Final Fantasy Wrong Answer

Squall would go on a killing spree when they surprised him not realizing that it was a party. Then he'd go eat cake.

Why does Zell remind me of Zack from Crisis Core?
Because Zell is Zack's love child with Tifa. (It happend when they met in Niebelheim!)

What would happen if Quina ate Auron?
Because, Zell is a pretty boy with a name that is spelled with 4 letters and starts with a Z

How does Sephiroth really feel about Areith
Quina would probably get gas because Auron's a ghost.

Why does Kefka want to destroy the world?
Sephiroth loved Aeris to the point of stalking her. He confronted her about a real relationship one day and she refused, so he stabbed her in front of Cloud and the gang so she wouldn't reveal that she rejected him. He wanted her to feel the pain he did! Gah! He also lied and told the remnants that Aeris was their mother. Stalker!

So, what was the whole point of Final Fantasy X?
The point of FFX was to serve as an introductory game to the sequel FF XXX which was going to be pornographic in nature. However, square scrapped this idea for fear of too much controversy and settled halfway with FF X2.

Why did Cloud want to be in Soldier?
cuz cloud dosent want 2 be called gay since he was in high school. now he wants to redeem himself. even though he killed sephiroth, he is still gay. poor cloud never will be straight

can some1 tell me what sephiroth official meaning is?
It attacks you for touching the pom-pom.

What do the moogles in FFIX actually do?
The moogles make the letters into paper airplanes, which they fly over to the person they want to talk to.

Who is in Tantalus?
the group Tantalus was actually created by Kuja to fund his project of destroying the world and the members of Tantalus are all the black mages he makes.

what is the festival of the hunt?
because, when he was born, his mother looked up at the sky on a cloudy day, and she shouted look at this cloud! The doctor thought she was naming the baby Cloud and wrote it on his birth certificate.

Why is Cait Sith a cat
Because his name is Cat with an I in it. And his last name is Sith because he's really a Sith lord.

Why is there no Mognet in any other FF besides IX?
Because the moogles got tired of sending each other "censored content" and decided if they wanted to talk to each other, do it in person.

Who is Red XIII
The 13th child in the Weasley family in Harry Potter, they ran out of names and dropped him into the FF world.

How many Zells does it take to change a light bulb?

None- Zell doesn't have the intelligence capacity to even learn how to change a light bulb.

Why does Tifa have big boobs