen," he grumbled as he lept down from the moogle and went after her.

Cloud and Aerith arrived together in the Wall Market square. The town was filled with the hustle and bustle of busy people. Aerith walked around, making sure to not let Cloud out of her sight as she checked things out.

"This place is scary in alot of ways. Especially for a girl, so we've got to find Tifa fast!" she told Cloud defiantly.

Cloud nodded his head in agreement as they began to search the town for Tifa's where-a-bouts. The two turned down a corner taking them just outside of a building called the Honey Bee Inn. Cloud approached a man who stood just outside of the door, hopeful that he might know where Tifa was. The man turned towards Cloud with a broad grin on his face.

"Welcome! Even unpopular dweebs, like you may meet your destiny here! So you looking for a girlfriend too?" he asked, curiously looking at Cloud.

Cloud shook his blonde head. "Do you know a girl named Tifa?"

The man just laughed and stared at Cloud in astonishment. "Hey, you're pretty fast. Tifa's our newest girl, but, unfortunately, she's having an interview right now. Here at the Honey Bee Inn, it's customary for all the new girls to be taken to Don Corneo's mansion," the man explained. "Don Corneo's a famous dilettante. Now he wants to settle down and is in the market for a bride."

Cloud nodded his head and turned from the Honey Bee Inn, walking away with Aerith. "We need to go to the mansion then," he told her seriously as they left the area heading north of the Wall Market.

Cloud and Aerith shortly found themselves just outside of Don Corneo's mansion. The two walked up to meet the doorman outside of the building.

"This is the mansion of Don Corneo, the most powerful man in Wall Market," the man told him in a somewhat stern, grumpy voice. He looked over and noticed Cloud right offhand. "Look, the Don's not into men. So don't let me catch you around here again..." The man paused as he noticed the burnette beauty standing beside Cloud. "Hey, and you got another cute one with you!"

Aerith grabbed Cloud's arm and pulled him aside, away from the man so he couldn't hear what they were about to discuss.

"Hey, this looks like the Don's mansion. I'll go take a look," the young woman proposed. "I'll tell Tifa about you."

Cloud gasped and lowered his voice "No!! You can't!" he exclaimed quietly.

Aerith looked at him in a state of slight confusion and Cloud couldn't help but notice her innocence right offhand. "Why?" she asked curiously, not really understanding the harm in it.

"You DO know... what kind of... place this is, don't you?" Cloud asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Aerith stood back and pondered for a moment before she realized it was nothing but a whore house. "Then, what am I supposed to do? You want to go in with me?" she asked him quietly.

Cloud raised his hand to his chin, scratching it lightly. "Well being a man, that'll be pretty hard. Besides if I bust in there, it'll cause too much commotion," he thought outloud.

Aerith put her hands to her mouth and began giggling quietly, her body shaking with silent laughter.

Cloud was still pondering on what to do. He didn't notice Aerith laughing as he continued to think outloud to himself. "But, I just can't let you go in alone... Oh, man......First, we'll need to find out if Tifa's alright...." Cloud paused when he heard Aerith's quiet giggle and he looked at her with his lowset brows drawn in slight confusion. "What's so funny, Aerith?" he questioned, now raising one of his eyebrows.

Aerith stopped laughing and looked up at Cloud with her eyes gleaming. "Cloud, why don't you dress up like a girl? It's the only way."

"WHAT!" Cloud stood back and stared at her in shock. Cloud Strife...Ex-SOLDIER dressing up in women's clothing? The thought didn't appeal to him whatsoever.

Aerith walked back over to to where the doorman stood and she leaned over with her hands behind her back. "Just wait," she told him smiling. " I've got a cute friend I want to bring."

Cloud groaned as he put his hand over his forhead. "Aerith! I can't....."

Aerith put her hands on her tiny hips and stared defiantly at Cloud. "You ARE worried about Tifa, aren't you?" The blonde knodded his head. Aerith reached out and grabbed his hand. " Then come on, hurry!"


"S-so there we were! We was on our way to go and get me a dru-dress and make me a GURL!!" Cloud conintued as Andria had began to burst into a fit of laughter. "Qua-quit laughing! Lemme finish!"

Andria looked up at Cloud as she put both hands over her mouth and tried to subdue her giggles. Once Cloud was sure she had stopped laughing he continued carrying on with his story.


Cloud and Aerith ran down the road of the Wall Market.

"First thing's first, you're going to need a dress!" Aerith exclaimed as she drug a very reluctant Cloud into a clothing shop. She approached the woman at the counter.
"Excuse me! I'd like to get a dress."

The woman looked questioningly at Aerith and sighed. "Umm, it might take a little time. Will that be all right?"

Aerith, curious on why it would take so long, decided to ask her why. "What's the problem?" she questioned.

The woman sighed again. "Well, my father, the owner, has been in a slump lately. You see, he makes all the dresses."

Aerith had a thought come to mind. "And, where is your father?" she asked curiously, still looking at the woman.

The woman just rolled her eyes and threw up her hands. "He's probably plastered at the bar, just like always," she stated with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Aerith stood with her arms folded across her chest. "So... You're saying we can't get a dress unless we do something about your father?" she continued to question the woman.

"Yes. I'm sorry. He's caused so much trouble," the woman complained.

But Aerith smiled, brightly. She looked at the woman and then over at Cloud who had a look of serious grumpiness crossing his face. The last thing he wanted to do was dress like a girl, but if it meant saving Tifa and Aerith for that matter, than he figured why not?

"You'd help me bring him back?" the woman exclaimed, noticing the look in Aerith's eyes.

Aerith just laughed. "Well, if we don't do something, we don't get a dress, right?"

The woman put her hands up to her face in a rush of excitement. "Really!? Please help my crazy old dad. I just don't know what to do anymore...." she stated desparingly. "He's out of his mind!"

Aerith nodded her elegant head and turned towards Cloud. "All right, we'll do something. Let's go, Cloud!"

Cloud and Aerith left the clothing store and went back up North towards where the bar was.

"I can remember seeing it on our way to the mansion," Cloud told her as they walked. Just ahead there was a sign with bright green letters on it. "Ah there it is!"

The two entered the bar as they walked around, talking to the people and trying to figure out who was the girl's father.

Aerith approached a man who was sitting at the actual bar of the diner, having a shot of something hard.

Aerith approached him and lightly tapped the man on his shoulder. "Excuse us, are you the father of the girl at the Clothing Store?"

The man turned around and stared at Aerith in his druken state. He opened his mouth to speak which was nothing but a load of slurs. "I own the Clothes Shop... but I ain't your father," he drawled.

Aerith rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I didn't say that...." she began and Cloud stepped up beside her.

"Make me some clothes," he ordered the man, not really quite being able to fully bring himself to say 'make me a dress.' Cloud still couldn't believe what he had gotten himself into.

The man at the bar grumbled angrily. "I don't make men's clothes. And I don't feel like makin' anything right now."

Aerith turned towards Cloud, tilting her head slightly and smiling. "Cloud, you wait over there for a second. I'll try and talk to him," she proposed. "Why don't you go over there and have something to drink?"

Cloud shrugged his muscular shoulders and walked over and sat down.

Aerith turned towards the guy, another plan cleverly forming in her mind.
"You know, mister. He always said that just once, he'd like to dress up as a girl. So, that's why I wanted a cute dress for him..."

The owner of the clothes shop looked stunned at the fact that Cloud wanted to dress up like a woman. "What!? A tough lookin' guy like that?"

Aerith just smiled and leaned towards him. "So, how 'bout it? Will you make him one? Hmmm?" she asked sweetly.

The man rubbed the back of his neck thoughtfully. "Hmmmm...might be interesting. I was gettin' a little bored just makin' regular clothes."

Aerith clapped her hands together happily. "Then you'll do it for us?" she asked, trying to keep her excitement down.

The clothes shop owner just nodded his head. "Yeah, all right. What kind of dress you want?"

Aerith pondered for a moment. "Something... that feels soft and ummm," she scratched her chin with her fingertip. "And something that shimmers!"

The clothing shop owner just couldn't help but grin at Aerith. "Hmm, got it. Y'know I got a friend that has the same taste as him. I'll go talk to him."

Cloud, feeling slightly embarassed, followed a very giggley and rather anxious Aerith back to the clothing shop a few hours later. The woman greeted them as they stepped into the store.

"Oh, you're here! It's ready! Go try it on!" she urged Cloud.

She handed the blonde a silk, purple dress with long sleeves. There were white, lacy cuffs at the end of it and white lace trim at the bottom. The collar also had white lace around it. Cloud hesitantly took the dress and stepped into the dressing room. He took one look at it as he began to remove his clothes and stepped into it, not quite sure on what he was doing.

" you put this thing on?" he asked from inside of the room.

"Need a little help?" came Aerith's warm voice as she peeked inside. Cloud grabbed the dress and pulled it up over his exposed, bare chest.

"Whoa! What are you doing!" Cloud yelled, plainly shocked that Aerith decided to sneak and peek.

Aerith just giggled and moved her head from behind the curtain, waiting for Cloud to come out. Aerith looked at Cloud as he stepped out in the purple dress. Aerith observed him as he stood just in front of the curtain of the dressing room.

"Hmmmm, It's still not right," she stated thoughtfully, sizing up Cloud. " A wig! That's what you need!"

Aerith turned towards the woman looking hopefully at her and her father.

The man spoke up. "Umm, I thought you might, so I talked to my friend about
getting one. You know the gym? You'll find a lot of people there like you. Go and talk to them."

Cloud walked back into the dressing room and put his normal clothing back on as quickly as possible. It nearly sickened himself to be wearing a dress and he wanted to get out of the itchy fabric as soon as he possibly could. Cloud had overheard all of the conversation Aerith had been having with the woman and her father. Cloud stepped out of the dressing room fully clothed now and raised an eyebrow at Aerith, shocked and wasn't quite sure if he understood what they meant or if he really wanted to know for that matter.

" 'Like you'? Aerith, what did you tell him?" Cloud demanded to know.

Aerith just sighed and rolled her eyes. "Does it matter? Anyhow, we got a pretty dress!"

Cloud shook his head. I will never let her live this down...he thought to himself.


"An' you won' believewhathappened next!" Cloud told Andria with his glowing azure eyes still wide. "I actually went...and I bought a damned da-diamond tira-tra-crownthing and then I went and I won a blonde wig with this big, long braided ponytails on th-the ends of it!" he exclaimed. "And I WORE the damn thing!" Cloud yelled, slamming his hands down on the bar again.

Andria was off into her little fit of giggles yet again, listening to a very hammered Cloud, carrying on about his day as a woman. "Ya know, I-I'm just pu-pishuring in my head you wearing a dress and a crown and a wig!" laughed Andria as she reached up and poked Cloud in the ribs.

"H-hey! Stop that! That tickles!" he exclaimed as he made to grab her hand and missed by many inches.

"I'll bet y-you were a sexy little woman weren't you huh?" Andria teased him playfully.

"Oh I was the sexiest, Don Corneo chose ME!" Cloud exclaimed again. "I mean he chose ME!"

Andria fell into a deep fit of laughter in Cloud's lap. "You mean he really choosed you!" she exclaimed. "Well, I'm not surprised! I'll bet Miss Cloud was a BU-BEAUTY!" she squeaked, poking him the ribs again and causing him to let out a surprised yelp.

"HEY!" he yelled by her surprising jab in the ribs. "Damned if Aerith di-dint' call me Miss Cloud too!"

Andria bowled over in laughter as she pictured the man that she was falling in love with, dressed as a woman. She looked into his rosy-cheeked, glossed over drunken face and smiled greatly. I may just have to pull that one on him some time...just for the hell of it. Andria thought to herself giggling.

"S' tell me more!" the girl begged. Andria couldn't help but be curious on what had happened next.

"I'll be damned if I didn't go to the damned Honey Bo-whatever-Inn and I was attacked by sooooo many gay men!" Cloud relayed as he threw a hand over his forhead.

"I mean there I was p-peekin' in rooms and I wasn' sure where t' go and so this chick tells me t' pick a room and so I picked a ra-room called the 'The Gra-Group Room.' " Cloud shook his blonde spikes. "Boy oh boy was that ever a ma-mistake!" Cloud grumbled as he started to slide down the bar a bit. "I mean th-there I was in this room full of big men wearin' these skiiiimpy little underwears! They were all pushin' me into the hottub and they kept calling me...," Cloud snorted. "Bubby!"

Andria burst out into uncontrollable laughter. "BUBBY!" she squealed. "S' do-does that mean I can call you BUBBY now?" she asked between breaths.

Cloud looked down at the girl with a cranky expression. "Man tha' has been buggin' me for so long! I swear, bubby! Who the shit calls somebody bubby!"

Andria laid in Cloud's lap looking up into his grumpy looking face. She ran a hand across his attractive jawbone. "Awww Cloud," she started. "Obviously you were just too pretty, the gay men couldn't h-help themselves!" and she burst out into another drunken supply of laughter.

"Yeah yeah," Cloud grumbled with a wave of his hand. "S' anyway, before I left one of the gay dudes gave me a damn pair of silky, black, lacey bikini underwear!" he bellowed. "I mean they actually 'spected me to wear them!"

Andria continued cracking up as she laid in Cloud's lap. "So DID you wear them?" she asked, just wanting to know.

Cloud shook his blonde head. "Shit no! I tried to put them on but they were too damn small! All my stuff just sorta fell out! But anyway, we go into Don Corneo's mansion and I'm wearin' my dress, my crownthingy, my blonde wig with the long pigtails, and they even painted my face up with wait..not mako...make-up!" Cloud continued to the top of his lungs as Andria laid laughing in his lap. "An' there me and Aerith was, on our way to Don Corny's mansion..."

The receptionist was at the top of the stairs, tapping his foot impatiently. "It's time, ladies. The Don is waiting!" He began to go back up the stairs, grumbling to himself.
"I told ya not to wander around... I tell ya, women nowadays...," he looked back down the stairs to the bottom where Cloud and two very obvious, jealous women stood before him. "Hurry up, will ya!"

Cloud grumbled, rubbing the back of his head. "I probably don't need to ask but the other girl right?"

Tifa nodded her head, much to her amusement. "You're right, there was no need..."
She turned and faced Aerith, sharing the amusement with her as well.

"To ask...," Aerith finished off the sentence.

Cloud just buried his palm in his face. "Why oh why did I let you talk to me into this!" he grumbled as he began to follow the girls upstairs and up to the Don's room.

Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa entered the Don's room to see him sitting at a desk just before them. He was a rather plump man with a large mustache and upon their arrival his face lit up. Another man stood at the side of the Don's desk and pointed to the girls and Cloud.

"All right, ladies! Line up in front of the Don!" the man ordered them.

They all walked to the front of the desk and lined up just before the Don, all three of them hoping they wouldn't be chosen.

"Hmmm! Good, splendid!" exclaimed the Don as he jumped over his desk and walked towards Aerith first. He leaned over to take a good look at her. Aerith did her best not to smile, but just stand there and stare at the floor while he looked her over
"Now, let's see... Which girl should I choose? Hmm--- hmm---!" he exclaimed as he walked to the center of the three and stood facing Cloud. Cloud turned his head away as the Don leaned in towards him.

"This one?" he stated as he tried to take a good peek at Cloud.

He walked down to the other side and stood in front of Tifa, observing her the same way he had Cloud. "Or this one?"

The Don walked back to the center of the three and stood in front of Cloud again, leaning forward and taking in his sight. "Hmmmm," the Don rumbled in his throat, tilting his head to try and catch Cloud's eye, but Cloud just turned his head the other direction. Please don't pick me...please don't me....for the love of Gaia please don't pick me... Cloud thought almost desperately.

Don Corneo jumped up in the air. "Woo-hoo, I've made up my mind!" he exclaimed. "My choice for tonight is....." Don Corneo put a thick hand on Cloud's shoulder and smiled down in his face. "This healthy-looking girl!"

Cloud, extremely shocked that the Don had chosen him was taken aback. "Wa, wait a sec!" he exclaimed, not even bothering to try and keep his tone down. And when Cloud realized how unwomanly that sounded he quickly corrected his posture. "I mean, uh, please wait a moment!" he stated, trying to maintain his girlishness so as not to give himself away.

Don Corneo did a little excited jig on the floor. "Woo-hoo!" he exclaimed, throwing his fat fist in the air. "I love chickies who play hard to get! Yeowza!"

Cloud could feel his face burning under the thick layer of make-up the girls at the Honey Bee Inn had decided to put on him. He looked at Aerith out of the corner of his eye and then at Tifa. He could tell that both girls were thoroughly amused and Cloud was getting pissed. He didn't find this amusing one little bit, but atleast knowing he could get the information needed out of the Don by doing this, he calmed down. Don Corneo turned and faced his flunkies that were now surrounding Aerith and Tifa.

"You can have the other ones!" he dwaddled as he turned back towards Cloud. "This little hot blonde is MINE!"

"Yes, sir! Thank you sir!" his cronies exclaimed as they made off with Tifa and Aerith.

Don Corneo turned and looked at Cloud with a big grin on his chubby face. "Well then, shall we go my pretty?"

He took Cloud by the arm and led him into his bedroom while Cloud reluctantly followed. He kept his head down and his hands folded in front of him, not knowing what to do or say, but it was obvious Don Corneo had other plans in mind. He immediately jumped onto the bed and began pouncing on all fours.

"Ahh, we're finally alone..." the Don purred at Cloud. "All right, pussycat... Come to daddy!" he bellowed as he jumped on the bed.

Cloud slowly stepped over to the bed, still continuing to keep his head down. If you even try and lay a hand on me I swear to the gods I will....

Don Corneo gave Cloud a sly look as he did his best to try and catch Cloud's eye. "You're so cute, I never get tired of looking at you. Do you like me, too?" he asked with blunt curiosity.

Cloud still continued to stand with his head down and not looking at the Don. "Ummm......."

Don Corneo sat on his knees and stared down at the blonde. "You don't like me?" he asked a little hurt sounding, but nevertheless, still horny. "There isn't someone else, is there?"

Cloud shook his head. "No, only you," he stated truthfully.

Don Corneo hopped forward on the bed like a frog and began thrusting his hips in Cloud's direction, causing Cloud to shy back a bit, not really wanting to feel a fat man's groin in his face.

"Oh baby! You sure do know how to make a guy feel good!" the Don exclaimed, still carrying on with the horny gesture in Cloud's direction. ""Then tell me little hottie, what do you want to DO?"

Cloud, thought for a moment that it would be fun to tantilize and torture this pathetic excuse for a human being. A sly grin crossed his face as he looked up at Don Corner. "Whatever YOU want, daddy ," he told him in as sexy of a voice as he could muster.

Don Corneo began bouncing on the bed again, thrusting his hips at Cloud even more. "Oh man! I can't stand it! Come to papa!" he exclaimed, still humping the air. When he noticed Cloud wouldn't step forward he began to grow impatient.
"All right, then...." he flopped back down on all fours, leaning towards Cloud, bouncing on the bed like a frog. "Give me a kiss! A KISS!" he exclaimed, puckering up his lips shining with saliva at Cloud.

Cloud snickered in his head. "All right," he stated as he began to lean forward, but the closer he got to the Don's mouth, the more disgusted he was becoming. Cloud moved to kiss him, and then pulled back. "J-just a minute!!" Cloud stammered in the Don's face. Don Corneo looked rather shocked. "Nope...sorry, can't do that!" he exclaimed just as Tifa and Aerith burst into the room.

Tifa stared at Cloud in shock, noticing he was leaning towards the Don. Her dark eyes were wide with shock and amusement all at the same time and Aerith was doing her best to surpress the stream of giggles threatening to burst out.

"Cloud...Were you really..." she began to ask in disbelief, but Cloud shook his head quickly.

"What! Why!? WHY!? WHY!?" whined the Don.

"Because..." Cloud faced away from the Don giving the girls and a wink and turned back towards him. "Because I"m gonna have to use that mouth of yours to give me some information!" he exclaimed as he ripped off his dress and wig. The Don was thoroughly shocked and astonished that the woman he picked was nothing more than a man.


Cloud was snickering now as he continued telling Andria his story. "An' an' the best part was, when we was threatenin' h-him for some infer--infro...whatever the shit it is, we all threatened to mutilate his balls!" Cloud bellowed as Andria was now in such strong fits of laughter that tears were streaming down her face.

"I told him...hehehe...I dolt...I mean told him that I would CHOP 'EM OFF!" Cloud carried on, making a hand gesture, suggesting he was using a sword. "An' then...Aerith...oh man, you wouldn't expect sumthin' like this outta her. She tole him that she was gonna RIP THEM OFF!" and Andria howled as Cloud finished off with telling her that Tifa was going to smash them if they didn't get the information that they needed. The two were sitting on the bar, laughing drunkenly and Andria sat up and regained her composure as the laughter died down.

"Y-you really miss her don't you?" she asked, hiccuping and wiping her eyes. "I mean Aerith."

Cloud sat and looked at the ceiling, doing his best to gather his scattered thoughts. "Well...I s'pose you could say I do miss her....but I," he said seriously now, looking into Andria's glossed over emerald eyes. "I jus' got lucky that I found you," he purred as he leaned forward to her forhead and kissed it right between her bangs. Andria just smiled at Cloud.

"I'm just lucky that I've found you," her voice wobbled and then she lept off from the bar nearly falling to the floor as she grabbed the side of it pulled herself back up. She peered up from the bar, her cheeks extremely pink with a silly grin spread across her face. "Hey Cloud! I g-got an idea!" she exclaimed. "I'm not ready for bed yet!" and then Andria realized she didn't quite make sense. She tried to figure out how to piece her words together as Cloud hopped down off of the bar and looked at Andria curiously.

"W-what the hell? Bed? Pfft, me neither! So wu-what kind of idea do you have in mind?" Cloud asked, feeling the affects of the alcohol sway him off balance.

"Let's play a game!" Andria stated, happily clasping her hands together and leaping forward on her toes, only to find herself nearly toppling over and she grabbed onto Cloud. "Woooah, well there's all kinds of gravity in here!" she stated as she grabbed ahold of his arms and he caught her before she hit the ground.


Yuffie was sitting upstairs in the living room, still continuing to watch TV but drifting off every so often when she heard quite the commotion from downstairs in the bar. Barret was still passed out, snoring loudly on the couch across from her. The Wutai ninja rolled her eyes as she looked towards the staircase.

"Are Cloud and Andria still up?" she wondered aloud as she began to make her descent down the stairs. She paused and her breath caught in her throat as she heard Andria moan.

"Ooooooh Cloud, you're soooooo good!" came Andria's voice drifting up the stairs.

"This is the craziest position I've ever even BEEN in!" Cloud's voice carried up into Yuffie's ear.

The little ninja girl threw her hand over her mouth when she was certain she realized what was going on.

"If we continue to stay like this, I think I'm gonna fall," Andria exclaimed, breathing heavily. "I don't understand how you could be soooooo good!"

