Fan Fiction Final Fantasy VII: The Past of the Cetra

Alright...I feel like I owe you guys an explanation...I haven't been writing at all lately because I've been so completely busy and bombarded by things at home. I'm hoping after the holidays and things calm down, I can get back into writing this again. I did write some more of the newest chapter a bit the other night, but only until I got really tired. I'll try and get a new chapter up as soon as I can. Thanks again for all the comments and such!
Lady Aerith, could you email me that chapters so I could print them out.

I want to read it, but I just don't have time to read it on my computer atm.

Hopefull it could help me sort out the story I am currantly writing, it is nothing like this though. (it's original)

Email them to _

Sure thing, youngmastervivi ^_^ I'll get to it as soon as I get a moment. And now, my apologies for waiting so long for this chapter, but I have finally completed Chapter 23. I hope you enjoy this as much as you all have my others!

Chapter 23- Into the Lifestream

Cloud tumbled head over heels, drifting helplessly through phosporous, brilliant white-green light as he strength began to falter. Extreme vertigo began taking over his body, and he had the overwhelming urge to close his eyes but almost feared to do so. What if he never opened them again? Was this the end for him? Was it his time to die already? The swordsman could no longer hold them open, and so he closed his mako-infused, blue eyes from the intense power of the light and soon found darkness behind his lids. Was this how death was...his vision fading to dark? Was this how it all was going to end for find himself floating alone, helpless in the Lifestream until eventually his life withered away and his soul returned to the planet? Was Andria going to feel that he'd left? Of course she would. The blood of the Ancients flows through her veins...she's Aerith's sister, so of course she was going to know. Or maybe...maybe he was already dead. Maybe had already lost all sense of self and was so deep in denial about being dead that he still felt alive?

However he questioned it. Could his subconcious be toying with him? If he were dead, why did he still feel his heart beating so rapidly within his rib cage? If he, Cloud, were dead, then how was it he were able feel the drowiness creeping upon him, the weakness sliding it's way into the very depths of his insides, the energy slowly leaving his body as if he were merely drifting off into deep sleep?

The swordsman wasn't sure, but he felt as though he were struggling with a battle, an inner battle going on inside of him, deep within the depths of his heart and his mind. Cloud's heart was screaming at him, almost crying with agony for he was no longer on the Planet to protect his precious who would now? Who would be there to protect that last remaining Ancient from being killed? She was the key, just like her sister had been, to saving the Planet. If Andria's life were taken as well, then all would be lost and Sephiroth would be able to achieve what he had always wanted. The Planet and every life on it would be doomed for certain.

Cloud wasn't sure what was going on his mind. He felt confused and tormented. He felt like his mind had been stretched, like bits of peanut butter spread just a little too thin over a cracker. What was happening to him? Was this simply how it was going to end for him, after all the brutal deaths he could have suffered, would it be his weakness that brought upon his demise? After everything he had done, everything he had been through and sacrificed. After all of the suffering he endured three years ago when he had lost his beloved Aerith, and just last year suffering from the onslaught of Geostigma, which Cloud was sure was going to eventually kill him, never did and now this?

Not to mention the overwhelming guilt that he was stricken with, only to be saved and forgiven in the end, but why? Did I really deserve all of that? If this was how he was going to meet his end, why was all of this happening now? Cloud thought back to three years previously, remembering all the fighting he had done to save the planet and no matter where he looked or where he turned, it always seemed as if he, Cloud were the one to suffer in the end, but did he deserve it? Maybe so, but why was it that way? Would he ever attain peace in his life? Would he ever be able to just rid Sephiroth of his mind and go on and live his life to the fullest and be happy? What did he do to deserve to go through all of this? Was he still being punished for his sins? Cloud delved into his memories and remember that day of the Sector 7 fall.

Cloud and Tifa climbed the flight of stairs that wound it's way up the side of the massive tower. After speaking with an extremely afflicted and dying Wedge, the two were in a state of shock. So much was happening all at once, and Cloud was worried that Aerith wouldn't make it in time to save herself or Marlene, but he didn't doubt the young woman's abilities to save themselves. He was just worried that the plate might fall right on them and kill them. Pushing the thought from his mind, the two hurried fleetingly along. As they continued up the stairs, they met up with a severely injured Biggs. He was leaning over the railing, his breath was coming in short, rapid gasps. Cloud and Tifa stopped near the wounded man who turned his head upward to gaze at them. His flesh was covered in cuts and blood oozed from his wounds. He clutched his ribcage with one arm and coughed, bits of blood trickling down the poor man's mouth. He opened up his mouth yet again, only this time to speak.

" you don't care...what the...Planet?" Biggs struggled, gasping between nearly every word he spoke.

Cloud approached Biggs and looked down concernedly at his fellow AVALANCHE member. He knew that Biggs wasn't going to make it just as Wedge wasn't either. "You're wounded...," the blonde replied softly.

Biggs tried to force a smile on his face, but had a rough time doing so. He grimaced with pain as he continued to stare at Cloud and Tifa both. "Thanks, Cloud...," the man gasped. "Don't worry 'bout's the end for me... Barret's...fighting up there. Go help him...," Biggs forced himself to say before he fell back again over the railing, taking very fast, shallow breaths.

Cloud felt a strange sensation, almost a feeling of despondency fall over himself, though he wasn't sure what to make of it. He wasn't used to feelings like this. The swordsman couldn't allow himself to worry about things at a time like this. All he knew was that he needed to get up there to Barret before anybody else was killed. The pillar was falling and there was no more time to waste. The swordsman and the martial artist continued to accelerate up the winding staircase. The two were very close to the top when there was a large gasp from Tifa. Laying on the stairs was a broken form, a damaged, female body. Cloud felt his heart leap into his throat as he stared down at the injured, wounded person of Jessie. She too seemed to be struggling for her life, maybe even moreso than Biggs was. The young woman didn't seem to have enough strength to lift her head and look at Cloud or Tifa. She managed to lift it just centimeters off of her arms. The raven-haired woman placed her hands over her mouth as she stared down at another AVALANCHE member about to lose her life.

"Cloud...I'm glad...I could talk with you one last time," the girl spoke in barely above a whisper. Her eyes were half shut, but she seemed to be keeping them forced open so she could see Cloud and Tifa.

Cloud leaned down to her and placed a hand on her back. "Don't say 'last', Jessie," the blonde replied sadly.

Despite her wounds, Jessie was still very pretty. The AVALANCHE member looked up at Cloud, showing her attractive smile before she winced from the pain of her injuries and her eyes fluttered shut. Her breath was very shallow. "That's....all right...Because of our actions...many...people died...this our punishment..." the woman forced out before she rested her barely-lifted head back down on her arms.

Tifa crouched down by Jessie and placed a hand on her face. "Shhhh," she shooshed the woman, not wanting her to talk anymore and Cloud could hear the choked tears in her whisper, but Jessie was gone.

He shook his blonde head gravely and continued to run up the tower with Tifa close behind him. Soon, he and Tifa found themselves at the very top. He scanned the area and saw the familiar, massive form of Barret. He was tumultuously fighting nearly countless Shinra soldiers. Barret heard the footsteps of Cloud and Tifa coming towards him, and he turned to see Tifa with her fists raised, ready to bash some Shinra heads. Cloud had withdrawn his Buster sword. He too, was prepared to fight...fight for the Planet or not, Cloud just wanted to stop this all. He wanted to keep anybody else from losing their lives.

"Tifa! Cloud! You came!" roared Barret as loudly as he could over the sound of his gunarm firing at the Shinra enemies. "Be careful!" he warned. "They're attacking from the helicopter!"

Tifa stood and nodded her head at Barret. She turned franticly towards Cloud. "We'd better equip ourselves before they attack in full force!"

Nodding his head wordlessly, Cloud equipped himself with the proper materia he needed while Tifa did the same. The martial artist had switched her regular, fighting gloves to a set of spiked, brass knuckles. Cloud took the initiative to equip himself with a few different bits of elemental materia, mainly a Fire and Ice materia and waited for Tifa to finish with hers. She looked up and nodded her dark head, indicating she was ready. As soon as the two were set they ran towards Barret. Tifa pointed her an index finger up towards the top of the tower as a loud whirring sound of the helicopter filled the air.

"Here they come!" Tifa exclaimed as the helicopter drew ever closer.

The Shinra helicopter flew past them at a rather alarmingly quick rate. A tall, red-haired man with a lanky build dropped down from the helicopter and onto the platform. He ran across it and over to a mechanism that sat firm on the side of the pillar. The bloodthirsty Turk studied it for a moment before pressing a few buttons, smiling sinisterly while doing so. Cloud looked over just in time to see Reno pressing the buttons and keys on the mechanism and chuckling quietly to himself. Cloud beckoned Barret and Tifa to him. The two came towards Cloud and he gave them a signal with a short nod of his head. With that, the three dashed towards Reno, determined to put a stop to him from setting the mechanism and completing the job. Reno chortled at the three members of AVALANCHE as they approached him. He tossed his long, red ponytail over his shoulder turned to stare at them arrogantly.

"You're too late. Once I put this button...," the Turk taunted. He raised his finger up high and pressed the main button the mechanism firmly. It beeped rather loudly and Reno stood back with a triumphant grin on his face. "That's all folks! Mission accomplished!" He rubbed the palms of his hands together swiftly as though he were wiping dust from them, a rather smug expression came to rest on his face.

"NO! OH NO!" cried out Tifa alarmingly. "We have to disarm it! Cloud! Barret! Please!" the raven-haired woman pleaded.

Reno stood lazily up against the mechanism with his arms folded across his chest and raised an eyebrow at the martial artist who was now making her way quickly towards the mechanism. The Turk glared at the woman, determined not to allow Shinra's plans to be thwarted. "I can't have you do that. You see, nobody gets in the way of Reno and the Turks, sweetheart," he snapped. He slowly pulled out an electric rod and tapped it gingerly on his shoulder.

Cloud, Tifa and Barret didn't care. They were going to do anything in their power to stop Reno and they made a mad dash for him. Reno was ready and threw out an attack right away which hit Tifa hard. A golden, pyramid-shaped object landed on top of her, trapping her inside. Tifa beat on the insides of it with her fists, while Cloud and Barret both stared anxiously at her.

"Don't worry about me!" Tifa cried out from the inside of the pyramid. "I can break this myself! Worry about beating the hell out that Turk and stopping that bomb!"

Cloud and Barret turned back towards Reno and Cloud delt an Ice attack on the redhead. Reno fell backwards as the impact of the swordsman's attack took affect on him. Within seconds though, the fiesty Turk was back on his feet and he looked pissed. Reno sprinted towards Cloud and attempted to slam the electric rod onto the swordsman's body, but missed. Barret furiously fired his gunarm at the Turk, which Reno was easily dodging.

"Barret! Cast Fire!" Cloud exclaimed, as he bashed his Buster sword into the side of the pyramid Tifa was still trapped in. She was beating on the insides of it franticly with her fists, but to no avail. The girl couldn't get herself free on her own like she thought she could.

Reno took the opportunity, as Cloud's back was turned, to send a stunning spell at him, and it hit the swordsman square in the back. Cloud hit the ground hard, but was grateful for the Cure spell Barret continuously cast over him. Barret then turned and cast Fire at the Turk coming towards him now, sending the red-haired man flying backwards. Tifa's pyramid was sucessfully broken open and the three advanced on the red-headed Turk who was lying on the ground, gasping for breath. Realizing now that he was outnumbered, he ended the fight and stood up slowly.

"It's time," Reno spoke slowly and dangerously.

Then, without warning, Reno jumped over the edge of the tower. Tifa ran
franticly over to the mechanism where the redhead had been previously standing. She worked hecticly on the mechanism, doing everything she could in her power to disarm the bomb, but did not succeed. She looked wildly up at Cloud and Barret.

"Cloud! I don't know how to stop this!" the martial artist cried worriedly. "Try it!"

Cloud approached Tifa and examined the mechanism. A look of worry was spreading across his handsome facial features. "This is not a normal time bomb...,"

The three were interrupted by another helicopter coming towards them. It stopped in mid-air and hovered just up to the side of the tower. The window slowly opened and a man with shoulder-length, dark hair appeared out of the side window. He was dressed in the exactly the same clothes Reno had been...Another fucking Turk! Cloud thought furiously as he glared up into the man's sinister, dark eyes that glinted down from the chopper.

"That's right," he taunted. "You'll have a hard time disarming that one. It'll blow the second some stupid jerk touches it," Tseng continued, his voice filled with gleeful malice.

Tifa ran towards the helicopter and stared pleadingly up at the highly amused Turk. "Please, stop it!" she pleaded with him, but the Turk just threw his head back and laughed at the martial artist.

"Ha ha ha! Only a Shinra Executive can set up or disarm the Emergency Plate Release System," the man jeered at the group. Cloud could definantly see the arrogance and pride this man carried in being a Turk and for the job that was being done and it irritated him, but not as much as it was upsetting Barret. The massive man raised his gunarm threateningly towards the hovering aircraft.

"SHUT YER HOLE!" he roared as he reared his arm back and commenced fire.

Tseng just merely rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't try that," he suggested. "You just might make me injure our special guest."

A young woman with long brown bangs framing her face, raised her head up in the window. They could see the pink ribbon tied in her hair. Her emerald eyes were filled with fear, though Cloud couldn't tell if she were frightened because of Tseng or frightened because of what was about to happen. He felt a twinge of anger touch the back of his neck and a strong sensation of apprehension as his eyes met the frightened form of Aerith.

