Crisis Core Genesis Or Sephiroth?

Sephiroth,as you can see he's stronger and was originally on the cast.Sorry but I don't feel any love for Genesis,he may look cool but he'll never conquer my heart,like Sephiroth.
Omg,I went too far away with that...
I like them both.

Since Genisis is still alive based on Dirge's ending (well sort-of. I think its really his body, but with a different mind, judging by the end of Crisis Core), I would like to see a Sephiroth vs Genisis rematch. It'd be like, DeepGround vs. an army of JENOVA monsters or something. If square can pull AC out of their but, and then make two more games, then they can definately have Genesis fight Sephiroth.

Who knows? They might just have them team-up or something insane. What they really need to do is come up with a true sequel to FF7, with all the original characters and maybe even a new on or two. Or, maybe they'll make Denzel a crazy badass warrior who ends up killing sephy and Geny. YOu never know.
Ireally prefer sephiroth to Genisis, he was best whilst sane, and when he went insane, he was insane, and of course working with sephiroth during his hero phase definatly let me get more attatched to sephiroth emotionally than genisis, who's an antagonist throughout the enitre game.
i perfer sephiroth as u can

but really genesis was cool and very smart and deep.however sephiroth played a bigger role and was a stronger chacter
I like them both.

But, overall it would be Genesis Rhaposodos cause he's deep and that's attractive. I like him more because I really do.
I prefer Sephiroth. I prefer his character, and I feel he shows much better character development. I just love his transition from a generally nice guy to an arrogant killer with a god complex.
Sephiroth hands down, and not as a fan girl or any of that crap -- It's because that Genesis is a complete egotistical, self absorbed, .... (insert profanities here with a reference to duct tape)
For me personally, Sephiroth. He’s always so elegant and composed. Nothing ever seems to faze him.
I would have to go with Sephiroth. Sephiroth is one of my favorite villains of all time. I love the fact that he was a good guy turned bad. His life is so complicated, as his character. Final Fantasy VII is perhaps the best Video Game Script ever written, and a lot of that had to do with Cloud and Sephiroth. They really made the game special. I don't know much about Crisis Core, but I would always stick with Sephiroth as my favorite villain.

Cloud is to Sephiroth as Zack is to Genesis (no yaoi crap)

It's kinda one of those test questions in SATs or Algebra -- Cloud vs. Sephiroth / Zack vs. Genesis / Zack & Cloud are friends / Sephiroth and Genesis were friends (at one time)

They just needed to even out the protagonists with the antagonists to make it somewhat symmetrical.

But I'm just rambling like an idiot here, so don't mind me
I think that the best of both are sephriroth becausee he the perfect monter and that Genesis is degrading . and that sephriroth beat his ass in the training room:P
Although Sephiroth is insanely strong Genesis was always trying to be better then Sephiroth if you noticed in the FF7 Crisis Core Scene Genesis takes it up a notch against Sephiroth on the Cannon in the ShinRa Training Room which causes a big fight between the two then Angeal stopping it Sephiroth got ahold of himself yet Genesis wanted to finish it leading him to get hurt even worse and then acting as if it were nothing.
Lol. Neither ?

Sephiroth - Always found him annoying, he always mocks Cloud and makes fun out of him and thinks that he's weaker than he actually is, and always mocks/ teases Cloud.
Love Cloud to bits, so that always Flucks me off.

Gen- Gen is pretty annoying, he thinks that he should be the best thing ever and always shouts out random loveless quotes everywhere. He's just another Sephiroth wannabe and don't really want another Sephiroth ( reasons above ) Plus kind of feel that SE added him in, not for fans but for their Gackt fanboysim.

Plus Genesis ruins a major plot-twist in the game, being the one telling him Sephiroth that he's a monster which didn't happen in the original game, oh man- annoying.

So yeah, neither of them ^_^

I sort of agree with what your saying but there is more to it with sephiroth and i still pick him over genesis.

Sephiroth is a pain in the ass to kill, but that is what makes him a fun boss in FFVII, CC, and Kingdom Hearts as well. Plus I love the song when you fight him. But you know, sephrioth really just wants to take back the promised land that was originally the ancients in the first place. So sephiroth's goal isn't evil, his way of achieving it is.

But yeah I pick sephiroth. :cloud: :seph: :ifrit: :shiva:
I pick Genesis. I like his style. He is cool and imagine, Sephiroth VS Genesis avatar? LOL

I love it when he is speaking about Loveless.
Genesis reminds me alot of Ultimecia in FFVIII. A villain thats thrown in there just so they can say "Hey we completed the game now." He never really got that evil feel for me like Sephiroth did. Sephiroth was sane and a legendary SOLDIER. Until the mission when they had to go to Nibelheim and do the reactor investigating and Mt Nibel, then he turned into nothing but evil. Sephiroth was a twisted character in the head, there was nothing about him that was human in my eyes.
Based on that I'd say Sephiroth easily.
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i prefer genesis because her was antagonizing the whole game...or most of it.anyway,sephy was a villain for like 5 mins the he gets *spoiler* by *someone*.Genesis was the endgame boss for pete's sake
I like both of them a lot Sephiroth wins because he is in both games obviously.

I disagree with what everyone says about being human. If both characters lacked human qualities I would have hated both games.