"Lots and lots of PRACTICE!" Cloud's voice floated up the stairs and permanently stayed in Yuffie's head. "I've had plenty," he added.

"Ooooh Cloud!" moaned Andria and Yuffie nearly fell down the stairs. She grabbed ahold of the banister to keep herself steady. Whatever they were doing down there Yuffie didn't want to know, but her curiosity kept her at the base of the stairs listening.

"OOOOOH GODS ANDRIA!" Cloud's voice cried out.

"HOW DO YOU STAY UP LIKE THAT!" Andria cried out and her voice drifted up the stairwell.

Down in the bar, Cloud and Andria were in a very strange position indeed. The two were trying hard not to laugh as Cloud was nearly in a half backbend, trying to keep his right hand on the green circle, his left hand on the blue circle, his right foot on the red circle and his left foot on the yellow circle of theTwister mat, the game on which the two had decided to play, and Andria wasn't doing much better. They were trying hard to hold themselves up within their drunken state and were both finding it rather difficult. Andria, no longer able to hold herself up anymore fell onto the mat in a fit of giggles.

"Oh I don't even want to hear anymore!" Yuffie exclaimed under her breath as she ran up the staircase and back into the living room, throwing a pillow over her head to drown out the couple's cries.

Cloud finally collapsed onto the floor next to Andria, both laying on top of the Twister mat as they laughed. Cloud made to stand up and crown his triumph in winning the game when something fell out of his pocket and landed beside Andria. Curious as to what it was she snatched it before Cloud even had a chance.

"HAHAHA! I got yer PHONE!" she squeaked as she lept up to her feet and began taunting Cloud with it, waving it in front of his face and dancing around like imbecile.

"HEY! That's MINE!" Cloud bellowed as he made a lunge for it. "GIMME BACK MY PHONE!"

"You gotta catch me first!" squealed as Andria as she spun around on her heel.

The inebriated woman and took off across the bar with the phone in her hand, trying her best to keep her balance as drunk as she was. Cloud chased the girl around the bar for a good 10 minutes trying to catch his phone with Andria teased him with it, pretending like she was going to make calls on it. Andria ran around one table and Cloud decided to trick her by turning around and doubling back. He grabbed the girl around her waist and snatched the phone out of her hand.

"Ahahahaha I got it! I won! It's my prize! Nyah nyah!" he teased her. He looked down at the phone in his hand with a triumphant grin and flipped it open. Cloud's eyes widened and he gasped as he looked down at it.

Andria noticed this and quickly became worried. "What's wrong?" she asked really serious now. "Did I break it?"

"I just realized...that...I hope nobody get's pissed 'cause I'm yellin' kinda loud and it's 3:30 IN THE MORNING!" Cloud bellowed as he grabbed a surprised Andria around the waist and two toppled over onto a table in the bar room.

Cloud laid on his back while Andria laid on top of him, doing her best to keep her head up. She looked down into Cloud's eyes with a smile and the two met one another's lips, pressing hard against one another, crushing each other with need and want. Andria could feel the alcohol taking over now as the room began spinning around her. Soon, she was no longer able to keep her head up. The two broke apart with childish grins on their faces, and Andria laid her ear against Cloud's beating heart. The sound of it soothed her. Before Andria knew it, she had passed out right there on top of him.

"Andi?" Cloud asked, noticing the girl on top of him no longer moving, just laying there as he felt her breast again his heart and their hearts beating in synch with one another. He felt quite content with having her just lay there on top him and before he could say anything else, he passed out right there on the table with his arms wrapped around the girl's waist, leaving them in a very suggestive position indeed.
lol how was it wrong? It was just adults having good ole' natured drunken fun :D ^^ anyway, here is Chapter 15 and this one is a lot more serious

Chapter 15- Touched By a Feeling

And they wove through her mind, speaking into her head, bringing forth their thoughts, and filling her head with all of their words. Though she tried to work out the conflict going inside of her mind, attempting to comprehend what was being said, Andria just couldn't. She wrestled with her thoughts, struggling to know what they were wanting to tell her. There were only a few words the confused young woman could even begin to decipher.

Andria kept hearing the words temple, church, breakdown. The words played over and over her mind and she could hear these people just ahead of her. She struggled as she ran through pure white nothingness, she found herself surrounded in what looked like twirling strands of green light. The strings of light billowed and swirled, traveling into nothing and still continuing to move. Andria could see shadows, shadows of people ahead of her.

"Please!" she cried out desperately as she ran.

Andria reached her pale hands out to the shadows who seemed to keep moving backwards, and over and over those three words played inside of her head. The words sounded as if they were coming from a chorus of feminine voices.

"I'm trying to reach you! Why can't you hear me? I need help! I don't understand what is going on! You need to tell me what is going on!" Andria exclaimed angrily. She could feel her cheeks becoming hot with the small rage that was building inside of her.

Why weren't they listening to her? Why did she continue this endless struggle with trying to figure out what these few words they spoke to her meant? Why was it always so hard to decipher or understand what was being said and why couldn't anybody give her a rational explanation? She continued run, feeling the the mists swirling around her bare feet, weaving all around her body. The mysterious green light...the strands of it...the brightness of it. It was all so vibrant. Andria stopped for a moment to look at it. It stretched and curled, furling out across the lengthy whiteness with elegant strides and Andria couldn't help but admire the beauty of it.

"The Lifestream?" she wondered outloud as the voices continued to carry on within her mind.

The shadows of the people who were speaking to her just ahead were beginning to fade, slowly but surely they were fading away, falling back into the brilliant green, strands of life.

"No wait! Don't go!" the young woman cried out as she ran towards the fading figures. She dropped to her hands and knees, stretching out her hand, her long honey-brown bangs falling into her face. "Don't leave me wondering! I need answers! Please! Tell me what is happening!"

"You'll find out soon enough," came the familiar female voice Andria had heard once before.

The burnette looked ahead of her and saw two hands reaching out to her. One was the same one she'd always seen before. A hand with a silver gauntlet wrapped around the delicate wrist. The other hand wore nothing, but nevertheless, Andria grabbed both hands. As she did so, she could feel warmth stretching through her body and running within her very veins, almost if she could somehow sense or feel a strong surge of power deep within her.

"Hold on," came the voice that sounded so much like her own.

Andria felt as though her body were being throw into the air. She flew through the white uncontrollably, not being able to stop. She could feel it closing in on her tighter and tighter. The white was dispersing, being swallowed by darkness and Andria felt like she was falling. She tumbled, head over heels, over and over and over again. Just inches from the ground...


Andria flew up in bed with a rather large gasp. She could feel cold sweat on her forehead and she threw back the covers. Andria sat up and held her pounding head in her hands as she tried to make out what she had just seen. It couldn't still be the alcohol from the night previous wearing on her. It had taken her the whole day to finally get past that hangover she had from Cloud's birthday party the following day. Andria was pretty near certain that it was out of her system by now.

Andria remembered quite well, awakening on the table, with Barret, Yuffie, Cid and Shera standing around and snickering at the two as they awoke from their drunken stupor, pointing out how they looked obvious and suggestive. Andria just laughed and brushed them off, though she couldn't remember a thing hardly at all from that night, except for Cloud's adventure in cross-dressing. Andria had no idea how she and Cloud had ended up sleeping on one of the tables in the bar room. She smiled to herself as she remembered Cid's taunts and jokes he poked at her all day long while Cloud, free of a hangover unlike her, was off making his scheduled deliveries. Andria slightly giggled to herself as she tried to regain her composure from her...dream? premonition?

She turned her honey-brown head and looked down at the sleeping form that was Cloud next to her. His deep, whispering breaths were like a song that calmed her heart as she watched him sleeping soundly and calmly against his pillows. His strands of blonde hair fell down across his peaceful face and fluttered with every breath he took. The moonlight was showing through their bedroom window, casting a pale, blue glow over Cloud's face. Andria reached her hand down, lovingly brushing away the locks of hair from his face. She didn't want them to tickle him and awaken him. He looked too calm and so content, resting next to her, not a care in the world, not racked by bad dreams this night.

As she watched Cloud sleep, she could feel a powerful emotion rising in her chest. Her heart was pounding and even skipping a few beats and she felt how happy and how lucky she was to have such an amazing person in her life. If it weren't for Cloud, she wouldn't be alive, she wouldn't know how to fight with her swords and she wouldn't have made such a wonderful group of friends. Thanks to Cloud she met Mari, who Andria quietly considered to herself, to be her best friend.

Thanks to Mari, Andria had learned how to use a good deal of Materia. Andria grinned down at Cloud's innocence and she couldn't help but realize things about him. Quiet and withdrawn as he may seem, Andria knew from all of the experiences she had with him thus far, Cloud was a good man with a pure heart and wished for nothing but to protect the people whom he cared for more than anything.

Cloud didn't want to struggle through another loss. Andria knew the deep love he had felt for Aerith, and she knew he probably still did, but that was to be expected. Andria had found at this point in time, it wasn't bothering her like it normally had. She sighed as she looked down at his sleeping face and was grateful that Cloud was showing no signs of awakening.

Is this love? The girl wondered to herself. The way he makes me feel...the way my body trembles from his touch, the way my lips long for his kiss, the way my heart flies when I'm next to him...this must be love...oh gods, Cloud...I couldn't imagine my life without you in it. I do love you...I think I love you more than even I understand... Andria put her hands up to her mouth, as she gathered her thoughts, realizing what had just happened. The emotion that was building in her chest she could now feel it rising to her throat and her eyes began to burn with tears.

What is wrong with me? I've never felt anything like this before. I don't understand. I'm so confused. I don't ever want to be away from him. I want Cloud to be by my side always... Andria looked back down at him, trying to control herself from breaking down and crying here next to him, for fear of awakening him, when another rush of sounds filled the young girl's head. Andria grabbed ahold of the sides of her head with her hands as she got up from their bed and walked over to the dresser.

Andria lowered her elbows onto the top of it, holding onto her head, trying to hear what the sounds and the voices were saying to her. She struggled as she tried to comprehend them, but they were too jumbled and ran together, echoing through her mind and she couldn't pick out what was being said. And then, without so much as a sign or warning, Andria felt as though she were being taken by her hand and being pulled somewhere.

The brunette quickly grabbed her clothes and slipped them on. She grabbed her sword sheath with her sword and strapped it around her waist. The confused young woman wasn't quite sure where she was going or what she was about to do, but she knew she needed to go wherever she was being led. Andria grabbed the black, thin, flip phone that Cloud had brought her that previous day and clipped it to her belt. Cloud had insisted she have a phone so if they were seperated or she got lost all she had to do was call and he'd be there by her side in an instant. Andria cast a quick glance back over at Cloud who was still sleeping soundly and. She blew him a quiet kiss.

"I'll be back," she whispered softly and tiptoed out the door.

It almost felt that she were in a trance as she felt herself being guided down the stairs and across the wooden bar room floor. Andria tried her hardest to step lightly and not make any creaking sounds as she made to leave the bar. She opened up the front door quietly and closed it shut behind her as she began walking down the deserted road, following the unseen force that was leading her to Gaia knows where. The girl walked through the familiar street in Edge and soon felt herself being led away from the town, though unknown as to what was leading her.

Andria walked for awhile, when she found herself out by that familiar sword buried deep into the ground she had encountered before. She stopped and stood before, looking down at it's scarred, rusted body as she felt that familiar, gentle presence around her yet again. Andria reached her hand out and rested it on the hilt, her emerald eyes were staring intently upon the sword.

"It's okay...," whispered a voice, it was deeper than the others, more masculine, and she did not recognize it. "Go." It told her. Andria felt as if somebody were right next to her and she looked on either side of her but nobody was there. She felt as if a hand had grasped her shoulder gently. Andria looked behind her and yet still, there was nobody there.

"Where?" she asked back quietly. "Where do I go?"

"Follow your will take you down your path," the voice replied and Andria released the hilt of the sword.

"Follow my instincts," she said to herself as she looked out towards the ruins of Midgar. "My instincts are telling me to go to Midgar...I must go to Midgar."

Andria climbed down from the cliff and began to walk quickly towards the ruins. She could feel her feet picking up faster and faster until she was running as fast as she could towards Midgar, still following the unknown presence that was leading her that way.


Cloud awoke with a start. He stretched and yawned, rolling his head over to look at the clock. It read 2 AM. He reached over to the side of the bed to snuggle up to Andria and wrap his arms around her, but when he did so, her side of the bed was empty. Andria was not in bed with him. Cloud sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and trying to focus on waking himself up.

Cloud got up out of bed and put his bathrobe on. He wondered if maybe she had gotten up to get a drink out of the kitchen or had gone to the bathroom. The swordsman wasn't sure, but he didn't have a very good feeling. Cloud slipped out of the room and walked towards the bathroom but the door was open and the light was off, so he knew she wasn't in there. The blonde walked into the kitchen and flipped on the light but there was no sign of her there either.

Still trying to force the sleep out of his head, Cloud wandered back down the hall and into the room that she had been staying in, but there was no sign of Andria in there either. Where in the hell are you Andi? Cloud wondered to himself as he made his way back down the hallway and back into his and Andria's room. Cloud sat down on the bed and ran his fingers through his blonde spikes. He stared at the room around him when his eyes fell on his weapon. Normally, Andria's rested right next to his, but not this time. Cloud quickly acknowledged it was missing. His eyes scanned the room and he noticed her clothes and shoes were missing as well. Andria had left and taken her swords with her, but why?

Cloud jumped up from where he had been sitting and took his bathrobe off. He grabbed his clothes and put them on. He pulled on his gloves, snapping them securely, pulled on his boots and strapped his weapons over his back. He began making his way down the stairs and found himself in the bar room. Not bothering to think about what he was doing, out of pure concern for Andria, Cloud picked up his phone and dialed Vincent and Mari's phone number.

"H-hello?" came the mage's sleepy voice on the other line, after four rings.

"Mari?" Cloud began quietly. "I'm really sorry for waking you up," he stated sheepishly.

"Cloud? Is that you?" Mari asked, trying to surpress a yawn, but finding herself waking up to the sound of his voice.

"Yeah it's me. I was just..wondering if you had seen Andi anywhere?" he asked the mage curiously.

Mari was silent on the other end for a moment. "You mean Andria is missing?" she asked, her voice filled with concern now.

"Yes, I woke up and she wasn't in bed. When I got up, I noticed her clothes were gone and she had taken her weapons with her. I didn't know if she had stopped off to talk to you before she left or not. I don't know Mari...I have a really bad feeling," Cloud admitted into the phone.

"Calm down Cloud. Why don't you try calling her? You did get her a phone didn't you? Maybe she just went for a walk," the mage replied soothingly. "You could always wait up for her?"

"Yeah you're right. I did get her phone. I guess I sort of forgot about that," Cloud said, thoroughly embarrassed. "I'm really sorry for waking you up," he repeated.

"It's no trouble," came Mari's warm voice. "Just let us know what's going on when you find her and if you need any help just call us, okay Cloud?"

"Okay," Cloud replied into the reciever. He flipped the phone shut and slid it in his pocket. "Maybe she did just go for a walk...I'll wait for a bit and see if she comes back before I go getting myselt too worked up," Cloud told himself as he sat down in the bar, eyes pealed on the door, waiting for her to return.


Andria ran down into the ruins of Midgar, finding herself back down in the slums again. She followed whatever it was that was leading her there, down the familiar path that lead her into the Sector 5 slums. Everything was in shambles and ruins around her, but Andria seemed to know just where she was going. Soon, she found herself standing just where she figured she would be. Andria was standing in front of the old church she had found Cloud in that day...but why?

The unseen presence urged her inside and Andria opened the great, wooden double doors, stepping quietly onto the floorboards. She left the doors open a crack as she looked ahead, the floorboards creaking under her feet and saw the small flower garden bathed in the moonlight. As she began walking towards it, something else caught her eye. Something very near to the flowers. It was sparkling, glowing with life. She walked across the church and over the shimmering substance. It was a small pool of sparkling water. Andria had never noticed it before. Kneeling before it, she lowered her hands into the substance and cupped them beneath it's surface. She brought the water back up in her hands and saw her reflection staring back at her.

"This is the healing waters...the water Cloud told me about that cured him and the children of the Geostigma...Lifestream water....," Andria murmered as she stared into the liquid lifestream she held gently in her cupped hands.

How she knew that's what it was she couldn't figure out, but something had told her that this was what it was. Andria released the small river of lifestream, letting it fall back into the puddle in front of her. It seemed to drop slowly before her eyes and she watched as a small water droplet fell into the pool and bounced up high and then back down into the water once more, creating small ripples as it hit the surface.

" the flowers," the familiar female voice spoke into her head.

Andria got up slowly and stood, looking over at the flowerbed of the glowing white and yellow lillies. Andria had never really acknowledged just how beautiful these flowers were. Perhaps because it was nightfall and the way they seemed to glow before in the night drew her ever more. Andria stepped into the grass, it swayed gently before her and she lowered herself, kneeling down into the flowers.

"Sacred flowers," Andria murmered to no one. "These flowers only grow here...because they're special, they were touched by something...something that is sacred." Andria couldn't help but question herself as to where all of this was coming from. How did she know this? What was happening within the depths of her mind? She looked down at her hands that were glowing again with the soft, pale green light. "What am I?" she asked herself.

And then, without so much as a warning Andria was struck by unbidden tears. They welled in her eyes and streamed down her pale cheeks. She didn't understand why she was crying or why she felt the way she was feeling. Her mind and her heart was being intermixed with many different sorts of feelings. The feeling of pain, of heartache, of love, of fear and rage. So many different things were spinning through her head as she fell onto her side, breaking down into heavy tears in the flower bed.

"Who's feelings are these? Are they mine?" Andria wondered out loud. "I know these feelings...I know love...I know pain and fear...but this isn't my pain, or my fear but the love? This love...oh this love feels so familiar." The girl paused as she worked to gather her thoughts. "Cloud..." was the one name she spoke and she did so, Andria wept even harder into the flowers.

"Please," came a voice near Andria. "Don't cry, everything's okay. There's so much you need to know. There's so much you need to understand."

"There is...I just don't know...I just don't understand? Why am I feeling this way?" Andria asked as she lay sobbing in the glowing lillies.

A soft beam of pale green, almost white light slowly cascaded from the hole in the ceiling of the church to the floor of the flowerbed. Andria struggled to see what it was through her tears. Lowering from the light came a figure. It was a shadow at first but as the figure came closer into view, Andria could see it was a woman. As the woman stepped out of the light, she filled the church with a soft glow that surrounded her body.

She wore a long, pink dress that reached her ankles with brown boots pulled over her feet. She had a short sleeved,denim burgandy jacket pulled over her shoulders. It was extremely similar to the green one Andria wore, only hers was denim. Her bangs lay at the sides of her face nearly just like Andria's except they parted perfectly in the center, unlike Andria's which were parted to the side. Andria's eyes widened as she found the girl looking down upon her, the exact same emerald green eyes, sparkling at her stared back and the woman smiled. She knelt down to Andria and lay a hand on her shoulder.

"I promise, it will soon pass," she spoke in a very soft, almost mystical sounding voice, but the sound of her voice was exactly like Andria's.

She brushed back Andria's bangs and smiled at her. Andria noticed right away the silver gauntlets on her wrists. It was the same hand that she always seen in her dreams. Even the same face. She was seeing the woman she had been seeing for months now in her dreams, standing there, staring right at her. She was certain it was Aerith. The woman looked exactly like her. It had to be.

"A-Aerith?" Andria asked, staring up at the girl in disbelief, wiping away her tears with her hand.

The woman shook her identical head. "I don't have much time. I came to tell you first, take care of Cloud, make sure he's safe. Don't leave his side. He's going to need you more than ever. You're both going to need each other or Cloud is going to break," the girl explained. Her voice was beginning to sound further and further away.

"I don't understand," Andria stated, voice filled with confusion. "What do you mean Cloud is going to break? Is something going to happen to Cloud? Please tell me Cloud isn't going to be taken away from me too!" Andria exclaimed, pulling at the woman's hem of her dress like a young child would a mother. "Please tell me Cloud isn't going to...," she couldn't bring herself to say the word 'die.'

The woman began to ascend back up into the beam of light as it surrounded her beautiful body. "You will soon understand. Something terrible is about to happen. You will be the one to stop it. You will know. Cloud will fight with you," she told her as began fading from Andria's view.

"I don't understand this!" she screamed, slamming her hands down into the flower petals. "Why can't you tell me more! Why are you leaving me! I need to know what is happening! What is going to happen to Cloud! Why do I hear these voices! I need answers! DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!" she raged, but the woman was gone just as quickly as she had appeared.

Andria stood up with her fists clenched at her sides, looking up through the ceiling where the pale glow had once been. She no longer felt the pain, the heartache, or any of those feelings and her tears had stopped. All she could feel was anger and confusion. She didn't understand what was happening to her. She didn't understand why she heard the things she did and how she knew the things she did either. It was all becoming entirely too frustrating for her. Andria was about to stand up when the phone on her hip began vibrating gently, followed by a tinkling ring.

She picked up the phone and looked at the face of it. "Oh Cloud..." she murmered as she flipped open the phone. "Hello?" she asked, trying to control the shakiness in her voice.

"Andi!" came Cloud's voice on the other line. "Are you alright?"

Andria hesitated for a moment before answering. "I-I'm fine Cloud," she told him, through truth be told the girl didn't know if she was fine. She had just experienced something that she couldn't understand and she certainly didn't want to tell him about the woman she saw, in case it was really Aerith. But who else could it have been? Andria could feel herself calming at the sound of his soft, deep voice.

"Andria, you don't sound alright," Cloud's voice replied seriously over the line. "Where are you?"

"I' the church," Andria answered him. "I don't know why either."

"Andria, did something happen to you? Are you alright?" came his voice again, only this time filled with concern.

Andria remained silent for a bit, not really sure what to say. Not really knowing if she was alright or not.

"Andi! Are you still there?" Cloud questioned anxiously. "Are you okay!?"

"I...I don't know," she replied truthfully. "Will...will you come out here with me?" she finally asked, feeling tired and very alone.

"Of course. I'll be there soon. Don't go anywhere," he told her.

Cloud flipped his phone shut and stuck it back in his pocket. He hurried out of the bar and closed the door as quiet as possible behind him. Cloud jumped on his Fenrir, started to roaring engine and zoomed off from the front of the bar. Cloud drove out towards Midgar, away from the city of Edge. He could see Zack's sword buried in the ground just ahead as he cruised.

A sensation washed over him to drive out there and stop before heading to the church. Cloud didn't know why he felt he needed to but he did. He slowed Fenrir just near the sword and climbed slowly off of the bike. The blonde walked across the dark grounds and came to rest his hand on the sword just as Andria had. Cloud turned away from the sword, walked to the edge of the cliff and looked up at the sky.

"I'm not sure...what I'm doing. I'm not sure where I'm going with my life," Cloud spoke aloud as he studied the stars that sprinkled across the blue-black sky. "I'm trying my best to live out our lives. I feel like it's a struggle sometimes. I can't help but I doing okay?"