Tifa ran to the edge of the platform and stared up into the chopper. "Aerith!" she cried franticly at seeing her new friend trapped by none other than bloodthirsty Shinra Turk and worry clouded her dark eyes.

"Oh you know each other?" Tseng questioned, continuing to stare down at the trio. "How nice you could see each other one last time. You should thank me," Tseng tantilized.

Cloud could feel the anger billowing up in his insides now. He felt his cheeks flush hot as he stared up at the delicate anatomy of Aerith. "What are you gonna do with Aerith!" the swordsman demanded.

Tseng stood thoughtfully for a moment, rubbing his hand on his chin. "I haven't decided. Our orders were to find and catch the last remaining Ancient. It's taken us a long time, but now we can finally report this to the President," he answered in a relished tone.

Cloud could clearly tell that Tseng was proud of himself for being able to take Aerith to the President, but this only infuriated the blonde even more. Aerith leaned over the side of the helicopter and looked down at the three. Her eyes swept over Barret and found their way to the blonde's mako-infused ones. The Ancient stared deep into Cloud's blue orbs for just a moment and the swordsman stared back, feeling his heart do a very different leap in his chest. This feeling wasn't like the one he had when he sawJessie, no. That was more of a feeling of anxiety. This was a very different sensation, something he'd never experienced before. The swordsman had the overwhelming urge to try and leap onto that chopper and save her from the Turks, but he knew he couldn't and the blonde could see that in Aerith's eyes. The Ancient's eyes left Cloud's and met Tifa's. The Ancient was giving the other woman a look of calm and reassurance.

"Tifa, don't worry!" Aerith cried out down to her friend. "She's all right!" but before Aerith could say anything else, Tseng raised his hand to the young woman and struck her across the face, hard. Aerith cried out as the impact of Tseng's hit knocked her back and the Ancient fell to her knees whimpering in pain and cradeling her cheek. Cloud felt the anger rise up in him now like a pit of boiling, hot lava turning to rage, and the swordsman let out a furious yell brandishing his sword now.

"Aerith!" Tifa cried out franticly as she watched the Ancient being slapped by the Turk, and Cloud could tell that she too was furious, though not nearly as enraged as him.

Aerith leaned back out of the helicopter window, still cradeling her cheek. Her pink-clad body was trembling. "Hurry and get out!" she cried out to her friends, her voice trembling with the onset of tears.

The dark-haired Turk threw his head back one more time with laughter. "Ha ha ha! Well, it should be starting right about now. Think you can escape in time?" he bantered downward at the three frantic AVANLANCHE members. Before they even had a chance to say anything, Tseng was zooming off at top speed in the helicoper. The pillar was begining to explode, sending massive chunks of flaming steel and concrete falling to the ground below them.

"Once that plate starts coming down, it's too late! We've got to hurry!" exclaimed Tifa anxiously.

"I have an idea!" Barret proposed. He lept up onto the railing of the tower and grabbed a long wire that hung from the tower. "Yo! We can use this wire to get out! Tifa, you get in my lap, Cloud, get on my shoulders! I'll get us the fuck out of this explosion heap!"

Tifa did as she were told and clambered onto Barret's lap, placing her arms tightly around the man's waist. Cloud climbed up on Barret's back and held onto his shoulders with all of his might. Expectant, but nearly not at this very moment, the pillar exploded. Cloud could hear the people below in the slums screaming in a panic and crying as the plate came crashing down onto them, killing their loved ones and destroying their beloved homes. Cloud, Tifa and Barret swung on the wire and barely escaped the falling plate. None of them knew that President Shinra was watching it all from his office window at the Shinra Headquarters with a smug expression, his opera music blaring from the stereo in his office.

Cloud, Tifa and Barret landed hard onto the playground below. Cloud was the first to come to, grimacing as he held his head that was now throbbing something terribly. The blonde man sat up as Barret and Tifa were now waking up and he stared at his surroundings. Everything had been demolished. Shards of debris protruded grotesquely from the moogle face of the children's slide. Steam was rising above the ground in several places, which seemed to the be the only noise in the silence of the devastation. Barret stood up and stared around him before breaking into a run. The vigorous man advanced towards a pile of debris that was once the gate to Sector 7. He stopped and stood for a moment, just staring before throwing back his head in inner agony and wailing to the top of his lungs. It was the only sound that broke the deadly silence.



Despite the fact that he was still in the Lifestream, reliving that in his head brought back painful memories of the past. Cloud knew that It was because of him and all the rest of AVALANCHE that all those people died. They had traveled insanely around Midgar, trying to do everything they could to save the Planet by destroying the Mako Reactors, but in the end, it did more harm then good. They had killed thousands of people, so maybe this too was left to rest on Cloud's shoulders now and that's why he was dying. Because of himself and AVALANCHE, all of those people lost their lives. Because of his stupidity, Aerith had died when he could have stopped it and because of his weakness, he could do nothing while Zack was shot to death right in front of him.

"I thought I had gotten past all of this...apparently I haven't?" the swordsman question himself as he stared around the whitespace. The guilt wasn't as intense as it had been a year ago, but he still felt that twinge of shame at allowing the things that could have been prevented, happen.

Cloud was going to continue on in the Lifestream, alone, overwhelmed with the memories of his past, including Aerith's death which he could never fully let go of, no matter how much he knew he was forgiven. He was going to be submerged in his constant reminder of when he gave the Black Materia to Sephiroth, allowing him to summon Meteor, allowing all of those people to die... These were all his sins, and now he was going to drown in remorse and pain at leaving Andria all alone on the planet with nobody to protect her, love her and care for her the way that he did.

Sure his friends would protect her and make sure that no harm came to her, but what about her feelings? Cloud knew what the young woman felt for him, which made him feel even more guilty about running off, but he had had a good reason to, hadn't he? Cloud had been bound and determined to protect her and stop the Sephiroth clone on his own, but he had failed. That's why he was here and Cloud was sure of it. Now, he was going to suffer, wondering if Andria was alive and knowing that he was no longer there to protect her nor would be able give her the love that he felt for her and that she deserved.

Cloud forced open his light blue orbs and looked around him. It was nothing but whitespace. The swordsman could hear what he thought were echoing cries in the distance, but maybe that was just his mind playing tricks on him as well. Feeling more alone than ever, Cloud slumped down into the nothingness around him and looked upward. He wondered if he spoke out, would anybody hear him? He wondered that if he thought long enough about her, maybe tried to reach out to her with his mind, would she hear him? He called for her. He did everything he could, stretching his heart and his mind out to her and inside of himself he cried out to her.

Andria if you can hear me...please...I'm so sorry.


All three girls were sound asleep, sitting on the floor of the airship and leaning up against the wall. Cid had snickered to himself while watching the determined ladies try and stay awake as they flew out to the Northern Crater. Tifa had fallen asleep sitting up. Her knee was raised with her elbow resting against it. Her face laid tenderly on her hand as the martial artist snoozed soundly. Andria's head had fallen onto Tifa's shoulder, using it as a pillow. Her long, honey-brown bangs fell over her face and fluttered with every breath the Ancient took as she slept. Mari had laid her head down in Andria's lap and was curled up in the fetal position, her hands resting underneath her cheek. Andria's hand was resting on the mage's shoulder, while her other hand was tucked underneath her cheek to give extra cushioning on the dark-haired woman's shoulder.

Cid had described it as a picture-perfect moment and took the opportunity to snap one before they had moved or awoken. Chuckling quietly to himself that the flash had not awoken the girls, Cid stowed his camera back into his pocket and marched his way back over to the massive steering wheel of his airship. If only Cloud could see this now, the pilot thought to himself. I'll just show him the picture when we find that spikey-headed asshole. Cid smiled in spite of himself as he watched the women sleeping so peacefully.

They seemed so innocent, and he almost felt bad that he would have to disturb their sleep upon arrival to the Northern Crater. However, he himself were tired as well, and he did feel slightly cranky, but the site of the three beautiful ladies asleep was enough to make anybody's heart lighten. The pilot pushed his goggles up a bit further on his head and studied his compass to see where they were. It was then he realized just how close they were getting to their destination. Cid figured he'd awaken them in the next twenty minutes or so. Removing his eyes from the girls, he went back to studying the skies around them and didn't see that Andria had stirred.

Her emerald eyes flew open as she heard his cry in her mind. Cloud! She cried out in her head. Where are you? What had just happened? She knew for a fact that it was Cloud she was hearing, but something didn't feel right. Where had the connection, that she felt so strongly with him, gone? It was as if it had evaporated right into thin air, becoming evanescent before she had the chance to try and grasp onto it. Cloud was no longer in the Northern Crater and Andria could feel that. The very mere realization that washed over her, caused her brain to wake up more and she felt somewhat upset. The Cetra sat up quietly so as not to disturb her sleeping companions and gathered her senses. Cloud's connection had clearly disappeared. It was incontrovertible that he was definitely not there, sharing that connection, that she so often felt, with her anymore. Only just recently had she been able to feel him and know where he was, but now the connection was gone, so was he dead? It didn't feel as if his soul had returned to the planet, so that couldn't be possible. If that weren't then problem, then what could it be? What was happening?

The ancient brought her hands up to her eyes, rubbing them and trying forcefully to wake up and gather herself. She leaned her head back against the wall, doing everything she could to keep herself from panicking. He wasn't dead, she would know that. Her Cetra heritage, the blood of the Ancients that flowed through her veins would have surely allowed her to know if the man she loved were dead. Their connection had been so strong, but now it was like it had snapped into two pieces. Andria could hear Cloud's cries in her mind, but they sounded so distant, so far away that no matter what she did to reach them, she couldn't. The emptiness that had settled inside of Andria when she lost her parents, had slowly been back on the verge to being filled again and now this. It was as if the that feeling were returning, becoming a gaping hole inside of her and was just continuously opening back up. The young woman couldn't remember when she felt this miserable except for when her parents' lives had been brutally taken.

Andria slowly made to stand up, careful not to awaken the girls. The Cetra gently removed the arm that Tifa had draped around her shoulder and let it rest gently at her side. She gently lifted Mari's head from her lap and continued holding the mage as she stooped downward. Very carefully, she laid Mari's head down. Andria looked at both Tifa and Mari, feeling a huge emotion of care and love for these women. She had never had such close friends before and she knew that they would do anything for her just as she would for them.

Maybe when this is all over, Mari, Tifa and I can have just an entire weekend in Costa del Sol...we deserve as much, don't we? Andria thought to herself and then decided that yes, when this was all said and done, when they found Cloud and when they defeated Sephiroth or his clone, whichever it was, then she, Mari and Tifa would go spend a weekend vacation at Costa del Sol. She smiled down at her friends, making that promise in her heart. She brushed back a few strands of Mari's hair from her face in a very motherly way. When the girl was satisfied that her two friends were comfortable and going to remain asleep she stood slowly up and turned around to face Cid who was concentrating on flying the Shera. Andria was slightly worried about telling Cid what she felt because she knew Cid cared for Cloud, just as everybody else did. Would he be angry if she explained to him what she were feeling?

The Ancient wasn't sure, but taking a deep breath she walked over to Cid and placed her hands behind her back. She leaned over slightly and looked up at the pilot who had just happened to look down and discover her presence. The man jumped about a foot high from where he was sitting and the placed a gloved hand over his chest.

"OH HOLY SHIT AND DAMN TA HELL!" bellowed Cid as his blue eyes stared wide-eyed down at the Ancient. "Andi! You scared the holy bejeebus shit outta me!"

Andria placed a hand over her mouth to hide any laughter that might have tried to escape and her emerald eyes shined up at Cid. "I'm sorry, Cid," the Ancient giggled. "I honestly didn't mean to scare you. I was just wondering if I could...well, have a word with you?"

"Well let my find where my heart shot out to and then we'll have a word!" replied the blond pilot, breathing heavily and his hand still on his chest.

He reached up to his goggles and removed a cigarette from it. Cid then turned and put the airship on auto-pilot and stepped down from the pilot's chair. He walked over towards the massive window of the airship and leaned up against it. The pilot stuck the butt of the cigarette in his mouth, pulled out a silver, flashy zippo lighter and lit it. He took in a deep breath, inhaled and then exhaled. "Ahhh, I've just died and gone ta heaven again," Cid drawled as he shut his eyes in pleasure from the cigarette, his breath becoming abated and steady.

Andria had followed suit, rolling her eyes at Cid's comment about his cigarette. She walked over and stood next to Cid, her hands still behind back and leaning against the window as well. "You know, you say that every single time you light up one of those things...cancer sticks, that's what those things are," she remarked, pointing to the long, white smoke hanging out of Cid's mouth. She turned and placed her hands on her hips in an almost motherly fashion.

Cid stood for a moment and raised one eyebrow as he stared down at the feisty Ancient before him. "Oh not you too!" he grumbled. "Don't ya know ah I already git 'nough shit from Shera 'bout smokin! I din't think you'd gimme that garb too!"

"Well it's not healthy for you, Cid Highwind," Andria replied sternly continuing to stare at him stubbornly.

"Ah know it ain't healthy fer me," Cid replied, taking another long drag from his cigarette and closing his eyes. "But I'm gittin' old and just really don' care t' be honest." He reopened his eyes to find Andria still standing there with her hands firmly on her hips and he let out a raucous stream of laughter. "I'll be DAMNED you're a stubborn lil shit!" he carried on laughing with his head thrown back. "You're more feisty and bullheaded than yer sister ever was! I like that 'bout you Andi darlin," the pilot continued to chuckle. "So, did you want to have a word with me to criticize me about my smokin' habits or was it something else you wanted t' talk 'bout?" Cid asked, now curious and his laughter died down. Upon the uproar of Cid's laughter, Andria had looked anxiously over to where Tifa and Mari still lay sleeping and was grateful that he had not woken them up.

