Final Fantasy Wrong Answer

Cause he shot his gun, and hit some random guy named sora, who smacked him in the leg with a key like object and left permanent injuries xD

How does a chocobo run?
He goes into one of the Mario games and eats a bad fire flower.

What's the name of the place you start out in FFVIII?
An equippable weapon

What is the name of the rival blitzball team from Luca in X?
Because a peacock tail would have looked fancier than Garnet's outfit and he didn't want to outdo her.

What's the name of the group that resists Shinra in FFVII?
she's really CECIL'S SISTER-IN-LAW!!! :gasp: And she's married to Golbez!
They have interesting babies :hmmm:

What is Cloud's trademark weapon?
::Laughs at above. You think it's about cross dressing until you see a fat guy in a sailor moon outfit!::
He believes that he is the owner of a monkey named Zidane.

Who are Sora's parents? Cloud and Aeris? Or someone completely different? And why don't we EVER see them lecturing Sora? He kills cute little heartless.
Sora's mommy is Kiari's father which is Riku's mother which is Sora's father which is Kiari's mother which is Riku's father, I think

why is Red XIII red
Sora is the child of Tifa and Leon. He mistook her for Rinoa one night.

What would happen if Quina and Red XIII had a child?
Because he blushes all the time because he is so shy :)

Why did everyone fly to the moon in IV?