During that slap fight I was like, "Really, Scarlet? You really want to engage in a slapfest with a martial artist? >) Bring it!"
Tifa can kick ass in a short skirt and boots. Scarlet can't do crap in high heels, a dress, and a giant robot of death.
I like Tifa's definition of femininity.
Okay so, this may sound like an odd question but I honestly cannot remember.... How old was Tifa when her mother died? 6 or 8? I'm writing a chaptered fanfiction and it starts when Tifa and Cloud are still kids, but I can't recall for the life of me what age she was at when her mom died. Can anyone remember? I can't write the next chapter until I know!
During that slap fight I was like, "Really, Scarlet? You really want to engage in a slapfest with a martial artist? >) Bring it!"
Tifa can kick ass in a short skirt and boots. Scarlet can't do crap in high heels, a dress, and a giant robot of death.

Okay so, this may sound like an odd question but I honestly cannot remember.... How old was Tifa when her mother died? 6 or 8? I'm writing a chaptered fanfiction and it starts when Tifa and Cloud are still kids, but I can't recall for the life of me what age she was at when her mom died. Can anyone remember? I can't write the next chapter until I know!