"Actually no, I didn't want to talk about your smoking. Actually I," Andria's face softened and she felt herself go pink. The Ancient looked out of the window at the stars that were just beginning to fade in the sky as dawn was breaking, "I wanted to talk about...Cloud," she said softly, not being able to look at the pilot.

"What is you wanted to talk about sweetheart?" came the pilot's voice sounding warm and almost sympathetic and fatherly. Andria knew that Cid understood the feelings she had for the blond swordsman, so she could be honest with him.

Andria looked up at Cid. She knew a worried look was shadowing her eyes now. She took a deep breath and began to tell him what she had felt. "Well, for awhile now, every since my parents died, I've had this...connection with Cloud. I always knew that he was safe. I always felt when he was near, and even when he left me there in Midgar, I knew he was alive and okay but...," Andria paused as she looked up into Cid's kind eyes and she could feel emotion rising up in her chest.

Not the kind of emotion to make her cry, but the kind of emotion where she felt pain mixed with fear and anger. She had had it with crying. It wasn't doing her any good and now she just felt stubborn, scared for Cloud and angry that he'd just run off like that. Now all of a sudden his presence has just disappeared and there was no answer as to why it had. Try as she might to connect with any other Ancients and find out of they knew where Cloud was, they didn't answer. The voices in her head was just whispers and jumbled together now that Andria had completely blocked him out. As much as the Cetra hated it when it happened, she almost wished something would cry out in her head and tell her where Cloud was, but it just wasn't happening.

"When I was asleep, I heard him..inside of my head. I woke up and got myself together and realized that the connection I felt with him was gone," Andria continued softly as she looked at Cid's facial expression go from sympathetic to worried and angry.

"Whaddya mean gone!" Cid exclaimed softly, he seemed to take Andria's hint by her voice being barely above a whisper that he needed to remain quiet about this for the time being.

"I don't know!" Andria replied franticly. "I could hear him calling for me, but he sounded just so far away! I can't explain it!"

"So are you saying there's a possibility that Cloud's...dead?" Cid asked in a dreaded whisper.

" he's not dead. I'd know it if he were dead, Cid. The blood of the Ancients flows through my veins. That blood gives me the power to just...somehow know these things, though I don't fully understand the knowledge of the Ancients myself. I only just discovered I'm one, or at least half of one, but Cid, I knew when my parents were in danger. I knew when they were dead the moment their last breaths left their bodies. I felt their souls return to the planet, but this is different. Cloud's soul hasn't returned the planet, but he has most definitely left the physical world. I don't know where he is or maybe somehow his connection to me has been blocked," Andria tried to explain. She raised her hands up and ran them through her long bangs. "This is so frustrating. I just don't understand any of this at all."

"So you don't think Spike is dead, you think that somehow he's just left the planet physically?" Cid asked questioningly. Andria could tell from the look in his eyes that he was just as confused as she was if not more. "Maybe...maybe we should talk to Barret, Vincent and Tifa about this?" the pilot suggested. "Maybe they'll have a better idea, don't it couldn't be, could it?" Cid wondered out loud.

"Cid, no please! Not yet! I have to find this out for myself first. I don't want anybody to get anymore upset about this than they already are, so please don't mention this to anybody," she exclaimed. Andria had now grabbed Cid's arm, her emerald eyes stared up into the pilot's blue eyes pleadingly. "Cid, please," the Cetra begged softly.

"Alright, alright, we won't say a word t' anyone," Cid agreed with a huff. "We'll just continue on to the Northern Crater as if nothin' has changed.

Andria watched Cid look up in the sky that was now becoming gray and thick with clouds and snow as the ship traveled and realized they were just outside of their destination. The pilot hurried back over to his chair, removed the airship off of auto-pilot and looked down at Andria.

"We're nearly there sweetie. You should probably go and wake the others up," Cid suggested. "They've got 'nough time to git themselves dressed and ready to go."

Andria just nodded her honey-brown head lightly and turned on her heel. She approached Tifa and Mari who were still sound asleep, stooped down and gently shook their shoulders. She felt terribly guilty for waking them, but it was time now.

"Hey you guys, we're nearly there," she told them softly. "You might want to wake yourselves up and get ready to head down," the Ancient continued, trying to keep anxiousness in her voice at a minimum. The two girl awoke and rose quickly, offering to help Andria go and wake the others. The Cetra gratefully accepted and the three girls went to the rooms to awaken Yuffie, Barret, Nanaki, Cait Sith and Vincent.

"I'll go wake up Reeve and Barret," volunteered Tifa. "If Barret's awoken by anybody else, he might have a fit and I'd hate to see him accidentally use his gun arm," she explained. Tifa tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear and headed towards where Barret was sleeping. "He won't get too badly freaked out if he knows it's me waking him up."

"Good idea," Andria nodded her head. "I'll go and wake up Nanaki and Yuffie. Yuffie will be glad to get off of the airship."

The Ancient let a small giggle slip. The excitement was rising in her chest now. Soon, they would find Cloud and he would be back before they knew it. Hopefully she could get him to listen, but Tifa and Mari had promised they would tie Cloud up and make him listen to every single word Andria had to say. The girl just giggled even more as the picture appeared in her head of Cloud hog tied, laying on the floor with three angry looking women standing over him.

"I'll go wake Vincent up, since he's my husband and all," Mari replied with a laugh.

"Yeah, we know he's your husband," teased Andria, poking the mage in the ribs. "Just don't be taking your time with ' wifely duties ' now Mari." She winked one emerald eye at her friend and grinned. She truly was doing the best job she could muster to keep her spirits up.

Mari stuck her tongue out at Andria as Tifa just laughed at the Ancient's words while walking down the corridor towards Barret's room. "I wasn't planning on it...yet. I mean, there's plenty of time for that later you know," the mage replied slyly and raising her eyebrows suggestively. She stalked off after Tifa, heading towards where Vincent was now resting. Andria just laughed to herself and made her way down to where Nanaki and Yuffie were sleeping, hoping that Yuffie wouldn't wake up and throw up all over her.

Shortly after, Andria, Tifa, Mari, Vincent, Nanaki, Barret, Cait Sith, Yuffie and Cid were just outside of the Northern Crater now. The snow had slowed down and Andria ran over to the massive window on the airshp, and peered down at the ground below them. She could see something black parked just below the entrance, quite a ways down on the base of the mountain. The tarp that had been previously over it had obviously been blown off. She glanced heavily at it for a moment and then it hit her. That is Fenrir! It has to be! the Ancient thought anxiously to herself. She whirled around to tell her team what she had seen. As she advanced towards them, Andria noticed they were all preparing their weapons and equipping any last minute materia that they may need. She had previously equipped herself with summon materia, elemental materia and made sure her swords were nice and sharpened for any flesh-tearing that could lie ahead.

Vincent was adding extra ammo for his Cerberus, Yuffie was sharpening the edges of her shuriken and adding some elemental materia to it, Barret was polishing his gun arm, making sure he was fully loaded and ready to go, Tifa had put on her brass knuckled fighting gloves and was flexing her hands, studying the spikes on the outsides of her gloves as she did so. Nanaki stood patiently waiting, equipped with proper materia for his style of fighting. Mari had readied her staff and also had her materia set up and straightened. She looked pumped and ready to go. Cid was now lowering the ship to the top of the Northern Crater. There, they would disembark and head into the unknown dangers that lie below.

"You guys," Andria began as she turned to stare back down at the half-covered black figure resting up against the mountain side. "I think I see Fenrir, right at the base of the mountain."

"Sonfoabitch!" roared Barret as he joined the Cetra at the window. "That is Spikey's Fenrir!" Barret raised his metal arm high above his head, but it had not yet changed into the massive gun he usually kept hidden in there.

"Don't ya dare even think about firin' that arm in mah ship!" Cid called in warning tones. "I just had a ton o' work done to 'er!"

"I wasn't plannin' on it," growled Barret, as he scratched the back of his head with his metal fingertips. "So wouldja just relax?"

Cid was now flying the airship to the very top of the Northern Crater now. The massive flying machine was getting lower and lower and pretty soon it hit the ground with a heavy 'thud!' Andria had her hand placed on the her katana and she made a beeline for the door to the airship as Cid opened it.

"HOLD IT!" roared Barret from behind her.

Andria turned swiftly around, throwing her golden brown hair from her eyes and stared at Barret in disbelief. Now was not the time to fiddle around. Too much was at stake. Cloud's life was at stake. "What now? We don't have any time to waste!" she cried out impatiently.

"I know that, just calm down," Barret replied as he stepped forward. "I'll go first. We don't need you, Tifa, Yuffie or Mari getting hurt. Ya'll don't know what might be out there."

"I quite agree," came the heavy baritone voice of Vincent and he moved to stand ahead of the women and by Barret.

"What. You don't think we can handle ourselves?" Tifa asked, raising an eyebrow. "I've beat up men bigger than you, Barret."

There was a 'tut' of annoyance from Yuffie. The others glanced over to where she was standing with her arms folded, looking irritated and tapping her foot. "Getting hurt? Puh-lease! But oh wait, I forgot. We're women. Significantly weaker than men," the little Wutai ninja stated sarcastically, rolling her protuberant eyes.

Mari snorted at Yuffie's words and tried to cover it up with a sneeze, but it didn't work too well. She was still snickering to herself. Andria had to fight back a giggle as well, but never the less, allowed the men to all go in front of the women. If it made them feel special, like they were protecting the AVALANCHE ladies, then by all means. All she cared about was getting down into that hollow rock and finding her man. They trudged a small ways up the mountain from where Cid had parked the airship. The snow had stopped but was still significantly deep. Andria ignored it though. If she caught a cold, she'd deal with it another time, or at least have Mari take care of her. Andria listened to Yuffie make snide remarks under her breath about the women being superior to men the rest of the way up the mountain.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, though it had only been minutes, they reached the top. Barret was the first to climb into the hollowed out rock, followed by Vincent, then Cid, then Nanaki and Cait Sith. Tifa leaped in behind them, followed by Mari. Andria was next as she peered down into the hole. It seemed so dark, but now wasn't the time to be scared. She shrugged her delicate shoulders, placed her hand protectively over her katana's handle and lept in after the others which Yuffie quickly followed her. Andria had never been in the Northern Crater before, but she still wasn't about to let her guard down. She followed her friends down the pathway to which seemed extremely familiar to them and unfamiliar to her. She could feel the blood coursing through her veins and her heart pounding in her chest. This sensation was not fear; no, it was anxiousness; anxiousness of what was awaiting her and her comrades.


Cloud didn't know how long he sat there, watching the whitespace curdle into that familiar, swirling, phosphorous green glow. He felt self-loathing and disgust at what he'd done. Why on earth had he left in the first place? He'd just ran away like a frightened little child running from the bullies on the playground during recess. Why had he just ran without giving Andria and his friends so much as an explanation as to why he left? Cloud felt infuriated with himself that he'd basically betrayed his love for Andria, but more than anything he felt truly and utterly alone. Was he in the Lifestream? It certainly felt that same way, but this time his head wasn't clouded from mako poisoning. Was he dying or maybe he was already dead? Was this what it was really like to die?

"No, if I were dead...I mean wouldn't Andi know that I were dead? Wouldn't she have already tried to call to me? Wouldn't I be with everyone who died before me? Mom, Aerith, Zack and everyone else?" the blond pondered to himself. He didn't like this feeling, he felt a sense of foreboding and hugged himself, rubbing his arms with gloved hands. "Is anybody out there!" he called, rising to his feet. "Mom! Aerith! Zack! If somebody is out there then please! Tell me what is happening to me! What is going on with me!" he bellowed, but the only sounds that could be heard was his voice ricocheting off of something unseen.

Everything ahead of him was blank, white and empty. He could feel nobody here. Cloud was truly alone, walking in what could be the Lifestream and he didn't even know how to begin to get back home, back to his friends and back to her. The swordsman continued to walk, searching for someone, anyone who might know how he could get out of here. The road ahead continued to look more and more bleak and more and more hopeless. The swordsman was just about to completely give up on even trying when he felt a warm hand close over his shoulder, and an extremely familiar presence from behind.

"I've never known you to be one for giving up so easily, Cloud," came the recognizable, male voice from behind. It sounded quite cheerful.

The blond turned his head, his mako-blue eyes widening as he came face to face with his best friend, the man he hadn't seen since Aerith rid the planet of the Geostigma. "Zack?" Cloud breathed, fulling turning his body to face him. "Is that really you? Are you really there or is my mind playing tricks on me?"

"Well, I think I'm really here and I'm pretty sure it's me," Zack replied, patting his hands rapidly over his chest. "Yeah! It's me," he added, with a reassuring grin.

"Where am I? Am I dead?" Cloud inquired, staring at the black haired man standing in front of him. "I mean, if you're here and you're dead, then that must mean I am too, right?"

"Ah, you might be here, Cloud. You've also been here before unless memory serves me wrong. That doesn't necessarily mean you're dead either. Just be patient. I think she might be able to explain things a little better to you that I can. You know how in tune with planet she is," he stated, sounding rather serious and pointed a thumb over his shoulder to the woman approaching Zack from behind. Her head was lowered, her long honey-brown bangs shielded her face and protruding from the sides of her head where the tips of that pink ribbon she always wore. She was clad in pink as usual, her silver bangled bracelets clinked gently as she walked. She lifted her face, her hands folded at her chest and smiled at him.

