General Favourites / Worsts discussion

I thought X's Bahamut looked ridiculous. In a bad way. Anima, I agree looked absolutely terrific... and Shiva on X is probably the best of all the Shivas. Diablos on VIII looked good and all the VII Bahamuts did too.
I like Shiva in FFXIII,she can turn into a motorcycle,two in one XD.
As for worst I think Valefor from FFX.
I really like everything in FFXI.

Fenrir and Diablo to be more specific.

Of the normal games, I always liked Behamaut in FFIX.
Shiva's design in FFX has always been a favorite of mine. Her entrance was absolutely incredible as well. This is the best pic I can find of her though I'm afraid :/

I also really liked Anima, also from FFX, and Behamaut, FFIX. As for ones I dislike, Brothers and Pandemonia from FFVIII would have to be at the top of that list. Both of them just looked strange and didn't have good entrances
Everyone knows that the most ultimate summon are the Nine Nights from FFVII. Nothing can beat this summon. Although my personal favourite is Ifrit. I do appreciate leviathan in all FF's he is encountered.
Shiva's design in FFX has always been a favorite of mine. Her entrance was absolutely incredible as well. This is the best pic I can find of her though I'm afraid :/

I also really liked Anima, also from FFX, and Behamaut, FFIX. As for ones I dislike, Brothers and Pandemonia from FFVIII would have to be at the top of that list. Both of them just looked strange and didn't have good entrances
Shiva and Diablo are also very note worthy. Very awesome designed summons as well.
Oh I like The design Of Shiva in Final Fantasy X shes so cool and ''freezing'' Shiva has a nice design one of the best. I like Bahamut in ffx hes cool but giant lol.
Yojimbo from FFX is one of the summons I was most impressed with visually when I first saw him. I mean most of the FFX ones looked amazing (like Bahamut), but Yojimbo takes the cake.

He got mad style points for his entrance into the scene with taht midnight setting, just coming out behind the tree and the music in the background. Yojimbo's design kicks ass.
Anima and Shiva from FFX, Ramuh and Fenfir FFIX Alexander and bahamut FFVIII
I'd say Shiva has the best character design in general. I like how as you move through the FF games her design consistently changes but yet she still looks great. Also, no matter which game, you KNOW who Shiva is even if she looks different. She's just classic.
Well everyone says Shiva just like me but I got to admit that Anima is purely Sick like really!!! Probably the strongest summon tbh. I also liked Leviathan he was so cool in ffiv with his tidal wave.
Probably Anima from FFX. The game's filled with great design in every aspect, but I think when it comes to summons, Anima is my favorite. There's just something...morbidly fascinating about Anima, I suppose.

I'd say runner-ups are Bahamut and Yojimbo, also from FFX.
you got time

I liked Final Fantasy VIII's summons the best. The Bahamut and eden ones were cool to trip out on. As for least favorite I didn't like tactics much. I mean come on you can attack your own people?
I love Shiva's from FFX. The ice, and how she shatters it and comes out looking elegant. I like it purely for that reason.
I hate all of the FFXII summonings. So lazy, and so poorly thought out. I was disappointed, to be honest.
Yeah I really liked Yojimbo's entrance it was just really cool. Shiva has the most beautiful entrance. Oh yeah and Shiva has the best kickass overdrive. Shiva is very beautiful I would love to see how they designed her.
The summons in FFXII were near useless, but I loved Hasmal's design. Tied in with his earth theme well.
Diablos from FFVIII does it for me. As soon as you see him you know what he is about. Anima comes a close second for many of the same reasons. And Shiva from FFX comes third as she looks the best possible there. Its impossible to improve on the Shiva in FFX in any way imo, from her appearance, entrance and attacks.
I think i love all the Bahamut ones. I always loved Dragons like this one greatly.

More so for Crisis Core's Bahamut Fury, which Genesis summons for Zack. (That was also the part where Zack receives a call from Aerith, who ended telling him not to keep his guest waiting. Guest = Bahamut Fury)
Shiva has always been my favourite summon and of all the designs I think FFX was the best. Not only the summon but also the general look of Shiva was the best, the whole dreadlocks, one pant-leg was sweet.

I also really liked Diablo from FFVIII, that was just a bad-ass summon right there. I really liked summoning him just to see him, lol.
From my side:

I love Anima, Brilliant, Awesome and Strong, Well designed
All the forms of Bahamut from every single game.
Ifrit from FFX and FFVIII (Devilish !!)

On the other side,I have no complaints about any of the summons in the games :P