"You're doing alright as far as I'm concerned," came a masculine, cocky voice from behind Cloud.

Cloud immediately recognized the voice and turned his head around. There leaning against the rusted sword with his arms folded across his chest and a smirk playing across his face was none other than Zack, Cloud's best friend. Cloud had seen him shot to death by Shinra and yet there was he was, standing against the sword. He was clearly transparent, glowing and grinning as though nothing had changed.

Cloud's mako blue eyes widened as they fell onto his friend. "Z-Zack?" he stammered, trying to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Cloud put his hand up to his head.

Zack took a look at his gloved hand and grinned again. "The one and only," he replied. Zack leaned up from the Buster Sword and took a look at it, cocking an eyebrow. "Damn! My good old sword took one of hell of a beating over the years," he said with a laugh. Zack reassumed his position, leaning back against the massive weapon once more and folding his arms. "They figured you could use a quick visit from me. Can't stay long. Just thought I might swing by, see how you're doing."

Cloud just stared in disbelief as he remembered the last time he had seen Zack was over three years ago. He and Aerith had stood in the doorway of the church after healing the children of their Geostigma and smiled at him. Cloud rubbed his eyes and blinked a couple of times, but Zack was still there.
They who?" Cloud asked, raising an eyebrow. Zack just chuckled as if it were an answer and Cloud made to speak again, only he didn't know what to say to Zack. It had been so long since he had spoken to him. Why was Zack showing up now? "H-how are did you...what are you do-," Cloud struggled to find the right words.

Zack laughed again and waved a hand at his friend. "Well, I'm here to let you know you need to go and stay with Andi for awhile, don't let her go. Especially on her own." Zack paused and looked thoughtful. "Which by the way, I'm glad you finally found someone. She's hot!" Zack added with a wink. His cocky grin was still on his face.

Cloud just stared. He was still at a loss for words, he couldn't even speak properly or find the correct words. "Found...someone? Oh you mean Andi...I dunno, we're just," Cloud began to say but Zack cut him off.

Zack held up one hand towards Cloud. "Pfft, let it go Cloud," he stated exasperated. "I've see the way you two are. We both have. Go be happy and go get her. She's in the church. Go stay with her. She needs you now more than ever. Don't leave her alone," he added rather seriously this time.

Cloud shook his spikey head. "I don't get it. She needs me now more than ever? Is something happening with her? Do you and...Aerith...know something?" Cloud asked, hating to still think of the fact that the woman he had loved was dead, just like Zack, and in the Lifestream, out of his reach.

Zack shook his ebony head. "I can't say anything. This is something Andi's gonna find out on her own. You guys will find out soon enough." Zack pretended to look at his wrist as though he were wearing a watch. "Well would you look at the time. I gotta go! Catch ya later," he stated, pointing a finger at Cloud and winking. Zack smiled and looked up towards the sky. Before Cloud could even say anything else to Zack, he vanished from his place against the sword.

Cloud scratched the back of his head in confusion as he stared at the place Zack had once been standing. "I don't understand this...not one little bit," he mumbled as he walked back over to Fenrir and mounted the massive bike. Cloud kicked Fenrir into life and sped off of the cliff, leaping the bike over it and landing easily on the grounds. He rode as fast as he could down into the ruins of Midgar and found himself back down in the Sector 5 Slums again. His tires squealed as he came to a halt in front of the old church. He stepped off of the bike and walked over to the double doors, pushing them open with his hands. Cloud looked ahead in the flowers and saw her.

Andria was sitting in the flowerbed, staring up at the massive hole where the moonlight was casting it's glow on her body, nearly giving the girl a glow of her own or so it looked. Maybe that light was just playing with Cloud's imagination. The glow of the flowers seemed to close in on Andria's body and the girl was bathed in the pale moonlight, making her look more beautiful than she already was. Cloud walked into the flowers and sat down next to her. Just the look of her captivated him.

"You came," Andria said softly, still staring at the sky.

"Of course I did," Cloud replied softly. "I was scared to death that something might have happened to you."

Andria turned her elegant head to find herself being locked into Cloud's gaze. He reached his hand up and put it on the side of her face. As his eyes traveled the features of her beautiful face, Cloud noticed she wasn't smiling. In fact, he could see that there had been a trace of tears on her face just recently. Andria closed her eyes as she leaned her face into his hand and she smiled very lightly.

"There are so many things I do not understand," she whispered, into his gloved fingers.

"What kinds of things don't you understand?" Cloud questioned. He could tell the girl was somewhat distressed.

Andria opened her emerald green eyes that seemed to shine and sparkle in the moonlight. "Cloud...there's so many things happening to me," she began. "I don't know where to start. For so long, I've heard voices. I've struggled to understand why or what is being, said but I never could comprehend any of their words. Sometimes they sound frightened, they sound sad, they sound happy, but I never know what they're telling me. I've heard these voices every since I was a child," she spoke in barely above a whisper.

Cloud remembered only too well that the same thing had happened to Aerith. That was a sign of being a special person, an Ancient. But it couldn't be possible that Andria was an Ancient. Aerith was the only remaining one. Shinra would have discovered if there was another Ancient when they had made to capture Aerith, wouldn't they have? Cloud wondered silently to himself, his eyes still fixed on Andria.

"I knew something wasn't right," Cloud told her honestly. "I mean how you knew your parents were going to die in that fire, how you knew Kalm was going to be attacked. I mean there is obviously something special about you Andi," he pointed out as brushed back a few curls off of her shoulder.

Andria sighed as she looked up at him, almost sadly. "I...I always wondered how I managed to have the healing powers that I do. I always wondered if I was the only one who could hear these sounds in my head. Sometimes they got so bad I felt like I was going crazy. I mean only just recently have they intensified. I can't remember the last time I heard quiet," she said honestly as she stared at Cloud, her eyes filled with a sense of fear. "That night in the bar, when I nearly attacked you, it was because I could hear everything in my head all at once. I couldn't hardly breathe or think. Atleast not about anything but my pounding head. I want so badly to have answers Cloud and nobody can give them to me," she stated almost desperately.

Cloud held the girl close as she leaned into his chest. She took a deep breath and sighed, closing her eyes. He wrapped his muscular arms protectively around her, hoping to make her feel safe and calm. Andria kept her ear against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of Cloud's heartbeat. The swordsman rested his chin on the top of her head, taking in her soft, feminine scent. "I'm here for you. I'll do what I can to help you find answers," he spoke into her hair.

"Thank you, Cloud," Andria mumbled into his chest. "I just hope we can find answers. I just need to know more about me." Andria hesitated as she thought about her mother and her father. She figured she should tell Cloud about her parents. "My parents...the ones who died...they aren't my real parents," she finally admitted.

Cloud lifted his head and held the girl upright, staring into her eyes. "They're not?" he asked worriedly. "You mean you're..."

Andria nodded her head, knowing what he was going to ask her. "They took me in. They found me when I was just a newborn. They said they found me in Icicle Village. I was buried in some rubble, barely a few days old. They couldn't figure out how I could have survived, but I did Cloud. I survived at only a few days old. How could I have survived though? I mean...I'm if I'm not a normal person...then that's the only way, right?" she asked, looking up into his eyes again and tears were glistening in them again.

"Andria I promise," he told the girl, taking his face in her hands. "You are a normal person, just like everybody else. We will find out whatever we can. We will figure out how to help you. We will somehow and some way find some answers for you." Cloud sat looking thoughtful for a moment.

"Cloud I need to go and find out about myself, about my past. I need to find some answers. I need to know what I am...where I came from," she told him, grabbing his shirt and looking his eyes. "I won't know anything just sitting around Edge. I have to find out now."

Cloud nodded his blonde head in agreement. "I think...maybe we should journey to Icicle Village. Maybe you can start there. Since you were found there maybe we'll find some answers there?"

"Yes," Andria nodded her head. "I was thinking that would be the best for me. I think if I could start where I was born then I can find out something about myself. Maybe I'll even meet some people who know me," she wondered. "Or maybe atleast knew my parents. There's got to be a way."

"Well then, we'll plan a trip to Icicle Village," Cloud stated. "We can talk more about it tomorrow. I know Cid, Barret, Yuffie, Red, Vincent and Mari would love to help too. We could talk to them and see if they can help us?" Cloud proposed.

Andria shook head. "Cloud I don't know. Please, don't tell anybody about this. I mean, what if they think I'm just some crazy woman because I hear strange things going on in my head and I have powers that even Mari and Vincent didn't recognize," she sighed.

"Okay then, we won't tell them anything about the voices you hear, but you know just as well as I do if, we go to try and find some answers they're going to want to come along as well," Cloud pointed out. "No matter if they know or not."

Andria nodded. "Yeah...yeah I guess you're right. I mean...I guess I could tell them when I feel ready enough to tell them. I just don't want anybody to think...strangely of me," she added shyly, lowering her head.

"Nobody is going to think strangely of you. We all feel connected to you. It doesn't matter what you can or can't hear. Nobody will think badly of you," Cloud replied soothingly.

"Cloud, I...I know things. I know that this garden is, well, sacred. That these flowers were touched by something special and that's why they still continue to grow," Andria admitted. "I knew it the day I came here and found you in here. Something led me here that day and the same something lead me back tonight. I was overwhelmed and touched by this feeling when I got here. It was almost too much to endure," she sighed as she leaned back in against his chest.

"I can tell. I can tell that you were...crying," he said softly. Cloud hated to say that word. He hated to know that she had been out here crying, all alone and he wasn't here with her. He wasn't there to make the hurt go away or stop her tears.

"I...I don't know why I was," Andria stated embarrassed. "I just got touched by all of these feelings all at once and I couldn't take it. It was right after I touched the lifestream water." Andria lifted a hand and pointed to the glistening pool of water not too far from them.

"That has never left," Cloud stated as he looked over at it.

"It's the healing waters that healed you and the children of your Geostigma," Andria stated bluntly. "I knew it had the moment I touched it. I could feel the life in it. It doesn't feel cold either. It's warm and it's...," she struggled to find the correct words.

Cloud merely nodded. "I don't have to tell me. I don't think it'll ever leave. I think that somehow it'll always be there. There as a reminder that everything's going to be okay," he stated as he looked at the water with Andria by his side. The two stood up together and Cloud took her by the hand. "C'mon. It's so late. Let's go home. Let's get some sleep. We can talk more tomorrow," he offered softly and Andria accepted with a nod of her head.

The two walked out of the flowerbed and across the creaking floor to the entrance of the church. He allowed Andria to step out first through the already opened doors and he followed her, peering back into the church as he closed the doors in front of him.
I'm glad you're enjoying and feel free to contact me for advice anytime :) This chapter is very serious and very important. Pay close attention when you read. It explains everything with Andria.

Chapter 16- The Temple of the Ancients

It was nearly 4am when Cloud and Andria got back to the bar. As he drove Fenrir up the rocky cliffs, heading back towards Edge, he couldn't help but smile at the sleeping form that was Andria in front of him. The sun was just beginning to peek over the edges of the horizon and the planet was being softly bathed in a warm, deep orange and shell colored glow. Cloud slowly pulled Fenrir up to the front of the bar and shut the engine off. The roar of Fenrir had put the girl to sleep, but as the engine was shut off, it jerked Andria awake.

"Cloud?" she whispered, her voice thick with sleep.

"It's okay Andi, we're home," the blonde told her quietly.

Cloud swung his leg with ease over the bike and lifted the girl up in his arms. Andria moaned softly as she rested her tired head against his chest. The sound of his beating heart in her ear made her feel even more sleepy and she drifted back off, feeling safe and protected in his strong arms. A ghost of a smile traced Cloud's lips as he looked down at the sleeping beauty he cradeled and he carried her quietly into the bar.

The blonde looked down at the tranquil girl, knowing that even when she slept, she could still hear the cries of those voices filling her head, drowning her ears and he sighed sympathetically. The bar room was quiet as he entered. The lights were off and Cloud knew Denzel was safe in his bed asleep. The only people left here now were him, Andria and Denzel since Tifa left. As her name reached his head, Cloud felt a twinge of anger in his chest.


Cloud tenderly carried Andria up the stairs and opened the door to their room. He laid her gently down on the bed and sat down beside her, brushing chestnut strands of her that fell into her face, away from her eyes. He pulled the covers up around her as a small smile came on her face and she snuggled against the covers, still sleeping. The sounds of her deep breathing calmed him. The swordsman was relieved to see the peace on her face. He knew that she was either dreaming a good dream or not dreaming at all and for once sleeping without anything disturbing her.

He leaned his blonde head back against the headboard of the bed, trying gather his troubled thoughts. Where did Zack come from? Is he there to guide me through this? Is he there to help me try and figure out what is happening to Andi? Maybe he's there to help me figure out my feelings...It's just so odd that he would show up. It was like...old times...He said I would understand. He said to stay by her side... Cloud tilted his head towards Andria's sleeping form and felt a great sense of confusion in his heart.

For three years, he felt as though he could never let go of Aerith. Now here it was, Andria was sleeping by his side every night. Though the two never did anything, Cloud was sure he was beginning to let go of Aerith. Had he? The swordsman still continued to question his feelings for Andria and for Aerith alike. Andria had all of Aerith's qualities. She made many of the same gestures as Aerith had, her sweetness, her face, her looks, the way she wore her hair was damn near just like Aerith and yet, she possessed many of her own qualities that made the beautiful, unique person Cloud was beginning to see.

Yet she was here, by his side, sleeping peacefully and was safe. That alone made Cloud feel content, but he was still confused, wrestling with the thoughts of Andria and with Aerith in his head. He had figured out that wasn't staying with Andi because of Aerith, but Cloud couldn't shake the feeling that he still cared for Aerith, even still loved her. But that's normal right?...I am so confused...I can't figure out my feelings and I can't figure out what is wrong with Andi. It can't be possible that she's an Ancient...can it? I mean...wouldn't Shinra have known when they kidnapped Aerith three years ago? How is it... Cloud's thoughts trailed off as he sunk into the bed and drifted off to sleep.

"You're precious when you sleep," came her warm voice drifting like a warm spring breeze in his ear. "You know that?" She leaned down next to his ear and tickled it with her lips as she spoke.

Cloud's azure eyes fluttered open as the blurred view of Andria came into his vision. It seemed like it had only been minutes when he laid his head down on the pillow that he was being sweetly awoken. The sunlight was bathing their room gently in a soft golden glow and she smiled beautifully down at him. Cloud felt the corners of his mouth tug upward ever so slightly as he saw her face. She really was beautiful. She brought one small hand down to the side of his head and began running her fingers lovingly through his soft, blonde spikes that were slightly tousled from sleeping. Cloud moaned softly as he closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of her fingers running lightly against his hair. It was almost relaxing, but Cloud found himself not wanting to go back to sleep. He wanted to stay right with her and savor every moment of this.

"Did you sleep well?" came his voice softly as he reopened his eyes, the sunlight hit them very slightly causing them to glitter before Andria.

"I did. It's almost 10 am," she pointed out. "Denzel came in and woke me up. You were sleeping so well, I didn't have the heart to wake you. I made him and I breakfast. Barret, Mari and Vincent are outside now with him, Kaiya and Marlene."

Cloud continued lying back, just enjoying listening to the sounds of her soft voice. She carried on with caressing his hair lightly with her fingertips. A few strands of his blonde hair fell into his eyes and she brushed it back, only to watch it fall back into his face and she giggled.

"You know, your hair is as stubborn as you," she pointed out.

Cloud snickered. "Yeah, but it's good to be stubborn," he replied looking up at the girl. "Besides, how many people do you know have natural spikes like these?" he added teasingly.

Andria laughed openly as she continued to finger his tousled locks. "Well, alright then chocobo head," she began and Cloud's eyes grew wide.

"Chocobo head?!" he exclaimed, sitting up in bed. "What do you mean chocobo head?" Cloud asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

Andria continued to giggle. "Well think about it Cloud," she began teasingly. "I mean your hair defies gravity just like the hair on top of a chocobo's head. And well, you're hair is blonde and golden chocobos are-," but Andria was cut off by Cloud grabbing the girl around the waist and tackling her to the bed. "HEY!" she squealed in surprise as he pinned her down and began tickling her mercilessly. Andria squealed and writhed underneath him while he attacked her sides, under her arms and down on her stomach. She cried out laughter as he carried on, only to stop for a few moments and let her breath.

"So?" Cloud began menacingly. "Are you still going to call me chocobo head? Because if you are going to then I'm not going to let you up. If you promise not to call me chocobo head anymore then I'll let you up, is that a deal?"

Andria was still laughing as Cloud gave her the playful ultimatum. "Alright, alright!" she replied breathlessly. "I promise, no more chocobo head! I swear!" she added, looking up into his gleaming blue eyes.

Cloud couldn't help but grin down into her face as he locked his gaze into her sparkling, emerald green gaze.

"Cloud, you're smiling!" Andria exclaimed tilting her head slightly.

"What? No I'm not," Cloud quickly caught himself and tried to frown and look grumpy, but it wasn't working. Being near Andria was making him feel happy and he tried to control his smile. He narrowed his eyebrows and tried to keep his stiff upper lip.

Andria laughed out loud as Cloud released his grip on her. She got up out of bed and walked over to the mirror, taking her brush through her long, chestnut hair. She brushed her bangs and recoiled her spirals hanging down at the sides of her face and over shoulders. She looked over at Cloud who was sitting up in bed now with a playful grin on her face.

"CHOCOBO HEAD!" she squeaked and high tailed it out of the bedroom as fast she could.

"HEY!" Cloud yelled in response as he lept to his feet and hurried across the bedroom floor.

He could hear Andria's giggles and the sounds of her feet running over the wooden bar floor as she did her best to get away from him. Her giggles diminished as he heard the front door slam shut behind her. Cloud was halfway down the stairs and he lept the last few, running out across the bar and out of the door. He saw Andria squealing and running towards Fenrir, her long curls flowed out behind her and took off after her.

Marlene and Kaiya had their hands over their mouths squealing. "RUN ANDI, RUN! CLOUD'S GONNA GET YOU!" Marlene squealed.

Cloud ran over towards Fenrir and he easily lept over the motorcyle. Andria squeaked as Cloud grabbed her around her waist and lifted her up. Andria threw her beautiful head back and laughed loudly.

"Okay! Okay! So I lied! I called you choco-" she began and saw the flash of warning in Cloud's eyes.

"Don't say it!" Cloud exclaimed as he raised his gloved hand, threatening to tickle her again.

Vincent, Mari and Barret just stood back against the outside of the building watching with smiles on their faces. It had been so long since they had seen Cloud so happy and so youthful. They tried to hide the fact that they were noticing. Cloud was about to tickle attack Andria when his phone began going off in his pocket. He gently let the girl down and reached into his pocket, picked up the phone and looked at the faceplate.

"Damn it's Rufus," he stated. He flipped open the phone. "Yeah?"

"Cloud, it's Rufus," came the president of Shinra on the other line. "I am calling you because there has been a man spotted in Gongaga. He's went through and killed quite a few people in the town. The people who managed to escape him were able to tell us that he's wearing a black cloak. Nobody could see his face. We heard he had a massive sword but it's unknown whether it was Sephiroth's sword or not. We can only assume this is the Sephiroth clone, but it's hard to say."

Cloud began to pace as he heard this news. No...not again... "Well is he still on Gongaga? Does anybody have any leads? Do they know what's happening?" the blonde questioned impatiently. Cloud reached a hand up and ran it through the back of his soft, blonde spikes.

"We're not sure what is happening. We need your help though Cloud," Rufus sounded almost pleading. "We need to figure out how to stop Sephiroth before he can return and destory our planet."

"Are you for sure that it's Sephiroth? I mean what if it's just some mad man on a killing spree? Maybe he's just avenging Sephiroth. Maybe he was a," Cloud snorted in an irritated sort of way. "A fan."

"Cloud this is no laughing mat-," Rufus began, but he was interrupted by an irritated Turk.

"Gimme the phone, let me talk to that spikey-headed asshole!" Cloud heard in the background and Reno's cocky voice sounded on the other end.

"Cloud! We're planning on riding out to Gongaga. Gather your friends and meet us in front of the town. From the leads we've had we're pretty damn sure this IS the Sephiroth clone, if not Sephiroth himself. We don't know for sure. But c'mon, a massive sword, killing spree, sound familiar to you?" Reno snapped.

"Who are you to give me orders?" Cloud asked swiftly.

"DAMN MAN! Don't you remember what we discussed in Healin not that long ago!?" Reno exploded on the other end.

"Alright cool it," Cloud replied coldly. "I'll gather everybody and we'll meet you just outside of Gongaga. We'll figure out what's happening, okay?"

"Cool and hey Cloud...are you bringing Tifa?" Reno asked, as he licked his lips and Cloud heard him smack them together. The blonde rolled his eyes.

"Tifa's not here. We don't know where she went so she won't be coming along," Cloud stated stiffly.

"Oh...well, better hope she wasn't in Gongaga," Reno replied silkily.

Cloud's heart lurched in his chest. can't think like that. If anything had happened to Tifa... Cloud turned and looked at Andria, his eyes wide. She looked back at him as she sensed something that was upsetting him. The girl laid a hand gently on his arm, her great, emerald eyes fixed on him.

"She wasn't!" snapped Cloud. "We'll meet you outside of Gongaga. If we're not there when you get there, don't go anywhere. Just stay right where you are, ok?"

"Alright alright, sorry sore spot," Reno spat. "Meet you there."

Cloud snapped shut his cell phone perhaps a little too hard and shoved it back down in his pocket. Andria turned concerned emerald eyes up at him. "Cloud?" she asked. "What's wrong?"

Cloud sat down on Fenrir's seat and Andria sat next to him. Vincent, Mari and Barret had noticed his tension and sent the kids into the house to go and play so the adults could talk. They approached the swordsman and stood in front of him, looking at him seriously.

"Cloud, what is it?" Vincent spoke up, looking down at the troubled blonde. "Who was that on the phone?"

"It was Rufus," the swordsman replied. "Apparently there has been a cloaked man spotted in Gongaga. He's killed quite a few people."

Mari gasped and put her hands up to her mouth. "You can't be serious!" she exclaimed in barely above a whisper. She turned her eyes up to meet Vincent's crimson ones. "Vincent!"

Vincent nodded his head swiftly, taking his razor thin phone out of his pocket and dialed Yuffie's phone number. Mari looked worriedly at Cloud and Andria as Vincent spoke on the phone with the Wutai ninja. She approached them and stood across from the two.

"Reno said...that he hoped Tifa wasn't in Gongaga," Cloud said quietly, looking at the ground.

Andria looked at Cloud with a soft look and brushed back his locks of hair. "She wasn't Cloud," she told him simply. Somehow and some way, Andria knew that Tifa wasn't in Gongaga. She felt it in her heart that Tifa was safe. "Tifa is safe," she reassured him.

Cloud looked at her curiously. "How do you know that?" he asked rather coldly.

