Crisis Core Genesis Or Sephiroth?

I'm going with genesis. He seemed at the begining that he could take out sephiroth. Plus they never did finish their fight.
Well, this is a really good question, a hard to to answer at that, but I would have to say Sephy, It was a strange and amusing thing to figure out everything about him in the lab in ShinRa manor, sure hes not exactly the best guy out there using mind tricks and such to get black materia from cloud. But Genesis i didnt understand very well, so I will say Sephy.
I preferred Sephiroth, he was clearly stronger than Genesis, and we know more about him as a character. Genesis didn't really catch my attention, I thought he was rather lacking as a villain.
Must admit, Genesis as a final boss wasn't that hard, well, if you know what to do :P
Sephiroth is cool in the original FFVII in Safer Sephiroth (LOVE One Winged Angel song!)... but in Crisis Core he wasn't as power-mad...
I take Genesis, because his style of fighting is awesome, he may look a little bit like a woman, but that's just cool japanese-anime in 3-D.
Sephiroth without a doubt, Genesis just didn't seem to fit in with the ORIGINAL FFVII universe. I really liked the whole 'Tragic Hero' story along with Sephiroth, he was once a great fighter, a hero and then he ends up becoming the biggest threat to the planet. Everything about Genesis from his story to his design fails in my opinion :monster:
Lol poor Genesis, nobody really likes him. He was one of those... How do I say...? Evil but weak ones, like he says evil things, but is really a weak boss. I'm thinking that is what most people are thinking.
Genesis for me. I like Sephy when there is no Genesis, but when Genesis pop-up in the trailer, DAMN, I'm in love with him. He is very strong, I would say that he is even stronger than Sephiroth if the deterioration of him doesn't occur. Yet, do not forgot that he can change into AVATAR which Sephiroth is unable to. If both of them really battle without Genesis deteriorate, Genesis will win. (Zack...will surely die earier..too)
i perfer Septh as i have known him and the cool way he was from FF7 and AC before i even played CC and found out he was actully " Good" for a period of time
and just look at his hair you cant say no to that <3
SEPHY I THE WAY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!I like him soooooo much he so awesome even though his a mommas boy but who cares he is still awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sephiroth. Hands down. Genesis was such a whiney character, who had no grasp on who and what he was.

Sephiroth had substance and a major evil streak, and the love/hate factor. Genesis didnt have the love/hate factor, he was just a psuedo-important character, that has no real meaning in the story of FF7. Sephiroth was the main focus from start to finish in CC and in the original whether it seemed it or not.

Most of the CC story centered on the gift of the goddess, loveless, and S-Cells.

The gift of the goddess was considered s-cells, jenova cells, banora white, and mako.

Loveless talks about a calamity from the sky, Jenova, three friends parting ways (Angeal, Genesis, Sephiroth), and S-cells, the once thought gift of the Goddess, were cells from Sephiroth.

So, Sephiroth hands down. No competition.
I'd have to say Sephiroth. I don't like him in FFVII, simply because I think he's boring and makes a terrible villian. . . however, being shown sane in CC, he's actually not a half bad character. He acts exactly the way I imagined he would before he went insane: "Cold, but not cold-hearted". Really, finding out you're a monster would be a slap in the face IMO. And reading all of those texts about it really wouldn't help. >_> Maybe if someone had pulled him out of the ShinRa mansion instead of ignoring him... -grumbles- Anyway, I just find it sad that he never knew the truth about himself, and who his true mother was.

Genesis on the other hand, was a fool from the very start. Not only was him reciting poetry a billion times rather annoying, but he thought he was hot shit when he wasn't. Gensis slaughtered people for absolutely no reason. . . he wasn't insane, he was just retarded.
From wat I've seen of the game i would say Genesis But that just me though
Put more effort in your post please, say WHY you think Genesis, thankyou ^^
I would like both but if I should choose I take Sephiroth. I really wanna hear his story about Jenova origin and stuff's like that.
I like Genesis, his appearance is awesome and he's pretty cool when he fights but he gets a bit repetitive. My favourite is Septhiroth, espically when he totally loses it, even though it was a brief apperance I really liked his dialect in AC, bad guys are just better when they are full of destructive crazy!
I like Sephiroth alot more than genesis, Sephiroth is viewed to me like the master of all FF villians, powerful and ruthless. As for Genesis i really do like his obsession with LOVELESS, he often quoted it and he looked pretty decent as a lesser villian besides his sword looked awesome imo.
I like sephiroth a lot more than genesis his masamune sword is a killer. Genesis can use summons but I still like sephiroth better for his power and his teleporting lol.
Genesis and Sephiroth both look extremely cool but I would have to say Sephiroth as Genesis would be too busy quoting from his favourite play to be fighting :math::holyshit:
Sephiroth, hands down. I just hated Genesis's personality, not because he was a bad character, but because I believe he was designed to be that way; preachy, melodramatic, an overall huge whiny baby... >_> The guy just got on my nerves. I know I'd punch him in the face if he were real.
I love Sephy he is a geat character and love him when he is all crazy and pyscho it would be cool if they made another FFVII that you can act him and find out about his true story as a kid and a young adult it would be awesome.