Final Fantasy Wrong Answer

He was jealous because Cloud wouldn't stop "doing things" with her, so he said if I can't have her, nobody can, and he stabbed her.

Why does Titus wear such short-shorts that he makes on side longer with a doo-hickey and leaves the other side so that you can see his underpants?
Because he was hoping he'd start a trend and look at girls underwear all day. It worked! partially anyway, Yuna did the same thing only with a half skirt in FFX2!

Also, regarding the question answered above me in last post...

What exactly went on between Aerith and Sephiroth?!
The poster has censored this portion of the message due to its graphic nature.

What did Firion say to Cecil when the latter was thinking about Golbez (Dissidia)?
Because they are really a chocobo's crap when it eats a cactus.

Who the hell is Sepiroth's mother?
David Bowie! Can't you see the resemblance?

Why did Tidus REALLY leave Yuna at the end of FFX?
He was actualy going to see Terra and hook up with her, but as of X-2 he chose Yuna after seeing what she did to her wardrobe.

What did Kefka say to Zidane in their first encounter in Dissidia?
David Bowie! Can't you see the resemblance?

SimplySabra, I almost pissed myself laughing :rofl: Great one.

Kefka said to Zidane, "Do you know the muffin man?" And they went back and forth through the whole thing :wacky:

Why did Yuffie steal the Materia?
Yuffie felt materia was great for playing marbles. She also wanted to exchange them for a more suitable object... for muffins! (lame I know, sorry!)

What did Cloud say when Kadaj shot him the world's worst final fantasy yo momma joke, which goes like this "Yo momma's so fat even Sephiroth's sword couldn't stab all the way through her!"?
First, he stabbed it repeatedly, then he started to skin it alive, then the screen flashed FINISH HIM, then he went and stuck his hand through it's chest and pulled out it's heart and while he stood there holding up the heart, the screen flashed FATALITY.

Why is Zidane cross-dressed
FuSoYa is obviously Kefka's Baby. They share the same beauty =]

How did Lael from final fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The crystal bearers get to the selkie hide out?
He listened to the Funniest Joke in the World from Monty Python and died laughing.

Why does Laguna always get a leg cramp?