"Cloud," was the only thing that came out of her mouth as she ascended forward with such elegance and grace. The swordsman felt his heart skip a few beats in his chest. "How on earth did you end up back in here?" Aerith inquired with a laugh, her brilliant emerald orbs dancing. She walked past a smiling Zack and wrapped her arms around the swordsman. He stood there, shocked, not believing that her body was solid and warm against his and yet it was obvious something was different. She was dead and he was alive. However, the blond just hugged her back for the longest time. It had been what he wanted to do the last time he laid eyes on her, but the man was in such a state of shock at the point that he couldn't move. After the two broke loose, Aerith smiled widely. "We have a surprise for you, Cloud."

"What? A surprise?" he asked, slightly befuddled. Both Aerith and Zack just smiled and moved out of the way to reveal another form coming close towards him; a female form that he could recognize from a million miles away. She had the same shade of blonde hair that he did did, her eyes were the same, brilliant azure shade of Cloud's and she too had light freckles sprinkled across his nose and cheeks.

"Cloud, my son," the woman stated, opening up her arms and walking towards the thoroughly astonished, young man. "You've grown to be so handsome."

She wrapped her arms tightly around Cloud's shoulders and hugged him close to her. Cloud was in complete shock. He never thought in a million years that he'd get to lay eyes on his mother again, and now here she was. She still wore her blonde hair in a long ponytail. She had that same, light blue dress on with a white apron tied around her waist. It was the same one she always wore while cooking or cleaning. He reiterated her movements, wrapping his arms tightly around his mother's body and buried his face into her shoulder taking a tremulous breath. It had been such a very very long time since he last was held so comfortingly and so tenderly by his mother that he'd almost forgotten when it felt like. He clung to her tighter, taking in her familiar scent. Cloud didn't want to admit it, but he almost felt like a child again.

"Mom...," was all he could say, unable to hide the trepidation in his voice, as he allowed himself to become enveloped in her warm embrace.

She caressed the back of his spiked hair with her hand gently and comfortingly. "Yes, it's me. We felt the presence of your living soul enter the Lifestream. We've been searching for you every since we felt it. I'm so glad to see you're alright."

Cloud whimpered softly as he continued to keep his face obscured in his mother's shoulder, and she just shooshed him while softly caressing the back of his head. He went to his knees, no longer having the strength to stay up on his feet properly and his mother went with him. "It's alright Cloud. We're here with you. You're not alone anymore. Everything is going to be just fine." He listened to his mother's words and tried hard to push down the surge of emotion that had risen in his chest and was making his eyes sting. Hoping against hope that if he kept them firmly shut and calmed his breathing, he'd be alright and wouldn't lose composure in front of them all. It had just been so long since he'd seen his mother and even longer since she'd held him like this.

Aerith and Zack watched as the two Strifes clung onto each other tightly. It had been a very long time since he'd last felt his mother's touch, seen her smiling face and so they knew better than to completely intrude on the private moment. Cloud's mother released her grip on her son and lifted his face from her shoulder, cupping his non-injured cheek in her hand. He tried to smile at her, but his lip quivered slightly and he rapidly blinked back tears. I must pathetic. He thought to himself as his mother gazed to his eyes, warmly and affectionately. Two crystalline tears escaped and slid down his cheeks, onto his mother's hand. She whispered an 'oh' sound to him and gently brushed them away from his face.

"Look at me," she demanded gently. The blond obliged and turned his eyes to stare back into his mother's. "You're hurt. Your cheek was cut open. Are you fairly certain you're alright? Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Strangely enough, after the falls he'd had from the battle earlier, his body didn't hurt in the least. Neither did the cut on his cheek that he'd sustained when his body made impact with the rocky earth. It had also stopped bleeding but remained intact on his face. Cloud just shook his head in confirmation, fairly certain he wasn't injured. He didn't really feel wounded. This was just like his mother to worry if he was hurt or not. He found the courage to smile just a bit. "I'm fine," he told her finally finding the ability to speak again. "I'm okay, Mom. I'm pain," he insisted rising to his feet.

"That's a lie, Cloud Strife, and you very well know it," Aerith spoke up sounding slightly firm. She shook a slender finger at him, but still retained that playful exterior about her. "You're allowing things to get to you too much. You're allowing your heart to hurt when there's no need for it, especially when it comes to my sister," the Ancient explained gently.

"Aerith's right, friend. You need to get your butt back out there and go be with her. Right now is the time where she's going to need you the most and where are you? Hanging out in the Lifestream with us. I'm sure that isn't where she wants you to be either," he added with a grin. "Besides that, you're not even dead. You don't have a place here with us yet." Zack paused and scratched his dark head momentarily. "Damn, didn't I just say this to you like, not that long ago?"

Cloud couldn't hold back the grin that crept up on him. This was just like Zack, one part about the man that he truly missed. "Yeah, I think you did." Zack approached the blond and threw an arm around his shoulders.

"Well then if I did, I think I made things perfectly clear. So how about you listen to us, quit being like that and go be with your woman! You're still alive, Cloud. Make the most of it!" the black-haired man insisted, turning Cloud's body as the four of them began to walk once more.

"She needs you, Cloud. Whether you want to believe it or not. You need to swallow your fear and go be with her. You can't keep trying to save the day every time something goes awry," Aerith explained, placing a hand on his arm gently. "You also can't defeat Azoth on your own either. If in fact he is able to form another reunion with Sephiroth, you will need Andria more than anything. She has to be the one to finish the job."

Cloud paused momentarily, staring at Aerith with that same fear in his azure eyes. "Just like you did, Aerith. You had to die in order to save the planet. I lost you because I wasn't fast enough to save you. I just stood there and let you get killed," he declared. "What if the same fate rests with Andi? Then what am I supposed to do?" the blond inquired, looking at Aerith almost desperately. "I can't lose her, like I lost you, Aerith. I opened my heart again and I'm scared. What if I can't get there on time to save her too?" he spoke to Aerith only, in barely above a whisper.

The lovely Cetra looked thoughtful for a moment, resting her chin in her hand. "You know, there is no telling what the future will hold for my sister. However our fates aren't shared. Yes, she's the last remaining person on this planet with the blood of Ancients in her body. She's the natural protector so of course things will be dangerous for her. This time, it's different Cloud. It's not like last time. You just have to stop holding onto your fear and let go of it. Go be there with her, protect her and give her the love she deserves. If you're running away from her now, she's wide open and vulnerable to Azoth. Do you really want her to be all alone and you not be there to save her if something happens?"

Cloud gasped very slightly. He'd never really fully taken this into consideration. He never once thought that if he left her, it'd leave her vulnerable to attack. He'd just always assumed that all of AVALANCHE would be there to protect her in his place until he could accomplish the deed he was supposed to do. He'd failed though...miserably. His fight with Azoth had not ended up how he wanted it to and now he found himself in the Lifestream once more. They were right. He never should have up and left Andria alone like this. It was selfish of him to run off the way he did, leaving her with no answers. Because of clinging onto a fear, she was wide open to confiscation and affliction. He replayed the words Azoth had threatened him with over and over in his mind. They wanted Andi; they wanted her power and blood so they could fullfill their own dreams, ridiculous as they were.

"You're right," Cloud admitted. "I've been a fool and a selfish one at that. Andria needs me and I need to go and be with her. I need to protect her. I won't let her die like I let you die, Aerith. I would never ever be able to forgive myself if I did."

"You didn't let me die, Cloud. That was inevitable, but in the end everything turned out okay, didn't it? We accomplished our goals didn't we?" the girl questioned, placing her hands behind her back. All three of them stopped and turned to look at the swordsman.

"The choice is yours now," his mother began, taking a gloved hand in hers and squeezing his fingers. "You either let go of your fear, stand up, fight and protect Andria, or you continue living on this fear that you're going to lose everything if you get to close to it. What are you going to do?"

"I have to go and protect Andria. I now know that it was stupid of me to run. I understand that I was a fool, but I'm only human right? I make mistakes just like anybody else does. Now I have to go and fix those mistakes. I need to go to her and tell her how I feel and protect her with my life. I won't let what happened to Aerith happen to her," he told them sternly, determination and hope fulling his mako-blue orbs. "So...will I be able to get out of here so I can get back to her?"

"You both share a strong bond and you both love each other. You're determination to be with one another and your deep love for each other will bring you back, Cloud. Just concentrate on it and you'll find your way," his mother told him. She approached him once more, hugged him and kissed him gently on the cheek. "Don't forget, we'll always here with you, even if you can't see us."

Zack grabbed Cloud around the back of the head and brought it down against his chest, just as he had while laying on the grounds outside of Midgar before he died. "Take care of her friend, go live your life for both of us. Don't forget you promised me. I gave you all of my hopes and dreams to go on. Now fullfill my dream for me."

He let go of the blond's head and Cloud lifted it, nodding it firmly to his best friend. "I will...I promise. I'm your living legacy, Zack." He watched as his mother and Zack slowly vanished in a swirling green, shimmering light. Now he was left alone, standing with Aerith. "It's time, right?"

"That's right. All of my feelings, I encased them in my sister's heart. She loved you before, but now she loves you even more than ever. My sister is living for me, just as you're living for Zack. Go do this for us, Cloud please," Aerith told him, touching his face tenderly. "It's hard. I wish I could have been the one to stay alive and be in her place, but this was the way things were meant to be. Just please don't ever forget me."

Cloud placed his hand over Aerith's and closed his eyes against her warmth. "Aerith, I've always loved you and I love you still. That will never change. I cherish every single moment you and I have spent together, but as you have both said, I need to go and live my life. I need to protect Andria with everything I have. It's time for me to go and do that now."

"That's right," Aerith nodded, closing her emerald eyes painfully. "I want you and my sister to be happy and remain that way. I never ever would have led her to you if I didn't think you could handle it. Fullfill mine and Zack's wishes. Live for us, both of you," the Cetra told him. They released hands and Aerith began fading much like his mother and Zack had. "Your way out is here. You'll know where you are when you awaken. Go live, Cloud. Live and be happy and love." Those were the last words she spoke before Aerith completely faded from view, and Cloud felt himself falling into a deep blissful sleep, filled with warmth and white and eventually faded into darkness.
O_O Well, you definitely have not lost your touch with this story whatsoever...still so full of intense emotion and envisioning O_O you know, I absolutely love it, and you write Mari perfectly besides *snortsneezesnicker* LOL




*goes spazztastic and bounces off walls*

That was great! OMG, I can't wait to read more!! I really wanna see Andi just PWN something! XD and all the funny parts make me laugh long and hard. I really like how you brought Cloud's mother into the story. I've always wanted to see his reaction to that. Maybe apologize for not enjoying her cooking like he should've..... ^_^

It was awesome, no other word for it, and I can't wait to read more. I'll be reading chapter 23 over and over until then. Good luck! :read: I know it's been well over a year since I've updated x_x but I figured I'd post in here let you guys know that I'm working on the story again! (for any of you who are interested :P) I'm about halfway through Chapter 24 and hope to have it posted up in the next week if time permits me. @_@
zomg! Seriously! OH MANDS I LOVE YOU! WOOOPPPP! Cannae wait for more as you cant tell :P
Moved to Fan Fiction.

And I'll see if I can read this when I have time on my hands, Manders! :wacky:
Gyah, I didn't realize this WASN'T in fanfiction otherwise I'd have moved it myself! :gasp: lol Anyway, thanks Faithy. ^^
Okay, so I finally got some time to finish Chapter 24 <.<;;; and I ought to be smacked for not finishing it sooner, but I PROMISED DragonMage I'd have it up and posted by tomorrow, so here it is! It might have typos n shit, but oh well :wacky: I cba to fix them right now. Too tired. Ready for bed. Anywayz, the long anticipated Chapter 24 is here!

Chapter 24- Battle on the Shera

There was a slow, steady sound of dripping water that echoed off of the surfaces it landed upon across the inside of the crater. It was possible that it was melting snow, or at least that was what everyone hoped it were and not something like possibly blood dripping. The AVALANCHE crew slowly made their way down the corridor-like path, each one of them clutching their weapons firmly in their hands, except for Tifa. She cracked her knuckles a few times looking dangerously serious and ready to kick any ass that might get in her way. They were all prepared, with their guard's up, for any sort of oncoming attack.

"I want you girls to stay close to me and I mean it," Barret demanded as they slowly and steadily continued onward down the path. Andria was walking ahead of Mari and Tifa, Barret stood in front of the girls with Nanaki leading the way, using the flame of his tail to offer them better lighting and heat inside of the massive crator. Yuffie followed Tifa while Vincent and Cid took up the rear, practically sandwiching in the women to make sure they were protected.

"Watch out up ahead," called Nanaki's voice in warning tones. "I hope you all can jump. Part of the pathway is missing. It shouldn't be too hard for you to make it across."

"Ah dammit," Barret cursed, shaking his large, corn-rowed head. "I can see it right ahead. Okay, I'll go first and then Andi you jump and I'll catch and you, then Mari, then Tifa, then Yuffie and-," Barret was cut off by a loud noise issuing from the little Wutai ninja a ways behind him.

"Ugh! Just what is your problem, Barret! Just because we're women, doesn't mean we need you men to catch us! I'm sure we can land just fine on the other side on our own, thank you very much!" the young woman snapped with major emphasis behind her words. She clutched her shuriken and shook it threateningly at the dark-skinned man.

"Hey, woah, calm down Yuff, I'm just tryin' to make sure you ladies make it safely across, that's all," the rather robust man told the seething, little ninja. "The last thing we need to do is lose any of you. We're all in this together. I don't think Cloud would be very happy if any of us happened to turn up missing while trying to find his dumb ass. Man, he is so stupid! I swear when I get my hands on him..."

