Crisis Core Genesis Or Sephiroth?

I guess it will be Sephiroth. I feel sorry for both of them, but Genesis didn't experienced the same as Sephiroth (I mean Genesis had a normal life: family, friends, etc. Sephiroth is much more withdrawn because he had no friends or family). He's searching for the truth about himself, and when he's inquiring some facts he's going crazy. He's starting to hate everything. The metamorphosis from a good, loyal guy to some kind of a psycho is just great. I think it makes him better than Genesis (but I like them both :)).
It's Sephiroth, no question. I watched all I could of Final Fantasy VII, including a gigantic walkthrough of Crisis Core, and I must admit that I was fairly sad that Seph went insane. Can't blame him though. Anyway, the guy just keeps coming back! At the end of Advent Children, he didn't seem very dead to me. It wouldn't surprise me if they made another game or a movie, with... well, yeah, Sephiroth, coming back for the gazillionth time. :seph:
As for Genesis, what annoys me most is his theatrical appearance. He just made his whole life a big drama, and he isn't that scary or impressive. I do like his sword, though. In the end, I just felt really sorry for the guy.