Final Fantasy Wrong Answer

He's an old man what do you want from him? :ness:

what does GF stand for in FFVIII?
Gambling Fraud, calling someone a GM is one of the absolute worst insults occuring in any Garden since it refers to cheating in the very popular card game.

What would the final final fantasy be called?
By letting spaceships filled with annoying starving helpless aliens hover above the cities and then removing the control modules.

How come all FF characters can withstand any weather practically naked?
Well, they ARE from a world outside our own.

What's Kefka's quote when he enters battle with Terra in Dissidia?
He actually tried out for the Blue Man group, but didn't make the cut because of his frightening appearance. How he stayed blue is one of the mysteries of this universe.

How does Tidus know Auron?
because auron "violated" tidus. no wonder auron speaks so mysteriously to tidus and tidus speaks really loud wen with auron. :D lol funneh!!

what is blitzball in ffX?
He tried out for "Deal or No Deal" to fund his plans for world domination. Sadly for him, his first five briefcases contained the biggest cash amounts, and ended up taking $0.01 back to Cornelia. To this day you can hear him muttering "Howie Mandel, someday I will knock you down!"

(Lol sorry if it's longer than usual)

Next question: What are the ups and downs for the Onion Knight job in FFIII?
ups, abundance of onions for cooking!
downs, always reek of onions....

what is the most useful summon in VI?
Owzer. He can sumo-tackle enemies to the ground with his enormous belly, and also use a powerful Sleep attack which consists of him ranting on and on about how wealthy he is.

Why do Malboros have such bad breath?
Because they keep eating wannabes who claim to be Onion Knights!

Why do Coeurls have long whiskers?
Sadly evolution caused this after a continued exposure to oil which made the whiskers heavy resulting in them being "pulled" towards the ground thus after certain millenia making them longer.

What would happen if SE made Final Fantasy XXX?
Because they actually want them to make them younger but feared being probed for Child abuse :mokken:

Why does Kefka take the warring Triads power for himself?
cuz hes just s greedy. soo greedy he loves the triad soo much he lays n bed with it. tht dude has major issues!!!
why does seyour have so many forms in FFX