"We just don't want anything to happen to anyone," Nanaki interrupted the suddenly ranting Barret. "We're here searching for Cloud and that's something we all need to do together," Nanaki told them calmly. "So just relax, Yuffie, and let us help you, alright?"

"Fine, whatever," the black-haired girl scoffed, folding her arms across her chest and sticking her nose in the air. "I can still do it on my own," she grumbled in a voice so only the girls could hear her. Andria just snickered and looked at Tifa and Mari who exchanged equal grins with her.

"Alley-oop!" grunted Barret's deep, growling voice as he made his leap across the rather large hole that had been created by someone or something unknown. "I really don't understand this," he stated as he landed with a heavy thud on the other side. "This just so strange. I don't remember anything like this bein' here before. Damn...what if something did happen to Spike?" the gun-armed man questioned Nanaki softly so that Andria and the others wouldn't hear him. The firewolf just shook his elegant, crimson head at Barret, signaling for him to stop speaking about it.

"Alright now Andi, it's your turn," Barret stated, holding his arms out to the girl. "Just jump and I'll be here to catch ya in case ya lose balance or anything."

Andria peered down into the hole just inches in front of where the tips of her boots rested. It was rather wide-spread, completely pitch black, and it seemed as though it were endless. A piece of rock chipped off of the edge and tumbled downward into the black hole, but Andria didn't hear it hit anything. She backed up a bit, shivering slightly and swallowed the nervous lump that had risen in her throat. "Okay, here I co-," she began apprehensively when a deep, heavy rumbling resounded across the crater and echoed off of the walls. The Ancient could feel the masses of rock trembling beneath her feet like an earthquake and she placed her hand instinctively on the hilt of her weapon. "Foreboding...this is very foreboding, uneasy feeling I'm getting," the girl stated, staring around at her friends, her emerald orbs protuberant in alarm.

Sensing something was definitely wrong and amiss, Andria grasped Mari's shoulders and began moving her backward toward Tifa. "GET BACK! YOU'LL FALL!" she warned as she pushed the red mage forcefully into Tifa who caught the surprised woman.

"Andi! What in the-!" Mari began, as she fell back into the martial arist. "Oh...hell...," the mage whispered with a trembling breath as her eyes fell on the surface the Cetra was standing on.

"BACK UP! BACK UP NOW!" Andria demanded, making furious, warning gestures with her hands, causing Mari, Tifa and Yuffie to back up even further.

"Andria, what is the meaning of this?" came Vincent, deep, rolling voice from behind the women.

The Ancient stared down at the rock just beneath her and it was beginning to crack about a foot from where Mari and Tifa's feet were. She was not about to let her friends fall through this rock if she could help it. "BACK UP MORE! PLEASE!" the girl pleaded, whirling around to observe the cracks appearing in the rock that surrounded her. Andria whipped her katanas out of their sheath and branished them both. The Cetra frantically searched for something to grasp ahold of so she wouldn't fall, when the rock holding her up gave way completely, and she found herself falling. Andria screamed in desperation as there was nothing underneath her now but air. She was defenseless, helpless and being swallowed by darkness.

"ANDI!" she heard Mari, Tifa and Yuffie's frightened cries echoing her name from just above her, but there was nothing they could do to help, nor the other members of AVALANCE whom she could also hear calling out, just as desperately, for her.

The Ancient had been rendered completely powerless, plummeting...hurling downward to somwhere unknown, falling and falling through a black void. Andria wasn't sure how far of a distance she'd fallen or if there was even an end to this when her body made fierce impact on a jagged, rocky surface. She fell on her left side with a loud grunt and felt a rock slice into the right side of her forehead, gashing it open. She had lost the grip on her swords when her body hit the ground and they had slid somewhere that she couldn't see. The only things that could be seen were what looked like a broken tank, green, glowing liquid spread haphazardly across the jagged surface and cracks in the earth that were emitting the same fulgent, radiant light.

"Owww, oh my head," the girl mumbled as she forced herself upright and placed her hand up where the rock had gashed her.

Andria sucked in a hissing breath through her teeth as her hand came to rest upon the open wound, and she felt blood on her hand. It was now trickling down the side of her face, dangerously near her eye. "Where'd my swords land? Where did I land? Where exactly am I?" she inquired to nobody in particular. Andria stood up, feeling slightly light-headed from the encounter her head had made with the rocks underneath her. "Ugh...looks like somebody's been in here," she stated, observing the broken tank. She studied the glowing liquid spread out across the ground. She wasn't sure what it was, but somehow knew that it was deleterious. The Cetra stayed away from it's menacing glow and continued to gaze around the cave to which she'd fallen in.

"Wait...could he be...," the girl gasped as the possibility that the blond swordsman might not be that far away. "CLOUD!?" Andria cried out leaping to her feet. "Are you in here!? Please answer me if you are!" her voice was desperate and echoed off the walls around her. The Cetra began frantically searching the cave when she heard a noise, something that sounded like footsteps. She stopped, her heart racing uncerimoniously in her chest now and her blood coursed through her veins. She had completely forgotten about the cut on her head and no longer felt the blood that was streaking down the side of her face. "C-Cloud!?" she called out once more. "Is that you!?"

However, what answered her was certainly not the voice she wanted to hear. It started off fairly deep, but then turned into laughter sounding nearly maniacal. "My my, what a pleasant surprise we have here, Ancient," snickered a cold, unfamiliar male voice that made quivers run down Andria's spine. She looked around frantically for her swords as a man with a black, hooded cloak draped over his body slowly loomed out of the shadows, moving closer and closer towards her. Andria was starting to feel slightly afraid but then remembered, she was equipped with materia and plenty of it. If she couldn't fight with her weapons then she'd fight with magic. Hopefully she'd be able to hold this guy off long enough until the rest of the gang found her or Cloud did.

"Who are you?" she questioned coldly, staring at the man in front of her. She could see his mako-green eyes glowing from underneath the hood that shielded her from seeing any of his facial features.

"Why my dear, do you not know? We're the ones who've been seeking you. You are Cloud Strife's lover, are you not?" he inquired, voice very calm, yet held a twinge of cynicism to it.

"And what do you know of Cloud? Has he been here? If you hurt him, I swear to everything on my life I won't hesitate to-," she began, feeling fury rising in her chest like a bullet from a cannon. This man...he has to be that clone we've heard so much about! There's not a doubt in my mind!

Azoth chortled at the Ancient's words, still continuing to watch her from behind the depths of his hood. "Yes yes, about him. Dear Mr. Strife was here at one point. Oh was he so desperate to protect you as well. Such a pity what happened to him, really. You should have heard the way he was going on about you," the man jeered, enjoying watching the fear that quickly rose onto the Cetra's beautiful face. "Though the rumors are certainly true, you are of incomprehensible beauty. Master will be truly pleased. A whole new race of Ancients even more powerful and terrible than before, all thanks to you my dear."

Andria ignored the man's words. Her heart was ramming against her ribcage so heavily, she felt as though it could burst right of it's cavity. "Wha-what do you mean by he was here? What exactly happened to him! Tell me now, dammit!" Andria demanded in clipped tones, trying to keep her voice steady but there was no denying the fear for Cloud was there. Cloud! Where are you! Oh gods, please answer me! The Ancient cried out in her mind, trying hard to find a connection with him, but it still wasn't there.

"He's not here you pathetic girl. He fell in there," the cloaked man stated, pointing a long, pale, slender finger towards one the giant cracks emitting the radiant, green light. Andria's golden orbs widened as they came to rest. She knew that light. It was extremely familiar and she'd seen it in her dreams. She'd also seen it burst out of the planet nearly 4 years ago. "That's...Lifestream...but how...," she mumbled, her heart pounding in her chest. If Cloud had fallen into the Lifestream then there was no possible way he could even still be alive...could there be? But wait, if he were dead, then surely Andria would have known. She shook her chestnut head fervently. "No, there's no way. I'd know if it were true."

Azoth sneered at the Cetra before him, truly enjoying the pain he was certain he'd brought her. "It's so true how weakened you both are by your affection for one another. Too bad he is dead now," Azoth continued in fake pity. "Maybe that is a situation I can happily remedy for you considering your lover has fallen," he added in a lucid, seductive voice.

"HE IS NOT DEAD!" Andria roared, her lush, green orbs clouding over and darkening. She stared at the man with venom in her eyes. "IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!" If he were dead...I would have heard his voice! I hear the voices of those that are passing over...I didn't hear his and I know I would have...

"You silly girl, he fell into the Lifestream fully alive and conscious. Do you honestly think he survived that fall? He's joined your sister and his best friend, that SOLDIER, now. He cannot possibly come back." Azoth began striding closer to the girl, who was growing more furious by the moment.

The materia had began glowing dangerously beneath her flesh. Andria grit her teeth and glared at the man, her small fists balling themselves up. Her emerald-green orbs did a quick scan of the room and they caught a glint of silver. Her katanas were only a few feet away from her and the rage that was boiling up in the Cetra like threatening, hot lava in the depths of a volcano was sending her adrenaline into overdrive.

"You're so full of yourself," Andria stated, giving a sharp laugh, not wanting to make it known she'd spotted her weapons. "I'm not a fool if that's what you think, and I'm not a weakling either. Just because a person is in love," Andria began, inching closer and closer to her swords. "Doesn't mean that they're weak!" she exclaimed as she dashed towards the ground and grasped them as Azoth lunged for her. She quickly stood up, twirling them in both hands and then holding them at the ready in front of her. The Ancient snorted in amusement. "You underestimate me, clone. I'm perfectly clear-minded and I'll take you on any day," she challenged with a cocky grin playing on her pretty features.

"Hah! A meek little Cetra threatening to take me on, even after discovering the news that the one she loves is dead! You've got guts, little wench," replied Azoth with a harsh laugh, withdrawing his own weapon. "I'd just love to see you try. I'll have you on your knees begging for my mercy!"

"Come on and give me your best shot, big guy. I'm not afraid to take you down," Andria declared, beckoning the cloned man with one of her swords. Animosity was searing through her body now; pure hot hatred and seething anger plagued her mind so that the only thing she could think of doing was destroying this man, who might have harmed Cloud, in every way possible. It was a strange feeling that couldn't be tenured, and Andria realized right then that she would risk anything for him. She knew he wasn't dead, and understood now why she'd lost her connection with him. He'd fallen into the Lifestream and was still fully alive. That's the reason why. It had to be. Andria raised her weapons, ready to strike when the sound of running footsteps came up behind her.

"Not by yourself you won't!" came a harsh but firm, female voice she quickly recognized. Andria whirled around to see Tifa running straight towards her, fists raised and the spikes on her gloves were gleaming. Her long, raven hair was flying out behind her.

"Damn straight you sonofabitch! You won't dare lay your hands on lil' Andi while Cid Highwind still lives!" bellowed the bulky pilot as he raced forward, pointing the tip of his spear straight at the cloaked man.

Nanaki released a ferocious roar as he galloped over to where Andria stood and placed himself in front of her, the crimson fur raising on his arched back. Mari came in next, shouting out a threat, her staff glowing dangerously with materia. Her usually bright eyes were clouded over and darkened by fury. The mage was followed by Vincent, who'd brandished his Cerberus and was now pointing it directly at the clone, the long, glistening, three-headed dog pendant dangled from the stock. Barret and Yuffie where the last ones to rush to their aid. In mid-run, the little ninja girl heaved her shuriken at Azoth who jumped out of the way just as it came whirling through the air only inches from him. It snagged on a piece of his cloak at the bottom and ripped it off before it soared back to it's owner. Yuffie took a leap, catching it in her hand and landing cat-like on the ground before standing up once more and tossing her head to move back bits of raven hair from her blazing eyes. She pulled off the piece of black cloak in disgust and dropped it on the ground. Vincent cocked the Cerberus menacingly, blood-red irises glaring from behind the collar of his cloak.

Barret growled, raising his silver fist into the air, catching the light emanating from the cracks in the crater. "No way in HELL would we allow some bastard like you even touch her! You won't take another friend away from us!" Barret roared, his silver hand quickly transforming into a gun and pointing straight at Azoth.

"Tifa! Mari! You guys! You're alright!" Andria exclaimed as her heart slammed forcefully into her ribcage, and a new surge of emotion tried to fight it's way compellingly out of her body, causing the girl to want to run into her friends' arms, but she held the sensation at bay.

She was so grateful to see the entire group of AVALANCHE filing into the room, each one of their faces filled with relief at seeing her alive and rage, for her being threatened, at the same time. They were all alive, unharmed and safe. That was all that mattered in this world to her at this very moment was that her friends' hearts were still beating and they were with her. Everyone had gathered around the Cetra now, Nanaki standing in the front of Andria, like a protective pet, with his teeth bared and snarling. Tifa was on the Andria's right side in battle stance while Mari stood on her left. She slammed the bottom of her staff down on the ground and tightened her grip on it causing the head to glow threateningly. The rest of the group had spread out, still panting from their run, and they were staring daggers at Azoth who had quickly realized he was outnumbered.

"So are you! We're so glad we found you!" Mari exclaimed, her eyes never leaving the cloaked man in front of her. "We thought for sure something had happened to you when you fell."

"Just a bump on the head, nothing a potion can't handle. I'm so glad you guys are okay," Andria told them, her eyes still piercing the clone that was watching. If they could see his face, it most likely would have an almost bored expression.

"That looks like more than a bump on the head, Andi," Tifa observed, eyes averting to the side momentarily to glance at Andria's wound before snapping back to stare at the clone. "We'll get that taken care of when we're done with this jerk."

