Final Fantasy Wrong Answer

Birth defect. Fetal alcohol syndrome.

What does the Card command do?
In my purse (goodness knows everything else is).

Why do the Turks think they're so cool?
Cait Sith - because his megaphone tone was 'My Milkshake'.

Why does Barret have a gun arm?
Because a banana arm would've been less useful and would've attracted monkeys.

Who is Yuffie's father?

Why is Red XIII's tail on fire?
Because sex appeal casts a heat shield around all young female characters in games so they don't need many clothes. It doesn't seem to work for men though :sad3:

Why is Selphie so hyper?
because she ate too much Hyper medicine

what is the connection between Jenova and Sephiroth
Sephiroth is a badass guy during the day but during the nightlife he becomes who he really wants to be a Naked Chick by the name of Jenova :D

What is the real reason for squall and seifer's scars
They were in the closet together, and they scratched each other while making out

Why does Cait Sith have a crown thingy on his head
What the hell are you? You're sooo cute. I'll keep you as my pet.

What is Garnet's nickname
Garnet's nickname is jailbait.

Why does Sephiroth have an obsession with Jenova?