Andria shied back and went to stand by Mari. She lowered her chestnut head slightly and shook it. "I don't know how I do....I just know," she answered quietly.

"You didn't have to be so rude Cloud," Mari stated defensively, looking at him now, her green eyes flashing a warning of anger towards the blonde.

Cloud sighed and hung his spiked head. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm just worried. Tifa is still my best friend. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to matter how angry I am with her," he admitted. "I didn't mean to snap. I'm sorry. I just...more than anything I don't want Sephiroth to return to this planet. I don't want to believe it's true."

"It's okay Cloud," Andria recovered. "If he has returned, we'll all fight together. We'll get rid of Sephiroth and he won't destroy us. We're all strong, are we not?" she asked, folding her arms and look at him now. The same look that Aerith had always given him whenever he was in doubt.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess I shouldn't worry so much," Cloud stated as he caught Andria's eye. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you," he mumbled apologetically. Andria smiled at him, to reassure him everything was okay.

Vincent, now off of the phone, strode over to Mari, Barret, Cloud and Andria. "I just spoke with Yuffie and Cid. They're on their way right now as we speak. Do we know when we're planning on leaving?"

Cloud shook his blonde head. "Not yet. Once everybody gets here I'm going to give Reno a call back and let him know we're on our way. I just hope like crazy that this person is just a crazed maniac and not Sephiroth," he sighed, leaning back against Fenrir's front.

"Don't worry Cloud," Andria told him, rubbing one his sleeved, muscular arm. "We're all going to get through this. Nothing will happen to any of us. No harm will come to any of us," she stated in what she hoped was a reassuring tone.

Cloud nodded his head as his eyes met her emerald ones. They were sparkling with life, with hope and he couldn't help but feel a corner of his mouth tug upright. Andria smiled at him and Cloud felt his heart leap into his chest. If Sephiroth had indeed returned, he wouldn't let him ruin what he treasured now. He would stop at nothing to protect his friends and her. Sephiroth wasn't going to get away with it...not this time.


Everybody was gathered just outside of Edge, near where the monument stood that Bahamut SIN had destroyed well over a year ago. Cloud and Andria sat perched on Fenrir, while Mari and Vincent waited patiently in a truck. Barret and Yuffie were standing just outside of a truck, rather impatiently, waiting for Cid to show up.

"That son of a bitch is always late!" Barret complained as he looked at his watch. "Didn't we tell him to meet us here a half an hour ago?"

Yuffie rolled her dark eyes and threw back her short hair from her face. "Yeah, well knowing Cid, he either ran out of cigarettes and is stopping off to get more or is having a friendly romp with Shera before coming out here," she grumbled. "We all know how Cid is."

"Hey Spikey, he's worse than you when it comes to being late!" Barret called over his shoulder as Cloud rolled his bright blue eyes behind his dark sunglasses. Andria laughed and gave Cloud a playful shove.

"Yeah Mr. Choco-," her voice broke as she saw Cloud look down and peer at her from above his sunglasses. She giggled and put her hands up to her mouth. "I mean Mr. Spikey..I mean Cloud!"

"Yeah, you know what I told you about calling me...that...," he stated, raising an eyebrow, still looking down at the giggling girl. Cloud couldn't help but feel light hearted when he was next to her. No matter how hard he tried to keep his cold exterior she still continued to fill him with warmth and more newly, happiness.

"Ah and here comes Mr. Late now," growled Barret. Cid came striding up to the group with a rather large grin on his whiskered face and an unlit cigarette perched between his taut lips.

Yuffie rolled her eyes again. "See? He's making that face," she pointed out. "Please tell me I don't have to ride with these two," she stated pleadingly, looking over at Vincent and Mari.

Cid was dressed in his usual pilot attire and was strutting rather proudly down the street right over to where the others stood. He reached down in his pocket to bring out a Zippo lighter and flipped the lid. He held it close to his cigarette in his gloved hands, lighting the end of it. He approached the others as he took a long drag from his cigarette and exhaled. A wide grin still sat on his face.

"Daaaaamn I needed that," the pilot stated almost lazily.

"Ugh!" squealed the little ninja girl. "What did I tell you! Please don't make me ride with him. I don't want to listen to his and Shera's rendevous if that's okay," Yuffie protested in a rather disgusted voice.

Cid looked at the girl with a raised eyebrow. "The hell are you goin' on about?"

Yuffie stuck her tongue out at Cid. "You know EXACTLY what I'm going on about! We all know why you were late anyway, Cid Highwind!"

Cid gauffawed at the ninja and patted her on the shoulder. Andria sat behind Cloud on Fenrir now, as he revved up the engine. "C'mon, there's no time for this," the blonde stated firmly. "Yuffie, pick somebody and go ride with them. We can't be wasting anymore time."

Cid stood back for a moment with his arms folded and stared at Cloud. "Well SHIT Spike, I'd have to say that you seemed to have grown some balls since I last saw ya. Kinda reminds me of the ole' AVALANCHE days!"

Cloud rolled his mako infused eyes again and shook his head. Andria just laughed quietly behind Cloud, trying not to make it too obvious that she found their attitudes rather humorous. Cloud could feel her silent laughter behind him and he turned his head away from the others so he could crack a grin. No matter what situation it was, Andria always seemed to make everything so warm and inviting, just like Aerith had. Being this was a dark situation, there was definantly light and that light was from Andria.

"Alright! I'm riding with Vincent and Mari," Yuffie replied exasperated. "Barret and Cid can ride together. Let HIM share his sex stories with somebody else for a change!"

Cloud just shook his blonde head again while Mari and Andria laughed at Yuffie's obvious irritation towards Cid. The pilot just stood and stared at the girl. "Whaddya mean sex stories! When have I ever shared any sex stories with you?" he exclaimed, his thick accent drawling.

Yuffie stalked away with her nose in the air and stood next to a laughing mage and a rather persistant looking gunman. "We really should get going," Vincent stated. "Cloud is right. We don't have time to be messing around."

Yuffie ignored him as she turned and faced Cid, balling her tiny fists at her sides. "Ugh! You're always talking loudly about your hot nights! Oh Shera did something new to me, I just gotta tell ya! It was like this...," the little Wutai ninja did her best to mimic Cid's thick accent. "It's sick! I'm going now!" Yuffie turned on her heel and climbed in the truck, slamming the door behind her.

Cid just laughed and looked at Barret. "I s'pose we're gonna ride together then?"

Barret shrugged his massive shoulders. "Looks that way. C'mon let's get a move on." The giant of a man turned towards Cloud and looked at him. "Hey Spikey, you leadin' the way?"

Cloud nodded his head in confirmation as he settled himself comfortably on Fenrir. He had each one of his swords tucked steadily into their compartments on the streamlined motorbike, plenty of Materia and many different potions incase anybody needed them. Andria had her swords strapped comfortabley at her side and she swung her leg over Fenrir, settling herself comfortably behind Cloud. He turned to look over his shoulder at Andria.

"You ready?" he asked simply. "This is gonna be one hell of a trip."

Andria nodded her head firmly. "I'm ready and I'll be fine. I can handle one of hell of a trip as long as you're here with me," she told Cloud and she caught a hint of him blushing.

She was alert, prepared and ready for anything that came their way. The girl had her sword equipped with materia as well as herself. She just recently learned how to use Summon Materia and Cloud had been sure to pack some of that just in case any of it was necessary. Nobody knew what they were about to face and Cloud wanted to make sure that they were properly prepared.

Cloud revved the engine hard on Fenrir, stepping on the gas as the trucks started up behind him. Cloud gave a hand signal and zoomed off out of Edge on his Fenrir, the trucks following closely behind. Nobody know what was awaiting them in Gongaga, though they all were secretly hoping and praying that it wasn't what they thought.


The afternoon was bright as the sun shone down in the former AVALANCHE group's faces. Cloud continued to lead the way towards Gongaga. It was nearing lunchtime when the phone in Cloud's pocket began to vibrate against his thigh. He reached down and released it, looking at the face of it. It was Barret calling.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Yo Spike, we're starvin! Wanna stop off somewhere and eat?" came Barret's buff voice over the phone. "Mari's packed up some food."

"Hmmm, yeah it is getting to be about that time. Hang on, let me ask Andi if she's hungry," Cloud replied. He slowed Fenrir and looked at the girl behind him and placed his hand over the reciever. "Hey, it's Barret, he's wondering if we want to stop off for lunch. Are you hungry?" he asked the girl.

Andria smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I could use a bite to eat."

Cloud nodded his head and turned back into the phone. "Yeah we can stop off just ahead and eat. I'm sure Mari packed plenty of food for all of us."

"Sounds damn good!" yelled Barret and he shut off the phone.

Cloud pulled over into a small, grassy field just ahead of them. Andria and Cloud swung their legs over Fenrir's seat. The couple sat on Fenrir and waited for the trucks to meet them there. The big vehicles came to a clunky, slow halt and the engines were shut off. Mari lept out of the truck she, Vincent and Yuffie had been riding in and was holding a rather large knapsack.

"I made sure I packed plenty for us all," came Mari's voice as she made her around the front of the truck.

Cloud and Andria climbled off of Fenrir and approached Mari, Vincent and Yuffie. Barret and Cid pulled up just behind and Vincent and Mari and jumped down out of the truck. As the two approached Yuffie pointed at Barret and laughed.

"Hahah, I'll bet you got to hear all about Cid's wild sex nights!" she taunted him and Barret just rolled his eyes.

Mari pulled out rather large cloth and Andria hurried over to help her spread it out. Once it was down, the former AVALANCHE group seated themselves comfortably on the cloth. Yuffie hurried over to help Mari and Andria set out the sandwiches and plates. Cid was sitting on the ground patting his tummy.

"Daaaaaamn I tell ya, after this mornin' I sure could use some nourishment," he stated heartily as he reached over to the plate and grabbed a sandwich.

"Ugh don't even start it Cid. We're all trying to eat you know," Yuffie implied as she too sat down with a sandwich. "I really don't want to lose my appetite."

The others laughed and Andria approached Cloud with sandwiches for the two of them. She sat down next to him, feeling the hunger overtaking her insides and she began to eat. While the other members chatted and laughed, Andria noticed Cloud sitting in silence, not really bothering to converse with the others. She looked up at him curiously, titling her head sideways as she twirled one of her ringlets around her finger.

"Is something wrong Cloud?" she asked curiously, looking up at him.

Cloud looked down at the girl. "Mmm, nothing is wrong. I'm just focused on the mission ahead," he stated.

Though quite honestly, Cloud's mind had been overwhelmed recently with many different things. He wondered why Andria was hearing voices, he wondered why Zack had shown up, he wondered how many people were killed in Gongaga and if it was indeed Sephiroth. Cloud didn't want to let on that he was worried or that he had so much stuff on his mind, especially to Andria.

"It's okay Cloud," she replied smiling at him. Andria turned her body to face him. She wanted this to be their own, private little conversation. To Andria, as long as she was with Cloud, they were unstoppable and she was safe. "We'll find out what's going on and we'll find out if it is indeed Sephiroth. If it was, we'll take him down just as quickly as he's returned," she remarked defiantly. "Okay Cloud?"

Cloud couldn't help but be slightly amused by the girl's strong antics. Granted she had turned into an amazing magic caster and decent swordswoman, she still seemed so small, sweet and delicate like a flower. Though everybody saw her that way, Cloud had also seen her strong side, her fighter side and Andria wasn't the type to give up so easily. Cloud had also mused that so long as Andria was near him, she was at her best. He realized then, just how lucky they all were to have this girl with them.

"Okay Andi," the swordsman replied as he stood on his feet and stretched. Cloud began to turn towards the others when there was a high pitched squeal. Vincent had Mari around the waist and was mercilessly tickling her side. She struggled to break free of his one-arm grasp, but the gunman was just too strong. Andria laughed loudly.

"Hey Cloud," she began, turning towards the blonde. "Look familiar?"

Cloud noticed this and he turned away. Cloud couldn't help but grin inspite of himself. It was ridiculous almost at how much Vincent and Mari reminded himself of he and Andria at times. Though Cloud wouldn't display his affection for Andria in front of everybody, he couldn't help but get the urge to do the same thing to Andria. He held back his urge however, recovering his grin and turned to face the others, now with his serious expression back on his face.

"All right you guys," Cloud began. "Let's pack up and move out. If we don't get there soon, I know I'll end up with a phone call from Reno bitching me out, so let's go."

Andria rushed over to a red-faced, breathless mage who still in fits of giggles and helped her finish packing up what was left over from their lunch. Soon, the ground was cleared, the leftovers were packed and the group were heading back to their trucks. Once everybody was settled in an seat belted, Cloud started up Fenrir, leading the way to Gongaga.


They had encountered many battles on the way to Gongaga. Andria and Cloud fought alongside one other on Fenrir, keeping the familiar, flaming beasts at bay. Cloud used his amazing display of sword skills while Andria delt out elemental attacks. Barret took the opportunity to stick his gun hand through the window of the truck every chance he got and blasted the beasts before them. Cloud and Andria had just finished eliminating a massive group of them when suddenly, Cloud slammed on the breaks of Fenrir, send the motorcyle skidding sideways. Barret and Vincent saw this just ahead and brought their trucks to a screeching halt. Cid leaned out of the window.

"Hey Cloud! Yer spikey ass alright!?" Cid yelled, sounding slightly concerned.

"I'm fine! It's Andi!" Cloud called back. He had turned around on Fenrir. Andria was crouched down, clutching her head. He grabbed the girl's wrists in his gloved hands. "What is it? What are you hearing?" Cloud demanded as he tried to break whatever was happening within her mind. "Andria!"

" many," Andria mumbled. "I can't...I can't make out what they're saying...they're...they're telling me to go."

Cid, Barret, Mari, Vincent and Yuffie came barreling out of the trucks and over to Fenrir were Andria sat, clutching her head. Cloud was doing his best to try and get her to answer him, but Andria didn't even seem to notice or acknowledge he was there.

"Go where Andi? Where are we supposed to go?" Cloud asked, his heart pounding in his chest nervously. "What is it!"

"Andi, c'mon darlin!" Cid exclaimed, worry clearly sounding in his voice. "Dammit girl! Now 'cmon!"

Andria let go of the sides of her head as she looked up at the others now. Her eyes scanned the group of concerned people standing before her. She caught the frightened look on her best friend's face, the worried look on Cid's face, the anxious looks on Yuffie and Barret's faces, the calm but concerned face of Vincent and then her eyes met Cloud's. He looked worried, scared, nervous and anxious all at once.

"Cloud...I need take the ruins of...the Temple of the Ancients," Andria murmered. "It's important. I need to go there. I need to go now." The fear clearly showed in Andria's widened, emerald eyes, but her tone remained calm.

"Temple of the Ancients? But...didn't that become destroyed when we went after the Black Materia?" Barret asked incredulously. "All that's left is ruins! It's just a big hole!"

Andria nodded. "I understand that Barret. I acknowledge that the temple was indeed destroyed, but something...something is telling me to go there. I have to go there now."

Cloud didn't stop for a moment to ponder this thought. "Alright. I'm going to give the Turks a call. Let them know we're going to be a bit late. The ruins are on the way to Gongaga anyway." Cloud flipped open his phone and dialed Reno's number.

"Cloud! Where the hell are you!" Reno's voice sounded loudly in Cloud's ear.

The blonde flinched from his phone, staring in disgust. "We're going to be a bit late. There's an important stop we need to make before we meet you out there. Give us another couple of hours."

"Cloud you asshole! Half of Gongaga has been massacred and you're telling us to wait for another couple of hours!" Reno yelled on the other end. "We're gonna lose track of the madman again unless you get your spiked ass out here!"

"I'm sorry Reno. There's something else that needs to be taken care of first. It's...very important," Cloud replied smoothly. He wasn't about to let Reno get the better of him nor was he about to let Reno know that they needed to visit the ruins of the Temple of the Ancients.

"And what the hell is more important than tracking down this crazed killer?" Reno shot back.

"Just...don't worry about it!" Cloud growled into the phone. "We'll see you in a couple of hours." He snapped shut the phone and stuck it back in his pocket. Cloud placed both hands on Andria's shoulders. She looked up at him. "You going to be okay?" he asked worriedly.

"I'll be fine. Just get me to the temple," she stated in that same, calm tone. It was so calm that it nearly scared Cloud. This wasn't like Andria. She was normally upbeat, cheerful and pleasant, but her tone was so calm it was eerie.

"Right then," the blonde replied, nodding his head. He turned towards the group. "Follow me out to the temple."

The swordsman turned back around and started Fenrir back up, zooming off towards the temple. Andria clutched onto the back of Cloud's shirt and remained quiet, listening to the sounds inside of her head. The closer they got to the temple, the more the sounds died down and now all Andria could hear were two, solitary voices. After what seemed like ages, Cloud finally pulled up just outside of the massive hole that was left over from the temple's destruction.

All that was left now were a couple of trees. A few green, dying vines swung helplessly from their dead branches. This was where they had acquired the Black Materia, this was where Cait Sith had sacrificed himself. This was where Aerith had been able to speak with other people of the Cetra...but why was Andria drawn here? The memories were flooding back to all of the members, especially Cloud. Only this time he found that the memories weren't painful. Not like how they normally were.

Andria almost immediately climbled off of Fenrir and began to make her desent towards the hole. Where the bridge once lay, Cloud watched her walk across it. He rubbed his eyes in shock and disbelief as the others did. The bridge! They could see the bridge leading to the temple and now the rest was coming into view...or was it just an illusion? How as this even possible? Making sure he wasn't just seeing things, Cloud turned towards the rest of the group who he noticed were also staring in shock at the created illusion of the temple just before them. Andria could feel herself being lead, nearly pushed towards this place. As Andria began to walk, she felt as though there was a bridge underneath her feet. She could feel the delicate wood moving ever so slightly as she walked. Andria looked down to see a hologram of the bridge under her feet and she continued on further. Mari gasped loudly as Andria disappeared from their view. Cloud walked over to where the others had got out of the trucks and stood with them.

"Where'd Andi go?" Mari whispered.

"Apparently she went inside of the...temple?" Barret replied, scratching his chin in confusion. " is that possible? The temple was destroyed 3 years ago!"

"Hmmm," Vincent hummed in his throat. He approached the bridge and made to put his clawed hand down on it but his hand went straight through it. "I feel a sense of strong energy. I can't make out what it is. I can't touch this either, see?" Vincent waved his hand back and forth through the image of the bridge. "My hand goes straight through it. It's some of sort of illusion. I do not know how it is happening. It seems the only person that could touch it and not go through it, as I have, is Andria."

Cloud stood with his chin resting in his hand. "So...what does this mean? How come Andi was able to touch it and not go through it like you? And how come we can't see her anymore?"

Vincent shook his ebony head. "I honestly don't know Cloud. We'll have to wait and find out once Andria comes back."

"Do you know where she went Vincent?" asked the mage quietly, her eyes still fixated on the temple's illusion.

"Inside of the temple I presume," Vincent stated simply. "It's affecting her differently. I can't help but wonder if she somehow and some way has Ancient blood in her."

"But is that possible? Aerith was the last remaining Cetra right? I mean wouldn't Hojo, Shinra and the others have known if there was another person on the planet with Ancient blood?" Cloud asked curiously. "I mean...wouldn't they have a way of finding out?"

"One would think," Vincent replied thoughtfully. "But stranger things have happened. Let's just wait and see what Andria has to tell us when she comes back."

"She will come back, right Vincent?" asked Cid, lightning up a cigarette and leaning up against the truck. "I mean she ain't stuck in there is she? I's not like we can just bust in there and git 'er, right?"

"I don't get it! Damn this is pissin' me off!" Barret growled, staring at the illusion. "I don't understand this one bit!"

"None of us do, Barret," stated Yuffie who was transfixed by the illusion of the temple. "It doesn't do any good to get worked up. So just calm down."

"She's right Barret. Relax," Cloud stated calmly. "Andi will come back. I know she will. For now...we wait." He stared ahead, keeping his eyes glued to the temple, worried about what was happening to Andria and worried if she really was going to be okay.


Andria could no longer see the world around her nor could she no longer see her friends. She surrounded by a mass of tan, stoned walls. They looked old and crumbling and...solid. She had rememered the moment she saw an illusion of the bridge underneath her feet, she was sure she would fall through it, and she saw the illusion of the temple. It was like a ghost. She could see right through it, but now everything was solid.

"How is this possible? All that was here was a hole," Andria told herself quietly. She wasn't sure why, but she felt that she needed to stay where she was. She was right.

"It's possible because we have created the illusion. We can't hold it for long," came a familiar voice.

Andria whirled around and saw the girl, the girl that looked identical to her approaching her. She wore a long, pink dress, brown ankle boots and small red jacket rested on her shoulders. She had a pink hair ribbon just like Andria's green one, tied in her hair. Her long, chestnut-colored twist flowed out behind her as she made her way over to Andria.

She was followed by another woman who had the same, long, flowing honey-brown hair and bangs that Andria and the girl in pink posessed. She had the exact same emerald green eyes and was slightly heavier set than the other. The woman, however, had somewhat different facial features. She wore a light blue dress that hung down to her knees. She smiled as she stepped up next to the woman in pink.

"Hello Andria," the woman spoke kindly. "It's been a very very long time. I'm sure you don't remember me."

Andria was rather shocked, but a series of questions filled her mind. She looked at the two strikingly familiar women. "I'm sorry, please forgive me for being so blunt, but who are you? I...I've seen you in my dreams. I've heard you in my head. You were the ones telling me to come here. Please, tell me, what is happening to me?"

"My dear there are so many things we have to tell you, we have very little time to do so," the woman in blue spoke softly. She approached Andria and laid a pale hand on her face. "I'm so sorry this is all happening now. We knew that now was the right time to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Andria asked, closing her eyes as the woman's hand rested against her cheek. She felt instant connection. Andria fought back the urge to bring her hand up to the woman's and rest it there on top. Instead she clenched her fists at her sides. "There's so many things I just don't understand."

"We know. It has been hard to do this, but now we're finally able to," spoke up the girl in pink. "We're so sorry."

"There's no need to apologize," Andria spoke back softly. "I just don't know what's happening. Why do we look exactly like? Why do we speak alike? I don't...understand any of this."

"My dear child, I am so sorry for running out that day. You were barely a few days old when it happened. We thought we were safe, we thought we would be okay, but they attacked...the Shinra and Hojo. There was so much rubble, so much debris, it felt as if your life had left us. We thought for sure you had been killed," her voice trembled.

"Wha...what are you saying? Did you...did you know mother?" Andria asked in barely above a whisper. "Can you tell me about my past?"

"My darling girl," the woman in blue began sadly. "I am your mother. I gave birth to you and Aerith. You two are my identical twin daughters. That is why you look alike, speak alike, carrying many of the same gestures and even have the same taste in clothing," she grinned at her, running a hand through Andria's long bangs. "You were barely a few days old when they attacked us. I don't know what happened. There was so much danger, so much confusion. Your father, Dr. Gast and I thought you were dead. Amongst our grief, we managed to save Aerith and we fled. I am so sorry my child," Ifalna dropped to her knees and held onto Andria's hand with both of hers. "I am so sorry we couldn't reach you sooner and tell you."