"Oh this little reunion is sweet, but a complete waste of my time," Azoth drawled in disgusted tones. "I've got better things to do than to sit here and watch you all get cozy with one another. Soon though, very soon I'll be able to take on each and every one of you without hesitation. However, I'll leave you now with a little surprise," he told them. The cloaked man began rising into the air, spinning like a top and disappeared from their sight with a long harsh laugh echoing the cave in his wake. The entire AVALANCHE group just stared as the man became evanescent before their eyes and they lowered their weapons.

"Who in the hell wuz that!?" Cid exclaimed, reaching in his shirt pocket to grab a cigarette and light it. His light blue eyes were widened in shock, but they slowly closed as he took a deep drag and exhaled.

"I have a pretty good idea who it was," Andria told them, lowering her katanas. "He did tell me something though, and I think I understand some things now...the question is, how to get hi-," the girl was cut off as she felt Mari, Tifa and Yuffie throw their arms around her and hug her tightly. Andria dropped her swords from the surprise of her friends basically tackling her like they did. She sighed softly and returned the hug, holding all three of the girls close as best she could. "You guys, I'm fine," she assured them. "Everything is just fine." She felt a newfound warmth and comfort filling her heart. The young Cetra just smiled, bubbling affection rising for her girls, and she held them tighter.

"We were just so worried about you, Andi," Tifa told her, voice slightly trembling. "We didn't...we weren't..we thought..."

"We thought for sure we'd lost you...," Mari finished for Tifa, her voice coming muffled next to Andria's ear.

"We didn't want to lose another friend, and we were almost sure we had when you fell," Yuffie added.

"But it's okay, I'm right here, and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon," the Cetra told them gently, rising emotion and love for her friends coursed warmly through her body, and she continued to hold them close. After a short moment, Andria released them and smiled at all of them. "I know you guys are worried you're going to lose me in the same way you lost my sister, but that's not going to happen. I promise."

"Aerith promised Cloud she'd come back and she didn't," the little ninja tried to explain as she pulled back from the Cetra. She looked on the verge of tears. "Please Andi, don't leave us like Aerith did. Don't try and go and fight on your own without us."

Andria gathered the younger girl in her arms and hugged her tight. "Alright, I promise. I won't go off on my own anymore, I swear," she spoke softly in the girl's ear, caressing her hair gently and then let her go with a smile. Yuffie smiled back, but then she saw that Andria had a decently deep wound on her forehead. She also saw the blood that had streaked down the side of the Ancient's face and was about to voice her alarm when Andria turned around to face the rest of the AVALANCHE crew. "Well, we should probably make our way back to the airship. There's something I need to talk about guys about," she told them sighing. The Cetra couldn't help but laugh bitterly. "You seems like I'm always the bearer of bad news, aren't I?"

"What's it about, Andi?" Tifa asked curiously, placing her arm around the girl's shoulders as they began their descent from the crater.

Mari followed suit, walking up next to the little Ancient and linking arms with her. She looked over into Andria's determined, emerald gaze and instantly knew. "It's about Cloud, isn't it?" the mage stated knowingly. "Don't be afraid to tell us. We're not going to get angry at you. It's not your fault he decided to go missing."

"Mari's right, Andi. Don't beat yourself up over it. Let's just get back to the airship and then you can tell us when we set off again, okay? The entrance isn't too far from here, so we'll talk once we're back on board and comfortable," Tifa proposed tenderly, leaning her head up against Andria's.

The Ancient just sighed and smiled. Every single day she grew more and more grateful that she had friends like this to help her along her way. Yet at the same time, her heart was in turmoil. How in the hell was she going to bring Cloud out of the Lifestream? Would he be able to find Aerith and Zack there? Would they lead him out? He was still alive, Andria knew that for a fact. I'll just have to put all the faith and trust in my sister and Zack that I can. I'll hope and pray that they lead him out safely. The group found their path and continued on out to the airship, not knowing that Azoth and Hojo were watching their every movement.

"Azoth, do it now," Hojo's voice commanded from underneath his cloak. Azoth nodded his head in confirmation and lifted his hands in the air. He made certain to watch the group of friends board the airship, close off the doors and lift off into the air before a brilliant, red glow emitted from both of his hands and shot off towards the massive Shera.


Cid settled himself in the comfy pilot's chair while Yuffie resumed her usual collapsing down in the corner of the ship, clutching her stomach and groaning about hating flying. Barret just leaned up against the glass and rolled his eyes at the girl.

"Yuffie, we haven't even been in the air for five minutes and already you're bitching about an upset stomach?" he inquired, staring down at the small Wutai ninja.

"I can't help it," Yuffie whined, laying on her side on the floor of the ship. "I just really really hate flying," she told him, suppressing a burp.

"I still think it's all in your head," Barret growled, crossing his muscular arms over his massive chest and staring down at the tiny ninja.

"It's not all in my head! I always know when I get in the air I'm going to get airsick!" Yuffie shot back and then moaned again, turning a delicate shade of green.

"And that's my point! You have it drilled into that Wutai skull of yers that you're gonna get airsick, so therefore it's all in your imagination and you think you know for a fact you're gonna get airsick!" Barret snapped, sounding clearly annoyed.

"Ya'll just need to shaddup!" Cid hollared from the pilot's seat. "I'm not gonna sit here the resta this trip listen' to ya'll bitch and bicker about bein' airsick! Yuffie if yer feelin' that bad, then I suggest you walk yer little bird legs back to sleepin' area and lay down!"

"HEY! I don't have BIRD LEGS!" Yuffie retaliated standing up to shout back an insult at the irritated pilot, who merely just rolled his eyes and dipped into his pocket for another cigarette.

Andria listened to Cid, Barret and Yuffie bicker back and forth for awhile, but didn't say anything. Usually she would have found something like this to be funny, but right now it just wasn't. Too much was already corroding her mind. How on earth was she going to be the bearer of bad news yet again to all of her friends about their beloved leader? How on earth was she going to tell everyone that Cloud had fallen into the Lifestream? How was she even going to get him out? She sighed and leaned the side of her face up against the cool glass and looked outside at the swirling snow, her mind wandering. me. Help him... What if she never saw Cloud again? It was her fault that he'd left in the first place. I never ever should have told him that I loved him...he wouldn't have ran away from me if I'd just kept my mouth shut, right? The Cetra was interrupted her in her thoughts by a warm hand closing over her shoulder. She looked back to see Mari gazing anxiously at her with Tifa just behind the mage.

"You okay, Andi?" Mari questioned, sounding a bit worried. Tifa's dark eyebrows were drawn in with concern written all over her expression.

"We didn't find Cloud there, but that's okay. It just probably means that he's somewhere else. We will find him, Andi. There's not a doubt in my mind," the martial artist smiled, trying her best to reassure the girl, but Andria couldn't mistake the look of worry for Cloud on Tifa's face which made her heart sink. It made her feel even more remorseful now than she had in the first place.

"I-," the girl began but was cut off from a brief shake of the mage's head.

"Don't sit here and blame yourself, Andi. It's not your fault that Cloud ran off. I think he just got scared and that's why he did it. You can't sit here and constantly make it out to be your fault," Mari insisted, reaching out and taking her friend's hand in her own and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I know, but-," Andria tried to say once more, but Tifa reiterated Mari's movement and shook her dark head as well. Andria opened up her mouth to speak to the girls and tell them what she'd learned about Cloud when the ship did a dramatic tremble, causing them to nearly fall over. The three girls grabbed onto another another and stared at each other with wide, shocked eyes.

"What in the sam hell was that?!" Cid bellowed from the pilot seat, staring at everyone in shock, his bright blue eyes widened. "We've never EVER had any turbulence as bad as this! Everyone awright!?"

"Ohhh my gods...," Andria breathed as the girls released each other. She turned and looked out of the window, her small hands pressed firmly to the glass.

"What is it, Andi?" Tifa asked nervously, crossing over to where the Ancient was standing.

"There is's hit the airship. I think it's going to...OH NO! TAKE COVER! HURRY!" Andria warned. "Something's attacking!"

There was another massive collision to the side of the airship which caused the ship to flail once more. Andria was flung across the floor of it with nothing or nobody to grab onto. Barret grabbed onto Yuffie and shielded her from getting hurt while Tifa grabbed Mari and held onto her so she wouldn't fall. The airship did another dramatic rumble while Cid cursed loudly and grabbed ahold of the wheel to try and keep the flying machine steady. The Ancient grabbed ahold of the ship's railing she landed against, hurriedly scrambled back to her feet and gasped loudly, placing her hand over her mouth to stare out at what was attacking the ship. It was gargantuan, covered in strange spikes and flames. It had the familiar look of the smaller karnra's that had been attacking Andria awhile back, but this one was bigger, built differently and mutated. It's wolfish head almost took on a skeletal look.

"It's a karnra, I think!" Andria exclaimed, her hands grasping the double-bladed katana that hung on her hip. "I can't tell, but it's huge! It's bigger than anything that has ever ever attacked! It's body looks altered! It looks metamorphosed into something like a karnra but even more!"

"How in the hell are we gonna fight this thing!?" Barret bellowed, rushing over to the window along with everyone else to stare at the massive, flaming beast who threw it's ugly wolfish, reptilian-like head back and released a screech that rattled the windows of the airship.

"The only thing we can do is get our asses out on the deck! That's the only way we're ever going to be able to fight this thing!" exclaimed Andria rushing towards the door that led to the deck.

"What about Cloud!" Yuffie exclaimed, following the others. "I mean, are you sure we can fight this thing without him? And we're supposed to be finding him!"

"We're just going to have to do this without Cloud, Yuffie. We've fought many battles before without him and we can do it again," Tifa told the little ninja reassuringly.

Vincent whipped back his cloak and brandished the Cerberus, he cocked it and held it upward, ready for battle. Mari's staff began glowing dangerously with power, Yuffie had quickly forgotten about her airsickness and was clutching her shuriken, looking ready for a fight. Tifa looked furious and ready to attack, her fists glowing petulantly with materia.

"Wha 'bout me! Ya'll can't do this without me!" Cid exclaimed as he began to put the ship on auto-pilot.

"No! Cid! We need you to stay on board and keep this thing in the air while we fight off this monster. You're the only one who can do it too!" Andria insisted as she grasped the knob to the door and wrenched it open. "Nanaki, we need you to stay on board too and help keep an eye on this thing. Help aid Cid. We're going to go out there and show that bastard who's boss!" the Cetra declared determinedly as she pointed a katana towards the door that lead to the deck.

"ANDRIA!" Cid roared sounding furious, causing the girl to whirl around, staring at him wide-eyed. " careful out thar, alright!?"

"We'll be fine, Cid," she told him, flashing the pilot a confident smile before turning back around and leading the way towards the entrance to the outside deck of the ship. Though she didn't feel as confident as she should, she was ready to dive head first into battle. No way in hell was this thing going to take her friends down without a fight.

The Ancient dashed out of the door with Barret, Yuffie, Tifa, Mari, and Vincent rushing behind her, their weapons held at the ready. The, icy-cold wind whipped around them ferociously and the snow stung their bodies like arctic daggers, but nobody paid any attention to it. Their focus was directed towards the flaming monster in the sky. The immense beast released another roar before soaring around the ship to meet the AVALANCHE group who stood on the deck glaring up the monster, each person ready to fight. Andria sent an ice attack soring straight at the monster. The group's eyes followed the long-ranged attack and watched it slam into the beast's side.

The creature was an almost ghastly sight to see. Instead of covered in fur, like the others had been, the fur was patched across it's grotesque, reddish-black body. The places that the missing fur was, were replaced by blood-red, glistening snake-like scales. The horns that protruded from it's head were curved forward, arched upward and sharp at the ends like the point of a knife. Gigantic, bat-like wings protruded from it's sides, causing great waves of wind to shake the airship as they moved. Long crimson, snake-like veins seemed to be all over it's body and it's small, beady eyes were yellow and glowing. The monster opened it's hulking set of jaws, revealing two sets of rather long, white, dagger-like teeth. It raised it's massive paws, disclosing long, bladed claws.

"It's going to attack!" Mari exclaimed, slamming her staff onto the deck floor and sending a blazing ice attack on the beast. The monster swiftly moved out of the way of the attack, only a dash of it grazed the creature on it's scaley side. The mutated karna's body went rigid, all four legs standing out straight in front of him and didn't move. "I think it hit!" the mage exclaimed, as the group just stared in shell-shock at the non-moving monstrosity.

"NO! IT HASN'T BEEN HIT HARD ENOUGH! MARI GET DOWN!" Vincent cried out in alarm, leaping forward to grab his wife and pull her down out of harm's way. The karna was trembling now, but not from fear. It's beastly head was thrown back, revealing sets of spines and scales down it's throat to it's chest. All down it's legs, flames were winding from the monster's shoulders and hindquarters and down to it's paws like flaming snakes. The flames stopped at the end of it's paws, rolling themselves up into big balls of fire. The mutated karnra screeched, drawing it's feet up and releasing all four fireballs to soar directly at the AVALANCHE group.

"TIFA! ANDI! YUFFIE! GET OUTTA THE WAY!" Barret exploded, rearing back his gun arm and sending off a series of long-range attacks on the monster. Nobody could tell if Barret hit the creature or not as the flying balls of fire came zooming right at them.

