Final Fantasy Wrong Answer

One was a chocobo and the other was human fish :P

What's the name of the poem, Genesis liked to quote?
''The Meaning of Life in the eyes of a Pornstar''

Who does Auron want revenge on in FFX?
I dont know... She doesnt need one.

What was Ifrit and Bahmut and Shiva in FFXII
Because she likes attracting young men into her lair :awesome: (I wouldnt mind personally although it might be a bit nippy :kinky:)

Why is there always a cid in the FF games?

Well... C.I.D. - a short for Character Insanely Dumb... I guess there's one in every game...

Why Imperor from FFII wants to rule the world?
Cause he was called gay as a young boy and wants to get revenge on all those that called him gay by ruling the world.

Why are there so many star wars references in FF games?
Because as the twin brother of Emperor, he wants to do it before his brother gets the chance, and then swap places when the people storm the castle to kill the tyrant (Cue History of the World Part I)

In Dissidia, Kefka makes the following comment to Zidane:
"One of us is not serious enough."

Which one?
Because the force is strong in this one

Where are Vaan's abs?

They are located on the armor chart at a cost of 10 points in order to equip.

Why does it require spending points in FF12 for characters to wear armor and other articles of clothing?
Why does it require spending points in FF12 for characters to wear armor and other articles of clothing?

Cause obviously we use points to wear shirts in real life to.. I had to wear this shirt for 10000000000 points!

In FFIV what are the moon people called?
They're not moon people, its Astro Boy! :gonk:

Why does Sephiroth demand to have long hair?
His mother thought a fish head was more attractive than his actual head. A monkey. :yay:

Why does Tidus always talk to himself?
It's the voices, they're speaking to him. You're just jealous the voices only speak to him :ahmed:

Why does Rydia use a whip?
She's just trying to find an excuse to be like Indiana Jones.

Why does Kefka have to float so high in the air at the end of FFVI?