"You're my...Aerith is my...," Andria struggled as a massive amount of confusion and desperation for more truth poured into her head.

"I'm your sister," Aerith replied softly. "I always knew that the Cetra were struggling to communicate something of great importance to me when I was alive and on this planet, but I could never understand. I never got the chance to find out, Sephiroth saw to that. When I returned to the planet, I traveled the Lifestream for so long, trying to find my mother and my ancestors. When I found them and discovered the truth that there was still one remaining Ancient here, I was shocked. I was certain that somebody from Shinra had got ahold of you, using you for their sick, twisted experiements. I searched for you. When I found you and I came to discover that you were safe I was relieved," Aerith explained. "I tried a long time to reach out to you in your dreams, but the planet only allows alotted time to reach out to others still living, even you. I'm so sorry I couldn't explain everything to you then," the girl in pink apologized.

"So I' mean...I'm" Andria asked in disbelief. "Is that what I've been hearing all this time? Was you guys trying to reach out to me?" She hook her honey-brown head in shock. "This is's so...I always knew I was different from everybody else, but this?"

"Oh Andria, I am so sorry we didn't know," Ifalna stood on her feet and took her daughter in her arms, holding her close. Andria could the warm love of her mother pouring into her heart, deep down into the depths of her very soul. Andria felt tears in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around Ifalna, hugging her real mother for the first time ever. She felt solid, warm and real.

"I hope you can forgive me. I didn't find out my other daughter was alive until a time after returning to the Lifestream. There were so many times I tried to communicate with Aerith and tell her you were alive, but it was so hard," Ifalna explained. "I struggled, but I could never quite reach her in that depth. I was there to guide her after I returned to planet. Many times I wanted to cry out to her and tell her, but I just couldn't. Now I know that this is why. This is for the better. I'm so sorry my daughter."

"There's nothing to be sorry for," Andria spoke softly into her mother's shoulder. "How would you have known?"

Ifalna released her grip on Andria and stepped back to look at her. Tears stood in Ifalana's emerald eyes and she smiled. "You grew up to be so beautiful. You and Aerith are identical! I always wondered about you. I never forgot about you. I tried to bury my grief by knowing I still had my other daughter. I never told Aerith about you when I was still alive. She was so young. It would have broken her heart."

Aerith had now approached Andria and the two girls were hugging tight. "I thought for so long that I was all alone. If only I had known back then, if I only I did know about you...but it was for the best," Aerith stated as the girls broke apart and she shook her head. "Andria, you must listen to us. This is a matter of great importance," Aerith began seriously.

"Yes, the man in the black cloak that you've heard about is indeed one of Hojo's tortured Sephiroth clone specimens. This man contains a high form of Mako in his body and has been injected with Jenova cells. I don't know what the plans are, but it is possible that with the use of this man, Sephiroth can return. They also know about you Andria. Those creatures that attacked Kalm and have been attacking you are being sent after you. They want to eliminate you. Those creatures are called karnras and they'll stop at nothing so long as this clone is controlling him," Aerith explained. She held onto Andria's shoulders and looked into her sister's eyes. "I think Sephiroth's conciousness is already there and I fear it's getting stronger."

Andria shook her head. "This is...this is a lot take in. I don't know if-," but she was interrupted by Aerith.

"Andria, it's up to you to save the planet from Sephiroth. It's up to you and it's up to Cloud. With you two fighting side by side, you can elimate Sephiroth before he can bring more destruction to this planet. Andria, you must understand me. You are the last Cetra, the last remaining of our race. You can bring them all the Promised Land. You can bring the supreme happiness to this planet, but you must eliminate Sephiroth once and for all," Aerith urged her. "We can help you, we can guide you, but we cannot fight with you. Listen for us Andria. We'll always be there to guide you."

Andria stared into Aerith's identical eyes. " mean...because of me being a Cetra that is how I was able to hear all of the voices? That was how I knew Kalm was being attacked? That was how I knew that-," her voice broke as she thought of her parents, Dierdre and Beau.

Ifalna seemed to sense her Andria's hurt and she rested a comforting hand against her daughter's face. "Yes Andria. That is how you knew. Being a Cetra, you will know if somebody close to you has died or is in danger. Dierdre and Beau have returned to the Lifestream now. They are together and they are at peace now, knowing that you're safe. I promised them that I would tell you. It was the least I could do. They took care of you all these years for me."

A huge weight seemed to lift off of Andria's chest, though she still felt slightly weighed down by all of the information that was just laid to rest on her shoulders. The entire was up to her to save it. She had the burden of the whole planet now, resting on her shoulders and new sense of weight seemed to sit on her. This whole planet..all of Gaia...

"Andria you must listen to me. There is an ancient magic you must get ahold of. Only a person who posesses the Cetra blood can touch this ultimate magic. This is the one thing that will destroy Sephiroth for all eternity," Aerith stated seriously.

"This is Ancient Materia. It will eliminate him once you use it, but you have to stay strong Andria. You must use your strength, all the power and knowledge of the Ancients that you can muster and destroy him. This is your only weapon. Summons, swords, staffs and regular Materia will no longer work. While they make help to weaken Sephiroth, this is what you and only you, must use Andria."

Andria stared up at Aerith, feeling slightly frightened. "But...I don't know how to use the Ancient Materia...what if...what if I fail?" Andria blushed before her sister and her mother.

"My dear, you will know once you touch the Materia. The knowledge will come. We will guide you. You will discover what to do. You will know what to do, but you must be strong and stay strong. This is very very powerful magic. If you aren't strong enough to handle it, it will kill you," Ifalna told her seriously. "You will know when the time is right."

Andria stared at the two in shock as they began the fade from her sight. More than anything right now, Andria didn't want them to go. She was the last of her race. She was special. The entire sake of the planet now rested on her shoulders and Andria did not want to do this alone.

"Andria, we have to go now. The planet is calling us back. Listen for us Andria, listen for the Planet. The Planet will talk to you. It will tell you and Andria? If you see Elmyra, tell her I love her and...take care of Cloud...keep him safe. This won't be easy for him. Not just for him, but especially you as well. Take care of... each other," Aerith told her sounding nearly pained.

Aerith reached out and grabbed her sister's hand and Andria felt the familiar sensation, the familiar warmth that she always felt in her dreams. This time it was more real than just a dream. This wasn't a dream, this wasn't a vision. This was reality. Ifalna walked forward and placed her lips tenderly on Andria's forhead.

"You will know my daughter. Just as Aerith said...listen for us and listen for the Planet. It will tell you. I love you, my child," Ifalna held onto Andria's other hand and smiled beautifully at her daughter.

Andria realized then that this was real. Aerith was her sister, Ifalna was her mother. This explained it all now. She understood everything now. The newly discovered Cetra watched as the two women were engulfed in a bright, white light, laced with bright, glowing strings of green and the women vanished. Andria knew now how she had known that Tifa was safe, and she now knew why she heard the voices in her head. It was the Planet speaking to her, it was her ancestors talking to her. Andria took one last took around the temple.

"This is my destiny," the Cetra spoke softly as the solidity began to fade to a ghost of the temple now. "I must save the planet."

Andria manuevered her head and was able to see through the temple. She could see everyone standing outside of it, waiting for her, but they couldn't see her. The girl was still in shock as she turned her slender body and began to walk out of the temple. Everybody gasped as they saw her appear from the illusion. She walked slowly across the bridge and came to rest just in front of them, her hands folded down in front of her.

"Andi? Is everything alright?" Cloud asked worriedly. He didn't approach her. Something was different about her.

"I....I'm the last one," the Cetra began softly, not looking at any of them. "I have a job to do."

"Andi, I don't understand," Mari stated, going towards the girl and resting a hand on her shoulder. "What do you mean you're the last one?"

Vincent stood with his arms folded at his chest and observed the girl. "I believe I know what she's trying to say."

Andria looked up at him. "You know, Vincent?"

"I think I understand now, but I will leave you to tell them incase my theory is wrong," he replied in his deep, rolling tone.

"I am, the last Cetra. I am the last of the Ancient race. Ifalna is my mother," Andria finally said. "Aerith and I were twins. When Ifalna gave birth to us, it was discovered that she had given birth by Shinra. Shinra was desperate at trying to get their hands on us, all three of us, for Hojo's experiements. They thought I had died and she and my father, Dr. Gast fled with Aerith. I was lucky that my mother and father found me when they did or I would have died," Andria began to explain.

"So you' you..," Yuffie stammered, trying to find the proper words. "You're an Ancient then?"

Andria nodded. "Yes I am. I was told that all the voices and sounds and things I have been hearing, and how I just seem to know things is because of my Ancient blood. The man that has been spotted in the black cloak is indeed a Sephiroth clone. Aerith told me that there is only one way to destroy Sephiroth for good. I must travel to the Sleeping Forest. Resting there is an ancient magic. It's the Ancient Materia. It can only be touched by my hands. I'm the only one who can defeat Sephiroth and save the planet," the Cetra told them all. She looked around at all of her friends. Their faces were locked onto hers, all of them were in shock. "So now you know. Now you know why I'm like Aerith, now you know why those strange things were happening to me. Because I am a Cetra."

"Now I understand why I felt that magic in you when Cloud first brought you to us," Mari noticed. "It's the powers of the Cetra."

"Damn Andi," Cid stared at her in shock. "So it looks like we're gonna have another go with Sephiroth huh?" Cid threw his cigarette on the ground before him and stomped on his foot with it. "Well, just don't go gettin' yerself killed on us!"

"I...I'm scared. I don't want to do this alone," she said softly, staring at the ground. Andria was very scared. The safety of the entire planet now rested entirely in her hands and Andria didn't know how to handle it or if she could do it all on her own. She felt very alone.

"You're not alone Andi," came Barret's gruff voice. "We're all here for you. We'll fight along with you until the very end. We'll help you find that damned Materia!"

Andria managed a small smile. "Thank you Barret."

During the entire time Andria had explained everything, the group had acknowledged that Cloud chose not to speak a single word. He was standing, facing away from the group and staring up at the illusion of the temple before them, his sword clutched tightly in his fist.

"Cloud?" came Yuffie's voice from behind him. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

"There's nothing to say," he replied coldy. "Andria's a Cetra, Sephiroth has returned and we have to defeat him yet again. It's no different than what we did 3 years ago, only this time we don't have a giant meteor attacking us."

Andria approached the swordsman, sensing anger coming from him. She stood next to him and looked at him. Cloud's mako infused eyes were still staring daggers into the ghost of the temple. "Cloud I'm so sorry. I didn't know anything until now," she began softly. "I...I saw Aerith and I saw my mother. Aerith told me to...she told me to take care of you."

"I don't need anybody to take care of me," Cloud stated flatly. "I'll be fine."

Andria knew he was lying. She could see it in his eyes. The Cetra was pretty sure she had understood now what Aerith meant back at the church. Cloud was going to take this hard, once the truth settled into his mind. Right now she could tell his was doing everything he could to come to terms with the fact that Andria was a Cetra and she was Aerith's twin sister and she was the one who had to save them all. Now I I know why she's just like Aerith. She's her twin...but I don't feel any differently towards I? A Cetra? What in the hell is going on? Why do I feel so angry! Why am I so damned confused! Maybe I should just get away from her...before I lose her like I did Aerith.

"C'mon, we should get to Gongaga and try and stop Sephiroth," Cloud ordered in his same, flat tone. Cloud stood and stared up at the temple, still clutching his sword, trying to work out everything that had just been spilt into his head. Andria stood and stared up at the temple, her fists clutched at her sides in determination. As long as I have Cloud and my friends...I will fight. I WILL save this planet.

Here is Chapter 17. Sorry not much humor to them guys :P The serious part in the story is coming up now

Chapter 17- About to Break

The temple's illusion had now faded from view. The former AVALANCHE team stood firm as Cloud urged them to leave now and head to Gongaga. They all realized that their leader was thoroughly shaken by this massive amount of information he had just recieved, more so than them infact. Cloud's relationship with Aerith had been a lot more intense, deep and highly different than what the rest of theirs had been. Cloud had been in love with the woman where as the others had not. Though they loved her, they couldn't love her in the way Cloud had.

Now knowing that Andria was Aerith's sister, this poised a lot of confusion in Cloud's mind and Vincent could see straight through Cloud. Even though Cloud's eyes were now hidden by his black sunglasses he put on as soon as he had made the comment of leaving, Vincent, Barret and Cid could still see that Cloud was struggling with his emotions. No matter how hidden, Vincent knew and could tell that all of this was affecting the swordsman to a high extent. The gunman stepped forward, throwing back his blood red cloak. He advanced to where Cloud and Andria were still standing and laid his hand on the Cetra's shoulder.

"Andria, I don't mean to be rude, but might I have a moment alone to speak to Cloud?" the gunman asked politely.

Andria, eyes fixated on Cloud, broke her stare and looked up at the tall man. Vincent could tell the girl was struggling, holding back tears. "Yes, of course Vincent," she said softly and stepped back, still looking at Cloud but the blonde would not return her gaze. He hadn't looked at her once since Andria told them what she had discovered. She turned and walked away, towards Mari and Yuffie, meeting the girls' open arms.

Vincent walked over to the blonde and stood in front of him with his arms folded across his chest. "Come. Let's go for a walk," Vincent proposed.

"I really don-," Cloud began but Vincent held his clawed hand up.

"I really do not care if you want to or not, I said let's go for a walk, understand?" Vincent remarked in what sounded like a final tone.

Cloud just shrugged his muscular shoulders and nodded his head. "Alright then."

Cid and Barret had now went up behind Vincent, with every intention on speaking to Cloud as well. They knew that this news was stinging him. They knew that he had feelings for the girl, but had also had feelings for Aerith and now knowing that she was Aerith's sister and the last Cetra alive, was tearing him in two. The men however, said nothing about that as they approached Cloud.

"We'll join ya Vince," came Cid's gruff accent from just behind the gunman.

Vincent put his clawed hand on Cloud's shoulder and grasped it firmly so as not to let him get away and began steering him away from the girls. Cloud, Vincent, Barret and Cid walked a ways from the temple near were a few trees still stood. They walked far enough away from the girls so they couldn't see what was going on or hear what was being said for that matter.

"Cloud, ya alright buddy?" Cid asked, leaning up against the tree and lighting a cigarette.

Cloud shook his blonde head in irritation. "I'm fine. Why is everybody so worried about it? I mean we just found out she's a Cetra. She's...her sister and that's that. So what's the big deal?"

Cid scratched the top of his head and pushed up his goggles a bit on his forehead. "Well, I mean that was quite a bit o' news we just all took in. Ya'll realize that Andi's gonna need us now more 'n ever, 'specially you Cloud."

"Andi's strong. She doesn't need me," Cloud replied coldly turning away from the others.

"DAMMIT CLOUD! LISTEN TO YOURSELF! Don't you realize what's goin' on here?" Barret yelled, slamming his metal hand into the tree. "Aerith brought her to you an' all knowin' that Andi was her sister! She KNEW that you two could take care of each other! Aerith KNEW that Andria would help you get past the hurt! I mean doesn't that make sense to you Cloud? Aerith didn' want you t' hurt anymore and Aerith also knew that YOU could take care of her sister and keep her safe. Aerith knows Andi's destiny. Why do you think she led you to her?!"

Cloud shook his blonde head again as he looked out towards the massive hole in the ground where the temple had once stood. His eyes were still well hidden behind his shades so they couldn't see the pain building in them. They couldn't see his fear, the worry and the aching that was lurching in his chest. Everything that had just been said to him was billowing around in his mind like a lost wind in the middle of winter. Cloud could remember the struggle to save the planet three years ago, he could remember Sephiroth's reunion only two years ago, and now it was threatening them again. Again, the last remaining Ancient, Andria, would have to save them. Would the same thing happen to her though? Would she be easily disposed of just as Aerith had?

Cloud could still remember Aerith. His feeling of remorse for her death, it was slowly starting to go away. It was fading and wasn't so painful anymore. He noticed it more so whenever Andria was around. She had made him so happy, so why did he feel so sad now? Was it because Andria was Aerith's sister? Maybe now that it was all confirmed, Andria would feel Cloud was only staying with her because of that fact. But am I? It's so complicating I staying with her because she's Aerith's blood? Cloud pondered his thoughts for a moment and drowned out Barret's persistant yelling. The swordsman stopped for a moment, trying to gather his broken feelings and piece them all together properly.

Okay...Andi is Aerith's twin sister, she's her flesh and blood. I have just discovered this...but I started developing feelings for Andria before I even knew this. I...I think that I still have feelings for Andi. Cloud paused in his thoughts as he glanced over at Andria. She had her back turned towards him and was in deep discussion with Mari and Yuffie, though she looked broken. He noted that the mage had her arm around Andria's shoulder as if comforting the girl. Cloud felt his heart drop. I'm so confused...I can't figure this out. What is wrong with me?

"YO CLOUD! DID YOU JUST HEAR A DAMN WORD I SAID!?" Barret bellowed loudly, snapping Cloud out of his thoughts.

The swordsman turned his head and looked at Barret through his dark sunglasses. Cloud drew his blonde eyebrows together in anger and irritation. He nodded his blonde head abruptly. "Yeah...yeah I heard you," Cloud lied. "Listen, we have to get to Gonga-," Cloud began but was cut off by the ringing of his phone. Cloud brought the black device out of his pocket and looked down, noticing it was Reno calling.

"Yeah?" Cloud answered coldy.

"Cloud! Where are you! We've been waiting for damn near three hours! What the hell is going on?" Reno exploded over the phone.

"We got sidetracked by something. I'm sorry, we'll be there as soon as we can," replied Cloud in his same, cold tone.

"Well it's too fuckin' late for that! We've already lost track of the guy. We don't know where the fuck he is or what he's planning next! All we know is that he fled!" Reno shouted. "It's all YOUR damn fault too!"

"How the hell is this MY fault?" Cloud retorted, raising his voice now. "I told you that something important had to be done before we could make it out there. If you don't like that, you can take it and shove it up your ass. I really don't care."

"So you mind telling me just what in the hell was so damned important that you guys were late getting here and we ended up losing track of the clone?" Reno snarked.

Cloud's gaze fell back over to Andria. He could tell the Cetra was now resting her head on Mari's shoulder and Yuffie seemed to be wiping her face. Was she crying? Yuffie had a hand tenderly on the side of Andria's face while Mari had one arm resting over her friend's shoulders, so it definantly looked as though she were being comforted. Dammit Cloud! Cloud's thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Cloud? Are you gonna fuckin answer me or not!" Reno's voice came loudly into Cloud's ear, breaking him from all train of thought.

"It's none of your damn business," Cloud replied cooly. "So just let it go."

"Well fine then Cloud! We're headed back to Healin. Once we find out anything else we'll get ahold of your cocky ass," Reno commented and the line went dead.

Cloud snapped his phone shut and stuck it back in his pocket. He looked at the other men who were standing there staring curiously at him. "Yeah and maybe I'll be sufficient enough for you next time," the swordsman growled as he shoved the phone back down in his pocket.

"Was that Reno, Cloud? What's going on?" Vincent asked almost immediately.

"They lost track of that guy again," Cloud stated simply. "They're headed back to Healin, I'm assuming for more planning and trying to track him down again. I don't know why the Turks insist on getting themselves involved in all of this."

Vincent shook his ebony head. "That's the way the Turks are Cloud. They'll stop at nothing to get theirselves involved in anything dangerous to make themselves look big. They're bloodthirsty, they're arrogant and they don't stop for a moment to put others feelings into perspective. They'll do what they want, when they want to get what they want. It's just the way they work. They're still as dirty as they've ever were and that will never change."

Cloud shrugged his built shoulders again and looked up at the sky, trying to drown out every single thought in his head. However, the harder the blonde tried, the more they poured into his head, thicker and stronger until he felt like he was about to burst.


Andria had her head resting on Mari's shoulder as she struggled to hold back her pain. All she wanted to do at this point was rage and scream, take out her swords and slash something, but then at the same time she just wanted to remain quiet, or go to bed. Anything she could do to drown out the sounds of the Planet or her thoughts from previous events and now her overwhelming thoughts of Cloud...Cloud hating her...Cloud not wanting to be with her, because of who she was. Andria felt no tears, she had no urge to cry, she just felt angry, overwhelmed and more confused than anything. Mari and Yuffie were doing their best to comfort the girl, but they both knew how overwhelming all of this was for her. It was a lot to take in all at once. All they wanted to do was provide words of comfort and reassurance for her. She needed them.

"It's just as Barret told you Andi, you're not alone in this. We'll stay right by your side through this all and we'll fight with you," the mage said softly.

Yuffie was brushing back Andria's bangs from the side of her face and gazing at her with an empathic look swept across her small face. She smiled at the Cetra and tried to lighten her mood, but nothing worked. The girl was just so drawn from everything. All she wanted to do was go home and sleep. Andria wanted to just forget about everything she had heard this very day. The thoughts continued to weigh on her mind and no matter what she tried, they wouldn't diminish.

"C'mon Andi, we're all here for you! You have us, and you have Cloud. We know that Cloud would never let anything happen to you. I mean look at how he was towards you at his birthday party for gods' sake. We've never seen Cloud like that with anybody...even Aerith," Yuffie pointed out.

Andria shook her chestnut head. "No...I have a feeling now that this is all true, Cloud will want no more to do with me. I mean I'm Aerith's sister. I'm the sister of the woman he loved."

"Oh Andi, don't say that. Cloud is crazy about you," Mari declared softly. "It's completely obvious that he is, especially after what we saw on the night of his party. Yuffie's right about that."

Andria lifted her head off of Mari's shoulder, but the mage still continued to keep an arm comfortingly, almost protectingly, around her friend. Yuffie placed her hands on the Cetra's shoulders and looked at her seriously as Andria began to speak.

"Yes, but this is now. Cloud has just found out I'm Aerith's flesh and blood, I'm her sister. How is he going to feel now, knowing the truth about me? How is he going to handle being around me? I'm going to do nothing now but remind him even moreso of her. Aerith told me to take care of Cloud. I believe that somehow, in my heart, she lead me to him or him to me anyway, but...," the Cetra's voice trailed off as she stared up into the graying sky before them. "I wonder if now knowing I'm her sister, Cloud will even want to continue persuing anything with me. I mean, you saw how he acted when I told him," she sighed and laid her head back down Mari's shoulder. "Why is this so hard?" she whispered.

"I think, because you love Cloud," Yuffie said softly, putting her hand on Andria's face again. "And it's hurting you. I mean it is very strange indeed, but I can see why Aerith would lead you two together. You're her sister, she knew that Cloud could protect you and she also knew what the consequences could be once she brought you together," the Wutai ninja explained. "I think Aerith knew that you two would end up in-," but Yuffie was cut of by Andria raising her hand.