The fireballs went flying, one landing just inches over Mari and Vincent as he pushed his wife to the deck of the ship, and shielded her from being hurt. Another smashed into the Shera causing the side of it to catch on fire. Yuffie and Tifa released a water attack, combining fire and ice materia, to put out the licking flames while another fireball luckily went past the side of the ship. It only came just a few feet from hitting it and another went soaring underneath. Andria brought back her left hand, creating a glistening, blue-white ball of ice and delt an ice attack on the karnra-like creature the same time Barret used his gun on the monster. The ice attack smashed the into the left side of the monster's face which caused him to fall back momentarily. He swatted at his face with a paw, trying to relieve himself of the frozen pain. Yuffie lept up with a cry and hurled her shuriken straight at the beast. The weapon whipped through the air like a boomerang and slashed the monster across it's side, causing it to wail in agony once more.

"Is everyone alright!?" Andria exclaimed, looking back at her friends, her weapons now brandished.

"We're fine! The side of the ship got hit, but Yuffie and Tifa were able to extinguish the fire!" Mari yelled back. She was now standing on her feet, Vincent at her side with his gun pointed straight towards the karna. He cocked the gun and fired, hitting the monster straight in the chest. It threw back it's head and released another, trembling roar that shook the floor of the deck. Blood was spattering from it's giant body where the magic and weapons had wounded it, but it didn't make the creature weak enough. It began thrashing about, opening wide jaws and screeching. It wasn't hurt, it was angry.

"IT'S COMING!" Yuffie squealed as the shuriken soared back into her hand, and the beast began following. The airship backed up as well, but Cid didn't get it moved quick enough. The karna delt another flaming attack. "BARRET MOVE!" the ninja cried, but he wasn't quick enough. A giant ball of fire landed right on Barret's good arm, burning him in a trail straight up his dark flesh. Barret roared, a sound mixed with agony and with fury. Yuffie quickly tossed a potion to him, as the monster reared back, giant wings rising up and down slowly, ready to deal another attack. "HERE IT COMES AGAIN!" Andria screamed as she lept up into the air, katanas flashing and she unleashed a series of double-bladed attacks on one of it's lowered wings. She sliced up one of the monster's leathery bat-like appendages enough to leave it drooping lethargicly, useless at it's side.

The monster threw it's head back, flailing it's body wildly and screeching a long, drawn-out ear piercing noise. "IT'S VULNERABLE TO ATTACK!" Tifa cried out. "CID, LOWER THE SHIP! IT'S GOING DOWN!" The materia in the martial artist's arms began glowing malevolently, and Tifa landed one ice attack right after the other on it's still good wing. "That's the trick! Attack the wings first! The only advantage we have in this battle is that, while that thing might be big and powerful, it's slow!" the Ancient acknowledged, twirling one katana in her hand, her emerald eyes hard. The creature's wings weren't able to hold it's massive body up anymore and so it began it's descent into the snow just at the base of the Northern Crator. The pilot began lowering the airship along with the monster and soon they reached ground.

"IT'S STILL MOVIN'! THAT DAMN THING AIN'T GOIN' DOWN EASY! TAKE THIS SHIT! " Barret bellowed, raising his gun arm. His anger was building now. The giant man drew it back as a mass of yellow light began glowing around him followed by a large, red ball of fire appearing at the end of the multiple barrels, and he released a powerful blast of flaming energy soaring straight towards the monster's neck. It slammed into the creature hard, but unfortuantely didn't land the killing blow. The monster threw back it's head and roared, rearing up on only it's hind legs. It's front legs began firing up another ball of fire and sent three sailing directly towards where Tifa, Andria and Barret were standing.

"ON NO YOU DON'T!" exclaimed Yuffie placing one foot on the outer wall of the ship, doing a backflip as she made to leap off, sending her shuriken flying through the oncoming flames, wiping them from existance. The corner sliced through the creature's side and blood went splattering everywhere. The flying shuriken didn't help the blood issues much. It tossed the disgusting, thick, red substance that came from the creature in every direction possible. Blood splashed into the right side of Andria's face, while it splattered Tifa in the back and the others on various parts of their bodies. The group paid it no mind though. Andria on the other hand, grew even more furious. Seeing Barret's burning arm and the flying blood hitting not only herself, but her friends, made the rage bubble inside of her, and she didn't understand why. Maybe it was because of that clone sending this monster after them was what was firing her up so much. Not only that, but this bastard was taking up the time they could be using to find Cloud. Her weapons now brandished, she took off at a quick pace and remembered what Cloud taught her.

Crying out, the Cetra raised her blades, both becoming engulfed in a brilliant white glow, and slammed them down into the ground towards the creature, releasing her own limit. One jet of light after another soared out of the ends of her sword's blades slamming the creature in the chest, the legs, wherever the bright white beams decide to land causing it to fall back a few more more steps. Andria had managed to thwart another attack and she backed up, breathing heavily and glaring down the beast. "Nice one, girl!" Yuffie called out to Andria and raised her bloody shuriken in the air to unleash another attack.

"MAH TURN!" came a loud, southern drawl from behind them. Cid had now landed the airship and was taking off at a run, cigarette bouncing in mouth, in the snow towards the monster. He slammed the butt-end of his spear into the ground. "GIDDYUP!" the chain-smoking pilot bellowed as he used it for leverage to boost himself into the air. He brought the weapon above his head, the sharp-pointed tip of it glistening and slammed it straight through the top of the karnra-like creature's head.

Nanaki had now also emerged from the ship and was galloping fast, taking long strides to reach the creature as quick as possible. He lept up and clung to the side of the screeching monster and buried his fangs deep into the side of it's face, growling and wrestling bits of flesh off of it, executing a Blood Fang attack. The entire AVALANCHE team continued to fight the monster, brandishing wild attacks with different materia. It was slowly but surely weakening as the creature was fighting to stand up right now.

"It feels like we've been fighting this thing for hours," the little Wutai ninja complained, her arms slumping down at her sides. "I can appreciate a good battle, but this is ridiculous!" Andria just laughed in agreement but had to admit she was starting to feel a little worn down as well. This would be so much easier if Cloud were here... she thought bitterly. "I think we're finally getting somewhere though," Andria pointed out with a sigh as she ran her hand back across her bloody forehead. She flinched and hissed through her teeth as she rubbed it across the forgotten wound inflicted by the fall in the crater. "Ouch, I forgot about that," she groaned, raising a hand to heal her forehead, eyes never leaving the monster in case it decide to attack once more.

"I know, it's fallen back even more and it's not even trying to attack us," Tifa observed. She rested her chin on one gloved hand and gazed at it. "I wonder if it's just going to go off and die somewhere now and we should just let it be?"

Vincent shook his mane of ebony hair, ruby eyes never leaving the sight of the mangled beast. The team had certainly done a number on it. "No, Tifa. I really don't think that's a good idea. I think we should just go ahead and finish it off. Put the poor bastard out of it's misery. At least we'll know for sure that it won't come after us once it's good and dead," he added from underneath his red cloak. The gunman turned and pointed his Cerberus at the monster and released a round, causing it to screech and fall back onto it's haunches. Blood was oozing from gunshot wounds and gashes all over it's body. One of it's wings had already fallen off while the other just hung listlessly at it's side.

"I really don't think it's going to attack anymore," Yuffie agreed with Tifa. "I think we've pretty much did all we can do. We should go now and try to find Cloud."

Andria nodded her honey-brown head in agreement. "Yeah, that's my main focus now. I just want to find him. I have to make sure he's alright..." Even if that means diving into the Lifestream myself to save him...I would do it in a heartbeat. Cloud...I miss you. She turned her head up to look at the gray, snow cloud-covered sky and brought her hands up, one folded over the other, underneath her chin. Tifa noticed this, immediately recognizing the Aerith-like trait obviously passed over to her sister, and she sighed sadly. The martial artist walked over to Andria and put a comforting arm around her.

"Don't worry, we'll find him for you, and when we do he'd better be prepared. He's going to get a really nice, long lecture. Oh and lots and lots of rope tied around him too!" she added winking, a hint of playfulness could be heard in her tone.

The ancient turned to look at into the woman's dark eyes and she smiled a warm smile. "I know we will, Teef, I know." The group began heading back towards the ship, leaving the broken, battered beast to die on it's own when a ear-piercing screech resounded around them. Before the AVALANCHE gang had time to turn around, colossal spines went whizzing past them, just barely missing their heads. Andria grabbed Mari, Tifa grabbed Andria and Yuffie, while Vincent grabbed Cid, and Nanaki tackled Barret down to the ground.

"I KNEW THAT SONOFABITCH WASN'T DONE ATTACKIN' US!" Barret barked. The entire gang whirled around to see the monster holding itself up on it's hind legs once more with what strength it could muster in it's body. Glistening spines were sticking out of it's chest, quivering dangerously as though it were about to release another attack of them. "IT'S GONNA SEND THEM SPINY THINGS OUT AT US AGAIN! WATCH OUT!" he warned, raising his gunarm once more.

Sure enough, he was right. The last and final set of dangerously sharp spines were released from it's body and they all went soaring right towards the group once more. They were so fleeting, almost like a blur that the team almost didn't have enough time to dodge them. Andria's arm was sliced as one whizzed past her while another gashed Tifa's leg.

"OWWW!" the girls cried out in unison, the Cetra grabbing her arm were blood was beginning to ooze and the martial artist grabbing her leg. "That rat bastard!" Andria growled, her emerald orbs blazing once more. "LET'S ALL TAKE HIM DOWN AT THE EXACT SAME TIME WITH EVERYTHING WE'VE GOT!" she cried out determinedly, helping the dark-haired woman to her feet and quickly healing her leg. "YEAH!" they all agreed, standing just as a firmly, a newfound energy filling their cores.

Everybody stood at the ready, their weapons all glowing menacingly. They all took off at a run straight towards the beast as it landed on all fours once more, no longer able to hold itself up. Tifa dove in first, throwing out her right leg and landing a Waterkick straight across the monster's front legs. The dark haired woman rose up and tossed back her sheet of dark hair. The behemoth-sized beast flailed wildly, and Barret released a Big Shot, while Yuffie unleashed a powerful earthquake attack, causing the entire ground underneath the enemy to rumble turbulently knocking the monster to it's side. Mari and Vincent stood side by side, unleashing long-range attacks of gunfire and magic. Cid took another soaring leap and slashed his spear across the monster's head several times, causing it to wail out in obvious pain. Nanaki charged in once more and attacked the monster's neck, digging his fangs in deep.

Andria stood quietly, raising her katana's slowly above her head, crossing them, as they became engulfed in a brilliant, soft green, swirling light that was quite remeniscent of the lifestream itself. Her eyes were closed, head raised towards the sky when it came down fast. The swords were still raised above the young Ancient's head and her emerald eyes snapped open. Andria took a leap and landed in front of the monster, bringing her blades down, kneeling as she went, in an 'x' motion and slashed the creature straight across it's scaley, bleeding side, leaving her mark. Nanaki released the monster and jumped back as the x shape burned with green flame left over in the wake of Andria's attack, and ever more deep into creature's side. It threw it's gargantuan head back, screeching in it's last, painful moments of life, it's body writhing fiercely until it it's legs fell limp, followed by it's head. The creature took a shuddering breath, and it moved no more. The young cetra slowly stood, staring at the beast coldly before turning, snapping her blades together and sheathing her sword. She turned towards her friends who were all standing, staring at her in shell shock, their eyes wide and their mouths drooped open.

"What?" the Cetra asked them raising an eyebrow. "Did I do something wrong?"

"'s just...we've...never seen you fight like that before, Andi," Yuffie stammered, hardly able to believe what she just saw. "I mean wow...when you get down to business you really mean it, don't you?"

Andria just lowered her brown head slightly and turned her face. "There isn't anything I wouldn't do when it comes to protecting my friend's lives," she told them quietly, not able to face them and not really sure why. Finally gathering the courage, she looked back up at her friends and smiled slightly. They were all exchanging looks with one another and blushing. "Seems like a lot of you are hurt. Let me help," she offered kindly, stepping over to them. She raised her hands to the sky, and then brought them underneath her chin, folding them in prayer and knelt down on her knees. A flurry of ice blue light and falling stars fell over each other the characters, as she healed them with Pulse of Life, something she knew must be one of her Cetra powers inherited from her sister. The whole AVALANCHE team gasped as they felt the healing magic fall over their bodies. Any wounds, any pain, any blood or status affects, immediately were wiped away and the Cetra rose to her feet.

"Wow, really do amaze me," Barret admitted, staring at the girl. "You are just sumthin' else."

Cid just guffawed at her and threw his arm around the girl, removing a cigarette from his pack while he was at it. "Well, that's our lil Andi! She's Aerith's sister, and I'll be damned girl, you certainly can fight! You realize you done Cloud proud today," he told her squeezing her shoulder with his free hand. He lit the cigarette with his other, took a deep drag and grinned. "All in a day's work though, eh sweetie?"

Andria just giggled at them, her eyes dancing warmly at all of her friends she'd grown to love like family. "You guys are-," she started to say when she heard it. Andria.....Andria....City....Ancient....City... The young cetra shook her head, closing her eyes and rubbing her temple.

"Ya awright sweetheart?" Cid asked her, gazing down at the girl in concern. "Ah bet that battle we had just took a lot outta ya. We should get back ter the ship and have you rest," he drawled, tugging the young woman's arm, but she seemed to not hear him.

It was almost as if she were somewhat in a trance. She could hear nothing but the whispers of the planet in her mind. What? City...What are you talking about? Can you tell me please? I don't understand! She cried out in her head to the soft whispering voice now filling her ears, as if somebody were next to her whispering directly into her ear. It split into many whispers now. City....Andria...City...Ancient...Cloud! The girl went to her knees, holding the sides of her head. Cloud! Cloud is where! TELL ME! I KNOW I'M AN ANCIENT! WHAT CITY IS THIS! PLEASE TELL ME!!! She begged to the ever multiplying whispers. "WHAT THE HELL!" bellowed Cid, going down with the Ancient and grasping her shoulders as the rest of the gang ran over to him and Andria. Mari and Tifa knelt down next to her.

