Games you suck at

Does Singstar count? 'Cos I'd say I'm God-awful at that, I do a pretty mean Material Girl though!

Halo is the one that springs to mind, I never liked the game much so whenever I play with people who play it regularly it shows quite clearly.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 - it pains me to say it but I am now incompetent at the fighter which was largely responsible for my upbringing. Too much time spent on faster games such as Guilty Gear and King Of Fighters have left me well out of touch with Alpha 3's style. I also keep forgetting that you can Air-block for some reason.

Smash Bros. I'm too mcuh of a kamikaze player, with my Jigglypuff constantly Rollout-ing the wrong way and off of the screen for a suicide...
If anyone played the game ALIAS theyd know what Im talking that was quite a hard game..well it was to me..I just did 4 or 5 missions or something.
the one game i am worst at would have to be chu chu rocket
Anything that requires PvP combat. I am too laid back for competitive gaming.

Yay, I'm not the only one!!

I suck at Stealth. I bet you all five bucks I couldn't sneak up on a WALL. Actually, the only stealth game I am good at is Hitman and Tenchu: Rise Heaven (er..I think that was it's name. Haven't played it for a while and it's one of my favorite games XD). Other then those, I suck at stealth.
yea that was the name of it and most stealth games i do good at but there is only one game i suck at and i named it earlier
Mega Man... Any of the megaman games, I absolutely suck at... I guarantee that I'd lose all my lives in the first level...
Most FPS games. I either get motion sickness from the gun movement or my aiming just sucks. I'm also not that great with fighting games.
I found out I really suck at that Zelda game for the DS. I always failed at Zelda even though it really doesn't seem that hard to me, and if I can handle Final Fantasy, I can handle this, but I don't think I've ever died so many times as I have in Zelda.
Im naff at any kind of racing game, I always have been - it takes me so many hours of practic just to win one race and by then im sick of it.

I t doesn't help that I just hold the X button down and hope for the best but I have always sucked right from when I played Super Hang on' on the megadrive

Anything too realistic and im doomed
I suck at Guitar Hero, but that's really just because I haven't memorized the buttons on the guitar controller yet. I think I might get better with practice.

Edit: I forgot that I also suck at wrestling and most sports games.
I don't really suck at anything a great amount, I'm a bit flimsy with FPS games sometimes.

But apart from that, I'm alright with most games
Most car games, except maybe Formula, and all mmorpg games, well the later mostly because I hate them.
Ah yes, this talk of old school platformers reminds me of how much I suck at many of them. I used to be good at quite a few but now I struggle with even Sonic 2.:dry:

I could never get the hang of Ghouls And Ghosts though, that particular game just kicked me in the crotch over and over again.
The Tekan games, as much as I love them, I can neer be any good at them. I just sit there mashing the X button hoping something will happen. Nothing ever does