"Don't say it. Please don't say it Yuffie. I just...I just don't know anything right now. I just want to go home so I can figure this all out for myself!" she exclaimed and broke away gently from Mari's grasp.

"Andi you need to stop beating yourself up," Mari said gently. "It's only going to make things worse."

"How could things possibly get any worse?" Andria whispered as she buried her face into her hands and sunk to her knees on the ground. "I don't see how anything could get worse. Sephiroth is on the verge of returning and it's up to me to take care of it. I don't think I'm strong enough. I just...don't know anything."

Mari walked around to the ground of the kneeling Ancient and lowered herself to her level. The mage reached her small hands up and gently wrapped them around Andria's wrists, moving her hands from her face. She titled her head slightly and looked at the girl. "Let's go get Vincent and go home. You need some rest. You look exhausted," she proposed gently. Andria looked up at Mari and the mage could see the weariness in her emerald eyes. Both of the girls stood up as Mari began making her way over to where Vincent, Cloud and the others were standing. Mari advanced towards Vincent and stood next to him.

"What is it?" Cid asked, as soon as he saw the mage approaching. "Is Andi alright? I saw her go down on her knees. Was it them sounds again?" Mari couldn't help but feel slightly amused at the worry from the usually cocky and rude pilot.

The mage smiled. "She's fine. She's just very tired and wants to go home. So, do you think we can go home?" she asked hopefully, looking up at her husband.

"That's up to Cloud," the gunman replied and looked over at Cloud.

"Yeah, let's go home. I could use a shower," Cloud answered quietly. He turned and walked away from the others heading back towards Fenrir. Cloud sat himself on Fenrir and started up the engine as the others headed back towards the truck.

Andria stood next to Yuffie with her hands folded behind her back and her head lowered. She peeked out at Cloud from between her long bangs that were hanging down in her face. Yuffie gave the girl a gentle nudge.

"Go on Andi, Cloud's waiting. You rode with him anyway," the ninja whispered to Andria.

Andria began advancing towards Cloud and as she came to rest in front of him, neither of the two could look at each other.

"Ummm, so I suppose we should probably go back home, huh?" the Cetra proposed softly. "It's getting late."

Cloud turned his head away, not facing the girl and scratched the back of his blonde spikes. "Yeah, ummm listen. Would you mind riding one of the trucks?"

Andria looked at him, slightly apalled. He wanted her to ride in the truck? And there it was. That was just the proof she needed right there. Cloud wouldn't even look at her. He didn't even want her near him. After all the rides they'd taken together on Fenrir and now this. Cloud was done with her and it that was completely obvious. Why did things have to turn out this way? Just when she was finally starting to feel happy and at peace with herself. Andria felt like her heart was being crushed. Her eyes started to burn with tears and she looked away from him. The blonde turned away from her, his back facing her now and stared at Fenrir.

"Oh...sure, Cloud," she replied, trying to hide the trembling that threatened to take over her vocal cords.

"I mean umm, it looks like it's going to rain. I just...I don't want you to get wet or anything," Cloud stated apprehensively. "So, maybe you could ride with Vincent and Mari?"

"Yeah, that's fine. See you later than, Cloud," Andria spoke, still slightly stunned.

She turned quickly on her heal and left his side. It was over, it was gone. She was nothing to him now. Her insides were so fragile, like the fall leaves that fell from the trees and were being stepped on by nobody in particular. But it was Cloud who was stepping on her leaves. Andria didn't want to believe it. She struggled hard not to believe it as the Cetra made her way back over to where Vincent and Mari stood at their truck now.

"Cloud wants me to ride with you guys. I hope that's okay," she said softly, not looking at either of them. She didn't want to look up and see the look on Mari's face. Andria was afraid that the mage's look would make her break down and that was the last thing she wanted to do right now. "He said it looked like it was going to rain."

"Oh Andi, of course it's okay that you ride with us," came Mari's comforting voice. "There's plenty of room. Yuffie, would you mind riding with Barret and Cid?"

"It's no problem," Yuffie replied, knowing that this moment was too serious and Cid wouldn't disgust her with his hot Shera stories. Not now, not after something like this. Yuffie walked over to Barret and Cid's truck and Cid held open the door for her as she climbed inside.

The others stood and watched as Cloud mounted Fenrir and started up the massive motorbike. He turned towards Vincent. "I'll meet you back in Edge," he stated simply and stepped on the gas.

Before they knew it, Cloud had disappeared behind the billowing smoke and dust that Fenrir left behind. Andria felt her heart drop to her feet. Vincent opened up the door to their truck and Andria climbed into the back seat of it. Mari and Vincent both climbed in as well. Vincent started up the engine and carefully pulled out of the area. Andria peeked out of the window at the massive hole. As she watched while they pulled away, Andria did a double take. She wasn't sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her or not, but the Cetra thought maybe she had seen the two, transparent figures of Aerith and Ifalna standing there, looking sad with their heads bowed. I'm so sorry Aerith...I'll try and take care of Cloud for you...I just don't know if he'll want me to anymore. Andria thought to herself as the tears overwhelmed her and spilled silently down her cheeks.


It was nearing dark and they weren't too far from Edge. Andria had kept picking her small phone, hoping like crazy that Cloud would call her, but she knew better than that. Andria sighed and leaned against the window, looking up at the stars that were just beginning to show in the sky when Mari's phone rang. Curious on who could be calling, she picked up the PHS and realized that it was Barret calling her. The mage flipped it open and held it to her ear.

"Barret? Is everything alright?" Mari asked anxiously. She found it strange that he was calling her.

"Yeah, everything's fine. We just need to swing by Elmyra's house to pick up Marlene and Denzel. I thought maybe you guys might want to come out?" Barret suggested. "I feel that since Elmyra was the one who basically raised Aerith, she might want to meet her sister?" he proposed.

"Yes, well, Elmyra was quite surprised when they first met," Mari replied, trying to keep the fact that she was speaking about Andria, underwraps. "Of course. We'll come out there with you."

"Great! I think Elmyra would be really thrilled to see her and to know the truth. Maybe since Andi's parents are dead, well, maybe Andi and Elmyra could, well, ya know," Barret commented.

"Yes, I understand Barret," Mari answered him. "Vincent, Andi and I will meet you out there."

"Great! Anyway, I'll call Cloud and see if he wants to come out. We'll see ya then Mari!" the big man said anxiously and then hung up the phone.

"Andi, are you okay back there?" the mage asked concernedly.

She had heard the soft sobs coming from behind her on the way back into Edge but she chose not to say anything and just let the girl have her moment. Though Andria had stopped sniffling now, Mari knew that the way Cloud had treated her was realling hurting her. Not to mention all of the truth she had just discovered about herself was probably plowing her down as well. The mage could only begin to imagine what was going on inside of the Cetra's head and she took it upon herself that she would most definantly be speaking with Cloud about this.

"Yeah I'm okay," Andria replied, sounding like she had a slight head cold. "Where are we going?"

"Oh, we have to stop by Elmyra's to pick up Marlene and Denzel. Barret thought we could go out there too and talk to Elmyra and tell her...well, tell her that you're Aerith's sister," Mari stated softly.

"Oh, okay, that sounds good to me then," Andria stated as she continued to stare out the window, watching the stars. "Is Cloud coming along?"

"Barret is going to call him. I imagine he'd want to," Mari added in what she hoped was a reassuring tone.

"I don't know Mari. I don't think Cloud even wants to be near me. Why would he ask me to ride with you guys instead of him? I thought he wanted to protect me," she sighed leaning against the window.

"Andria, Cloud is probably just as shocked about all of this as you are," Vincent's deep voice rolled through the darkness of the truck. "You have to understand that Cloud isn't the type to express his feelings or emotions. Cloud also doesn't like to talk about his feelings either. He keeps them to himself. He's just a very private person. Something could be bothering him and when there have been times that Cloud has told us what's he feeling, there are a lot of times he hasn't. Give time for it to sink in. Not just for Cloud, but for you as well Andria, okay?" the gunman explained.

Andria sighed again and leaned her head back against the seat. "I know, Vincent. I guess...maybe I'm just being paranoid? Maybe I should try and talk to him? I mean Cloud has told me a few things before, so maybe he and I could talk to each other and try and figure this all out?"

"I think that's a very good idea. I think when we get back Edge and back home, you and Cloud should have a long talk about everything. I think it will really help out a lot of things for both of you," Mari encouraged.

Andria managed a small smile. "Thanks Mari. I think that's a good idea too."

Andria was lost in her thoughts as she remembered how Elmyra had reacted when they first met. That was the morning of Cloud's birthday. She had accompanied Barret to take little Marlene and Denzel over to her home for the night so they could have the party for Cloud. She remembered all too well the look in the woman's eyes and the tears that had stood them when her eyes fell on Andria. Barret had quickly explained who Andria was to the woman before she could make a lunge at her, thinking she was Aerith. Though not related, Andria could feel a small connection to this woman. She could also sense the pain she was feeling, just by looking into those tear-filled eyes. She had comforted the woman, touching her arm and calming her, much in the same way she had when Cloud had his nightmare.

They had spent about an hour with Elmyra talking when Andria pointed out that they needed to get back to the bar and start decorating for Cloud's birthday. She had kissed and hugged the kids and left them to play happily with Elmyra and discussed some more of Aerith's past with Elmyra. Andria had grown to learn that Elmyra took Aerith in when they're mother died at the train station so long ago. Elmyra had become Aerith's adoptive mother and eventually, Aerith had started calling her 'Mom'. As she pondered this, she now realized why she felt the small connection with Elmyra. Elmyra had raised her sister. That had to be it.

Andria was jolted from her thoughts as the truck began to slow and come to a halt just outside of a little house. Andria saw that Cloud's motorcycle was parked just outside of it and her heart began to pound wildly in her chest. The Cetra loved him. She knew she did, but he would probably never be able to love her back. Andria pushed the thought from her mind as Barret and Cid were just pulling up and shutting off the engine behind them. Vincent opened up his door and walked around to the passenger side of the truck, opening up the door for the girls. He helped Mari and Andria both get down out of the big truck and the group began making their way towards the house.

Andria's hands were slightly shaking. She felt very nervous and the red mage quickly took notice of this. She placed a small hand on Andria's frail shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I...I don't know about this," Andria whispered to Mari, shaking her chestnut head.

"It'll be okay," the mage replied. "Elmyra deserves to know. We should really tell her."

Andria shook her head again. "It's not that I'm worried about telling's...," she paused and her eyes fell on Fenrir. "It's telling her in front of Cloud."

"Andi, tell me something," Mari began as they got closer to the house. She leaned and whispered in the girl's ear. "Are you in love with Cloud?"

Andria felt her cheeks burn as these words met her ears. She honestly felt that she was. She had never felt this way about anybody in her entire life. Just the thought that Cloud might not love her was enough to bring tears to her eyes. Everytime she thought about Cloud's lips resting softly on hers, her heart felt like it was going to jump right out of her chest. And even now, her heart was racing, pounding heavily in her chest.

"I...I think so Mari," Andria whispered back. "I really think I am."

"Oh Andi," the mage whispered as her grip tightened on the girl's shoulder and Andria's face fell. "So that's why this is so hard for you."

Vincent leaned over and looked at Mari. "What are you two girls whispering about?" he asked curiously, a smirk reaching the corner of his mouth.

"It's nothing Vin," Mari replied poking him in the side. "Let's go see Elmyra and get the kids!"

Finally they reached the front door and Elmyra grinned at all of them as she invited them into her home. They were all trying their best to keep up their spirits, smiling as they entered. Elmyra approached Andria and smiled at her.

"Hello there dear," she beamed, giving the girl a hug.

"Hi there Elmyra," Andria replied as she hugged the elderly woman back. "I hope you're well?"

"I'm doing wonderful! The children and I had such fun!" she said enthusiastically.

"PAPA!" squealed Marlene. She had been sitting on Cloud's lap and dashed off of him, running over to the big man with the metal hand. She lept up into his arms and hugged him tight. "I missed you guys! Is everything okay?" she added, noticing the look in everybody's eyes.

"Hey Marlene!" Barret said happily as he swung the little girl around and sat her on his shoulder. "Everything's fine darlin. Just fine! We need you and Denzel to go upstairs for a bit though so us adults can talk. Does that sound okay?"

"Sure Papa!" exclaimed Marlene, but Denzel who had been sitting next to Cloud grumbled and stood up.

"Man we never get to hang around to hear the good stuff," he complained as he heavily dragged his feet across the floor.

Marlene giggled as Barret sat her swiftly on the floor and she raced up to Denzel. She grabbed his shoulder. "Tag, you're it!" she squealed as she made beeline for the stairs.

Denzel tore after her and the two children laughed as they dashed up the stairs together. Pretty soon, they heard the door shut and Marlene's squeals muffled as Denzel had caught her and was probably tickling her to bits. They couldn't help but smile at the children. Though the only who wasn't smiling was Cloud.

"I was just telling Cloud how good it was to see him! It had been quite some time," Elmyra commented as she ruffled the back of Cloud's blonde spikes in a motherly fashion. "And all of you as well! Please sit down!" the woman urged.

The others obliged and took seats at the table where Cloud was sitting. Andria did her best to keep her distance from him and she took a seat next to Mari instead. Cloud just stared down at the table as Andria observed from the corner of her eye.

"Elmyra, there's something rather 'mportant we gotta tell ya," Barret began as he fumbled with the edge of the table cloth in his fingers.

"Oh? What is it?" The woman asked, sitting down at the table with the rest of the AVALANCHE group and folded her hands, resting them on top of the table.

"We jus' came back from where the Temple of the Ancients used to be," he began nervously. Barret looked around at the rest of the group and swallowed nervously. "Well...ya see, Andria here...Andi's ah...ummm," the big man stammered when Andria spoke up.

"I'm Aerith's sister," she finally spoke outloud. Upon hearing this yet again, Cloud closed his eyes tightly. Before Andria could say anything else, the swordsman stood up.

"I'm gonna head back to the bar. I'm really exhausted," Cloud stated quietly.

Before anybody could stop him, Cloud had moved quickly across the room and was out of the door. Andria sat in sad silence listening to the roar of Fenrir starting up and it's squealing tires as Cloud departed from the place as quickly as possible. Andria closed her eyes, wishing he would have stayed. She quietly vowed to herself that she was going to speak to him when they got back to the bar. No matter how much he protested to it.

"What do you mean you're Aerith's sister dear?" Elmyra asked, her eyes widened now.

Andria sat for nearly an hour, explaining everything that happened to her while at the Temple of the Ancients. She told Elmyra about the illusion of the temple she had seen, she told her about meeting her mother Ifalna and discovering that she was the twin to Aerith. She told Elmyra of speaking with her mother and with Aerith and she also told Elmyra about the being the last remaining Ancient. She explained that the two women had told her the planet was in danger yet again, but Andria didn't express her fear of saving it. Quite the contrary. The Cetra wanted to seem as though she were strong and could handle this on her own, though deep down inside she was scared to death.

"You remind me so much of her," Elmyra said softly, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. "She was always trying to be strong. I know this is probably tearing you up inside."

Andria shook her head and forced a fake smile on her face. "I'm fine. I can handle this. This is what I'm meant to do in my life."

"I noticed Cloud's not taking it very well," Elmyra pointed out as she sniffed back the last of her tears. "He was awfully quick to leave. Is something going on between you two?"

Andria felt her cheeks burn yet again. "We're just really good...we're just...we're close but not...," she stammered but couldn't find the proper words. She knew that Cloud and the girl, Elmyra considered to be her daughter, were in love once. She didn't know why but she felt ashamed.

Elmyra laughed and Andria looked up at her. Her eyes were twinkling. "It's alright dear. Cloud needed somebody like you. Somebody who was like Aerith but also her own person. I think you and Cloud will be fine together indeed," the woman smiled assuringly at the Cetra and then stood up from the table. "Come with me dear. I have a few things for you."

Andria obliged as she stood up from the table and followed Elmyra who was going up the stairs. Upon following the woman, she found herself in a bedroom. Elmyra walked over and switched on a lamp that sat perched on one of her nightstands. She then advanced towards her dresser and pulled up the top drawer. She lifted a small box out of the dresser and handed it to Andria.

"These were Aerith's things. There's some of her belongings in there I thought you'd quite like to have. I noticed you were wearing a hair ribbon just like hers except that it's green. It's very beautiful," Elmyra pointed out.

"Oh, thank you Elmyra. Our mother said that she noticed I was wearing my hair and clothes sort of like Aerith's. I always just really loved this hair style so I sort of stuck with it," she added shyly.

"Mmm yes, well, you and Aerith are bound to share many qualities. Such as your clothing choice and hair style choice. That is natural in a bond of twins, however you look lovely in green dear," Elmyra told her, tenderly putting her hand on Andria's face. "I thought you might like to have something of your sister's and so you take that with you."

"Oh Elmyra, are you sure? I mean you were so close to Aerith, I couldn't-," but Elmyra just shook her bunned head. "Don't worry dear. I have plenty of momentos to keep for myself of her. You were her sister and I feel you should atleast have something. So you take those home with you, okay?"

Andria felt tears spring to her eyes. She didn't know what to say. Andria was truly touched. So much was happening and all she could do was just stare the box with a small flower engraved on top of it. It was a small red, velvety box and the flower was outlined with the same pink, velvety material. Andria was speechless. Elmyra took note and walked over to the girl, hugging her. She seemed to understand just how confusing and how hard this all was for Andria. She hugged Elmyra back. The two women broke loose and and smiled at each other with tear filled eyes.

"We should probably tell the kids it's safe to come down now," Elmyra proposed. "They're probably ready to go home and get to bed."

"I'll go take care of that," Andria smiled, clutching Aerith's box tightly in her hand. The Cetra turned to leave the room and make her way to the room where the children were playing when she felt Elmyra's hand on her shoulder again.

"You know my dear, you will make a very fine mother one day," the elderly woman smiled. "Your heart is pure, it's in the right place, you care for others and put everyone before you. You're just like Aerith, and yet there's so much more to you. I hope you realize that."

Andria turned around and smiled genuinely at the woman before her, taking both of Elmyra's hands in her free hand. "Thank you, Elmyra. Thank you so much for everything." Elmyra smiled sweetly and patted the top of Andria's hand, before turning to go back down the stairs.


Upon arriving back in Edge later that night, Andria was carrying a sleeping Marlene while Cid carried a sleeping Denzel. It was rather late when the AVALANCE group arrived back at the Seventh Heaven bar and the children were exhausted. Andria and Cid carried the peaceful children up the stairs and tiptoed quietly into the room. They lay them down on their beds, carefully removing their shoes and pulled the covers up snug around underneath their chins. Andria and Cid both flashed each other a small smile as they disappeared from the room, softly closing the door behind them.

Andria and Cid were back out in the hallway and the Ancient found her green eyes, drifting down the darkness and coming to rest on the door that was hers and Cloud's room. She wondered if maybe she should even bother to go in there or not.

"Ya okay sweetheart?" came Cid's drawling whisper from behind her

"Hmmm?" Andria asked, being broken from her thoughts. "Oh...yes I'm okay...I think." She honestly wasn't sure if she was okay. So much had happened, almost too much to endure. She was grateful to have Cid there with her. He become something almost of a fatherly figure towards her.

"Go talk tuh Spikey," Cid said simply. "The two of ya won' be able to get any o' this stuff figgered out if you don't go n' talk to him!"

"I think I need a drink first. I need some time to think about what I'm going to say to him. I just...I don't know anything Cid. I really don't right now. I'm just...I'm so confused," the Cetra replied, sounding defeated and her shoulders slumped.

Cid put a muscular arm around her shoulders and they walked down the hallway. "C'mon sweetie, let go ole' Unca Cid make ya a drink and we can talk if ya want?" he propopsed "I'll even led a shoulder to ya if ya just wanna cry," he added with a grin.

Andria sighed again. "That would be great Cid, but I think I'll be okay. Just nothing too hard," she added with a smirk.

"Ah don't worry. Don't wanna taint your delicate body like ya did on Cloud's birthday," Cid replied with a wink.

Andria let out a laugh and shoved Cid playfully while the pilot just snickered back. The two's footsteps diminished from the hall and down the stairs. Cloud had been laying in his bed, hearing the two just outside of his room, but had not heard the first portion of their conversation. The blonde however had heard desperation almost in Andria's voice as she spoke with Cid and Cloud felt his heart clench slightly. He himself was extremely caught up in his own issues. Cloud sat up on his bed and clutched his head, trying to piece together everything that had happened tonight.

"All right Cloud, get a grip on yourself," the swordsman willed himself quietly.

Andria is Aerith's sister...she's her sister, there's no doubt about it, there's no denying it. That's why she gave off that Aerith vibe and still continues to. She's Aerith's flesh and blood, but...that doesn't change my feelings. I still...I still really...Gods what is wrong with me? Why can't I hold onto me? Why can't I figure this all out? Cloud shook his blonde head and stood up from the bed. He advanced towards the window and rested his forehead up against the cool glass.

But I loved Aerith. I love her still. I think I'll always love her. But is that wrong of me? Is it wrong of me to now have feelings for her sister!? Cloud thought incredulously. He shook his head that was now starting to throb slightly from absorbing so much information.

Barret was right. I think Aerith meant for us to meet and so she led me to Andria. She knew I could protect her sister and keep her safe, but why does she have to be connected to Aerith! Why couldn't she just be a close friend or something? Why does she have to be an Ancient? Just so she can go and do what Aerith did two years ago? Is it so I can lose her too?

Cloud was beginning to feel even more confused. He didn't understand why this was all happening yet again. His heart felt like it was being crushed by a massively strong force and his pain was growing. He tried to stuff it all down, willing himself to stay strong. Though try as he might, the young man had to admit to himself that he was just about to break. Why was everything happening now? Why did he have to go and meet this girl? Because Aerith made it happen, dammit! Why did I have to grow feelings for her!

Ah so you admit it...You know Aerith wanted you two together. You know that Aerith wanted her sister protected. Aerith knew the consequences of your meeting. She knew that something could happen, but she did it anyway. She did it to protect her sister and to help you overcome your grief.

Cloud sighed as he struggled with his conscience, his inner self sense. What was the right to do? What did Cloud have to do now that all of this was happening? He couldn't just throw Andria out in the cold and make her save the planet all on her own without their help just to keep his own feelings inside and from getting hurt. He cared entirely too much for this woman. I do...I really care for Andria. I care for her so much that it hurts I it more than care? Am I falling in love with her?! Why do things like this keep happening to me? Why can't I just go on and live a normal life like everybody else? Why can't I be happy for a change! I don't get this!

"I don't understand this! Not at all! What am I feeling? Why do I feel like this!" Cloud exclaimed softly, clutching his head and falling back down onto his bed. His mind was lost in a whirl of thought and confusion, threatening to overtake his every being. The swordsman nearly felt angry at all of this. He slammed his fists down on the bed. "How could this happen? How could you do this to me Andi? How could you make me...lo- care for you so much?" Cloud ran his fingertips through his blonde spikes and stared up at the ceiling. "I never thought I could feel this way again...not after Aerith, but you...Andi, you walked into my life and now everything is all screwed up!"

