Games you suck at

It'd be quite ironic if someone on this site was bad at rpgs...

the 2nd Zelda game totly kicked my ass. It took me two years to beat it. It was worth it, I've now beaten every Zelda game released (except that crossbow practice crap...)
Sports games... I can't understand sports. My little brother LIVES by them tho. :|

Then there are military-mission games.... I die right off the bat. But I can play a battle royale, where you just SHOOT SHOOT SHOOOOT.

Racing games. Not very good at them... but they are fun. :3

RPG. I LOVE RPG games, but the sad thing is, I can never pick which way to chooce, and there are soooo many things to choose in RPGs. *crazy eyed*

Leki Edit: XD I just now read the post above me. XD
i'm pretty awful at Guitar Hero especially if i haven't played it for a while, Burnout cathes me out on a bad day sometimes but i get a hold it and get good again. i kinda own the road rage though XD.

Alex The Kid is also really hard. i played it again last year and i died completely in the first level o_O
i'm pretty awful at Guitar Hero especially if i haven't played it for a while

Guitar Hero rocks. :D I must admit though, I kinda suck when playing Medium mode. But that's only for a few songs. Some songs I can catch on pretty quickly and memorize the notes. I hate it when you have to press two buttons at the same time though. >.>

Anyway, not saying I completely suck at Guitar Hero. For someone who's played less than seven times, I actually like to think I do pretty damn well. :cool:
I've always wanted Guitar Hero, but for £60-£70. No thanks!
Anyway, I suck at all American Sport games (NBA, MFL etc), its not because they are bad sports or anything, its just I don't know the rules >_<
Fifa's the way to go!
Counterstrike. I suck really badly at Counterstrike. In fact I suck so much at it that I have become somewhat feared among my friends. Mainly because noone can guess what sort of unorthodox strategy someone as bad as I will come up with.

I also suck badly at Grand Theft Auto (The entire series as a matter of fact) In the 2 first games I just could never figure out how to properly maneuvre a car around and in GTA 3 and onwards, I never could hit anything with a weapon.
I suck at football games.. I guess it doesn't help that I hate football though.

I'm not very good at Guitar Hero on the harder levels.. I blame my lack of pinkie-co-ordination for that. >_>

Any FPS. Especially Halo. Man, I'm really bad at Halo...

I also never managed to complete Zelda 2, and Donkey Cong (you know, that really OLD game) always kicks my ass.
I tried playing some game on my brothers X-Box. NPG or something. Well it's cars and motorbikes anyway, and I just hit every single wall. I swear the brakes just din't work, I had all these Scottish men *drools at accent* laughing at mah skeelz.

I sucked epically, at least I was better than my mums dismal attempt -_-
The Guitar Hero DS topic reminds me that I completely suck on Guitar Hero beyond Easy. I'm not ashamed of it either, anyone who can acheive mastery of Medium and especially Hard must have some sort of bionic hand implants.
i suck at all sneaking games except the Metal Gear series....i don't like to be sneaky...ya got a gun use it! i hate and suck at all strategy boring....
Okay, I'm finally going to confess. I suck ass at shooter games. Not so much in the story modes, but when it comes to multiplayer, I'm just rubbish. Either that, or everyone else is just an addict unlike me, so they play a lot to get that good.

I think I have bad aim. :P
While I loved playing Multi-player Golden Eye for the N64 for ages, I absolutely SUCK at the game. Inverted controls, and split-screen dimensions make me shoot myself more than shooting my opponents.

Great and epic game, but God didn't want me to succeed at Golden Eye for some reason. I suck.
I just realized that I suck at Dirge of Cerberus. Granted, I've gotten a little bit better, but I have a habit of just standing there out in the open and taking a lot of damage from enemies, which really lowers that particular rank score to a D. >.>

I still can't get used to the controls...
Bleh, I seem to be sucking rather badkly at Revenat Wings. Iv almost completed it but bugger me if Iv seen that game over screen once, iv seen it a thousand times >_<

I can't seperate my team at all, i have to keep them in one big group or I just lose track of whats going on then everyone ends up dead. Its annoying as hell