"It's alright, Cid. Don't worry. I think this is what Andria does when she converses with the planet. Just stay calm," Tifa assured him, squeezing the pilot's muscular shoulder.


"Would you just calm down, Cid?" Vincent told him in his calm, rolling tone. "She'll be fine in a moment. Just let her be. Getting worked up doesn't help matters much either."

"Vincent's right," growled Barret, transforming his gun arm back into a regular, silver hand. "We should probably go get Spikey's bike and load it onto the ship," he pointed out. "Cid, Vincent, let's go and bring it up. Cloud will have a fit if his bike is just left to sit there. You know much hard work he put into it." The other two nodded in agreement and followed Barret across the snow-covered ground to retreive the streamlined motorcycle known as Fenrir.

"Ooooh Andiiiiii," Yuffie stated worriedly, balling her hands up into fists and placing them under her chin. "Is she going to be alright?" the little Wutai ninja asked, fidgiting nervously. She had knelt down next to Mari dark, almond-shaped eyes never leaving the sight of the Ancient.

"She's going to be just fine," Mari told the young girl soothingly, placing a hand on the younger girl's shoulder and giving her a gentle squeeze. "She'll get through this. When she comes back to us, she might have an answer to where Cloud is."

"Oh!" Yuffie squealed, placing a hand over her mouth. The girls continued to watch her and make sure everything was alright. Andria just stayed on her knees, her hands against her head, eyes closed tightly. Can you be more specific, more clear? I can't understand what you're saying! She cried out to the muffled whispers in her mind. Andria! City of the Ancients! Go now!! Forgotten City! Cloud! And that's when she understood. Her eyes flew wide open, an upsurging need to go where the planet, and the long since gone Cetras, were trying to tell her where she needed to go. She was gasping for breath as the shock and realization came to slam into her like a ton of bricks. Cloud was alive.

"I know where we have to go," the girl panted, grabbing ahold of Mari's shoulder to help her stand up on trembling, unsteady legs. "I know where Cloud is."

"What did you say, Andi?" Tifa asked her softly, staring the girl in the eyes, a strange expression on her face.

"I said I know where Cloud is...or at least I think I do. I feel like I'm being pulled there," the girl replied, trying to gather the strength in her legs. The rest of the guys had finished loading Cloud's bike into the Shera. They were standing, gathered in a group and talking. Andria ran frantically over to Cid and grasped the front of his shirt. "Cid...please, you've got to take me to the Forgotten City. You have to. I have to go there now, please!" She stared up at the man, desperation shining in her emerald orbs.

"Woah, hold on Andi darlin, The Forgotten City?" the pilot questioned her, grasping her shoulders. "What on earth is there that's so damn 'mportant?"

"It's Cloud...he's there...I just know he is. I don't know how he...dammit, Cid! Please just take me there, please!" Andria pleaded, a look of desperation clouding her eyes. "Please, Cid..."

"AWRIGHT! AWRIGHT ALREADY!" Cid stated loudly and quite surprised. "C'mon ya'll! Let's get this show on the road! We're headin' towards the Forgotten City! Even though mah damn ship got burnt from the battle!" The older man grumbled as he walked up onto the deck of the ship and settled himself into the pilot's seat.

Everybody, wordlessly, followed suit and climbed aboard the airship, which Cid expertly piloted, ascending back into the sky, determined to reach their destination.


It seemed like hours, days, maybe even weeks before they finally reached the Forgotten City. Andria was right at the window, staring down into the white forest as they came ever closer, her hands planted firmly on the glass. "We're here," she breathed softly, her breath leaving a light fog on the window. "Cloud...please please be here." She felt a warm hand rest gently on her shoulder and found herself gazing back into the eyes of Tifa.

"He's really here, isn't he?" the raven-haired woman inquired, staring into Andria's eyes. The young Cetra nodded her head in confirmation. He was out there alright. Andria could feel herself being led by some unseen force, it was pulling hard, but what was more was the presence she felt that was Cloud's. Cid had slowed the ship and began lowering it just outside the forest floor. There wasn't a soul on that ship that wasn't instantly reminded of the tragedy three years ago that happened just within the depths of those trees. " you want us to accompany you?" Tifa asked softly, her hand not leaving Andria's shoulder. "I mean, you don't know your way through the Sleeping Forest."

Andria shook her chestnut-colored head, emerald eyes lightly closed. "No, TIfa it's okay. The Cetra will lead me," she told her, reaching her hand back to place it over tenderly the martial artist's. "This is something I have to do on my own now. I appreciate the support, but I'll be okay. You guys just wait here for me," she told them turning around and placing her hands behind her back, leaning forward slightly. "Everything will be just fine, okay? I'm going to go find Cloud and bring him back, so make sure you rehearse that lecture!" she giggled, trying to hide her apprehension and turned around, honey-brown, long ponytail swinging gently behind her and began to make her way towards the exit of the airship. Cid reluctantly opened up the doors to the ship and Andria crouched down, placing a hand on the doorframe, ready to leap out.

"ANDRIA!" came Barret's deep yell from behind her. She turned around and gazed at him, quirking one eyebrow. "You be careful out there," he mumbled, staring down at his mechanical hand. "Don't you be leavin' us like Aerith did." Andria observed that the large man couldn't bring his eyes up to meet her own, so she just smiled at, nodding. "ALRIGHT!?" he bellowed again, failing his fists. "I MEAN IT, ANDI!"

"Don't worry Barret, I'll be fine," she told him smiling. "I'll come back, and Cloud will be with me. I promise," she added with a wink. Andria lept down out of the airship. She landed cat-like on the ground, stood up and smoothed her skirt, her katanas clinking gently on her hip as she began making her way towards the glistening, white trees. The young Cetra couldn't help but softly gasp at the gentle glow they seemed to emanate as she continued further into the forest, the Forgotten City, the home of her ancestors. Andria found herself in front of a magnificent, marble pillar and felt an almost magnetic pull to go there. She lept across the marble stalagmites, making her way to the place that was drawing her in. The woman began her ascent up the matching, marble stairs until finding herself on top of a magnificent monument.

The young Cetra stared at her surroundings and emotion filled her heart. Lowering herself gently to the floor, she placed a hand on top of the cool stone, caressing it softly with her fingertips. "This is...this is where she died, isn't it?" she asked the whispering voices from the Lifestream. "My sister. Aerith, she gave her life here to save the planet, isn't that right?" But she didn't need the confirmation. Andria already knew. "This is where she fell," the girl acknowledged. Closing her eyes, a vision filled her mind without any type of warning, and Andria went to her knees.

A beautiful woman, clad in pink knelt on the alter, her hands raised and folded in prayer, eyes closed. Then without warning, she raised her elegant head, smiling beautifully. It was almost as if Aerith were smiling for her, and she appeared to almost glow with a sort of strange power. It seemed to happen within seconds that silver-haired man fell from the sky, his long, glinting sword sliding itself easily through Aerith's slender middle, as though it were a knife slicing through butter.

Andria watched in horror as her sister fell forward, her hands that were raised in prayer had fallen limply to her delicate sides. Her emerald orbs that were filled with much affection and love, rolled back into her head and closed forever. The blood was dripping steadily from the stab wound. Andria raised her hands slowly to her mouth, cupping it, hardly not able to take in what she was seeing; the death of her beloved sister, Aerith Gainsborough. The sword was harshly, swiftly withdrawn from the Ancient's petite body, blood flying.

Andria had a strange urge to leap forward and catch her falling sister in her arms, when her vision was obstructed by a blond mass and then all she'd been seeing abruptly faded. The Ancient blinked rapidly, her eyes burning with tears and a few traveled down her cheeks. Once again, she was alone and what she'd just witnessed was a shadow of a tragic memory. She still continued to stay on her knees on top of the alter, her hands lay limply against the cold, marble floor. So...this was how...this was how she...oh Cloud, Aerith. A sob escaped her, and she finally understood the sorrow and despair that Cloud felt when he lost Aerith.

She understood now why he left, and why shouldn't he have? He should never have to experience pain like that ever again. Andria gathered her composure and slowly rose to her feet, slightly unsteady on her booted feet. She brushed away the tears and gazed upward at the starry night sky. Damn you, are merciless aren't you? How could you kill someone so innocent! She was my sister! Andria felt a rush of fury build up in her at these thoughts and she clenched her trembling fists.

The Cetra turned around to gaze out at the gently, ripping, crystal blue pool just below the alter. And this...this is where Cloud laid my sister to rest. Another vision flashed before the Ancient's eyes as she watched a weeping Cloud carefully lifting Aerith into his arms and carrying her slowly down the alter, stepping into the waters. He continued to carry her until he was waist deep and then he slowly, tenderly laid her body on top of the water, not moving as she slowly sank to it's depths. Andria shook her head fiercly, rubbing her emerald eyes.

They scanned the surrounding area. When the time was right, Andria would come here to pay her respects to her sister, but not now. She had to find Cloud. That was her first objective. Trying to brush the nearly disturbing thought of her sister's death from her mind, Andria placed a hand gently on the alter railing to start making her way back down into the forest when something caught her eye. A mass of navy blue and blond, spikey hair lay just next to the water. A massive, silver sword lay at his side. The petite Cetra felt her heart leap into her throat. "Cloud...CLOUD!" she cried out, hurriedly making her way down and off the alter.

Andria took a daring leap and landed in the grass just a few feet away from him. She made a swift dash across the damp blades and lowered herself to the man's side. He was laying face down in the grass, his body and hair slightly wet. Andria rolled him over and tenderly brushed away blades of grass and dirt that were clinging to his face. "Cloud, oh gods, you're alright!" she exclaimed, cradling his upper body, and bringing as much of it as she could up to herself, holding him tightly in both of her arms. "Cloud?" she whispered tremulously, fighting back tears. His head had fallen back limply and the girl gently used a hand to raise it upward and cradle it lovingly. How she longed to see those azure eyes flicker open at her, the reassurance that he truly was alive. The Ancient ran her small fingertips gently down the side of his cool skin. "Please Cloud...please wake up."
Oh, my god Mandi. I can't believe it, after all this time of making us wait you...

MAKE A FUCKING AMAZING CHAPTER! I absolutely loved it Mands! I can't wait to read more :D Don't make us wait ages again! Pweety pwease? With cherries on top? I'll give you cake :P
I know, I know I'm sorry! ^^; I do plan on actively getting back into writing this. :lol: And I promise I won't make you wait so long this time, 'kay? :D And yes, I'll take that cake. As long as it's devil's food chocolate, moist and very very fattening. :awesome:


*jumps up and down frantically* omg!!!!!!!! Thank you for finally posting this!!!! *squggles*

1)Andria TOTALLY kicks ass!

2) Big karna going down was sweet!

3) omgomgomgomgomgomg she found Spiky!!

lmao, I wanna see more!!!! I wonder if Andi will slap him or kiss him when he wakes up? ....Probably both.

Great job Mandi! Can't wait for more!!!
Its a beautiful work of art thanks for sharing it with the world, i hope to read the full story when you complete it. Arigatou Aerith
OMG!!! uve got serious talent gurl!!! why dont you get ur story shown to the world... i mean prolly try to send it to the makers of FF7.. damn ur reall good at this.. all ur stories blends well with the history of FF7.. its like ur the real author. just give it a try.. ur stories are worth burnin browses.. damn ur good! am a CLAERITH FAN too..

wow i just cant stop reading this... its too real like ur the author of FF7.. it all blend well with the FF7 history... great job!!! u really have serious talent... i posted once before.. i really hope to watch and witness this story really happens in the big screen... oh how i hope the makers of FF7 will read this... its beyond greatness

wow i just cant stop reading this... its too real like ur the author of FF7.. it all blend well with the FF7 history... great job!!! u really have serious talent... i posted once before.. i really hope to watch and witness this story really happens in the big screen... oh how i hope the makers of FF7 will read this... its beyond greatness

[Please don't double/triple post. Use the Edit function next time. =] ]
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Haha well thank you very much. ^^; I haven't had a whole lot of time to write so chapters are coming up quite slowly. Anyway I'm glad you enjoy it and thank you very much for the kind comments. ^_^
omg... i just cant stop reading.. tis getting better n more interesting

awwts.. Cloud is over reacting there... why dont they just settle it in bed just like alll couples do aye? heheh.. uhmmm yeah there's a sayin that makin love helps any stirred strong feelings go away.. like an output.. good or not.. lol.. kk continue..

makes me wanna bathe him of ice water so he'll be on his senses... blehhh!
anyway.. its a good chapter.. its just.. cloud's bein such a pussy LOL..

wow that was one hell of a story!!! WOOTWOOT!!! u go gurl!

oh my goodness!!! ur an excellent writter indeed!!! and i strongly agree to what Ultimanatus and GVMFFGMS just said... this one needs to be witness in the bigscreen and make a game of this too.. hmm.. and squaresoft needs to see this.. as in.. ASAP!!!

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! what happened? hey Rinoa, im just new here and i really really as in really love ur story of the PAST OF THE CETRA... well im not quite sure if you still gonna post the 25th chapter here.. so pls give me updates.. pls im already ur fan.. pwetty pwease? *blink*blink* thank you soooo very much.. GODSPEED!!!
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Whilst I appreciate your love for Rinoa's story, please do not multiple post. Use the edit function next time. Thanks. =]
Wow it took me a while to find this story again, and it was well worth the wait. Cant wait for the next chapter.