There was a gentle knock on Cloud's door and he sat up in bed. Who in the hell is it and what to do they want? He thought angrily as he got up and walked across the room briskly. Cloud grabbed the doorknob and flung it open staring at whomever had disturbed him. The swordsman looked down into the small, frail face of Andria and she looked slightly frightened.

"Oh sorry...I didn't know it was you. I figured you were still downstairs with Cid," he stated calmly, turning from her sight. Just the sight of her was making it hurt even more.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you," Andria replied quietly. She followed Cloud across the room and sat down on the edge of the bed, a small distance away from him. "So, I...I figured we could talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about," Cloud replied coldly, standing up and pushing past, going to stare back out of the window.

Andria sat on the bed and lowered her chestnut head, her hands folded properly in her lap. "Cloud...I'm so sorry. I didn't know anything. I just discovered this all myself. It's overwhelming me to say the least."

Cloud scoffed. "Overwhelming you huh? It's rather frustrating and confusing when I find that the girl I've been...I mean I...," he broke what he was about to say and sighed. He stared out of the window. Cloud bit his bottom lip as he felt a lump rise in his throat, a feeling he hadn't felt since Aerith had died. He kept his eyes fixated on the angel statue that overlooked the city of Edge.

Andria walked up behind Cloud and placed a hand on his arm. "Cloud please, this is hard and very confusing for me too. I know that you and Aerith...well I just....Cloud liste-," but she was cut off by Cloud snatching his arm out of her grasp. The Cetra gasped lightly and stared at him with eyebrows drawn in confusion. She didn't feel hurt that Cloud had been so rude in his actions, not this time. In fact, she was feeling angry. Cloud strode away from her with anger etched across his face.

"I do not want to talk about this anymore," the swordsman stated with clenched teeth.

"Why Cloud? Is it because I'm Aerith's sister? Huh? Is that it? Is that what it boils down to!?" Andria exclaimed, starting to lose her temper. "So now that you know I'm Aerith's twin, you don't want anything to do with me, is that? Don't you want me with you anymore Cloud? Or am I just another painful memory!" she exclaimed, balling her fists at her sides in anger, willing herself to control the magic of the materia she carried within her flesh. "Why can't you just listen to me!" she cried out.

Cloud whirled around and stared down into her blazing, emerald eyes. His mako infused eyes were glowing with a mixture of pain and with fury. "You want me to listen? I don't WANT to listen! I just don't want to talk about this anymore. This is...this has been...I just...I can't talk about this right now!"

The Ancient was beginning to grow more furious by the moment. All she wanted was for Cloud to just talk to her and listen to her. All she wanted was to reach out to him so they could figure this out. Feeling her body burning vehemently, Andria reached her hands to the back of her head and snatched her ribbon out of the back of her hair, letting her long, honey-brown locks cascade down over her shoulders like a chocolate waterfall. She reared her hand back as far as it would go and flung the green, silk hair ribbon at Cloud. He reached his gloved hand out and caught it before it hit him in the face.

"There! Do I not REMIND you so much of your painful past anymore!?" she screamed, her voice shaking with the onset of tears. Cloud couldn't bare to look at her anymore. He closed his eyes and turned himself away from her. "It's always about Aerith. Aerith's memory, Aerith's past! Aerith was the one who brought us together Cloud!" Andria stamped her foot as tears began streaming down her cheeks. She clamped a hand over her mouth, squeezing her eyes tightly. "Why are you doing this to me! Don't you understand what I feel for you? Don't you know that I lo-" she caught herself before she said it.

Cloud turned and looked at the girl who had slumped back against the wall and was openly sobbing now, clutching her hand to her mouth so as not to let them escape loudly. He just stared at her, not knowing what to do. The same feeling was overwhelming him yet again. It was the feeling that he felt when Aerith was killed, only it was a bit different. His fingers were tingling again and his mouth felt dry. He tried force down the strong onset of emotion that was rising in his chest, but he couldn't control it.

Cloud slumped down onto the bed and placed his hands over his face. The swordsman had caught what Andria nearly had said. Was she going to say that she loves him? Cloud was pretty sure that she was going to. Try as he might to believe that he didn't love this girl, Cloud was beginning to feel that he was in fact falling for her, and hard. Maybe that's why he felt so scared? Maybe that's why he felt so confused?

There it was, Cloud had been in love with Aerith, but now Andria had come along and there was this new feeling. The guilt had been lifted, the grief was slowly diminishing and now this. She was connected to Aerith, so was he falling for the Aerith in her? He pondered to himself for a moment. many things she does reminds me of Aerith and of course the way she looks, but her looks isn't what drew me in. It's her...personality, the beauty of her as herself. That's what I'm falling for. The Aerith in her is sweet, but the Andria in her is even more than that. Cloud had found himself wanting to spend nearly every waking moment with Andria. Why was this so hard now? Why was this so different?

Andria's sobs finally subdued and she found herself walking back over to Cloud, twin streams of tears still coursed down her cheeks. She sat down next to him as he cradeled his head in his hands. She placed a hand on his shoulder and felt him recoil somewhat from her touch.

"Cloud please," Andria spoke in barely above a whisper. "Please let's just talk about this. I...I can't do this without you."

Cloud lifted his head from his hands and looked at the girl's emerald, green eyes that were sparkling like jewels with tears. He stood up as he felt a sob threaten to leap from his chest. His eyes began to burn and Cloud tried to push it down as he normally did, but this time it wasn't working. Andria watched him, slightly frightened and even more so upset as the man she loved backed away from her, his own azure eyes filling with sparkling tears she'd never before seen, and something new had come over him. Andria had never seen a man look so torn, especially Cloud.

"I...I can't...I just..," Cloud struggled with his words. He whipped around from her as fast as he could and flung open the door to their room. He stopped short in the doorway, long enough to tell her "I have to go," and in an instant he was gone. Andria slumped down in the doorway, with her hand to her face, holding onto the side of the doorframe and cried quietly. The Ancient listened as she heard the sounds of Fenrir start up and the tires squealed noting Cloud's departure, just like they had outside of Elmyra's house.

"Oh Cloud," Andria wept quietly as the vision of those beautiful, azure blue eyes of his that brimmed with tears, flashed through her head and broke her heart.
Interesting. But didn't Cloud ponder on the thought that Aerith was a blood relative in someway when he first saw her? You cannot see a double of someone and not state a possibility that the doubles could be family in some way.

Can't wait for the next chapter, but enjoy the holiday first, no need to spoil any fun for us. Just let me know how it's working out and if it's nearly done ;)
When Cloud saw her for the first time he knew she couldn't be a blood relative because as far as he knew, Aerith's family no longer existed, so in his mind she was a girl who looked exactly like Aerith and that's it ^_^ But don't worry, I'm taking abreak from writing and enjoying the holidays. I only write when I feel truly inspired to, so no worries there ;) I've been writing this story for awhile now :D
By what i have been reading, this is a wonderful story, full of originality, and I love that, it is really good. Well, i needed to ask something :P

By any chance do you have a printable version? :D Just wanted to print this great story, and keep it near, so I can keep reading, still away for the computer.:D

Real cool story, well, if the answer is no, I will try to organize it, so I can make it a "book".

well, keep up the good work. ^_^
Hello Hydra! I can e-mail you the text files if that would be easier for you so you can print the story out? Just let me know :) I am very very happy that you are enjoying it so much ^_^
Here is Chapter 18 for you awaiting folks :D Sorry it took so long and I will warn you, it's very sad :(

Chapter 18- The Shattered

Andria struggled with herself to stand up, trying to force the image of Cloud's broken face from her mind. At this very moment, this point in time and moreso than anything, the Ancient did not want to be alone. However, more than anything all she wanted was Cloud, the one thing she couldn't have. Andria clasped onto the door frame with frail hands and urged herself out of the room. She walked down the hallway, clinging onto the wall, taking in laboured breaths all the while trying to calm herself down. Andria eventually found herself grasping the railing to the stairway, hardly daring to believe what had just happened only moments earlier.

Why did everything have to turn out this way? Why couldn't she just be a normal, happy girl who was in love like a lot of the others Vincent and Mari were? She didn't want to be a Cetra anymore. She didn't want to have magical abilites that she posessed. She didn't want to be the one who could hear the cries of a Planet, echoing within the very depths of her mind. They always were the same, pleading tones, over and over again. The cries were becoming more clear and distinct since the group had departed from the temple's ruins, Andria had noted. Try as she might to push them away from her thoughts, they wouldn't go. She was doomed to be haunted forever more by the chilling voices that filled not just only her head, but her soul as well.

The Ancient made her way down the stairs and walked across the bar room. She glanced around as her emerald eyes fell onto the spot of where she and Cloud had a shared a special dance together, just days earlier and Yuffie had spotted them kissing. She felt fresh tears fill her already red-rimmed eyes, and she harshly whiped them away. Not being able to face the room so newly filled with memories, Andria turned swiftly and made her way out of the bar. As she stepped outside, she noted the night air was beginning to become a bit colder, or maybe it was just her imagination?

Andria's mind was in a blur. A blur from everything that had just happened between her and Cloud. She could still see his face after she threw her ribbon at him. Cloud's face was usually always emotionless. You could never really tell what the blonde was thinking, but very few times did Cloud ever speak with his eyes. Tonight had been one of those nights and only this time, those eyes were threatening him and her alike with oncoming tears. However, before the Cetra could have done anything about it, Cloud had bolted, leaving her sorrowed, alone and confused. Andria turned and approached the home that was so very near the bar. She made her way towards the familiar house, desperate for somebody to be there. She needed someone, anyone right now.

"Please let them hear me," the Cetra pleaded softly as she walked up the porch to Vincent and Mari's home. "Either one of them. I can't do this alone."

Andria lifted a hand and knocked on the door a few times and waited. She rested her chestnut head against the framing around their front door, her honey-brown locks still falling loosely over her shoulders and down her back. She closed her eyes as she one had come. Andria squeezed her eyes shut harder as her emerald orbs began to burn yet again with tears. The girl clenched her fists and fought them back when the door opened gently.

"Andria?" came a deep voice from the darkness that surrounded as the door opened. It was touched with sleep. "What's wrong?"

Andria felt as though she where in some sort of stupor, like her body had become completely numb. She didn't even know where to begin. She wasn't even sure what to do. She immediately recognized Vincent's voice and looked up into his crimson eyes. They were only thing that seemed to hold any light in the darkness. The gunman immediately took note of the state Andria was in and instantly became concerned. He rested a his clawed hand on her shoulder and shook her lightly.

"Andria? What's going on?" questioned his baratone voice, filled with concern.

"Vincent it''s Cloud...he...I-I," Andria struggled with her words, but couldn't seem to find the right ones. Instead she nearly collapsed.

The gunman caught the girl as Andria fell againt his chest, her tears she struggled to hold back were now flowing freely down her face. She felt the soft terry cloth of the black robe he was wearing against her cheek and broke down hard. The Cetra couldn't speak as sobbing overwhelmed her. Her chest was heaving as the feeling of a broken heart overtook her. The light behind him had flickered on and Andria could barely hear Mari's sleepy voice as she approached. Mari was wrapped in silk, red bathrobe as she came up behind him. She had heard the sobbing from behind the gunman and was curious as to what was going on.

"Vincent?" came the mage's tired tone. "Vincent what is it? What's going on?"

Vincent held onto Andria's shaking form, afraid to let go in case she were to just fall and turned towards Mari. He shook his raven head sadly and sighed. Mari gasped softly, putting both hands to her mouth as she willed the fog of sleep from her mind.

"Oh Andi, what happened?" Mari exclaimed concernedly and took the girl from Vincent's hold, leading her over to sit down on the couch in their living room.

Vincent departed from the room as Mari gently sat Andria down on the couch, taking a seat next to her. She held the broken girl as Andria cried openly, not caring that anybody was seeing her. All she knew was that she was feeling a new sort of pain, though the girl didn't realize it was the pang of a broken heart. Mari shooshed and soothed the girl the best she could, stroking her friend's hair and speaking softly, willing Andria to calm down.

"She said it was Cloud," stated Vincent as he came back into the living room, holding a mug of something hot. "She couldn't really quite tell me before she just collapsed." Vincent sat down next to Mari and held the mug in his hands.

Andria's sobs had quieted now as she stared at the front door just across the way. She felt horribly guilt-ridden. The Cetra had hurt Cloud by what she had said. She felt a terrible sense of remorse and hurt, knowing that she had mentally and physically torn him as she spoke. She felt so many different emotions at once that Andria didn't quite know how to grasp herself. She felt like she couldn't hold onto her self and she couldn't let go of the sorrow that was following. Andria struggled with her thoughts, wondering if Cloud ever really did love her? Or did he atleast like her for who she is and not for the Aerith in her?

"Andria," came Vincent's soothing voice. "I want you to drink this. It will help calm your nerves," he proposed softly.

Andria sat up and took the mug from Vincent with shaking hands and held it to her lips. She took a sip and felt the sweet, herbal taste fill her mouth and slide down her throat, warming her insides. The moment the Cetra took a drink, she nearly felt instantly calm but still continued to feel wracked with inner pain. Mari had taken a tissue and was wiping the Cetra's eyes in a very motherly fashion as the girl regained her composure.

"I...I'm so sorry to come and wake you up like this," Andria spoke in barely above a whisper as she hung her head, her long bangs curtaining the sides of her face. "I didn't know where else to go."

"Andria what happened?" Mari asked worriedly as she laid the tissue down on the table and turned the Cetra to face her. "Vincent said it has something to do with Cloud."

Andria nodded her head and bit her lower lip. "Cloud and I...well we had a fight and..," she paused and took another sip of the sweet liquid Vincent had offered.

"What do you mean that you and Cloud had a fight?" the mage demanded gently. "What happened?"

Andria shook her chestnut head. "I...just...I think...he was just not himself when I went to our room tonight. He was so cold and withdrawn from me and I...he wouldn't let me talk. He wouldn't let me say what I needed to say and I snapped." The Cetra sighed in defeat as she leaned back against the couch and closed her red rimmed eyes.

"Maybe that was what Cloud needed? I mean he's struggling. He's struggling with his feelings, I read that from him right away," Vincent pointed out. "Cloud was never a difficult person for me to interpret."

"I said something really horrible and I never should have said it, but now that it's true I have my doubts. It's over. I think it's...over between us and I can't bare this," the Ancient continued to murmer as she clasped her hands around the mug, willing herself not to cry again. "Why did I have to go and fall in love with him?" Andria asked to nobody in particular.

"Oh Andi, I don't think it's over between you two. All you wanted was for Cloud to listen right?" Mari asked soothingly. "All you wanted was for Cloud to know how you felt. Does he know you love him?"

Andria sat for a moment as she tried to remember what all had happened. She had indeed nearly told Cloud that she loved him tonight. Andria had feared to tell him, feared that if they still had a chance that only telling him that she loved him would push him away from her, but was it too late? She sighed softy as she stared down into the warm liquid. There was no chance now, no chance in Heaven that Andria could be with him now. Not after what had happened. The Ancient had hurt him with her words. She just knew it. Andria cursed herself in her head for being so bitter with him, but the doubt of Cloud caring for her came billowing back, only causing more frustration, pain and confusion in her mind.

"Andria?" came Vincent's voice again. "Are you with us?"

Vincent's deep voice snapped Andria out of her thoughts and she looked up at the gunman and mage staring worriedly before. She tried her best to put on a weak smile. "I'm sorry, I was just...thinking. I don't know if Cloud knows or not. I almost said it to him tonight, but I don't know if he caught it or not," the Ancient found herself blushing.

"Andria, listen to me," the mage began, placing both hands on the girls' shoulders. "I want you to get up, go into the bathroom, wash your face, and then get yourself out there and find Cloud. He needs you right now just as much as you need him. You two have gone through entirely too much together already to just let this fall. I don't know what kind of relationship Cloud shared with Aerith, but I do know what Yuffie has told me and he's gone farther with you than he ever did with Aerith," Mari explained. "So why would Cloud do that before he even knew you were Aerith's sister?"

Andria pondered on Mari's words for a moment and tried to smile, putting on her bravest face possible. "Yeah, this is's going to be hard on us all, but you're right. I-I need to go and find him and talk to him, make him listen to me somehow and chase him if he runs. I just want him to know that I-I, I think he should know that him," the Cetra finally spit out.

She looked over at Mari feeling slightly embarassed but the mage gave her a firm nod of her head, indicating she agreed. Andria felt slightly better as she stood up and smoothed down her skirt. She sat the mug on the coffee table and headed towards the bathroom. Andria stood in front of the sink in Vincent and Mari's bathroom and turned on the faucet. She splashed warm water on her face and helped herself to a hand towel. She studied her image in the mirror for awhile. Why...why did this have to happen to us?

Andria lay the hand towel down on the sink and left the bathroom, coming back out into the living room where Vincent and Mari sat talking quietly. She sat down next to Mari and tried to force another smile on her face. Mari smiled at the girl while Vincent studied her.

"I want you to finish the rest of your drink before you go," the gunman ordered gently as he pointed to the mug. "It will help you calmed, but it will also help you stay focused and alert."

Andria nodded her head as she lifted the cup and sipped some more. She closed her hands around the mug and rested it in her lap. The girl turned towards both Mari and Vincent. They tried hard not to show it, but both of their faces were lined with concern. Even though they were both trying to be as comforting as possible to her, they couldn't help but control showing their worry.

"I'm so sorry I woke you guys up," Andria repeated. "I know it's late and it's just...I just...I-," but Andria was cut off by Vincent shaking his head.

"There is no need to apologize. Mari and I are both always here for you whenever you need it," Vincent told her.

"Right," agreed the mage, resting a hand on Andria's and looking at her friend, the care showing deep in Mari's lush, green eyes. "No matter what time of the day or night it is, we're just a short walk away and if we're not home we are only just a phone call away. So if you need either one of us, we will be there."

Andria didn't know what to say. All of her life she had grown up being the outcast, the one whom everybody thought was weird and now this is what it was like to have friends. She was just now discovering this. The only friend she ever recalled was Link at the chocobo farm and they weren't even that close. They had just worked together, though the townspeople thought differently. Andria tried to force another smile on her face. Mari just grinned back knowingly and wrapped her arms around the Cetra, hugging her tight. After they broke apart, Andria finished the rest of the drink Vincent had given her and stood up. She smoothed her skirt again and looked at the others.

"I really don't know how to thank you. I'm just so happy I've got friends like you," she told them, her eyes shining softly. Andria could feel tears threatening her yet again and Mari saw this. Andria forced them back, not allowing them flow to this time. She was tired of crying, she'd had it. Andria knew she had to be strong, but it was just so hard. Mari opened her arms yet again to the Cetra.

Andria clung onto Mari, as the mage did her best to try and be comforting towards her friend. She didn't care anymore if she looked weak at this point in time, but she still needed to be strong when she found Cloud. Too many things had just happened for her to even bother with hiding her emotions. Why did things have to end up this way? Why did her parents have to die? Why did Sephiroth have to return? And now this...just why in the hell was Cloud being so confusing with her, after all that they had been through? The things he had said, she still didn't fully understand.

She knew within the depths of her heart that she loved Cloud more than she had ever loved anyone. Tifa hated her, she felt that deep inside because of her and Cloud's relationship, but the young Ancient still had Mari. She would always have Mari. Mari had taught her so much...but so had Cloud, and now it was most likely over. Well you won't have to worry about that now. I've lost him just like I lost my parents...He's all yours, Tifa.

"Andi, everything is going to be okay. I really think you should try and go find Cloud now," Mari said soothingly, lifting the Ancient off of her shoulder, brushing back some of her bangs that clung to her damp cheeks and turning her chin up to look at her friend. Andi's emerald green eyes met Mari's and just by looking at how saddened and upset her friend was, Mari could feel warm tears in her eyes now. Her voice remained steady as she wrapped her arms around Andria again, hugging her tightly.

"I think...that Cloud loves you. It's obvious to anybody that's around the both of you. I think Cloud is just scared. Go and find him. Talk to him. That's all you can do. I just hope and pray you can find him, but I'm almost certain that you will," Mari reassured her friend.

The flashbacks of when Vincent had his breakdown, running away from her and leaving her all alone without answers as to why poured into Mari's mind. She knew that would never happen again but...gods please don't let the same thing happen to Andria. Don't let Cloud torment her the way that Vincent did me. Don't leave her with unanswered questions. She doesn't deserve this...especially not now.

Andria looked up weakly into the mage's lush green eyes that looked kindly down at her friend. She stood back and gathered herself, trying to calm down. She reached her hands up and brushed the her left over tears away.

"I'm so sorry Mari...I'm sorry to have brought this on you. I'm going to go look for him. He's got to be somewhere. He took Fenrir...I just hope he's somewhere near. I hope he didn't go far. I have to know what is wrong with him," she stated defiantly. "I have a few ideas of where he could be."

"That's a girl, now go find him, get answers and drag his ass back here," Mari told her with a small smile. "You're strong Andi...don't forget that."

The petite Ancient looked back at Mari and smiled. "I don't know what I'd do without you." She grasped the mage's hand in hers.

"Likewise Andi," the mage offered back, returning a light squeeze to her friend's hand.

Mari and Vincent accompanied Andria across the living room and back to the front door. Vincent opened up the door for the girl and Andria thanked him once more. The Ancient stepped out onto the porch and turned to smile at her friends one more time.

"Good luck finding him and if you get the chance, give him a good hard kick for me in the shin," Mari told her jokingly. "Tell him that it's from Mari for running off and worrying you to death like this," the mage added with a wink.

Andria let out a small laugh. "Okay, I'll do that. Thanks again you two," she replied as she stepped off of the porch and left Vincent and Mari's house.

The Cetra was about to head out towards Midgar when she realized she didn't have her phone or her swords with her. She turned back and went straight back towards the bar, newly filled with adrenaline. She ran through the bar room and ran quietly up the stairs. Andria dashed into her's and Cloud's deserted room and snatched her swords and her phone. She hung the sheath around her waist and snapped the phone to her belt. She also gathered a few materia in case she were to run into anything on the way to finding Cloud. She was doing this on foot so she needed to be prepared.

Once the Ancient was satisfied with her equipment, she turned and left the bar, heading out of the door. Andria turned on her heel and took off a jog down the street, beginning her search for Cloud. She looked in alleyways, went inside of shops, checked inside of restaurants and there was still no sign of him. She was about to give up when something snapped into place in her mind.

"Cloud has to be either in our private place, Zack's grave, Aerith's church or the Forgotten City," she told herself as she made a run for the ruins of Midgar, hoping that he wasn't in the Forgotten City. It was too far away and she'd never make it alone on foot.


Cloud had managed to keep his emotions under control as he sped off down the road on his Fenrir, driving away from the bar and trying to force Andria and Aerith both out of his head. The blonde soon found that he was failing miserably. He rode up to his and Andria's special, private place. Why he decided to ride up there, he did not know. It was the place where they had first kissed. As he stopped Fenrir and jumped off, his heart was pounding in his chest. Was it from fear, or anger? Maybe it was just from the frustration he felt from everything, or maybe it was him being afraid of his own feelings?

As Cloud parted the bushes and stepped through them, feet coming to rest in the tall grass, the image of that night flashed before his eyes, followed by another flash. A flash of familiar eyes. Evil, narrowed, glowing green eyes. Mako eyes. Cloud's head began to throb furiously as he grabbed ahold of the sides of it and nearly went to his knees. The image was blurred and eventually it subsided, followed by a cold, harsh laugh. The swordsman blinked his eyes harshly a few times before his surroundings came back into view.

"W-what's happening to me?" Cloud wondered out loud as the pain in his head, slowly began to diminish. "Are you back to torture me again!" he yelled out into the darkness, nothing but a slight echo of his own words reverberated back to him. Cloud could distinctly remember just last year when Sephiroth had returned. He could still hear the cold, dark words echoing throughout his own mind.

"I've thought of a wonderful present for you," Sephiroth sneered, his gleaming eyes leered down at Cloud. "Shall I give you despair?"

The blonde began to feel threatened, like he was being pushed into something that wasn't. Darkness felt like it was shrouding the very depths of his own soul. Even in their place like this, Cloud could feel the coldness enveloping him, swallowing him until he could hardly take it anymore. No! You're not going to do this to me! Not again! The swordsman turned sharp on his heel and departed from the small cliff. He shoved back the bushes and stepped through them, hurrying over to Fenrir and grasping the side of it, breathing heavily. He hung his head for a moment and then looked back up at their place, glaring. He jumped onto Fenrir and started the massive, black beast up and drove away as fast as he could, trying to shove off the feelings overcoming him.

Cloud turned sharp and eventually found himself out near where Zack's grave was. He could just see the ruins of Midgar straight ahead. Cloud didn't even stop to pause near Zack's grave, for fear of having another vision. He didn't want to go through this. Not again....that was the last thing he wanted to do. All Cloud wanted to do was get to a place where he could find peace, comfort, and he knew just the place to go. The swordsman knew just where he needed to go. It had always been his escape before. It was the one place that calmed him down.

Just laying in the sanctuary made him feel like he was cleansed. Cleansed with light and that's what he needed, because right now at this very moment, the swordsman felt nothing but cold and darkness. Cloud made another sharp turn on Fenrir, riding straight towards the ruins of Midgar. The new feeling was overwhelming him as he struggled with his emotions. He had managed to keep himself under control but so many times while he was riding Fenrir, sorrow threatened to overtake him. While he was out riding had Cloud only just discovered this new feeling. This new feeling was definantly something he didn't want to come to terms with. So he forced it off, with a lot of difficulty.

As Cloud got closer and closer to Midgar, he had to stop and pull off to the side of the road. His vision was hazing before his eyes as they burned with oncoming, threatening tears. The swordsman could no longer see where he was or what he was doing. Cloud rested one foot on the ground and he clutched onto Fenrir's handlebars, doing his best to take control of himself. He began taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down. The blonde could feel a gentle stirring in his chest and Cloud swallowed, blinking back his tears. No! I won't do this to myself! I won't show my weakness! I will not allow myself to cry. I'm not like this! I won't do it!

Cloud managed to grasp himself out of his emotional attack, and he sat back upright on the bike. He hit the gas and continued on into the ruins of Midgar. Cloud rode past Sectors 1, 2, 3, and 4 until he found himself back into the familiar area of the Sector 5 Slums. He slowed Fenrir down as he got closer and closer to his destination. Cloud felt that same, familiar stirring in his chest again, just as he had felt earlier. He slowed Fenrir and shut off the engine. Cloud swung his leg over the bike and found himself back in front of the highly recognizable, wooden double doors. With not much strength at all, Cloud opened the doors and ascended into the familiarity of the decrepit church.

The moon was shining down through the massive hole that had been put into the ceiling of the colossal building as Cloud walked across the floor. The familiar sounds of the wood continued to creak beneath Cloud's heavy boots with each step he took. Cloud stopped and stared at his surroundings. Even in the dark, her flowers still continued to glow with life. They still seemed well cared for even. Though it had been quite a time since the swordsman had tended to her flowers, they still seemed filled with existence. He walked across the broken floor boards of the church and absentmindedly stepped into her small field of flowers, still there, still left unscathed after all that had happened.

What's happening to me? What am I feeling right now at this very moment? Why do I feel so scared? Why do I feel so confused? Why can't I stop thinking about Andria? Do I love her? I still love Aerith, but that doesn't hurt so much why is this happening now? All these thoughts continued to afflict Cloud's mind until he could no longer bear it. Cloud stood in the flowers and leaned up against one of the broken pillars. He rested his sleeved arm across his stomach and his elbow right on top of his hand. Cloud folded his other hand under his chin and looked up at the stars in the sky and shining moon that floated just above him.

"Why did I have to start feeling again?" Cloud asked nobody in particular, still staring up at the sky. "I just...I'm weak...Why does it hurt so much?"

His voice cracked as his eyes began to sting with warm tears and the stirring in his chest had lept out of his mouth, causing him to half sob and half gasp. Cloud could no longer tenure this feeling anymore. All the anguish and the sorrow that had threatened him since they had reached the Temple of the Ancients was now finding it's way out.

Cloud clasped his hand over his mouth, trying to control himself but he let out another shaking, whispering sob. For the first time in three years since Aerith had died, Cloud Strife broke down. He closed his mako-infused eyes to try and prevent the warm tears from escaping, but it didn't work. They broke free. Three years worth of tears he started to release. Tears from the grief, tears from the pain of losing Aerith, tears from the remorse he felt and tears for Andria. Aerith...I'm so sorry...Andria, please...please forgive me...You know what'll happen if I take you with me to find're going to die just like Aerith. It'll be all my fault...Then I'll be left all alone again...he thought and slid down the pillar and into the flowers.


Andria had to stop running as she felt a sharp pain in her side. She was breathing heavily from the sprinting she had been doing, trying hard to find Cloud. Andria brushed her bangs back from her slightly sweat-beaded forehead. She had just left the area that her and Cloud always shared. The Cetra had hoped against hope that Cloud would have been in there, but he wasn't. She had seen the tracks Fenrir had left though. They were fresh, so she knew that Cloud had been there. Though she was highly upset and worried that she hadn't found Cloud yet, Andria continued to stay strong and alert, searching desperately for him.

"Aerith....Mom...please help me," Andria whispered as she stared up at the stars. "Please help me find him. Please help me to be strong."

A whining cry pierced itself through Andria's mind, and she didn't know what it was. It was a completely unfamiliar and new sound to her. She placed her hands over her ears and pressed in hard on them as the voices from the Lifestream sounded again in her head. She heard the normal, crying, depserate pleas followed by the high pitched whine that continued to coil around her mind over and over again. She shook her head desperately and started to run again, doing her best to drown out the unseen vocalization.

"Cloud! Cloud where are you!" Andria cried out into the night. The wind blew lightly causing Andria's hair and skirt to blow off to the side, but the wind didn't feel normal. It feel eerie somehow and slightly chilly.

Sensing danger, Andria brandished her sword and split it in half. She whirled around just as a group of three karnras came baring down upon the girl. Their massive, pointed teeth were bared, their long, sharp claws were extended and their eyes gleamed dangerously in the night. Rough snarls were heard as they advanced towards her with a quickened pace. Andria held out both of her swords as they approached, sending an ice attack through the blades and slammed them down on her attackers. The beasts were frozen and Andria stabbed at the ice-sheathed creatures, causing them to shatter like glass and land in bits around her feet.

She could feel two more coming up from behind her and the girl rolled her eyes. This is too easy... she thought to herself as she turned both blades around. Without even turning around, Andria jabbed the swords backwards just as the two monsters reared on hind paws ready to attack. Andria felt her blades pierce the creatures behind her and heard their wails of pain. She pulled her blades out of their bodies with the sound of grating metal and heard their heavy bodies fall behind her. The Ancient turned around and looked down at the the forms laying there, struggling for their last breaths and she sighed, looking at her blades.

"Damn, they got blood all over my swords," she sighed. Andria cast her ice materia to create a ball of ice and then used her fire to melt the ice, creating a simple water spell and washed the blood off of her gleaming katana blades. Andria looked all around in each direction, making sure there were no more oncoming attackers. She quickly noticed the wind had died down and was pretty sure she was safe now. The girl snapped her blades back together and re-sheathed her weapon. "Now, to find Cloud," the Cetra spoke aloud.

Andria could see the massive Buster sword buried in the ground just ahead, marking Zack's grave. The sword was large enough to hide a man, maybe Cloud was sitting on the other side of it. Andria felt her heart leap into her chest at the possibility that he was sitting behind it and she took off at a run, praying like crazy she would find him there.

"CLOUD!" Andria cried out as she got closer and closer to the sword. "Are you there?!"

The Ancient picked up speed and advanced towards the Buster sword. As she approached, she rushed over to the other side of it to see if Cloud were there. Her breath caught in her throat and Andria felt her heart drop to her feet when she realized the other side of the sword was absent from anybody being there. Andria felt the familiar presence as she placed a hand on the rusted, decrepit sword, lowering herself slightly to catch her breath. Andria almost felt as if an invisible hand was touching her shoulder. Looking back, she saw nothing, but she felt his presence. Andria could remember Cloud telling her about Zack.

"Zack?" Andria whispered into the night. "Is that you?" There was no answer, but Andria felt an overwhelming sense of worry, fear and care. " are there. I can tell it's you. You're there...and Aerith is too. You're worried about Cloud. I am too...I think I know. I'll go to him. He needs me," she answered knowingly.

Andria could barely hear her sister's voice in the back of her mind, but she could feel their presence as well as sense both of their feelings. Both of them were scared for Cloud and both Aerith and Zack were worried. The Cetra could feel the care that both beings carried for Cloud, but she could always feel the emotions that Aerith had for Andria as well. It was nearly overbearing.

"Don't worry. I'm going now," she told them both soothingly. "Everything will be....alright," the Cetra tried hard to convince herself as well as them.

Andria stared and looked out at the ruins of Midgar. She knew that Cloud was down there. She could feel herself being drawn there yet again. It was uncanny the way that whenever there seemed to be trouble or a time of need, Andria was drawn to the place, lead there by something. She was almost nearly positive that Cloud had to be down there. The girl stood up tall on her feet now and clasped one hand around the handle of the Buster sword.

"Thank you, both. Don't worry....I'll take care of him," she murmered indistinctly.

Andria released her grasp and lept down from the cliff where Zack was buried. She started straight forward and began walking towards Midgar. Andria needed time to think of what exactly she would say when she found Cloud. What would she say? Would she apologize? Of course she would! This was what was needed. Would she proclaim her love for him? Would she open up? I have to tell him...I have to tell him I'm sorry. I have to tell him that I love him. I truly do love him, but...I'm scared...What if Cloud doesn't love me? What if he can't give me his love in return? What if now that he knows I'm Aerith's sister...he can't love me? Maybe now that's the only reason he'll stay with me...because I'm a part of! I can't believe that! I don't want to believe that's the only reason he'd stay with me!

Andria was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't realize she was standing just outside of the Midgar ruins now. She stopped as her heart froze and looked ahead. There were motorcycle tracks...fresh ones. Her heart lept up into her throat as Andria began to break into a sprint. She ran down the familiar path and found herself inside of the broken, ruined Sector 5 Slums. She knew Aerith's church was nearby. Andria turned and made that familiar run towards the church and as she drew nearer and nearer. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw the massive, black motorbike, parked just outside of the church. Cloud's cellphone was hanging from the handle and his swords were sitting easily in their compartments. Though she took note of those things, Andria had only one thing on her mind now. Cloud was inside of that church.

Andria advanced towards the massive wooden doors and pushed them open with ease. Her eyes scanned the area as she stepped inside. The entire sanctuary was bathed in moonlight except for the brightest part of the church. The flowers seemed to glow within the darkness as the young Cetra stepped on the broken, decrepit floorboards. The moment she had entered the sacred place, she had felt Aerith's presence wash over her stronger than ever like the newly fallen, spring rain. The fresh smell of the glowing yellow and white lillies filled her senses and she closed her eyes. Andria turned her gaze towards the flowerbed and her emerald orbs fell on a blonde-haired figure in the flowers.

Cloud was sitting with his back towards Andria, his head was lowered and his knees were drawn upwards towards his chest. He had both of his arms stretched out in front of himself, resting them upon his knees, and his bowed head seem to hang listlessly in between his arms. Andria's heart jumped into her throat painfully again as she watched his shoulders rise and fall a number of times. Small, whispering gasps seemed to be coming from somewhere near him, and the Ancient felt her heart drop to her feet.

"Oh, Cloud," she whispered, placing both hands up to her mouth.

The girl quietly removed her sword and laid the sheath across one of the pews that had not been broken in the previous fights that had taken place in Midgar. She removed her phone and laid it on top of the sheath. Andria hestitated for a moment as she watched Cloud. Did he even realize she was in there? She began to advance slowly towards Cloud, both hands behind her back. She titled her head slightly as she watched him, a saddened look on her face.

"Cloud?" Andria spoke softly.

There was no answer. Andria began to grow worried. What if he had been injured or something to that affect when he left? There seemed to be no sign of injury, only sorrow. Andria could feel intense sorrow radiating off of this man before her. As she was only just a few steps behind, Cloud let a heavier, whispering sounding sob. The Cetra now realized a fear she didn't want to come to terms with. Cloud was crying. She noticed his entire body was shaking now that she was so close to him.

"Oh Cloud...please don't," she murmured.

The young woman dropped to her knees and threw her arms around his neck, embracing the broken swordsman tight. Andria rubbed her face against his soft blonde locks and closed her eyes. She didn't once feel him recoil as she held him. In fact, it felt like he welcomed her embrace, allowing his full body to rest into hers. Andria brushed back his blonde locks gently and leaned in towards his face.

The young Ancient rested her face up against the side of his which was soaked with tears. She could feel one cascading right after the other against her face and she kissed his damp cheek gently while holding him. As she felt him shake and heard his whispering sobs escape, she couldn't help but feeling her heart break even more. She wasn't sure she want to do. She felt at a loss. The man she loved was breaking down right here in her arms and there was nothing she could do about it. Cloud let out another whimpering sob and Andria felt almost desperate as she clutched onto his trembling form.

"Oh Cloud, I'm so sorry. I am so sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for the things I said. I just...don't know what to do," she commented softly, her voice cracking ever so lightly. It was breaking her heart to see him this way.

Cloud felt somewhat ashamed for allowing Andria to see him this way. Only a couple of times in his life did he ever truly have a small breakdown, but nothing like this. He was broken-hearted and completely torn when Aerith had died. He had cried quietly to himself as he held her limp, bleeding body in his arms, and he had shed a few tears when he laid her to rest in the waters of the Forgotten City. A few times he had struggled with his tears after Aerith had died, but he never allowed himself to fully lose control that way in front of his friends. Cloud had carried himself for three years, building strong barriers around his heart and emotions. He stayed cold and strong, keeping a stiff upper lip and never allowing himself to be shaken.

Well, it was that way until he met Andria. Of course he had been attracted to her from the beginning, and of course she reminded him greatly of Aerith. Yet, as time went on, Cloud came to realize what an amazing person Andria really was. It wasn't because of the Aerith in her, it was because of who she was. How would he ever make Andria understand that? Cloud squeezed his azure eyes shut even tighter as he felt the girl embrace him. He willingly allowed himself to just let it go. He couldn't control it anymore. Andria had broken the strong barriers around his heart and she had found her way in. It was something that the blonde just couldn't resist. Now that the truth about her was revealed, it hurt even more so than ever.

Damn you Strife! Why did you have to go and let yourself feel again? You knew this would happen. She's a Ancient, just like Aerith was! You know what could rest with her fate. You know damn well that Sephiroth KNOWS she's an Ancient and you also know that Sephiroth will do everything he can to take her from you...and if he succeeds....the swordsman thought furiously to himself. Cloud didn't even want to begin to think about it, but trying not to think about it, of course made him think about it. The swordsman was literally drowning himself in pain, sorrow and fear.

Cloud hung his head miserably as flashes of Sephiroth appearing out of nowhere, corroded his mind He seen Sephiroth descend behind Andria and Cloud watched helplessly as the silver-haired man stabbed her straight through the stomach with his masamune. The image flashed clearly through Cloud's mind. He could still feel the warm tears coursing down his cheeks. He opened his eyes as he watched them falling onto the flower petals and rest there like morning dewdrops. You're damn're weak....he cursed himself. I wish we never would have met. I wish none of this would have happened. I wish I didn't have to feel like this again. Gods, why is this all happening NOW? The swordsman let out another trembling sob and he felt Andria clutch him tighter.

Andria held Cloud from behind for a short time. She so desperately wanted to know what he was feeling. The Cetra felt she deserved to know what he was feeling. Hoping that she could get his attention, Andria withdrew from behind him and stood up. She walked around to the front of Cloud and crouched down. She tilted her head again slightly, feeling extremely saddened and not sure what to do. All she knew was that she wanted to somehow calm him, stop his tears and just console him. It was breaking her heart into pieces seeing him this way.

"Cloud?" she began softly. "Come on Cloud, please. Please talk to me. It's so hard to see you this," Andria whispered as she gently moved his arms.

Andria placed both of her hands on his tear-assaulted face and lifted it up. Andria had never before seen a face that looked as though the man were going to fall apart from sorrow. She had never seen a face that looked so broken. Even through closed eyes, she could see his intense pain, ever increasing. He continued to keep his azure orbs closed, but that didn't prevent his crystalline tears from escaping. They fell, one right down his face and onto Andria's hands. His lips were opened slightly and he had his teeth clenched and as he struggled to hold back another sob. His chest and shoulders were heaving against the Cetra. The swordsman couldn't even bear to open his eyes. He reached one hand up and wrapped one gloved hand around her bicep, trying to cling onto her in some way for support or comfort.

"D-don't l-leave me...please," Cloud whispered painfully. The blonde was weeping so heavily that it was obviously difficult for him to speak.

"Oh Cloud, I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stay right here with you," the Cetra girl replied softly as she brushed away his continuous tears, but it didn't do much good.

Andria could feel warm tears filling her own eyes yet again as she watched the anguish poor from the man before her. Andria never realized just how fragile he would be come. It was as if he were shattering before her. Shattering like the glass that of a mirror which had been forcefully hit and now the millions of small pieces were falling all around her. Andria felt as though she were struggling to pick up all of the little shards of Cloud, trying to put him back together and was failing miserably. What was wrong with him? What had happened to cause this man to become so easily broken?

A couple of moments had passed when Cloud finally opened his blue-green eyes. They still continued to sparkle with tears and the tears still continued to course down his cheeks in twin streams. He looked up into Andria's eyes with an almost desperate look. The Cetra struggled to read what was in his eyes. Was it fear? Was it pain and suffering? Was What was this in his eyes she saw? Andria just drew in her eyebrows, staring at him, ridden with sorrow. Her own eyes still continue to hold tears, but she forced them to stay back. Cloud needed her right now at this very moment so she needed to stay strong.

Cloud stared up at her like a helpless child, as though he were somebody who looked frightened, confused, and alone. And then, without a warning of any type, Cloud leaned forward and grabbed Andria. The blonde wrapped one arm around her shoulders and one arm around her waist. He buried his face into her stomach and wept soundly. Andria was completely at a loss. She didn't know what to say or what to do. She figured the best thing to do was allow Cloud to have this breakdown.

Andria felt her own tears come now and she could no longer control them. Not while she was seeing Cloud this way. She did her best to hide it though. She didn't want him to know how this was affecting her. The Ancient just wanted to stay strong for him, but it was so hard. Why was it so hard to see him this way? Why was it affecting her so much? Why was it that now he was in her arms, the young woman never wanted to let go? She wanted to constantly hold him. Andria wanted to reassure him that everything was going to be okay. However more than anything, the Cetra wanted to know what Cloud was feeling. Was he really clinging onto her because he needed her or was he just using her for a security blanket at this point? Andria knew why she never wanted to let him go, and it was because she loved him.

Andria wrapped her arms around him tightly, not wanting to think about the thoughts that were filling her head. She just needed to concentrate on comforting him, being his pillar of strength. She loved him so much that it was becoming physically painful now. The Cetra held him tightly, cradeling his shaking, sobbing form and caressing the back of his hair. She ran her fingertips gently through his blonde spikes, making soft cooing and shooshing noises. This was breaking her heart. She'd never seen Cloud just lose control like this. She'd never seen him break. Had this ever happened before?

"I-I'm so s-sorry," came Cloud's muffled voice from her stomach. "I...i-it just hurts a hurts s-so much."

"What Cloud? What hurts so much? Please Cloud, tell me what hurts!" Andria pleaded softly, kissing the top if his head. "You can tell me. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Just please, tell me what's wrong!"

"I...I don't want to feel a-anymore. I don't want to go through this anymore," he told her through muffled sobs, but this only made Andria more confused.

"What don't you want to feel anymore Cloud? What is it that's so hard? Please Cloud, tell me. Let me try and help, please!" the girl insisted.

"I...I-I'm scared of hurting the people I cherish...I don't want to h-hurt anybody anymore. I...I don't w-want to hurt you at all...ever," he replied, still slightly shaking with tears.

Andria's heart began pounding in her chest. People he she one of those people? Had she heard correctly? Did Cloud cherish her? "What do you mean hurt me, Cloud? You'll never hurt me. Cloud I...I just...I-I...," Andria stammered, but she couldn't bring herself to say it.

She wanted so badly to tell Cloud she loved him, but something was holding her back. Was it fear? Was it fear of scaring him away if she revealed how she truly felt? Andria was pretty sure it was.

"Cloud, please talk to me. Tell me some more. Tell me what you're scared of. Tell me what you're feeling. I can help you and you can help me. We can help one another. Just please, tell me," she spoke tenderly as she continued to run one of her hands through her hair and the other on the back of his neck.

Cloud grew quiet yet again and spoke no more. He just continued to cry silently, cry brokenly into Andria's stomach. Atleast she was there with him now, Although it wasn't under the best circumstances she was with him, right there holding him and alone with him and right now, that's all that mattered.
Cloud can be very confusing can't he? Even i'm having a bit of trouble here ^_^.

Anyway, nice chapter. You know what to do when you've posted the next chapter, right? I appreciate it.
Yes he can >.< I know it was really really difficult to write that chapter, not to mention hard as well :(

I am soooo glad you guys are liking this! DarkSquall, you're the 2nd person to print out my story! lol I'm hoping within the next week or so have Chapter 19 up. Keep in mind I'll be completed with this story once you see the 30th chapter and the epilogue go up ^_^